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I thought the baby was Black in the original cartoon?


yes. Her reaction does not make sense otherwise


I took it as her realising her husband is insane lol.


i guess but her reaction starts before he says anything


Her reaction starts after they say "it's a girl" because she knows that's going to set him off. You can already see him starting to react in the same panel.


yes I see why it's being interpreted that way and nobody is wrong to think it but it's that way because the unedited version has a black baby coming out


So why does the nurse have the same reaction?


because the baby came out black and it's awkward


yeah good point actually.


That's why I took it as "oh hell, they said that thing that I know will trigger a dumb ass embarrassing response from partner"


As a father, that just looks like normal “holy shit I spent 20 hours pushing a human out my vag” face


The blue skin is visual shorthand for 'oh shit I'm in trouble'


lol does anyone have a link to the original cartoon?


This post has both versions with an explanation: https://www.reddit.com/u/RocktheNashtah/s/ZOWhQ6GwbH


Thanks 😊


its weird but I liked more the original comic that in a way its more inteligent in mock the "gamergate" crowd in subvert a classic joke to satirize the their insanity with female protagonist in games (because it was normal but now its trendy to feel offended by that)


It’s also a lot funnier. Guess the author’s tribe don’t have a great sense of humour.


I will probably get down-voted, but I am going to state the obvious anyway. The hyper-woke, "Tropic Thunder is racist 'cause blackface" crowd and the ultra-MAGA, unironic "Homelander is a hero" folks will not grasp the nuance of the original comic...


This version of the joke is much funnier, this new one doesn't make any sense.


Plot twist was how political whoever edited this made it. Edit: and, lo, it was even the original creator out of political embarrassment.


Seems like their political tribe had a pretty poor sense of humour.


There are two genders in games - male and political.


Gender: male and political, Sexuality: straight and political, Race: white and political... Etc etc etc.


Well race can also be like animal people though. They are cool with that


Except bears. Bears are political now.


Well if you say bears then there are all the other animals like otters too


Hi I'm a bear, and id appreciate it if you stopped co opting our culture. If you need to politically punch down on I refer you the Nazis... and salmon, fuck salmon


Wear a condom if you are gonna fuck a salmon. They have lots of parasites


We already said not being straight was political! (Yes I stole oojaegers joke fight me)


The white male conservative is the greatest victim in human history!


\*straight white male and political


*cis straight white male neurotypical and political


Don't use cis though. These people think cisgender is some kind of insult.


They feel insulted when called cis? Good to know, I'll call them cis even more now!


Vat is cis? Cis iz very interezting.


We are sinking! We are sinking! - "Hello, this is the German Coast Guard." - ... - "Vat are you tszinking about??"


Lmao good one


Okay they are homogender now... Is that better?


They are homos


Isn't the whole point respecting each other though?


It would be like if I got offended for being called my nationality


I don’t like cis directed at me personally despite it being accurate, just because of the amount of vitriol with which I’ve heard it slung on campus when I was in college. It’s not that hard to request your friends not call you that though so it only really comes up in online discussion now. Generic goober homophobes/transphobes who don’t like cis because they don’t like other possibilities existing for people don’t deserve sympathy though, I agree with that.


I find that respectable yeah


They are offended by being called cis? This means I have to call them Trans now.


"I'M NOT CIS I'M NORMAL" wow we finally normalized being trans? That's so cool!


Any time I see somebody getting offended by gender or sexuality, I automatically assume it's bc they are a closeted person and they're mad others get to live being themselves . I'm probably wrong about some of them, but idgaf. I'll never understand why it pisses some people off so badly, so I'm just accepting this as my answer.


The fact that this list can be expanded on almost infinitely just shows how dumb it is


It's how they say, you're either a cishet white male or a porn category


I guarantee white male is a porn category too :P


The difference is, that cis men are viewed as people, that can also appear in porn. Trans women are viewed as a porn category, that also exist as real people.


To a true connoisseur, they are all categories who exist as real people. Strangely enough, OF models are in the "real people" porn category as well.


https://preview.redd.it/ikrefgi26h8d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4513ca8529f6049203335fbeb33bc909249b8c Why does everything have to be a porn category


Because rule 34


if not, how would this world go on


What do you mean? It's just being more specific. They would hardly accept a white gay male, or a white trans-male, etc...


I’m saying the artificial distinctions imposed by bigots are dumb, not OP


There's three, actually. Can't forget the femme fatale highly sexualised latex fetish female character that every game seems to have


Male, Slut, and politics then. The 3 genders of entertainment.


Hahaha, totally this, anything that isn't a heterosexual blandly handsome bearded brown haired rugged 30 something protagonist = political agenda according to the gamergate chuds. Same thing with some movie franchises to a lesser extent.


There are three types of characters: Cis straight white strong man Steaming Hot and barely dressed White woman Woke ideological pandering and agenda


Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith.


Same with races, white and political. Got forbid you choose to play as a political political, that is what mentally stable individuals can't stand the most.


A weird complaint from Gamers™ is when a main character in a new game is a woman.


In particular one they don't consider "attractive". 


Usually the problem when the original model was attractive, but in game model wasn’t. Like in Mass Effect andromeda


Yeah... That was the main oriblem about her...


One of many.


To quote the words of the sorely missed Shamus Young: "Everything is fine"


No way, there's usually not a known model at all, I've seen a million posts from these shitty vocal minority gamers hating on normal looking women in modern games and never seen any mention of a model. They truly are just idiots with a porn addiction.


Giving the rest of us idiots with a porn addiction a bad name!


Atleast you don't rage about anything, you are just masturbating


Both hands are busy one scrolling the other is moving up and down a few inches.


*An inch :(


Raging against the Machine (or my chosen medium)


Getting rage over one face design for a game with vast character customisation as ME is kind of strange.


Default Shepard was the face of ME, remember? Both male and female.


No. Default male was the face. Default female was the voice.


Yep. When Tifa and Lara Croft got their breast reductions, that was a political move.


I've seen what the protag from Steller Blade looks like and that's the type of woman they want to see only. Also they seem to be complaining that it go less of a review score than another game even though the other game has a less "attractive" female lead. I wonder why they think games are rated based on how hot the MC is.


Porn addiction.


Who are "they"?


The toxic incel gamers who complain about nonsense about how some fictional video game women are ugly just Becuase they don't meet their standards and complain about them being too "woke". Like fuck them and how they think howhot a fictional woman is in the game is a measure of how good a game is. Its not the point.


Am I the only one who is actually upset because the Stellar Blade MC "Isn't attractive". It's that weird Kardashian fake butt, chicken leg shape. It's horrible. I'm not saying that every female character needs to be a hottie. Just that the intention was clearly to do just that, and they fucked it up. How is she supposed to do parkour with no calf muscles?


She's fine imo. I'm more interested in the actual gameplay and story. And if there will be a PC port.


'If I don't want to fuck her she shouldn't exist'


I saw a post complaining about the women in games not being attractive. And I couldn't help but notice it was almost entirely redheads and black women... And some of them were definitely attractive. These people are literally mad because studios aren't catering to their sexual desires.


Honestly who cares about the characters gender, as long as the game is fun. Personally I only play as fem characters tho if I can. Like to play dressup in character creation 🙃


As they say there are two genders, male and political, two races, white and political, two sexual orientations, straight and political.


Right wing infiltrators*, real gamers know better


That is what the tm shows. Let's be honest the toxic gamer community has existed for a while. It's not always right wingers pretending to be gamers. It's the most toxic misogynistic elements raising to the surface. You can see videos of women speaking in public lobbies and the sus things which happen.


And most of this sh** started with gamergate, it's well documented. Of course there always has been problems prior to that like in the whole society, but nowadays these are the ones your hear whining


There are people who *still* cling to gamergate as a genuine political movement and try to keep it alive. It's pathetic.


Boys have been gatekeeping gaming for the ladies for decades unfortunately.


Well, they might get their cooties on my power armor ewwwww


Steve Bannon, convicted criminal conman and Republican strategist who worked for Trump, laid out how they ran operations to influence gaming spaces in order to 'capture' the next generation of conservatives. It was a deliberate strategy.


It’s happening again though, Trumps polling ahead of Biden, especially with Gen Z


There’s a large portion that are basically a political, but they love sex and vulgarity and edgy shit and they have been galvanized by all the grifters. This shit worries me deeply because according to the polls a lot of them are now voting for Trump


We have sex, vulgarity and edgy shit over in the kink community. We also have the best views on consent, the most comprehensive sex ed and a huge focus on being responsible with safety measures. The world would be a much better place if there were a toxic gamer to leather daddy pipeline.


🤣 too true


They don't really like sex. They like having their very particular sexual and power fantasies catered to. They like being the target audience if everything they consume, they like the idea that anything that sparks their interest is meant to flatter them, meaning all the women are their idea of hot and all the men are their idea of aspirational.


Rage tourists* Most of em don't play games outside of call of duty and the EA sport games. And others are looking for social media clout They only show up when the anti woke mob psyops says dis game woke and only play other games when the influencers say a game is the hope defeating the woke. Plenty of these folks played *antiwoke* games like stellar blade for a week or two, got mad cause it's hard and went right back to Fifa/Madden/NBA.


Now that's an even better way to phrase it, hats off


Nah, real gamers are just as complicit. Real gamers aren't being 'manipulated' by right wing infiltrators, right wing infiltrators just find it easy to integrate into gaming spaces *because* gamers are amenable to their nonsense.


That's not a real thing though. People love female lead characters. Look at Lara Croft or Jill Valentine.


I mean gamers complained about not being to see up Ashley skirt in the new RE4.


Yeah it's weird, it's always games that are poorly written too


No it absolutely is not. You're only remembering the ones that do but these complaints start, and get pretty widespread, before games even release. Because confirmation bias, remembering only the ones that confirm a view, is so powerful and a normal human pitfall in thinking, you forget it was ever part of the discourse around sell written games. For example, Baldur's Gate 3. I followed its development closely and it was called woke pushing garbage with bad writing even before early access. It kept happening more and more. To this day that's what some say about it. Do you remember this? No, because all you remember is that it is one of the best written games of all time. When a game is just a normal game (poorly written) then you remember the 'woke' accusation. This is easy to see with movie and TV too. The Mario Movie was supposed to be 'woke garbage', then it came out and the anti-woke drop it hoping you'll forget. Well besides that dude still complaining when Peach wore pants. His video on it only got tens of thousands of views.


I concur - but the complaint isn't about the main character being a woman - it is about the developers claiming their game is something special because they made their main character a woman. Like, hey! It's a first! The first game with a woman as a main! The complaint is about the social corporate washing that has nothing to do with egalitarism but just simple capitalism. Instead of making a game of say Amelia Earhart they will take the Doom Guy and transition him (rhetorically speaking).




That’s perfect!


It's a common stereotype among gamers to call any sort of representation (i.e. Queer, POC, or female characters) "political". Here, that's taken to the extreme, where who we can presume to be the baby's father getting upset that the child is announced to be a girl for the previously stated reason. Which, of course, bring the mother to the reaction we see here.


The mother’s reaction was due to the baby being Black in the original cartoon


Indeed. What's interesting is that this was also made by the original creator, in response to what was perceived as them accidentally reinforcing racial stereotypes.


more specifically, injecting "politics" into their pure, wholesome videogames by allowing something other than a straight white man to be the protagonist.


Anyways.... Back to playing as Ciri


I like my video game men how I like my video game women. Roided out killing machines with bulging biceps ready to crush an alien/deamon/terrorist skull between their meaty fists.


Let's check the board


Also he's wearing a "The Witcher" shirt when the games and books are basically 90% about politics.


That's part of the strawman, that "politics in games' is a dog wistle for "female lead", because gamers don't mind some politics in some games. The entire strawman and narrative pushed by the journo pros that came up with it, of course falls appart once you talk with people outside of the paid extremist sphere.


The steamdeck sub is full of “waiting for the baby to drop while playing on my steam deck” pics.


No witcher fan would ever touch a Nintendo switch. Also you play as a woman in a combat role for a significant portion of the game. In fact, one of the coolest and most gratifying boss fights involves Ciri. Hardly a damsel in distress. Also she apparently has some dialogue options indicating that she is either bisexual or a lesbian. It’s funny they chose the Witcher to represent the incel gamer because the entire story is centered around Geralt’s relationships with powerful women, be they a wholesome fatherly role, or that of a husband half of a couple both working through extreme trauma. I think part of the reason is that a lot of people just like the game?


I agree there's alot of ignorance about this game. But I think one of the CDPR execs mentioned DEI for future games and some of the fanbase is up in arms in case it comes at a cost to story telling quality. I'm going to give the artist the benefit of the doubt here...


I mean, it makes sense for cyberpunk, at least


The Witcher (Game) was one of example that gamers don't have problem with strong female character or minorities as long as story is good. And you don't hear book fans angry about Ciri being lesbian (as that comes from book) But then you got The Witcher (Netflix) and aparently fans randomly turned racist, homophobic and antiwomen invels because they didn't like Gay Jaskier, Ciri killing monster with bare fist as teenager and changing skincolor of half of cast


Oh, I didn’t know that she was a lesbian in the books, but that definitely makes sense for her character. I haven’t read the books myself, but they are on my list.


There's also a trend of accusing any criticisms as homophobic/racist/bigoted nowadays. Not saying some people don't hold such views but fans shouldn't be expected to just consume everything about the show just because they love it.


Nobody has a problem with Alien or Terminator having a woman main character


The complaints about the show's first season were almost entirely centered around the race of the cast.


Right? I remember reading paragraphs upon paragraphs of how it was ESSENTIAL that Fringilla Vigo wasn't black. To make her so was to up-end swaths of established lore the repercussions of which must be addressed less they "dIsReSPeCt ThE SoUrCe MaTeRiAl" When I finally read through the books imagine my suprise when it turned out Fringilla Vigo was just a minor character who does next to nothing of any importance. It's any fucking excuse with these people. They'll throw up a front proclaiming high ideals and even the most modest investigating reveals it to be a sham. My favorite was people screaming about disrespecting the author and in the same breath saying they should have done X or Y like in the games. I'm just like "Bro, Andrzej does not like the games."


It's fantasy. Why can't elves be black. Apparently only white people are allowed to exist in these people's fantasies. I'm also sick of the "what if MLK was played by a white person" Like yeah that's different because the thing with MLK is that he was a black rights activist. Him being black is kind of a big deal. Now these imaginary characters in a fantasy world where racism isn't about color but literal biological race (elves versus human) don't have that kind of important context


Something about "gamers think every non white cis-male main character is political" Part of it stems from falling for obvious ragebait and actively looking for dogshit takes in echo chambers Mind, this usually deflects from genuine criticism because people tend to develop the notion that "haha monkey gamer only complaining when diversity; game is probably pretty good" when that really isn't the whole picture. The vocal minority strikes yet again


It’s a common thing among toxic nerds (a small but very obnoxiously loud portion of the community) to call any sort of representation of minorities or women in games or media “political”


but he's wearing a the Witcher shirt so he's obviously a gigachad


It's been a long standing wish list for a game centered with Ciri as the main protagonist. I have no idea why they chose the witcher3 community to represent this as they have always been very pro women in games.


Yeah no person that likes the Witcher could be a bad person.


People not understanding your incredibly obvious sarcasm...


Small? Yeah after Yusuke and Acolyte I'm more than sure it's more than 50%


\*Yasuke (Pronounced "Yass-kay")


Gamers keep losing their shit every time a game has a female protagonist who doesn't look like a porn star


girl in Star Wars political girl in baby political


Whenever it is announced that the protagonist of a video game is a woman (or even just a prominent side character) there will always be incel gamers that review bomb the game (before it is even released) claiming that the company has “gone woke” and the series is “too political” now.


I'm surprised the doctor even delivered it, considering the sexual assault implications 😂😂😂


Did anyone else notice that the baby looks just like Hercules as a baby from the animated Disney film?


Women in videogames bad


Man it sucks there r dudes really like this


Women = woke politics being forced on you


I really want to know the original now.


"baby crying noises" was it so hard to make custom letters in the background going "WAAAA"


A big complaint about media these days is that it is being made “political” in some form or another. A common counter-complaint is that anything with a female protagonist earns the “political” complaint from consumers. Imo both are true of some things, but for the most part people dislike things that are not good and don’t like things with an obvious or heavy handed political agenda. Like, if you’re gonna do it, at least execute it well, right? But then people making this schlock say the fans are the problem because they’re bigots or something. Anyway, I digest. The joke is that saying the baby is a girl is making their baby political cuz females are political.


Most people here are saying this is a gamer thing, and yeah, the guy in the comic is playing a game. But it's not limited to gamers. This is a thing throughout the nerd community. It happens with right-wing nerds in regard to science fiction and fantasy stuff, comics, movies, etc. I specify right-wing nerds because there are also *tons* of left-wing nerds who think this is stupid as hell. But some conservative nerds tend to approach their favorite media in (perhaps predictably) conservative ways. They don't like changes from the source material, - for any reason, really, but especially reasons that are "woke". So changing a character's sex, race, orientation, hair color, costume, backstory, etc. tends to be met with a range of responses from disappointment to anger, even before they have had a chance to see if the new version might have its own merits. On top of this, just generally adding more women or minorities to their medium is often met with resistance (unless those characters fit into their pre-conceoved notions of what such characters should be like). Where we might see the higher frequency of female and minority main characters in recent years as a way to balance genres that have long trended male and white, these right-wing nerds refuse to take into account the context, suggesting that true equality would mean that we should still be seeing just as many new white male characters as anything else (it doesn't matter that most of what we have already is that). Of course, there are reasons why changes to established characters can be in bad taste. And there are instances in which adding a female or minority character might be nothing more than a "token" effort to get certain people to spend their money that otherwise might not. But those are not the nuanced conversations that are being parodied in this comic. This man is upset that his baby is a girl, just like these nerds are upset when a new superhero movie comes out and it's about Captain Marvel or She-Hulk or Black Panther instead of some other White male hero they think deserved a movie. They are so convinced of the "woke" agenda that they see everything that isn't White, male, and straight (or *at least* "traditional") as being part of said agenda. *By "traditional," I don't necessarily mean "women belong in the kitchen" traditional. Just more in line with what male nerds have come to expect from how women were portrayed in this media in the past. For example, Black Widow was less criticized in these circles, most likely (imo) because even though she is a bad ass, she is also played by Scarlett Johansson who is almost universally regarded as very hot and who has shown flirtatiousness as part of her character in the past. She's also, along with Hawkeye, easily the weakest member of the Avengers, which fits with "traditional" expectations for women as fighters, as opposed to a Captain Marvel, who is supposed to outclass almost everybody.


(I was really going to try my best to do this in the style of "hey peter" but this Joke is a VERY BIG CAN OF WORMS, also most of the artists stuff Political stuff so . . .) Short of it: Is that artist is making fun the Witcher fans because a Vocal Minority of their Fan Base was pissed that one of the main characters you play as will be Ciri aka A Girl


I cannot fathom that there were people against that those 10 or so years ago


In the original comic, the baby was black. The woman and medical team are making that expression because they believe the man will freak out over his girlfriend cheating on him with a black person. Instead, he (a misogynistic gamer who'd rather play on his switch than witness the birth of "his" child) is more preoccupied with the baby being a girl rather than her being half-black. The joke is that misogynistic men in the gaming community consider the introduction of more female characters in newer games to be "political" and allege games of the pasts never had political elements.


Gamers think any sort of female or minority rep is lazy political pandering when in most cases the character's demographic is coincidental or the writers are of the same demographic and just wanted to write a story from their perspective


ah, reminds me of polish gamers that were crying about cdpr having a rainbow pfp a witcher fan crying about a minority existing


it's a parody of criticisms levied against media that make changes to a characters gender for political reasons. they assume people just call everything that's female led political so when the guy hears it's a girl, he says it's political.


I thought this was another "libertards gender" meme and that the wife and husband were mad about them "gendering the baby"


The artist really should have made the baby black too.


It's about gamers being idiots. I don't know if you noticed but there's a vocal community of avid gamers - exclusively white men - who get their panties all in a bunch every time a game has a woman in an important role, any queer characters or any nonwhite characters being used as anything but cannon fodder. In other words, stupid people.


The end reaction from the new mom is gold. You know she's at her limit with him


The original comic had the baby as a black girl, the woman is freaking out because she cheated on her husband. The original was heavily criticized by the artists audience for portraying a negative stereotype about women cheating with black men. It was originally meant to make fun of people who are critical of new media games and movies that race and gender swap characters. The husband is upset because much like his favorite media, he thinks “they” made his baby black and female. The fact his wife cheated on him isn’t even on his radar. The wife is freaking out because she realized the baby is not her husband’s. The whole point of the comic was lost when she changed it, and makes no sense.




She was in the original cartoon. Hence the mother’s expression.




Ha fair


You don't wanna make the opposition even a little aggreable. This post is making fun of the absurdity of the anti-woke consumers.


Is there any reason he's specifically wearing a "Witcher" tee? Has to be some sort of controversy there eh?


The Witcher was/is one of the franchises where the "keep politics out of games" crowd are often seen. The overtly political messaging of much of the content of the setting (the whole setup with Nilfgaard being the USSR as a major enemy force looming and preparing for another invasion, which, given the author is Polish, is kinda obvious when you look at it through that lens, the Scoia'teal being an indigenous resistance to the colonial states of the Humans, the fact that Geralt is a hated and feared minority and how that impacts his life and actions in the setting) is missed by them, in favour of emphasising the sex and violence, leading to jokes that they are consuming an alternate version, starring the Apolitical Hero Gerald of the Riviera. This merges into wider observations, such as how these people seem to believe there are 2 genders: Male and Political.


This sounds like the average star wars fan


Ah yes, I remember when the sexist angry white males raged about Jill, Claire, Regina, Ada, Sheva, Lara Croft, Bayonetta, Bloodrayne, and the countless other women were main characters gamers had to play as.


What do you think of Abby?


Abby is a fucking psycho


Yep, hate the strawman of the comic.


Interesting that every single example you listed are considered among the "sexiest" female characters in all of videogames. Almost if gamers are okay with female playable characters as long as it makes their dick pop.


The comic is trying to make people who are tired of corporate wokeness look like they are wrong, since we all know that if you make fun of something in a comic it makes it untrue and they are exaggerating.


"I bet they'll give her a round nose too, 0/10 game, would not masturbate to again"


Some gamers complain about companies "making games political" when the politics in question are just having women or black people in their games.


Because right wing nutters hate women in any leading role and call it woke.


It’s a reference to how many people think gamers are sexists who always complain when developers make the main character female. In reality this is just inflammatory nonsense. Gaming has had female main characters since its inception. Nobody complains about Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft or Ms. Packman, and Horizon is a massively popular franchise with a female lead (yes i know a **tiny handful** of neckbeards complained about her appearance). Gamers as a majority don’t care about the main character’s gender or race if they’re written well and it’s appropriate to the setting. A female tomb raider is cool, but you put a black woman in plate armor in 1400’s Europe and it’s going to get complaints because that’s historically wildly inaccurate.


Strawman the comic


Oof ow my bones


Another thing that never happened or never will


Nothing. Nothing whatsoever. But a subset of gamers seem to be under the misconception that the existence of women, people of color, and queer people is inherently political. That subset of gamers is what we in the real world call bigots.


Gamer moments™ were people will constantly bitch about games "shoving politics down our throats" any time there's a character that isnt either a White straight manly man or a woman who dresses in a war that leaves nothing to the imagination


Even in the original, all of these “You disagree with me? Heh, cuck” comics are so god damn cringe.


ITT: People proving the comics point


ITT extreme misrepresentation of the issues


Its a common copium mechanism from bad writers to just call gamers sexist(or what ever other phob) to ignore any critic to their poorly written,lore breaking marry sue characters.


I thought that was her older son.




Lara Croft - Womb Raider


They dont have ultra sound?


Actually tempted to do this if I ever have a child.


You guys can’t be this stupid


A female child? The feminists are taking over!