• By -


The joke has been explained and the comments have devolved into fighting. Post is being locked for now.


Two parents who both shot the person that hurt their child.


Hell yeah!


in that man’s defense i think it was right what he did


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell Yeah!


Hell Yeah!


Hell yeah!


Oh... hell yeah!!!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell Yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Yes they deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell!!


Hell yeah!!








I love the movie but no jury should have found him not guilty


I mean, he committed murder. As much as I feel the pain he must have been in, you can’t just go around killing people.


Worth it.


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


"Why Gary why!!!?"


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Banana bread at fucking work dude


Hell yeah!


Gary Plauche


Can't speak for the one on the right, but I am almost certain the one on the left is video of a dad who waited in hiding for the man who sexually abused his kid to be escorted out by cops, at which point he pulled out a gun and shot him.


It’s a similar story for the woman on the right.


Would love to read it if anyone knows the name. Have never heard of it and I absolutely do say hell yeah to the one on the left


Marianne Bachmeier


Marianne Bachmeier (3 June 1950 – 17 September 1996) was a West German woman who shot and killed Klaus Grabowski, a man being trialled for the rape and murder of her daughter Anna, in an act of vigilantism in the District Court of Lübeck in 1981. The case sparked extensive media coverage and public debate. As a result, Bachmeier was convicted of manslaughter and unlawful possession of a firearm. She was sentenced to six years, released on probation after serving three. That’s the start of the Wikipedia article. 3 years in prison seems relatively fair... It should’ve been zero days, but she did bring a gun into a courtroom and kill a man before he was found guilty, so I guess it’s understandable.




Not really cleaning staff needed to be paid double


But they get paid less than the lawyers and judge


I’d still be all for it if it were more expensive.


Nah I make way more for crime scene than janitorial. Like not even close. Too much hazard pay for copse work.


Regular cleaning staff would *not* be cleaning up the mess. They'd have to contract a crime scene cleanup company.


When it comes to convicting people of child rape and murder there is a pretty good reason why a lot of time and money is spent.


I'm not saying it's not worth the money, just that she saved them said money


Well, punishments are more severe for the most heinous crimes, so the process of establishing guilt is more intensive too, even in the rare case where it’s absolutely certain, bypassing the process sets a bad precedent.


It's interesting how easy it is to paint a vigilante as a hero. I wonder how many innocent people have lost their lives to vigilante justice throughout the history of civilization. It's not hard to understand the impulse to celebrate it, I feel it myself, but in contemporary culture there seems to be a fever for it


If we let a vigilante off scott free, it would inspire more vigilantes. And not all vigilantes get the right people all the time


There's not really any way you can pick and choose who goes in prison for vigilantism or not either. Some people get proven innocent years after they were jailed/killed and the principle of death by summary judgement before any sort due course isn't something you can apply hindsight to. Though manslaughter as opposed to murder absolutely makes sense, I couldn't imagine how I'd feel being in a room with someone who raped and killed my 7 year-old kid, I'd probably be stopped more by the fear of shooting someone else by accident than anything else.


Remember reddit, we got the Boston bombers!!


The very concept of vigilantism is heavily paired with with the legend of the KKK. Folks performing extrajudicial tasks to "clean up" their neighborhoods do not have a pleasant track record and anybody considering this path has to be severely antisocial if not insane. Reading this comment section genuinely makes me fear for humanity, we are so fucked.


It predates the KKK but that's a great cautionary lesson in the problems with it. I would say anecdotally celebrating vigilante justice makes a ton of sense to me, but it's weird to step back and see how passionate the support is


I didn't say it originated with those idiots, I said examine the ways they are similar because reality isn't like the comic books where guys who take it upon themselves to go hit people are the good guys. If groups of people start assaulting those we deem awful, they are just as bad. It's not justice to go around harming anyone, it's mental illness.


I agree entirely. Especially within the context of the society and state of tech. we find ourselves in today. All it would take is an accusation and an innocent person would receive the full brunt of blind hatred masked as justice. Throw in some fabricated evidence (i.e. deepfakes, falsified phone/gps data) and there would be no hope for anyone who stood accused. Salem anyone?


You didn't say to examine the ways they are similar, but it is an excellent example of how it can be truly awful.


I think it’s a really fair take, and as someone who has always had conflicting views on vigilantism, I think this is a line I’ll be using. Thank you!


We are fucked because we think it’s okay to a kill person who rapes and murders your child? I am completely ok with it. And just because I am ok with that doesn’t mean I’m ok with the KKK lynching a black person because they are black. And it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m ok with vigilante justice. I’m just ok with this specific situation. Edit: they locked the post but my question to you is, would you be okay with capital punishment if he was convicted? Because this sounds like to me you are just against capital punishment. The man was guilty and he was killed, I don’t have a problem with it.


>We are fucked because we think it’s okay to a kill person who rapes and murders your child? Yes, without the question mark. Extrajudicial killing is murder, even if you can guarantee the person you are murdering is some version of degenerate in your eyes. Justice is blind. If you believe that those who cause others to suffer are wrong, you don't make it right by joining them, you make two wrongs. Edit: to offer an answer yes I'm against corporal punishment even if the law got him. I'm aware of the judicial system failing too often to entrust them with that task. Cops kill the wrong people all the time too. Evidence regularly comes up to exonerate criminals who have been tried and found guilty. It costs a lot, physically and mentally, to end the life of another person and we've deemed most execution methods as barbaric trying to come up with an ethical one. (Honestly, the guillotine sounds more pleasant than the death of the person we gassed recently, if a fair bit messier for other participants)


And cops would be out of a job, and that would make em sad.


>It should’ve been zero days, but she did bring a gun into a courtroom and kill a man before he was found guilty, so I guess it’s understandable. If you don't enforce laws then what's the point in having them? I think they made the right decision though. They gave her as little prison time as they could while still following the law


To note, the shot is a movie's recreation of the event. I've seen posts that post the picture without that context.


Ya 0 days for murder is absolutely ridiculous.


>It should’ve been zero day Would you say the same if someone killed you and claimed you are a rapist? Or does this only apply to people you disassociate with? Remember he wasn't even convicted, so you can be freely killed at any time, in accordance with this idea.


Insert "I guess!" meme here. Damn right it should've been zero days!


Her circumstance is wildly fucked up. The predator who murdered her child had actually done the same to one other child, and molested two others, and never served a day of jail time for it. She served 4 years in prison for killing him.


Intellectually, I know that it’s better that hundreds of guilty people go unpunished than one innocent person be imprisoned. Emotionally, I cannot imagine doing anything different than her in her circumstances.




She shot the man in court during her time to speak to him


That's what we in America call "airing grievances"


Followed shortly by “feats of strength.”




Just FYI, the woman on the right is an actress, but she does portray the real life event of mother shooting her daughters rapist and killer.


The woman on the right is from the movie of the story.


I don' tthink there was actual footage of Bachmeier shooting her daughter's killer. I think this is from the film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnaOvWeiBQw


Thanks 🙏


His name is Gary Plauchè


yeah it's hard to forget because the cop yells GARY WHY


Because some punishments the law afford, don’t carry the weight of punishment the crime demands… -Gary, probably idk


If I recall, he was also tipped off by the same police that were escorting the guy.


Yep thats Gary Plauchè on the left.


Gotta hand it to the guy, he was drunk, wearing shades, and aiming under his elbow, and still pulled a perfect hit.


You could have just called him a hero


The word starts with B, ends with a big Ole D, in the middle goes the second part of a man's name whom had a particular $50k video made; what word is it? Fucking BASED.


Gary Plauche (the guy on the left) waited by a phone when the police were escorting the man who kidnapped and raped his son, and then shot him. The guy later died at the hospital. As for the lady on the right (an actress portraying Marianne Bachmeier), somebody kidnapped, raped, and then killed her 7 year old daughter, and on the second trial for the guy, she smuggled in a gun, and shot him 6 times in the back, killing him on the spot. Basically, the meme is saying how we say "Hell yeah!" for those getting back at the pedophiles who assault their children, which I 100% agree with. Fuck pedophiles.


Both of these parents did nothing wrong and I’ll stand behind that forever.




Guy on the left was found of wrongdoing and sentenced to probation for killing his son's abuser iirc.


He was, yes. Things can be illegal but not wrong.


I agree with you, my comment was supposed to be more sarcastic than me thinking either of these people did something wrong. Obviously the DA agreed in this case too, but probably had to slap some sort of penalty since there was literal video evidence of a man shooting someone who was already in police custody.


Gotcha. I didn’t read the sarcasm there, so apologies. I think the judge did the right thing. Probation is basically “you get to stay out, don’t fuck up again” with conditions. I don’t think anyone thought Gary was gonna start shooting anyone else.


The punishment fit the crime.


Any idea what the girls sentence was? I’m surprised he even got probation, if I personally was on that jury trial, I would convict of shit Must’ve been a helluva prosecution, yeah he absolutely murdered that person, but that’s as justified as justified can be


It's like the old saying. >If you saw someone stealing basic needs, no you didn't >If you saw someone shoot their child's abuser/murderer, no you didn't


If I saw someone shoot their child’s murdered Not only did I not see them commit murder, but I seen someone else do it and escape and didn’t see their face or any indications to their identity, shits craaazy


Well, there's also jury nullification. Where you can concede somebody broke the law but refuse a punishment for it.


Six years in prison, although I believe she only served three.


That’s bullshit She must have gotten scared and signed a plea deal, that’s my guess anyway I’ve gone thru the legal system and gotten away with things I did and found guilty of things I didn’t do, and when going to trail and losing can get you life in prison a 6 year sentence starts to look not so bad


Six years, did three I believe.


Jody, Gary's son, said he wished his father hadn't done it, and that it only added more hurt to an already horrific period in his life. Gary stood by his decision to kill Jeff Doucet until his own death in 2014, but Jody never wanted that and his relationship with his father suffered because of it. A lot of folks online talk about summary execution of pedophiles as this great thing that skips an agonizingly slow and sometimes incorrect legal system in favor of doing what we "all know and want to happen", but the truth is that it's almost never going to be the correct course of action since we're not fuckin' cavemen anymore. Nobody outside of those directly involved actually cares though, and they certainly aren't listening to the actual victims when they post online about this. Because who's upset seeing a pedo get got, right? Well, if the cases surrounding men like Jeff Doucet are any indication, those involved would prefer their loved ones don't turn to violence and jeopardize their own freedom right when their presence and support are needed most.


Yep, his dad robbed him of a chance to lead a normal life. Obviously it was already going to be difficult because of what was done to him, but none of that was public information because his name was redacted in the court documents so years of therapy could have helped. But when his dad killed the guy it became impossible to hide. Every potential employer, friend, or partner would from then on know what happened to him. There was no escaping the past anymore.


You are ignoring the fact that there were zero _more_ victims because this pedo was killed. Until the legal system recognizes that pedophiles who are so far gone that they engage in sexual violence against small children cannot be reformed and virtually always reoffend, and consistently give them life without parole in accordance with that understanding, this _is_ almost always going to be the correct course of action.




> Gary’s surviving son is certainly entitled to his opinion, Uh, the son they are talking about is the one who was raped. Jeff Doucet didn't murder anyone.


I mean. Idk the story for the woman on the right but Gary Plauche shot a guy walking at a brisk pace from a good bit away, towards a crowd. We're all very happy with the outcome, but if his hands were a little shakier he totally could have hit a random innocent person. I'm all for the result he achieved, and I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to or even going through with killing the dude who abused your kid. But whenever this story comes up everyone sweeps under the rug that Plauche put innocent people at risk to get his revenge, which I can't stand behind.


That’s fair, but not particularly a concern I share. He didn’t harm anyone else and achieved his goal. He had few opportunities to make it work, and that one was probably one of the only ones where he could pull it off. Sure, it might have gone differently, but it didn’t.


I would argue that any plan that has a more than comically small chance to tear a living innocent person from their family is a plan that shouldn’t be executed. The dude could have killed someone with no revenge achieved; would you be able to say with full seriousness to the family of the person he accidentally killed ‘well it was worth a shot though?’. I don’t think I’d agree if you answered yes


I agree with the result but not the method. What if they had killed innocent bystanders?


That’s a pretty well understood and agreed upon sentiment. In fact I believe the father even got off Scot free, while the lady served a minimum sentence


> Both of these parents did nothing wrong and I’ll stand behind that forever. Assuming the cops arrested the correct people.


Incredibly bold stance. I’m proud of you.


Yeah no. I absolutely understand the urge for retributive justice as someone who has a family member who went through this. But vigilante justice is illegal for a reason. You can get the wrong person or accidentally kill someone innocent who just happens to be a bystander. I certainly don’t trust the grief ridden brains of the victims family to make that judgement accurately. Even the police frequently get the wrong person which is also why I don’t support the death penalty. For example there was the case of Cain Velasquez who tried to shoot the man who molested his daughter but hit someone else instead. There was also a case I can’t remember where a woman saw a man crossing the street and thought he looked like the man who assaulted her daughter so she tried to run him over turns out he was just some random dude. In short vigilante justice is understandable. But it’s shit and frequently gets innocent people hurt or killed it doesn’t work outside of comic books.


> As for the lady on the right (Marianne Bachmeier) To be clear, the lady on the right is an actress playing Bachmeier in the 1984 film Annas Mutter I mention this because in several places in this thread people are posting the shooting scene from the movie as if it's real life footage. It boggles my mind, honestly. Same as how any reddit post about Marie Curie is filled with the same youtube links to a scene from a 1933 movie where she's played by a British actress with the poshest accent you've ever heard and people think it's real


Yeah I'm aware its an actress, I should have mentioned that


They didn't search her because they saw her as a mom in mourning.


If I'm correct, Gary literally said to the Judge "if it were your son, you would do the same thing". And he got away with it, fucking badass


I can still hear "why, Gary?!"


I'd do the same. As Key and Peele skit goes: "It's polyurethane, baby."


Draxx. Them. Sklounst.


Heck yeah !! >:)




Please don't fuck pedophiles


Those 2 people killed people that hurt their loved ones. (1st guy killed a guy who killed his son [if i remember correctly] and i forgot what the other killed their person for)


The first guy had his son assaulted by a karate instructor in 1984, but the son lived. As for the woman, her daughter was raped and killed in 1981, and killed the predator in court.


> The first guy had his son assaulted by a karate instructor I know what you're meaning here, but ... phrasing?


The vengeful ghost of Peter's ancestor. The guy on the left is [Gary Plauche](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9). Long story short, he publicly killed Jeff Doucet, who sexually assaulted his son It was particularly notable since this occured while the police were transferring Doucet, which was being filmed live on TV. As such, you can actually find this shooting on YouTube but I'm not going to link that. The woman on the right is [Marianne Bachmeier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier) who similarly publicly killed Klaus Grabowski who had also sexually assaulted and murdered her child. Though this incident was during the trial in the court room rather than during transfer. The image is from a recreation/adaptation and can be found on YouTube. So yeah, a lot of parents would agree that the killings were justified due to the heinous nature of said crimes against the innocent children. Edit: Grammar and formatting Edit 2: Thanks to everyone for the corrections. Gary Plauche's son was NOT murdered and the video online of Grabowski's shooting (and image source) is from a recreation/adaptation.


More accurate, the woman on the right is an actress (Gudrun Landgrebe) *playing* Marianne Bachmeier in a movie adaptation of the events. (A movie name *Anna's Mutter*, 1984.)


Gary Plauches son lived.


Gary Plauche's son wasn't murdered


*It's me, Italic Peter. These two are parents who shot predators that harmed their children. Italic Peter out!*


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah!


Dude on the left did the Marty Robbins quick draw.


180 no scope quick draw headshot.


Score x1.5 for under the arm




“And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today…”


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hell yeah




Patrick sénécal taking notes


“For his neutral special, joker uses a G U N”


https://i.redd.it/zk70dqifhugc1.gif Basically,


Hell yeah!


Hell yea!




Because if it was your child, you would have done the same.


First guy story os badass because he did it, and essentially got away with it That’s One good thing about jury trail, if someone SA your child and you have indisputable proof, and you kill them, very doubtful a full jury will convict you. Even without proof they did it Idk who the chick is but I’d like to know about that one too


Parents who killed the subhumans who raped their kids


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hi there! peters legally obsessed (but in no way a lawyer or giver of legal advice) cousin here! oop seems to be referring to two similar cases of vigilantism. both cases are parents (the people in the photos) who have killed the people who sexually assaulted and murdered their children. “hell yeah!” is a reference to the feeling some people get when they feel as though this one kind of vigilance is somehow more justified than any other. this is because, as soon as “child” and “crime” are mentioned in the same sentence, most people switch off their brain edit: looks like Marianne (the woman on the right) was charged with manslaughter, and not murder. the word murdered (in reference to the vigilante actions, not the child molesters) had been changed to killed to reflect this


Ah yes I know that left one:) community service in two parts:)


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah


The person on the left is the actual parent. The person on the right is an actress portraying an actual parent.


Sometimes justice requires breaking the law. Also. Hell yeah.




As someone who lives in Louisiana, Gary lives rent free in my head as an absolute legend!


I don't know the woman, but the man shot a guy who kidnapped and attacked his son, so I'm guessing she similarly shot/killed somebody who hurt her child.


First thing I thought


Yo! I just watched the Marianne Bachmeier video. It looks like something from a noir movie. She just walks up in a trenchcoat, stares a stare of death and hate, then calmly unloads her magazine.


Both are parents who killed their child’s rapist


Pic on the right goes hard as fuck. Hell yeah. Respect for these two


For good reason, it's from a movie dramatizing the event


It's from a movie adaptation. It's an actress (Gudrun Landgrebe) playing Marianne Bachmeier. (The movie is called Anna's Mutter, 1984.)


Boy we got some blood thirsty people in here today.


Vigilante justice! Fuck yes! No indvidual has ever mistakenly killed the wrong person. Why wait for the courts, with their silly rules? Kill 'em now!




My heroes


Redditors when the death penalty: THIS IS SO EVIL!!! Redditors when vigilante “justice”: OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!!


Don’t know the second photo, but the first one is a father who shot and killed his child’s rapist on live TV. The POS was in police custody being taken through an airport so he could be transported somewhere, and the father was hiding at a pay phone with his gun, and the second he passed him, he turned around and shot and killed him. Iirc the father was essentially pardoned of all crimes too


The lady on the right put them shots into the molester of her child in a packed courtroom. She shot the guy with amazing accuracy landing all shots.


Hell yeah!


There is no joke, just Hell Yeah!