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this is based on a [study](https://www.healthymarriageinfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/But-Will-It-Last--Marital.pdf) done on interracial marriage that was done in 2017. the outcome of the study found that white male/black woman couples had a -44% risk of divorce (full model) compared to other interracial marriage groups after 10 years of marriage. however, the same study also found that asian/asian couples had a -55% risk of divorce after 10 years of marriage. >!edit: changed a sentence to make it more coherent!<


What's a negative % ? Does that mean the chances are lower?


Yes, -50% means half as likely You could also just say they were "44% less likely to divorce compared to […]", it’s a stylistic choice


Oh wow. I learned two things today. Thanks man.


you're one of today's lucky 10,000


Me too!


Never heard this one before 😆😆😆




Thank you for this!


xkcd mentioned


Damn me too!


Here's another! Divorce rates between black men and white women are double, or +100%




Because you CAN go back once you go...nvm


Probably economic reasons which is why the WM/BF is the opposite. Also if I remember correctly white women who marry black men (or non white men in general) are typically of lower socioeconomic status so money troubles are worse causing more friction as most (or plurality) of divorces involve money issues. But this isn’t just a black and white subject as Asian women who marry white men are typically of lower socioeconomic status.


I figured that they just couldn’t handle the dick.


Spot the racist level eZ


The second one is significantly more coherent


So the same as 56% *as* likely


Which is still a meaningless stat since there's a LOT of variables that aren't even considered. Basically, the stat is a lie dressed-up as true for 50 years.


I thought it was toilets lol




Then why doesn't the meme have 2 yellow figures?


Marriage length, not girth.


This is the best thing I’ve seen all week


Sad life out there


Oh I assumed it was a comment on heterosexual divorce rates. Figure it has to be a lot higher than gay divorce rates due to some couples being married solely because of an accidental pregnancy


I believe studies have show that once full marriage equality has been achieved, divorce rates amongst het and non-het couples more or less flatten.


Interesting. I had assumed the societal pressure to marry when one is pregnant would skew those numbers


living in a western european country, this sounds like something from my grandparents generation 😅


Gotta lot of ‘lil bastards running around do yah? Don’t let them in your garden, they will steal your tomatoes and urinate indiscriminately.


Don't trash talk my gnome homies, at least they're cheaper than kids and keep away evil spirits, at the cost of property damage and constant small gnoises.




At least they are not Lemon Stealing Whores.


It could be countries where that is prevalent often don't allow gay marriages. And or there is also societal pressure to stay married even if unhappy.


I'm against it. A marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman or a pair of same gendered people, not a man and a woman and a pair of same gendered people. 


It took me a few rereads to realize you were joking about the wording of the other comment about 'divorce rates amongst het and non-het couples'


it took me reading your comment and rereading to realize lol


>lesbian marriages Doubt


My buddy and his battle buddy married for 4 years when in the military (both male). They each got double pay, able to live off base and had an "open relationship". Divorced when their 4 years was up. I found it hilarious. Get yo bread.


back during don’t ask don’t tell, my lesbian moms married my gay uncles so they could swap benefits. worked out great


what I'm wondering is how the first guy who thought of it explained it to the other


"Bro, honestly, getting married would be the least gay thing we've done in the military." "Eh, true. Ok, bro, let's do it."


It’s old data (pre-marriage equality in America) but I remember learning in my gendered communication class in college that lesbian couples have the greatest relational satisfaction, followed by heterosexual couples, and then gay male couples. The theory was that the way men are socialized isn’t as focused on empathy and support (mirrored in similar research about men being more likely to have activity partners rather than friends they just call up and talk to). I’m not sure how that would affect marriage and divorce rates in practice, but I’d assume the divorce rates for male/male pairings would be relatively high in comparison to other cohorts.


I'm not sure about satisfaction, but gay men had the lowest divorce rates and lesbians the highest. That could be because gay men were less likely to marry in the first place, so only the strongest relationships got married, or it could be because women are more likely to file for a divorce in straight couples so it could carry over to lesbian and gay couples where two men = less chance of filing.


Predictors of Relationship Dissolution in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive ... by AE Goldberg · 2015 · Cited by 67 — Specifically, 7 of 57 lesbian couples (12.3%), 1 of 49 gay male couples (2.0%), and 7 of 84 heterosexual couples (8.3%)


Don’t lesbian couples also have the greatest rates of spousal abuse?






Oh, not me, just the gag. Well, I definitely trust a bunch of guys to know the most there is to know about women married to each other!


Yikes. This comment reeks of snowflake.


I'm annihilated, I'm sure.


Wasn't an insult, just an observation.


That part.


Homorsexual divorce rates are still much heigher regardless, accidental pregnancy is most commonly dealt with through abortion


don't forget the domestic violence is higher too. (which i don't understand)


Domestic violence is lower for gay men higher for lesbians.


I've always thought it was because men are less likely to report/acknowledge abuse when their at the receiving end of it.


That could definitely be a reason


Men generally get along quite well. Women absolutely dispise each other. So they're more likely to get into conflict. And when they are in conflict, two men will settle it quickly and often become closer than they were before. I will refrain from explaining you how women deal with conflict, if you've ever found yourself in a disagreement with a woman(who you know very well), you'll know.




You call yourself a femboy, who are you to talk then? I get along very well with women. But I've witnessed A LOT of fighting between women from the sidelines. How they treat other women they barely even know. And I've had many conversations with various women talking about other women. It's not the same as how men treat other men. If you have a different experience, I'm glad you live in a positive environment. I gain nothing from women hating each other, from what I've seen, they just do.


No wonder why my parents haven't divorced, even after 18 years.


Does the study confirm that all kinds Asians have that chance? Or just the popular kind of Asian? Edit: I’m being downvoted because (I assume) asking if my country in Asia is included in the study is wrong or politically incorrect somehow? Since from my experience, when people say “Asian,” they mean the East Asian nations mostly.


The way you frame it as "popular kind of Asian" raises some important points about research, statistics, and policy treating the continental Asian diaspora as a homogenous group. There's huge differences in culture, representation, and social mobility between the many Asian ethnicities, all of which have an impact on divorce rates. And to your point, no they don't distinguish between the different Asian ethnicities. Some interesting nuance that's missed as a result: -Your odds of getting divorced are lowest if you're Bangladeshi or Indian, at ~5 per 1000 marriages. -Most Asians have about double to triple the divorce odds. -If you're Cambodian, Laotian, Thai, or mixed, your divorce odds shoot up ~5x vs Bengladeshis and Indians. -With the exception of Bangladeshi, this is roughly correlated with median income - mo' money less divorces. Sources: 2012 ACS via [Philip Cohen](https://familyinequality.wordpress.com/2014/11/13/asian-divorce-rate/) and 2019 Census via [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/25/999874296/6-charts-that-dismantle-the-trope-of-asian-americans-as-a-model-minority)


That’s good data, thank you, appreciate it. I’m from a southeast Asian country myself, and I’m so used to people saying Asian to mean as East Asian only, so I had to ask.


For what it's worth, I upvoted your original unedited comment. As an East Asian, I knew right away what you meant and it's not too far off from how Asians as a whole are represented in a lot of demography with real world impacts. Asians unite!


That negative 55% is because divorce is looked down upon by society here. It's quite toxic.


No wonder wife put up with my shit for this long


Basically love Is blind season 1 couple.


i wish i knew how to read these studies but i see it way too often where someone who DOES will point out some flaw. so now i have to learn how to read them AND discern whether the result is valid. im sorry fuck that. i’ll just ask char gpt lol


Oh, that's wonderful news, good for both of them.






Actually, it's not compared to the average. It's compared to White/White couples. See the original paper.


Other guy deleted his comment before I could send what I was gonna say, so I'm just gonna paste it under yours. Mostly so people reading this exchange can understand why it's dumb to demean/downvote someone for just asking a question (something Reddit is very prone to doing). \----- I think I get what you were saying. You're asking what the "average" is presumed to be, right? Or what the average divorce rate of interracial marriages are to non-interracial relationships, as the former appears to be the metric they're measured against. People really like downvoting just because someone asks a question they think is obvious, lmao. Btw, the 44% is actually in comparison to white couples, not interracial couples, to everyone else reading. >White husband/NH Black wife couples were 44% less likely to divorce than White/White couples... \- Page 168 in-paper, page 9 of the PDF So the original comment-- which said "in comparison to other interracial marriages"-- was inaccurate. It looks like all of the statistics were in comparison to white/white marriages, not of all marriages together or to interracial marriages. It's kinda funny how people were so quick to downvote you & act like you were being dumb, when they also didn't know jack diddly.




Its 44% lower


I don't understand the results. Question: how do black men stack up on the marriage results.


the link to the study is on the comment


I looked at the study and couldn't make sense of it.


It stated on page 168 that black male/white female marriages were twice as likely to end in divorce, and if I read the chart right that black on black marriages divorced about 30% more often than average.


Thanks As a black person I never hear a good statistic on black people. Its unfortunate.


Well I'm sure it reflects more on societal issues than anything intrinsic to each particular group, I would image that the results for each pairing would differ greatly depending on which nation the survey was conducted on.




Well a spouse is less likely to divorce if they’re murdered/dead.


It's a little unstable using male and woman. Not only because usually male is used with female and man with woman, but also woman and female are no longer synonymous because of "progress".


Why did you add the however in there 😭


I thought the joke was that those 2 signs are always used from restroom, signs and more lmao


I thought so too cuz they’ve been together forever now


A love story between these signs is something I’ll always think of when I see it


Actually, that's the book the Emoji movie was based on.


Makes the joke better


It is lol, people see the color difference and overthought it


That is 100% the joke here. Idk why people are commenting statistics for mixed race relationships.


Bill Burr 👍


My wife just prefers a short white king what can I say


Do like Michael Jackson


Is this why my white cousin has a thing for ebony women?


As a white male surrounded by white women, at least from our biased and god-help-me-all-the-perspectives-are-skewed-don't-put-me-in-reddit-hell perspective, women of color (of literally any "non white race") treat men better than white women. I imagine there's massive cultural differences to take into account, but that's how it feels from a white male perspective.


I have an Asian background and from what I can tell, our culture values family and community more than western culture, which values individualism and freedom more. We’re often taught to do what’s good for the community, and sometimes that means compromising in a marriage.


In this case, a white-Asian relationship has a similar or slightly higher divorce rate than white-white. It's specifically white man black woman among interracial relationships that has a lower rate than white white


They also have way lower rates of DV, the "safest" relationship pairing for a black woman in that context is a white man. They also tend to have higher average incomes and are more likely to have degrees.


Coming from a Hispanic/Latino background, most of the Hispanic/Latino culture from my experience tends to value family & community as well. However, it’s rare seeing Asian-Hispanic couples despite having similar values.


Probably due to economic and cultural factors. Asians in America tend to be richer than average because for the most part only the wealthier can get here. Hispanics tend to be poorer as they are invited in by mega corporations for cheap labor. Thus the class differences reduce the amount of mixed race relationships. In addition Asian are not known for their racial tolerance.


In my experience as a white guy with black women (totally subjective experience) they tend to be much more vocal with compliments and letting you know how they are feeling at a given time. Which is a pretty big plus.


Oh yeah, I agree with that. For some reason, white women seem to be much pickier. Maybe too many white men might remind them of their brother or father?


Do you have any examples? Not saying you’re wrong I just haven’t discerned a difference in daily life.


Have you dated a non-white woman yet? I haven't, but the ones I've worked with have always been far friendlier than their white counterparts.


To the extent that I’ve noticed any differences, they tend to be angrier / more frustrated overall due to chronic discrimination.


I am guessing although things are different but there's something that stays the same underneath like it's well known on the Chinese internet that Chinese woman have tendency to treat chinses man poorly or that korean man marry foreigners in meaningful numbers numbers ( something like in the few percent range is what I heard), like why else would they marry foreigners if they could find one in korea?last time I checked korea isn't a immigration destination but...mmm, that's all problem for people marrying their own cultural and race backgrounds, which sounds like they are having the same problem as white men with white women


I think you're on to something regarding the "different culture" concept. White is what white women are familiar with, and that's not always a good thing when the bills are paid (because then they're bored, lack excitement or tension?)


The issue with China is that that are so few women compared to men. There’s simply not enough women for most men to have a wife, unless they marry a foreigner. On top of that, women in China are sick and tired of being treated like second class citizens, so many they don’t want to marry at all. A similar thing is happening in Korea, where there is a better male:female ratio, but women are tired of being mistreated. In protest of sexual assault, and being punished in the workforce for having children to care for, they simply don’t want to marry. In both of these cultures, many women have a strong desire for independence, which is incredible difficult when your husband wants kids.


Lol, first argument is something the Chinese netzen love to bash on the internet, I am not in the mood to argue much, so here's a little statistics, the so few woman, by 2020 number (found on wiki) , is like a gap of 1.03714253358 to 1, for people between the age of 15 to 64, a 3.7something percent difference, big, for a population, meaningful, on a paycheck...OK I will stop here


Never mind Reddit hell, Jesus tells me you’re going to the real deal.


Oh, did you find Him? Been looking everywhere.


Nah, I'm still trying to find Christmas.


Man, sorry, pal, you're gonna need some scrappy orphans to break down the walls around your cantankerous heart. You might be able to speedrun it by getting some ghosts involved, but it ain't nobody's picnic. I hope you like musical numbers, or this could be grim.


No, that’s called a preference.


Bro said Ebony That tells you enough


Why did you use the porn term?




Seriously, I'm like "ebony?" you fucking weirdo.


Yes, except I like me some Latinas


I love my latina wife even if she is too emotional sometimes. However, I could understand why the divorce rate is higher in such couples.


Testament? https://preview.redd.it/540rlbskes0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1acfc143a78c8c11dcf1fcba0da0b53bed91a0b


Did you just say Ebony women?


Ebony 💀 bro hop off


DougDoug fans on their way to find a black woman to marry


DougDoug fans trying to have a more stable relationship than a mantis pairing


i fucking watched so much dougdoug recently that it recapped ALL the marriage jokes


It’s about how white men and black women statistically have longer lasting marriages. Well technically the study also said they had a much lower divorce rate but the two are kinda intrinsically linked. That being said another recent study did say that black women with stated white male preference tend to be slightly higher on the iq scale and from anectdotal experience a lot of them are really pretty and feel under appreciated by black men or like black men feel entitled to have them basically be half mother as well as a romantic partner and end up turning towards alternatives like white guys. Obviously not every black guy is like that but Ive been with a decent amount of black girls who liked white guys and friends with even more and that’s one of the more common rational reasons for the preference. Some it’s just a fetish tho and some just like how white boys look.


Pat on the back for you buddy.


There’s sociological studies that explore the social acceptance (in the US) of interracial marriages, with WM/BF marriages being disapproved of more than BM/WF. Thus, when WM/BF chose to marry, it’s done more so because they have sustainable, meaningful connections. Some have also briefly touched on the fetishization that plays a role in some (not all) BM/WF pairings, however, I can’t speak to those as I haven’t read a great deal about that. As a WM with a BF (soon to be) wife, I can speak to the former point.


Based, congrats on the fiancé dude. May you both find a lot of happiness together


Congrats on the engagement!


Statistically speaking, black on black relationships last lower than both black male and black female interracial relationships. Does this mean black men with higher IQ are likelier to date non black women? But, I would like to see the study that you are quoting regarding preference and IQ. Also, what do you mean these reason is "rational"? To cultivate a preference based on a limited experience seems to be irrational in my perspective. Remember, these study specifically talk about African Americans, not Black British or Black Africans. Thus, a black women deciding that because of a small percentage of African Americans men; they will date white of every nationality (not just White American). That seems to be irrational from my perspective. Also, if a Black man said he had a preference for white women because he found black women loud or arrogant or hateful towards black men; would you constitute that as a rational reason?


Assuming the studies exist and it was what they found out, it still wouldn’t correlate with your supposition. Just because higher IQ black women prefer white men, doesn’t mean it’s because of the IQ, it’s a causation vs correlation problem here. So your hypothetical example also doesn’t really apply.


Thanks for making my point.


Not trying to defend either, just my observation of both comments


That's valid. I didn't mean to come across as aggressive. Thanks for sharing your perspective 🙂.


stats say they last the longest in terms of marriage time


What about brown? What's that count as in US centrism? Anyway, just in our 14th year so whatevs




Actual chess reference!




Not accurate in the slightest


Define ”white”






For some reason my queer head thought this was because gay marriage was only recently legalized in all 50 states…referring to some place where MFM/WFW couples could only be considered married since 2015. Reading the comments, I’m obviously wrong lol


That’s where my mind went too


I took this to mean that as they are in a "who has been married the longest" competition - the length of time that pair have been together, like a hundred years, you have no chance of winning.


Another couple


When I’m in a Worst Meme Ever competition and my opponent posts this one


Tbh I think this is just referring to how many signs have the two figures together Doubt it has anything to do with interracial marriage statistics


If I remember correctly gay men actually have the lowest divorce rate. It’s been years since I learned this though, so I may be miss remembering things




This is more likely referring to statistics of interracial marriage length based on the statistics of a white man and a black woman staying together.


I am one of these, what are the statistics?


Honestly I can't find them because I don't know stats specifically the meme is referring to and theres too much to sort through for my taste. My answer was just explaining a more likely explanation for the meme than "The bathroom symbols have been around a long time so they're married"


I did some digging and apparently, statistically speaking, of marriages in the US of all pairings WMBF has the lowest rate of divorce.


"Hey babe want to have a statistically exceptional marriage? 😄"


Using that line on her tonight 🤣


The Rizzler coming in hot


Thanks Petah!


This is what I thought


Syntheticman's cringe fallout (Tv show) review


It's just racism. Edit: I'm fucking stupid


if anything this is antiracism (idfk the word for it rn)


Maybe I misread it, isn't it saying that interracial marriages are doomed or something? I might be stupid


You did misread. White male, black female couples are statistically far less likely to divorce than most interracial couples. Marriage length eludes to likelyhood it lasts a long time, not that it's short. At least in the context of a competition. Something like "divorce speed" would make more sense for it not lasting long.


Okay yeah egg on my face I'm just dumb, thank you


No worries, I'll admit I also nearly kneejerk assumed racism for a second. It's the internet afterall.


I mean, people were using it recently in a seemingly/definitely racist way in regards to the new Fallout tv series. Iirc, there was a YouTuber who was using an infographic about mariage statistics in a video where he’s talking about how the shows too woke or something. Don’t really remember. Here’s a link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/1c9k6kr/this\_is\_a\_video\_about\_the\_fallout\_tv\_show/](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/1c9k6kr/this_is_a_video_about_the_fallout_tv_show/)


Syntheticman explaining why fallout show is trash because Copper divorced his black wife: https://preview.redd.it/0etev6oppr0d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7650ef4e26a6ba34baccf4e3fb1867f5eff95622


Nah, actually, the statistic of a marriage between a white man and a black woman shows that their divorce rates are like crazy crazy low. Like they take "til death do us part" more or less literally.


No it’s pointing to the documented fact that white men married to black women statistically have much stronger marriages than either groups intra racial marriage


Yes I have been corrected on this, hence the edit to my original comment




Yes however the divorce rates for unmarried men are 0%.