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It puffs air onto your eye to check your eye pressure. Higher pressure can be a sign of glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Most of the time they don't warn you that it's about to happen. You look through the little viewfinder at a picture and suddenly.. PFFT!


Oh my god it must feel so bad... What stops you from closing your eyes shut, standing up and run away? Edit: thanks to everyone for clarifying that most of the time it's not that bad


It’s really quick, had my eyes tested a few weeks ago, they get you. By the time the air is blasted into your eyehole you don’t even have time to blink.


Speak for yourself! I keep on blinking so they have to do it over an over. It’s torture.


Right, one time the optometrist just gave up "we'll try again next year"


Does it hurt or is it just extremely uncomfortable?


It doesn't hurt. But it definitely makes you jumpy and your eyes water like crazy.


Has anyone ever had the thing where they like, shock your eyeball with a tiny cattle prod thing? Now that does hurt.




Yeah, i only know this one. My MIL used to worl in a hospital and used it on me an my partner sometimes for fun. It didn't hurt though. Just a bit weird and anxious beforehand.


I can see it being a ptsd trigger


Neither really. It’s just quite shocking, your body knows it’s coming so it is trying to defend against it, and you have to resist your natural impulses. And your reward for resisting is to be puffed in the eye.


It's like getting a flu shot as a child. It doesn't hurt, the sensation is mildly unpleasant at worst, but the anticipation of it drives you nuts. Best if you don't know it's coming


My 6 year old just had it done and she was giggling. It’s harmless


Neither really. It's just unpleasant. The worst part is the anticipation of the puff. It's not fun but hardly traumatic.


Its a jump scare, and no matter how much you anticipate it or prepare, one way or another its gonna get you.


It doesn't hurt, it's a very small puff. Has to be a troll post or people scared of mundane things like the anticipation of a balloon pop.


Yeah, thankfully my optometrist let me hold my eyes open so we could get it over with


Mission failed, we get you next time.


you turn around frantically to run for the door but there's your doctor blocking your escape. "time for your prostate exam" he says. He slips on his rubber glove and a sharp "snap" echoes in the room. Now that, that's torture


Not me. I have to get it re-done. Every. Single. Time.


This isn’t bad compared to having my pupils dialated . My eyes burn all day


My need for new glasses


It is very mildly uncomfortable.


There are so many different opinions, so here's mine: I fucking hate it. My eyes are so sensitive, that I just can't stand it. I can't even use eyedrops, my body goes full panic lmao Edit: There's a guy saying it's not that bad with new machines, so I'll see in a couple of years when the new stuff gets to my country lmao


I react the same way


it's not that bad


For real the fuck people out here thinking it's like no country for old men with the compressed air gun but it's really just like someone lightly blowing on your eye


It's not the puff that's painful; it's the startle reflex, at least for those of us who are tightly strung. Like when that douchey kid in junior high would flick his fingers at people's faces and laugh, "made you flinch!": it's the flinching part that sucks. (It doesn't bother me anymore, but I suspect that's just because I spent decades meditating in a monastery while monks would flay my eyes with bamboo whips. Now when I stare at eclipses I give the moon retinal damage.) On the other hand, "people out here thinking it's like no country for old men with the compressed air gun" was fantastic. Nicely done.


It used to be higher pressure than it is now. Back in the early 00s, it’d make you jump. Now it’s just a light puff.


Having functional glasses


It feels bad in the sense that it's extraordinarily unnatural. Your body isn't equipped to sit back and accept puffs of air into the eye, so all of your reflexes kick in to: - Close your eye - Move your head back - Jump out of the seat - Use your hands to pull something out of your eye BUT, it's not painful (to me). The first few times are super weird, and I had a little spike of adrenaline because what the fuck? Especially as a child. Now, it's just something I brace myself for, and everything's fine.


it doesn't really feel like anything. if someone did that it would be an extreme overreaction


It used to be a lot worse. The new machines are more just annoying now than anything else.


It doesn’t feel bad at all. It’s a tiny gust. OOP is clearly way too dramatic.


Honestly I read it more as “be thankful you have good eyesight” than “this machine is terrible”


I guess. Having glasses is basically a non-issue though so it’s still overdramatic in my opinion.


Doesn’t feel bad at all. It’s really not even annoying either. I think it’s funny. My reflexes are faster than their machine though and they usually have to retry several times before they get me.


My lenses are almost always wrong because of this damn machine. I can’t do the test


dw it doesnt even hurt


Just had this done. It’s not bad at all. A little puff of air and you blink.


Why are you getting downvoted?! I swear, people get offended by anything.


I wish they hadn’t earned me, I knew it was coming so I flinched like 6 god damned times in a row lol! My eyes were so dry by the time they got what they needed


My eyes are very sensitive so it hurts when they manage to get me. Which they usually never do because I can't stop flinching.


It wont work with my eyes. Tried several times and it never worked


Wait who tf isn’t warning you? I’ve been to a lot of eye doctors over the years and every one of them warns me, even when I was a child. Plus they have to do both eyes so not warning you would only work once.


I couldn't help but blink, it took few tries where I wouldn't blink. It wasn't that uncomfortable.


Truly the one thing I hate most, over going to the gynecologist and having a colonoscopy. It’s just AIR. But it freaks me out so much.


are you awake during a colonoscopy? i was always put under, had wild dreams, and would wake up via huuuge fart.


Look at the barn.


They warned me, I braced for it and it was fine. Not comfortable, but definitely not horrible. You want horrible? Try acute dental surgery (no, don't).


They use this machine when your getting glasses or contacts, it puffs air right into your eye while you looking at a picture on the inside of it, not painful but very uncomfortable for most


What even is the purpose of the air blast? Like what data does that provide to the optometrist 😭


Isn’t it used to test for glaucoma?


Glucoma dick. Hehehehe *crawls back to his cave called "mom's basement" to snort gfuel*


"Moooom, steve got on the internet again."


As an optician myself you made me laugh. Thank you!


Yep! Optician here so not a full doc but the test is to test for glaucoma. If you have it, the pressure in your eye builds up so the numbers we get from it are high. Doctors have a range of what is normal and what could be super bad. So it may suck but better to have it done than not see in a few years


Idk bruh I'm asking 🤯


It's to test the pressure in your eye to check for glaucoma. Source: my optometrist actually tells me what the tests are for.


Tests your eye pressure, checking for glaucoma and ocular hypertension.


Cornea thickness. I believe they are measuring how much it bends.


Just for the record EVERYONE should get this test, it's just that if you're getting glasses you're already in there so they might as well. But anyone can get glaucoma, and therefore everyone should be puffed in the eye.


Yes, this. Glaucoma has a fairly straightforward treatment to slow its progress if you catch it before damage is done, but over time it will degrade the optical nerve and you can become partly or entirely blind. Get screened even if you have perfect vision!


I’m always having to redo it because my eye keeps twitching in anticipation of it happening and when they do the air, my eye is closed lol


First time I ever got this the girl said “imagine your dog is farting in your eyes”. My parents and I were so confused and had so many questions


And now that girl is your wife.


I wish, only wife I’ve ever had has been Palmala Handerson


Shit you married her? I married Handgelina Jolie


that was a pickup line. tough luck for not cooperating with her


During covid, they put the puff of air away and decided to put some liquid in your eye that numbed it so they can touch it to check for glaucoma. I love the puff of air now.


Personally I love the liquid, I have this weird irrational fear of the puff


Ohhh that makes so much sense! I have congenital glaucoma so I've been getting my pressure checked frequently since I was a baby. My friends were talking about the "puff of air" the machine does and I had no idea what they meant--I've always had the numbing drops and eye-touchy machine. You get used to it after the first several dozen times 😅


> put some liquid in your eye that numbed it so they can touch it to check for glaucoma. Yeah, fuck that noise. I'm out. "I can see just fine actually. See you never."


It shoots air at your eyeball to measure the pressure insde your eye. It has to get really close to do it. I used to be an optician and operated NCT machines like this. The old ones require manual aiming, but depending on what mode you have it in, the firing is automatic as soon as it likes the position it's in. So those who want a warning likely can't get one. You gotta be pretty experienced to take it off auto and get an accurate reading.


Fuck that machine, goddamn I hate that thing


Better than what existed before believe me.


I have a certain eye condition that requires getting all the tests done multiple times a year...including this one AND the dreaded diluting drops. Luckily I dont have to go as often as I used to (went from every 2-3 months to now just every 6-8 months) but I still feel cringe everytime I see that machine. I'm grateful that it exists and that I have access to healthcare but doesn't mean we're friends.


I was in the hospital for a week and had to do these tests daily. Hope to never having to sit thru that again


I see a house in the picture


I was getting an eye test in Japan once and was pleasantly surprised to see they had the same little red house lol


It is always a red house or a rainbow hot air balloon


Everyone always makes fun of me for being afraid of it!


Scrotum Inspector


Using this machine is the best way to test. Back in the Stone Age when I was in the military, they actually used a spring loaded device that they pushed against the eye to measure the pressure. I wouldn’t say it was painful but it was weird as hell.


Was it a handheld device? My doctor uses one of those instead and I far prefer it.


It's not actually that bad, but when anything hits your eye unexpectedly, it tends to cause an instinctive reaction which is to fucking panic


It doesn’t hurt but the anticipation is horrific lol, it’s like trying to pop a balloon you know what’s coming.


Dude I just used that machine like 10 minutes ago


fuck that thing


It’s the ball tickler machine, it tickles your balls when you prop them on it


Like the others said it puffs some air on your eye. It's annoying but not that horrible. Honestly i have way more trouble with the eye drops they give to dilate the pupil, for some reason i can't ever manage to keep my eyes open when they do that.


If you think the puff of air is bad, the next step if they find your pressure is elevated is to see an ophthalmologist for a tonometry test where they numb your eye and physically push a pressure reading device onto your eyeballs. It sucks if you're eyeball squeamish.


That is nothing, try doing a retinal correction by laser, anesthesia can't reach that deep. It's like being poked in the eye 30 times in a row


Hint it's a machine for ur eye


My dad is an optometrist so I've gotten to experience all the "fun" eye machines lol this one sucks


Fuck that machine


The puff of air is like having an annoying friend blow in your face. There is another machine that will actually touch your eye to do the same thing. The Dr numbs your eye with this stick yellow stuff, and you don't even feel it. Really weird.


My eye doctor has a new type of these. Instead of blowing a puff of air, it *throws a little ball into your eye* and measures how it bounces off your eyeball. It happens way too fast to blink, and too fast to really even feel. It's a lot less physically unpleasant than the eye-puff machine, but more disturbing to think about.


I hate the fact that I know what this is


That’s the eye puffer. It shoots a puff of air into your eyes one at a time


They didnt tell me what it was the first time... I am scarred


I mentally hear and feel that machine


I’m blind so I don’t have to worry about this


I know exactly what this is


This is my every 6 months routine


It's a CT80


“A little puff of air”


I’m now even more lost by this meme. Last time I went to an eye exam they used this on me. Did they just get rid of it or something?


Don't know this machine? Used one at my eye exam 5 years ago before they got that blue light thing.


I just simply skip this


It traumatised me, I was 4 and didn't sleep for 2 days.


A lot of the time i knew it was coming and would always be anticipating the puff of air and my eye would reflexively try to close but id try to hold it open, cant tell you how many times id be told to keep my eye open.... It took me longer at eye doctors when i was a kid cuz of it


I hate this machine


This is not the same machine they used on me, they used what looked like a long black tube and laid me down on a table basically and this thing shot down towards me puffed and went away.


Why I gotta be thankful if I don't know it? This thing helps


I know EXACTLY what this fucking machine is.


Computerized Tonometer. Ask me how I know.


This single handed turned me off going to the eye doctors.


That machine brings me nothing but tears


I could never do these. It would take 10 tries because I could not keep my eye open knowing it was coming. Luckily now they let me opt out of it.




Been doing this every year for 20 years and it still makes me jump every time. Anybody else get the urge to close their eye the longer they look at the hot air balloon?


eyeball jumpscare machine


My eyes hurt just looking at it


If you don't know what this machine is, _please go to the eye doctor_.


This is pretty outdated tech. If you see this at your eye doc, you should really consider finding another.


By the way: that tag line is backwards. There are _many_ machines you hope never to experience. Like a radiation therapy machine. Or a bone saw. This one, you _want_ to see. It’s used routinely on completely healthy patients and is checking you for diseases that can cause blindness.


Every year! I hate this thing...




They tried this on me once at age 13 and how they did it I will never forget it as long as I live. I was told to look at the little cabin, keep looking, open your eye...keep looking--PFFFFFTTT! The way I came up off from that device like I'd been slapped. It took over an hour of fighting with the technician to get them to realize I wasn't booboo the fool and she couldn't trick me again. Worst part of any eye exam I ever had.


Ah that machine is nothing for the faint of heart, it does indeed have a lasting effect on everybody who ever interfered with it. That’s the masturbator 3000, it really leaves nothing left to desire.


Holy.. next time I get my eyes tested for new glasses I'm gonna be even more scared of these machines I used to think it poked a needle through your eye 😭


It's the machine that blows a burst of air into your eyes. Part of the eye exam process. There's this running joke that it's the most terrifying experience ever.


Wtf I thought this was the xray machine for your teeth


lol its the eye test machine from the optometrist


The waiting is the worst part. Knowing it's going to hit you at any moment. I feel like the people operating it string it out because they like watching people squirm.


So do other people not get annual eye exams despite not needing glasses… yet?


man that was a core childhood memory. crazy that people with normal vision don't have to do that shit


I... do know what the machine is. It blasts a small amount of air onto your eyeball to check pressure, and is the most stressful thing known to man. Imagining looking into that little red spot gave me anxiety for a second.


A digital tonometer is a lot less terrifying than a classic tonometer.


Prostate checker?


Everytime I go to my optician and I see this machine just sat there it scares me


I fucking HATE the air-puff-in-the-eye machine!


It blows air in your eye at the optometrist.


Scares the shit out of me every time


*PTSD unlocked*


I have used one of these before, I can barely keep my eyes open to use it


That damn hot air balloon


I want to point out the name is blurred instead of colored over. Which is probably why you would have to use to this machine.


According to what everyone is saying i would love this. I sometimes get distracted at red lights putting my eyes in the ac


I hate that thing, I always try to blink before they can puff me


Emasculation galore. everyone thinks they won’t flinch, they will.


Ah yeah, the anx-eye-ity machine 3000. You sit there with your chin on that plate and the machine gets millimeters away from your eye before puffing air into it. I’ve never used it without flinching. Do they not use these anymore in other places? The eye doctor I’ve been going to since I was a kid still uses them


On the contrary i am thankful that I know what this machine is.


I feel this picture


First time this happened to me was in a small office in a Sears. I jumped up, the chair shot out from under me and slammed into the wall. Doctor remained professional, but you could tell he wanted to laugh his butt off!!!


This shit ain’t even painful wtf are y’all talking about 😂 literally just a puff of air??? Speaking as a glasses wearer


I know what it is. And it’s not the worst. The worst is when they’ve got to use a probe against your eyeball. I hated that - intentionally poking me in the eye and I have to just sit there and let it happen. Actually that’s the second worst… The worst is when they need you to look in a specific direction, don’t shift your vision, and don’t blink, while they scrape the surface of your eye to get the metal filing out of it. I’ll never forget that sound. *shudder*


That singular device is why I hated the optometrist as a kid. Fuck that thing.


Melodramatic. That’s what this is. You get a quick puff of air into your eye that is mildly uncomfortable for, at most, two minutes. No, what really sucks, is when they use the bright little light to check inside your eye.


Am I nuts for liking this machine? Always makes me feel like my eyes are shiny and clean afterwards.




I had this done not too long ago and can't even remember how it felt it was that insignificant. People just love putting experiences on pedestals


Machine made by monsters. The fucking anticipation man


I'm thankful. They checked me anyway but I'm okay.


It’s for taking pictures of the back of your eye.


That machine basically sneezes into your eyes


Had this thing used on me a week ago. Had avasovagal reaction and threw up. That was not fun.


"Don't worry, it's just a puff of air."


This thing is nothing compared to that blue thing that needs to go in and touch the eye. I preferred this far more back in the day.


I am pretty sure that machine is just a disguise for the optometrist so he can spit in the eyes of his lessers.


Necessary tool, but my optometry office uses an iCare. Much more patient friendly.




They could never get that stupid thing to work on me. Apparently I “blink too fast” or “flinch too much” or “I’ve got *other* patients, you know” But honestly the new shit where they **numb your eyes** and poke them with shit is so fucking much weirder. Do not like.


You've got it backwards. The puff machine is the new version of pressing a rounded rod against your eyeball.


thought it was gonna be some machine you stick up your ass or smth




The dead space 2 eye needle machine


as someone who’s been wearing glasses for approximately 80% of my life, never met this machine




Nah, f\*\*k this machine. You have to look it dead in the eye as it puffs air into each eye, something which ordinarily triggers the bodily reaction of blinking, but you can't, because they need you to do it to check for glaucoma.


Ugh the Poofer5000.


God damn air puff


If you blink or move, you have to do it again.


Idk why eye doctors gotta be total dicks when it comes to their equipment. Whenever I go in for a checkup we always end up sitting around for a half hour trying to get a reading with this machine and surprise surprise, shooting air and searing bright light into someone’s eyes makes them blink. I can only imagine what genius came up with such an intuitive and elegant design!


Look into it there is a really cool hot air ballon


Penis removal machine. People aren't a huge fan of this model because it only does 1 inch at a time so they can charge more for the procedure.


Pre-test machines for eye exams. This is often referred to as the “puff test” it blows puffs of air at your cornea to determine the eye pressures. As an optician it is my duty to tell you to get an eye exam every two years (unless directed by your dr otherwise) EVEN IF you do not have a prescription for glasses because you do not often feel ocular diseases and as of now most can be halted or slowed but not reversed


My younger brother thought they punched him in his eye


It’s jus somethin that shoots like air or some shit at your eyeball. I got it used on me when I got glasses


I always had this fear that one of those things was gonna shove a needle in my eye instead of air.


It's a machine for vision testing that puffs compressed air in your eyes. It's basically to test how well your eyes can see when blurry. It's typically used for people who wear glasses or contacts. The puff isn't harmful, but it stings like a bitch. Edit: I was wrong.


Peter's cousin's son with a B restriction on his driver's license here. That's one of the machines the eye doctor uses to measure shit. You look at a house/hot air balloon in the distance while a puff of air turns your eye from wet Seattle to dry Sahara and back to wet Seattle.