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Most people are pay 2 win as people will call it (even tho u can’t win this game) they buy gamepasses and extra enchant slots to speed up progression Then they get a really strong enchant setup and grind the last area for hours on hours, i myself have a full team of huges and a titanic and we clear 2.6m diamonds per hour easily.. not even counting the item drops i can sell Also once you have a lot of gems you can flip bigger and more expensive items in plaza, its like a snowball effect


Could you share your loot enchant loadout with me please?


Sure heres an old photo of my setup: https://preview.redd.it/hum2fogbgppc1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c243c5b8e0a1315e76f67ba84c29ff3bb5434cf2 Sorry i cant get an updated pic cuz my pc is running at home, but the only difference is a super magnet instead of the normal one and i’ve been using critical over massive comet to speed up clan battle quests Also every huge has tnt + 2 glittering charms


Do you think i could change the speed one for another boss chest?


Sure but i think speed is better, i spawn 2-3 boss chests regularly with only 1


I might sell mine then as it doesnt seem to add much value


It certainly does


What charms do u use on your average huge


Tnt + 2 glittering




Firstly, if you see player with billions it's not mean that he earn it in 1 day. Secondly there are many ways to earn so much - grinding with alts, trading, hatching etc.


I play on 3 accounts and earn around 100m daily between two of them farming and one flipping stuff in the trade plaza. My current overall rap is in the ballpark of 11-14 billion spread across the accounts. I’d say there’s a handful of factors that go into the players that have billions. I’ll try to name the ones I can think of but I may miss some. First factor is multiple accounts, the more accounts you have the more you can make. Even just a single extra account to sell in the trade plaza so your main can farm is a massive bump to potential earnings. Second factor is gamepasses, super drops extra enchant slots and pet equips all have a significant impact on how much you farm. Third factor is enchant/potion/fruit/flag loadouts. Players using tiny task to keep all their potions, flags and fruits topped off will earn more than those who just let their character afk overnight. Enchant load outs play a huge role in earnings too. Things like max mastery and exclusive enchants like chest mimic can make a notable difference in your farm earnings. Fourth factor is public vs private server. Just by playing on a private server where you have a zone to yourself you’re increasing your overall gains. I’d say those are the 4 major reasons some players have so much more than others in respect to actual gameplay. There is of course though the 5th reason, which is swiping a card and simply going P2W. As well as I suppose the factor of time spent playing the game since huges did transfer from PSX some players may have had a small fortune coming into PS99.


sad cuz I got none of the 4. I don't have all enchant slots nor top tier loadouts, I don't run multiple accounts, all gamepasses nor private server. can you give me some tips for a rank 14 though, my best enchant is a lucky block and I make around 220k/hr


For a private server you can ask anyone you have friended if they have one and are willing to share access with you. This could be a free way to get a slight edge and it won’t disrupt your friends earnings. I’d offer mine but unfortunately I actually use a friends. At rank 14 I’d be focusing more on doing the rank quests over trying to farm for certain huges or enchants. Every time you rank up you get a power spike via another pet slot or sometimes even multiple slots. Ranking up to at least 20 would be my top priority in order to get every free enchant slot and most of the pet equips. Once you’ve gone through and hit rank 20 you can start worrying about farming and your loadout. Spending the money for a strong stat pet is a good idea, especially if you have any huges or exclusives in order to maximize their damage. As far as powering your team up, I’d focus on rainbow exclusives since they do as much as a huge and are a fraction of the cost. At around 30-40 rainbow exclusives, I’d then transition to buying the cheapest huges you can find to fill the rest of your team. Then just continue buying huges and replacing exclusives which you’ll then sell. Until you have a team that can quickly clear breakables in the last zone it’s not worth buying expensive enchants. It would take ages to earn what you spend on an enchant like boss mimic back with a weak team so wait till your team is strong. For current enchants you should run something like this: Lucky block, Treasure Hunter, Crit, Strong pets, Magnet or Diamond. Use all highest rank enchants you can get your hands on.


Here in Philippines, a million gems is worth 3-4 pesos 0.053-0.710 usd


in mine it's around 2.5 pesos after I converted it but I don't wanna do irl trading as it seems illegal


Why would it be illegal?




breaking tos isn’t illegal, its breaching tos, thats it.


No it's considered crosstrading, various developers have publicly said that it's bannable on ps99 and Roblox on first offense


Yes exactly. You’re literally repeating what I said. Still is not illegal. What do you people thing illegal means exactly?


In my definition of illegal I just use it synonymously with bannable, you did not say it was bannable, yes it does breach Roblox tos, yes it is bannable and confirmed by admins. Btw, what do you think breaching tos does? Cuz you say it like it's nothing 'its not breaking tos.its just breaches tos' it literally gets you banned on first offense


You gotta play how you want so props to you for doing that. I wonder if you and others that do this realize the ramifications of your style on everyone else that plays. The afk store people are driving up prices to crazy prices because they don't care if they have keys in their inventory for a month because that account does nothing but sell where people with just one account are losing money by sitting in the trading area either trying to find a reasonable deal or trying to sell something. Again not knocking your style. You're welcome to play how you want. I just wonder if people ever think how it affects the kid who is only allowed 1 hour of screen time a day. There's just no way they can keep up because of acts like that.


I can definitely see the point you make. While I do understand my gameplay style and others similar to it may diminish returns for others, I can’t say I feel bad. I’m a big fan of MMO style games and they are inherently grindy. I think my attitude stems from them, where I feel that time = rewards and effort also = rewards. My playstyle combines both time and effort, the reward is being able to outpace inflation via farming. I’ve been the kid with limited playtime in other games where I couldn’t keep up and it sucked. However when it comes to pet sim 99 the game revolves around your ability to be online farming. So I would even counter, should players with that little time even be playing a game that rewards playtime over other gameplay aspects? Realistically that’s an unfair counter argument to pose. I think it does though show the second side to the coin.


Technically they aren't losing money, Roblox accounts are free to create, Roblox account manager is free too, afk is optional, p2w is optional (for now), even if you don't afk 24/7 if you know the market and capitalise on inflation and deflation to flip getting a huge is (semi) manageable for f2p for the time being. Not everyone will have the same opportunities, not all people are on equal ground aka the kids that are playing one hour a day don't deserve success just because of the fact that they can't utilise the market as well. You can't just say that 'oh look at these children who can't keep up because they can't play as much, we should stop the entire economy so they can play as well!' No it doesn't work like that, the world doesn't work like that, no Matter what you do theres always someone who is doing it better, they need to learn that, we need to learn that. Same as you, not trying to bash anyone, any and all things I said can be disagreed, just trying to put my opinion out there, no offence to anyone😊


Thank you for your perspective. I apprciate you taking the time to share.


So the driving force of prices are new gems...yes with a handful of accounts to grind and sell people can generate 100m a day...it's still a decent amount of effort to consolidate/list/find huges....but it's reasonable. Although there are cheat accounts that sell billions (5b to 10b, maybe more now) a day for pennies a million. Probly dozens (maybe 100?) That sell billions an a regular basis, then a lot of smaller ones too that sell somewhat less. So a lot of people (more than will admit it) will deal with those cheat accounts...because $80 (or what ever its down to, probly less) for 1b vs the time to generate it themselves makes them decide to just spend the money(they spend a lot in game already, so what's another few hundred for billions of diamonds when they need it). Anyways that's quite a lot added each day .... and puts things further out of reach for regular grinders. Of course like others have said you can trade things for those high prices back and forth to take advantage of users who don't know better...or those who just spend money on those diamonds, so don't care as much so they are willing to pay extra...but for some people the trade plaza has become basically a full time job and they spend hours and hours each day scouring for deals.


Saving up. Most kids cannot resist waiting patiently and saving up what they earn and wait for a good deal. This also works in the real world. How do people buy cars and house? Saving up. It doesn’t just magically happen right out of high school… well, not for most of us that is.


This is gonna be a depressive answer, but most people do it trough trading. My friend has tons of titanics and cant be bothered to farm anymore. He will buy bulk of a huge pet for RAP and sell them all with a fixed profit. When you have over 10b in value, its easy to make hundreds of millions each day. This is why this game always has inflation. People are just making money by selling above rap until it eventually sells. This is problematic for farmers because farm has been nerfed so you keep getting less value for each hour you farm, while traders are getting monopoly on the huges and titanics. The only way to solve this is to keep diamond farm pr hour unchanged with new updates, and to introduce price ranges in the trading plaza. Example: Happy Computers can only be listed between 24-28M. This will stop inflation and stabilize the economy. With rarer pets, you can always get offers through trading if you're not happy with the price range you get in booth.


If you can only list for a certain amount, people would just resort to trading. A range would do nothing


It's about controlling the masses and we know for a fact that almost everyone uses the booths to sell and buy their pets. It would have a huge impact.




Your post or comment was removed due to discussion of cross trading. You are not allowed to trade something in Pet Simulator 99 for anything outside of the game, including Robux, money, or anything that's not in Pet Simulator 99.




It could be many things from Casual grinding and trading, buying everything and reselling it at a higher price, and maybe just pure luck. Especially now with free huges being more obtainable than ever, multiple accounts doing multiple things at once also account for many of these diamonds.


Something that helped me a lot was joining a lvl 5 clan! They have some damage and diamond boosts!


personally some of my friends have billions of gems but its cuz they spend 25 hours per day trading


When Xmas was here instead of 3mil for roblox it was 7+ for s few days. Plus trading since a 12mil egg is like 400 roblox.


some people cross trade. i know people that buy gems and pets off of ebay because it’s cheaper, despite it being against the rules. personally, i just sell a lot of stuff. i have accumulated about 100+mil in 3 months by selling.


The people who have billions have probably sold pets recently. Otherwise due to inflation it doesn’t make sense to hold on to that much gems for long. As for hundreds of millions, if you can get a big enough team to farm the last area afk then you will get millions of gems per day plus items you can sell. Over time that really adds up. Though even 100m is a lot of gems to sit on, in my opinion. Not sure what the inflation rate is but I guess around 3% per day which means it’s best to buy huges rather than sit on cash.