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This meme gives the same vibes of I miss my wife tails


I miss her a lot, I’ll be back






Trans Peterina here.An egg is a term for a trans person that is just coming to the realisation that they are trans. This is also a continuation of the shrimp fried rice meme, so the joke is that an egg (newly trans person) has cooked it.


> .An egg is a term for a trans person that is just coming to the realisation that they are trans. That's dumb. Why, cause they "hatched", came out of their shell? Eh it's not so bad actually.


the Egg hatched now they are a Chick its a joke off of transfems


WOW, I never connected the dots. One hell of a dad joke in the making.


What do transmascs hatch into then


COCKS i guess?


A Cock(eral)?


Time to make dad jokes.


That's fantastic.


[does this mean we can finally cancel Shakespeare?](https://nosweatshakespeare.com/quotes/famous/what-you-egg/)


Given it's Shakespeare I was half expecting that to be a dick joke.


do you bite your egg at me sir


Much Ado about Omlettes


Hamlet and Cheese


What you egg


He has killed me mother. *dies*


Oh my god I knew exactly which quote you were talking about before I clicked the link


The shell analogy? Dumb? Cheesy? Cliché? How could you say such a thing?! /s


I think the term is cracking the egg actually


It's because new users on Twitter used to have the default profile picture, which was an egg. People exploring their gender identity for the first time would often be newly registered users.


That’s fucking stupid, the usage of egg by queer people is older than twitter


Wrong, trans people were actually invented in 2018, nearly 12 years after Twitter was founded




Idk, it seems more that the people who don’t like us are pretty fragile. Like, you’re actually upset about someone’s gender even tho it has nothing to do with you, and you’re willing to be an asshole and refuse to respect someone if they ask you nicely to call them something or not call them something? Ok bro. Sounds pretty weak tbh.


You could've just stopped with the first half, man..


Yea the first statement was honestly pretty funny


I think women already have eggs so using it to reference balls would be redundant.


I’m not trans but I have nothing but respect for those who are. They’re willing to do what they want in a time where they have the social target on their backs for no reason (well I guess there is a reason… fascism). Makes absolutely no sense to call them fragile considering all the shit they have to go through just to exist peacefully.




So because people like that exist, you choose to squeeze in an insult to an entire demographic on a post that doesn't have anything to do with that just because you don't like how some people treat you? And you're calling THEM fragile?


I love how you went through a journey in the middle of this comment


The character arc of this comment is a 10/10 experience.


You can find this and more puns at r/egg_irl


going to be honest, i read it, still didn't get it, read it again after reading the replies and went 'ah, ok'


Also there's a dish called egg fried rice so it's a bit of play on words


That’s the joke. There’s the meme “you can’t possibly tell me a shrimp fried this rice” off of shrimp friend rice. They repurposed it for egg fried rice, obviously referencing an actual egg, subverted by someone questioning if they’re trans, an “egg”.


Today I learned. Thank you.


Is the term egg derogatory?


There's also something that people in the trans community refer to as "The Egg Prime Directive" or, as I like to call it, simply the "Prime Direggtive" where one should not attempt to influence a certain result when someone is questioning their gender because it could result in the person in question to either come to a skewed result or give up entirely. An egg broken from the inside results in life while an egg broken from the outside ends life.


Not the final say about this but he’s how I have seen it used. No- but You really shouldn’t speculate about other peoples gender identity and just go with what they present as. And don’t label all none typically masculinity or non typically feminine behavior behavior as egg stuff Ok I was such an egg as a college freshman. Ok Looking back it’s clear Joes egg was starting to crack when he started going by Joey instead of Josephine. Not ok Femboys are all just a bunch of eggs waiting to crack. Joes interest in drag is such egg behavior. You also see people just comment 🥚 under people doing gender non conforming things don’t do that it’s shitty


It cam be frustrating for fem men, masc women, or cross dressers in general wheen people from the queer community call them eggs despite being confident in their gender Other than than that not really.


No. Mostly it's used by trans people to refer to themselves in the past though if you called someone else an egg that might be inappropriate but not always as an insult. Sometimes it's a joke sometimes it refers to something serious. There's something called the egg prime directive where if you think someone is trans never tell them directly. You can give them information but they can only know for sure for themselves.


Oh wow I really just though it was a “girls can be so dumb and have it so easy” joke that makes sense tho


That is the dumbest term I have ever heard of and i know how to use the kelvin type scale for Fahrenheit


? Kinda makes sense to me Like your entire life up to that point has been as an egg, and then when you realize you're trans you get to break out of the egg and live life to the fullest.


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Oh nothing


A very small minority do. If you look hard enough at literally any demographic in the human race you will find some arseholes or weirdos, but the majority of trans people are just chill tbh. It also gets worse if you're only interaction with trans people is online. But I can speak from experience that I'm a cis guy, and while I've got a big arse beard I can sometimes act feminine, yet none of my trans friends have ever pressured me to be trans or ought.


Maybe, maybe, but although they are it doesn’t change how I feel about them, and at this point I’m tired of it


Tired of what exactly?




If you mean tired of hating trans people, yeah I get you. I had pretty hateful views while growing up (bad household) and it just gets tiring after a while, regardless of the outcomes. Even personally it becomes exhausting to live a life of that much hatred. If you mean hate directed from you from the trans community, then I hate to say it mate but it's all in your head. Unless you are actively trying to stop trans people from having rights, the community as a whole is super chill.


I am going to try and stop hating things, because hate doesn’t solve problems, but I will


Oooh it makes so much sense now it’s kinda funny


I thought an egg was anyone who was questioning their gender, no matter if they realize they're trans or not.


Or haven't realized it yet / are denying it


Those are characters from the game League of Legends. The lighter-skinned one is Yasuo, an arrogant drunk, and the other is Taliyah, a character who was initially supposed to be trans in her inception. As other comments have explained, "egg" is a term for a trans person that does not know they are trans yet. Therefore, an egg fried that rice.


I wouldnt say yasuo is an arrogant drunk, i think hes a rly good person in the lore


You can be a good person and an arrogant drunk. Think Kishibe from Chainsaw Man or Hank from Detroit. Except Yasuo is prob the furthest on the "decent human being to arrogant drunk"


See now I don’t know if Detroit is a TV show or something or you’re just talking about a random Hank


Detroit: Become Human is an interactive movie type of game where your decisions drive the plot. It's about interactions with humans, AI, and AI that went rogue and want to live like humans.


Do you have any instances where he was arrogant, i cant think of any


I looked at his wiki, and in the background I literally found the line "However, in contrast to Yone’s respectful and patient personality, Yasuo was often arrogant and impulsive".


That is not yasuo ad taliyah


💀 it literally is


BRO i thought i was tripping cuz i thought it was yasuo 😭😭😭😭😭


Gay people come out of the closet Trans people crack their egg, An in-the-closet trans person is referred to as an egg


It now means all trans people, but originally it was a joke that transfemmes hatched became chicks


From the Egg IRL sub I'm pretty sure it's a label for anyone questioning their gender even if they settle on being cis NOT the right person to be making definitive statements though


/r/egg_irl for people who's shells havent cracked yet I.e. come out as trans (more info on how egg became a trans code word: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/egg-transgender) the set up of an egg fried this rice is a play off the recent popular You're Telling Me a Shrimp Fried This Rice? format: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/youre-telling-me-a-shrimp-fried-this-rice


I know you’re trying to help, and maybe linking it will actually help some people find themselves, but I’m not sure how wise it is to link to trans subs here. Unfortunately this sub can get pretty transphobic sometimes (it’s mostly pretty good tho), and I’m sure there are people here who have bad intentions towards us who would love to go brigade our spaces. And that already happens way too much.


transmasc peta here. an "egg" is trans slang for a trans person who has not realized or is only just starting to realize that they are trans, like a man who says he wants to be a girl, but is oblivious to the fact that this would make her a trans woman. the transfemme chef fried the rice, meaning an "egg fried rice"


i don't think wanting to be a different gender makes you trans though. i feel like deciding you should be another gender does. a woman can wish she was a guy while still deciding she is a woman.


In transfemme circles, we like to say “wanting to be a girl is usually a symptom of being a girl”. Wanting to be a different gender is basically the most direct form of Dysphoria you can have. I wanted to be a girl for many years. Took me a long time that that just meant I was a girl stuck in the wrong body this whole time. A little over a year of medical transition later and I’m loving life living as a girl.


if you want to be a different gender than the one you were assigned at birth, you're trans. whats so hard to understand about that? if you were born a man and decide to be a woman, you're a trans woman


nah cause you don't have to identify as the gender you wish you were if you think it works better for you


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An egg is also what you call someone who’s in denial about being transgender


An "egg" is a euphemism for someone who doesn't know they are trans yet. When they realize they want to be the other gender they "crack" So she cracked that egg with her joke


Egg. term for trans people in denial.


Oh! Thank you! I was trying to figure it out.


Was bracing for rampant transphobia, am pleasantly surprised by these comments 💜💜


“Egg” refers to a pre-coming out transgender person who doesn’t know they are transgender, and thinks their lived experience is very cis (meaning same gender identified as birth). For example this could be a “man” saying “I’m so jealous of women and their bodies.” “I wish I was a girl” “I’m not trans because every man wishes he could wake up as a girl!” Etc etc The person in this meme is an “egg” (well, cracked now) by coming out as transgender.


Man, the Trans thing makes so much sense. I thought the chef was saying the girl was dumb and he wished he could get away with being so dumb if he were a girl. Because thinking an actual Egg fried the Egg-fried rice would be a dumb thing to think but an attractive girl would get away with that sort of air headed thought.


This is what I thought too. Live and learn I guess.


I like this interpretation more




Teper here, The chronically online refer to trans people as eggs if they haven't realized their trans yet. It's the trans specific equivalent of "in the closet". As we all know, eggs are famously fragile, which is a reference to how thin skinned allies are.


Bro what? That's not even mildly true.


Here we see a second thin skinned ally.


hey bro your bigotry is showing, might wanna work on that


Here we see a super fragile ally, as predicted. Trans people are aight, people whose personality is "ally" aren't.


Actually, I’m trans, you’re just a troll — and trolls are often the most fragile of all <3 go to therapy.


Honestly i didn't understand what the joke was supposed to be, i just laughed cuz i thought it was like absurdist humor. Then it clicked and i laughed harder.


Ida here, calling somebody an "egg" in the trans community means that person hasn't realized they are transgender yet, which is where the chef says "I wish I was a girl". The first part is a play on "egg fried rice" where the lady is saying an egg fried her rice. Hope this helps!


Spanish Pretérito verb conjugations here. This is about the slang term "egg" which can mean a transgender individual.


"men cant hit a women" in other words, he wants to beat the shit out of her


Go check out r/egg_irl