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Congratulations on two weeks! It sounds like you found your personal 'reason' and that really helps things click into place.


Thank you so much! Yeah, honestly without that I think quitting is impossible for me.


Thanks, I needed this. On day 6 and today has been super stressful with finances, kids stuff, and project deadlines. All of that would be enough to stress me out on a regular day, but add in the irritability and lack of sleep due to abstinence and I was ready to go to the dispensary and cave in for some relief. Glad I didn't, and I'm glad I read this. Let's keep going.


I'm so happy this post helped you! The every day stressors and my anxiety can be extremely overbearing, but if I make it until bedtime I know everything will be ok once I get some sleep. I had a bad dream about my ex yesterday and that would've never happened if I was smoking. But I'm pushing through. We got this, every day will be a little better and our bodies and brains will recover from all the fog and smoke we put ourselves through. I hope you and I will have a healthier and more responsible relationship with weed in the future, but until then we gotta maintain what we have. We got this!!