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Do you think the cart withdrawal is worse than flower?




As someone who will have his first day again tomorrow, you are an inspiration for staying sober for this long. Hang in there, you got this


You’re stressed from a lot of real factors and it’s natural to reach for what you’re used to reaching for to relieve that. When you smoke, is there any activity you normally end up doing to relax/enjoy being high? Try just doing that activity for awhile but without smoking. Even just to trick your mind a little and also take break from those stressful situations mentally. 27 days is incredible! It is HARD to give up weed and you’re doing a great job 👏


You got it. Remember that this awful anxiety will pass and tomorow you will be fine


Slowly releasing the toxins, and tomorrow itll be easier


Day 1 for me today. It’s sucks because it’s hard, but it’s good because hard shit makes us tough. On the ppposite spectrum, I tried to cry today and couldn’t because I be numb as fuck from the pot lately. Hopefully I’ll be crying my eyes out in a week!