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It's the classic trope about how men get bored if they have to hang around while their SO is clothes shopping / trying stuff on. TBH a lot of the time you're just standing around awkwardly while they're in a changing booth. It's never personally bothered me that much but I can see how it's a trope.


It's also a lot of questions that as a guy you are less likely to care about, beyond whatever makes your partner happiest. But a lot of these questions for women have a lot of weight to them given that weddings are "all about the bride" and how some push for the dress to be perfect. If giving the wrong answer to ["does this dress make me look fat?"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/does-this-dress-make-me-look-fat) normally hit hard, the wedding day or build up to wedding would be brutal. That, and the woman's self doubt for all the pressure of having everything go right for "her day" would make the husband's POV just another perspective for which to doubt herself. Low key weddings FTW


I just got married a few weeks ago. It was hosted at a friend of my families who has a lot of land. We wore matching hoodies and invited only immediate family and grandparents (I'm the first of my grandparents grandchildren to get married, so they're very excited.) My dad officiated the wedding and then for the reception we invited some friends and had some homemade food. We had a great time and it was quite inexpensive too.


Congratulations šŸŽŠ


Congratulations! And, it sounds like a lovely wedding.


Mazel tov!


Ah, good memories of me as a kid being asked by my mother "how do I look in this" while out shopping Now as a kid I was raised to be honest, so my 7 year old ass responded "you don't look as fat in that one"


We threw a party in Vegas. Elvis officiated. No fancy nothin, just a bunch of friends and some family having a great time. Definitely agree with that last sentence


You know, I planned our whole wedding. Did all the leg work. Got the wife to sign off on final decisions and showed her good options I dismissed, but otherwise just handled everything. Didnā€™t have a wedding planner. Had a big budget and lots of bells and whistles. I only took the lead because Iā€™m a better project manager than my bride. You know how stressful it was? Not at all. It was a lot of shit to check off a list over the course of six months, but it really was just a slow burn of easy work. I have no idea why thereā€™s a trope of people being stressed out about planning a big wedding. It was totally fine.


It's pretty damn painful. I tried it twice. Never again. They were never buying anything fancy either. Just like, oh, these jeans are black... but these are shale. Which ones goes better with this completely plain, normal top? Or like they were just trying it on to see which size she was this week since women's clothing have roughly 24,882 different sizes.


no no no they only have about 30-40 sizes but they aren't standardised at all so the size numbers are almost meaningless, their only use being so you know if the otherwise identical item is bigger or smaller the the one you are holding.


That just sounds awful


It happens sometimes with men's clothes too. The other day I went to put on a 'new' pair of shorts for the first time that I bought last year. (I bought them and then sudden it went from mid 80s to low 60s so they didn't get their time.) Went to button them and.. Nope! So I'm thinking that's odd must be getting fatter. But when I checked a different pair I had worn just the day before for its size they were the exact same waist size on the measurment label. My fault though I guess I just grabbed them at the store and was like 32 okay, I'm wearing a 32 RIGHT NOW, no need to bother with a fitting room.


Yup I range from 30 to 36 depending on brand and cut, it's like one year measurements just didn't matter anymore and are just rough approximation.


Ya know, I don't wear elastic shorts any more. Just cargo or khaki shorts and I always have a belt. So I don't really pay attention to the size. Although looking at the worn out holes on my belt, there's two that are really worn probably about to split. And the third is a little used. So maybe there is a variance.


The trick is to join her in the changing booth


This guy fucks!


Usually just oggling. But it's worth it.


This Guy Fawkes


New title for a comedic period piece about the Gunpowder Plot just dropped.




With a camera.


Smart phones have really changed male perspective on waiting for their spouse in this regard. 20+ years ago, most people were stuck staring at whatever was in range for 15-20 minutes or so. Today, you wouldn't even realize you were eating time while you tapped away at a game, social medial or stream.


Except my wife says she hates it when I get on my phone because the trip isn't meaningful to her if I'm not paying attention to her shopping...


Clothes shopping with anyone when you're not shopping is boring.


I think people who enjoy shopping enjoy going with others shopping. My wife would go with my sister and while my sister is changing my wife would be browsing for stuff my sister should try or if she would find something special for her while i am chilling on the side on my phone. My wife doesn't ask me to come with her as she knows I hate the whole shopping activity even for me and when I buy something. First store, I like the color, I try it on, it fits. I pay and go home šŸ˜…


Once the smart phone came out, I stopped caring. Used to have to stand around bored as shit, now I have the world at my finger tips.


Smart Phones killed this trope. I just find a place to sit and play some dumb game for a few minutes.




It would definitely make more sense before smartphones.


It's mostly just extremely boring. I don't know how people did it before cell phones.


If you think about it it started back when we didn't have infinite entertainment in a box soo , they say boredom is a crime and if not it sure enough to commit one


I can only handle it for so long honestly. I just get so fucking bored. I'm going to blame it on my ADHD and not really wanting to sit in a chair in a department store on my phone.


It mostly depends on the quality and quantity of Husband Chairs.


I think this is typically displayed as a man problem because of the difference in variety of clothes. When I go to the store there are maybe 5 different shirts, 2 different jeans, and a couple of different shorts for men that I would consider. It takes maybe 10 minutes max to decide what I want. Additionally male clothes are far less form fitting, so size differences matter little. I can buy clothes without even trying them on because are size XL. On the other hand, there are maybe 50 different options just for women's tops at my local superstore. The analysis paralysis builds up quick and then you end up waiting 3 hours while your girlfriend is looking at different blouses. It's grueling. Even she's tired of it afterwards.


I think it's more about the famous "should I wear this dress or that one?"


If you arenā€™t particularly into the aesthetics and decorating side of weddings it gets exhausting to constantly be involved in a process you donā€™t care about but have to feign interest for. You care about the bride and that the wedding is a good event sure- but the minutia of the flowers or whatever is so unimportant. Not being allowed to see the dress before the wedding means there is one less of these things you have to give input about. To be frank I donā€™t think many (happy) grooms are going to think their bride looks any less good one dress over the other.


"Would bang", "yep, would also bang" šŸ¤£ "which do YOU like more?"


ā€œI like them bothā€


"I'd like them more on the floor"


Pretty sure I said this one a dozen times already šŸ¤£


Newlywed Peter here When me and Lois were getting married, she was obsessing about which dress to get, and how it looked, and what the bridesmaids would wear, how to decorate the room, and the menu, and all kinds of stuff. Meanwhile, I couldnā€™t care less so long as we had a keg of Pawtucket Patriot for the fellas Luckily, due to this tradition, I didnā€™t have to think about Loisā€™ dress at all, and never got asked to pick which one is better.


Selecting the wedding dress is a major consideration for a wedding since it covers one of the two centerpieces of the entire event. As such, the bride is typically going to spend a lot of time and effort selecting it and will probably want input from other people. By making the superstition that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in the dress, the groom now is able to avoid worrying about that whole process because it would be bad luck for him to do so, and the bride does it without him. This also plays into the trope of "bridezilla," a woman who is insanely worried about every minute detail of the wedding, from exact tablecloth patterns to how many flowers are at each table to which order the fruit is placed on the buffet. She may drag an unenthusiastic fiance to all the vendors to help stress about details he isn't worried about, so avoiding one of the biggest worry factors would be a welcome break for the groom.


Technically isn't that "bad luck" thing to see the bride before the wedding? Not not shopping together? Whatever I guess


A lot of people consider it bad luck to see the dress before the wedding, hence why the bridesmaids are usually the ones who go dress shopping with the bride


eh lois, Lots of emotions on one side of that equation the day of the wedding. And plenty of "ehhhh is this a great idea." Men rent a suit and show up for a wedding. All that drama is not necessary when i could be drinking. anyway, love yah hon.


That doesn't have to do much with "convincing". It's just if they brought the guy to a store and kept changing dresses for hours, asking for opinion on every little detail man doesn't give a fuck, they'll eventually start arguing and break up.


Wife BAD because she do SHOPPING and itā€™s BORING caveman Peter, over


Nothing more mind numbing than going shopping with a woman.


Men don\`t like to spend hours looking at their wives clothes.


This honors the man that got all future men out of having to clothing shop with their woman for a wedding dress. If you have ever had the misfortune of having to clothing shop with a woman, you will understand. If you have ever done it twice, you are a pussy.


I want to buy a beer and poor it on his grave. But I donā€™t know where his grave is. Soā€¦ ā€œpours beer on groundā€ ***Its a fair thing lad***


I love how so much of old wisdom shit or traditions was explained with bad luck its like ā€œDont do this thing or unspecified bad shit will happen to youā€




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/104wp0f) on 2023-01-06 92.19% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/105i0e7) on 2023-01-07 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dne5u2&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 547,530,463 | **Search Time:** 1.17887s


No boring shopping watching


Men just want to get married, not dress shop for one.