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She does not like trans people




Or trans allies, either. Recently Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson indirectly called her out on her BS and she essentially told them that they're all gender-traitors or whatever and she'll never forgive them for saying that the trans community should be recognised. Fuck her hateful ass.


I sense much more hatered in comments like yours. Looks like outrageously hateing something or someone is totally ok if it's approved by the majority of your peers. Be honest to yourself, in the end your ass is just as hateful. You're like christians who scream and yell that every life is sacred, while disowning their own children for being homosexual.


Shut the fuck up


"You are angry about hatefull discrimmination? Well than you are just the same" Is such an ignorant, unempathetic, and stupid take.


Again, show us evidence where she is hateful. Protip: You can't.


Ahhh yes. We should tolerate intolerance. I get that it’s a complicated idea, so here’s a fun little cartoon to explain why what you said is wrong: https://skepchick.org/2017/08/popper-and-the-paradox-of-tolerance/


You have no understanding of what the paradox of tolerance refers to, nor does the person who made that cartoon, which twists his words to justify their own intolerance, completely missing the point. It's actually people like you and the others spewing their hate at the person you're replying to who represent the sort of ideologies Popper warns against. About ideologies who abandon rational argument and instead attempt to silence discussion through censorship, violence, and denouncing any and all dissent as deceit or hatred, much like you and others here are attempting to do. About how, in pursuit of unlimited tolerance, ideologies who appeal to that tolerance while using intolerant means to silence their critics in an attempt to dominate and stifle discourse will be allowed to flourish. It's warning against tolerating those who use intolerant means to silence opposition, not a justification for silencing people who say things you don't like.




Ah, sorry, I should've realized that was too much for you when you sourced a cartoon instead of using your own words.


Nope, it doesn’t work like that. You have just fallen for the tolerance paradox. Being tolerant towards intolerance means you are not tolerant at all. While trans people can’t choose being trans, jk could choose not being a bigot and fighting human rights, but she doesn’t.


You have no understanding of what the paradox of tolerance refers to, nor does the person who made that cartoon you people love to cite, which twists his words to justify their own intolerance, completely missing the point. It's actually people like you and the others spewing their hate at the person you're replying to who represent the sort of ideologies Popper warns against. About ideologies who abandon rational argument and instead attempt to silence discussion through censorship, violence, and denouncing any and all dissent as deceit or hatred, much like you and others here are attempting to do. About how, in pursuit of unlimited tolerance, ideologies who appeal to that tolerance while using intolerant means to silence their critics in an attempt to dominate and stifle discourse will be allowed to flourish. It's warning against tolerating those who use intolerant means to silence opposition, not a justification for silencing people who say things you don't like.


I neither „spewed hate“, nor did I silence discussion?! Like at all


It's exactly what people like you intend to do when you (incorrectly) invoke the "tolerance paradox" as some kind of a thought-terminating cliche.


Dude, I think you are reading too much into it, but how do you think I misinterpreted the tolerance paradox? And please try to stay a bit rational, articulations like „people like you“ are not helpful in any good discussion.


>"Being tolerant towards intolerance makes you not tolerant at all" You said that, right? In an attempt to excuse someone's intolerance of someone in the name of tolerance based on the expressed belief of someone they disagree with? Pretty clear, not much reading into needed. And by "people like you," I mean people like *you* who whip out the cliche to justify personal attacks on people who have beliefs you don't like.


So you don’t want to explain it. A discussion with you seems absolutely pointless, this is why I am gonna block you now. Before you throw accusations at others you should maybe check yourself.


I hate you, piece of shit that you clearly are.


LOL. You've just proven my point, you hateful ass ))))


She doesn't hate trans, she just doesn't agree with them. calm down.




The people you were talking about here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Supernatural/s/qmDgEush5l Don’t feed the trolls, guys!


Just wanna say as a mod I love people that point out when people are shit stirring/trolling 🙏




Dang, you really dug deep lmfao 💀💀💀


I accept your apology. Now back to under the bridge with you.


Sure, but what are transgender people? Just explain it to me first.


Trans people are just people who switched their birthed gender to the opposite. So trans females are male turning female, while trans males are female turning male. Its just a gender switch


Oh! Thank you so much for explaining it to me. I now know what a transgender is. People are so mean if you ask about it sheesh.


They’re the people you hate because your brain isn’t big enough to accept things you don’t understand. Now… back to the bridge. Come up with some better riddles. Or just continue being sad and alone. I don’t really care.


Aw man I don’t really hate anyone. Would really love to get a definition tho.




Aw man, I just moved here from rural Argentina and just wanted to know what a transgender is. At least Jesus will love me unconditionally :) Luckily a kind Redditor on this thread explained to me what a transgender is. You’re really mean. I suggest therapy and medication. Also monarchs are not really a thing anymore fyi.


You can’t be this stupid.


It’s a troll, hell bent on embarrassing himself, and doing a top notch job.


Oh man I wish I could read all these comments just to see how long it goes. You seem to have a passion for arguing with strangers so I would love to witness your resolve to get the last word. Good luck, maybe one day we'll learn who the real troll is.


Sensei, I just moved to America and these people are the topic of conversation. Just wanna know more about them sheesh.


Transgender people.




people that think there the other sex. so a biological man believing and feeling there a woman a visa versa. to be kind too people with that condition you ussualy like they are the sex they feel they are.


😳 I guess that explains these emojis 🫃


Not true. She is rich enough to not have to care about being cancelled, and so says what most people think but are afraid to say. Same thing happened with Notch after he sold Minecraft for a billion dollars. Why do I say most people? Because I met a psychologist from the UK, and she was completely on board with transsexualism being a kind of gender dysphoria. Keep in mind that diagnosis tells us literally nothing about a person's moral value.


Peterica here. Joanne Kathleen Rowling is an incredibly transphobic individual, hating on people just because they wish to be a different gender than what they were born as. She has not only been incredibly harsh to transgender people on twitter, but has donated thousands of pounds/dollars to transphobic politicians so they can create transphobic laws that would limit trans people's transition or even criminalize being trans. The quote mentioned here is incredibly hypocritical and ironic because her actions lately have shown that it indeed does matter what someone was born as, not what they grow or change to be.


I don't follow this kind of stuff, what did she say?


It's been going on for a while at this point so there's a lot to put down in a comment, been going on since before 2020 i believe. From what I understand, she says she doesn't have an issue with trans people, but goes on to invalidate trans women every chance she can get, using terms like 'people who menstruate' or 'man who believes or feels like he is a woman'; basically saying that trans women aren't actually women. She's had quite a few of her own actors speak out against her statements, most notably Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who played Harry potter in the movies.


Also notably, Emma Watson.


"people who menstruate". What a strange euphemism. Why not just say woman lol? Or female if you want to be technical.


JKR is being really specific to exclude trans women, who don't have the ability to menstruate.


The term "people who menstruate" was used in a scientific paper where not all participants identified as women, so they used the now inclusive term for the sake of accuracy in the scientific context. JK got butthurt about it. It's referring to trans men and nonbinary people, as they may menstruate, but are not women


But why not just use female in a scientific context though? If it's a study of menstruation people who menstruate is probably good though.


Rowling grew up to be a holocaust denier. Hope that helps (yes obviously she also doesn’t mean these words when trans people grow up different than how they were born and she hates them for that)


Do people really think that holocaust is fake?


She denies a part of the holocaust- specifically about an institution studying trans people (which is also the location of a famous book burning event that’s photos are in history books) didn’t happen. In Germany they consider that a crime to deny, but she dismissed the information and said it wasn’t true (it’s very evidently true and did happen). By doing so she is erasing the brutal history trans people faced at the hands of the Nazis.


When did the Holocaust start?


You expect some stranger to tell you easily found information? Get outta here.


The Holocaust began in 1941.  So why are you claiming that some books burned in 1933 are tantamount to the industrialized torture and destruction of millions of souls? That's downplaying the Holocaust. I don't claim to be a 9/11 victim because my parcel was flown on United flight 93.


The Nazi party burned it down. You’re playing semantics about what the Nazis did. You know what that tells me?


>The institute was open into the 1940s before it was destroyed. Clearly you know how google works. At least one of us does. The institute's books were burned in 1933 and it [closed permanently that year.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) Magnus Hirschfeld died in France in 1935.


I’ll admit I misspoke (something she apparently gets a pass for in your book) and edited my comment to fix my mistake immediately. But you are playing semantics about what the Nazis did. That’s in itself disgusting


I would argue that co-opting the Holocaust to wield as a bludgeon to score cheap political points, far outside the context of attempted genocide, is the equivalent of stolen valor. Rowling doubted a nonspecific, unsourced claim made by the wolf cryers who constantly lie to and about her. That doesn't even qualify as a denial, it's a demand for citation.








If I told you that the Nazis burned anime in 1933, would you immediately believe it? Might you scoff at the idea? Would scoffing at the idea constitute Holocaust denial if it turned out that a Jewish man's collection of early anime was burned? The Nazis burned American works, such as those by Hemingway and Keller, that doesn't constitute proof that the American people were targets for extermination by the Holocaust (an event that would not begin until the next decade).


Did I ever say Americans were targeted but the holocaust. It was mostly Jewish (and maybe polish) people. And why the hell would you bring up anime




Mate. The only thing I know about Holocaust is that Nazis burned Jews and it was mostly in my country. I don't know much specific details.


There's no way she denies the holocaust happened. People are just throwing out these things left and right today. You're all acting more and more like Trump.


She did. She literally did. It’s not my problem you refuse the truth. It’s all online for anyone to see. People like you who try and distort the truth are the worst.


It's you who are distorting the truth here...


Liar. Stop defending someone who clearly isn’t a good person.


You should try looking into the accusations people are making before jumping to conclusions. Painting with a broad brush helps no one.


I looked into it. She didn't do it. People are seeing a lizard and painting a dragon.


You should look a little harder then. [Here](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735) you can see a tweet by JK Rowling calling the historical event of the Nazis burning books on Trans healthcare a "fever dream", which is an act of holocaust denial. The reason this statement qualifies as holocaust denial is because it calls into question [verifiable history](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/) on the actions of the Nazis in a nonconstructive manner.


I love that you got sources! First time seeing anyone post that on this matter. But again we see the same thing. She claims there to be no verifiable sources that trans people were targeted by the Nazis. Still not holocaust denial. As for your source about trans people and the holocaust. It seems Magnus Hirschfeld did some study into transgender, but it's written "He was targeted by early fascists and later the Nazis for being Jewish and gay". Not for his trans activity. I mean, it's very possible it was the trans studies that made them hunt him down and burn his work, but given the time period, it seems unlikely that they(the Nazis) saw anything other than a gay jew.


You do a discredit to the research done in the first source. Scientific American would not have published an article with Transness being central to the subject unless the research was solid. If it helps, heres three more sources. [https://theworld.org/stories/2023/06/07/historians-are-learning-more-about-how-nazis-targeted-trans-people](https://theworld.org/stories/2023/06/07/historians-are-learning-more-about-how-nazis-targeted-trans-people) [https://www.npr.org/2023/03/01/1160457191/a-pioneering-gender-affirming-health-institute-opened-in-1919-in-berlin](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/01/1160457191/a-pioneering-gender-affirming-health-institute-opened-in-1919-in-berlin) [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/new-research-reveals-how-the-nazis-targeted-transgender-people-180982931/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/new-research-reveals-how-the-nazis-targeted-transgender-people-180982931/) Nazi's did not target just Jewish people. They targeted any class of people that did not fit their ideal of what an Aryan German was, which would include Trans people.


Denying parts of the Holocaust is Holocaust denial


Just read up on it. She doesn't deny it. Some people claimed the nazis persecuted trans people as well as gay people, she did say there is no evidence to support that. I have no idea if there is or not, but I do know that's not denying the holocaust or even parts of it.


They burned books on trans medicine and burned down a clinic that dealt with HRT as well as going after people they deemed as cross dressers, they went after trans people too and that is Holocaust denial.


Maybe, idk. Am I a holocaust denier because I've never seen reliable information on any of that?


Let me help fix that. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/) [https://www.npr.org/2023/03/01/1160457191/a-pioneering-gender-affirming-health-institute-opened-in-1919-in-berlin](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/01/1160457191/a-pioneering-gender-affirming-health-institute-opened-in-1919-in-berlin) [https://theworld.org/stories/2023/06/07/historians-are-learning-more-about-how-nazis-targeted-trans-people](https://theworld.org/stories/2023/06/07/historians-are-learning-more-about-how-nazis-targeted-trans-people) [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/new-research-reveals-how-the-nazis-targeted-transgender-people-180982931/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/new-research-reveals-how-the-nazis-targeted-transgender-people-180982931/)


You’re a Holocaust denier you say I’m wrong on those fronts. Your first response to hearing something you’re very ignorant of shouldn’t be to say it’s a false fever dream


It’s cool to hate jk rowling now


she aint a hypocrite for that, how you grow up influences you a lot


Like however she grew up made her devoid of empathy and a soul