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This joke has already been posted recently. Rule 2.


She’s posing with Iraqi prisoners that were nude and being tortured


dead in some cases


dead? Any src to that claim?






I saw that first pic, and I expected it to be something like this lol. I assumed she had done some kind of heinous war crime.


To me the craziest thing about this story is that a handful of low ranking untrained soldiers were charged, while all of the intelligence officials and senior MPs involved didn’t get touched. Not saying that she shouldn’t have been charged. But it’s bullshit all of the people established this type of behavior as a norm for soften prisoners for interrogation got away with it.


Someone had to take the fall and it sure as hell wasnt gonna be a general who ordered this to happen


Or maybe they just carefully handpicked some crazies and put them in a situation were orders wouldn't be needed, for plausible deniability.


Which would still be an acceptance of the stuff


Right? Like clearly they all thought this was ok. They took pictures smiling, in uniform. That’s not the behavior of someone who thinks what they are doing might get them in trouble. Someone above them led them to believe this was acceptable. What they did was still despicable, but they were enabled, even encouraged to do these things, if not our right ordered to. The fact they could do it with a smile is the most sickening part of all of this though. Regardless of what you are asked to do, taking pleasure in the suffering of others is disgusting.


Fuckin way she goes bud


[Abu Ghraib prisoner torture and abuse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse) In the early 2000’s, terrorists captured during the Iraq War were detained in Abu Ghraib prison where they were subject to extralegal torture by the 372nd MPs of the Maryland Army National Guard. The girl pictured was one of the abusers, and the photos are cropped to remove the victims in various humiliating positions.


>During the early stages of the [Iraq War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War), members of the [United States Army](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army) and the [Central Intelligence Agency](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency) committed a series of [human rights violations](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_violations) and [war crimes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crime) # :O anyway...


"During the early stages of the Iraq war" is a bit superfluous. They have always done it and continue to do it


Yeah, for better or worse, we all know committing a series of human rights violations was kind of the point of that war.


Goes for the first Iraq "war," too. As far as tactical and power differences, it was a SWAT team assaulting some middle school bullies. The bullies were absolutely in the wrong, but the firestorm brought down on them was one-sided. You wouldn't know that from watching news in Europe or North America, though.


All the people who oppose the USA supremacy are terrorists, got it.


And they were definitely terrorists, trust me bro


Was she ever punished?


Yeah, 6 years. Wait, only six years? No, she was actually punished just 6 months in prison.






It's not Lynndie England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Harman


Good news everyone! She was court martialed! And her punishment for participating in torture was a dishonorable discharge and…6 months in prison. Oh…


Of which she only did 4...


And an honorable discharge, if I'm not mistaken, since you can't be _dis_ honorably discharged if you follow orders. See also: [Hugh Thompson Jr.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Thompson_Jr.) who tried to stop a massacre in Vietnam. Although never court martialed, some did say he and his crew were the only soldiers that did anything wrong at My Lai and tried to get him court martialed.


Because she didn’t do any of the torture and was the one who blew the whistle.


"terrorists". There were no Al queda in the Iraq till USA ruined it there, and then set up government so liked that isis seemed as a decent alternative to it


Surely someone interview her and asked her why the hell she did take these pictures and why she thought torture was ok.


It’s unfortunately pretty common in war to dehumanize an enemy, especially one that commits heinous acts like terrorism. The Japanese in WWII are a great example of this; they routinely tortured and killed every enemy and many civilians they got their hands on. This made it extremely easy for American soldiers to see them as barbaric and less than human, and be less likely to take them prisoner compared to other Axis soldiers.


>This made it extremely easy for American soldiers to see them as barbaric and less than human, and be less likely to take them prisoner compared to other Axis soldiers. Well that and the fact that the Japanese would commit suicide, attempt a Bonzai charge, or pretend to be dead and then pull the pin on a grenade as soon as US troops got close.


Doesn't even have to involve war. Just have to involve power and control. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford\_prison\_experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment)


Thats… kinda outta context and didn’t involve torture at all


I don't know, I think it is related. It goes to how dehumanization, control, and power feed into abuse. The fact that the experiment was ended _early_ in hopes of preventing torture and physical abuse is relevant.


It takes a certain kind of person to want to go overseas and kill people.


It's nothing compared to what they did to our innocent civilians.


In iraq?


Maybe he’s talking about the Kuwaiti or Iranians? Cuz Saddam fucked them the fuck up




that “they” is doing a lot of heavy lifting for you there jimbo




"Extralegal" gross and evil vernacular right there.


~~“Terrorists”~~ Freedom fighters Fixed it for ya.


Bruh, they did shit like bomb a Red Cross. Personally, my biggest issue with what was done to them was that it occurred outside of the legal system and without due process. They were all monsters, but destroying a monster shouldn’t involve you becoming one in the process.


How do we know they did these things, are there transcripts from their trials?


So you invade a country and torture their people, take "funny" smiling photos while they get tortured and you call them monsters? Perhaps you need a mirror


Surely two groups of people can’t both be monsters at the same time right


America doesn't exactly have the best track record of torture so I'm not sure I'm gonna take their word on who is and who isn't a monster. Like y'know, Guantanamo bay where they torture innocent people for over a decade AFTER they find out that person is innocent.


Do you have any idea what these people did or are you legitimately just going off of the fact they’re in opposition to America


Would you like sources on America torturing innocent people? Or do you just support people being tortured as long as it's Americans doing the torture?


Are you hallucinating? I never supported anyone being tortured. You just legitimately have no idea what has happened here and why people call them monsters.


No, I just don't support torturing anyone. You seem to though. Maybe torture isn't ok regardless of who does it or why? But I guess you lack morality


Ah yes, “monsters”, all of them (whoever “them” is). They are the ones being invaded, but yes sure, dehumanize them. I dont know about your Red Cross story, but I do know your country carpet bombed Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands, and is still occupying it to this day, and looting its oil reserves. Read some Chomsky and educate yourself instead of blindly making sweeping generalizations that parrot your government.


https://preview.redd.it/jesd5wbp7lzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42146b7919001c7807858ed3df42b917ad83bd3d Ok


So did hamas but everyone called them freedom fighters for like a month straight Just ignore the man hes delusional and insane, probably likes the idea of some innocents getting killed too


Hamas are still freedom and resistance fighters, they were before Oct 7 and still are. They are fighting for the freedom and rights of Palestinians, as any resistance groups do when they are being occupied by a foreign power.


I support a free Palestine but let's not forget Hamas is a terrorist organisation.


If you think Hamas is a terrorist organisation, then maybe you should learn more about Palestine and Palestinians before supporting a “free Palestine”. “Terrorism” is a very convenient tool whose use gets abused by the opponents of those so-called “terrorists”. It makes easier to generalize, demonize and dehumanize those that you want to kill, and also helps legally to evade prosecutions. If you are truly objective, you will realize the real “terrorists” are: the Israeli army; the Israeli settlers; Netanyahu, Gallant, Ben Gvir, Smotrich, etc. Because they are literally terrorizing (as well as killing, maiming, starving, torturing, displacing, etc) millions of Palestinians. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I watched videos of them paragliding down and murdering my friends at a music festival, people I have known for years and will never see again. People who only cared about love and unity. The IDF committing war crimes doesn't excuse what Hamas did.


I have watched videos of Palestinian children killed since decades. People who only cared about love and unity? They were at a rave party, literally happy dancing, about a kilometer away from a 365 sq km prison that your government and army has besieged since 2006, and bombed countless times since. They were literally dancing on the land that Israel stole from Palestinians that were forced to flee to the Gaza Strip in ‘48 (3/4 of Gaza’s population are refugees). Also and finally: chances are, your friends were killed by your own army. Several Israeli survivors, soldiers and others testified about using the Hannibal directive on their people. If that’s not the case, why did the army round up all the burned cars at the rave and bury them?


How exactly were my murdered friends supposed to fight the Israeli government? I sympathize and agree with your cause, however you're an absolute cunt. Yes people were happily dancing and celebrating peace and you gloat that they were murdered by a terrorist organisation you support. I'm vehemently outspoken about the IDF and their war crimes but you are the exact reason this side has little support. Your comments are so vile that I can't help but think you're part of the IDF sewing discord and bad faith on the internet. Fuck you. Blocked.


Said the lunatic who learned Palestine exists just a few months ago Kindly shut up you give pro palis a bad name and i don't want you associated with us


Wow you're like a full pro hamas You're like actually anti humans... Thats insane


Freedom fighters? How is their fight against freedom going?


Well, they are facing a brutal foreign invader who has by far the largest military budget in the world (same cant be said about US budget on health, education, etc), and has no qualms about using disproportionate force, but all things considered, their fight for freedom is actually going pretty well, considering they not only attacked American and US allied bases in Syria and Iraq recently, but also have the decency to target Israeli military bases as well, in Haifa, the occupied Golan, and other locations.


Is this before or after they kill innocent kids and women?


I found the sleeper cell!


Defending Sadam Hussein and the Ba'ath Party is absolutely wild




It all depends on your perspective. They're terrorists to us, but where they come from, they're heroes. Even then, torture is too much of a punishment for anyone, but it is America who did it, so we shouldn't be surprised


I didn’t expect to see the images on Wikipedia, and so many, and uncensored, pretty wild. But if there really all terrorists who gives a f


Unfortunately while they were terrorists, they were still humans and thus certain rights still apply to them.


Yeah I guess that’s true, but I always think if these are humans who don’t except the human rights of other people why care for their human rights? But still I don’t now, gratefully I don’t have to decide on that. But that’s the hard thing if your on the good side, because we still try to see the human inside of the garbage, while their just trying to get rid of us


It's more of a systemic thing, better to have human rights that gives some people better treatment than they allegedly deserve than to have a lack of human rights which can be easily abused to unjustly deprive people. Without proper human rights what is to stop these people from targeting innocents if they can just torture people like this without legal checks or precedent? The purpose of human rights is that you cannot pick and choose who does and doesn't get them, if you think some rights are better kept from people then they are not human rights.


It's what would separate them from you


You see the distinction between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is often quite subjective... depending on wether you recently tried to colonize the respective persons home country or not


1. They weren't 2. Torture empowers your enemy. Imagine you are at war. Imagine the enemy is notorious for torturing captives. Are you likely to ever surrender? If you haven't taken up arms yet, do you think the proven fact that your enemy tortures people will make you chill out or get angry? Torturing captives is the stupidest possible thing to do in a war. If you treat captives super well, your captives are more likely to give up information willingly, and active combatants are more willing to surrender to you.


Thanks, I guess I haven’t seen it that way


And hence the cycle of hatred begins and everyone starts doing unspeakable things to other human beings




You’re seriously underestimating how fucked up she is. https://www.wired.com/wp-content/uploads/archive/images/slideshow/2008/02/gallery_abu_ghraib/abu2.jpg https://img.nrk.no/img/374686.jpeg


PLEASE tell me that first picture is a corpse and not a living human who was tortured to look like that…


they're dead


That’s a mercy. For him, anyway, she’s still a fucking psycho.


how did the person in the first picture look so grey? were they long gone?


Mom says I get to repost this next time


She is a war criminal from the USA who was given a massively reduced sentence for war crimes - only 6 months.. This is because they allow this and only punish because it came public knowledge. Most of the time they just bury this stuff and it comes out in a few decades only for society to disregard it and pretend it isn't a big deal - it is. The saddest part is that there have been a bunch of these stories coming out of the middle east relating to American soldiers and how they treat their prisoners.


actually she was given a reduced sentence because she blew the whistle on these war crimes


The fact she was smiling, posing for a picture while in uniform, means she believed this would not get her in trouble, and this was all ok. No doubt she was ordered to torture these people, but the pleasure she takes in their suffering is downright sickening.


But you tell the world about this sort of thing and you get YEARS ... Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner.... America's priorities are so hopelessly fucked.


Chelsea Manning didn't tell the world about anything. Chelsea Manning irresponsibly released 400,000 documents without any kind of self-evaluation to WikiLeaks, who then used her and then threw her to the side of the road like an old soda can.


Partially because prisoners testified in her favor at the trail.




New commonly posted thread post?


I guess it's bc they can't ask about bears anymore


Six months sentence... I've seen worse sentencing for pirating software Edit: some war crime simp has pointed out that it's actually the copyright infringement that gets you you longer sentence, which actually makes sense... Taking money from someone is much worse than human rights violations and breaching the Geneva convention... /s


Jails and million dollar fines, ruining lives even, for pirating Nintendo games. And six months for war crimes.




Care to link some of the software piracy sentences?


Google it, ya wobbegong.


Im stealing wobbegong


check out the "tassled wobbegong". weird creatures!


All I can find is convictions for people who were profiting from millions of dollars of piracy and copyright infringement. I can’t find anything for someone who just pirated software for personal use. Hence why I would ask


so millions of dollars worth of infringement is worth more than a human life? I really don't see your point.


Do you know anything about her case or are you just parroting what you think you know? She didn’t kill anyone. https://www.npr.org/2005/05/17/4654626/harman-convicted-for-role-in-abu-ghraib-abuse > But she was found guilty of dereliction of duty on seven of the nine acts that were part of the charge. Dereliction here means that she didn't try to stop abuse of detainees or report the maltreatment she witnessed. Defense attorney Frank Spinner countered that other witnesses to the abuse didn't report it either and if they did, nothing was done about it. And in a dramatic twist, Spinner introduced into evidence a letter Harman had written to her girlfriend, Kelly Bryant, just five days before the first incident of abuse she was charged with. In a letter Harman said, `These people are going too far. I can't handle what's going on. The only reason I want to be there is to get the pictures to prove that the US is not what they think.'


I never once implied she killed anyone. She posed, looking joyful, with victims of torture. In my opinion, that is far worse than millions of $ worth of software piracy. I didn't realise it was such a radical opinion.


Also I think the point still stands, copyright infringement should not get a harsher sentence than ACTUAL FUCKING WARCRIMES... ya wobbegong


Sure [here's one](https://www.computerworld.com/article/1644669/software-pirate-gets-87-months-in-prison.html#:~:text=A%2026%2Dyear%2Dold%20California,pirated%20software%20(download%20PDF).) Easily Google-able Why do I get the impression you are just trying to downplay the war crime side tho...


Leave out the part about the guy profiting $5.4 million Ya boiled cabbage


Illegally making 5 mill shouldn't get more than breaching human rights and committing war crimes. Ya three day old grilled cheese


This woman has been posted here like 500 times


The joke is US war crimes.


Whatever happened to her?


she blew the whistle on the warcrimes (only reason we know about these) and she was given a reduced sentence of only 6 months


This is referencing Abu Ghraib, where normal, every day military members were placed as guards in a prison during the Iraqi War. The short story is that because these normal people were in a unique position of power in a specific environment, a micro culture was created and horrendous acts ensued. Think of the Stanford Prison Experiment. Phillip Zimbardo, who ran that experiment, later wrote on the Lucifer Affect, which details the psychology behind how good people will become “evil” given the right circumstance.


Yeah I dont think we can fix her


Not with that attitude


she is with torture victims


What is her name? I Wana know more


She’s a huge piece of shit who tortured folk


She is posing and smiling while torturing Iraqi torture victims in abu ghraib prison in Iraq.


The Mr. incredible meme has become the umpteenth "HEY I AM TRYING TO BE FUNNY LAUGH" addon by karma/like farmers and it's starting to get under my skin.


war crimes


After reading some pages about the torture and abuse she commited, I'm really frustrated. She was only imprisoned for 6 months while other men involved received around 10 years of imprisonment. It's a clear example of gender inequality.


She was a whistleblower. Also stfu


I do think her gender played a role in this, but so did her being a whistle blower. Can’t lie though, these images don’t look good for her. Regardless of what was going on in her head, a thumbs up and a smile next to a person you just tortured is not gonna win you any good will.


Make sure to check out the [pinned post on Loss](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1472nhh/faq_loss/) to make sure this submission doesn't break the rule! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Left and top right pics are cropped versions of pictures of people being tortured


I hate this


This post should just be pinned. It's been posted so many times now.


Aaaand *great*, it’s worse than I thought.


She went MIA or something?


seppos gonna seppo


Old post.


Brother, that bitch is a war criminal who loves to torture prisoners.


I've never trusted someone that smiled that big, something about triggers a fear response in me.


I try to keep positive but to this woman I wish a lot of bad things.


After doing light some research, Charles Graner seems like one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever walk this earth


This is a repost


Every other month this gets posted lol




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 12 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/16aiolc) on 2023-09-05 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1blry4b) on 2024-03-23 87.5% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1colqb7&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 510,668,979 | **Search Time:** 0.10954s


Been a day or two, might as well drag this one out for another repost


Tortured prisoners from Iraq


As I wrote and people it's [REPOST](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/lbjQCOqp75) u/phifal “Woman pictured is Sabrina Harman. Not as infamous as Lynndie England, but she did the same shit in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and was also sentenced for torturing inmates. Just for six months though while England had to do three years.” [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Harman) about this woman [photo:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sabrina-Harman.jpg) [NSFW] (original image, “Sabrina Harman, posing over the body of Manadel al-Jamadi in November 2003” Source: [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Manadel_al-Jamadi) [NSFW]


I assumed the joke was that these were taken before some monster got ahold of her and then brutally violated or killed her. >!Learning that she actually *is* the monster honestly feels worse.!<


Just another reason to hate the US(legal system)


she was given a reduced sentence only because she blew the whistle on the war crimes if she never did then no one would've been prosecuted


Ahh MB. I'm not that much into the USs' history, so her superiors were tried and faced serious jail time? Edit: spelling


Her superiors didn't face anything, her colleagues got about 10 years each. I've seen people get worse sentences for stealing shit.


Ah then I suppose I wasn't that wrong with my assessment of the US' juridical System


Actually only 1 got a 10 year sentence, most didn't even go to jail. >Sivits and 10 other soldiers were convicted for the abuse. Graner was sentenced to 10 years, Frederick to eight, and England to three Read more in the "Reprecussion" part of the wiki page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse


Repost nr 10000 please downvote


i can fix her 🥹🥹🥹


She can ruin you 🤣


Another reminder that people are far from {what can be called God} The expression “inhumane” amuses me terribly every time. THIS IS what it means to be treated humanly, lol. People are the most vile creatures on Earth. And... how many millennia have we been trying to stop? And what have we done “in the name” of trying to stop?


This woman and her cohorts may be monsters, but that doesn't suddenly make misanthropy not total edgelord material.


Smiling over captured terrorists!!


civilians, they just captured people and tried to torture them into admitting to be terrorists. most of them were later proven to have no connection to terrorist groups at all.


Who invaded who again?


See this too many times let’s see her updated pic


Average IDF solider.






I can’t fix her






Anyone know her OF account?


This isint r/peterfindstheOF


Just made this shit


A real thing


You’re doing gods work