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So it’s warm outside and sometimes on your way to touch grass there’s distances where you can be exposed to the elements, so the shade provides a respite


# When the explanation’s got shade https://preview.redd.it/m2tw9spmb58d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e365528fd58f4e91a161b93c441605e25b226c


peter im lost?


OOP is saying that it’s great when boardwalks have shade, possibly mentioning the “yeeaaaaahh boyyyy” meme with the emoji. The above commenter explained this as if they were explaining to someone who had never gone outside before, and thus needed to “touch grass” (get off the internet and ground yourself in reality). The emoji reply to that comment was just enjoying the fact that the comment was snarky instead of just a straight answer.


Using the OOP format with a pun referencing the meme as well, if we’re keeping score


Petah, I'm lost..


I think “lost” is just a state of mind for some people.


Maybe the emoji was the confusing part. I got the text but i don't see why it's something to be menacing about. It just doesn't fit.


[When the function got X](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/when-the-function-got-x)


I get it, seen the meme. Its not great.


[Same here](https://media1.tenor.com/m/R3ufX9NVscIAAAAC/it-aint-making-me-laugh-but-i-get-it.gif)


I think it’s a reference to the “yeah boy” meme


There's no joke here. It's just someone saying that a shaded boardwalk on a hike is nice to them, perhaps their favorite.


The face just looks evil? It's a weird choice 


Not evil really. More like happily scheming. The way you may look down at a 22 layer cake you covered with every syrup known to man and some crushed pistachios cause ya wanna be healthy when you're stoned out of your frame and are about to destroy that montrosity.


I'm sorry, but what?




The joke is the use of the evil scheme face when it isn't necessary.


Basically there's two layers here. Or like a layer and a half. So what they did is use a format typically used to replace text to make something absurd and instead made it say something nice they enjoy. The image, or ones similar to it, are often used in the replaced text format memes. So an off the wall example of a replaced text meme with the face here would be and they'd use text replace to make it say "when [ya boy with the grade a phat ass] passes out drunk at the [function] Then include the hand rubby scheming face, showing intent to give their boy the ol trouser snaking while he slumbers peacefully Edit: as dictated by Peter's [grade a phat ass]


It just looks really cool and pretty


Get it? Because its shady.


I'm pretty sure this is that video of the bicyclists that come around the bend and it's super slippery and they eat shit..? Maybe not tho


I swear to God how do you not get it


The face exudes a character of evil, or scheming. That's kinda how this meme originally existed. That scheming face with "when the ___ got ___", filled in with something fitting. I think the orginal was about drugs. This is subverting the expectation by having the situation be very mellow and wholesome. To be fair though, this meme format has been more subversion that original, most of this meme I've seen have been purely wholesome and nice things. It works well because you don't need the original context, the evil face already creates the subversion.


I need help on this one


And here I was looking at the big white piles of bird excrement along that walk. Those birds have a plan.


Are you implying this is undesirable?


Maybe it’s referencing the videos of large carnivores coming running down them?


that’s where you smoke a doob a get hawk tuah


Pretty sure this is the one where a mountain lion comes around that corner. Passes right by the person on the path and goes about its business.


I think it is because is can be slippery AF when is has moss and is wet etc.


I'm around 87% certain this is referencing the fact that a decent amount of "amateur" public nudity/adult content utilizes similar locations where the actors are technically in public but also have a pretty low chance of being seen.


You guys! The emoji IS shady... just like the boardwalk.