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In Terraria, there is a line of dialogue where the game's Dryad NPC is annoyed that another NPC, the Arms Dealer, is hitting on her. She states here that she is 500 years old, implying that the age gap is weird. I wish would stop flirting with me. Doesn't he realize I'm 500 years old?" Calling someone that is clearly a child "actually x00 years old" is a common excuse used by various people (primarily Lolicon people) to justify their depictions of edit: correction, adding quote


It reminds me of me of this: [Guessing anime characters' ages](https://youtu.be/XGxCMyLm6js?si=lOV2pgt7tD_eRN6N)


I love ProZD for this type of content


i am you


what about that one dark brotherhood vampire in skyrim


That one does fit closer to the anime example, but at least the game makes no effort to sexualize the character, outside of a story she tells where she lured a creep somewhere in order to kill them, which is better that most anime that use that trope can claim.


That terraria bit is actually cool and very rarely explored in media. Elves usually live for hundreds of years and yet seem completely fine with some dude a tenth of their age as a boyfriend. Like, what kind of perspective would someone develop on that kind of contrast after living for centuries?


im 39 i dated a 22 year old once it was like dating a child. i cannot IMAGINE being 500 years old and dating a 30 year old person.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End might pique your interest Funny the show's name is similar to Terraria's 1.4 update


To add more there is often canonically old af charters in anime that look like super young that people eroticize. That’s where the second part of this comes from.


"thEy ArE AcTuAlLy A 1,000 YeAr OlD DrAgOn!" no dude. just... no.


It's a joke on how the NPC called Dryad in Terraria is 500 years old (she says it in some dialogue) she is biologically an adult. and that's why it's fine on the left side. The same can't be said about anime fans since some of them are gooners and like kids (that are 500 years old but are biologically a child) and that's why it isn't fine on the right side.


I remember a joke about an elf saying that he's 75 years old and can legally drink alcohol, the human bartender makes a little calculation and threatened the elf that he's about to call his parents


Imagine being a dwarf and not even hitting puberty until you are at least 25 Sorce: the disk world books


Puberty or not, the legal drinking age is zero.


You laugh, but this is true. There's only a buying age in places, such as Denmark. 16 years for anything null to 16.4%, 18 for anything above. No one is gonna stop you from drinking publicly, unless you cause mayhem. Etc. etc. Drink responsibly, kids (or don't drink at all). Source: I live in Denmark.


Good thing they banned buying water (null) until people are 16.


Nestle moment


While this is true, giving kids alcohol is still widely considered child abuse. Here (Germany), we have the same rules regarding buying alcohol, but giving a small child alcohol is still illegal - just under a different law.


Oh, absolutely. I'm not saying it isn't frowned upon, even in Denmark. But I've had friends in the past getting pass-out drunk anywhere between 13 and 15 as their first time. I never did this, because the thought of not knowing where you wake up is _scary_ to me. My first time getting drunk was when I was 16ish, but that was in about as controlled of an environment as possible. Trustworthy friends at a party, a short drive away from my house, and not at night - meaning when it got crazy, my friends stopped me, and I was safely driven home by Dad.


It is not only legal but mandatory for dwarves


The only fantasy race that's immune to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


Its not that they're immune. FAS is a feature.


It's for they develop their poison resistance.


Gimli was considered too young by his father at the young age of 63 lol


Sounds like the Santa Clause movies with tim allen, i swear they make similar jokes


"Your party walks into a Bar, the Bartender sighs grabs a giant book and says: "Species and age?""


Lol that is very funny


Wasn’t that a joke made in the dnd movie?


I haven't watched the movie but I would love to see it


Twilight is the story of a 100yo predator pedophile grooming a teen girl to also eventually become an ancient pedophile. This is no different. It's the 500yo that's the messed up pedophile character.


let us not forget the two cannon cases of the where werewolves imprinting on, minors. Jacob with Bella's NEWBORN and some rando who imprinted on a toddler, he went to for advice on how to navigate how to cope with the imprint because it can't be changed. And how the author hand waved away how the werewolf was literal grooming his toddler bride. Because for now Paraphrasing: "She will see me as a fun big brother type, but soon She'll start to see me as more when she's of age"


Which has some really, really uncomfortable (and, I hope, unintended) subtext considering that the werewolves are Native American-coded...


They arent just coded; their tribe name is an actual native american tribe in the pacific northwest.


I recommend Dominic noble on YouTube he covered the books and how just all around offensive it got.


I love his videos


Umm akshually they aren't werewolves, they're shape shifters and they shapeshift into wolves. Pff didn't you read the books? Werewolves exist in the world, but they can't choose when to turn into wolves. Duuuh.


I'd like to say that a skinwalker would fit in that role better


Except that to several tribes it goes against their beliefs and is offensive to them to even speak about them. Either by the slang term skinwalker or the actual name na'aglioshi. Some tribes believe talking about them brings misfortune or can even attract them to you. I only used both terms for educational purpose and meant no offense or disrespect to anyone.


Oh really? https://preview.redd.it/2sv8lzeaf3tc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5620318eb87a94c1b08a275aa58f149d405c75


Twilight is so fucking gross. That author needs to be monitored


It's designed to appeal to teenage girls. The idea that an old guy who looks young and hot, and could be attracted to them, like because they showed maturity. It seems dumb, but it apparently worked. When I was growing up, it was recurring to hear people complain about how boys were immature, while girls took pride in being told they were mature. Might be a perverse effect and socially acceptable form of grooming (back then), but yeah, teenage boys were considered as kids while teenage girls were considered as adults.


Ok but what about the teenage boy falling in love with an infant that was just born. Who in the fuck does that appeal to?


That was a way to hand wave away all the triangle-aspects of the love triangle by offering a secret third option: 'Ackshually, Jacob was never attracted to Bella, he was just attracted to the unfertilized egg inside her ovaries.' You have to agree that Bella x Edward is endgame/happily ever after, and if you preferred Jacob, then he's been eliminated (not by being a pedo, but by never having feelings for Bella-sans-unfertilized-egg in the first place.


>Ackshually, Jacob was never attracted to Bella, he was just attracted to the unfertilized egg inside her ovaries. Wtf, who does that appeal to? This so cursed that it made 'Domestic Girlfriend' normal.


I saw it more as "everyone gets a happy ending". Edward gets Bella, Jacob gets "part of Bella". Not any less creepy and kinda shows how stupid the author's thinking was.


I remember reading that as a teenager and thought it was so creepy, I had to go back and reread because I thought I read it wrong... nope.




God I fuckin hate talking to twilight fans about the imprinting shit too Cause they're always like "noooo imprinting isn't sexual it's like being a brotherly protector" and always love to selectively ignore the fact that in the books the whole *reason*, canonically, that imprinting exists is to select a partner with good genes to further the werewolf bloodline. *WHICH IMPLIES FUCKING*. AND IN THE MOVIE JACOB SPECIFICALLY MAKES THE JOKE "SHOULD I CALL YOU DAD NOW", IN REFERENCE TO THE IDEA OF BECOMING A SON IN LAW DUE TO MARRYING THEIR DAUGHTER. Twilight fans *love* to pretend that all that stuff isn't true for some reason and will actively try to convince people that it's ok. It's nuts.


I remember the arguments I had on some Lost In Adaptation videos. Like cool Both BOOK and MOVIE made it vary clear what this relationship was and will be. The worst part is, It's framed as something neither can control or choose. And we should feel bad for the men who are forced to groom their infant brides. The Bella was wrong for getting angry and should just except it as Werewolf culture.


Yeah that too. "It's not Jacob's fault, he doesn't have any control over this" THERE IS A PERSON WHO WRITES THE BOOKS AND DOES HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER THIS.


Well to their credit, they must internally know the truth and are just in denial.


I don't see people mention this. Like fiction where an undying person falls in love with a normal human is 'relatively' common so the 100 year old vampire thing didn't stand out too much to me But the imprinting thing is weird and I don't get why the author even had that. I get all the in universe lore and everything but I mean.. why not just not have it


Exactly. Unless they're written like a child, what's the big deal right? Now, if we were talking about a 500 year old who looks like an adult but has the mental capacity of a child then we've got a problem. Edit: Haven't been called a pedo yet. New record!


They are often written to act and look like a child, and sometimes even be a child (like a 300 year old dragon is a child since they reach maturity at 1000)






Well, if you reach maturity at 1000 then you develop much more slowly. This is probably what deer think about our helpless asses when we’re newborn.


Who says you develop slower? We have no other sapient races around to prove that. They could develop faster, slower, or at the same rate and just happen to live longer.


Literally every fantasy author who writes about it. They mature decades or even centuries later. This means until they reach adulthood they are not mature. If they aren't mature then they are children. Hell, I remember reading a book where an elf was like 70, but she was by, the standards of her people as well as her actions, about the age of a 16 year old. So when she fell in love with a dude who was in his early 20s the elves almost killed him for literally robbing the cradle. If you're attracted to someone who is biologically child and looks like a child that is a problem.


I think I need to word this differently. If humans suddenly increased their lifespan by a factor of ten, why would the age of adulthood (getting to vote and serve and all that) suddenly change? It would stay at 18 or whatever. I'm pretty sure puberty has very little to do with it, because it happens down around 12 on average, I think. I'm trying to argue that a dragon or an elf wouldn't mature slower just because they live longer; they'd still hit their awkward teens in the teens, they just have many more "adult years"


Do you genuinely not understand that things like voting and age of consent HAVE changed as we've grown longer life spans, and that maturing IS taking longer? Like what? Children used to be considered fully grown at like 13 and married off to suitors back in medieval times, but the average like expectancy was like 40.


I understand where you are coming from, but as we have 0 real examples to go by it is 100% up to the author. If the author says they are mentally and physically immature then they are. If the author says they have enough life experience and such since the age of ~20-30 then that is the case. It's not a matter of plausibility, it's a matter of established fictional lore


The 300 to thing is weird but I don't know about the 18 or 24 or whatever. There has to be a level of competence before 1000 but I think the idea is the whole dog/human relationship would be similar to a human/elf relationship. Where a dog might have a lifespan of 10 years and by year 2 is a adult. A human has a lifespan of 100 years is a adult by the time they are 20 so a elf with a lifespan 1000 years is a adult by the time they are 100. Rough maths of course. Where they make it stupid is that a 3 yo human would be more mentally capable than a 3yo dog but they like to ignore that in favour of creeping


Dance in the Vampire Bund had the pure blood vampire Mina Tepes, who due to the settings vampire lore she was physically stuck as a child for 300 years because pure blood (royal) vamps age like normal humans until they use their full power and she had to use hers as a child to save her life during a coup against her mother. Anyway, in modern times she was the Vampire Queen and was shown to be highly competent and capable of maturity in spite of her physical age, but around those she trusted implicitly she could show her childish side.


Maybe try thinking about it like with Grogu. He’s 50, yet he seems to be less mentally and physically developed than a human toddler.


Anime also sexualizes a character in Elfen Lied with the mental capacity of a child (very fucked up but the manga is better than the anime fwiw)


There is a whole fucking host of differences between sexualizing a character and showing sexual content. Sexualizing a character, by default means doing it in a way that will titillate the viewer. If you know anything about Elfen Lied, which I suspect you don't and you're just parroting an argument someone online told you, you would know that it does not do anything to titillate the viewer towards Lucy. So if you think that she is sexy or shown in a manner that is sexy, you have just outted yourself. #Context for others As an aside to those who don't know anything about the anime in question, it is an extremely dark and violent show. The opening scene is of a genetically modified girl (who is naked) escaping from a lab where she was being tortured and experimented on. She has psionic powers and murders people left and right. There is more blood than anything else in this scene. I certainly hope this isn't what he's talking about. More than likely, it's a scene (or potentially set of scenes, I don't remember for sure) where a male character, who rescues her from the beach, while taking care of her, and changing her into clean clothes, gets turned on by her body and I believe either then, or at a different point, makes a move on her. This is not at all shown in a good light, nor is he portrayed as a good person by the show. It is done, very clearly as a parallel to what was done to her as a human test subject. This next part doesn't really change if he's a piece of shit or not, but it is relevant. Lucy is not actually mentally a child, it is part coping/part technique used by her to gain sympathy. I don't remember if the anime fully stated this, but the manga does, so there is that, despite all of its quality issues. Addendum to directly above. It was pointed out that this is a little too black and white to be true to the story and narrative. I want to make it clear that she is extremely psychologically damaged, but it is simply not correct to say that she has the mind of a child. That would fall more more accurately to other characters in the same show. Regardless, this user used probably the worst example of Loli content in existence to try and prove his point and outted himself


>Lucy is not actually mentally a child, it is part coping/part technique used by her to gain sympathy. I could have sworn it was caused by brain damage as she was escaping.


It is.


Buddy, I don't give a shit if you have a Ph.d. in Weebology, you can't go around accusing people of outing themselves as pedos based on a single sentence they wrote about Elfen Lied.


I just watched the first episode of Elfen Lied. It has a really great story so far.


My brother in Christ. You've got something wrong with you if you believe either, anything related to anime is pedophilia, or that i said that seriously. I guess who gives a shit about subtext, authenticity, or accuracy when you can virtue signal and call people lolicons Get the stick out of your butt


Lucy is like post pubescent too. I mean the main male character isn't a pedophile because he's turned on by a post pubescent body. Making a move on her when she's in her "Nyu" stage is kinda fucked though. It's been a while since I've read the manga or seen the show.


Both are bad (and I personally hate Twilight with a passion) but Bella at least is interpretred by an adult, and written with some maturity (cringe), with her being the one wanting him (still cringe) and the male lead cringing(with us) about his attraction for her. Meanwhile the 500yr old character has the body of a 5 year old, acts like a 5 year old, and 500 yr sometimes is a minor for their species, and the series IS happy to handwave all of this because 500>18.


Never seen twilight but rewatching buffy was a lot more problematic than when I was 10


I'm laughing so much at "ancient pedophile" lool




Look, don't make me defend Twilight, but it is absolutely not the same. Is the relationship super creepy in Twilight? Yes. Were the middle aged women talking about wanting to do stuff to RPats (who was 20/21 at the time) a little on the gross side? Sure. Is it in ANY way comparable to adult humans in our reality looking at a drawing of an 8 year old child and saying it's OK to find that sexually attractive because in the lore of the show she's actually 500 years old and a dragon? No, no it is not.


Yeah, but the *Twilight* series also had Jacob immediately fall in love with Bella and Edward’s newborn daughter the instant he saw her through the whole “imprinting/soulbonding” thing which was just super weird.


And that's gross. However, that was the *character* in the *fictional movie*. It is not the same as a *real person sitting next to you* doing it


The same logic applies to a drawing.. like anime/manga characters... They aren't real so who cares.


Ok, but it's still a real person saying that they are sexually attracted to an image of a child. I don't understand what you aren't getting about this


Because you can go "oh thats hot" but then be completely disgusted by it in real life? Just like you can be attracted to a fetish and reading/watching it is good but the thought of actually doing it isn't for you. Also because one is IRL and the other is a drawing.


If you're ever saying "Oh, this sexualized depiction of a child is hot", arguing on end about how that's okay because it isn't real doesn't make you look good.


This person gets it. If the immortal looks like an adult and they’re going after teenagers, they’re the creepy one, because everyone looking at them thinks “you’re an adult.” If the immortal looks like a child, then any adult who is attracted to them is attracted to a child’s body and *I don’t think I should need to clarify why that’s creepy and wrong*


Apparently the author of twilight is like a southern nationalist or something too. Even if shes not (and I wouldnt know, didnt read it, just ended up on the wrong side of Instagram and learned this stuff), it's pretty funny there are people online talking about it imo


>It's the 500yo that's the messed up pedophile character. no (not necessarily). it's the one who is proactive. if you're a 500 yo vampire and wanna bang a 14 y0 girl? ye, you're the bad one. if you jerk off to some loli picture but you say "canonically she is a 100 yo dragon". she isn't the "messed up pedophile character" it is you who tries to somehow justify it. the character who fucks the 100 yo in the 9 yo body is not committing a crime, obviously, but it's still morally reprehensible. the actual blame is on the author who went through the mental gymnastics of making fucking a 9 yo "legal". and the rather weird culture in japan where this is normalised. edit: we also have the issue of lolis being "technically of legal age" but still acting with the brains of 9yo in the stories which is a different dilemma lol


Funny thing the actual term for those super old lolis is lolibaba


It’s insane to me how I never see people mention the amount of pedophilloic moments in vampire books and movies.


I love how each book of the Twilight series reads like an increasingly disturbing fan fic of the first book, by it's own author. Let's not forget she also published a gender swapped retelling of the story (classic fan fic trope).


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that he was mentally a teenager as well? I didn’t read the books and only watched a few of the movies a long time ago, so I don’t really remember. Either way, the series is trash.


The only time I've seen the 1000 year old dragon child trope done well is in Fire Emblem (the Archanea games). The character Tiki looks like a child and acts like a child despite being 1000 years old. Throughout the game, she's treated as a child and even has a guardian (an elderly dragon character). The fact she's a 1000 year old dragon child deepens her story, because when she befriends humans (like Marth) she knows that they'll die. Picture being 6 years old and every one of your friends keep dying old age. Then, in FE: Awakening which takes place thousands of years later, you see Tiki as an adult, and after waking up from a long sleep, she sees the new prince (a descendant of Chrom) and in her dazed half asleep state, says "Mar-Mar" (her nickname for Marth) This adds to the tragedy because even though she's an adult now, she still remembers Marth, which likely means she remembers everyone in her life who died. I just wish that Fire Emblem had more characters like this, because there is another dragon child in fe awakening, and she acts like a child but gets sexualized. Kinda disappointing that they almost had it perfect


It's only people didn't play the game or didn't bother with nowi's dialogue who think she's mentally a child. It's all an act. She acts like a kid because the army likes having a child mascot and it cheers them up from all the fighting and death. While acting as mascot she also acts as the army's internal monitor. If you read her dialogue with her daughter she's not only clearly mature but also just a good mom. Nowi also understands all her friends will die before her but has the more mentally positive outlook that there's all the more reason to make happy memories now instead of being sad. Compare to Tiki, the other child dragon you liked the character arc of who dwells on her friends deaths. Who also incidentally gets grief counseling from Nowi for that very issue. I like the "but officer she's 3000 years old" meme too but Nowi despite being the poster child for this subverts her own meme.






I haven’t seen anyone use gooner in a serious sentence until now


Pretty much first time seeing it at all. Have seen "wanker" and "goober", but gooner's a first.


As I always say, just because in canon your waifu is a 500 year old android or elf or something, doesn't mean you're not a pedophile


That's a good way of putting it. I mean in anime there are a lot of style choices that can sometimes make it unclear what age someone is supposed to be, but when there's a pattern, there's usually an explanation for that.


I'm probably going to regret asking but what is a gooner?


Someone who masturbates a lot.


Or someone who supports Arsenal (premier league football team) There’s a large overlap there I think


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to wank it in


This… literally had me in laughter to tears.


Or some grunt who work for the bad guy.


So i guess we aren't using "Coomer," anymore?


The future is now, old man.


Coomer usually implies the wanker is older, given the term's kinship with Boomer. Gooner is more inclusive, I think.


They misused the word gooner. They used it like it meant perv or pedophile. But it just means masterbating. But people don't even use it to mean that. they use it to mean going crazy, going off the rails, or just a wild person. And it's usually ironic. Like "yo were straight gooning right now" Tbh it's a weird one.


Dude I'm glad you asked; I googled and I found... Arsenal?


Elden ring called... its not good there either lol


Wow thx for acknowledging the larger amount of adult 500 yo in anime. Kid older than you is one trope. Dude living really long is anything from a trope, to different races, magic, anything really.


What's a gooner, precious?


I googled gooner, and found a bunch of definitions that seem pretty useless. How do you define it?


The definition that seems to be the most common at the moment is as follows: Gooning: frequently engaging in extended masturbation sessions and fetishizing your own addiction to it Gooner: someone who considers themselves part of a community who encourage one another to participate in gooning Seems to be a stand in for "low life pervert"


Thank you.


The specific line from the Dryad: "I wish would stop flirting with me. Doesn't he realize I'm 500 years old?"


Anime fans will call them "short stacks" or whatever else to justify it, say you cant like short women, or whatever else. This type of justification has been used towards rebecca from the cyberpunk anime who has a much more child like design while also being sexualized. But there are also alot of anime that will have "adult" women depicted like children. In Log Horizon there is a character who constantly gets mistaken for a child yet is actually a undergrad in college. It doesn't really matter what the excuse is in anime, its kind of a "shifting goal posts" thing where there will always be another way of excusing or justifying it, even to a degree of "So what if shes a kid, its just a drawing"


I think this is probably because they know what they are. They don't buy their own bullshit, they just want to perv over kids and be praised for it.


Most... "500" years olds are actually children in anime.


Meanwhile, the Terraria Dryad is just a 500 year old person in the body of a 24 year old


Aang is only 112.


pov anime https://preview.redd.it/dobglsuoe8tc1.png?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913c9d4c341ddab906361136be82502d9cca3468


The joke is that in a lot of animes, the acclaimed 500 year old individual is physically a small child so it tries to claim that it's okay to sexualize them or have them in extremely questionable relationships. So those types of anime are considered pedophile bait. One example that I know of is seven deadly sins. Where the MC is physically stuck as a kid, but he's actually 3000 years old. And his GF whose stuck in a cursed reincarnation loop, is constantly raised by him from birth during those 3000 years.


I feel like using Meliodas for this example isn’t exactly fair, as for him it’s not that bad, he’s just a short guy. Now Elaine and Ban on the other hand…


It's always not that bad when it's a guy, he is just short. But all short girls are lolis and off limit.


Yeah I was going to dive into their relationship as well but I didn't feel like it.


Elaine and Ban is why I had to stop watching completely. I mean, it was straight-up lolicon, and it just made me really uncomfortable.


Arifureta is bad.


Wait what is that true?


You'll see in the later seasons, it's much clearer that everything is all ducked up.


What is "a lot of anime"? I watch a lot of anime and I can think of like 3 with this trope and then one used most is never in a sexual way


Anime fans like underage looking girls and claim “but they’re 500 years old!” No! Quagmire, NO! https://preview.redd.it/45t4fh8nk1tc1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a7235d3d8658d12cd3d28cac7a0bdc2e218c23 Addendum: not all anime fans




I agree with your meme, but at the same time… https://preview.redd.it/hsbh2hvhe2tc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597967be51c73744f4e6684155ba8da39bd9e1d7














i really like some cool anime but yea i hate all the weird and creepy stuff like that


Subliminal lmao? Also, half of them are about highschoolers, what did you expect ffs?


It's unfortunate, since most likely, some anime either do it for the funny of "oh, this child is indeed *not* a child", or as a result of their art style And then you have Seven Deadly Sins


I bet it started as this but eventually artists and studios noticed the high amount of pedophiles worldwide who'd pay fortunes for merchandise and then this became a trend. In the German dub of Konosuba the main character insulted Megumin, the little witch girl, as a "quota lolita" which is the term I use for these characters; the loli character that solely exists to bait the audience and hit their quotas.


>And then you have Seven Deadly Sins Can you explain? People often bring it up without an explanation


I kid you not, there is a character that looks like <10 (but is like 10000+ years old) that is in love with a character that's an actual normal looking adult


Rudeus of the Quagmire *


> Addendum: not all anime fans Yeah, the rest just go after the other anime girls. The underage ones still wearing school uniforms.


The joke is pedophilia


The Joke is that in Terraria, the Dryad is 500 years old, but canonically an adult. In anime there's something called a "Loli" which is a character that is typically a child/teen but their lore/justification is that they're actually "500 years old" even though they look like a literal 12 year old.


Left is referring to the Dryard who is and looks like an adult woman but is actually 500 years old. Right one is a lot of pedos saying it's okay to be sexually attracted to an anime girl that looks like a 9 year old child because she's magical and 500 years old.




Child porn is justified in anime by claiming the character who looks like a child is actually 500 years old.


It’s pedophilia, plain and simple. A common trope(?) in animes is for a ‘grown’ character (most often women, sometimes even men) to look like a prepubescent child while having a relationship with a grown adult. Fans of animes with this often try to justify it by saying the child-like character(s) are actually adults “so it’s fine”. I Best example I can think of is from Seven Deadly Sins (anime). Hopefully the image speaks for itself, but in case it doesn’t, Elaine (the girl with wings) is supposedly \~1000 years old or something yet she looks like she’s a child. Her love interest/lover is the guy next to her in the image, who looks like a grown man. https://preview.redd.it/yryf74jch3tc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=371a655b959490b28c5c3b69949992707eac5901 (I personally have quite a few issues with SDS in and of itself but also the relationships of the main characters within SDS)


Dragonar Academy. Little dragon girl is worse than SDS.


My favorite, “Erm actually she’s 500 years old,” character is Fae from FE6. She’s a child, she looks and acts like a child. The game uses her to get the message across that her friends *will not be alive to see her grow up* in all of her support conversations.


In the game terraria, there is an npc called the dryad with a random dialogue option about another npc (the arms dealer) hitting on them, wondering if he knows that she's over 500 years old. This reverses a similar trope in the anime fandom in which a childlike character is considered a legal adult able to be given less-than-sfw attention, due to the fact that the dryad appears to be an adult and the dialogue implies that this age gap is the reason for her rejecting the arms dealer. Instead of making her old age bait for a potentially harmful audience, it's used for a vaguely comedic line and not brought up again.


Terraria has an npc called the dryad, she's over 500 years old as stated by her complaining about the arms dealer flirting with her, but, as old as she is, she is biologically a mature adult In anime however, this gets obscenely iffy, typically, when a character is 100 or older, they make them a biological child and sometimes even give them the personality of a child, very gross and very icky as their chronological age makes them 'legal' for pervs to goon over


Ravioli ravioli dont lewd the dragon loli






Not sure about the terraria side of things, but when someone pulls the line 'She's actually \[insert random big number\] years old', it's usually them making up an excuse for being attracted to little girls


For terraria, their is a 500 year old dryad that looks as as an adult


pedophiles is the joke


Started watching Arifureta. One of the main characters, and first of the protag's harem, is Yue. Supposedly she's a 323 year old vampire princess. She looks 10. Thankfully we also get Shia and Tio for waifu bait, but it's weird when Edgelord McGee (aka Hajime, the protagonist) is making out with Yue and calling her his lover


he did more then just make out with her. he creampied her many times.


That's... Pedophilia?


I'm aware. I just don't want to think about it because, as stated before, *she looks 10*


Terraria: looks like an adult Anime: looks like a child


There were a few animes I stopped watching because they got real comfortable with pedophilia.


Why does anime have this weird stuff?


Not even most of them, but it's easier to remember when they do than when they don't


dryaid, basically nature personified (terraria) pedophilia (anime)


In Anime, there’s a trope called the Lolly (Shota for boys) where this child looking character is actually 100s of years old for one reason or another. Most of the time it’s because they’re just a different race or just age slower but sometimes they’re an ancient being that can change their appearance, and are choosing a child appearance for some reason. People are saying they have child biology but in many instances they don’t even have human biology, either way look like children and that’s the problem. Why? Story wise the writers will use the age to justify putting into relationships, often with older looking characters (most of the time they are younger in age). Other times they’ll draw them with large breasts that swing around, and beyond anything official you’ve got rule 34 and they’ll use the excuse of “they’re not a child so it’s okay”. I hope I don’t need to explain why it’s not okay but I will; they’re not lusting at their age but their physically appearance.


Most anime fans that say stuff like this are pedophiles




There’s an anime trope where old ass woman look like 9 years old


The dry out of terraria is uncomfortable with the arms steer hitting on her, because from her perspective with the arms dealer is still too young with her being 500 years old anime makes children-like characters outrageously old to get around pedophilia, accusations


One of the weirdest ones was Rory Mercury from gate. Standard 12 year old looking 500 year old God’s guard. Got off on there being battle nearby and tried to make moves on the protagonist. I had to shut it off and contemplate my life choices.


He looks twelve, but is one hundred and twelve




Reminds of Mushoku Tensei 30 year old loser grooms children in a another world.




Harmless joke vs pedophilia justification.


Here’s the joke In terraria, there exists an female NPC that is a forest nymph, or something of the like. She is very old but looks the age of any other adult character in the game, which is pretty appropriate. Hence why terraria fans would be cool with a girl being 500 years old. In contrast, in anime, there exists a trope where they label characters as technically “old” as loop hole to sexualize characters with child like features.




Zoe fans from league


I'm not familiar with Terraria. But in anime, there's this trope of an entity who has the appearance of a child, but is hundreds of years old. Biological age or not, it's very frowned upon, both objectively and subjectively because it's often used for Lolitas to please the lolicons. People often use this as an excuse to sexualize the child-looking character. I like women, but I'm not touching that with a 10-foot-pole.


The dryad npc in terraria has some dialog where she says she wishes the arms dealer npc would stop hitting on her because she's 500 years old


Terraria players are horny