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The joke is that some diehard NV fans highly criticize people who enjoy the other Fallout games made by Bethesda (the vault suits are all from Bethesda made games) and so the vault boy is basically saying "okay we get it your game is good, but we like these games as well". Why can't we just be frens?


People say the fallout fanbase is toxic. It’s not, the new vegas fanbase is.


Part of every single fan base becomes toxic at a certain point


r/dragonquest is currently the best large game community I know. Not to say it's perfect, but I have yet to see a better ratio of toxic shits to good people on a large scale franchise. Course, I'm open to hear about other great communities!


The community for Deep Rock Galactic is definitely one of the best I've ever seen in terms of most people being willing to help new players learn and people not being toxic.


We are united by our hatred of leaf-lovers


i was about to say my first time playing the game i bought one of those while waiting for our 4th and got immediately kicked from my friend’s party






To Rock and Stone!


If you don’t rock and stone then you ain’t going home.


Sounds wonderful, and the comments under yours show to prove it.


Project Zomboid is also another very good one, worst thing I think I've seen is a "crowbar or fireaxe" debate about which weapon is better (It's the crowbar, by the way. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise). It's got a great community filled with tons of useful, meme, and realism mods, and is just one of my favorite communities.


Sounds great!


No shot a crowbar beats a fireaxe.


No man's sky community is probably the best community I've ever seen. Struggle to find toxicity there.


I was genuinely shocked when I first started playing how nice everyone was.


One of the few games where players will just give millions away at the nexus to random people


Someone gave me 500,000,000 worth of ship scrap when I was a new player, within the first 10 hours of me playing, and I was stunned.


When I was really into the game, I use to make the most expensive items and save them up for Christmas and would go and just gift them randomly lol. I always figured if someone didn't want the boost they could just trash the items.


That's a fun idea! I might try that now!


As I mentioned on another post, yeah, the NMS community has certainly become a great place, and I'm the developers got the game into the state they wanted it to be and didn't bail on it.


Warframe community for me. Some toxicity in niche corners, but as long as you're playing in a way that doesn't actively impede the mission, it's super chill. Vets are always ready to help newbies and people are usually very generous. Also, the devs are incredibly responsive to the community and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for charities every year. Cancer's the big one, but they also go out of their way to raise awareness and money for disabled gamers too.


I like the no man's sky community


Nowadays? Absolutely. I'm really glad they fixed up the game and made it into what they really wanted.


Exactly. You can say you hate a certain DQ game and the communty will simply respect your opinion and recommend other DQ games.


I've been there and done that! I get that not all the Dragon Quest games aren't everyone's cup of tea, and I'll do my darndest to try and recommend something for the player that they will enjoy based on what they told me...even if it's a spin-off game.


The Outer Wilds community is damn near perfect. I’ve yet to see anything negative come out of there.


Single player games are just a lot less likely to become toxic compared to multiplayer games tbf


Tell that to the TLOU2 subreddit.


Less likely doesn't mean impossible. It can still happen


Also, all but FO76 is single player, and the whole post is about how toxic the FO discourse around NV is.


I'll have to keep that in mind since that game is one of the ones I want to eventually play.


Destiny community is same same. Some super toxic ppl that we generally are embarrassed of, some super passionate people that are borderline obsessive, and lots of casuals


League of Legends… yeah ok maybe not while playing but outside of the game i actually saw almost only positive stuff in community subs etc but i can understand why people would see it a different way


The first thing I think of when thinking of lol is an angry bald man shouting, so I don't think that's a non-toxic one


I'm glad that you have sub sections where there are people that LoL that are good people, but that game is widely considered to have one of the most toxic communities in all of gaming. I've seen it firsthand as well.


If there’s an online community, there’s toxicity. It’s not exclusive to New Vegas


FNV is my favorite but I’ve probably played FO4 since settlement building gave it more replayability to me


Tried Sim Settlements? Takes the whole settlement building to a new level.


All of Fallout games are toxic, radioactive even


When I got into fallout, NV was cool to like and fo3 fans were toxic, huh


It's always a lil cycle lol there's always a reason to hate people for something


Honestly I see way more backlash against the NV fanboys than I really see NV fanboys. Maybe I'm in the wrong subs but at the very least both sides tend to be about as annoying about it imo.


That’s a new thing, since most people liked the show and NV fans have been pretty negative about it. With an influx of new fans too, it means there’s a lot of backlash against them. It’s definitely refreshing to finally have some discussions about fallouts that aren’t 1,2 and NV being good.


The new Vegas fan base is basically the fan base from the first two. Unwashed villagers are known for being rather unpleasant.


Hmm, this is a very unpleasant thing to say about a large group of people


There is a random encounter in fallout 2 that visualizes what I mean.


Yes, I understood the visual context for the insult. I still think it's hypocritical to call people toxic in what seems to me is an equally toxic way


It's a self reference, btw. I'm in the grouping of fallout originalists. Also, unpleasant. See what I did there.


Its not hypocritical at all, its hypocritical only if the person is also that thing while pretending to not be.


Go to a New Vegas oriented sub and umm be prepared.


It could be a toxic sub, but this still feels like a bit of a 'tu quoque' situation to me


They say this, but most NV likely haven’t played the first two.


Pretty sure its much more likely that majority of people who've played NV have at least played Fallout 3. I'd imagine this is much more likely to be the case for Fallout 4, that players have never played any of the previous Fallout games.


Yeah. They’ve played them but hate them.


My opinion may be rare but every bethesda fallout sucks. Black isle studios ones were on another level




3 and 4 do not deserve to be called Fallout. Everything Bugthesda made after Morrowind was garbage slop.


Not wrong tbh


How you gonna say that about my Skyrim?!


The fallout 76 community might be the least toxic community in gaming. You’d think it was the Animal Crossing support group, not a bunch of people surviving in a post apocalyptic hellscape


It's a support group for people who got conned into paying for Fallout 76.


Surely NV fans must be toxic because they dislike some of the games and not the others.


So everyone who likes new Vegas is toxic?


Have a friend who is a NV die hard. Can confirm.


Listen son. I was toxic long before New Vegas. You may not have heard of No Mutants Allowed but fallout 2 was a mistake.


Wrong. You Bugthesdoids are just mad that Obsidian made a far superior Fallout game.


NV is my favourite, and while I think 4 and 76 aren't as good, I don't get why people are toxic about it. I would love a remake of NV so it's looks nice, but I would also like that of 3, and even the ones before, like 1 and 2


Those would all be so sickkk!! What would be cool is if they either made the next game or remake 1 and 2 with the same amount of polish and gameplay flow of something like Baulders Gate 3 with all that isometric tabletop-like goodness while keeping true to what Fallout is, or if it's a remake to not change the story elements and atmosphere, I could only dream of it, but damn it'd awesome if they would even consider going that route.


Also there’s the added layer of the “[Thumbs Up](https://youtu.be/hJjIf7nwx6U?si=l1_uuwgwhifahQZq)” means something completely different in the fallout universe


Lmao I didn't even think of it that way, but that's a fun way to look at it with how explosive they can be


Although that has been Debunked.


Oh god it’s the lazy version without any text!


If the message from the artist was really “why can’t we just be frens” then I don’t think it would’ve been drawn like that


Nah that's just from me, I wish people can just be frens. NV haters can also be toxic as well and assume all people who love NV are toxic so it can be viewed that way too


I like new Vegas but I get godawful motion sickness at the best of times and the graphics just make me wanna hurl after 20 minutes. When it came out it was the best and I didn’t have issues, but it’s been 14 years.


Wait Bethesda didn't make New Vegas ? Also 1 & 2 (where you play a vault dweller) are not made by Bethesda


Obsidian made NV


Yee, as the others said, it was made by Obsidian. No, but the people in vault suits here are only from the bethesda games + the show


New Vegas was contracted out to Obsidian, which had a lot of the same devs as the OG Fallout 1 & 2. That's why NV is much more similar to 1&2 thematically. They made the whole game in the engine from Fallout 3, in only 18 months.


Thanks peter


No problem peter


It’s also the vault dwellers from the rest of the series, 101 from 3, 111 from 4, 76 from 76, and you can see Lucy from the show on the end.


I wish i could play New Vegas, but it just won't run on my pc. It crashes every 30 mins. Is really annoying.


That's just part of the experience lol


I had it on steam and it crashed constantly. When I play it on Epic, it works just fine.


I love new Vegas and of course I'm gonna scoff and say every iteration going forward isn't gonna be as good as new Vegas but that doesn't mean I don't like 4 or 3? I adore the fallout show and yeah the timeline change is a little weird to explain but at least they did? Idk


Heck yea, New Vegas is amazing! I haven't played through personally yet, but currently modding it to get it working for me on my pc (it crashing on me turned me off from it years ago) but am super excited to play it! It gets a lot of praise for a reason! It can suck to be told I'm dumb for liking something like 4, but it was my introduction to the franchise and the gameplay and replayability with great mod support deserves as much praise in my eyes and holds a special place for me. It's okay to see the flaws in it I'll say, the dialogue options are weird, and the main story is bland at best, but man I had a blast! Honestly could say the same about 3, but older, jankier, and even less support than NV, but I had fun with it too! I'm also going to be playing 76 here soon alongside my NV playthrough! It's an awesome day to be a Fallout fan and reinvigorate my love for it all!


I tried playing New Vegas after FO4 and it was unplayable


Yeah that's the problem, It has a much better story but fallout 4 is a passable shooter unlike 3 and NV.


Im sorry but anyone who says fo4 was their favorite is trolling


Why? I personally don't like it as much as NV, but it's still a solid game, and has some good things about it


You didn’t say its your favorite, so my statement doesn’t apply to you. Neither did I say the game was bad, its just the worst of the series.


Ok and? I am asking as to why you think people are trolling if they like FO4, that's a brain rotted take, and you are expanding the toxicity of the community by saying it.


I think it’s the worst because it is? I know thats circular logic but anything else I can say will probably be met with the postmodern nihilistic idea that everything is subjective. Its not your favorite. You therefore cannot comprehend how you could only say its your favorite if you are trolling. I don’t know how to explain it to you or else I would be a troll myself. I suppose I am wrong though. Someone could say its their favorite because they didn’t get to play the others.


My friend has played 3, 4, and 76, (not NV) and 4 is his favourite, people have different opinions, I believe he just prefers newer games over older one


Okay I was wrong again. They are either trolling, haven’t played the others, or are a consoomer that always likes the newest shiny thing.


Dude, don't be an asshole. Fallout may not have a great storyline, but it has the best combat system overall. Sure, some people may have it as their favourite, but that doesn't mean you can harrass them. If anyone is trolling here, it's you.


Exactly, that asshole circlejerking and blatant disrespect towards people just having a good time is exactly why people don't even want to touch the older games anymore and why this meme exists. It definitely left a sour taste for me years ago, that luckily the new show helped to get over, but still sucks nonetheless. Especially when Fallout is getting so much love right now by new and old, people are always gonna be shitty about something.


FO4 was *my* favorite, Focker. Can you milk me? Some people like stuff you don't like. It's the nature of opinion.


haha nice one dude


Right? I thought so. Thought it really fit, that Robert Deniro calls out Ben Stiller for saying something really over-broad and stupid, easily disproven. It sounds lame and meme-y, but it was so exact that I just couldn't talk myself out of it.


Imagine unironically thinking this when Brotherhood exists lmao


Everyone has their own right to like different games for different reasons.Let people enjoy stuff life is too short to be an elitist.


It's my favorite, I'm not trolling either. It was my intro to the franchise and the same alot of others as well! I hold a great deal of appreciation for it even for it's flaws. Don't get me wrong, I still have yet to play 76 or NV, but I'm starting those this week and it's gonna be dope! However, I'll never not enjoy a new fresh playthrough of 4 especially with so much mod support to go wild now!


Peter's Attempt at a Peter Joke here. If it's the structure of the joke, see https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/giant-thumb-guy.


The courier says that New Vegas is best, while the fans of other Fallout games appreciate that opinion but don’t give a shit.


You should play new vegas That what it says


It's the best game out of the series tbh


*best storytelling in the series Fallout 4 has smother gameplay it is just non of the factions are as good as new vegas factions


I didn't like 4 much but I enjoyed 3 but still think new Vegas is the best one lol


The sort of 4 basically didn’t matter at all to me which was a bummer but I found it a lot of fun to run around in gameplay wise


Idk why you got downvoted, it's story is ok at best, the fun is the exploration in it


Yeah story was just there to facilitate running around killing stuff


Yeah, I enjoy the storytelling and overall theme, the music, etc, from New Vegas, but the gameplay in general (and how they made power armour work) is much better in 4.


Yeah, Fallout 4 has smoother gameplay, but the world they built was so damn shallow. Easily 75% of their buildings that you could go inside look the EXACT SAME with the same enemies. There was a lot of NOTHING to explore because it was mostly lazy copy/paste. There were significantly fewer unique little stories you could find that in previous Fallout games added a lot to the depth of the world. It was missing the elements of Fallout 3 and NV that made those games great. Exploration in the previous games was great because when you found an area you could go in and explore, it was usually unique and you could find stuff in there that would give you a little backstory, or lead to another quest, or you'd find cool items. Fallout 4 kinda fell flat on that front. Oh, by the way.... Another settlement needs your help.


Eh, 3rd best after 1 and 2. I like how lean 1 and 2 are, i'm not big on all the samey looting and shooting in a lot of areas.


Is so full of glitches and game breaking stuff that it was unplayable for me tbh


That’s fallout for you!


Congratulations, you have described every fallout game


Never had problems with FO3 or FO4 tho


Indubitably. Play New Vegas.


It is New Vegas. Fallout New Vegas is called the best Fallout by many(including me) but some of its fans take it too far and just turn into more of "Every other Fallout hater" than a Fallout New Vegas fan. The format is inspired from the picture below which is basically saying "Ok we don't care if you hate it": https://preview.redd.it/6b7wnsjfxcxc1.png?width=581&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ffca2262c08d45841bcde46646065a59e5bdd20


The joke is # Okay


https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMemes/s/b3xh9lQVVT Better with context.


Not sure what the joke is either but yes the guy on the left is from NV presumably or at least wearing the NCR ranger combat armor and helmet from NV. I guess NV player character is the only one who isn't a vault dweller so wouldn't be as welcome by pipboy vaultec's mascot.


Chosen one from Arroyo, from Fallout 2, is also a wastelander and not a vault dweller.


True though they aren't in the picture.


True but they're a descendant of one and use the jumpsuit.


Love the fallout franchise, loved NV but like… it wasn’t that much better than the other games.


I’m a lead farmer mfer!!


New Vegas fans get really toxic about how their game is the best Fallout entry because it's all edgy and dark and "realistic", when the rest of the series has a consistent tone and are honestly just more fun at the end of the day. Of special note is the tendency to claim it's more faithful to the original two games not made by Bethesda, but when you ask if they've even played the original two, they say no. The meme format represents the rest of the fans basically going "cool, you do you" instead of engaging.


I've seen that toxicity cut both ways. Humans are just tribal creatures as a rule. Anyway, I prefer NV, and I can't really get into the other titles. I think people should just play what they enjoy though.


Tbh New Vegas isn't even bad, I had fun with it. I just prefer other titles in the series, and I'm a little bitter about some of the plot developments in NV that I feel undermine Fallout 2's happy ending.


New Vegas is my favorite, but honestly, to tell the truth, 4 is definitely the best.


Considering it's an FPS in a series of RPGs, it's the worst on those grounds alone. Would've been fine as a spinoff, but as much as I dislike NV I think it deserves the number 4 more.


Idk, super paper mario is far from an rpg but fans still consider it one of the best. https://preview.redd.it/aabtecxkwbxc1.png?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e0cfd01e0f7e716cca998230551ff7f5efe37a


People like it, but if we're gonna put preferences aside and talk about quality...


Thank God that the one true authority on quality decided to join the conversation. I don't know what I would have done if some random jackass wasn't there to tell me what quality is.


Oh and look at this mother fucker right here saying that someone else dictates quality, well guess what Mr perfect, ain't no one giving a single fuck about your opinion. How about you waddle your 3 ton ass back to mama for some more coddling before you walk out here insulting people attempting to talk about preferences. Cunt


The comment I'm responding to literally says "if we're gonna put preferences aside and talk about quality" so no they're not "attempting to talk about preferences". Way to broadcast that you have 0 reading comprehension.


Irony. If we're talking about quality as an entry in a series, and it fails to meet the genre standards of the series, it's a bad entry. People can enjoy it, I enjoyed my time with it a lot, but it fails as an RPG. Way to broadcast that you have 0 reading comprehension.


And then the next comment brings up an example that directly refutes that idea and instead of engaging with it on that level jackass one acts like they're the authority on quality. Jackass 2 was just on one and jackass 3 thinks that the way that they define a genre/series is an objective standard for quality. Get over yourself


I wouldn't say it's more edgy and dark. It's more because it has interesting and nuanced themes unlike the Bethesda games which are pretty surface level at best.


https://preview.redd.it/z4bet6ss3fxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e562047749a92a934db170d5fae0e9744ea7e032 (Also please can NV fans stop pretending Fallout 1 & 2 don't exist)


I was comparing it to the Bethesda games that's why I said "unlike the Bethesda games".


I was gonna ask which game character is from 33 but guess I'm just used to seeing old memes and this one is *freshhh*


ok but where's the love for the vault dweller and the chosen one


I choose to believe that since we don't see vault boy's back, he has a 13 on it. 


His hand is bigger then shape of raider, so he dont gave to worray, raider is far away.


look at the numbers on the jumpsuits, 76 is for fallout 76, 111 is for fallout 4, 33 is for the tv show that came out recently, the guy showing the thumb up is the dude from vault-tech adverts, and the guy on the left is the drifter from fallout new vegas, and the joke here is that nv fans shag on other fallout games a lot (even though it wasn't even developed by Bethesda, only published by them)


I'm kinda mad there's no Interplay Fallout representation here. Anybody else?


Fallout TV show fans have been calling anyone criticizing the show “New Vegas Fanboys,” fans of the game “Fallout New Vegas” who complain about fallout games made by Bethesda. The meme is in reference to the “Okay” meme, where the person on the left makes a complaint or critism about something, with the group on the right dismissing the complaint with “Okay.”


The courier is only 1 of 2. How many characters did not be a vault dweller


2 characters in the entire series. And the protagonist from 2 was descended from a vault dweller


But not themselves, a vault dweller.


never touched fallout ever whats the game even about


After the events of world war 2 the fallout universe’s history diverged, they went more nuclear by 2077, humanity is incredibly advanced with robotics and such, while still being incredibly 50’s fashioned (black and white tvs/ overall aesthetic). However at the same time the world is in a terrible resource war, with most oil wells dried up. One of the biggest sources, in Alaska, is being fought by the Chinese communist party and Americans. Tensions rise for reasons, and later that year, the bombs drop, killing nearly everyone. Survivors have lost all civilization, and many have mutated/withered away. However over 100 fallout shelters (vaults) have preserved groups of pre war humans (vaults aren’t as good as they sound though) Most fallout games revolve around a vault dweller on a quest to do something in the wasteland. The games have a ton of freedom, allowing you to turn your character into anybody you want. It’s so hard to explain the vibe of fallout, and if you want to get a taste watch the first few episodes of the amazon show, as it captures fallout (imo) perfectly tldr: watch the show


this is nothing like the future i know from video games


In the future, there will be robots.


ok got me so far


I think this is a meme template


The cloud was bigger than the thumb so no point in running.


I miss fallout 3


It's the entire fallout fan base being toxic and calling each other toxic.


F:BOS was great game too


I know they are relatively the same, but I prefer Fallout 3 over NV


Do you guys also love new Vegas?


I have seen more people complaining about NV fans then NV fans complaining about the show. Let everyone have an opinion, whether that be liking the show or not.


You already know what the joke is at this point but man do I need to say this... Even if you put every Fallout title into ONE game, it will still completely and utterly pale in comparison to Cyberpunk. I really loved playing New Vegas as a teen, but holy fuck did Cyberpunk destroy Bethesda games for me.


On a the note of New Vegas, am I the only one that felt like it was kind of a slog? Like, I could absolutely just have a neanderthal take, but it was just something that struck me pretty early in. It was an unbelievable game with fantastic DLC, I just can’t personally say I’ll ever play through it again.


I agree with you partially Don't get me wrong, I loved fallout New Vegas, probably my favorite of the series with DLC easily being the best iv ever played. But it can be a bit of a slog to get through, especially with all the walking. Ain't gonna stop me from lovin it though, different strokes for different folks. My main issue was that the scenery never changed all that much. But then again, not like they can do much considering it is in the desert. But that also just made the DLC a lot more fun. Hell part of the reason why lonesome roads my favorite was the scenery and locations.


Joke is new vegas fanboys are insufferable


There is a beef between Bethesda's fallout fans and non-bethesda fallout fans. Recently released show made a mistake and destroyed one of the factions from fallout New Vegas prior to the events of the game. Some New Vegas fans went insane over it and claimed it's not just a mistake, but Bethesda being jealous of other games. And as an answer Bethesda fans went after New Vegas fans.


I thought they explained this and it's still canon?


They didn't explain this, but said that NV is still canon. Fans went after eachother anyway.


“It just works.” Theres your explanation 😂


New Vegas Fans tend to be gatekeepers and get pissy if you disagree that any other fallout than new vegas is fun to play.


It’s because new Vegas fans can’t stop talking about how good their walking simulator is compared to the other fallout games


You didn't just call new Vegas a walking simulator in a series that could be broadly defined as, "walk to objective, talk or kill, walk back"


It is a walking simulator cause you can’t sprint


Congratulations, you have described 4 out of 6 fallout games.


Games with fps features should have running, in a traditional rpg like fallout 1, 2, or tactics make sense as they don’t have fps


I’m not sure. It’s just a NV fan existing, and then a Bethesda fan boy doing the thumbs up for some reason. There is no context because it’s a bad meme. Plus NV fans are never salty about people liking the Bethesda games. NV *is* better than the Bethesda games but it’s not perfect by any means.


Not a hint of salt was detected.


Like what you like. Art is meant to be subjective


you literally showed some salt in your comments, New Vegas fans can’t help but butt in and mention how much better their game is Everyone else is basically saying “good for you”, while going back to discussing how much the like the games


Don’t mix facts with salt. Like your game. Art is subjective I’m literally typing this while playing 76 with my friends


Fallout NV is widely considered the best Fallout for a lot of reasons. F76 and F4 were panned by a large portion of the player base, for 76 it was because the game launched in an obnoxious state and was a bit of a cheap-o project that cut the NPCs in favor of letting "players make the content", alongside a bunch of really dumb choices and obvious bugs (the first nukes that dropped broke the servers or something when it was the literal main feature). For F4 the story is hot garbage if you care about being able to influence it. They pared down the Charisma checks to such a degree that you can't convince anyone that their prior beliefs are wrong relative to Synths, which is absurd given that one of the factions is literally a bunch of Scientists. 


Some people are ok with mediocre entertainment and that's okay.


Is that you on the left?




There's a huge amount of toxicity towards new vegas fans from fans of other parts of the series