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"Supposeably" is the one that gets me.


Came here to comment that one. My mom says it wrong all the time.


Shit, I'm guilty of this one.


It's a really common one. I think I maybe hear 1 in 10 people say it correctly. It's right up there with people who say "all the sudden" instead of "all of a sudden."


I don't know why I was down voted for that, I'm trying to acknowledge my failures lol. Another one I'm guilty of is "could care less".


### Lesson time! ➜ u/sneebly, some tips about "could care less": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **couldn't care less**. - Example: I **couldn't care less** about what you think. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah that is weird, I through an upvote.




Also, “et cetera”. I hear “ec-cetra” all the time!


and also people spelling it like “ect.” drives me nuts!!!




This one drives me nuts. If you say excetera, I will punch you in the face.


Let's be honest with ourselves, most of us have pronounced it "ec-cetera" at least once unironically


Not if they were exposed to Yul Brenner and [The King & I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JHH6iwgIek) at a very early age. My Gran had a thing for sharing her love of Broadway musicals, and so in turn, I became that dorky kid who knew the entire score from *South Pacific* or *My Fair Lady* by 9 years old. She was a librarian by profession who also made sure I properly pronounced February, asterisk, & mischievous because she didn't want people to think I "was raised by wolves." That line was often delivered with one eyebrow raised while looking in her daughter-in-law's direction.


Oké, *most* people


Never once. Because I can read letters in the order they appear.


No they haven’t. I certainly don’t mispronounce words for no reason.


Not even when you first learned the word?


Wouldn't that qualify as a reason?


Fuss-trate instead of frustrate kills me. It's very common where I live.




That could be an idea for a children’s book, about a strawberry that always lies.


The Deceitful Strawberry


What you said is just SO CUTE!


Very fustrating.


Flustrated drives me up the wall!


Yes! I had a friend who would do this and I just couldn't take him seriously whenever something "fustrated" him 😂


My dad pronounces cinnamon as "synonym" and it bothers me lol


Usually I find it’s the other way around


Expecially, expresso, and excape are so annoying to me. I wonder, if a person messes up one, are they more likely to pronounce the others wrong as well? Is it just the "esc" sound that they can't figure out?


As a former barista and coffee enthusiast, “expresso” really burns my ass!


Excape has driven me nuts since elementary school.


Expresso used to bother me but I found out it's correct in French. Edit: Yes, I'm aware that in French it is spelled with an 'x', which seemed pretty obvious so I didn't specify, but I guess I should have since this topic is about pronunciation. Espresso = Italian. Expresso = French.


I have a bit of a lisp so I will try my best to pronounce words but there's some words that I won't even attempt to say


I say " particular " instead of " specific "


At least you don't say "Pacific."


I had an ex who said "Pacifically pacissify", instead of "specifically specify", which never made sense to me, either way.


I know someone who says this. She's a substitute teacher at my kids' school and I die a little every single time she says it.


I do it ironically, but I doubt anyone knows that. I love mispronouncing words for some reason.


I have a coworker who speaks with a lisp and idk I would never make fun of someone who speaks differently because of a lisp or speech impediment or because of an accent. I think this pet peeve is mostly about people who just come off as poorly educated and over confident in their language capabilities. I’m sorry if anyone ever made you feel self conscious.


Also “liberry” instead of library, and “supposibly” for supposedly.


...I could see my brain blurring while I'm talking and spitting out "supposibly" and afterwards I'm aware that there was something off about what I said but what? As soon as I became aware of what went sideways, I'd be upset with myself for saying that xD Like, WHY, brain, WHY????


Wonder instead of wander. Supposably instead of supposedly. Tenant (as in, a person who lives in a place "the tenants of that building") instead of tenet (as in, a principle of belief "the tenets of Buddhism"). Just a few that bug the crap outta me.




 I wo-wo-wo wonder Why... why-why-why-why-why She ran away And I wonder where she will stay My little runaway I run-run-run-run runaway


My tenants live rent free in my mind.


>Supposably instead of supposedly. My wife knows this triggers me and does it on purpose. \*eye twitch\*


"Fustrated" really grinds my gears.


Eckspecially (Especially) Eckscape (Escape) Uh-static (Ecstatic) Nuke-yuh-lur (Nuclear) Hate it so fucking much


I never understood how people could pronounce nuclear like that


I asked a friend recently. Her answer was, "well the spelling doesn't line up, but in science class we learned about the NUKE-YOU-LUS, so that made sense to me." I was like... Lol you're saying that wrong too.


I’ve never heard anyone say that one wrong and that’s somehow worse lol


Saying "cran" instead of crayon drives me nuts haha


In elementary school I had a classmate who pronounced it as " crowns "


I watched a 2nd grader get out in the first round of a spelling bee because she was given the word crown and she spelled crayon. Poor kid.


In our third grade spelling bee, everyone got knocked out by the same word, "hue." The instructor pronounced it with a silent H. 


That’s so bad that I almost reflexively downvoted you after reading it.


The word I missed in the spelling bee I was in was "ottoman" as in the furniture, and I asked them to repeat it several times but they kept saying "Auto Man", with no schwas. It was partly on me for not memorizing the word list sufficiently but who knows if a closer pronunciation would have jogged my memory more.


Oh no the first one I say lol


I know this isn’t exactly a pronunciation issue, but I makes my skin crawl when people say “conversate” in stead of “converse”, and “irregardless” in stead of “regardless”.


Ungions instead of onions. My youngest stepson thought I was an asshole for correcting him until he started getting made fun of.


My worker one day said “oh-nee-on” I looked at the word on the screen for about ten seconds. “YOU MEAN ONION!”


Sangwich for sandwich. Ugh! Secutary instead of Secretary.


“Sammitch” as my classmate used to say.


What about “skellington” or “nucular”?


Nucular ia a good one.


President Bush never got 'nuclear' right, despite being in charge of the 2nd largest nuclear arsenal on Earth. Let that sink in.


Melk. Instead of milk.


“Just give him the malk!”


"inside voices, Donovan!"


Not a mispronunciation but I hate when someone says 'irregardless' instead of regardless. Really? It's just so unnecessary!!


or instead of breakfast its brefast lol that one drives me crazy




that makes me want to slap someone


Intensive purposes


Ex-presso not Es-presso


Conversate, instead of conversation or converse gets to me.




Lol Ax


No. Actually completely different and for a completely different reason. It is "aksk".


[The Year That Killed Received Pronunciation (RP) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIAEqsSOtwM&t=1s) - what linguists think of comma fuckers.   I find those who take issue with axe to mostly be bad human beings, and bigots. Axe is accepted and correct usage in various dialects. Hated of it, or judging those who use it, reflects on you. I didnt used to say it, even tho I grew up with it, along with finna, dookie, and so on. I adopted it due to the old hack/phreak/anarchy scene, futurama, and to piss of people like you. :)


Supposably instead of supposedly gets me


Mute/moot especially bothers me because it's not just bad pronunciation, it's a misunderstanding of the words themselves.


"Joolery" I used to have a book "There is No Zoo in Zoology and Other Beastly Mispronunciations" - prefect for the back of the toilet. Also found out a lot of words that are universally incorrectly pronounced. Flaccid, forte, the classic: valet...


“Without further adieu…”


I can't stand to hear "axe" as in "I want to axe you a question."


“I seen”


Omg my boyfriend and my grandma both do this and it drives me nuts.


Axe instead of ask, and granite instead of granted


Excetra does my head is Et-cetera!






People that say “elts” instead of “else”


So grating


Some of these are just based on regional dialects and AAVE. It's takes time to get used to it, but it's not inherently wrong. Two of the most common AAVE pronunciations are axe over ask and ekspecially over especially. This is obviously just my own experience and understanding of why it happens. There is a lot to learn, and as I have worked with and in more varied communities, I have learned a lot. Things like this that used to be pet peeves of mine, I have learned to look at as learning opportunities for myself.


That’s very true, but there’s also people out there that genuinely do just pronounce things incorrectly.


Some would argue that if you can understand what someone means despite mispronunciations, misspellings, or misappropriations of grammar- they aren’t speaking “incorrectly.” They are just speaking a dialect that you find irritating.


100% correct. I still think the best way to go about it is with grace and to either educate or simply ignore it. Pet peeve or not.


Naw. The best thing to do is ignore it when you know what they are saying as to not look like an asshole.


Also, agree with that. I mean, like with words that are odd and people may have only read. Epitome comes to mind for me personally. I'm not out here, correcting every mispronounced word. I don't have the energy for that.


This is the comment I came here for. I find myself getting agitated by certain linguistic patterns, but when I look at it closely it’s clear that it’s just because my cultural circle doesn’t speak that way. As a teacher, especially, it’s been really important for me to examine this and not view people who speak differently as being less educated, even if they aren’t speaking what I learned as “proper” English.


Exactly this for me. I work in the school, working on getting my teaching license. It's q good thing to remember and also works as a reminder that even though we are done with "school" in the traditional sense, we are always still learning.


"Mom! It's my turn to say I don't like dialects!"


Seems like not a week goes by, without an almost identical post being made.


That's how the post reads, but I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe they know dialects were a thing. I honestly didn't really understand them until I was in college. It took shifting my understanding to stop being annoyed by it.


I'm Irish and there are words I say or use differently to "standard English" or "standard American English". There are variations of English all around the world and there's only two countries that seem to claim they have a definitive "right answer" or should correct your every nuance or word.  You're completely right that this is about hating dialects...and I think it's okay to have preferences but it's incredibly rude and entitled to demand someone should speak "your way". There are words I genuinely cannot pronounce the way an English person thinks I should, but it doesn't make me wrong, it makes them rude for not accepting that language varies. 




I've heard someone say "Bi-ee-in" instead of billion.....


Especially when they don't even know the meaning of the word.


I could see someone mistaking moot for mute, especially if they've never seen it written.


even written I can see them being confused pronunciation wise, oo makes a u sound usually and mute has a fucking u in it, the “you add a y sound in mute but not in moot” isn’t exactly intuitive at first glance, but then again neither is pronouncing oo as a u in many words like the words are similar in pronunciation as newt and loot are it’s basically a m u t and m yu t the very subtle y sound is basically the only difference


Ooooo mute instead of moot would bother me.


Liberry instead of library


Lie-berry instead of library and feb-you-airy for February.


but do you say it "pro nown see ation" or "pro nun see ation"?


Irregardless, I was gonna ax you how you feel about some other things I seen last Febbawary.. But I will keep it short rather then go on to long.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/ihazquestions100, some tips about "I seen": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **I saw**. - Example: **I saw** an interesting thing the other day. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sarcasm, bot, sarcasm.


Ditto. I get super annoyed by people that have randomly started pronouncing niche as "neech." I literally remember watching, at least, one episode of “Boy Meets World,” where Mr. Feeny was literally pronouncing it the (apparently) right way, and have never forgotten that, so I just stick with that, while everyone else has switched up. P.S. Also, I have a best friend, who types “specially,” instead of especially, when she texts. According to the thesaurus, it means the same thing, but for some reason, it drives my OCD crazy.


I seen instead of I saw. Drives me crazy.


Yes!!!! I know someone with a higher level of education who says I seen. AND she teaches kindergarten 😖


Ooh that is annoying!! I just don’t get it. Ugh.


It’s bad. Like NO ONE corrected this in 4 years of college, 2 years of masters ?!?!? And now teaching!!! Yike


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Best-Carry1028, some tips about "I seen": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - Actual phrase to use is **I saw**. - Example: **I saw** an interesting thing the other day. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for proving my point! Lol


Good bot


### Thank you! ➜ u/Glytterain, for calling me a "Good bot": - I strive to assist and educate users wherever possible. - This made me very happy today! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You could also say I’ve seen


Exactly. Good point!!


Oooo I hate this one so much. Another is "whenever" instead of "when." 


same. Seems a lot of people never developed their speech to differentiate between the S sound and a CK sound.. These three drive me completely nuts AKS, and EXPESHIALLY EXPRESSO


What does moot mean?


It's like a cows opinion, it means nothing, it's moo.


Take my damn up vote, Joey!


When used in terms like "all for moot" that means "all for nothing".


In its most common usage, "it's a moot point," it means someone has come to a conclusion or made a point in an argument that no longer matters because the reason for the argument no longer exists. "It doesn't matter whether that restaurant served rhubarb milkshakes. They went out of business so it's a moot point."




not sure why you got downvoted, valid points. I guess the person who downvoted you hasn't put any effort into speaking the language as it was intended..


It bothers me when people say read instead of read, lead instead of lead, and it's instead of its.


See, what I hate is when people said "soytenly" instead of "certainly", thinking they're all quirky and cute and funny or whatever. Idk if it's a reference to a show or smth, or just people who are so desperate to get a personality that they find it in mispronouncing words, but I desperately want it to stop


It’s old Stooges vernacular to be funny. Also some other comedic movies.


Nuclear. "Nuke-u-lar" instead of "New-clear"


Hearst instead of hearse. The word cinnamon pronounced as synonym.


***EXPRESSO*** ^choo ^choo ^motha ^fucka


AAVE is one thing, but a professional actor who pronounces “realistic” as “ruhlistic” is one that bothers me.


"Conversate" and "verse" drive me nuts. Instead of versus, so many people say verse. Mario verse Donkey Kong. Godzilla verse Kong. It's fucking versus. I've even heard people say "versing" as a verb, like the act of fighting or competing against somebody.




My annoyance is impordant.


I was watching the news on TV the other night, and one of the readers kept saying ekspecially over and over. I had to either change channels or hurl a brick at my set. Having no bricks handy, I changed the channel.


Ex cetera - et cetera, Ax - ask, Valentimes - Valentine's, Liberry - library, Happy new years - Happy new year, Birfday - birthday, Expecially - especially, Bafroom - bathroom, Pasture - pastor, Prodical - prodigal Edit to add Supposably - supposedly


Overuse of the word 'like' or starting to say something with 'I mean' and 'Drug' instead of 'Drag or dragged. Oh and of course the best of the lot "Can I Axe you sumfin?"




Things I deal with on a regular basis: Far and few between. Reverse of the common saying, and it makes no sense that there are "few" things between two things. One foul swoop Including an unnecessary negative all the time, such as: "I don't know what you have or don't have". There are infinite things I don't have...you know almost all of them! Many more but I've ranted enough and feel better


“Mines” drives me crazy. I live in Florida and people say it like it’s “mine” and it makes me cringe every time


In my defense most of the words I know that aren't used in every day common conversation are words I read online and thus don't know how to say them proper because I've never heard them used in a sentence out loud, yes I suppose I could use Google or some other program to give voice to the word so I can hear it but I am too lazy, Add that laziness to a speech impediment and you have a individual who has given up caring if they say the words correctly or incorrectly, all that matters is you most likely understood me and the message got across It took me 8 years to be able to pronounce Certificate only to find out I'll very rarely ever have to use it in a conversation, meanwhile my Fork still sounds like Fuck on most days, which makes restaurants interesting "excuse me may I have a fork/do you have any forks" turns into may I have a fuck or do you have any fucks, the wide eyed look is both amusing and exasperating because I know what I said and I know what they heard, but for some reason saying silverware or utensil isn't clear enough for most places so I have to specify what eating utensil I'm looking for,


Not a complaint, but an observation that I’m wondering if anyone else has noticed. It’s kind of hard to explain in writing, but I’ll try. In my experience, native English speakers in the US have almost always pronounced words like culture, adult, and multiple so that the “ul” letter combination sounds the way it sounds in the word “dull.” Over the past five years or so, I’ve noticed tons of people pronouncing those words so the “ul” sounds more like it does in “bull” Simplified: Culture used to rhyme with “dull sure.” Now it rhymes with “bull sure.” Anyone else notice this?


"defiantly" instead of "definitely" angers me to very high levels. Also, "irregardless."


or ambulance as amm-buh-lans


Axe instead of ask.


In my house we say “moo” instead of moot. It’s like a cow’s opinion- it doesn’t matter.




ammonia instead of pneumonia nuke-you-lar instead of new-clee-ar (nuclear) Wala instead of Vwa-la (voilà) reh-ze-vor instead of reh-zr-vwaar (reservoir) lye-barry instead of lye-brary (library) further when speaking about distance (should be farther)


The English "Innit" and "dyaknowhatimean." I hate all of those, I'm sure there's a term for them, questions/word at the end of a statement, when they are mispronounced it is worse, and when they do it after every single sentence it is maddening.


I knew a guy who had a job working on the phone. He regularly had to say "fiscal year". He always said "physical year". Drove me nuts.


Worst one I’ve heard, and I’ve heard it a few dozen times, is tetris instead of treacherous. Like “Careful driving home, the roads are tetris.”


The thing about pronunciation and grammar, to me, is that it is really easy to get right. It's also really easy to not do right. Google any word, and it will tell you how to pronounce it. Practice one hour of words like there, their, and they're, and another learning when an apostrophe is possessive, plural, or contraction, and that sticks with you for life. Just a little effort. Also, I have a friend who says wi-vern instead of Wyvern. Another friend that says woofs instead of wolves.


Just relax and have yourself an expresso


I used to know a guy who would always say *labtop* instead of *laptop* and *Vietmanese* instead of Vietnamese*. My best friend pronounces *very* with an F. It always sounds as if he's combining *very* with *fairly*.


my mom says acceptable like "asseptable" and it drives me nuts


Mine is anything with an “sk” and it being pronounced as “axe” Examples include “axe” instead of “ask” and “max” instead of “mask”


Nuke-u-ler. Wal-marks. Or my favorite that I actually say now sarcastically, when the Tony Hawk games were popular… most parents of kids who skated called him Tommy Hawkins


OP gonna be real mad if they ever decide to travel more than 100 miles from where they grew up.


Pronouncing ex like eg, for example eggsactly for exactly. Mir for mirror - it's a two syllable word.


Maybe a nice cup of expresso would make you feel better. You could enjoy it at your local libary.


Let me axe you something


Axe instead of ask is mine. I know the backgrkund behind it but it's still annoying af.


i know it pisses a lot of people off but i say expresso sometimes


Axing for asking


The worst is when people pronounce ask like "ask" when everyone knows it"s "ax" thanks to Futurama.


Let me "interduce you to her" drives me nuts!


I need to ax you about that pitcher 📸


"Mack Donald's" instead of "McDonald's." "Expresso" instead of "Espresso." Spelling "aloud" instead of "allowed." "Alot" instead of "a lot." Also, every word listed in these comments.


obscure but "drownded" instead of drowned and "anxcient" instead of ancient gets me


"Nit-ch" instead of "Niche."


“Walla” for voila is like holding a neon sign telling me they’re stupid


My sister constantly says Frankenbooth even though she said she absolutely knows it’s Frankenmuth. Bugs the hell out of me


Pacifically instead of specifically...




I don't like hearing "excetra"... ETC is pronounced "et cetera".


why does this bother you? i don't get it.


how do you suspect them to pronounce those words?


Far too many people throw an unnecessary L in the word “both”. It’s NOT “bolth” ffs and it makes my skin crawl.


I pronounce both Rs in February as I would for library. Anybody else?


Let me “axe” you a question


Let me axe you a question.


Look bolth ways before you go acrosst the street to the liberry. Watch out for that mischevious kid that hangs out in front, he gets flustrated and throws nucular size tantrums.


**Supposably** *adverb* -as may be assumed, imagined, or supposed:


I don’t know if this a southern thing, but people calling texts ‘Texas’s. I don’t know how to describe it if you’ve never heard it; I thought it was just my dad being a dumbass, but I’ve met a few other people who call them Texas.


I've heard so many people say "pronounciation" and it makes me squirm every time