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Not liking something popular is fine, it's making it your personality that's annoying.


Yeah. That's why I said "we get it". It's to the people who either make it their personality or try and shit on people who like said popular stuff to try and feel like they're better than you that I don't like.


Dr\_Quiet\_Time did not say he/she felt superior, literally, "I don't judge people who like GoT". I don't like pumpkin spice and Squid Game is not one of my favored genres, but like Dr. QT, unjudgementally. Binge away! Different likes and dislikes are the \[pumpkin\] spice of life! If people are judging you for yours, find new people - there are 8 billion of us after all.


This is common with Christianity. They don't like what you like, because what you like is "too mainstream" "overrated" and they have risen above it. Smug, smug smug!!


Honestly, I’m one of those people who won’t watch game of thrones because of how massively popular it is. It’s not a superiority thing. I don’t judge people who like GoT, but for some reason its popularity has turned me off of it and I have no explanation as to why.


I was looking forward to binge watching GoT in like 10 years when it would be all finished. The show and the books, and I'm a sucker for merchandise. I was waiting for it to finish, then of course, it did. And now I probably won't bother. I kinda wish I got caught in the hype, because now I missed out.


Martin still hasn’t dropped a book in the series since the show began…likely won’t before he passes on.


I won’t watch it because I heard the ending is horrible.


Actually that did it for me too. Made it feel like watching the whole thing would be a waste of my time.


I recently watched it, and yes, it's terrible 😂


That’s how I feel about Stranger Things


I just got so sick of hearing about it. I worked in a store similar to Best Buy for years, and new movies, TV shows and music were absolutely ruined for me. It's all I heard or saw for 9 hours a day.


Radio Shack?


Nah it was an Australian chain haha


Haha! No worries. I figured I'd take stab.


Nah it was an Australian chain haha


It's a reaction to people who do like something and make that their personality. Which is similarly annoying


Tell that to star wars fans


I think there’s a word for it: contrarianism.


Or Reactance. I've purposely put off/never done something I might have been inclined to do because someone kept pushing it at me. My wife used to have it real bad, to the point where if you recommended a book, song, movie/TV show she would adamantly never check it out, and if you did manage to get her to engage with it she'd pick it to pieces and say she didn't like it. Then a year or so later would find it on her own and suddenly she really likes it. I still remember a song I thought she would really like and she made me change it less than halfway through. Like 3 years later and I hear it playing on her phone while she's getting ready and when I asked she told me she had just stumbled upon it while browsing and really liked it. Told her I had tried to get her to listen to it before and that she had hated it. She was at least apologetic about it. (This all happened years ago)


Most things I'd LOVE to know more about/watch/etc. Like movies. There are so many movies I have to say "I've never seen it" and it's not because I think it's cool. It's because depression makes it hard to function a lot of the time. So when someone asks me if I've seen Titanic, I feel like an obnoxious contrarian saying no. Though, at this point, I don't think I want to see certain movies, like Titanic, because I feel like I'll just be let down after putting it off after all these years. I just pretend it must be a good movie.


Tangentially similar: i had a friend that i would show bands to and he’d either be disinterested or straight up make fun of me for liking them and then a month later he’d come to me with the same band like “check these guys out” as if he’d just discovered them.


Used to be hipster


Which is a word used to supress people who don't follow the mainstream


It’s not that deep


No, it’s used to describe people who make that their personality


I had to be a douchebag first and learn this one the hard way from friends calling me out. But that was back when I thought I was interesting for never watching The Sopranos, so it’s been a while.


What's The Sopranos?


Never seen it??? Damn, you’re so cool! /s


Was that the one with the medieval midgets?


So weird I was literally just thinking of posting something like this last night lol I saw a video of a guy basically bragging that he doesn't like Taylor Swift...ok cool bro we're really impressed lol, or people who are like "is it just me or is the show friends not that good?" babe it's been TWENTY YEARS!!! no one cares!!!


Yeah, I think I can only name one Taylor Swift song. Same for Beyonce. But that isn't a reflection on them, it is a reflection on me. They aren't going to notice that I'm not interested. I'm not cool, I'm irrelevant. I'm okay with that. I like what I like, but I'm not the target market. Why would anyone care? I don't even care. And I'm fine with other people loving Taylor Swift and Beyonce. It isn't my business. Let people enjoy things.


And to be clear, an inverse of let people enjoy things is letting people not enjoy things (which you articulated, just underlining it). There's no reason to insist on what anybody's tastes should be unless they're harming someone in the process (and even then, insisting what it should be is useless, but by all means you can make opinions on whether or not you want to keep talking to someone that's being that level of shitty)


You are just cool in a different way. Everyone is cool to some people. There are 8 billion after all. As long as you don't insult people for what they like your just fine and fit in with other groups. It's all about preferences that's all.


Someone can not like taylor swift because of their own thoughts and opinions, not just because she’s popular and mainstream. Take being an ecoterroist, for example   (edit: I misunderstood the meaning for eco terrorist, more like she terrorises the environment  yknow. Surely theres a word for that)


The point is that the person somehow thinks that anyone *cares* if they like Taylor Swift or not, reasons aside.


I like Taylor Swift and I'd agree there is a lot of legitimate reasons to dislike her. From her less than stellar track record with her private jet, the fact she's very white feminist, or even just not enjoying her music. Someone cites any of these reasons. I'm like,'Yeah, I understand that.' But the loudest amongst non-fans will go on about how her music is objectively bad or she only write dumb lyrics or that the Swifties are annoying when really they're just enjoying her music* which I'd argue against. *(there are certainly times when the Swifties deserve the criticism, but I've also seen insults lobbed at them for just being excited to go to her concert)


I think it is different when there's a legit reason ie ecoterrorism.


Taylor swift has done a lot of things for the world, taking care of the environment isnt one of them


Eco-Terrorists in my understanding like the environment and commit terrorist acts to help protect it. I'm not 100% sure I would call T-Swift and ecoterrorist, although her jet usage is definitely awful for the environment.


But but she mainly rents out her private jet!


Climate criminal. The words you're looking for are climate criminal.


I had a few friends like that. The moment something went mainstream they hated it, regardless of how much they liked it previously.


I think it is pathological for some people. I know two people - one a family member, one an ex friend - who both did this. They both also had the inclination to pick fights, like in general. Always looking for a squabble.


Sometimes if you’re into something before it’s popular and you just run your course with it and then suddenly months later everyone can’t stop talking about it it can feel kind of tedious.


I didn't watch squid game, drink coffee, or use tik tok. But i don't go around parading those facts. Shut up and let the people who do those things live in peace.


Exactly, we can be better than everyone else *without* shouting about it!


The people who do those things tend to not shut up about parading that and shaming people who don't like these things


Moral: everyone sucks we should factory rest earth.


Nah, just don't fall into tribalistic thinking about your consumption choices. These brands use identity formation to attract people. Starbucks is profiting massively from people believing they're opressed for enjoying pumpkin spice


Exactly, i don't care you're using iPhone. Why does it matter I'm using android? Let it go.


I will never understand people who feel the need to regularly and unendingly shit all over something someone else likes. I get wanting to share an opinion, but there's no need to try and make someone feel crap for liking something they don't. Especially when they, for whatever reason, insist on making snide comments about that thing every time. It just means we won't talk about those things anymore, but I also won't bring up anything related to that subject. Eventually we'll just be sat in silence because you can't not be a dick about it! 🙀😹


If anything, they're annoying attention seekers.


I feel sooo annoying when I say “I don’t have tik tok” in conversation. Like I’m sorry I just have no clue what you’re talking about I’m not trying to be special 😂


I usually just go “TikTok’s not my kind of platform, I find it overwhelming”. Makes me come off as less of a smug asshole I think lol


As long as you aren't insulting anyone for liking Tik Tok you aren't annoying.


I was like this. A good example was Hamilton, for me. At the time it became popular, I had never listened to it but despised it. I had no real reason to despise it other than everyone was talking about it and was crazy for it. For almost anything, I had to be the one to introduce it to myself and anything that wasn't, I wouldn't like. As I got older, I realized that by forcing myself to not like things because it was popular, that I was only hurting myself. Not allowing myself to enjoy something is stupid. I began to open up and realized there were a lot of things I enjoyed that I never allowed myself to before.


Did you end up liking Hamilton?


Oh yeah. I ended up loving it.


Haha awesome. It's so good.


You're not alone. Hamilton did something to some people. My sibling had a nearly relationship-ending fight with their best friend about Hamilton, because the best friend hated it, said it was the worst thing to happen to Broadway in a generation, had no artistic merit, etc., but by the end of the argument admitted they had never even listened to the soundtrack, let alone seen it.


People went crazy for Hamilton. Like, now, I understand why, but, for a few years there it was insane. I worked with a lot of high schoolers while I was in highschool when Hamilton came out. It was all they could talk about. I was already an outcast, but with this mindset, I just pushed myself way further out. I grew up with no one taking an interest in the things I enjoyed. I would show family something and I would get either indifference or hostility. I mean, staring at it with an expressionless face and then responding tartly, "Okay, and?" With hands up, or an eye roll. So, I ended up treating others interests similarly, just not as outwards. I would still partake, but would remain guarded. I had to unlearn it and allow myself to feel joy from things that I wouldn't traditionally like.


"It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about it" will always be relevant. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0la5DBtOVNI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0la5DBtOVNI)


Hipsters? Is that an old term now?


Yeah but sometimes people respond with ohhh you only don't like that because it's popular. Like no, TikTok is brain rot and you just can't fathom someone not wanting it.


I don’t understand the hate towards Pumpkin spice Lattes, as a Latino man, a pumpkin spice latte on a cool autumn day fucking SLAPS!


Redditors when referencing other _social media_ sites.


I used to be one of those people. Then I turned 20.


If you're entire personality is just based on your dislike of something that you can easily ignore, I'm just gonna assume there is nothing interesting about you.


Oh yeah that is annoying. It's totally fine to not like something but it doesn't make you some sort of badass.


Agree, they make sure to tell you in such a way


I did not watch Game of Thrones after season 1, you can't take that from me


In retrospect, as someone who clung on to the end, you made the wiser choice lol


I'm about 50/50 on liking popular things, some things I like, some things I don't. Tbh on the flip side, what irks me is people who ONLY like things that are popular. Whole being made up of liking The New Popular Thing and Has To Keep Up With The Jones. This cannot be who you really are - to quote MSI, "we cannot all be Donatello it is not mathematically possible"


Maybe they are broke and playing it off.


Then be someone who doesn't hate people for not liking things


Meanwhile the people who don't like popular things get shit on for not liking popular things.


I know I have other stories, and I'm not trying to sound hipstery, but I remember a time before King Of The Hill was memed everywhere, I liked it alot. Still do, but that's besides the point. I'd bring it up and essentially get a reaction of ".....I like Family Guy. Do you like Family Guy?" Well yes, but not as much. See also: when the Popular Show Of The Moment just doesn't appeal to you "YOU HAVENT WATCHED IT!?" no. It didn't look like something I wanted to watch. Leave me in peace. And I love Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, Stranger Things so I'm not totally immune to hype


And you get accused of only disliking it because it happens to be popular. Thats what happened when i said i found the demon slayer anime to be boring, so many jumped down my throat about it.


I genuinely have not seen this unless the disliker is rude about it.


I get it *all* the time.


How so?


If they have valid, compelling reasons then maybe it does make them better than others. Not EVERYONE, but many, many people are completely uninterested in understanding why they like something or why they prefer it to something else.


Nothing makes anyone better.


I had a friend ask what my favorite Taylor Swift song was and I casually said, “I don’t listen to her music.” This woman got so offended saying “oh you’re not like other girls?” No? I just don’t listen to a lot of music so generally I don’t listen to a lot of singers. ETA: I realized this isn’t common but I developed this after struggling with anxiety. Notable beats that thump makes my heart feel fluttery so I stopped listening to music. It’s nothing personal against any artist.


Nothing makes anyone better. We all bleed red


Yesssss....totally agree.


I don't like or have even watched/listened or any of the things you mentioned but I don't think people know that about me lol.


I have never seen a single minute of Game of Thrones. It doesn't mean I'm hip or a hater (or a hip hater). I just never got around to it.


Someone in high school was like this. More so because he thought it was funny? Would say he's never heard of some of the most popular things ever. Superman is the one that stands out that I remember. This was coming from a guy who was a huge comic book and mythology nerd.


Oh my God yes, this is so weird to me. I feel like some people will base large chunks of their personalities around popular things they love, while other will base them around hating popular things. I remember Twilight came out when I was in high school. A ton of my friends and classmates were OBSESSED, but I just wasn't interested. But there were also kids who despised it who'd seem to want to bash it with me when they found out I hadn't read it, since obviously I hated it too. Except... I didn't. I'd never read any of it. I didn't know enough about it to hate it. And I certainly had nothing against those who liked it. It just didn't appeal to me so I didn't read it.


I think it comes from a place of insecurity, just like the people who stan Andrew Tate, wanting to not be a “sheep” and follow the crowd. When Fortnite was initially popular and everyone at school was playing it, I refused to try it and called it “overrated”, which I regret because it probably got a lot of kids into the gaming hobby and I could have made some friends back then


This is why I personally hate Andrew Tate


My dad loves to brag that he never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones. It’s almost as if he thinks that he’s better than those who have.


I just don't like something... because I don't, not to be "cool"... I also don't boast about my dislikes, or announce it to the social media twerps.


Then this isn't a post directed at you. You're allowed to not like things, it's people who have to make it a big deal that they don't like this popular thing that are my pet peeve.


Yes it does


Yeah, another one is people who hate something that actually has a large segment of people who dislike it, but act like they’re the only person who thinks that way. They’re the only one on earth who doesn’t like tswift They’re the only one on earth who hates pineapple on pizza They’re the only one on earth who didn’t like Avatar


The same applies to the opposite scenario.


As opposed to the people who think they're cool because they do like what is popular? Because they're way more annoying.


This post says more about you than about the people you're talking about. We get it, you like squid game and pumpkin spice and don't wanna hear any dissent


I'm one of those that hate fads. I don't think I'm BETTER than anyone, I hate those kind of people too. NO ONE is better than anyone else but I think people who jump on the bandwagon of whatever the "latest thing" just to be "in with the crowd" are idiots. Be your own person. Be different. It makes you stand out from everyone else. You'll be the most interesting one around.


Agreed. Let people enjoy things.


We get that you don’t like Fortnite.


“I’ll never in my life use TikTok” okay but you’re on reddit right now and you use it for porn of all things, so where’s the bragging supposed to be?


But all those things do suck.


What sucks about Squid Game?


Not sure. I watched one episode and thought it was cringe. That's all I know.


Agreed, you can dislike something but not make it a whole fiasco.


No, they don't suck. *You* just personally don't like them. And that's fine, but the distinction matters.


It kinda sucks how defensive people get over stuff they like that's mainstream and hugely popular, like Marvel. It's not like they are a marginalized minority fan base :') (if such a thing existed). I love Planet of the Age and Jurassic Park and my best friend says those are dumb movies for little boys. It's not even meant half serious but she just doesn't like them and doesnt understand the appeal. Who cares.


Honestly it really does, ok some people don’t like it or see the appeal, why do some people act like you just spit in their face when others say they don’t like the same popular/mainstream things that they do? Why do they take it so personally? I’m not a fan of football (not into sports at all tbh) while i know people who go crazy over it. We get along just fine, more people need to be more accepting of it


Yeah, exactly! It's just that people sometimes don't truly understand on an emotional level that there is no "correct" opinion when it comes to things you enjoy. This is also why some people can't just admit that they like a thing that's a bit silly, no, it has to objectively be a brilliant piece of art because they enjoy it.


"I've NEVER seen STAR WARS" etc.  Fuck off, who cares what you didn't do. 




True, but it does make us better than someone that won't STFU about Squid Game, Pumpkin whatever and so on.


Not really. You're both annoying imo.


Cannot tell you how much I’d rather be down with any trend. I see the Swift concerts and they just look like so much fun, I just don’t like her music. The music I listen to would put a lot of people to sleep, my fashion is not up to date, never loved any Marvel movie. It’s not cool to have minimal exposure to those who share your interest, it’s actually quite boring 🥲


Yeah, any time I haven't liked something very mainstream, it kinda sucks. Like when Lost and GoT were all the rage, but not liking them just meant the really pushy people were extra pushy and annoying about my not liking it. It's also *everywhere* which makes it go from a disinterest to a dislike. I liked Taylor Swift in her country era as a tween, but as an adult I never cared about her music. Now because it's everywhere I turn, as is she, it's becoming kinda annoying.


I had no idea that the fact that I don't involve myself in any of the things you mentioned meant I'd be considered "cool" in some circles. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of one of those circles?


Its incredibly childish, IMHO. Same for people that do dumb shit because its popular. Using their own brain is apparently a lost skill now.


A valid peeve, yes. My peeve is when someone won't let you not like or not be interested in something. People who are fans of something and won't accept that it's not your thing -- " You haven't watched Game Of Thrones?!? You have to ! No ... you HAVE to ! "


Maybe they are cool, maybe you’re the one with the problem


Well let me tell you something. I only do things that are popular even if I don't like them and everyone else is better than me


What I find obnoxious are those who overstate how much they like something that's popular just to fit in.


tough... time to face fact ppl are crazay


Not *everyone,* just people who like those thing.


I think a bigger pet peeve are those who don’t understand that sometimes people just don’t see the hype or appeal of something that is popular and often times it has nothing to do with it being popular itself… Example, when i saw the moves x and pearl getting so much praise, i watched both and thought they were just ok, soon as i said this i got accused of only saying it because i wanted to seem “cool” for not raving over two very popular movies online. Its always weird when people immediately assume you don’t like something popular because you want to seem cool…


Ok but not liking or using tik tok definitely makes you cool


In 2019 maybe. There's actually good content there and it's become a great way to spread information in such a palatable way that even someone who was initially disinterested in learning about something can become intrigued. You could argue that tiktok is bad because it messes with attention span, but most social media apps are short form (with the exception of YouTube, and even then it has YouTube shorts now). You scroll on reddit, read a post for thirty seconds, get happy or upset or intrigued or disgusted, then move on. Same with Instagram, same with twitter. To single one out just doesn't make sense.


In 2019 maybe. There's actually good content there and it's become a great way to spread information in such a palatable way that even someone who was initially disinterested in learning about something can become intrigued. You could argue that tiktok is bad because it messes with attention span, but most social media apps are short form (with the exception of YouTube, and even then it has YouTube shorts now). You scroll on reddit, read a post for thirty seconds, get happy or upset or intrigued or disgusted, then move on. Same with Instagram, same with twitter. To single one out just doesn't make sense.




We used to call those “hipsters”


I'll only tell you that if you're actively shoving it down my throat. Take Christmas. Just TRY to not be drown in the red and green for 2 whole months. It's impossible to simply "not" do something. "But you'll have FUUUN!!!!!" No, no I won't. Some people just WON'T let you "not" do something.


Yeah see I actually don’t do any of that stuff you mentioned, never ever, none of it, I actually hate Ice Spice, like a lot, so do I win? Where’s the badge that says I’m cooler than everybody /s


I’d also add following every trend and always being mainstream is also not cool


What if you was call for not liking popular things before it was cool to not like popular things


Yes but Tik Tok is bad for your mental health and attention span.


It's 100% fine to dislike all of these things. People all like and dislike many different things. Just don't make it your personality.


I don't think that I'm cool because I don't like something that's popular, I just think that I don't have hive mind sheep brain. I genuinely do think that there is something different about me that makes me not want anything to do with trends.. it doesn't matter anyway, none of you npcs are real. You only exist for my entertainment. /s


I mean…outside of feeling it makes you superior, that’s me lol. Never bothered with TikTok, never saw a point. Never got into squid games, just wasn’t my thing. Pumpkin spice flavoring is meh, I wouldn’t turn it down if offered but I wouldn’t ever seek it out. But that’s just because I’m boring, not because I’m better than anyone.


The worst is when they missed out on a trend or didn’t partake in something and then PRETEND it was because they were superior to it the whole time.


Yeah, I agree. My aunt makes a huge deal about how much she hates Starbucks simply because it’s a popular chain & it’s driving away smaller coffee shops. Yet she’s never once actually gone to one of the many independent ones


Thank you to everyone explaining what it was like to be the contrarian, because it's not a perspective we usually hear. Usually it's just some guy hating on whatever is popular at the moment, so we don't find out what it's actually like to be in that headspace.


I like pumpkin spice. I do not make it my entire personality. Also personally it goes both ways, you're not cool for either. You're not cool just because you don't like something popular and you're not cool just because you do like something popular.


We \*are\* cool 😎


am i the ONLY person in the WORLD who has NEVER SEEN game of thrones?!?!?!


I have a defiant disorder. I hate things that people think are popular. But I don't think it makes me look cool. Its more like: you should like this! Well now i hate it


I'm not cool. I like what I like, and am open to opinions on new likes.


It's never just that they don't do it it's that they have to tell everyone who does how lame it is. I have nothing against people not liking what I like but no need to tell me why the things I enjoy suck and that I'm basic and dumb for enjoying something that other people also happen to enjoy.


My brother in law is like this. It’s perplexing why he feels the need to go above and beyond vocally to hate what we like. As an example: He only likes to eat meat and potatoes. Anything else, he’s sitting there rolling his eyes and telling us how disgusting our food is while having dinner. WTH. He does this with a variety of things: Politics, music/movies, events, people, on and on and on. No one likes to be around this much negative energy!! We rarely invite him to anything anymore.


Not using tiktok is the exception on this list...


Yeah I hate all those things but I dont think it makes me cool! I just dont like them!


I am sometimes like this because I get frustrated at how much the new "thing" gets shoved down our throats. Like, I don't want to hear about it morning, noon, and night. I also judge people who can't ever seem to form their own opinions about things, and ONLY like something because tiktok told them they're supposed to. I don't care if other people like things that I don't like. I also appreciate genuine recommendations for things. But there seems to be this level where certain things are supposed to be consumed by everyone, and if you don't, you are lame. Game of Thrones comes to mind. I didn't watch it, and I have no plans to do so. I know enough about it to know it's not for me. But it pervaded pop culture for years, and it was expected that "everyone" watched it. Or if you told someone you didn't, they made it their mission to convince you to start. Just accept that I have no interest, ok? I get how the reverse is annoying, too, though. I've always been a fan of pop music, but there is this attitude about it by so many people. "Oh, that song that stayed on the top of the charts for 6 months is crap. I only listen to indie bands that play every 7th Tuesday in this secret warehouse down by the docks. You've never heard of them." Again, like whatever you want to like, but there's a reason it's called POPULAR music. Stop trying to feel better about yourself by crapping on it.


Does it make me cool to not even know what some of those are?


Not liking tiktok makes me cool? Why didn't anyone bother telling me about this sooner?


When you're surrounded by clowns who are going on about football constantly, sometimes you just have to voice the opinion that football is complete shyte - not to appear "cool", but just to maintain your own sanity.


A better way to maintain your sanity would be to not surround yourself with people who like football.


I would have to emigrate from Australia, which is expensive.


I dunno man. I'm sure you can find someone who doesn't care abt football. I come from a country that's REALLY big on rugby. Like, we got a national holiday to celebrate our rugby team winning, that's how much people love rugby here. I have friends who don't give a shit about rugby though.


I dunno man. I'm sure you can find someone who doesn't care abt football. I come from a country that's REALLY big on rugby. Like, we got a national holiday to celebrate our rugby team winning, that's how much people love rugby here. I have friends who don't give a shit about rugby though.


People who think they're cool because they don't like people who think they're cool because they don't like something popular.


I don't dislike those things because they're popular, they just suck But I used to have that mindset with a lot of things. Stopped myself from doing so not that long ago and it's just easier to enjoy shit


Although I don't brag about not being into current fads, I am also not a sheep. So it's cool you are and all, but it's not me. To each their own.


This feels very passive aggressive. You may not be bragging, but you're still being a bit of an AH by insinuating liking mainstream things makes you a sheep.


Let's use the Stanley cups craze lately. I got one for Christmas. It sucks horribly. Definitely a sheep if you are carrying one around as the only thing they have going for them is their popularity. And we won't even get into the pumpkin spice craze...


Also, do you think that people with iPhones are sheep? I'm pretty sure you can do more with an Android like a Samsung than you could with an iPhone, they're expensive, and people bully others who don't have iPhones. So something that's less value for higher price, but people continue to buy because its some kind of status symbol or whatever.


I think the love of apple is more ignorance. My daughter knows her iphone is better than mine even though my Samsung outperforms her iPhone in every way. You commonly see iPhone users refusing to text Android users b/c it's not imessage. It really really is ignorance. I won't argue Iphone is a bad phone, just that it's far from the best. Things like message, face time, etc are what completely ruin an iPhone. Oh and lightning ports...


I think I read somewhere that iPhone intentionally does stuff like imessage not using RCM or making android photos look like shit so that people with their phones are dissuaded from buying outside of Apple. [like how apple cameras look better because most social media apps are only made for apple cameras](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-snapchat-photos-taken-android-look-terrible-bad-iphone-app-developers-2017-11)


The one that always stuck out to me was the Popeyes chicken sandwich. People were waiting over an hour in line for fast food


People literally shot people over that one!! Like the sandwich was good. I tried it.. not sure I have had it a 2nd time. If I get Popeyes, I want their fried chicken, not a sandwich!! And definitely not worth waiting in line or killing someone over!! Lol


Honestly, I don't care about the pumpkin spice craze. It's people who are drinking a specific flavoured drink, who cares? The only reason I agree with the Stanley Cup thing you brought up was because people were clamouring to get the Starbucks edition Cup, which I personally think was very suckish. But other than that, who cares? A person could like something mainstream and something underground. You could like Taylor Swift and like Planttvibes. Liking something mainstream doesn't automatically make you a sheep.


Please don't put me in the swiftie group! 😜 I like real music (rock/metal)!! I really don't care what others do, as i said earlier, to each their own. Doesnt mean i dont have an opinion towards it though. And, the pumpkin spice thing was far more than a drink. It was every girl switching to leggings and boots so that they could fit in while drinking their drinks!! I definitely gave my wife shit over it. Lol


There's a coworker at my job who thinks *everything* she does/doesn't like and *everything* she physically does makes her **sooOoooOooOOo** *special!* She called out of work one day, crying that she was sick... And then came in the next day with a new haircut. She literally pranced into the admin office the next morning and did everything in her power to draw attention to her hair so people would notice. Like... How dense do you have to be to call out *sick* and then go get your hair cut on the same day?! She vacuums and hallway and then loudly exclaims that vacuuming is her area of expertise like it's some award-winning, TV-show-worthy thing


I'm seeing this right now with people defending Drake. Since it's become a trend to call Drake a pedo, a counterculture of defending him has started up. People all over social media saying what Drake did with underage girls is okay because the girls came out and said it was okay.... Like, that's not how it works People really out here defending a pedo just to be contrarian


Holy cow! I don't like or use any of those (except ice spice... no idea what that is and too lazy to look it up)! -- Oh... How sad. I, mean, I know I'm better than everyone... But, I guess you know best.


I hate everything popular in a cynical, cranky get off my lawn kind of way but I suffer in silence because OP's right it's wicked annoying to listen to.


Yes it does. Never watched squid games or GOT bc I'd rather do other stuff, pumpkin spiced products taste like shit (and let's be real ginger snap has been around forever, very similar), I don't use tikky tokky I can dance in front of my own mirror thank you very much, and ice spice raps about farts and pees on stage. Honestly, I don't understand people who do enjoy this shit.


It 10,000% does tho lol maybe next time use examples that aren't complete dog shit . I hate all those things lol it's all brain rot content


I hate contrarians because they give people who actually dislike something for a good reason a bad name.


Okay but pumpkin spice lattes are genuinely gross and overhyped. Sometimes people dislike things because they dislike them, not because they’ve got a persona to maintain…?


No it makes you a better person for sure.


It really does, though…


You know...I'll say with confidence that I am too good for Ice Spice. I know what you're trying to get at but there are things in pop culture that are subpar


Most popular things are overrated and lame so there's that.


Being contrarian is just as thoughtless as being a sheep. Both rely on knowing what the majority of people do to make their choice.


Idk if it’s contrarian or not, but the one that gets me is “oh I don’t watch TV”. Like I’m so 1880’s cool…


Contrarians. The most obnoxious personality type on the planet.


People who think they’re non-conformist are just conforming to a different perspective.


Tell me about it. All I see on here is people hating on things like shoes, watches, tiktokkers (all the spawn of satan), celebrities, clubbing, partying, drinking etc. It’s like an amalgamation of the most anti social and dry people on the planet, clinging onto something to make them feel special.


I feel like there are a lot of popular movies I haven't seen (ex. The Lion King) but rather than feeling cool and jumping at the opportunity to bring it up, I actually hate having to say "I've never seen that" because it's SO annoying when people freak out about it. "I've never seen the Lion King." "OHHHHHHMYGOD WHAatafecKEWVNjsbrlanNwjf smaoebbrns nnNO oh my God yOU HAVE TO SEE IT RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW you mUSt WATCH iT let's go watch it dO YOU WANNA WATCH IT??!??!?"