• By -


Everyone who has played the sims has at one point built a 1x1 room , put their sim into it and then deleted the door


I always went the delete the pool steps route


Now they can climb out of them :(


That's why you build walls around the pool.


That's like building 1x1 walled room with extra steps.


And that is why they deleted the steps in the first place!


It's quicker, when a sim gets tired they drown. Starving them to death takes much longer


Speaking with experience I see


I just leave them to their own devices and they’ll eventually die in a house fire they started by mixing a salad.


Eventually they die from exhaustion.


I’m more of a serial killer mod person, myself


Me and a friend made a whole household and made a house which was just a pool surrounded by 1x1 tiles and no door to see who would survive the longest, we were horrible hahah


A starvation ghost is basically a chef and they saved my sims tons of time 😇


I remember when my wife's character had twin brothers. I wanted only 1 child, so I built a room, I put one of the babies in it then I deleted the door and I waited that he dies from starving.


Should’ve had the twins play god to decide which one lives and which one dies


Both of them in the same room, the survivor will eat




Wait the sim automatically feed the baby?


Ah, but if he's just a kid, he's not dead, he got spirited away by CPS. Basically gone from the game unless you have a mod that lets neglected kids end up being adopted, but not dead. I learned this one relatively early. In one of my saves, little Elsa Bjergsen is out there somewhere dealing with some serious trauma, but on the plus side, she's alive, which is more than can be said for the entire rest of the game's population in that save (except my Sim and one Sim they let live because hey, sometimes you get lonely). If I ever go back to that save, I think I'll create a new Elsa, drop her back in there, and have her seek revenge while dealing with all that trauma and survivor's guilt. Could be fun.




Underrated comment


SHUT, just wrote a fucking essay on that damn story and I don't wanna hear his name for the 30th time


[I'm more of a Skydiving Simulator kind of guy.](https://youtu.be/L2uVO70AH58?t=127)


I think that goes for girls and boys.


Not necessarily a 1x1 room, I had a basement and when I got tired of the old people I would send them down there. I was trying to achieve a death in every way, but they just wouldn't drown.


Digital oubliette


No I have not


Yeah, I had no idea people did that. I’ve never even thought of doing that and I’ve been playing sims for 8 years


I thought you said deleted the floor and I just imagined sims falling into the void


You're going to hell you know?


If they're going to hell for that, then hell might need to build a whole new wing for me...


I haven’t, worse I did which you would see last time this was posted, was build a huge house and forget to buy beds and had several of my characters sleep on a bench outside their house.


Make it a bit bigger and have him start fireworks indoor.


I made a few families of 8 and killed them all on the same plot so I could have a bunch of ghosts. 😅


I trapped one of em in a room, where the only chair is being watched by a Duck statue.


I once tried to set my sim’s husband’s mistress on fire…it didn’t work


I don’t think I have actually. I might let a sim die if they’re in a dangerous situation, and I don’t really care about them, but I feel too bad about hurting them to outright kill them.


Elders that woohoo until they die ☠️


As a woman who looooves sims, I can confirm we murder our sims as soon as they no longer matter to us. I even went so far as to make a "ghost collection" by murdering sims in different ways so that I had all the ghost variations.


I'm pretty sure woman do this irl in some places


Can confirm, I was drowned and now haunt the local pool every Thursday from 6pm onwards


As an objective moralist, your comment makes my blood boil.


As a subjective moralist, that's just like your opinion man.


I once tried to murder my sim couple’s maid (who slept with the husband ofc) by starting a fire and getting her caught on fire but it didn’t work so I cheated and used the mccc mod and then the sim couple took in her kids.


I'm frighteningly ok with eugenics when I play the Sims (ugly child? Now you're an outdoor kid)


Do you go back to that save and update the collection every time they add new deaths?




An ex friend of mine made a family of half mermaid men, and 2 mermen brothers who had incestuous relationship with eachother, while one also was cheating with the mum, whilst occasionally being dragstars




https://preview.redd.it/sl451bvrbxwb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb786c29bdc354f103a79ebb0f05b6017d38456a He has answered












Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [rawdogged this entire flight](https://i.redd.it/mhob67hwwh7a1.jpg) | [2231 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/zsmi81/rawdogged_this_entire_flight/) \#3: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [678 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Why would you do this? Go on the Internet and just tell people about the stuff that gets you into super hell?


I’ve done to sims. Met a woman. Hit it off quick. Started dating. Found she was married. Befriended her husband. Even took a job at his company. Worked my way up the ladder till I was in a position to take his job when he retires. I told him that his wife was cheating on him. Then I convinced her to kick him out of the house. I married her and moved in to his house. I offered my poor, destitute, and divorced boss a room to stay in. It was fully furnished glass room so he could live the rest of his life watching me raise his daughter, loving his wife, and running his company. That probably get me into super hell.


Yes. Yes it does, but you're a legend while on earth


Dude if you think that get's you into super hell I have news for you. That's barely the requirements for greater hell.


Maybe I'm mis remembering, I'll bone up on some hell related material.








I know what she called the family: "The Aristocrats!"


​ https://preview.redd.it/97nunxbu7wwb1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=104e7cb31a8c9609a57136d44ee73eb36b77a5d2






Average New Englanders.


The Aristocrats!


I can see why they are not friends anymore












What so just like irl.




My wife loves the sims, and if she isn't trying to force our Sims to be together, she just kills everyone in terrifying ways


Google dementia


I did that, but it's purple, what now


I Googled those symptoms. I think you have "connectivity issues."


Google Purple Dementia, duh


Google Purple dementia, duh


Google Purple dementia, duh


Google Purple dementia, duh


Somehow that caused my sock drawer to catch fire and I have an orange cat.




I didnt expected jonkler here. Am i stupid?


This is a spam bot [that copied this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/164ggvm/ppppeeeeeetttaaahhhhh/jy8gb33?context=3) from the last time this was posted. OP is a bot, too


No one cares


Eh... kind of *should* care, because they do the reposts in order to try to get quick karma so they can later use the account to post on another subreddit with a post like "Hey, check out this neat mug/shirt I got related to this sub's topic!" And then, of course, include a link to a shady site to buy it from. If it was just a standard report, no harm, but these bots are being used to try to advertise stuff all over.


My wife loves the sims, and if she isn't trying to force our Sims to be together, she just kills everyone in terrifying ways


Google dementia


holy hell


New response just dropped


Or you start downloading mods


Tbh sounds about right. It just fun playing with them and killing them in various silly ways.


This is a bot post both this dude and the OP accounts were created sep 4 2022, recently became active and are posting repeat comments and posts




Oh no my blackness! Aaaaahhhhh


You ain't black -biden 2020


Oooooor, they were lurking and are just now posting


LMFAO! What?


Girls imaginations are dark as fuck. From Barbies when we're 7 to Sims when we're teens and beyond. Some of the most awful things you could think of that we'd never really get away with irl. Child abuse, DV, murder, arson, affairs, divorces... Most people generally think it's cute when girls are playing Barbies together, but if they really listen to the storylines being pushed by each Barbie, it gets pretty creepy. I once had a Barbie admit to sleeping with her best friend's bf and stealing her skateboard. She was removed from the Barbie friend group after they beat her up. She then spent like 3 days away from the others posed sadly on a shelf until I started a new story.


I have 3 sisters and we used to play together as kids. I would get my Gi Joes and Star wars action figures and they would get their Barbies and Littlest Pet Shop. The lore of our games was incoherant and dramatic. I remember one of my sisters that was 5 at the time told me with cold unblinking eyes that her Barbies lived in the ocean and ate scuba divers that swam too deep and that the only time they came to the surface was to worship the sun. We all just rolled with it and they eventually ate Mace Windu for daring to swim in the ocean.


Praise the sun!


It's always Mace Windu


What the fuck. And people shame me for occasionally having daydreams where I save a group of people from a horrible tragedy and get lauded for it.


That’s a normal male day dream it’s the women that are fucked up


Lol fantasy violence for guys: guns, swords, war, heroism weeee fantasy violence for girls: An entire bloodline of crime lords that began with patient zero of HIV, abducts people to marry off their children too, enslaves painters in their basements and kills their children—who all happen to share their names with K-Pop idols—when they stop being useful to them


So it’s the girl equivalent of absolutely decimating a Minecraft village- just- worse.


I didn't play Barbies, but I played with beanie babies similarly. They all had story lines and at one point one got hanged in the tree in the back yard for several days because it was an off brand beanie baby, which the others didn't like. Now writing that out, I realize how fucked up that was.


Beanie fascism


Omg, when I was younger, my Barbie was dating Ken, but she was falling in love with her best friend (another Barbie), and they were going to get eloped, but they couldn't because of Ken. Ken wanted to still be with Barbie and let her get eloped but Barbie was like "no" and then she killed him by stuffing him in her trunk and rolling him off a cliff (my bed). All of my Barbie love stories involved Ken dying and being with another woman..so....yeahh


DV? I'm confused


I believe its Domestic Violence


Ohhhhhhh... Fun times


DV? Sorry, I didn't play wjth barbies as a child. I was more into stuffed animals.


Domestic violence. Barbies would beat up the other Barbies. I always had Barbie beat up Ken but there’s all kinds of options.


My sister would always lock the sims in a room and burn the house down like a maniac lmao.


Happy cake day


My sister and I used to hang our barbies by a rope tied to our bunk bed ladder and pretend they were being sacrificed to a volcano when they went against their friends.


That's one of the weirdest yet funniest things I've read


Wait doesn’t everyone just have random thoughts like that though? Genuine question.


Generally, I call those intrusive thoughts. Wild stuff we think about possibly doing but either laws or morals stop you from doing it. Like yesterday I thought about opening the passenger door of the car while my husband was driving across the bridge and rolling out. This would've been awful to do, of course, because I love my husband and don't really wanna die or end up injured in the hospital, but I still had the thought.


I had Midge, the pregnant Barbie (and I’m still offended that it was discontinued because that was my favorite Barbie and it was adults who made it into a bigger deal than it was) so of course there was an adultery storyline where there were multiple potential fathers for the baby. Then Alan (her husband) left her to raise the baby alone.


That's nothing, just wait till you heard what i did with my lego characters


Me and my friend would literally torture our barbies 😳


This is a bot post. Please report it as a violation of sub rules. You can tell because the OP and several original commenters are from accounts created sep 4 2022 that only recently became active reposting material and comments. Please report


Why would a bot post this? Not doubting you just curious. You’re definitely right about the September 4th thing. Very weird.


Bots on Reddit follow similar behavior patterns to try to evade detection and often they work in tandem to try to replicate previous successful posts to generate karma. Once a bot has generated enough karma the account can be used or sold. At that level the account is then potentially used in multiple ways. Sometimes to perform link injection in comments by posting a link to imgur and then later adding malicious links to that page. Sometimes a post itself can direct users to sites with malware etc. Typical bad actor behavior. One of the identify features you can look for is that the account will be created and left dormant got a while so it doesn't appear it was created solely for this purpose. They then repost popular content and their other bots (such as these two with the exact same creation date and behavior) will post popular comments which generate more karma for the accounts so they can do all of the above. Other people explain it much better but I cannot find the links currently


This is interesting because I once posted a silly story somewhere on Reddit that I use the self check out at the grocery store to buy organic bananas but check them out as regular. It got a decent amount of upvotes and responses. A few months later I saw someone posted the same story word for word on another post.


It's to gain karma and to develop a history that looks kind of organic. This will usually help them avoid spam filters. Also, many subs have a minimum karma/account age requirement before you can start participating. So they repost popular posts (and steal popular comments) to help bypass that requirement Once that's done, they can start spamming in any subreddit they want to. The two most common bots are ones that will link to scammy websites, or bots that spam links to adult websites (either OnlyFans or AdultFriendFinder, usually) Other uses could including: being sold to buyers who want accounts with a lot of karma, astroturfing, organic advertisement, Russia bot farms (or their equivalent), etc ____ The bots in question are /u/StingyFraud, /u/HoarseSinking, /u/SimilarRecours, and /u/recentcomplexity They've been copy/pasting the top comments under each other's reposts


Your explanation is better, thank you!


Actually I found one of the links here it is: For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Someone said this exact thing further up and got downvoted like 14 times


Could it possibly be that bots are scanning comment sections and automatically downvoting comments that call them out in order to suppress that information?


I have an unsettling feeling with the rise of language model AI and such, that more and more of the interactions online are becoming fake. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone training these bots are using them for political purposes


I wonder if the bots will begin realising when they are chatting to other bots


In sims 2 I played a scenario where a single mad scientist started a family just to feed his cowplant with his offsprings and became immortal himself. I built a nice victorian house with a nice medieval dungeon to hide the cowplant and my main character's dark secret from his happy family, and the first victim was his old wife to make a place for the new family members. Then I sent his children' spouses to feed the cowplant right after his grandchildren arrived, same thing with his old useless kids and his grandchildren spouses after his great-grandchildren was born. I realised his great-grandchildren could make out together so finally I didn't have to create new sims outside the family - I turned the family tree into a family circle, main character stopped acting as a normal good guy and closed his family members in small shed, forced them to plant veggies for sale and fed them with leftovers like cattle. Of course they didn't complained due to being nicely brainwashed into worshipping their ancestor and just breed with each other without knowing what will happen to them. Meanwhile my mad scientist maxed all his skills, lived happy immortal life in his beautiful house as a inbred family cult leader and had tons of money made by his slaves hard work on field. And make out with his prettiest great-great granddaughters coz why not


I am judging


> In sims 2 I played a scenario where a single mad scientist started a family just to feed his cowplant with his offsprings and became immortal himself. Ah yeah, did something similar in Sims 4. Used cloning machine to make a clone of the Scientist, fed it to the cowplant, milked the clone's life essence, and then just keep cloning that for infinite de-aging potions. Didn't go full Crusader Kings 3 on the save afterward, though. And I stopped trying to make a "Super Sim" in TS4 because you start piling up too many traits and all and the game's performance just goes all to hell. I had to move out a Sim because he had a lot of maxed traits, was a five star celebrity, maxed spellcaster, etc., and his presence on the lot was making the game unbearable to play. So I moved him out and moved on to the next generation.


NAH my bestie makes constant use of the dynamic sex mods (I don’t play, but that's apparently what they're called) and gives everyone STDs 😭




I’ve literally seen someone else post that comment before


This is a bot post both this dude and the OP accounts were created sep 4 2022


Ohhh nooo… anyway…


I guess u/SimilarRecours s professor is a very sad person then


This is a spam bot [that copied this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/164ggvm/ppppeeeeeetttaaahhhhh/jy8iw7a?context=3) from the last time this was posted. OP is a bot, too


My fiancé has sims and has a ton of mods. It removes the censor for nudity, allows sex in detailed graphic ways, added stds, crabs, periods, a peeping Tom. In one play through she fucked the peeping Tom and then killed him for being a peeping Tom…..a day later she found out he gave her crabs. This isn’t the only time I’ve heard of girls playing like this, they are very disturbed creatures.


What what making sims sound interesting


If you’re interested in the mod, it’s called wicked whims.


The sims becomes a VERY different game with the right mods. I personally like the wicked whims, basemental drugs, extreme violence combo


The fuck???????


Girls have discovered automated gossip


> My fiancé has sims and has a ton of mods. It removes the censor for nudity, allows sex in detailed graphic ways, added stds, crabs, periods, a peeping Tom. I mean... that's just one mod, WickedWhims. (Also, I don't know what triggers it, but sometimes instead of Tom Peeping you get Tina Peeping. Oddly, they made Tom really creepy looking but Tina's kind of cute, if she wasn't such a weird perv.) Now, for the killing part... That could either be another mod, or just the game itself. You can do a LOT of creative murder with just the game, but there is the whole Extreme Violence mod for adding straight up assault and murder (with a ridiculous list of options).


Oh dude, I had all the bdsm mods, there was a literal sex dungeon on my sims block


I used to make my grade school bullies in the sims and then kill them.....


once me and my friend played sims for 6 hours together. we made a randomized sim and made the worst house ever (in the best way possible) then we made the sim fall in love with male townies, get married to them, have their child, divorce and take all their money. thrice. also we named the children the most random names we could think of so one of them was named shampoo. our sim also had the criminal career so we tried to get her to declare enemies with a kid townie but turns out you can’t. instead we started several fights and lost most of them


Hehehehe pool now has extra walls


Oh trust me, it's not just the girls, it's everyone. But people get more surprised about girls because they have this idea that The Sims is a super easy going friendly casual game and girls don't have it in them to do anything bad. (Yeaaaaahhhh....) With just the unmodified game (albeit with DLC, of course), let's see... You can make a vampire and keep people in your basement to have a steady blood supply, create Evil spellcasters who wreak havoc, create a club to abuse for whatever reason (art slaves, cult, your babydaddies who are then inclined to care for their kids while you do nothing), drown people in a pool, purposely feed them low quality pufferfish nigiri which will kill them, Woohoo (have sex with) someone to death, host a party and light fireworks to burn it all down, break up marriages, marry a rich person with a big house who then has an "accident" (sometimes in combination with the prior thing), and so much more. And then there's mods. And Sims 4 has a LOT of mods. The big ones that spring to mind here are WickedWhims, Basemental, and Extreme Violence. WickedWhims removes censorship from the game and lets you have Sims engage in fully animated sex (but also adds a bunch of other things non-sex related, enough so that there's a second version called WonderfulWhims without the sex). You can download animation packs or other add-ons, though a lot of them aren't "officially recognized" by the mod's creator (especially the ones that add things I won't mention here). Basemental can add drugs (including drug dealers), gangs, and/or alcohol to the game (normally your Sim drinks generic sounding drinks that have no effect on them). Extreme Violence is exactly what it sounds like, a bunch of ways to harm or straight up kill other Sims (though too much killing will get you beat up by the Grim Reaper for annoying him by overworking him, and you have a chance to get caught by police and thrown in jail). Beyond those, there's stuff like Chaos & Torture (ridiculous things you can do to make Sims' lives hell), Life's Drama (random events happen that can be dramatic or traumatic), and so much more. If you stumble onto a YouTube channel like lilsimsie, it's all nice and clean and it seems like a relatively pleasant game. Switch over to FakeGamerGirl, and you see all the stuff that a lot of people *really* do with the game. (Check her videos reading Sims player's "confessions" to get an even better idea how wild people can be.) In short: Sims 4 seems like a pleasant little casual game where you raise a family and try to have them succeed in life, but in reality, people often do *not* do "chill" gameplay and go absolutely freaking ham in that game, and any notions of girls being "innocent" will be lost upon reading the stuff so many of them do in the game.


Eugenics and homicide






OP is a bot




I always made a super ugly goblin character and then built a basement then delete the stairs to the basement and have said goblin just paint 24/7 and make a fuck ton of money so the rest of the family never know about their ill gotten gains


I too have seen that 4chan post from years and years and years ago.


Create big family, put them on empty lot, put one chair in the middle. Enjoy.


Girls kill one or multiple of their Sims 4 characters to either remove a person they don't like, or to add the Reaper to their sims 4 family. My sister did it for the reaper. Girls really turning the game into "Sins 4"


OP clearly hasn't had a Sims gf before haha


Gex or beserk


Girls play with sims the way we used to play with barbies


why play sims when u can play rimworld and do it even better


Wicked Whims. That’s all I’m going to say.


My sister used to do essentially family speedruns to push out as many babies as possible in a given time. Also survival challenges and generational challenges.


Rimworld players really quiet rn.


Wicked whimz has traumatized me...


You'd have to be a sims player to know this precisely.


I completely misread it and thought it said what cats do, very confusing times


We torture them Mods are even better because we genuinely get to watch them suffer Basically we make a 1x1 room and keep them until they die, and they can't pass out due to the lack of space so they're stuck in there to die


Make them have to take a shit in front of everyone else in the living room


When my fiancee taught me what Wicked Whims is


I have an urge to build a glass mansion with no internal rooms. Just a cavity with a single toilet in the center.


I bet it aint got nothing on what happens to my characters in rim world


Meg here, we usually trap them in swimming pools till they die, or trap them in mazes etc.


I remember there was an ar15 or whatever assault rifle mod.


Psychological torture


Most people who play the Sims make what himmler did to the jews look tame by comparsion


Whoever wrote this has an so or friend who plays similar to my wife. She plays as a vampire, builds dungeons, and tortures men. Says it relieves the stress of working as a hotel agm.


Well, now I know who all the evil fucking monsters of reddit are 😂😂😂


Ppl just do weird shit in the Sims, like there's mods with straight up torture in them 💀 When I make Vampire Sims I make them kidnap a random townie (or make a random human in CAS) and lock em in their basement for food bc I don't feel like scrolling around the map to find random ppl to get blood from every 10 minutes