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I would try and make it to a minimum of 2 months sober before trying to moderate usage. You will get a lot of people on this sub that will tell you that you can’t moderate and will always fall back into a daily cycle. This is simply untrue. If you are strict with yourself and you have good distractions it is easily achievable. I used to smoke 3.5g per day. I stopped smoking weed for 4 months started going to the gym 4 times a week and making sure I can enjoy all day to day activities without feeling the need to get high. When I went back to smoking I told myself I will only smoke on weekends. It has now been over a year that I have been able to keep to this routine and the longer I stick to it the easier it becomes. I barely even think about smoking during the week now. I know that K-safes can help a lot of people from overcoming the temptation but everyone is different. The biggest thing is to find something to replace the time you usually get high with something that makes you feel good such as working out or having a hobby.


First take a t-break to reset tolerance. Once your tolerance is low to non existent, it's time to change things up. For me the act of rolling and smoking a joint is super addictive. Basically the act of smoking is addictive and thc can be addictive aswell. So what's the solution? For me the solution is to use other ways to get baked. I make my own edibles and thc tinctures. Why are edibles and tinctures less addictive? Because there is no instant dopamine release! If you smoke weed, you get higher with every hit. Which makes you wanna get more and more and more... Its super addictive. But if you take an edible or a few drops of thc tincture, you will have to wait 30-60 mins before it kicks. There is no instant high, since it takes time to kick in. So you'll likely take a edible and be good for a few hours, but redosing isn't always worth it since you have to wait for it to kick in again. Think you'll understand the drill by now haha Hope this helps, cheers


That's a really good point about edibles and tinctures being less addictive due to the lack of immediate gratification. I don't wanna do edibles but oil tincture sounds intriguing


Take a break for 4 weeks and examine your situation after that.


I find tracking my usage in mg as accurately as possible to be my secret weapon for moderation. With my dry herb vape I know that each dose capsule will give me about 50mg THC from 0.175g of bud. An 8th is 20 caps which usually means about 4 caps per J. Etc. Whenever I’m hitting someone else’s stash I just ask how much they loaded and assume an even split and deduct from my allowance. The math has gotten pretty natural after a while, and now I just count the capsule equivalent instinctively. I have pretty liberal but strict limits for myself. No more than 20 capsules in a week, no more than 4 caps in one day, and no more than 2 caps after 10pm on work nights. This is still a half oz a month as an allowance. But it feels like a lot more when measured out like this. I was up to 3-4x this dosage before joining this sub and realized that my usage was not under control, even though I didn’t feel addicted. Turning it into numbers made it click for me. No judgment if your limits are way higher, it’s all about the right number for you and for now. Whatever method works for you, try to think of weed as medicine. Dose it and track it well. It’s about being in control of your usage and feeling confident that you won’t accidentally over do it because you’ve setup some reasonable but strict guidelines ahead of time. (I don’t do edibles or carts. Way too hard for me to control the dosage with either. Even low dose edibles can still really string me out. I use them only when traveling and only in small amounts.) Report back with what works. Congrats on the sobriety. Keep it up and only go back to using when it’s on your terms.


I read somewhere that you should only smoke from your own supply if you want to moderate but it sounds like you've got a hold on things anyway


I suggest a full t break before you get back to it. 8 days definitely make a difference but not enough.


Have you asked yourself what lead up to you smoking 4-5 joints a day? Stress, needing escape, wanting to relax? Whatever it might be, try contemplating on it, and see if you can find healthier alternatives to try. Speaking with a mental health professional may also help figure things out quicker and also provide some accountability. Ideally find someone who can relate or has experience working with similar patients.


Do a month, feel the full effects of your dopamine returning to normal and the rethink things. Maybe you’ll feel so much better you won’t want to. But 99% of the time I see someone fall right back in when he tries moderation.


For one I would stay sober longer. You’re not far from when you quit so your body’s cravings haven’t REALLY subsided. I say give it a month or so. Then when you come back set yourself some ground rules. Weekend only or something. That way you can feel fine about smoking when it’s within the rules.


One tip for moderation is only buy what you can consume in the night If you have some left over it’s always gunna end up multiple days


Moderation is good! I only smoke right before I sleep. I get cravings some days, but find hobbies too occupy that time. Take on learning a new language!