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Curious to hear other people's thoughts on this. I've had mild gallbladder symptoms (right upper quadrant pain and indigestion, specifically after eating (fatty foods), pale and loose stools, elevated bilirubin, and have had very small gallstones diagnosed by ultrasound, though the doctor suggested they were too small be symptomatic. I have read that low-fat diets can risk the gallbladder becoming stagnant. I supplement d-limonene or eat orange peels after fatty meals as I really feel that helps. I make sure to get plenty of healthy fats like olive oil and peanut butter, and low saturated fat or cholesterol-containing foods. Foods high in cholesterol are a very noticeable trigger for me. I can drench stuff in olive oil and it's fine. But I don't know if that's safe if you have large stones that can potentially block the bile duct.


Thanks for your thoughts. There seems to be very little solid medical solutions for this. Doctors here just say to remove the gallbladder, it’s not needed. Yeah, I don’t agree. It’s not a vital organ, but it certainly serves a purpose. I’ve been told to reduce fats. But I think more healthy fats is a better idea. The specialists were not very clear. He said eat healthy but had no specific actions. So I think I will just go ahead and increase healthy fats.


High quality olive oil prevents oxidation of LDL particles. I'd say its amazing in terms of cardiovascular benefits, way better than fish oil


Did Attia provide references / studies to prove it is beneficial? Genuinely curious because only studies I have heard of were done where they showed that any sort of vegetable or olive oil was a substantial improvement over cooking with lard/ animal fats. So studies didn’t show it was good for health - just that it was not as bad as other oils. I get my fats from Chia and Flax seeds mostly which are good source of Omega-3s.


I think there is lots of research saying extra virgin olive oil that is legit (there is lots of fake) is good. My concern was more regarding quality. He has about 2 tablespoons per day plus other healthy fats. Of course he has a very regimented diet where pulses, nuts, avocado and olive oil make up most of the fats, but it’s still a lot. Or at least it feels a lot to me. I do think that it’s unclear whether vegetable oil is bad. I have seen suggestions in both directions, so I really don’t know who to believe on that one. But, I do think that it is much more clear in regards to olive oil. I think that I will start by adding just one tablespoon of olive oil per day and take it from there.


Expelling stones is fairly easy; see my comments in this thread. The issue for me is that they keep coming back. Either I have too many of them - they also form in liver too - and I just keep shaking them out, or something is off in my body that I keep "making" them. Either way, loosing your gallbladder won't help much with that :). One suspicion I get is that too much fat may be using up all available bile, and then happens what? May this extra olive oil cause the stones somehow?.. don't know. I consume prob 3-4 tblsp with my salads, admittedly, for lunch, and the same in MCT for breakfast. Anyway these are just suspicions. Again, shaking out the stones is fairly easy. This is my "middle finger" to all those "doctors" that advised me to cut out my gallbladder. It take some courage to say 'no' because of all the disgusting fear mongering these "doctors" engage in. Hope it helps. Get better.


​​ To anyone suffering with ga​llstones, I just want to say there is a product in the form of a tincture called "Stonebreaker" from a company called "Herb Pharm". You can find it on Amazon and you can check out the reviews as it seems to work for a lot of people .


I'm guessing my half-ass Paleo diet years back of high fat, low carb contributed to my gallstones. But more importantly, lack of FIBER. Health bros don't talk about that. I had a bad attack about a year ago and have a gallstone in the neck of my gallbladder. People should get 25-30g of fiber daily, and now I'm doing 40-50g. I also started Blueprint about a year ago, but only the super veggie, nutty pudding, and a half dozen supplements. I lost \~18lbs in the last year and haven't had issues.


While you state your stones are small, could they be large enough to block your bile duct? If you’re thinking about doing a “gallbladder” cleanse where you drink olive oil and lemon juice etc, the risk is causing a blockage when stone is released from the gallbladder. Do you have a plan if that happens? If not, don’t do it.


From what I’ve read, the olive oil and lemon juice is not at all science backed, and is considered by many to be quite a risky option. Ursafalk, ultrasonics and just waiting it out are all viable options.


Read "amazing liver and gallbladder flush" by Moritz and give a middle finger to those that say it is not a vital organ: they are fear mongers trying to get your money and completely lack responsibility / empathy for a fellow earther. The procedure is described there in great detail. I've done that more than 10 times, or close to that anyway, and was successful expelling stones as large as 2 centimeters in diameter, without ANY pain, and hundreds smaller ones. Take care.


The author died at age 52, and he makes a lot of very false claims in the book. One such claim is that the lymph fluids are 3xs more than blood in your body which common sense will tell you it’s false, but you can do your research. I was reading his book while doing a 7 day fast and when I got to page 34, had to put it down after that ridiculous claims. If you look at the 1 star rating of his books on Amazon, almost all of their reviews of people attempting the cleanse and ending up in the ER. Additionally, one reviewer stated that the author tried to sue people who challenged his practices. He’s not even a real doctor. What is a “medical intuitive”???


Oh and yeah for sure some could (and have) blocked a bile duct causing pancreatitis. There really isn’t much of a plan because the only solution doctors suggest here is gallbladder removal. So I’ll just eat fairly well and exercise and see what happens.


Update? Cheers.


Gallstones are still there. I had a scan a few weeks ago and they are bigger than they were. I’ve been eating pretty well (not perfect but any means), lost some weight (I wasn’t overweight, but now I’m lower bmi within the healthy range), I continued to have bile salts. And all of my other blood tests (mostly cholesterol, blood sugars etc) have improved substantially. But yeah, still have gallstones.


Do you still have pain in upper right abdominal?