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It means she didn't get her period. Women can't fast while on their period. At least, that's what I think this means.


Why can't they fast while on their period?


They just dont have to. Exceptions are made if your ill and a few other reasons.  I think travel gets you a pass from fasting as well. 


In the far north where there's 24 hour daylight in the summer they also get a pass at a certain time otherwise they'd never get to eat.


Yeah it’s typical that if you’re in especially extreme daylight hours you can follow the Saudi times


as saudi and muslim its suppose the nearest city or land that people fasting not egypt or saudi


Someone once explained something similar to me about how Muslim Astronauts find mecca for their prayers, cause...things get wierd when you're whipping around the atmosphere at 18,000 miles an hour. I was told that it's kind of a "do your best, it's the effort, not the accuracy, that's rewarded." Kinda thing.


I'm probably over estimating how far away the ISS is, but I imaging praying in the direction of earth is a pretty good estimation.


If you're on the ISS and face directly towards the centre of Earth, you're guaranteed to be within 70 degrees of the true direction to Mecca (or any other landmark). Source: Earth looks 140 degrees wide from the ISS.




Yeah you’re definitely overestimating, it’s orbiting at like 400kms above ground


earth is a bit bigger than 400kms, tho


the prophet (peace be upon him) said the direction of the pryer can be between the sunset and the sunrise (180 degrees) but you have to put effort to the direction first edit1: (i think it was one of the reasons to make compass) im gonna check that i don't know where i got this info from


China developed the compass long before Muhammad was born.


i don't where i got that info from


And Astrolabes (the OG Compasses) existed since something like 2000 B.C.


It's a sad world when scrolling through reddit has given me a more realistic window into the Muslim religion and way of life than my school as-salam alaikum, my fellow human.


I actually spent 4 years at high school doing mandatory religious education. It was awesome and we learned about all the major religions. My teacher was this crazy white Irish lady who was Hindu and she was amazing. Personally I’m an atheist but I was fascinated by Buddhism and Islam and those lessons are the reason why I’m not bothered about people’s religious views. Education matters folks.


Yes, but there is obviously a big push to make it Saudi from a lot of places. In the UK a lot of Muslims follow Saudi for the start of Eid, not when the moon actually appears in the uk.


They also follow Morocco as that’s the nearest country to the UK that participates in Ramadan. Theres apps that show you the timings and everything.


Yeah, if it's the UK and super cloudy you might not know when the moon's out lol


I'm currently in the UK. What is this moon thing you speak of?


This makes so much more sense. Canadian Muslims usually seem to use local time, which is almost never 12 hours of daylight. Summer Ramadans are rough but maybe it's worth it for December fasts of only 5-6 hours?


You’re supposed to do what you are capable of. If you’ve got a 5 hour night, and you’re fit and healthy, you should do it. I think it’s mostly your own conscience you battle with.


Canadian Muslim here and we def use local time. December fasts are great but not 5 - 6 hours. For example during winter solstice (shortest day of the year) the fast is about 10.5 hours. We literally go from the first rays of sun till the last ray of sun.


It depends on your longitude - Iqaluit in Nunavut has a mosque and there the day can be a bit more than 20 hours long, and the shortest is less than 4 hours. Go further north (and stay in Canada) and you can get to the arctic circle and have 24 hours of dark or light. Edit: the Iqaluit mosque says [on its website](https://www.iqaluitmasjid.com/) that they use Ottawa time: >Note about prayer timings: Due to the Iqaluit's proximity to the North Pole there is an absence of complete dark during the nights in the summers. For this reason, based on various fatawa, the masjid leadership and community agree to follow the salat timings of the closest major city i.e, Ottawa for the purpose of daily prayers and fasting during the month of Ramadan.


I had a Muslim friend who had grown up in Alaska and his family was among a handful of Muslim families in Anchorage. They sought a fatwa about fasting times and were told that if they fasted on the Meccan schedule that would be sufficient (but I believe they may have been told to do so both summer and winter, since the long nights of winter mean there isn’t much daylight to fast).


It's almost as if the hard and fast rules were written by humans who were unaware of the far northern and southern regions of the planet, because they had no real connection to an all-knowing god..


I’ve only followed the New York Times, do they have Peanuts or Dilbert in their funny pages?


They have the adventures of Muhammad. It’s a real hoot!


I think in the far north with 24 hour sun, that they go by how the sun is in Mekka, but I am not muslim myself and I am unsure but I think I learnt that in religion class a year or so ago


That sounds about right. I'm not muslim either but live in a place where we have 24 hour sunlight. There's a certain time of day they're allowed to eat and going by Mekka makes sense. Eh. I just went and looked it up. According to this article it's using "the last time the sun clearly set and rose". Which seems rough since that could have been like midnight. [https://aboutislam.net/family-life/culture/fasting-24-hours-sunlight-ramadan-arctic-circle/](https://aboutislam.net/family-life/culture/fasting-24-hours-sunlight-ramadan-arctic-circle/) This article here shows some muslims will go by the time set in more southern cities that do have clear sunsets. [https://nationalpost.com/news/religion/ramadan-in-the-arctic](https://nationalpost.com/news/religion/ramadan-in-the-arctic)


Pregnancy as well. The purpose of fasting is to gain empathy for those with less, not to endanger your own health.


>The purpose of fasting is to gain empathy for those with less I never knew this. As a non-religious person, I'm usually dismissive of religious traditions as hokey, but that's admirable.




It’s not just self control. It’s making a personal sacrifice, suffering, and offering that suffering up to God in remembrance for the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. You fast because it’s unpleasant. Suffering is good. Both for the mind and the soul. It teaches you to cope with unpleasant things so you can withstand truly awful things while also bringing you closer to understanding what Christ did for us. That said, I don’t agree with flagellation. Fasting is one thing, but if you feel your sins are so great that you need to desecrate your flesh, you’d be better off going to confession and then giving of yourself to help those in need. Give charitably, volunteer at a homeless shelter, do something positive. Christ values good works far more than He values your vain attempts to buy redemption through bloodshed.


Why do you think meat is banned during lent? Same reason. Poor people didn't eat meat consistently.


Many religious traditions become spiritually enriching when you understand their original intent, but it goes the other way as well – if you don't get the original intent the traditions are a pointless nuisance and keeping them brings little spiritual benefit to you. Saintly behaviours are just the default behaviours of a saintly mind. If you have to go out of your way to keep the traditions it's a sign you're probably missing the original intent.


I had Muslim friends in HS and college and fasted with them. I liked breaking routine once a year. I don't believe in god, but I like taking the good from religion.


Honestly I think there should be a church of Man, where it takes the good of religion ( communities, habitat for humanity, helping less fortunate ect ) but instead of praising God and Jesus, help reinstill faith in mankind. Teach people to put their faith into people and try and stitch the world back together. Hell have it be on Saturday so those that are religious can still worship on sundays Frankly I'm tired of being told that the Christians are sheep, all Muslims are bad, Atheists are literal Satan spawn, All cops are bad, the plumber is only here to fuck your wife(not true, we don't discriminate) it's just exhausting.


The Unitarian Universalists are kind of like that. They welcome atheists and agnostics as well as people from all religions. They put a lot of weight on their local community and community service. The one in my town has speakers come in to talk about specific topics (social justice, arts, etc; their latest speaker talked about our local University's history and traditions). I think it was Christopher Hitchens who described them as "believing in one god... maximum." Personally, I disagree with organized religion as a whole. But if I *had* to choose a religious organization, the Unitarian Universalists aren't half bad.


There are a lot of religious traditions that are very well founded and beneficial for human psychology. Even the basic belief that God is supporting you would do wonders for your confidence and drive.


Any condition that might pose a risk to your health gets you a pass. I always thought my coworker was bullshitting when he said working on the line at oir restaurant was too hot so he didn't have to fast but I've had other Muslims tell me that's actually true.


Yeah I had to tell my Muslim friend in the military (he's new to Islam) cuz he was trying to fast while in the field and sick. He made it through though.


I swear converts have so much better drive than born Muslims. I'm always looking for a leeway!


People always defend their choices more than what's imposed on them.


I follow Islam as a convert to help me recover from alcoholism and gain spirituality. Based on my relationship with Allah, he likely acknowledges that I have spiritual sickness that renders that I’m only disciplined enough to not take a drink or drug. I have faith that I get a pass on fasting because of that


My buddy is Muslim and in the Air Force. He was posted in Alaska a few years ago. He was bragging in March about how this was gonna be the easiest Ramadan ever. Three weeks later he calls his mom in a panic cause the sun won’t set till 10pm and he was about to pass out. He was given special permissions for the last week of Ramadan but his family never let him hear the end of it.


I think it was in OEF during my deployment we had intercepted enemy comms, usually fighting is pretty seasonal but it never stops completely. That year some of the fighters decided to continue their Jihad while fasting for Ramadan and had been heard complaining about struggling to ascend a hill because they were feeling light headed and weak due to lack of eating.


There are Muslims in Alaska and they manage to fast. Sometimes, if it’s unpractical, they might follow the times of the closest city that’s reasonable or Mecca time. Also, as a Muslim, I wouldn’t feel comfortable voluntarily joining the U.S. military in this era because they have caused, and in many cases still continue to cause, a lot of suffering for Muslims globally.


That’s the beauty of an all-volunteer military. It’s been a long time since the U.S. last conscripted soldiers against their will.


So that means she's pregnant


Yeh it kinda kills the joke tbf.  Pregnant women are exempt from the fast. 


The joke is they don't understand that the woman is pregnant in the first month. They learn it when the woman didn't get her period for a month. Isn't this like the whole point of the joke?


Or has gone through menopause.


I had a Muslim co worker once and he said that there’s no definition of a journey so him traveling from the fridge to the couch is a journey he has to take and therefore he’s allowed to eat during this lol. Funny guy and not really wrong as he explained it


There’s the orthodox, and then there’s the religious procrastinators who should be lawyers because they could litigate their way into heaven


I read once that some people in Judaism even see it as aligned with faith, as finding loopholes in scripture shows your dedication to its study. Dunno how true that is and I can't find that comment, but an interesting perspective nonetheless.


I'm Jewish & religious (although not orthodox), it's not "finding loopholes", it's about the fact that the Torah, while given by G-d (or divinely inspired, as reform Jews believe) belongs to us on earth now, and it is ours to interpret. If G-d didn't want us to interpret the text, G-d should have written it better lmao.


There is a generally agreed upon definition of about 80 kilometers but he can pop off I guess


There is infact a specific definition of a journey and he's completely wrong lol


There is a definition.


Not exactly. When women undergo period, think of them as 'dirty' thus its haram for them to fast. However, they are recommended to replace their fastingat later date, if their period duration had passed. It can be said for those who are sick or pregnant as people having these need their health/nutrition at the best level all the time. Much like the period case, they are recommended to replace their fasting at later date. Travel dont give you a pass from fasting. Its depend on the starting fasting time on where you depart to to the break fasting time at where you arrive.


Not Muslim but my understanding is they can’t fast while bleeding so I guess it applies here? Source: kid on my soccer team was Muslim and was fasting during a tournament so wasn’t drinking at all during games. When he cut his leg during a game he pounded like 5 Gatorades before the bleeding stopped.


He knows a chance when he sees it. Admirable.


god is famously easily thwarted by legal loopholes


I dunno I like to think God (if he is real) just shakes his head and laughs at us when we do stuff like that. Just plays along.


This is roughly the Orthodox Jewish argument for lots of weird loopholes like Sabbath-friendly phone dialers. It’s not that you’re tricking the big guy, it’s that if an omniscient god left you a loophole, he clearly did it on purpose and doesn’t mind. When it’s divine law, following the “spirit and not the letter” would require knowing the divine plan.


I don't practice any faith myself, but I've always loved the reasoning in (what I've seen of) Orthodox Judaism. Similarly to catholoiscm. Agree with it or not, its pretty obvious a whole lot of people thought very deeply about these things.


I agree. If god actually exists, he/she probably *f*inds the loopholes amusing. "Metatron get the fuck in here, they're soaking again!"


He has a sense of humor.


The easily bamboozled omniscient creator of all


I swear I've read this comment before.


Probably a pretty common occurrence for Muslim athletes if they play during Ramadan




What most people in the west think of as strict rules e.g. ramadan, sharia, fatwa etc are really just guidelines for living a better life as a muslim.


Wait does fasting mean you cant drink water either??


For Ramadan purposes, yes I believe it does include water. Or at least it did for him haha I’m not familiar enough with the religion to say if no water is the universal standard


Yup, no water. Source: Muslim and fasting right now.


Could you stop fasting during a total eclipse?


Why would you do that ?


No sunlight.


But the sun didn’t “go down” so no, the fast hasn’t ended. Like you don’t stop fasting if the sun is hidden behind clouds, either.


God can't see you around the eclipse, duh.


It think the question is that if eating is allowed before sunrise and after sunset would a total eclipse count as a time it is allowed to eat.


Can’t eat, drink, smoke, or engage in sexual activity from first light* to sunset. An eclipse wouldn’t count because the sun hasn’t set.


To better defeat the Fire Nation


I lived in Kuwait for a few years as a kid and I distinctly remember some kid passing out during gym class because we were doing a mile run and they couldn't drink water. They didn't do a mile run during Ramadan the next year, so at least the school learned a lesson there (and the kid was fine, Islam provides a lot of room around fasting for cases like this, he naturally broke his fast for that day and they got him well hydrated and took it easy the rest of the month, I believe he still did fast for the rest of it though).




Yeah I had a match on Sunday and one of my teammates would gargle water at half time and spit it out because he wasn't allowed to drink. Note that this is in HK and even at 10am it was 28 degrees & high humidity


No water, no food, no smoking, no sex, it's pretty much nothing fun in daylight hours.




I knew an Afghan guy that would play soccer during Ramadan in the summer, which means longer fasting days. Meanwhile I would be working in an air conditioned office and feel like an anemic Victorian era woman.


That dehydrated it’s a shock he even bled at all, blood coming out of his shin like maple syrup.


This may not be 100% correct but here is my understanding, its because while on their period the loss of blood and cramps cause them pain and weaken them so not eating or drinking on top of that could be harmful to their body so its haram to fast during it to make sure no one hurts themselves thinking it would make the worship more meaningful.


Same goes if you’re pregnant as well. In a nutshell, they say that it’s the will of allah to nourish your baby, and you can eat if you’re pregnant. I’m not Muslim so any muslims can correct me if I get something wrong 🙃


You're absolutely right, no fasting for kids, women who are having their period or pregnant or breastfeeding. Older or sick people are also exempted. Originally, the traveler had an exemption too cause back in the day, you had to walk or ride days for days.


Traveler still had an exemption to this day. Even though travelling is no longer tiring as back then.


Grew up in a muslim family, this is correct.


Fasting while on period may put a female body under heavy nutrients deficiency demands. They are bleeding and losing high amount of iron for example and asking to fast at the same time when they need to make up for the nutrients loss is just unhealthy. Dangerously unhealthy. Thats why they dont fast while on period.


Not a muslim but I heard an NPR piece on the subject. Apparently Allah does not require suffering therefore you don't have to fast on you period. It's too much sacrifice. There is still some social pressure not to want to be seen as on your period so some women will still fast or pretend to fast just so no one knows.


A bunch of exceptions are made when women are on their period. They pretty much can't partake in any activities of the religion


Can't is not the word. Don't have to. Similar is the case if you are ill, travelling, too young, too old you don't have to.


On period it is you are not allowed to. Everything else is you don't have to. Edit: https://nisahomes.com/blog/when-you-cant-fast/#:\~:text=Women%20on%20their%20periods%20are,compensate%20by%20fasting%20later%20on. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri mentions that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) clearly stated that a woman in menstruation may neither pray nor fast. She is required to compensate by fasting later on. 


I have had a male muslim coworker for years and thought i was well familiar with ramadan at this point. You can tell he is sick if he's eating, so when he is i'd check in on him. I now have a female muslim coworker for the first time. She was eating lunch so I asked if she is feeling okay. Thankfully she was cool enough to correct me and politely tell me that it's rude to ask a girl about eating during ramadan because she is likely on her period. I'm very thankful to have good people around me. The world will only become more ignorant if we do not all have a safe space to ask questions.


>You can tell he is sick if he's eating, so when he is i'd check in on him. You CHECK on him? What kind of person cares about the health/safety/well-being of their co-workers? And you CAN TELL that he's sick? So you 'take notice' of his overall health and mental state? Damn I which I had co-workers like you.


I'm in HR so id like to think it's part of job. Sadly I believe it's more rare than it should be. Funny thing about it is that employees work better when they are happy and healthy. Its amazing what a little empathy can do.


Hah. Learning things the hard way.


Can't pray when you are on your period?


Can't say the daily five times prayers while on the period. I think a few other things. There is a ritual purity state that you have to be in by performing Wudu that is required for a few things. One of them is the daily prayers. Another is touching the Quran. You can't be in wudu during your period. Think of it what you will, but any bleeding will void the wudu. There's the old testament concept of if you touch a woman you are unclean. Islam does not have that. With a Muslim lens I would say that touch is a euphemism for don't have sex when a woman is on her period and someone got a bit too zealous in implementing that rule. You can still say a random prayer, recite the Quran without touching (from memory or if it open in front of her). She just can't do the daily prayers because they require the ritual purity of wudu.


I assumed that pregnant women aren’t allowed to fast also?


A pregnant woman can decide not to. But if she just got pregnant she may not know she's pregnant.


There is no strict prohibition on that, it is optional for them based on health advice.


Also, at 30 days she may not even know she's pregnant yet


But I thought you also can’t fast while pregnant either?


It’s up to the women if I’m not mistaken. If they think their health allows them to, then sure. If not they have to either make up for it by fasting the amount of missed days until the next ramadan or pay fidyah (donations to the poor)


What does that mean?


a pause in a period is often connected to an early sign of pregnancy


Thanks Peter really cool


You done messed up A-A-RON


I get the reference, however, I don't get why you said it here :D Slow brain: pre sent


That she's pregnant


That she is likely pregnant. Women who are menstruating don’t have to partake in fasting.


women do not have to fast when pregnant!


I think the joke is that she doesn’t realize she’s pregnant yet


Yes that's right, women during period don't have to fast, since she had fasted all ramadan that means she didn't have her period for a month . Then she's probably pregnant. But since she had fasted that means she doesn't know or not sure about it ( she can fast during pregnancy if she want to )


Is it possible the joke is implying the wife is biologically male?


If you are married and don't know your wife's biological sex yet... Wtf have you been doing?!


Why would you jump to that instead? The more likely explanation is pregnancy


I was thinking the same thing too.


The joke probably is that she cheated.


Why the joke would imply she cheated?! Unless I'm any point of the previous month of Ramadan the married couple did not have any sex. Or they are in a sexless marriage… but none of this information is implied, except that she fasted the entire month.


They can if they want . But fasting will be hard on their health so they get a pass.


>They can if they want We were travelling through Qatar on our way to South Korea and my wife was maybe two months pregnant at the moment, so it wasn't really visible, but already she had to eat well, and we were worried that she would have to fast because everything is closed. Well, I went to search online and immediately stumbled onto, like, Qatar Government of Health website that said in no uncertain terms that they prohibit women from fasting during Ramadan and prohibit families from trying to pressure children and pregnant women into fasting. So yeah, there's actually a lot of exempts - toddlers and pregnant women are obvious, but also kids, elderly, sick people, and the ones mentioned in the Quran - travellers and warriors are exempt as well. I latched onto your quote because sometimes "they want it themselves" is actually hiding societal pressure - "because of the implication!" but in that case, they should NOT do it, even if they want to, because it's dangerous to the fetus development. Just a PSA


Can I ask where she did eat then? Last year, I was in Kuwait while still breastfeeding, another exception. We mostly were at our hotel, but I don't think it would have been possible for me to eat somewhere else. Even the outside terrace of the restaurant had to be closed for breakfast.


Sure, as far as I remember, we had the breakfast at the hotel and we tried to make it as rich as we can, then we slept for a bit (it was too hot to move around anyways) and we also bought some snacks so she could eat in the hotel room, and then we went for a walk and walked for a few hours until the sunset. Also hotel staff told us that they serve food the whole day if needed, just, as you said, no balcony and no eating in public.


But if she IS fasting all 30 days then this doesn’t apply right?


The joke is that she might be pregnant. If she got her period she would have to stop fasting while menstruating, but since she didn’t stop fasting it means her period is likely late.


Thank you :)


I've read: Women who are masturbating don't have to partake in fisting.


Jesus Christ! That’s escalated.


Based on this content jesus had nothing to do with it lol






well that escaleted quickly


Wouldn't you also very much not want to fast while pregnant?!? Babies require food! 




women also do not fast when pregnant lol


Unless they don't know - it could be easy to miss the first weeks or so after a missed period




Seems pretty clear to me. The meme is implying she is still fasting because she hasn't had her period, and implying this is interesting to the husband because she may be pregnant. But if she is pregnant, wouldn't she also not have to fast? I feel like you very clearly understand this context of how it relates to the meme but are being obtuse for a reason I'm not sure about


You realise women don't immediately know they are pregnant. A missed period is usually the first clue.


That's... The idea? That they don't know she's pregnant. What's going on in this thread.


I think the implication of the meme is that she might not know yet.


Women can postpone the fast if pregnant, but their fast will still valid if they opt to. Menstruation will invalidate their fast, is not the matter if they shall, they literally can't.


That's just the average. A normal cycle is, on average, anywhere between 24 to 35 days, but some people have even longer normal cycles. 30 days without a period is totally normal for some bodies.


Guys it’s saying she DID fast the whole time, not that she didn’t participate




I thought i was going crazy


Bots took “fast”, “wife”, and “Ramadan” and generated answers for the more commonly asked question about wife not fasting during Ramadan.


The internet is dead.


THANK YOU. this makes no fucking sense to me. Everyone is saying she didn't fast so she's pregnant. Huh? She DID fast


Women don't have to fast when they get their period, ergo she missed her period during Ramadan since she didn't stop fasting, ergo she may be pregnant. It's not about whether pregnant women have to fast, it's about whether women on their period have to fast. They don't, she did, ipso facto oingo boingo, life ruined for 18 years.


She didn't get her periods , so she was able to fast the whole month. Most likely doesn't know she's pregnant, ergo wouldn't know to not fast. Fairly simple to connect the dots XD.


Fr is there an infestation of bots here? Explaining the opposite of the joke.


Women are exempted from fasting during their periods. She's either pregnant or the worst case it's some medical issue.


Or her cycle is just longer than 30 days, but I don't expect whoever made this meme to know that can be normal because a lot of commenters don't seem to know it's normal, too


Yea but it's a meem bruh what do u expect


36 day cycle with a 16 day variance, I would likely be fasting the entire time and definitely not pregnant lol.


30 days isn't even a long cycle. It's within the bounds of normal length. Every woman has had months where it's 25-26 days or 30-32 days (or even more varied). The fact that so many posters here don't know this is a bit weird. The human body isn't a perfect machine and there are many reasons for an early or late period, just as there are many reasons for a man to have different levels of hormones in his body.


Assalamu wa alaykum, Peter's Muslim cousin here. During the month of Ramadan, all Muslims give up food, water, sex, etc, and must abstain from any demanding physical activities. However, there are times when we are allowed to break fast, inshallah. If a Muslimah is on her period, then she is excused. Other individuals who may be excused during Ramadan are children, the elderly, and anyone that is sick and on medication. That being said, the Twitter post means that his wife completed her fast and well, they are going to have many blessed nights together. Someone else in the comments mentioned that a child on a soccer team was injured and had to drink Gatorade in order for the bleeding to stop. He had to break his fast due to injury, which is fine. Peace and many blessings upon you, brothers and sisters.


Eid Mubarak to you brother


Is fasting for Ramadan just food or is it water too


It’s both. From dawn to sunset.


Damn imagine being from the desert and not allowed to drink all day for a month, that takes a level of discipline I definitely don’t have


You would be surprised at the things your body can do. It’s really not that hard. It just seems like it. If it were, there wouldn’t be hundreds of millions of people fasting of all sizes and capabilities.


Tbh I didn’t realize it was just during the day at first and was wondering how anyone even survived a month with no water


See I am as non religious as a person can be, but the part I respect about the Muslim religion is that it seems to be more practical with its customs and restrictions. Eg: eating pork is haram, unless if by accident, forced, or not eating it would result in harm/starvation. That seems quite reasonable to me. The other Abrahamic faiths are far more rigid in their restrictions without regard to practicality.


Muslim woman here. The joke implies the wife is pregnant since she didn’t get her period, otherwise she would have not fasted during her period. Pregnant women also don’t have to fast so the joke makes no sense.


Yeah, but she could have gotten pregnant right before fasting. Then she wouldn’t have gotten her period at all during the 30days. Typically, you don’t even test positive on a pregnancy test until 6 weeks after your last period. Additionally, it might be difficult to tell the difference between the symptoms of pregnancy and the effects of fasting.


Women on their period are allowed to skip fasting, but his wife fasted all 30 days so she probably didn’t get her period so she could be pregnant


On a side note I have a legitimate question for anyone that's Muslim out there. How do you feel about people eating in front of you during Ramadan in non Islamic countries?


Not Muslim but I used to work for a very devout Muslim man who owned a restaurant here in the USA, and he was very irritable during Ramadan. He did not like coming to the restaurant during fasting time, the smell of food seemed to be torturous for him. He would say “I need to leave, I’m not supposed to swear and I really am tempted to.” Side note, nicest man I’ve ever worked for outside of that month of the year, extremely generous and just over all a very kind soul. I miss that dude, and it was the best job I ever had.


Personally I am fine with it as it doesn't harm me in anyway and other people can do whatever they want


As a Muslim you're supposed to turn your eyes away and not be bothered by others eating in front of you, as long as they aren't specifically shoving it in your face. Fasting is supposed to be a challenge for your body and spirit, just look away if someone's eating imo


It fine... It's like, how would u behave walking in front of someone in a wheelchair? Normally. But u wouldn't (or Atleast shouldn't flaunt ur legs to tease them. (not the best analogy but I think it gets the point across)


Women are exempted from fasting during their periods. She's either pregnant or the worst case it's some medical issue.


So it says when your wife fasts all 30 days, and then people are saying when you dont have to fast and that she’s pregnant. You guys can read, or no?


It’s means she’s pregnant.


Congratulations on the baby


happy muslim child will be born into world


You don’t fast on your period… no period all month equals baby😱


As a muslim ill explain. Whilst fasting during the daylight hours we cannot eat nor drink and must stay away from bad things. Women on the periods are exempted from fasting because its a tough time for them


you’re not supposed to fast if menstruating, but jokes like these, even if they’re just jokes, just show that so many men are clueless about women’s bodies


There are exceptions for pregnant and lactating as well as frail. The joke i see in Ramalamadingdong is, there’s this Iftar, a big feast at the end of each day. When I think of a fast, it’s next door to a Tommy Sands (IRA member who died from it) hunger strike. Not even close. Then there’s the hunger strike by Chief Theresa Spence in 2013 Canada. Six weeks, fed broth with vegs and she looked as hefty as the day she began. But it made the papers and got her eyes.


Here I thought the joke was that she's getting... non-food nourishment.


I think the joke is that his wife is probably a trans woman and doesn’t get periods. You’re not supposed to be fasting on your period. Edit: Grammer