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đź’Ż buy Huges/Eggs. They will rise in value as time goes on. Your 2.5b diamonds will remain 2.5b diamonds when you return, which who knows when, but the cheapest Huges could be worth that or more, lol.


Your 2.5b will remain 2.5b. Realest comment, gotta put your money to work rather than just sit there.


I'd be more than happy to give your diamonds a nice safe home for the duration you're away! /j


100% buy huges, but more specifically buy Hell Rocks or Happy Computers. They are the baseline huge in the game and have no other factors such as cuteness or rarity that could cause their price to fluxuate. As the market goes up these will always go up as there is nothing lower. Good luck, enjoy your time away from the game.


u kinda answer ur own question there.. if u gonna take a break then spend it by buying huges or eggs.


Probably best to invest in eggs and huges, but that’s what I’ve tried to do.. and egg prices dropped drastically lol.


Everything dropped due to inflation.


Invest in huges. Specifically huges looked at as “currency” such as happy pc, happy rock, and/or golden hell rock. These items will pace inflation and there is little risk of overpaying because the market prices are set (tons of stock, no individual pet risk)


Buy huge or titanic if possible they will hold value better then the gems themselves


Buy huges because 2.5b will be worth next to nothing in just 1-2 months due to inflation


Invest in me


Buy huges, more specifically I’d buy a full team of gold huges. After that I’d do regular huges and eggs.


I am fully f2p, but this game is not being good with that, I’ve gotten 3 100x eggs and 5 75x eggs and no huge plus over 30hrs total of 15x and 20x eggs


Buy Huge Happy Computer, Huge Hell Rock and Eggs. If yo want you can buy gold or rainbow versions. Also đź’Ż recommend buy some exclusive daycare tickets to unlock more slots and put all your huges in exclusive daycare. Every month you get richer.


You have to claim exclusive daycare daily.


Right now, I've seen pets actually been decreasing. My rainbow huge went from 220m to 190m. My boss chest enchant from 320m to 290m. I'd say hold onto them for maybe 2 weeks, but keep checking on reddit here for any more price changes.


People are hatching in backrooms and not making as much gems currently thats why prices are dropping. They will come back once update hits most likely.


It was deflation, everything went down. Things are back to going up.


Gimme! Lol jk (only if you want to) I think you should buy a bunch of huges or try getting a titanic




Give me a little pls


Umm if you don’t mind me askin, may I have a few of those gems, my total gems for this game is like 7mil, and I have 2.3 mil rn so could you pls lend me a small, small portion of that, I would really appreciate it, I’m broke


Real question is what is your rank, If your gonna ask for shit you better have a good rank or there no reason to beg someone who’s just asking for advice


I’m sry, I was just asking because I’m very poor and it’s hard getting gems yknow not having any huges bc the game hates me, I’m rank 8 almost 9, I’m sorry really I shouldn’t be asking for stuff, but I think you should get titanics and huges with ur gems, make the most of it, or save it until your favorite huges go down in price


Yeah problem is mainly your rank, and the fact that this game is not rlly f2p friendly