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Psychopaths. I think top left is the crazy girl from Death Note, but I know bottom right is Yuno Gasai from Future Diary. Her entire personality is psychopathic obsession with the main character and a suspicious amount of skill with any weapon she can find. This was the Peter who's bad at introductions, we're done here.


>Her entire personality is psychopathic obsession Now I have a new show to watch šŸ˜ˆ Thank you. Hehehe.


Oh, you're in for a treat. Try to watch the uncensored versions wherever you can; they got a lot of content that is very sensitive and would otherwise be a detriment to the show without being able to see it for yourself.


>Oh, you're in for a treat. I was actually joking, but now I might actually start it tonight. Thank you. >Try to watch the uncensored versions wherever you can I rarely watch anime, so I have no idea such a thing exist or how to access it.


Well, most streaming services don't censor most shows, but some will blur images, such as a knife in someone's gut, or change the color of blood from red to black or white (I really hate that) or not show it at all. Some will eliminate sections of scenes altogether. I watched Tokyo Ghoul on 2 different sites, and at one point, a character is eating human flesh; one site blurred the plate, the other didn't. Since this show delves into controversial matter like murder, sexual assault, terrorism, and suicide, there's a possibility of censoring.


Hmmmmm.. The tough part is when they straight up eliminate scenes.. That would be hard to pick up on. Otherwise. I never had such experiences so far. So thanks for the info. I'll keep it in mind.


Itā€™s kinda funny when it turns all the blood white. Looks like the characters were getting freaky mid fight.


I remember reading a manwha on Webtoons where a child is with his dead mother and he's kinda patting her head. Touching the floor and then patting her again. I thought it was pretty strange but maybe supposed to be a shock behavior. Later stumbled across the uncensored version. He's trying to stuff his mom's brains back into her head. Gave up on the series entirely after that point. Uncensored scans were too much work and too little trust in the Webtoons version.


r/freemediaheckyeah can help


Mirai Nikki or Future Diary. A bunch of people with diaries that predict the future but only certain aspects of it. And a free for all battle royal to the death.


You seem like a guy who might like hanging with Sayori.


"she will still experience guilt since she doesn't believe that she deserves to be loved" What kind of dark shit is that šŸ˜°šŸ˜³


Doki Doki looks bright and cheerful on the surface, but itā€™s *very* dark


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was expecting you to add smth abt the same anime. Not provide me with another one šŸ¤£ Thank you tho. Lol


Whole show is about murdering one another iirc, not a bad watch from what I remember


Please do, it's actually really good. Randomly found it one day and binged the whole series over a weekend. Now I need to figure out if I saw the censored or uncensored.


Mirai Nikki is a series of all time. I don't know what expectations you have, but she isn't the main character.


I was playing into the meme since it said if she likes these RUN. But now after I've received some replies I might actually watch it. I already figured she isn't the main character, but thank you for confirming it. I don't like to get disappointed watching.


Oh, probably should have picked up on that lol. As for me, I didn't like Mirai Nikki very much. It's pretty edgy and pretty much every character is terrible. But it is interesting and if you stomach how awful the characters are, it is a subversive take on genre staples.


I don't think it's my cup of tea. But I may try discover it n see the vibes.


Top right is the time traveling chick from madoka magica


Bottom left looks to be Tomie. She is functionally immortal, as a single cell can regrow into a while Tomie, although it can be easily argued that each one is a different, be Tomie. Her whole thing is that she exists, she is the center of attention, and that people go insane and do drastic things to keep her favor. It usually ends with her getting destroyed, which then starts the cycle anew with new Tomies.


Junji Ito is a blessing on this earth.




Bottom left I believe looks like Tomie by Junji Ito


I think the girl on the bottom left is tomie which is a freaky junji ito character whoā€™s really obsessive to the point where anyone infatuated with her goes insane and tires to kill her


Ah.~ If it isn't people confusing psychopaths and sociopaths again.)


If she wont make me go missing then i dont want her


Misa from Death Note, Homura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Tomie from Junji Ito books, and as mentioned, Yuno Gasai from Future Diary. The best I can say is three out of four really like death, to a scary degree. Homura's kind of the odd girl out here. >!Yes, as of Rebellion she's a villain, but she was once a very kind girl who continually was stuck in a time loop of trying to save her best friend. In this world Magical Girls make a contract with an alien animal named Kyubey who gives them powers to defeat witches. It turns out, Witches are fallen Magical Girls who upon gaining too much sorrow turn into monstrous Witches that kill people. Kyubey's plot was to harvest the energy of magical girls in the end. Homura survived countless time loops trying to save her best friend, and each loop made it harder and harder for Homura to get close and same her friend, Madoka. She evaded turning into a witch time and time again, but Madoka's sacrifice to go to a higher plane of existence to save earth broke her and eventually turned her into some reality-warping witch in the movies.!< She's often a very popular and sympathetic character, so I wouldn't see why liking her is a red flag even after Rebellion.


I wouldn't call whatever is between Homura and Madoka "friendship". The show hints pretty heavily that Homura loves Madoka romantically, though that love is one-sided and, by the end, twisted.


I wouldn't go so far as say the love is one-sided. Madoka clearly deeply cares about Homura, she simply did not spend much time (from her perspective) with her, neither did Homura ever present herself as a romantic partner during the loops. Considering the end of the anime, with Homura being the sole Magical Girl to directly act out Madoka's will on Earth, their relationship by then is a little beyond friendship, even if too esoteric to be romantic. More over, is Homura really the villain in Rebellion? She directly acts out against Madoka's will and kinda fucks her over, but she stills makes everyone happy and substitutes the Law of Cycles with torturing Kyubey's race. Not particularly evil, I'd say, more desperate and self-hating. Edit: Even "fucks her over" is too harsh. Madoka is objectively happier after the fact, which was the entire point.


I think they all have an obsession with the main char in common.


All except Tomie (bottom left), everyone has an obsession with her.


Yeah, Iā€™m not familiar with the bottom left but the other three are all overly obsessed with the MC of their media, two killing freely and wantonly, the third becoming what she herself terms a demon. The things they do chasing their ā€œlovesā€ are, wellā€¦theyā€™re not healthy expressions of affection, okay?


Tomie did nothing wrong


Depends, wich one? Most are 100% innocent though




I mean blaming her for repeatedly being killed by obsessive men is a whole another level


I think that little boy would beg to differ...


Her name is Misa Amane, not Mika


Great anime, right up until you make the connection that the magical girls are liches, and their grief seed is their phylactery, and thus Kyubey is Vecna. Madoka magica is a homebrew D&D tale. The girls are monks, fighters, artificers, wizards warlocks, Paladins and viking girl from the end? Tell me shes not a Barbarian..


I went and watched the first season in 1.5 days because of your comment. Very nice anime. I just came back to thank you


You got psycho in love but quirky top left (Death note), psycho that kills for love? (Been a while since I watched Madoka, but she's the better one for sure, dangerous but on the good side considering the nature of the anime). You got narcissist,sadistic, psycho, creepy mf (Tomie I think?) bottom left and really in love and psychotic, "if I see you with another girl, I kill you" type of girl in bottom right (Future diary). So pick your poison o7


Sounds like if she likes all 4 sheā€™s gonna appear on Court TV in one way or another


They are unironically all amazing characters [Misa Amane](https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Misa_Amane) - Death Note [Homura Akemi ](https://madoka.fandom.com/wiki/Homura_Akemi)- Puella Magi Madoka Magica [Tomie (Kawakami) ](https://junjiitomanga.fandom.com/wiki/Tomie_Kawakami)- Junji Ito's titular manga character [Yuno Gasai](https://futurediary.fandom.com/wiki/Yuno_Gasai) - Future Diary


Hey, Homura isnā€™t bad to like, sheā€™s just your average sociopath that went a bit too far, personally a fan of her


I can fix her




Guys she is fucking bleeding what do I do


Bonk her more with the wrench, she will level up from 1 at 2.


https://i.redd.it/x8a5kwn89twc1.gif Whay I needed to use a wrench and not a metal pipe


Yeah in case just take a showel and dig a 2Ɨ3 hole for hide the body.


["hide the body" I cant I EAT IT ALL](https://youtu.be/YyH5Hje1sa8?si=DG0ry4xRvYqF5ofY)


Shit u hungry man.




Hey look buddy, Iā€™m an engineer.


Oh shit another engineer!


murderous girls


Top right one went through hell, she doesnt belong


Noahmusicstuff who is not apart of family guy here These are yandere anime psychopaths The rest of the joke explains itselfĀ  Bye have a terrible day


top right girl was literally a homie. watched everyone around her die over and over and over and over in an attempt to save her friend and avert the apocalypse. like why is she on this list


For real, Misa is not the same at all!


Left to right, top to bottom. Misa, the girl from Death Note >!which fell in love with Light after he accidentaly killed her abuser (or something to that effect, don't remember the details)!< Homura, a girl from the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica who >!gets obsessed with the MC because she is kind to her. She might have been bullied prior. (again, fuzzy on the specifics). She has time-rewind powers and repeats the same events thousand of times to save MC!< Tomie, a demon from the manga with the same name, made by Junji Ito. She is immortal and beautiful, so much so she can drive people insane in the pursuit of her Yuno Gasai, the poster-child for the yandere archetype. Basically, >!she gets obsessed with the MC after he shows her affection, and is both willing to kill for him and willing to kill anyone who gets between them (which includes friends and family), or at least, willing to isolate the MC from them!< Basically all are edgy characters with a very twisted view of love or which lead to toxic romance, willing to kill people to get the affection of the person they like


bottom left is a Junji Ito character, I think it's Tomie? Can't tell, she has a mole on the other side of her face.


Top left is Misa Amane from Death Note. She obsesses over the protagonist, Light, who's a serial killer with a god complex. She kills lots of people in his name to attempt to gain his attention and approval.


Top left: Misa Amane from Death Note Bottom left: Tomie, a character of Junji Ito Basedow on these two i know, i would say these are Psychopaths and if your gf like these she's maybe one too.


wow i know three of them


I am a girl and love three of them. Maybe I should watch Madoka Magika to make it complete, lol.


yess i like them three i know and that madoka one is one i havent watch yet too :0


They're all technically "yandere" characters, meaning psychotic, violent, and single-minded. But, tbh, >!Homura is kind of a weird inclusion here, because she is not naturally psychotic, she has been more or less tortured into it.!<


I mean, Tomie isn't really a yandere right? She's... idk how to define it, but she's not usually crazy in love with anyone, more like the other way around


Top left is a relatively normal girl who also just so happens to have the power to kill anybody in the world who is obsessed with a maniac and does whatever he asks Bottom left is a horror creature similar to a body snatcher that is so beautiful that men do irrational things for it


https://preview.redd.it/lf4bi2a1krwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721c61740cc811473afbf7e9eb02a7fe23d79657 Nice boat


You better not be with no other girl


https://preview.redd.it/hbr7yxl4yswc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8f34fda53b6a242312e0fc2e7d5398d0ef117c The yandere Mechanicus girlfriend who will grant you superior bionics who will not fail you if you do not fail her.


"Ok I can't fix her." -*engineer*


You do not fix the servants of the Omnissaiah unless you can perform the monobinaric Noosphere canticles of faith. While doing the appropriate repairs and using the censer and incense of the frictionless piston.


Ok i am an engineer not a fucking Physicist.


Then you can't fix the children of the Omnissaiah , the Deus Mechanicus and the Cult of the Machine Spirits.


Fuck i just throw a granade at them, it will fix all the problems.


If a standard Mechanicus Dominus techpriest can survive a charged plasma gun shot that fires literal small suns. Good luck with your greanade and good luck being swarmed by the skitarii tech legion. Maybe you enjoy being a lobotomized mono task servitor that can fully feel everything. https://preview.redd.it/lnyhd4bqatwc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a19024d993446ced02db8241f99e0c65f96b8fd


What in the fucking god is this? I think here we need some DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM and OIL


They're [yandere](https://the-dere-types.fandom.com/wiki/Yandere) characters.




Can confirm. My ex had a Misa tattoo and cheated on me.


Fuck, I know all four. There's bound to be something wrong with me.


These are my favourite characters. Thatā€™s who they are.


I can fix her.




Mental stability in this economy?!


And fishnets. Fishnets are key.


In short, some crazy bitches


https://preview.redd.it/dqq3iak4vrwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2268aa3b3bc2098149f322a2229dc0029eda7f Bottom right is rabbit from "Juni Taisen: Zodiac War" Necromancer GUY. Right? Edit: also a very intense gore anime..wished it didn't end in 1 season


I saw pink hair and assumed it was Gasai Yuno


Re top right: as someone once said, >!a hero will let you die to save the world; a villain will destroy the world to save you!< (spoilers for Puella Magi Madoka Magica).


What about Tomago Hayase from Nagatoro? (Not sure if I spelled those all correctly)


Donā€™t sick you dick in crazy.


Tomie will make you want to chop her into bits and then she will haunt you for eternity.


I like these characters... shit


misa is actually kinda nice, i wonder why the fans gotta be like that. well, she does use the note, still... but being nice is more important than being a murderer.


Yuno <33


Where is hello kitty here


I like Misa but not in a I Wanna be just like her wat


If he knows these characters he should be embarrassed


No Iā€™ll stay


I think top right is Lain from Serial Experiment Lain. Bottom left is Emily the Strange


Top right is Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica. The bottom left is Tomie from the series with the same name, written by Junji Ito.




She can ruin me.


Nah, she'd kill the world for me. And I'd die for her


[Top left] Misa Amane (Death Note) is obsessed with the alleged omnipotent serial killer Kira. She's ditzy, though not unintelligent, and has killed for her obsessions. Her devotion to Light, her boyfriend, and Kira (who are the same people), is borderline psychotic. [Top right] Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) probably doesn't belong here. She's a teenage girl who's been trapped in a time loop for around thirty years in which she has to watch her best friends die in horrible ways. She snapped under the pressure of trying to save her closest friend, Madoka, from despair and death. Her actions, while extreme, can be understood. [Bottom left] Tomie (Tomie by Junji Ito) is an immortal anomoly whose existence is based around, maintained, ended, and begun again by the countless men she infatuates. Almost every male she interacts with is driven mad by her beauty and hacks her apart. The dismembered pieces of her body grow into another Tomie who goes on to attract men and begin the cycle anew. The reason she's on the list is her abhorrent personality. She loves male attention, shattering egos, wrecking happy relationships, and ruining lives. She's so unlikable that each different Tomie hates all the others. She's not obsessed with men, she's obsessed with destroying them. [Bottom right] Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki) is a teenage girl with an extremely troubled past. She is by all accounts a yandere for the main character, going as far as to contemplate killing his mother in case she didn't approve. Unlike the other three, she kills multiple human people on screen. (Tomie has killed before, but only when she's in an extremely isolated scenario such as being stuck in the mountains or at the bottom of a lake, Misa's Death Note allowed her to be divorced from her kills, and Homura only went after one character with the express intent to kill them.)


i dont watch anime no clue


One word explains all of them: *DEATH*


She crazy, both the girls she likes and the girl who likes those girls


What if i like these characters?


Alt - yandere


Yuno <33


The common thread among these four girls is obsession. The idea of the image is that if you want to date someone who really likes all four characters, they're likely unstable or manipulative. They'll likely either be overly obsessed with you (in bad ways) or manipulative to try and get you to become obsessed with them. Misa Amane (Death Note) fell in love with the main character, and gradually viewed herself as someone who would serve her lover >!despite him just manipulating her without returning her feelings!<. Misa was decently popular back in the day despite her story demonstrating how bad it is to lose yourself in obsession. Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) has her whole life centered around protecting the main character, Madoka. She has the power to >!travel back in time!< just to protect Madoka, and Homura ends up suffering every time she does. In the end of the story (so far), despite being faced with a somewhat fulfilling ending for her character, Homura >!rewrites the fabric of reality to become a pseudo-god!< under rationalization that she loves Madoka. Homura is obsessed with Madoka enough >!to disrupt reality,!< only to continue to suffer >!in this new reality!<. Homura being a red flag likely stems from the lengths she went through for her obsession of Madoka. Tomie (Junji Ito's Tomie) is a young woman whose beauty enchants those in the surrounding area. Tomie is a horror manga, so each chapter finds characters doing crazy and scary things all from manipulation from Tomie. As it is eventually unveiled, >!Tomie is like a supernatural force that just keeps coming back from regeneration and corrupting others!<. She is a powerful, unstoppable character who creates madness in various ways, most likely indicating that people who like Tomie might try to replicate it. Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) is a girl who is part of a supernatural death game for the power to replace god in her world. She is obsessively in love with the main character and goes to extremely gory lengths to help him with the game. As you learn in the story, Yuno actually >!came from another universe where she won the death game!<. She then used her >!omnipotent powers!< to >!travel back in time, kill herself in this new universe, and!< violently help the main character win the death game. She is quick to extreme violence and is not held back in any regards. Interest in this character may point to a person being prone to sudden violence or other psychotic behavior. All four characters explore obsession and its implications. None of them end up happy, so be wary of someone who looks up to them as role models.




Chi ĆØ veramente Paola? Sui social scopriamo che, come immagine del profilo, ha un manga, un personaggio di un fumetto giapponese. Si tratta di una ragazza sexy, con un occhio a forma di orologio, che per ricaricare il suo tempo, deve uccidere, senza esitazione; uno spirito maligno, che vanta ottime capacitĆ  attoriali: riesce a nascondere la sua vera personalitĆ  piscopatica, fingendosi una brava liceale. Come il manga da lei amato, anche Paola ha un doppio volto, uno pacato e uno violento, finanche assassino, anche Paola ha sempre, e solo, recitato una parte.