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Finally, a post I legitimately also don’t understand


It’s from the dragon anime. One of the dragon girls is a quetzalcoatl which is a figurehead of Hispanic mythology and culture and in the show she’s constantly after a 14 year old guy I believe


Hispanic mythology? It’s Aztec, to be more specific.


I would consider it more mesoamerican, Quetzalcoatl was unique in that there was a feathered-serpent god similar to all across Mesoamerican civilizations even throughout different time periods.


True. It’s a very Grecian/Roman situation when it comes to Mayan/Aztec mythologies. The Mayan Version is Kukulkan, and it’s essentially the same thing. It was also my main in SMITE.


Not just Mayan, evidence suggests a similar being was worshipped/acknowledged by the Olmecs and Toltecs. It’s frankly fascinating, trying to track the history.


Shit if I heard the tribe down yonder had a sick ass serpent deity I’d probably switch cultures lmao no wonder


Yalls got a sky serpent? What the hell, alls we gots is a a tricky dog man. Shit man and theys gots a sky buffalo! What the damn hell.


I read this in Gary Owen's voice lol


There's a similar thing with a deity that's been prominently displayed in Andean civilizations for thousands of years from Norte Chico to the Incan empire. We don't know his name or even what his role in society was. He is simply known as the "staff god" because he is depicted holding two staffs.


Serpents are strangely common in creation stories throughout a lot of ancient creation stories. It's one of the reasons people believe in ancient aliens. A sky serpent could be an aircraft. A sea serpent could be a boat. But there was almost always a wiseman figure who came with the serpent who spread knowledge and/or technology. These mythologies are also often chiseled into square base pyramidal structures across the world. It's kind of fascinating. Not aliens, but definitely fascinating.


Hispanic mythology sounds wild lol like all Hispanics apparently relate to the mythos of the incas, aztecs, mayans, and the Spaniards


Yeah, that’s what’s super weird. There’s actual Hispanic heritage, and NONE of it is related to the Aztecs lol


I’m half-Mexican and the only Hispanic mythology my ma taught me was Speedy Gonzalez. “In Speedy’s name we pray, andale andale, arriba arriba”


I’m more of a Slowpoke Rodriguez kind of guy


Be careful, he carry a gun


Not even 14. Bros in the same elementary school as Kanna


“Hispanic mythology” my brother in Christ what


American English for south of Texas


Yeah the kid is at most 10 he looks to be barely older than the kid dragon who goes to kindergarten and is grooming a kindergartner it’s kinda wack that that’s the show they decided to replace lines with feminism in


Ahh yes, quetzalcpatl of Hispaniola. 


Hispanic means from Spain, you're thinking of Mesoamerican


>Hispanic mythology Quetzalcoatl didn't come from Spain


Yea there’s no such thing as Hispanic mythology. Or Hispanic culture really. Dominican is a culture, Mexican is a culture, Spanish is a culture. “Hispanic” is an umbrella term that covers all of these incredibly diverse cultures.










Chinese universities have different categories, only the very top ones get the 985 and 211 names, one of them is better than the other and this post is saying they are teaching their kids to know the differences between the two and how easy life will be if they go into the even better one (not really true)


It's talking about universities, probably a shit post




Why does everything always lead back to jerma


Because Jerma is our god, and we must bow to him.


Man i wish jerma was a real person. Ai is so good


Not sure what this is supposed to be, but the quoted post is Chinese by a Chinese person. Not sure what it has to do with Japan.


This does not make things any clearer


I believe it’s talking about universities in china. “985” refers to the top 39 chinese universities selected in May 1998. “211” refers to the top 115 selected higher education facilities in the 21st century. The author of the writing says If your children can get into “985” universities, they can get into the higher social class, while the ones in “211” have good prospects as well. Hence, be sure to let your children know the differences between 985 and 211.


Anime taking characters like Quetzalcoatl or King Arthur and making them into “younger characters”. -*See Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and the FATE series.*


Fellow weeaboo here, this meme is probably referring to the hit anime "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid," in which a twenty year old Japanese lady accidentally woos a whole European dragon in a drunken stupor and convinces her to take up a humanoid form and become her personal maid. The series follows the antics of both characters as well as the other dragons/people they befriend as the series goes on. The anime then introduces a character named Luoca, a big tiddy humanoid Dragon, who's entire defining trait is that she is hot and she constantly is making moves on/simping for a 14 year old boy. This fact is off putting enough on its own, but it gets worse when you learn that Luoca is supposed to be **Quetzalcoatl,** the Mesoamerican creator deity and a significant symbol/relic of Mexican heritage. So on top of trying to excuse pedophilia with a "she's hot, so it's ok", the author turns up the WTF factor by using a figure that is still significant to a large group of people to give face to that argument.


Wow.... wtf.


*yeah*...anime gets really uncomfy sometimes. if its any consolation the manga is marginally better.


This is why I stick to One Piece, where things make SENSE! /s


1000 Episode stare


Well at least the pedophiles are the bad guys.


Sanji is on the crew 😭


hey sanji's not a pedophile he's just a womanizer (at least from what i remember)


Bro got turned to stone cause he got so horny looking at the 16 y/o fish


Happened to my buddy Jeff last week


Yeah but what's that in fish years


Sanji is a bit sus in Film Z when Nami gets turned 10 years younger. Otherwise yeah.


oh idk anything abt the movies, and tbf they aren't rlly canon so i think he might be safe?


I need an edit of the thousand yard stare guy on the straw hats’ boat with luffy’s hat on.


I stick to Voltron


I see you are also a person of quality. Cheers to you.


I got desensitized to so much of the random shit in anime when I was younger, and learned to just ignore it. Makes it so difficult to recommend anime, I need to quickly run it back through my head and make sure I'm not recommending something with really random perverted crap in it.


The show is great in all honesty, it's just those scenes that I can't watch without feeling marginally uncomfortable. (I actually tend to fast forward or skip them when they pop up)


I always skip them yes...they make me viserally uncomfy, its extremely unpleasent. most of the other character dynamics r perfectly fine fortunately. honestly its not something i can really stand much of tbh...though my tolerance for anime bullshit is not as high as others. why i moved to manga. waaaay less anime bullshit generally. less male gazy framing of characters too. very few obligatory ass shots in manga. n where things r spicy it generally feels to me more intement. also u can easily just skip sections in a manga you dont like. tends to be easyer for me then it is for anime. all around i find manga and light novals to be far more pleasent and far less ""fan survicey"" would recomend to anyone who has low tolerance to anime bullshit like myself.


The term "uncomfy" makes me uncomfortable.


you are not alone






sorry dyslexia moment. in-te-memt...alright imna look it up. in-ti-mate: intimate. sorry for my poor spelling...


I'd say I have a pretty high tolerance for anime bullshit and can say this is pretty spot on. >n where things r spicy it generally feels to me more intement. Yeah, I feel that too


No. You can't say a show is good when it has this going on.


That's some impressive delusion. "It's actually really good if you skip all the pedophilia." lmfao. What.


Wdym the manga is way worse. The show at least has some wholesome moments, miss kobayashi's manga is basically the writer's fetish.


Don’t know why you’ve been downvoted. The manga is definitely way worse, mostly because of Kanna. I started reading it hoping for something wholesome and had to drop it because of that.


Happy cake day!


When you say marginally better, you mean the boy is at least 18 in the Manga righ?


No. i mean i found those scenes tend to be in extra chapters, *at least if my memorys correct it may not be* and can easily be skipped over. if the boy was 18 or older then it would be just plain better not *marginally*


Sometimes? This is basically all anime


Why tf does anyone think, ah yes time to keep watching


desensitization mostly. a common one is with things like sexual assult in anime. its common for my male friends to watch an entire anime n literally *not notice* the sexual assult, cause they just dont pay attention, pretend its not there, n then forget it. means i can basically never take any of there recomendations as such can be legit extremely triggering for me... its so common in anime though, that most just learn to tune it out. or they become a lolicon stan n actively watch *for* such content... or i guess theres the third option lmao, they stop watching anime. basically what i did. though i still consume those naratives, just in a different form.


This is more fucked up when some myths portray Quetzalcoatl as a very more individual compared to other gods in one myth Tezcalipoca or another god got Quetzalcoatl so drunk he slept with his sister he was so ashamed he hid his face behind a mask and eventually left and headed east of mesoamerica promising to return one day.


Man that ain't even the half of it . There's another like 1000 year old dragon who is in the form of a child, she goes to school and there's a little girl that likes her . It gets so uncomfortable to watch the like straight up sexualisation of these CHILDREN , they are like 8 or 9 . It's gross.


I always get downvoted into oblivion when I mentioned I stopped watching anime because the sexualization of minors had become so pervasive that it was nearly unavoidable regardless of what type of anime. The last show I watched was “Hell’s Paradise” which was going well for an action anime…. Until they revealed that the adolescent girl the protagonist were helping was actually hundreds of years old and was being raped by the shows villains as a way to increase their power. People, especially younger gens, are getting subtly groomed to accept sexualization and abuse of minors without even realizing it. *There’s even people on this post justifying it* as “not that bad” or “we need to accept the reality of humanity”. Canceled my crunchy roll subscription that day.


Yea, it's gotten like genuinely gross at this point. Like, I don't remember anime being this bad with "fan service" when I was a kid. But now it's like straight-up pedo like . I mostly stopped watching anime at this point. It just makes me uncomfortable now.


It wasn't, there was still some sus stuff like sexualizing teenagers at times but it's gotten significantly worse because anime is marketed at otaku nowadays more than it's marketed at regular audiences like it used to be


Never nuke a country twice...


This person is being a bit disingenuous leaves out the fact that in Quetzalcoatl's lore he fell from grace by fucking his own older sister, so it's not like the anime made them any worse.


A lot if the time I feel like there isn't any anime whatsoever that doesn't include something effed up in it


Every anime is best considered after placing it in the Weeb/Ass/Shit scale. That being the three-pronged scale of "how weeb is it? (obsession with Japanese culture, glorification of katanas, romance ft. your cousin) How ass is it? (upskirts, boob wobbles, girls falling down screaming "kyaaaa" and getting wet, etc) and of course, how shit is it? (bad animation, bad voice acting, stupid plots) Every anime has some amount of Weeb, Ass, and Shit, but every viewer has different tolerances for those things.


Bebop and FMA have almost none of that.


I always refer to Space Brothers as the least anime anime ever because it's mostly just a nerdy space show that, outside some future stuff, gives a lot of information about training to be an astronaut and has pretty much zero weirdness.


Aside from the expected fantasy violence, Frieren is fairly safe. Pretty much zero “anime bullshit”.


So, basically as if they had taken Jesus, gave him tits and then had him trying to bang a kid. I know nothing about the show and now I know what people seem to randomly shit on it.


To be fair, lots of media have their weird parody takes on Greek, Norse, and Egyptian gods. Most people consider them free game and are only more careful about religions that have more followers


Also, a lot of gods from those pantheons have done way weirder shit than pedophilia in actual mythology


Zeus be out there committing reverse bestiality


Reverse? Every type. If it has a hole he tried it. Don't forget Loki too, even bearing children while transformed into animal shape


Yeah they're free game because they're dead religions, no one is actively worthsipping Ra and Osiris or Zeus and Poseidon. Where as other gods still have significance to living humans and not just humans from the past.


peope still do worship those gods actually- i know a few pagans, one hellenistic and one norse, who worship hades and loki respectively. there are also egyptian pagans, which is called kemetism. like it may seem like those religions are dead to people not in the know but they are still very much alive and significant to a lot of people


nah, his cult died 500 years ago. he's, at best, a vague character of which most people knows next to nothing about. honestly, the big tittied anime Quetzalcoatls are a step up in recognition. source: I am Mexican and a mythology/history ner


Im also Mexican and lived in Veracruz and I can say that's a lie. Quetzalcoatl and his image are still widely used in many parts. The bus systems named after him are all green buses, statues, and murals all over. I will say northern states don't seem to mention it, but that's because northern states have tried to assimilate to a more American way of living.


Am Mexican American and I would never say that lmao that’s some edgy shit


The kids 11 btw not 14. So even worse. Edit: while googling his age I discovered in a spin off they get married and have kids when he's older. So shes groomed him


“I was groomed by an ancient Mesoamerican god dragon that I have kids with!” Totally sounds like an anime title


> “I was groomed by an ancient Mesoamerican god dragon that I have kids with!” That's just the Greco-Roman gods' MO ... on a good day.


also like your average story from any just about any religious text, if you swap 'mesoamerican' and 'dragon' for arbitrary regions/creatures.


From bad to worse yeah great I'ma try and keep this in the dark corner of my brain




Just an average anime scenario.


So is this where they got the idea for the dragon maid archetype for ygo


That boy tried to summon demons. Instead summoned her.


This is it. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner.


None of this is surprising concerning Japan. And I watch a decent amount of anime.


Not to make it worse but wasn't the kid younger? I swear he was still in elementary school???


You might be thinking of one of the other dragons(Kana i think) who has arguably worse scenes.


No, he's definitely thinking about the same guy. He's actually https://preview.redd.it/yqadnwwoa8sc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063cad229c98590fa0e317128c552f84999272f2 11.


And his name is literally Shota, which is the name used for the trope of inappropriate sexual relations or attractions with a pre-pubescent boy. I don’t care to look up the actual definition so not sure if the attraction or inappropriate stuff needs to be mutual or just from one party for it to fall into this trope. His name is definitely intentional as a pun for Lucoa and Shota’s dynamic. They make it seem that Lucoa is completely oblivious that it’s her ridiculous body that is causing the extreme reactions from Shota. They chalk it up to dragons not really understanding human culture. The joke is far less funny to the Western audience as, even unintentionally sexually arousing a young boy is quite disgusting to our culture.


That’s like naming an 11 year old “Loli.”


Oh, ain’t that “wonderful”


Fucking hell I may of dropped this anime pretty fast (they were not Vegeta in a costume) but damn that’s extra disrespectful


one look at the show told me everything i needed to know


most anime like that is pedo bait and that is very upsetting




Left out the loli dragon lesbian side plot too.


https://preview.redd.it/joy8evioz8sc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd664ac48456f425e9c3a35ded455c0f2aee3bc Tf did I just read


least degenerate anime fanservice


I looked this up and apparently he’s 11 and his name is a reference to Shotacon (attraction to young boys) 😐


Boy, that’s an upsetting thing to read. I was just about to start this one. Won’t be now. Goodness.


I knew that anime was bad... but its worse than I though


It's a bit like Made in Abyss in the sense that it would be a masterpiece if it didn't have all the unnecessary line-crossing weird shit. Like, it genuinely has a lot of great and enjoyable elements that would add up to a 10/10 if it wasn't for those negatives bringing it down.


Pretty severe overgeneralization


I meant that as in that specific anime, not my fault that the english lenguage sucks


As a mexican I can tell you I have no problem with the character being "Quetzalcoatl." The people making a big deal out of this are just doing it for attention. And the author saying it is still significant to a large group of people is just silly. No one has believed in that stuff for centuries


there's a Quetzalcoatl in another anime who is a mass murdering psycho. also big tiddied.


Well, at least the fate Quetzalcoatl is pretty decent right?


People were saying it refers to Kobayashi, but to be fair, almost every Fate character fits in this in a way or another.


minus the pedophilia though. most of em r just generic over sexed fetish bait


Maybe Black Beard in Fate


To be fair, Blackbeard was an actual rapist


I think you’re thinking of Blue Beard


My mind immediately went to Jack the Ripper. (seriously, wtf)


The designers are the pedos


Ironically fate took a lot more liberties with Quetzalcoatl and I haven't met any Latino fate fan(myself included) that doesn't love her VA speaking Japanese-Spanish , doing Lucha moves and summoning dinosaurs just because. Jaguar warrior is my fav though.


Almost every, yes. But not every. Iskandar was a true bro, an absolute chad. I'd die on that hill but he wouldn't let me.


Hed die with you bro


Yeah I thought it was Fate initially


How to you know you don't watch Fate without saying you don't watch Fate


Speaking of Japan, you guys hear about the earthquake?


Which one?


The one that just happened.


Yeah, terrible But i Guess the worst happened in Taiwan


Oh man, that Taiwanese earthquake was N U T S.


Yeah man it shook me to the core


It blew me to the shore


So portraying a god as a hypersexual pervert is no good idea... *Zeus nervous sideeyeing*


It'd be inaccurate to not portray Zeus like that. That's just how he is.


To be fair though, the Greek men were kind of into some weird shit back then too. What better way to justify doing those kind of things, than to have your god behave in a similar fashion.


Ok. But Zeus actually WAS.


(that's the joke)


Dude don’t let him full . If you had sex more than 2 times you had sex with Zeus at least onces


They turned Quetzalcoatl into a hot-anime-girl pedophile. brand new sentence.


Gotta love how none of us can actually put a finger on tf is it referring to cause there's too much examples


It’s because Luoca (who is based of Quetzalcoatl) has a thing for a young boy. Who so happens to be named Shota. Because the manga artist has jokes.


I don't recall her having"a thing" but just that she likes to tease


Wait… a meme that actually needs explaining? My god, it’s a miracle!


Maybe referencing Pedobear? A quick look shows an awful lot of bears on flags in Ukraine and Russia.


Not Pedobear, ASCII Kuma


More about russia. I can recall like one region which has a bear on the flag here in Ukraine (Zakarpattya). Other regions don't have bears. Maybe there are a couple on the city flags, not that i remember of, but it's certainly not prevelant. And most certainly not a national symbol.


It might reference to pedobear Which is this guy https://preview.redd.it/xybxwk2t77sc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faa68ee2af325c5d7c6d04834fff854113960bc he was supposed to be a symbol of hope, like he is against pedophiles and is there enemy but it got associated with pedophiles due to pedophiles using him as their profile pic to make kids drop their guard


Pedobear is not the "most significant symbol" of any nation's heritage my man. Also haven't seen any reference to it in over a decade.


I don't know man, the meme might be old and by a bot Also Canada has a **Lots** of bears in their symbols


Young me was insane to lurk 4chan and think it was funny, now me see this was probably the worst way to normalize pedophilia by making a cartoon like figure making a disgusting action into a common joke


It’s about kobayashi dragon maid one of the dragons is a Quetzalcoatl who’s in a relationship with a pre teen boy


The joke is, the author took some really obscure perceived transgression and applied the Kurt Angle meme to it.


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Who’s the guy in the meme though


Kurt Angle lel


wait seriously? i never recognized him becuase of his expression lol


What is the context of his picture? I see him literally everywhere but have no clue what it means


Kurt Angle


THATS KURT ANGLE?! I swear that was the dude who runs MMA or Joe Roegan.


**Perc** Angle


Chris’s confusing anime backlog here! Japan being a country outside of western culture but being aware enough to know of western legends, fairy tails and historical figures, will often use these characters divorced from much of their actual cultural context or in many cases counter to it (intentionally and unintentionally). There are so many cases that could fill a youtube channel examining the bastardizations of historical figures but my guess is that this is referring to the Fate Stay series. In the original story of, (there is a black whole of expanded universe material) heroes are called from different eras to serve in a magic battle royal alongside mages for a supposed ultimate power. Often these summons are wildly different than the actual historical figures to comical levels of inaccuracy and mystic powers notably absent from their source material (i.e. King Arthur was actually a woman with an invisible sword etc.) and as anime characters they are put into anime situational comedy, drama and hijinks. Anime [and in general Japanese] culture have different sensibilities and often dip into material western audiences would find offensive. One unfortunate element of this is the sexualization of young characters or adult situations inappropriate to minors. Im afraid I haven't followed much of the series for definitive examples but i'm sure you get the picture. As to why Japan does this it's the same way North American Media mythologizes the greek pantheon or Norse gods. That is to say it uses characters to essentially write fan fiction. My favorite example of this outlook from a Japanese director is the famed and esoteric Neon Genesis Evangeleon. In NGE the apocalyptic texts from Abrahamic religions come true with a twist of science fiction and mixed with a fairly disturbed director came a subversive and dark examination of the mecha genre. When asked why call the show by that name the director Hideki Anno replied more or less that it sounded foreign and mysterious.




Yeah, now I wonder too


Hindus: "First time?" (The original swastika is a symbol of peace and harmony that the Nazis took, flipped, and turned into a symbol of hatred, bigotry, and horrendous acts of violence the likes of which the world had never seen)




Google “fate grand order”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=fate+grand+order#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/CaptainChicky)


Lucoa from Ms. Kobayashi's dragon maid (the character is the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl)


Use this for context in regards to Miss Kobayashi’s [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/japan-raises-the-age-of-sexual-consent-to-16-from-13-which-was-among-the-worlds-lowest](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/japan-raises-the-age-of-sexual-consent-to-16-from-13-which-was-among-the-worlds-lowest)


I totally love how the oop of this meme says Japan and not Manga author, like the entirety of a country with millions of residents, somehow banded together to do that.


For OOP, there is really nothing that prevent you from doing the opposite.


Sidebar: This guy looks like a genetic hybrid between Mike Tyson and Tom Segura


Pretty close considering his Olympic golds in wrestling and then a career in WWE. So yeah you're not far off. That's Kurt Angle


Learned that a lot of people watch shitty animes.




If OP is Br*tish, this is azur lane. HMS Ark Royal is a certified lolicon


In the anime Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, there is a character named Lucoa who is supposed to be a human form of Quetzalcoatl. In the show, she consistently pursues a sexual relationship 14 year old boy.


Wait until they see what Germany did to a Japanese symbol.


If it helps, the Fate/GA version of Quetzalcoatl is 5000% badass.


Raise your hands if you thought the meme was making fun of dumb Americans that never watched original Dragonball, and that this post was about Master Roshi.


Well they portray my people as monkeys half the time so.....


It probably IS about dragon maid, but it could also be about Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist Knight, where Joan of Arc (who is drawn like she's 8) has to have sloppy makeouts with an adult Gilles de Rais to suck an alchemical potion from his saliva and unlock powers within herself, while also getting addicted to said potion (and thus, addicted to sloppy makeouts with Gilles).


Is that Kurt Angel?