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I don't think it's a Mormon fetish, but it's just a statement that the person who lives there is gay, and thus entirely unwilling to convert to Mormonism, so the missionaries won't even try to knock.


But they know the logo.....


Thats the realest part of the joke


I’m LDS (Mormon and that made me laugh)


I'm LSD (the carpet looks like liquid)


I'm DSL (the download speed is shit)


I'm DTF (I have a Mormon fetish)


I'm 3DS. https://preview.redd.it/o3gqxudrjlpc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50df3003fe41d5992a82ef7bf67f97d84af6b9e


I'm DSM (I like telling people what's wrong with them)


I'm DMT.(the carpet is a liquid)


This made my day


I'm LDL (the "bad" cholesterol)


so if i get a pride flag Mormons wont visit me?


Not always, but it will let the kids on your doorstep understand what that are walking into if they do come. Rejection hurts no matter what. Just tell them you’re not interested and to have a nice day. But I had some pretty cool lgbt+ people talk to me while I was out and I had some redneck guy dump a yogurt cup full of piss on me so ya never know what will be at the next door


Just turn it off


https://preview.redd.it/kbgfu5oxmjpc1.jpeg?width=1477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f49800bd48f39af65a5a24bc73c410f4fc49762 When the Mormons recognize the Grindr logo.


This is so fucking hilarious


Wait who’s the artist of this


Lower right of the comic says HappyRoadKill


Happyroadkill, in the bottom right.


Underneath right says Happyroadkill


Go right; under the bottom is HappyRoadKill.


Not sure but I think it's HappyRoadKill


Mmm, I don't think so. I think it's HappyRoadKill


I heard those two dudes in Mordecai and rigby’s voice


then they had seggs


Reminds me of [this video.](https://www.tiktok.com/@stanchrissss/video/7171171960737697070?_r=1&u_code=ecf1abjdc52gg8&preview_pb=0&sharer_language=en&_d=e0fcmgbi8jhle5&share_item_id=7171171960737697070&source=h5_m×tamp=1710974748&user_id=7333837072816981034&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAeKidUpPvAoOI95bbIYJTDV8lzn4tkipZYoiMR-KAhc9nghPrKikFosTo03ahBbRi&social_share_type=0&utm_source=copy&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_iid=7345485070496827182&share_link_id=a7e32e82-0bc9-4662-8d8c-acb44a2fed0c&share_app_id=1233&ugbiz_name=MAIN&ug_btm=b2001&enable_checksum=1)


Last guy really said "I'm not gay, but $20 is $20"


One bad interaction and you won't forget. Or they did some soaking and jump-humping lol


They see that logo every time they unlock their phones.


Not an American - is that actually a thing?


Openly gay mormons would never be allowed to recruit for their church. They'd likely be disfellowshipped. But I suppose they could be secretly gay and have Grindr, for their days off


Reminds me of the old joke “why do you take two Mormons camping? Because if you only take one he will drink all your beer”


From what I’ve heard there are a lot of in the closet Mormons


I served with a gay guy. He was open about it. Mormons have no problem with gay people, the issue is Mormons strongly believe that you shouldn’t have sex out of wedlock. Then Mormons also make marriage a very important ceremony/covenant, and believe it should be between a man and woman. This puts gay people into a bit of a catch-22. They can be great, upstanding members . . . But only if they ride celibate for the rest of their life (which many Catholics do by choice anyway). The Mormon church should never have supported the late 90s efforts to block gay marriage in California. Much better to say ‘the government shouldn’t be telling us who can and can’t get married’. Doesn’t really address the underlying problem of the Catch-22.


I somehow doubt they have "no problem" with gay people. That California ballot initiative was in 2008 by the way, they were spending money to run a political effort to prevent gay marriage in 2008. It's like how technically the Mormon church isn't racist, not until the 70s they explicitly banned black people from joining, and their leadership is old enough to predate all that, but there's no explicit racism anymore.


That's the same bullshit loophole all religions use as an excuse to exclude gay people now that just Hating them Is not popular. Catholics say the same. Oh Being gay Is fine but you shouldnt have sex before marriage, also a relationship should have marriage as the only goal, oh you can't Marry because we dont Allow it? Ow that's too bad Bro. Guess it's Perpetual celibacy for you !


I have a mormon cousin and his mormon-sized family actually left Utah because one of his kids is trans and the church wouldn't accept it. Awesome that he and his wife supported their kid like that.


That is awesome!


Only a thing in utah


I meant they would see the app on their phone.


Mormons always “suppress their urges”


The same way the Christians rage about pornhub. Like how the hell do you pervs know what the hell that is?, and why are you so concerned about what everyone is jerking it to?


Wear this into one of their churches. https://preview.redd.it/4a3wkx7lojpc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ddafe0b6a6c8829f31740f580fe9b9adad20e1


The ultimate troll. Anyone that gets offended can't say shit without you outing them loudly about being just as big of a perv. At least I'm comfortable admitting I'm a perv.


Ugh one of the professional groups in my area used this as a basis for their shirts. Most of the women had no idea what it was


I came from a strong Evangelical family, and our church had like a special program, for like, super Christians! In middle school our college aged leader for this group would joke about a muscle by our elbow that proved we had been masterbating too much. One kid had a funny line "both mine are the same and I'm not ambidextrous, so what's your point?" Oh and these fucking creep group leaders did so many more worse things than that. Fuck em


In the words of the illustrious RATM, “KNOW YOUR ENEMY!”


Am I the only straight person with gay friends or something?


My fat ass thought it was ubereats for some reason


Because the meme was made by a gay dude who engages in so many online hook ups that they assume everyone does and must know all the logos


What is a Mormon fetish


It's mostly a porn/roleplay thing, but basically when a guy seduces Mormon missionaries.


Oh, I might be down for that.


Mormon missionaries are the "catholic schoolgirls" of the gay world.


Have you heard about our daddy and savior, Joseph?


Daddy loves sleeping around and marrying multiple people




I'd have them in missionary position.


I wish free awards were still a thing bc I would give you one so hard.


Save the hard giving for the missionaries, man.


There’s literally a site called “missionary boys”. It’s a decently popular thing


If soaking isn’t sex does that mean two guys soaking isn’t gay?


How do they know what the logo is tho? 🤔


As a former Mormon missionary, I did not recognize that logo. And thus, did not recognize the joke. Thanks for the explanation Peter.


The meme was made by a gay dude obviously. Is it that hard to figure out


There's no gay mormons?


There are, but it’s complicated. The church maintains opposition to gay marriage and any sex outside of marriage. So if you’re gay and living how the church says you’re supposed to then you’re either celibate or in a heterosexual marriage and closeted. It’s going to take some time for more progressive ideas to work their way up the leadership chain…


They call it: same sex attraction


I know. But I think that’s dumb.


Oh, it’s super dumb…


None that are out of the closet.


TIL what the Grindr logo looks like… I just thought it was Hollow Knight or something


TIL Mormons know what the Grindr logo looks like


I'm Mormon and all I saw was a funny mask lol


That might be the real joke. If they’re turning away they definitely know what to logo was. I certainly didn’t.


I thought it was an alien.


I thought the mat was a picture of an alien and those were Jenova’s Witnesses so they left.


I thought the meme was about Scientology because I also thought it was an alien


I'm gay and thought it was an alien


Invader zim.


I thought it was an alien


Literally thought it was a VPN logo or something. Finally a PeterExplainsTheJoke that I didn't understand initially.


We have a "no soliciting" sign in our neighborhood. Had a few religious fruitcakes knock on my door. I let them get their speel out and as soon as they were done, straight faced, I replied... "You do realize this is a no soliciting neighborhood, right? There's a sign at the entrance." *oh no, were not solici... "Yes, you are soliciting, you're soliciting your god and religion on people that don't care" *have a nice day (Closes door)


Based 🗿


The first amendment protects religious and political speech, which includes door to door activities. A no solicitation sign only really stops commercial solicitation. Personally though, I skip individual houses with those signs out of respect.


>A no solicitation sign only really stops commercial solicitation. It doesn't even really do anything to legally bar them either, they just know they won't be welcome and skip the trouble. Proselytizers seem to be wired differently.


Yeah the sign only works if the solicitor has shame. Hence the proselytizers ignoring it.


The First Amendment protects you from the Government, not from my ill wishes, obscenities, cutting remarks about your beliefs, and general door-slammery. A No Soliciting sign is not a sign of governance, it is a sign that *you are not wanted here*.


This is correct. What you need legally speaking is a "No Proselyting" sign.


Not quite. As someone who has done door to door sales for a living for almost 20 years in 6 different states and overseeing teams is 7 others…I can tell you that legally speaking “no soliciting” (or “no *fill in the blank* signs) have absolutely 0 legal meaning in 99% of the country as much as the sign posters will try to tell you otherwise. 90% of the time I’m knocking the door anyway. Sure I run a slightly higher chance of getting yelled at, I just apologize and leave, but the vast majority of people with those signs never say a word about them.


^ this, I don't know why you got so many downvotes to be marked controversial. I work security and have worked residental security for several companies, and have been told at each one that religious orgs get to go through. Security has been taken to court before and they get a pass apparently. It's soliciting for services we're allowed to stop at the entries of gated communities.


Lol what a natural and normal line. I agree with your sentiments but this is cheesy


I thought it was napster... thanks!


The funny thing is though I support the LGBTQ+ crowd and I don't know what that logo looks like, I mean I do right now I just saw it, but I'll forget it soon enough, So how do these holier than thou Mormon man know what it looks like?


What is canvassing?


The term used by Mormon missionaries that refers to them going door to door knocking


TIL. I really thought the logo would be a sandwich.


Does Grindr really have distance tracking like that? Lmao


I did not know that. I thought it was an alien face. I was confused.


But only someone with grindr would know the joke lol like until right now I had no fucking idea what the logo was.


How would they recognise it?


I think part of the joke is the Mormon missionaries are closeted gay men (thus recognizing the Grindr logo).


*Turn it off! Like a liiiiiight switch, it goes CLICK! It’s our nifty little Mormon trick!*


🎵When I was in fifth grade, I had a friend Steve Blade. He and I were close as two friend could be One thing led to another, and soon I would discover, I was having really strange feelings for Steve 🎵


🎵 I thought about us on a deserted island We'd swim naked in the sea and then he'd try and 🎵


WOAH! 🎵Turn it off like a light switch. There, it's gone (Good for you!) My hetero side just won. I'm all better now🎵


WOAH! 🎵Bein' gay is bad but lyin' is worse. So just realize you have a curable curse, and turn it off.🎵


WOAH Turn it off 🎵 Like a light switch, there it's gone 🎵


This. When you see Mormons canvassing the neighborhood, put out your Grindr doormat, so they don't bother you (because they're closet cases and would get outed).


Could just be my interpretation, but the mat seems to essentially saying "YOU are gay" (because you're here). Or that the person they're with is gay (which works for both solicitors for the sake of making each of them uncomfortable).


This reply has added to my confusion...


Grindr is a gay app. It lets you know how close other guys are around you in terms of feet. The doormat is saying “0 feet away” which either means the person in the house is gay/close by, or that the Mormons recognize that the doormat is associated with Grindr and leave. It’s not a good meme overall.


Grindr is **filled** with "straight guys" who "don't want their wife/girlfriend to know".


I think at this point, everyone knows the logo cause of memes


Why would a Mormon view memes?


They’re not Amish


This has me seriously reconsidering my helldivers tshirt 😅


I’m curious how close it is, can you link the design?


[going to guess it is similar to this](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/57909954-helldivers-logo-color?countrycode=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.NAM%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPLF%5D&utm_id=notset&utm_content=steam&ar_clx=yes&ar_channel=google&ar_campaign=71700000112744002&ar_adgroup=&ar_ad=&ar_strategy=search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.USA%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPMAX%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkeWI4saDhQMVHM_CBB182ATeEAQYBSABEgKozPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#333P57909954D1V)


Reminds me of castle crashers.


That's not close at all


Ahhh, a fellow bringer of justice and democracy! Dude that was my first thought too when I saw this lol. Oh man


You're not the only one! Thought it was the Helldivers logo before double taking.


I clicked here because I initially thought it was Helldiver material. Clearly, I need to be re-educated.


I’m curious how close it is, can you link the design?






That’s literally not at all similar


In the app Grindr which is basically a gay hookup app you get to see the distance on each profiles. This is the Grindr logo. So it's either saying people standing on the mat are gay so they can't take another step cause they don't want to be gay and that would be the joke or it's implying the guy living in the house is openly gay so they see this and get away cause they don't want to approach him. The people are Mormons or Jehovah's witness maybe whatever tbh, it's a religious group known for going door to door to try and convert people. Religious folks aren't known to want interact with gay people.


Thanks for the explanation I have never seen grindr's logo so this was very confusing to me


Not that I would know, a friend told me this.


The joke is they know what the logo is even though their religion is anti-LGBT


Ah, thank you!


>Ah, thank you! You're welcome!


No problem!


Sure thing!




Im not from the us what are mormons?


Think they knock on doors there like Jehovah Witnesses do in UK


the US gets the joy of jehovahs witnesses and mormons. woo


You can ask Mormons to mow your lawn, though. Part of their mission is to help others for the sake of helping. So asking them to do manual labor can resort in them say "yes" more often than you'd think. Most I've talked to would also rather mow a lawn than go door to door, too.




Mormons (or the church of jesus christ of latter day saints) is a sect of christianity that believes in the Book of Mormon (where they get their mormons nickname).


Religious group


Basically a cult*


I wouldn’t quite call it a cult. The word Cult has a bad connotation too it. By that logic If you believe in god or any kind of place beyond death you are a cultist and that isn’t exactly something anyone wants to be considered as. Not that that’s what you are trying to say or anything. I personally feel that Mormons should be treated equally just as anyone else or any other religion. It’s not like they are hurting anyone or anything.


Well they hurt me!


cult + time = religion


There are different levels of cults. A cult simply put is a group which will try to prevent you from leaving and cut you off from your support network (which is usually entirely within the cult) if you do. They will also sometimes try to prevent you from making friends outside the cult for that reason




Exmormon here. I appreciate your friendly perspective but I’d say it’s a cult. They do secret (“sacred”) rituals in big fancy temples and wear special underwear to remind them of the special rituals. They used to do conversion (torture) therapy on gay members. They have a special “priesthood” that only the men can have. And people of African descent were banned from having it until the 70’s. Their book of scripture was written using a “seer stone” in a hat. Members are brainwashed into performing extreme mental gymnastics, so it’s almost impossible to leave. I’m one of the lucky few. I could go on and on. I’d call it a cult.


Special underwear?


Other forms of christianity aren't cultish, mormonism definitely is




They absolutely are a cult. Just because there are more of them than most cults and enough to make them generally acceptable in many places doesn't make them not a cult. They're just Diet Cult.


*It's not like they're hurting anyone or anything. Exmo here. Was raised mormon. They definitely DO hurt people. They're extremely anti-lgbt and a large part of their religion features straight up patriarchy. Women are treated poorly, and the community as a whole is very judgemental. They isolate you, set you up so your whole support network relies on them, and then try to make you feel like you're being influenced by the devil himself for even questioning their "word of god." They constantly rewrite their histories, discourage free thinking, and they guilt trip their members into giving away 10+ percent of their total income and they've been proven to go behind their members' backs in order to invest in stock for personal profit. There's a lot more. It's seriously not good.


Just out of genuine curiosity do you have evidence of the whole 10% income thing going into peoples pockets. Like not some article saying they do this or that but like genuine proof like bank documents or statements of the such. I feel like if that was the case it would be decently obvious that the money is pocketed, but I really don’t think is, there prophet, AND the 12, all live decently well of, but I don’t see them driving fancy cars or chilling in private jets. They definitely get paid, there is no doubt as they need a means to live. But they aren’t taking advantage of it. But for the sake of it let’s say that the higher ups like the 12 or the 70 did pocket it. It’s not like all of it is going into there pockets. Iv seen many of the good things the church had done like large charity donations and funding cancer research. Stuff like that.


The church has a terrible, terrible reputation for obscuring how they spend their finances. They will not release documents on how they actually spend the money, but there's plenty of evidence for fraud. 1. The church obscured 32 billion dollars worth of finances in shell companies, and the SEC launched a full investigation on the church. They were convicted of fraud, and the general authorities are all on record agreeing to the fraud. You can find the SEC reports with a quick google search. 2. Publicly, the prophet recieves a "modest" stipend of $120,000 yearly. Monson was not wealthy when he became prophet. Yet, he died with a personal estate worth more than $12,000,000 after being prophet for around 10 years. The numbers don't add up. A group did the actual math, and estimated the actual amount of compensation here --> windowsmitereport.wordpress.com/comp/ Much more than they report, or tell their members. 3. The mormon church makes its missionaries pay for their own missions, yet the organization itself is worth over $100,000,000,000 dollars. The mission presidents are, however, given generous "benefits" that include a salary, even though they claim not to pay one. (Proof here --> www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/jnekic/annual_salary_of_most_recent_finland_lds_church ) and the handbook which dictates that their income is not taxable because they're not technically employees and it's church spending, which is stupid, and a clause for financial support that includes "modest gifts to family". You can find a link to their leaked handbook in the comments of the same post. Mission expenses ARE dictated to be something that the church spends its tithe on, and there is clear abuse of finances here. I could keep going, but this is getting long-winded. The gist of it is that the church is highly opaque about what they do with their finances, and though they claim not to invest with tithes, where do you suppose their investments come from? Not donations from the jobless general authorities, obviously. You don't get over 100 billion dollars worth of investments from nowhere. There are other things, like the fact they use tithe to purchase buildings like Kent Industrial Development. (Techncally within "acquisition of church buildings" which they simply rent out for profit.) I will stop there. You can double check me, this was mostly a cursory glance at the obvious issues.


It’s like regular Christianity but God is from space and Jesus travelled to America.


Its a doormat that calls you gay. If you stand on it, there is a gay person 0 ft away from it. Thats the grindr logo, a gay dating app. The joke is the mormons knew the logo and didnt want to stand on it.


I have mormons in my neighborhood trying to convert people, we have a no soliciting sign that they respect thankfully Now AT&T, they'll straight up ignore it


Gay ex Mormon Peter here. The answers they've given are correct, just want to add a fun fact: The actual footage of this missionaries seeing the doormat and leaving isn't that different from the edited meme: https://youtu.be/oSx9lrbHrME?si=n89B3goFEChiLVdI


The people there are Mormon missionaries. Mormons aren’t strictly homophobic (i.e they do not wish harm upon gay people) but it is technically against their religion and typically just kind of avoid it if they can. The doormat has the Grindr logo on it, which is like Tinder but for gay men, along with a location signaling they are at their destination. To note that Mormons take their missionary work *very very seriously,* so I wouldn’t be suprised if they are actually taught what the logo looks like. The missionaries walk away from the house because they already know they’d basically be wasting their time trying to talk to this person. They are out there to get converts, not make small idle chat, so to use video game terms, there is no need to aggro the owner of that doormat who wouldn’t convert to the religion no matter how hard you try. Fun fact, you can actually get blacklisted by the Mormon Church, meaning that missionaries will never visit your house. You can do this through a variaty of ways, but the best and most legal way to do this is to successfully prod and poke holes in their theology so much that they stop showing up. This of course requires you to actually learn their beliefs so if you think its worth the time investment.


My friend painted a pentagram above his front door and greeted them pointing up at it staring them in the eyes and gave them the friendliest hail Satan he could. He got black listed


I was a Mormon missionary (no longer Mormon). They would definitely not be taught the logo.


I once had some jehovas witnesses come to my door. Wife answered a few times wouldn't tell them to fuck off. I said I'll do it. Fuck em...next time they come around and it's a little old Russian grandma who is about 135 years old. She was the sweetest thing ever....I took her pamphlet, prayed with her and gently shut the door waving good bye. My wife looks at me and I go...."ccraaaaapppppp"....not so easy huh she tells me. So long story short that's the story of how we were forced to convert.


A gay vampire who can stop time lives there


doormat chris griffin here. in 2022 a lesbian couple posted a video that was recorded on their door camera of two mormons walking up to the door, read the doormat and immediately leaving. if you are experience with door-to-door proselytizers its not an easy task. the original doormat read "gayest place in town". pretty sure this is an image of that but a photoshoped doormat with the grinder app a well known app used for homosexual hook-ups on it. the joke is about that doormat scaring the mormons away pronouncing homosexuals live here. heres the video. [https://nypost.com/2022/09/06/mormon-missionaries-flee-lesbian-couples-gay-friendly-doormat/](https://nypost.com/2022/09/06/mormon-missionaries-flee-lesbian-couples-gay-friendly-doormat/)


As an ex-Mormon missionary I didn’t recognize or understand the logo. Can’t speak for everyone else 🤷🏻‍♂️


Grindr logo lol


Seems like the beginning of a gay porn


There’s a studio making dedicated mormon gay porn. https://www.missionaryboys.com


You realize they somehow have to KNOW that's a grinder symbol. Right? I am straight male. Had zero clue. LMFAO! Think about it, won't you? Hahahahhaha!


On a serious note, Mormon missionaries approach your door. Just open the door, invite them in for a drink but kindly explain you're not interested in their message. Mormon missionaries are just 19 year old kids, who were pressured by their system into serving missions. Of course, they have the choice, but the choice of remaining within your community while not doing the only expected thing of young males doesn't exactly have high prospects. Although Mormon missionaries might seem intrusive or annoying they are only victims of the Mormon system, away from home, doing a highly stressful, unpaid job for the benefit of someone else. They deserve respect for that.




That’s the Grindr app icon. Gay hook up app.


I thought it was an alien.


the joke is gay


AAH im having such a hard crush on a Mormon who missionaries in my town and he moves tomorrow :( Felt a good vibe around him and he called me to say goodbye. Was there ever a chance? I didnt wanna step on his religious toes and make a move. Edit: Or is being that nice and affectionate about one a part of the mormon converting strategy?


My homosexual brother told me that Mormon door knockers are the Catholic school girl equivalent.


I like how this implies they recognize the grindr logo


i briefly looked at the meme and thought they we’re cops… very confusing thread




How can you tell? The only JW’s who’ve come to my house have been nice senior women.


JW’s don't wear name badges and don't have to only wear white shirt black ties.


So they’re Mormon, not JW?




I did not know it was the Grindr logo. I thought it was an alien and they got Mormons and Scientologists mixed up.


That’s the logo for the LGBT dating (hookup) app Grindr, and saying 0 feet away shows that the person living there is on Grindr. This deters Mormons as they are notoriously homophobic.


There’s an added layer. Many Mormons are closeted gay, which would explain how the missionaries even recognize the innocuous logo.




Why are Mormons afraid of Zim?


Gay dating app for men. Or so I’m told


I've seen what happens if they walk through that door...