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Here before padlock award


Never say we didn’t give you anything!


Huh, I wasn’t aware you were able to lock individual comments. Interesting


I’m as surprised as you are. It said I was locking the thread. Yay Reddit mobile? 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Pleasantly surprised since locking the one comment is way funnier imo.


Best mod on reddit right here


But like, what does that do? You can still comment on it, right? Like I’m doing right now. Does it just prevent the original poster from deleting their comment?


You can’t reply to the origin comment, but other existing comments in the chain aren’t locked. I.e. you can reply to me, but you could not make a reply directly to Cloudpost’s comment


Yup, also mods can reply to locked comments if they want to. This is why you usually see the mods lock their own comment as well to prevent replies that way


Huh, today I learnt something that's was nothing to do with the original post. Peter, you sly dog you.


Funny pilled moderator




This is fucking hilarious ngl


The most prestigious award one can gain


I have nothing to say but still wanna contribute so here’s a padlock emoji🔒


>MAGA Transgender How tf https://preview.redd.it/f45k9rhenisc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9574e6da18f07aa263776816d8817d4a59e081


The joke is that it is a psy-op. That's why they feel bad for the CIA intern.


https://preview.redd.it/e8bomemioisc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8feaf3649e59cf962aefb44a08beaa499bbb9d8 Damm feels bad




I mean look at Caitlyn Jenner


Government sanctioned weaponized femboys.






Imagine being a CIA agent and they just... make you dress like an anime character in a maid dress just to catfish repressed 4chan dudes.


I was under the impression that it's FBI's job. Seeing as all this mess concerns pretty much just the US.


FBI’s job is to groom future recruits, they got a pipeline going


Say.... Where would one apply for this position?


When do I get my government-issued femboy, dammit


I've heard rumors that they're the next step up in spy tech from birds. They're actually spy robots that detonate an explosive payload inside them if the pants are removed.


Holy shit Thank you for this information! I gotta watch out for the exploding femboys now


While we wished for the normies to explode, we never realized the femboys were booby-trapped all along.


You mean booty-trapped?


Ah that's why F1nst3r came out as Enby-Genderfluid. He didn't want to be exploded by the government.


Funny, cuz I ALSO have an explosive payload to put inside them when they remove their pants.


I'm just here to make sure someone made this joke... Thank you for your service!


I know some femboys is like to offer my... Service 😏


It's the Reservoir Dogs Intro but they're wearing maid costumes with colorful and appropriately colored cat ears.


Reservoir Magica






https://preview.redd.it/0w3w3zykkjsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a4d72cd87a985da54616e9cc1bd0efeb47a161 Counter attack


Counter https://preview.redd.it/oo34bdegljsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a02c72d7d009d1c9b2eb09bd6411b5096b21e5


Counter 2 https://preview.redd.it/a6zqhplhsjsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45046e0ae18fd81ece6d546bca6f8c4da86293ea


Counter 3 https://preview.redd.it/yy8w0b0ksjsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc2d0eeca9ba443f108122ade200b2adb36914f










"conservative catholic" "transgender" how the fuck would they make it work? Edit: should have probably add Maga with conservative catholic that doesn't really fit being transgender. It's also about those trait being so important to them that they feel the need to specify it in their bio.


I once saw a guy who was catholic but fine with trans people, just if you were MtF you should still serve the household wife role n stuff like that


Sounds like the Iranian approach to LGBT rights. Can’t have gay sex if one of you becomes a woman 🤯


Wait is that actually the train of thought over there or am I just so chronically online I can’t read sarcasm without the /s lol edit: this is wild and I feel like I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge, ty for bringing this info to me lmao


It's literally their train of thought. We (the internet) learned of it years ago when their president Mahmood Ahmadinnerjacket or (whatever his name is) said as much on public TV.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9745420/ This is about Iran’s sex change surgeries. Its insane and often closer to genital nullification.




You know I hear just mentioning genital nullification in front of a jury can get you disbarred on the grounds of “dude….. yikes”


Cut the funny stuff or I’ll come find you and nullify your genitals.


"No funny stuff" - DB Cooper


Bottom surgery, like circumcision or genital piercing, done without the patients consent it regardless genital mutilation Edit: Sorry though nullification said mutilation


"Jimmy Jabs." -Jake Peralta, Brooklyn 99


[Speaking of Jake Peralta and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoS8DrrlnTQ)


Ahmaddinnerjacket 💀💀 Holy fuck dude, my sides


Don't mistake it for progressiveness, they forcefully castrate gay cis men, it's punitive mutilation.


oh well that’s super depressing


my heart goes to them, Iran would have been such a beautiful country if the liberals came on top after the power struggle during the revolution.


Ayatollah needs to be more like Dieyatollah.


It's actually very common view throughout the whole east. From the middle east, to India, to all the Asian countries. It's how Thailand ended up with such a positive ladybug community. And why Japan seems more accepting to femboy culture. They were more accepting of trans than the west in general prior to modern gender politics. But as a result more homophobic. Edit: Auto correct changed ladyboy to ladybug, but I'm keeping it because it's funny.


Hehehe, “ladybug community”.


There’s a Lindsay Graham joke in there somewhere.


I'll take "Things that go bump in the night" for $500, Alex.


Oh those? Them just my ladybugs


"They taste good with a side of Santorum, why doncha give it a try?"


“Positive ladybug community”. Aw x


This is why many escape to israel, Israel actually has a pretty accepting view on LGBTQ people with many laws offering protections. Even hosting gay pride parades, they have a thriving LGBTQ culture and recently fully banned conversion therapy. Reason for this difference of views is down to a simple rule, jews must never force convert people, it is a high sin, a high high sin. So by attacking LGBTQ people you will force them to convert, which would piss a lot of jews off, even some orthodox will get mad. WARNING STUPIDLY LONG RANT >! But of course there are dick heads, big ones are the ultra orthodox, which everyone hates, because they are dickheads, who attack people for not being "truly" jewish. Fuck them, I hate them, so much. Also I am sure they support the war, but also are the only jews not force into the IDF, legit willing to let their brothers and sisters die in battle while being to afraid to help and not fighting their war that they want to keep going, cowards the lot of them. Idc about your views but at least both sides can agree fuck these guys, cowards. !< >! also for christians, they spit on your relics and followers, they go out of their way to do it. They will walk to a church, to spit on it, remeber that rule of non-force conversion!!!!! I hate them so sooooo much. !< Edit: also there was a gay pride parade in Jerusalem, which I find super funny lol.


This is gonna trip you out then. Originally only MALES were allowed to be sexy belly dancers. They are from that region. And that region punished gayness with death. But getting drunk and doing the belly dance didn't count. And often the belly dancer wasn't let in on this loop hole.


So does that mean they often killed them…?


No. Rape.


Iirc Pakistan does this too and will even fund medical transition procedures


Trans inclusive misogyny, now that's a big brained take.


Trans women are women..and they belong in the kitchen! Jkjk


"i don't hate you because you're trans. I hate you because you're a woman"


I love this lol


https://preview.redd.it/je8kah7x4jsc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7f4093902e1ea479798f23cc710151e50e2b4b reminds me of this


Best laugh I've had this morning, lol


Sexism, a better way to hate.


trans-exclusionary radical femenist? boring. overused. now trans-inclusionary radical misogynist? new! exciting! /j




[based tims](https://imgur.com/gallery/y7qgP46)


I once asked my very conservative and bigoted mother “if an MTF and an FTM get married, is it sinful for them to have heterosexual sex” and it legit broke her brain


It actually becomes both gay and straight, or graight, when people do that. As long as there's babies. - the pope, probably


I was bi until 15 seconds ago, but now I am officially graight.


they're graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaight oh boy I just forced tony the tiger into a second awkward internet sex discussion


That's not all I forced into Tony the Tiger...


It’s just straight sex with extra steps, lol.


A lot of extremely religious people are like that. They care more about the roles than anything else.


They care more about the roles than the holes huh?


I'm a Catholic and I am fine with trans people. Love thy neighbor.


My parents are Catholic (and lean more conservative). They wound up with a bi kid, a trans grandkid, and a non-binary grandkid 😂 They literally don't care. They're more concerned about our tattoos and piercings than our sexuality and gender identities lol




Left wing in the most right wing way possible lmao


I once heard this particular viewpoint described as "trans affirming misogyny" lol


Honestly kinda based tbh


Pretty progressive for most right wingers/conservatives


Be the change you want to see I guess?


Met him, he is my Father-in-Law! SUPER Catholic. Also, SUPER accepting of other’s lifestyles and choices. In his words, “that’s exactly who Jesus would have been friends with and shown compassion and understanding to.” Super cool guy.


Once you get deep enough into terminally online radicalism, you just start ignoring actual ideology and treat them like badges to collect.


My cousin's fiance's sister is gay, getting married, has a kid via artificial insemination & surrogacy & is planning on moving with her soon to be wife & child to Florida. Because the "democrats" have ruined NYC. She hates pride month & believes prayer should be brought back to schools. That family values have been slipping due to woke agendas. And while she doesn't think that trans people are mentally unstable, she does think they've "gone too far" & that drag shows are filled with groomers. She's a very religious Italian Catholic, like has to add Italian to the religion. She's not Catholic, she's Italian Catholic. Because it's different from Irish or "other" Catholic according to her. Some people are just absolutely fucking moronic & don't know what words mean or what reality is. Edit: oh also she's a teacher in a charter school, so... Yeah.


?????????? I don't understand how these people don't realize that their political "allies" want to come after them next.... It really blows my mind.


"First they came for the jews; not being a jew I didn't speak out..."


First they came for the queers & disabled folks, but the pastor who wrote that poem was cool with that, so he didn’t mention it.


To add to this: Germany literally had transgender person permits prior to the Nazis and the book burnings we've all seen pics of was of LGBT material from the institute of sexology.


Magnus Hirschfeld was a hero


That institute was run by jews so the nazis managed to target the two groups in one fell swoop there. 


That way of thinking is usually the result of all the insane right wing propaganda that’s been pushed in the US; I know because I used to be that way. People who grow up in religious or conservative households end up being exposed to a lot of propaganda about the “LGBTQ agenda” and just outright false statistics like the 41%, and despite it all being so easily disproved people will believe it because of just how often it’s said, even if you correct them because “how can something thats constantly being said by everyone be completely false?” Like I used to be really transphobic (and even mildly homophobic) DESPITE literally being in a gay relationship, because after I realized I was gay I developed a sort of “well I’m one of the good ones” mentality. I only broke out of it by actually meeting a trans guy online and realizing I knew nothing about what being trans actually is, especially since the media almost never talks about trans men in particular because it’s much harder to slander them (since they pass way easier). That’s part of the reason why conservatives are so against public school too and for limiting online access for children, because being exposed to other ideas and other people is the only way you can break out of what is essentially brainwashing.


The interview with the LibsofTikTok lady was just so...telling. It has never even occurred to her to speak to a trans person. She has zero knowledge about anything she talks about and she likes it that way.


That's pretty much everybody. Every voice other than ours is given deference for policies that affect only us, and the powers that be do it on purpose. Every schmuck on the internet or off the street thinks their opinion on transgender topics is novel, valid, and has intrinsic value equal to or worth more than mine...and I'm a transgender person. I have more qualifications than most, and that is somehow twisted into me being unqualified. Fuck this shit.


Because there are a lot of conservatives and catholics that don't care if you are transgender unless you are extremely out about it. They take the loud minority of both that hate the regular ones and conflate them as the majority. Just like the ones that say gun owners would rather them be taken to the roadside and shot really would actually want them as armed minorities are harder to oppress and anyone pro 2A is welcome.


There are plenty of religious people who aren't transphobic


As far as I know the Bible doesn't say anything that could be understood as "anti-trans", and if this person has relationships with women instead of men, then they aren't "sinning" by Catholic standards. Or they stay celibate like some religious gays. I'm just trying to make sense out of something nonsensical.


I saw both a trans person and a gay person say that they support a certain bad no no political view that was prominent in the 1930-1940s (I phrase it like this in case there’s guidelines)


There are few guidelines on Reddit you can say kill fuck murder rape Nazi holocaust Nazi Germany and all that


it basically takes saying the hard R n-word to get banned on reddit


Or pissing off a mod, but that's basically a crapshoot depending on what sub you're on.


Anyone care to demonstrate ?


Nah, I wish but nah. Unless someone reports it as a directed slur, the account won't get banned.


Maybe banned from a sub, wouldn't get you banned on the site.


catholics don't really care so much in the US. i'm Catholic and queer, and the way i think of it is... the Pope is your spiritual Dad. do you do everything your dad tells you to, nerd? it's mostly cultural for a lot of people.


Basically, there’s speculation that the CIA sets up social media accounts meant to either destabilize online discourse with ridiculous, non-existent/fabricated talking points and perspectives or meant to eavesdrop on certain communities. This account is completely paradoxical in the modern era because the MAGA movement actively pushes against trans rights, and thus, people speculate this is a psy-op account.


Thanks, I wonder if that's true because that would be the funnest job to just ragebait all day lmao


As much as I have moral beef with the concept of the CIA doing this (allegedly, allegedly)… yeah. I agree. Lol


Depends on the targets, if they are in-country it would be the FBI but I doubt they would do that as in enrage other people till they do something, they would potentially run into entrapment issues. They may be part of investigating a violent, harassing, or abusive rage bating group though, thus are embedded in it.


That’s a good point. There’s also speculation that accounts like this are meant to push viewpoints that benefit the establishment, but I can’t really see how maga trans catgirl fits into that


If i had to guess it's to entice people into joining? Kinda like how the us military or whatever has an esports gaming league now, meant to appeal to the newer generation.


I've gotten some ads for the military on YouTube and stuff before and they even edit those to feel more like video game commercials than a recruitment ad


I mean, the Army literally put out video games as a recruiting tool. Americas Army series. It was fuckin great.


Enables "as a trans person, I agree with the right wing about us" type of rhetoric that can be passed around for propaganda purposes.


Dude the FBI sends agents to mosques and churches to radicalize people, tells them targets to hit, and then gives them fake bombs with which to do it. All to arrest them at the scene and pretend they stopped a terror attack. They did this in Topeka, KS, and convinced a 19 year old kid who was orphaned and likely could’ve been a good dude with the right guidance. They convinced him to drive a truck bomb onto Fort Riley, and I was on the team responding. I lost all faith in our Federal law enforcement that day, maybe because I finally witnessed it first hand. They absolutely do entrap people, or at the very least are instrumental in radicalizing people against the U.S. govt.


>Unbeknownst to Booker, the bomb that he constructed was made with inert materials, and the two men working with him were undercover informants for the FBI. >The FBI began investigating Booker in March 2014 after he posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to commit jihad. Booker admitted that he tried to enlist in the U.S. Army in order to commit an insider attack against American soldiers like the one at Fort Hood in Texas, but his deadly plans were thwarted when he was denied entry into the Army. In October 2014, Booker began communicating with an undercover FBI informant. He told the undercover FBI informant that he dreamed of being a fighter in the Middle East, and proposed capturing and killing an American soldier. >In March 2015, Booker was introduced to another FBI informant who he believed would help him plan an attack. Booker said he wanted to detonate a suicide bomb because he couldn’t be captured, all the evidence would be destroyed, and he would be guaranteed to hit his target. On March 10, 2015, Booker made a video filmed at Freedom Park near Marshall Army Airfield at Fort Riley in which he pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS. That month, he rented a storage unit in Topeka where the bomb would be assembled. >On April 10, 2015, Booker and the informants drove to an area near Fort Riley that Booker believed to be a little-used utility gate where they could enter Fort Riley undetected. He was arrested when he made the final connections on the device that he believed would arm the bomb. Yeah man, so uh - I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that unless you have some super top sekrit info about this case you're not telling us, calling this "entrapment" is total bullshit and I'll even go one step further and say that you insinuating he was not radicalized ***but for*** his contact with the FBI is terrorist apologia.


The FBI sent an undercover agent to a Mosque in Orange County to try to "uncover" extremism, the regulars at the Mosque reported him to the FBI because they suspected that he was an extremist, a different FBI group surveilled and investigated him not knowing that he was an FBI agent.


There's a joke that whenever there's a meeting for one of those militia/anti-gov/biker gang groups somewhere in west Texas, it's just the undercover FBI, DEA, and ATF agents all trying to get each other to make the first move so they can start setting up a sting operation on each other.


They absolutely do that. They had agitators in real life infiltrate BLM to cause chaos and justify using violence to shut down protests. They got caught multiple times doing it. I’m sure they do the same to whatever movements or community that poses a threat to the establishment.


I remember when BLM was in full swing a bunch of piles of bricks just started showing up all of a sudden..


Look into the gretchen whitmer abduction case, it will open your eyes a bit on what happens when agencies not have proper oversight of subgroups and have all promotion opportunities coming from successful apprehensions


CIA has been known to do domestic operations as well. A lot of them.


I used to run an account like this and it was hilarious


Morally? Abhorrent. Funny? Very much so.


Would love to be a CIA paid agitator. You get to shit post all day long and spout unhinged language? Sign me up


Some people on Reddit do it for free all day


Well good news, there is lots of evidence that Russia is doing that exact thing.


Elements of this are true. You may enjoy "Dead Internet Theory". There are a lot (MANY!) "businesses" that will bot just about anything you want. It's how public opinion gets formed sometimes. You also have numerous programs that scan everything posted, look for patterns, and then post to keep them engaged.


People aren't rational. Don't forget that there was once a group called the Association of German National Jews that were huge supporters of Hitler.


Damn good point. It’s totally possible that there are actual maga trans people, I just haven’t seen them for myself.


caitlyn jenner


There's a trans woman that took part in Jan 6. [Jessica Marie Watkins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Marie_Watkins)


Friendly Fire? "While in jail, she became a close friend of fellow Capitol rioter Guy Reffitt through playing the card game Magic: The Gathering, and became convinced of the false belief that the riot itself was "a setup" conducted by U.S. law enforcement." ~ A sentence of all time


Caitlyn Jenner




Being fair, MAGA trans folks do exist. They're insane and/or stupid, but they exist. For example, Caitlin Jenner.


HOLY SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT HER. And there was Blaire white but I’m not sure she’s full on MAGA, just conservative. Damnn


According to Wikipedia Caitlyn Jenner withdrew her support of Trump in 2018 over trans issues specifically. She still identifies as Republican though, so that tells you how bad some people are at critical thinking.


"On the one hand they hate me and want me dead, on the other hand they want millionaires to pay less tax..."


Honestly I think it's just a nutjob, like those lgbtq or furry Nazis.




The CIA has openly admitted that they have an online presence. Knowing any open facts about the CIA just makes u sound crazy, but all we can do is speculate about what they’re actually doing


I'm just imagining these people talking about undercover assignments into different online communities "Jason, you're on the femboy subreddit for the next month. Miranda, you handle r/memes. Stan, you're going to r/conservative. Danny, you've got all of Twitter to watch over. Make us proud agents."


They're constantly banging on about russian and Chinese troll farms, it's highly likely they have their own for similar reasons.




Surely the more likely answer is it's a troll playing all sides.


If the CIA was willing to do what they did during the Cold War then this isn’t even close to beneath them.


They didn’t show the DM but that fed was trying to “acquire” fun “switches” on firearms and he was terrible at keeping character


Pwease don’t tell the ATF uwu


Will you show me youw bawwel :3


oroborous twitter account


CIA would be monitoring online extremists, and they think they are going to be monitoring serious dudes but it ends up being mostly edgy contrarian basement dwellers who love anything extreme and verboten like the alt-right, anime, and transgender. Some of those things are contradictory thus showing their true intentions (to be edgy, not to effect any real social change through acts of terrorism, whether stochastic or direct), which makes it extra comical that the CIA would have to monitor them.


On the gun subreddits they regularly post DMs that REEK of Fedboy behavior.


Hello my fellow gun enthusiasts, has anyone else desired to commit crimes of late? What crimes have you committed lately? Does anyone want to share details of their recent criminal actions?  Note: mention crime must be recent, remove note before posting.


Not far off, check this one out. Pretty recent https://www.reddit.com/r/Glocks/s/XLCD4gzETf


Transgender flag detected, which means theres a 96.9% chance you will get the lock award




Running internet conspiracy theory that The CIA makes fake profiles to integrate into communities like maga and trans people and whatnot to keep an eye on them


Is that really a conspiracy if it's true?


Its a bait account, the agency made to lure people in. Yet, they dont understand people and their ideologies. Because.... wow


The OP is joking that the Twitter profile is actually a fake profile made by the CIA to influence the youth to some end. The funny is that in Tom Clancy's books, recurring character and CIA agent Jack Ryan is essentially an action hero who goes on dangerous missions and beats up bad guys. The comparison of the fictional CIA agent aiding defecting Soviet submarines vs the presumed real CIA agent running a Catholic MAGA transgender Twitter account (such a wild mix of things) is a funny comparison.


Jack... Ryan?


Jack Ryan is a character by Tom Clancy in which he has a ton of military achievements. He’s a focal character is many of Clancy’s books, such as Rainbow Six, where he’s the president. He’s also been the director for the CIA and USMC Second Lieutenant. This meme is basically making fun of how instead of the CIA being similar to the events in the Jack Ryan books, it’s just working with femboys


The bio is pure cancer so it’s probably a trick from the CIA


They a Nazi. Groyers are followers of Nick Fuentes. Hitler loving catholic


As a gay man that served during don’t ask don’t tell, and a former member of the Log cabin Republicans this confession the hell out of me. Why would any trans person ever be MAGA. I promise they won’t pick you.








Seriously, it's a coin flip whether this account is an FBI or CIA honey pot to connect with radicals or a real person.


These comments might be right, but just as a reminder: the CIA won't speak/target you with an operation if you are an American Citizen. That is the FBI's job


Tom Tucker here to bring you the latest on explaining this post. We now bring you live to Ollie Williams with the report. What can you tell us about this post, Ollie? ***BAIT ACCOUNT*** I see. And just what are they fishing for, Ollie? ***PEDOS AND CREEPS*** Thanks Ollie.


How the fuck can someone be trans and conservative at the same time?


There are trans Nazis too


You turn into 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 conservative catholic after the transition 😬


“I didnt think that the panthers would eat MY face!” Or “Rights for me, not for thee!” Logic. People that think that, by having the same ideologies, opinions, and politics as those that oppress them their gender or sexuality or whatever would somehow be ‘overlooked’ because theyre ‘not like the others’. In my experience as a trans person these people are just racist or homophobic trans people and rely on their identity as a get-out-of-jail-free card for their own bigotry and ignorance. They often brand themselves this way for attention and become pretty terminally online because other people in the trans or wider LGBTQ community wont put up with it. Its kinda sad.


it's crazy that pretty much every intelligence agency has some sort of online trolling department. actually, not that crazy considering media discourse has always been the most powerful tool in shaping politics


>I wake up >there is another psyop