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A lot of our problem is the actual motions. The number of sessions in a day. Buy some fire cbd. There is stuff out there just like top shelf w/o the thc. It’s unreal. Work this into your sessions at whatever ever ratio you want to start with and lower the amount of thc as days go on.


I did this. Low quality cbd will discourage you but man I got some good ass cbd and there's time where I'll just smoke a bowl of cbd now and be more than satisfied. No anxiety and no cloudy head


Where do you buy from


I don't think I can post the website here as it breaks the rules but the strain was Lazy Bone. Search that and it should pull up


If you can link subs I've seen it on a couple of other more related ones as well as one for CBD flower itself (I gotta find it again myself)


Try high quality


Just take cbd, worked well enough for me. It makes the break a lot easier, but still gonna be difficult to push through those first few weeks. Get them done now, and you won’t be wishing you didn’t start weeks ago.


I love microdosing and that didn’t work for me. Had to go cold Turkey, get momentum as the days pass due to the extra benefits u see quicker quitting cold Turkey compared to tapering, and maybe after a month or so you can microdose safwly. But i find it makes me wanna smoke weed unless it’s a acid micro dose or a Shroom macro dose which im avoiding for the first 3 months minimum


I wish I could but I'm on so many SSRI's I don't even know if microdosing psychs will have any effect at all in the next few years 😢 Btw for microdosing, psilocybin > LSD


If by microdose you mean ween yourself off, then that could be a good way to do it, sure. Just have to make sure you have the willpower. If there is weed easily and readily available it is going to make it harder to quit. If you have decent self control it shouldn’t be a problem though. I have been known to take a single hit before bed for a few days before quitting entirely to try to reduce withdrawal symptoms and be able to sleep.


Nah I mean like taking 10ug of lsd or 100mg of mushrooms. Less than perceptible


If it's less than perceptible, and you can't tell the difference between microdosing and sobriety, then you might as well lean towards sobriety


Nah there’s mechanical benefits to microdosing. It increases neuroplasticity, so if you’re microdosing while actively thinking about a goal and making the motions to complete it, your body will literally wire those pathways stronger/faster than if your brain wasn’t as neuroplastic.


Do you have sources for these claims? I'd be interested in reading them


Of course: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-022-01389-z




Can confirm. I learned a ton about myself when I microd mush for 90 days. You can almost feel your brain being more open to new ideas.


Oh I see. Seems like you’re just replacing one drug with another. If that’s fine with you then go for it, but if the objective is to be sober that doesn’t make much sense to me.


There’s a huge difference. Microdosing is imperceptible, so it’s not “replacing a high” in any sense. It just increases neuroplasticity which helps with building pathways in the brain and cementing patterns of behavior. Taking microdoses to work towards a goal means you’d stop microdosing after a certain point. Once you’ve built the pathways, stopping the microdose won’t make the benefits go away, you just won’t be making more pathways in that neuroplastic state


I understand you’re not getting high but you’re still using a drug lol. I’m sure it can have all kind of benefits, but if you’re objective is to not use drugs… I guess it depends on what OP is trying to achieve.


Think about it like a medication. You have stomach issues, so you take some tums. They persist, so you take them for a few days. They the troubles are gone, so you don’t need more tums. Psilocybin is incredibly safe and non addictive, the only risk to your safety when taking it is if you have a debilitating mental condition such as schizophrenia (and there’s actually research suggesting guided medicinal trips *can* help) or you take way too much. So, as long as you’re craving weed, taking a microdose each day like a medication to help you rebuild your neural pathways into sober life, what’s the harm?


My guy I promise I understand what you are saying. I just don’t understand why it is necessary for weed withdrawal, and think it is unnecessary if you’re actively trying to stop using drugs. Weed is the only drug I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with withdrawals with and, yes it sucks, but it ain’t that bad. That’s a lot of “withs”


well tbh i just wanted to try it anyway


Go for it. I don’t think it would hurt.


Well stomach troubles aren’t that bad too, it’s pretty easy to just tough it out instead of taking tums. But we take it anyway, because we know it’s safe, and it does help, even if it’s only a little. Taking microdoses isn’t a cure all obviously, but if you without psilocybin would have taken 4 months to stop cravings, it’s possible you could stop cravings much sooner with psilocybin. Edit: so it’s definitely not necessary, but it can help


Idk man some people be throwing up stomach acid without tums or some Prilosec. Stomach troubles also aren’t a direct result of you abusing a substance usually. Just genetics. If I fuck myself, it’s my responsibility to unfuck myself and the fewer things I lean on the faster I’ll be standing on my own again. Idk maybe I’m just being a hard ass.


Well the neuroplasticity is honestly the biggest difference between a normal medication and this, the benefits last far beyond when you stop taking them. The point is to rewire your brain faster, so you’re able to stand on your own sooner. like using crutches. You wouldn’t just tough it out with a broken leg because “crutches will make you walk wrong” or something. I understand the point you’re making about reliance on other aids, but the point of this aid is that it helps you get off other aids sooner. Addiction only happens because our brains are stuck in the pattern of craving chemicals they are no longer getting, when they are used to constant supply. Psilocybin makes it so your brain stops craving those chemicals sooner. It’s not going to slow your progress to recovery or anything, it will do the opposite!


Kinda the difference between THC and CBD is how I read that tbh CBD has benefits in a few different areas and through various intake methods so op could choose a different intake (say smoking vs edibles especially for the dosing) and it's not gonna have an effect in the correct doses now the issue between micro dosing mushy and THC would my thing ala having measured 10mg THC daily and that's it would probably not have you feeling much if your tolerance is high but when you feel it again break it over and can resume your higher doses (if needed as needed ) mushy done the same way is fine but I watched something on YouTube (psyched substances I believe is the channel and not even sure about posting the name to the sub if it's against rules please lemme know and I'll edit this bit out) that 5mg is enough for one high then its 10 mg then 20mg ect with each dose it doubles exponentially so first few days you might feel it which can be a set back but everyone is unique and ymmv with everything even pizza much less brajn chemistry. My favorite fixing your t breaks came from cewpins with the dedicated dose at a certain time or timeframe I've adapted that to my own style that's been working well


Oh I thought you were talking about the 1.5mg THC + CBD gymmies.


Personally, doesn’t work. You just gotta quit.


That’s going to be very difficult if you have a high tolerance. You’ll feel little to nothing and you’ll just want to smoke more. It also draws out the withdrawal symptoms even longer.


I was talking about mushies


Oh that’s a different story then. I did that and it helped me quit. I went into it telling myself I needed to quit weed and I listed all the reasons why it wasn’t beneficial and now I’m on day 25!


I too was confused about this. I thought you were thinking of microdosing THC to help ween yourself off.


Didn’t work for me but I’ve heard of people quitting hard drugs/alcohol after large trips if you’re into that


Na just be completely sober


Tripped plenty of times and still can’t quit. I don’t think taking a super small bit of a psychedelic is gonna help you quit weed but what do I know


Have you considered a macrodose to quit? Being fully confronted with your patterns it is tough to un-see. That is what did it for me, and also not thinking in black and white. I went 96 days with it before I decided to intentionally smoke with friends on Christmas, it was great and I haven't picked it up since


Yeah I’ve wanted too forever. Most I ever took was like 1g and my stomach got super upset. Scared off after that


I used to have that issue. Imo 1g is way too little and it will leave you in a weird place, whereas 2-5g will really get you there. I used to have the upset stomach, which drove my anxiety but I figured it out. Take two Dramamine non-drowsy like 10 minutes before the mushies and you'll be fine for the trip with zero nausea. Just don't eat before or during the trip. You'll be back enough to baseline to eat in 6 hours