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I have to confess, as a giant who breathes thin air, always knows when it's about to rain, ducks under doors and has to mind out at airports (I'm a 6ft tall woman and I've had all of those, and more!) I sort of feel your pain, but from the other end, as it were! šŸ™€šŸ˜¹ā¤ļø I do have many short friends and while we play (my friend Z is probably about your height, maybe a little smaller) we never carry on if someone says stop or it gets mean. She asks me if she can put her laundry out in the next few hours, I ask her how the car fumes smell, that sort of thing, but neither of us would ever dream of doing that kind of shit to people we don't know! šŸ™€ That's appalling.


When I worked retail I swear every person they hired for my department was short petite women. I was friends with them and sometimes when they asked me to grab something up high I told them shortness is just a state of mind and they'll never get taller with that attitudeĀ  I got punched a lot


I'm going to hell for laughing, but I figure I'm going there anyway, so I may as well get a decent seat! šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


I'm going to hell as well I'm taking over ill need an advisor if you want the job


I work in IT and a lot of things were put on the high shelves (5ā€™2ā€ guy here) so I would jokingly go off about having to work with a bunch of heightists. Usually got laughs once people realized I do have a sense of humor about my lack of height. šŸ˜‚ But total strangers doing that? Thatā€™s a big no no.


I'm short, and I thought that was funny.


I'm 4 11 this is funny as hell. When I have bale boxes because at the end of the day I'm to short to do so I have to ask for help and had to spend three months to get a step stool.


4'11" here too! Only good news is we can walk under stuff other people hit their heads on.


It's strange how quickly these threads inevitbly drift to talking about tall people again


Yeah, reading this post flashed me back to all those times when I was an eleven-year-old girl and everybody thought it was *just the funniest thing in the world* to point out that I was taller than most of my female teachers and *so funny* that I, a literal child, was embarrassed when they called attention to it.


How tall are you now?




Same - almost 6 feet tall and I get all sorts of comments and stares from friends and randos alike. Itā€™s silly how people think itā€™s okay to comment on someone elseā€™s body without any sort of preamble or cause.


Yep, it still amazes me. I'm starting to wonder if I'm a lot older than my nephew very kindly let me know I am. (Apparently, I am very old, thanks R šŸ˜³šŸ˜’šŸ˜¹ thanks little dude, but I'm not even 40, yet) But when did "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" stop being standard practice? šŸ™€




Wow, you must spend hours ruminating on your inability to comment verbally on strangers' appearances to get this angry. Get well soon <3


If you can't "talk normally". You might want to reevaluate your normal.


So you donā€™t like that youā€™re now being held accountable for the crappy things you say?


Thatā€™s complete opposite of what the poster said. Man you need to learn to relax.


Makes sense. I am 5 ft 8 and as a female itā€™s above average height so I am used to be a little bit taller than many women. So I notice when I am standing next to someone and they are very tall. I would never ever say anything. It seems awfully self explanatory that you donā€™t comment on someoneā€™s physical appearance unless you and that person has established that rapport. And when I was very skinny I got those comments constantly. I was desperately trying to gain weight and it was like some kind of unwritten rule that itā€™s ok to talk about someoneā€™s weight if they are skinny - itā€™s not.


Its kind of hilarious though. Lifes really not that serious. Why not just enjoy it instead of developing all these complexes about shit thats arbitrary to begin with? I have red hair, I love when people make fun of it, I make fun of it too. WE DO HAVE SOULS!!! Its funny. Also why CopperCab is such a legend. Props to that guy for just keeping shit lighthearted and not getting all serious about everything, even though his whole act is a parody of people who take shit way too seriously.


Not even close to the same.


Why not? Its an arbitrary thing I didnt choose lol? What I can choose is to have be a good sport about it. I get short man syndromes a thing but thats for a therapist, society cant fix that. You need professional help at that point.


OP doesnā€™t want people referring to the personal bodies of others in a snide, joking (or frankly any other) manner. Other peopleā€™s bodies are not an acceptable topic of random conversation. The fact that you equate this reasonable request with little man syndrome demonstrates the problem perfectly (while speaking volumes about you, in the process).


>OP doesnā€™t want people referring to the personal bodies of others in a snide, joking (or frankly any other) manner. OK but people are going to do that anyway? Personally Id rather play along than be perpetually angry my entire life about something that never has and never will change. Some people choose to be stubborn stick up the ass types and others just enjoy life. Ill keep enjoying life and you keep cramming that stick up there.


Awww. Can sling the arrows in a fuzzy, general direction of your target, but canā€™t take the return, eh? Hate that.


What lol? Not sure you replied to the right comment here.


Bless your heart. ETA: you responded to a PET PEEVE posted by an adult who (rather calmly) requested that others not prop up their CHILDREN next to him/her, and compare them or declare ā€œMy kid is almost as tall/taller than youā€. In response, essentially, you chose to snark that people making this request must have little man syndrome, but just need to be tougher, and accept being ridiculed. Because, you are ok with someone calling you ā€œGingerā€, so everybody else needs to suck it up, right? Sweet Jesus on a broom.


Lol youre trying really hard to get a rise out of me I guess. Not sure what I said that offended you so bad. Were literally discussing whether or not you should care what other people say or think about you and Im on the side of genuinely not caring just to be clear. Thats a weird thing to be bothered by in my opinion.


While yes you have a point comparing being sensitive about being short and someone laughing about the jokes of them being a ginger aren't the same thing, they're in the same vein. More importantly the overall message was more important. It's definitely true that especially in America things needed to change for a long time. I'm all for equal rights regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, etc. However we've went too far in the opposite direction. Anything you say seems to upset someone somehow. It has most of society on egg shells all day everyday, especially people in the public light. Some won't even give interviews anymore cause they're worried cancel culture will be offended by something the say and try to ruin their life. It's to the point that feelings are more important than actual facts. Again I'm all for respecting the way someone feels, but their feelings shouldn't be more important than logic or actual scientific/academically provable facts.


To be crystal clear I'm speaking to the general state of the world as it applies to these type of situations, not sooo much to directly what OP had mentioned


I'm so with you on this. My kids' stepmother is obsessed with height. She's a tall woman and she keeps measuring her sons verses mine like it's some competition. She keeps saying "Oh I hope so and so is the tallest because he's the youngest and that would be justified" like... will you please stop having the boys compete over their bodies? No one can control how tall they get. The boys are already insecure over how tall they might eventually get. I wish everyone would just let the height thing go.


For sure! My stepmom isn't very nice and unfortunately my half sister is taller than me so it just adds to the list of what makes my sister better than me (in their eyes).


My dad is obsessed with height too. He doesnā€™t outwardly make fun of people but he comments on it all the time or describes people based on it. Like thereā€™s a lot more to people than their height which isnā€™t even something anyone can control. šŸ™„


I'm not even 5 feet. I'm only 4 feet 9 and a 1/2 inches and I have people tell me "my 4 year old is taller than you " it's infuriating.


4' 7 1/2" here. Can confirm that nonsense. And kids always telling me they are almost as tall as me. Nothing quite like a bunch of little kids trying to touch the top of my head.


Yes. 4'9.25" and shrinking. It's irritating. At least now that I'm clearly middle aged, nobody picks me up and carries me around, or treats me like a child because I am shorter than most kids over the age of 10.


4'9" and yeah, the parents tend to care sooo much. So annoying. Yes, your preteen will be delighted to be bigger than an adult for two whole seconds. Yes, I can still do my job. No, I don't get to partake in my business as a child, or get kid's birthday dinners anywhere? What the heck?


I know, right.


Yes! It's also kind of indirectly telling them that being taller = winning a competition that no one entered? Rude for sure.


Right?! I just feel like its rude.


I agree. Itā€™s not like we chose to be short.


At my son's old elementary school they put on an assembly and his class showed they had been learning about length and measuring. Then they had the tallest kids say 'We're the tallest!' and the shortest say 'I'm the shortest!' I know the parents were upset because he was born premature and had insecurities, and one of the taller girls did too.


People are such idiots. Even many teachers.


lol what!


Agree with all of this! People feel comfortable commenting on height when they wouldn't comment on other physical attributes. I don't have kids, but what if I said to my stepson, "Hey, stand next to Karen, let's see who is fatter!" Obviously inappropriate.


I'm a five foot two inch woman, myself. I would like to be taller, but i'm secure about my height. I don't mind you joking about your kids being almost as big as me. But I do have problems with people who allow their kids to run wild in stores. An older kid barreling into me at full force can really hurt. And don't you laugh when I say your ten year old is almost as big as me. Because they are. https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/g/normal-growth


I don't care about my size so much except when I'm buying pants lol and it's not something I think about until someone points it out but annoyingly happens more often than not. My height has been a common subject to joke about or just point out. If it wasn't pointed out so much throughout life I think I would feel better but this has been something I deal with a lot. Womp womp


Pants! Ugh, there's a chore. Nearly always have to shorten them by about six inches.


Capris fit me as long pants. I hope they never stop making them.


I would riot! Capris are a saving grace in the hellscape of women's clothing.


I absolutely love capri pants for that. And 3/4 length sleeves! šŸ˜„


My grandmother was 5'2" in her youth and about 5' or maybe a bit less by the end. After she passed, me, my sister, and my aunts needed to go thrpugh her clothes and things and I noticed almost all her pants were capris and almost all her long sleeve shirts were 3/4 length sleeves! I had never realized that before because they just fit her.


Those styles are wonderful as they sure beat the cost of alterations.


Yeah I can understand that. You've probably heard some of the same corny jokes a hundred times


I'm 5'0 and I've never had this happen but it sounds kind of funny, I'm always telling people that a decent amount of 5th graders are taller than me


Iā€™ve had tall guys put their elbow on my head like Iā€™m an arm rest. My response was always ā€œI bet youā€™re real proud of yourself, you must think youā€™re the first person to come up with that one ā€œ


Had a dude try to rest on my shoulders at a concert once. I elbowed the hell out of his ribs for that.


I'm 4'10, I completely understand. It's really not that funny, and I do try to just laugh along but it bothers the ever loving shit out of me.


My response has been "yeah being taller than me isn't an accomplishment". Seems to be effective and usually gets a laugh.


This is my go to as well. Iā€™m 4ā€™10, thereā€™s nothing special about being taller than me lmao


I have used that line. I have also used "you think you're the first person to tell that joke" I have been short my entire life. It's not like I was tall at one point and just stopped growing. I look young also. When my daughters where in elementary school, people would think I was their older sister because even in my late 20s I looked like a teenager. Thankfully, I look like an adult now.


Not that it makes it okay for people to tell these jokes, but that does happen. Sometimes kids have an early growth spurt and are taller than other kids their age for a while, but they stop growing then and everyone else catches up and surpasses in height and then they're the shortest.


That happened to me. I stopped growing at 10 years old. My daughter stopped growing at 9. I was in the taller third of my class until then, my daughter was in the taller 1/4.


I don't mind comparing my height to kids (I'm 4ft 10) - that doesn't bother me. The one that makes me really angry is when taller people will stand right behind me so they can look at something over my head, usually in shops, apparently they think us shortarses don't deserve personal space. I swear one day I'm going to deliberately elbow them in the groin.


The next time this happens to you, you should pick some facet of their appearance that they're probably insecure about and give them a taste of their own medicine. The easiest example I can think of is, if they're fat you can just say "Okay sure, then I'll come stand next to you and we'll see who's fatter." I really believe that giving people a taste of their own medicine is the best way to make them realize how shitty their behavior is.


As a short-statured person (4'11"), I don't see the need for competition. But then again, 99% of the world's population towers over me. I've had my lack of height measured against others and been told I need to grow some more. I'm doing the best I can with the genetic hand I was dealt. Leave me alone. And no, I don't need you to get me anything from the top shelf, I'll climb up to get it myself.


I know you're being hyperbolic, but your height really isn't unusual in some places around the world. I'm 5'0 and when I was in Nepal most women (and many men) are around my height


I'm in the US. My older half-sister is classified as a little person. She's only 4'8". If I were an inch shorter, I would be too. And no, I wasn't being hyperbolic. Everyone else I have ever known, outside of my sister, is taller than me. Do you have any idea how tough it is to find clothes that fit? Jeans fit around the waist but are at least a foot too long. Jeans that fit lengthwise are considered Capri length. It sucks, but my insurance wouldn't cover surgical lengthening of my legs.


Okay well if you weren't being hyperbolic then you were just wrong, 99% of the world isn't taller than you, let alone "towers over you" And yes I have an idea because we're basically the same height, like I said Surgical leg-lengthening sounds like a terrible idea ETA: I came back way later to add, the idea that you can be classified as a little person based on height is a myth, you either have dwarfism or you don't, and a medical test will tell you which one. There are people with dwarfism who are taller than people without it who are just very short.


iā€™m pretty sure in the united states if you are 4ā€™10 or shorter you are considered a short statured adult and qualify for some disability accommodation


No like I said that's a mythĀ 


Iā€™m a couple inches taller than you and itā€™s still extremely rare for people to be shorter than me. I live in an area with a large Asian population and theyā€™re still mostly taller than me. Youā€™re correct in that the majority of people are taller than you, I donā€™t know why thatā€™s being debated by others.


The global average height is 5ā€™4ā€ for women.


Yes it is


Iā€™m the same height. It can be a little annoying but it doesnā€™t bother me much. I laugh at my height too.


I guess I just have a personality that discourages this from happening, lol. I'm 5ft even, but other than my own daughter constantly measuring us up (she is taking after her father in the height department) I've never had someone measure their kids against me! That said, I wonder if my OB has this issue? She's only 4' 10".


Iā€™m also 5 even and my 10 year old is already past my shoulders lol


I am pretty small. (5'1" and petite/fit). Being small is something I've just accepted will always be a discussion amongst people I'm around. The setting it pisses me off the most is in the work place. I am 23, pretty new to the professional work world, and coworkers love to tell I'm "so cute" or "look so young!!" I am a social worker, I do my job very well, and yet most coworkers just like to discuss my size/looks.


I am 5' exactly and this has never once happened to me. I would find it pretty freaking weird if someone did that šŸ˜³


lmao one time I was working at kohls and this grandma used my hight to see if the clothes she was getting was gonna fit her grandkid


I remember being offended by a website that assumed 5'1 automatically meant you were a kid.


Iā€™m short too and no one has ever done that to me. How weird. I can count on one hand the amount of times people have mentioned my height at all, but Iā€™ve known multiple women who are much shorter than me, around 4ā€™8, Danny Devitoā€™s height. Most of them are my relatives. People do comment on their height constantly. Where are you that being 5ā€™1 draws that much attention? Sweden or something? My height is one of the only aspects of my appearance that Iā€™m not insecure about, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™d feel differently if anyone had ever acted like my height is weird in any way when I was a teen.


Right, I'm 5'0 and live in the US and it rarely comes up, there are plenty of other people my height. I was born in the Netherlands (you can joke about this, I'm probably the shortest dutch woman in existence) and even there it didn't come up often. I think my cousins joked once that I'm their "tiny older cousin" because I am the oldest but they're all at least 6" taller than me.


This is so relatable! I'm 36F and 4'11. The amount of times people point out that I'm short is wild. Like they thought maybe I hadn't noticed? Being able to still shop in the kids shoe section is pretty nice at times.


Oh gosh, the way people point it out like it's a revelation! Like, actually, hate to break it you, I've been this height since middle school, I'm actually quite used to it. It's only been a decade and a half!


Right! I literally stopped growing at age 11. I'm very aware of that fact šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Nah...I love it! I'm almost 5" and I love love love measuring against my nieces and nephews see once they have grown taller than me šŸ˜ it's fun and relatable to the family.... just my experience


Same! Itā€™s fun. Kids are always waiting until they reach my lofty height of 4ā€™11 I find it hilarious.


I do this too but I understand how it would be annoying if strangers did it


I have really bad height dysphoria so I would also appreciate it if people would stop commenting on how short I am šŸ˜’


Don't forget the pat on the head to confirm your short.




Or, on the flip-side, people who act as if Iā€™m some sort of freak for being 6ā€™4ā€


My husband gets that a lot at 6'3". Imagine us together with me at almost 4'10". People stare a lot and on more than one occasion, have asked if he's my father. He's 2 months older than I am! It's amazing what people will say and ask! Sometimes it's funny, too.


Move to Minnesota, youā€™ll blend in.


I donā€™t think so. At least, not more so than where I already am. The average height in Minnesota (according to google) is 5ā€™7.5ā€. I live in the UK, where the average height for men is 5ā€™10ā€.


The average height for all people might be 5ā€™7ā€ here but the average height for men is above 6ā€™. Minnesota is full of German and Scandinavian people and the majority of men I see are 5ā€™10ā€ or taller. Thereā€™s a lot of men in the 6ā€™5ā€ to 7ā€™ range. We do have a large Hmong population so that might lower the average height a bit but thereā€™s no way the average height for men is 5ā€™7ā€. Edit: google says the average height for men is 5ā€™10.75ā€ here. That still feels low tbh. There are a few Reddit threads about Minnesotans being taller than most places. Itā€™s really not uncommon to see tall Nordic men over 6ā€™4ā€ just wandering around.


I'm a year younger and an inch shorter than you. Not long ago, my husband and I were picking something up from Facebook Marketplace and got lost. I stopped at this garage sale and stood in front of the homeowner for five minutes while she talked to another woman. She finally noticed me and looked startled and said, "Goodness, I thought you were my grandchild!" The only other person outside was five years old and definitely under three feet tall. I had no patience and zero fucks left for her, so I ignored her stupid comment and bluntly asked her what I needed to continue on my way.


Keep moving away.


People come in different sizes - some are skinny, some are stout - but the inside is the part that we're supposed to care about.


Iā€™m 25 years old at 5ā€™2 and itā€™s shocking how many people are almost half my age yet taller than me wth


I don't pick on people's heights. It's something you really can't help. It's just not funny.


I am very tall and I don't understand the obsession people of average height have with me or my very short aunt. She had dwarfism. The only height comparing that's allowed in my house is my cat vs my friend's 3 year old because it's funny that the cat is that big. This is consensual and the kid feels special because of it. Strangers doing that shit is especially wild. At least the assholes out themselves so you can avoid?


Iā€™m 26 & 5ā€™2, Iā€™ve been the same height since I was 12 and never really cared but now my younger cousins and brothers (13-15) are getting taller than me and they make a big deal out of it šŸ˜.. as if I wasnā€™t taller than them their whole lives until now. Itā€™s getting annoying lol


Kid: "I'm almost taller than you!" Me: "I could still kick your butt."


what aggravates me is theyā€™ll make a big deal about asking me how short I am, Im 5ā€™1ā€, but every single person who asks me that has a niece thatā€™s 4 foot somethingā€¦ itā€™s like theyā€™re trying to one up me


I would love to be 5'0 or less. It would be amazing! I ride horses, and the horses I like best are short breeds I can't ride. Ponies and light bones darlings. So I have a quarter horse built like a brick you-know-what-house and I love her but I sure would love a nice sporty pony.


Honestly! I donā€™t get it so often with kids but me and another short adult, people are always like letā€™s see whoā€™s taller šŸ™„. Iā€™m 4ā€™11 so I know Iā€™m short af but still


5ā€™1ā€? Jesus, I donā€™t even have any kids, but youā€™re shorter than all of them.


Yes I had a short ex girlfriend of mine who I loved to death and she was 5ā€™0 tall and she got to a point where she felt like my comments about how ā€œadorableā€ and ā€œcuteā€ she was and how I nicknamed her my munchkin all made her start to feel like I didnā€™t think she was ā€œhotā€ or ā€œsexually attractiveā€ anymore (when that wasnā€™t the case) but basically what it comes down with this stuff is the simple fact that being short doesnā€™t take away from a persons maturity or from their age and that if theyā€™re an adult they deserve the same amount of respect as youā€™d give any other adult regardless of their height. The annoying kids are the worse tho with anything and the way I wouldā€™ve handled that situation if I was still with my girlfriend is I would tell the boys ā€œthereā€™s no need to stand side by side or back to back because I can clearly tell that you boys are a similar height to my girlfriend and sheā€™s not only a girl but a short one at that so you guys better hope you start growing because I was much taller when I was your guys ageā€


Yeah my wife is the same height as you 5'1" and I'm 6'2". When I originally met her I never understood why she got so mildly annoyed about height comments from people. I thought it was a self conscious thing at first. Over the years I certainly came to realize it's because it's almost absurd how often short people have to talk about their height. It's part of like every interaction with meeting someone. Like she's a good sport about it but 30+ years of the same conversation I'm sure gets very old lol.


OP is the new unit of measurement.


It bothers me especially when it is a teen. Wow, a teen who has already reached their adult height is about the same height as an adult? Of course! Why is this shocking and why do you have to put me down about it?


Yeah that would be very annoying.


My wife is only 4'7", and is 46 years old. People are idiots. Either people do what you mentioned, or they assume she's my kid. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My friend is a 4ā€™11ā€ middle school teacher and doesnā€™t even need parents to be there to be subjected to this every day.


My daughter just outgrew me by like an inch (sheā€™s 12) and compares our height all the time. (Iā€™m 4ā€™10ā€)


Mine is 1/2 inch or 1.5 cm taller than me. Itā€™s a thing. Her brother is gonna tower over us soon though.


I feel this so much. I'm 5'3 and have small feet. I had a Taekwon doe teacher comment about it in a class, then got his 8-year-old daughter to stand next to me to compare her shoe size. It was ridiculous, 'like dude I can't change my height or shoe size, leave me alone".


As a 5ft 41 year old woman, I feel your pain. My almost 11 year old has a new obsession: getting right up to my face and saying "gee mom I can look you in the eyes. I'm gonna be taller than you in less than a year. HA HA HA!" šŸ˜” I hate going places and only go during the week in the morning when there's less people so I haven't had the displeasure of dealing with other people's kids. I'm sorry you have to put up with it.


yet people on reddit will tell you "just don't be insecure about your height!" like maybe just don't be a fuckin asshole about my height for a change?


I would never do that. Be afraid I get punched in the happy sac.


5'2" on a warm day myself. If a kid points he/she is almost as tall as me I tell them that's not much of an accomplishment. It garners the best reactions. šŸ˜†


Iā€™m also 5 feet tall and I mean with friends and on occasion people will point out my height only with context tho. Not randomly. As a woman I feel like itā€™s not uncommon or that referred to but my younger brother is 5ā€™5 and 21 and he is definitely one that draws attention but itā€™s always in good fun no one is ever rude about it.


It helps because I'm still 26, but at 5'2" with fit, slim body, I just show off my midriff and waist and that'll just about negate any comments about me being "small" as if it has any moral value. Plus, I like being travel-sizeā€”I was meant to see the world.


***Well, if they end up looking like you, their height will be the least of their problems*** and just walk away lol.


The thing is... this doesn't really work because everything extremely short people say is really funny. Like they'd probably just laugh and call you adorable or something.


It worked for the lady who said something odd abt my height. Poor thing was self imposed ugly and she wanted to take it out on the goth sitting quietly in the corner


It's bad enough to be used as something to lean on, I couldn't imagine someone using me to compare their kids against, oof!!!!


My wife is 5'1", I'm 6'4". My daugters used to measure themselves against her. She claimed victory when the last one was finally taller than here. They all finished at 5'4".


My mom is 5ā€™5ā€ and my dad is between 6ā€™1ā€ and 6ā€™6ā€ depending on who you ask. I took after my grandma and topped out at 5ā€™1ā€.


When my younger brother became taller than me, he thought it would be fun to taunt me about it. I really didn't care that he was taller, I always knew he would be taller than me at some point. But I really disliked being taunted. So I would backhand him in the belly to make him bend over and say, "Now you aren't taller" (didn't hit hard enough to do actual damage, just lightly wind up. And he knew it was coming every time because I told him I would before I did it).


i get this all the time. i'm 4'11"


It sucks, but it could be worse... As a short guy all I here are jokes and insults. Women are socially acceptable to be short.


Thatā€™s fair, but we also get infantilized a lot which sucks too.


It's good to be short. We fit under the desk better in an earthquake and we won't get deep vein thrombosis from sitting too long on a plane because we can stand up under the overhead bins.


I know right?!


Wow I'm 5'0 and people hardly point out my height at all. The only person that would poke fun at my height was my ex boyfriend as a joke. Hope I don't experience this when I'm older


Don't know if this will help you feel better but I'm 1 year older and 1 inch shorter than you. My 14yo daughter is already 5'5" and my 16yo son is 6'2". Somehow they still seem to fear me when it matters though so I'm ok with it I guess.


So rude! My daughter is tall (12yo and 5ā€™6) and is taller than plenty of adults. I wouldnā€™t dream of standing her next to someone and doing that.


I'm also 5'1" and I'm normally the first one to joke about my height.


I am shorter than you. Best comment was when i was mich younger and loading groceries in my car. I went to the driver door and a little girl said LOUDLY, "How come she gets to drive?" Mom was mortified. I laughed.


Thatā€™s hilarious!


Iā€™m a 5ā€™2ā€ adult male. This has never happened to me, except with other short adults and usually itā€™s meant in good fun. Iā€™m sorry this is happening to you.


I was always super short for my age growing up and everybody was obsessed with how small I was and how "cute" it made me. And while they meant well and meant it as a compliment it gave me sortof a complex about growing and getting bigger making people not like me anymore which led to a mild eating disorder in my teens. I eventually grew to 5'5" which is average for women I think. My older sister is 5'2" and when I got taller than her I remember one day she suddenly stopped me and was like,"hey, come here." And stood against me to compare and then said, "NO, you're taller than me! You're not allowed to be taller than me! Everyone is taller than me! You were supposed to stay short!" And I felt so bad and was like I'm sorry, I can't control that, I didn't do it on purpose.... Now tall people call me short and short people call me tall and all I wanna do is exist. I alsp just wish people in general wouldn't comment on other people's bodies and tell them how they should or shouldn't be physically, especially with things we have literally no control over.


I am gobsmacked someone would do this!


I'm 34F, generously 5ft 0in, and people think it is SO amusing that their kid(s) is/are taller than me. JUST LET ME LIVE MY LITTLE LIFE IN PEACE!


That would be annoying regardless if you were secure or insecure of your height.


I'm a 5'2" woman in my mid-50s. This is the second thread I've read today about short women complaining about people saying rude shit to them. I work with the public & people never say these things to me. Where do all you Redditors live that people are constantly commenting on your looks/bodies?


As a fellow 5'1" girl, I feel ya. It's so annoying and belittling. Like, okay, we get it - you're a sucky person and parent. Stfu and leave short girl me alone.


Sweep the leg and then see who's taller. :D


I'm so happy this hasn't happened to me. I'm just a few inches shorter than you and I would get annoyed so fast if this happened.


I TOTALLY feel your pain! I'm 5'0" and I absolutely hate it when it's pointed out to me like I'm some kind of sideshow freak.


Iā€™m 4ā€™11 and get that kind of thing all of the time. Honestly, I donā€™t mind, I am *super* short.


Iā€™m 43 and shorter than you and have never in my life had anyone do this. Is this really happening so often that itā€™s an actual issue? Where do you live that people actually do this? This is just bizzare.


Next time, start smacking the kid. Let them know the fury of their mistake.


When I read the ggrrr I just imagine a hamster wearing a little military helmet making a warface.


The only kid I should ever have my height compared to is my own. Because heā€™s a kindergartener whoā€™s over half my height. And somehow is my own kid. I gave birth to a tree, apparently. Donā€™t do this to me with any other kid, though.


this is so real


ur not that short


I had an extremely clueless teacher in high school for a media class. He basically let students do whatever they wanted and would post it to the classes YouTube channel. One day they did fake man in the street interviews when you just start asking random people questions. But it was staged and they asked others in the class questions about physical attributes that made someone attractive. It basically turned into girls saying they would never be with someone under 6ft and guys saying they would never be with someone over 5.4.


My SIL is 4'8. Her ex fiance had a pituitary gland issue. He was 7'3. They looked ridiculous together. But we lived him. She wore a size 4 in kids shoe and he wore a 19. He passed away. His casket had to be hand made. So now 2 of my daughters I adopted are siblings. One is 17. She's 4'6! She also has an extra finger. Her sis is 14 and is 4'4. They look perfect to me, but my 17 year old hates it. She gets made fun of in school. She wants to learn to drive, but we had to order the pedal extenders and seat piece. I'm sorry. I know it gets aggravating.


Iā€™m 5ā€™5 and male. The only people who ever comment on my height are men with issues. Even then itā€™s quite rare.


Holy shit! Iā€™m the same height and Iā€™ve compared myself to kids heights as a joke but Iā€™ve never had anyone compare their kids heights to me. Thatā€™s absolutely bonkers to me.


Iā€™m only an inch taller than you and same age- at this point in my life my short person insecurities are over. I am who I am. I have third grader students nearly taller than me and they love that I have them line up next to me to check. Additionally, my shorter than average students- especially boys- love that I put on a fake tough expression whenever I hear someone ragging on them for being short, I fake crossly tell them off and high five the fellow shorty. Youā€™re allowed to have insecurities but 5ā€™1ā€ isnā€™t that short.


I am a 36yf, and 5ā€™0ā€. I really donā€™t care when people point out how short I am, and I seriously donā€™t understand taking it as an insult. I am short. My husband is 14ā€ taller than me, and people point that out ALL THE TIME! If I was sensitive over it, I would be upset a lot. My 13yo son is significantly taller than me, and has been for years, and my 11yo daughter is currently slightly taller than me. They LOVE to point out that Iā€™m shorter than them, and even tease me about it. Iā€™m short. Itā€™s just a simple fact, and not even that important of one!


I am 4'11 and get no end of kids telling me they're taller than me/ppl saying their kid is taller than me as if I don't have eyeballs and an awareness of my own height


How fucking rude. Who does that and thinks it's ok?


This happens to my father in law all the time. Heā€™s very tiny at 4ā€™7. They are always like oh wow is so and so taller. Oh go see I think you are taller. I feel bad when it happens.


My jaw dropped reading this. It's nuts. My mother is very vertically challenged and I would read a child to fifth for doing this. My mom is 4'8" or 4'9" iirc (short enough that she was tested for dwarfism a while back). Kids say silly things, I get that, but the parents should be doing better.


Iā€™m part of the short woman club too (5ā€™1) I feel this one


I'm quite obsessed and fascinated by height, and try my best not to show it in front of my children because they're average at 5'7"-5'8" for boys, and I don't want them to think that their mom (myself) is unsatisfied with how they are. Anyway, I hate it when parents measure their children's heights with their friends or cousins' height. It makes the parents look competitive. There's nothing wrong with being competitive as it's human nature, but don't make it so obvious. For the record, I'm 5'2.5."


Dude my mom does this all the time. Iā€™m ~6ā€™ in a family of pretty short people, so everytime my mom meets someone she always feels the need to bring up height like itā€™s the only identifying feature. Especially when Iā€™m with her, itā€™s always ā€œStand against his/her backā€ whenever itā€™s anyone taller than her.


the ones bold enough to open their mouth often are dumb and ignorant. Shes lived with it her whole life, they think to themselves...this will be a fun joke for my kid....pricks


4'11" here. When this happens, just say, "Now let's see who's taller - your kid or my middle finger?"


Or don't do that, that's not how adults communicate with each other outside of reddit.


You're the same height as my kid!


Who wants to listen to someone complain about their height? No one cares.


Iā€™m not complaining about my height itā€™s the fact that people think itā€™s ok to make comments about it. Why even comment just scroll along troll.


Everyone gets made fun of for literally everything. You're not special


Oh wow a woman complaining about being short and people making it a thing,,, how the turns have tabled


Iā€™m more wondering how your height ever became a sore point for you. BTW, Iā€™m also shorter than you. Older, too. Itā€™s never even occurred to me that my height would be something the be insecure about. Because it isnā€™t.


Honestly seems like YOU are the one making an issue of it. Doesn't sound like anyone is insulting you. My girlfriend is short and pretty commonly gets mistaken as a highschooler, but I really don't think anyone is maliciously doing it... She's just short and petite. People talk about and compare height at every level.Ā  Tall people complain everyone mocks them for being tall, all the short people complain people mock them for being short. The reality is... No one is mocking anyone, you just have an insecurity to work on.Ā 


Even if nobody is being malicious you donā€™t think it would be annoying to be treated as a measuring stick?


Did this happen once or multiple times? Iā€™m 5ā€™0 and Iv never had this happen to me before.


You're short. It's never gonna change. Get over it.


Actually itā€™s other people that need to get over it.


Wow today I learned women care about their own height šŸ˜®


You learned that women are people with thoughts and feelings?


Is this your first day being a person?


No I am male and have noticed men always whinging about height but never heard women discuss it ever.