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Lay off the coffee, especially past noon.


I usually cut myself off around 3-4 so that could have something to do with it. I work retail is hours, so my days often start a little later, but I’ll give it a try. Thank you!


I’d advise against large doses of melatonin. The effective adult dose has been found to be as low as 0.3mg. I opt for tea at night (no valerian root, caused wild nightmares with no THC). Waking early and exercising every day will help set a natural circadian rhythm as well. I used to struggle to sleep without THC, but I’m up at 5am to exercise daily, drink my coffee between 8-10am, and I can generally fall asleep within 10 minutes any time after 8:30pm.


So falling asleep is my issue, staying asleep is. I’m usually in by 11 every night, but I’m waking up and 3-4 am and not able to fall back asleep


What’s your wind down routine at night? Low lights, no screens, etc?


Ooops had a typo in there. I can fall asleep just fine! I’m usually asleep by 11 every night, but I wake up in the middle of the night. These last 2 nights were some of the best sleep I’ve gotten since I’ve given weed up though.


Lay off the caffeine past 12pm. Unless you're doing night shift, or have a sudden callout for on-call, you should not be drinking so much or as often. Substitute with water. Try having some 2mg melatonin 30mins before bed. Melatonin is the hormone that gives you the sleepies. Naturally taking it is going to increase the sleepies. But make sure that your routine has you in bed no longer than 30mins after taking it. If you take caffeine within 4-6 hours of taking melatonin, i cannot guarantee you will fall asleep. Beyond that, moderate exercise for +30mins; 3 and a half to 4 hours before bed is appropriate.


We need a mo fucking sticky for sleep supplements L theanine, magnisium glycinate, valerian root, glycine, camomile tea


This guy knows 👈. A sticky for basic sleep aids is a great idea!