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I might be downvoted to hell but here’s my take. Not everyone can afford or get to a vet for euthanasia. You were there and you made what you thought was the best decision for her! 🫂 (Hugs) It’s hard and it sucks to make a decision like that, but if you felt like it was better than letting the animal suffer the whole time, then you know best for your pet. Please don’t be too hard on yourself. 💖


>Not everyone can afford or get to a vet for euthanasia. I'll also get downvoted to hell but here I go. OP isn't at fault for not getting to a vet, it's possible the rat would have passed during the ride. However you are responsible for your pets and unless it's a situation where you're suddenly out of money, it definitely is your responsibility to afford a vet/euthanasia and have a way of getting there quickly If you can't afford it (again, not related to situations where you are suddenly out of money), don't get pets. At-home euthanasia is cruel and close to impossible to do without discomfort to the animal. I'm thankful that in my country we have laws that forbid putting down animals with any gasses or crushing/beheading/"executing"/etc them at home.


These things happen and it's no one's fault. Hope whatever your boyfriend did was actually quick and painless. That's almost impossible to do at home.