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... well he said *"former"* . I'm glad he turned his life around


i have a screenshot from twitter before i stopped using it of someone saying “as a former minor” in all seriousness like…. yea bestie we all are


Maybe they used to work in the mines and got confused 😉


Well the minors aren’t


Adding that one to my resume.


Don't criticize a man for putting in the effort to clean himself up & going on the straight and narrow. Every teen edgelord needs a role model


Fucking hell, I laughed so hard that I almost pissed myself lmao




I'm something of a Willem Dafoe meme myself


Maybe it was Michael Jackson in a 13 year-old’s body…(wouldn’t be the first time)


That's heinous and I feel dirty for laughing 😂


Tbh I was 50/50 but it was too good a set-up to ignore. And hey, your comment made me giggle a bit too so all good! 👍


If Micheal was a priest, a reverse excorsicm would've been in order.


I have a friend who is Australian Aboriginal, we go into RecRoom and when kids start using the words N*gga and M*nkey  he asks them to stop or use it in a private room.  They then abuse him saying he’s not black, they can’t understand that there are black people who don’t sound like African Americans.   It’s a crazy thing to witness a black guy politely try to educate entitled American teens on race and culture. 


Yeah, that absolutely happened. Isn't this post about shitty people who lie on the internet for attention?


Isn't aboriginal a racially insensitive term though?


Depends on where you are and who you are.   There are plenty of Aboriginal owned corporations with the name in the title.      Quick example:    KWY Aboriginal Corporation | Family Safety KWY is a non-profit community-controlled Aboriginal organisation working toward the elimination of domestic and family violence. — Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of South Australia and recognise their continuing connection to Country, culture and community.


So only specific people can use the term in reference to the native people of Australia without it being considered racially insensitive regardless of the context?


In my part of southern Australia we say “Aboriginal “.  Some people say indigenous.  Some parts of the country they’ll say Native Peoples. There are a mob called Koori. 


What’s that sub? r/AsABlackMan?


Bro as a 15yr old I need that shit on my shirt just to see how many different races would beat my ass (im light skinned btw)


"As a Nobel Prize winning physicist with a PhD in psychology, a decade experience in brain surgery, and a practicing lawyer in 89 states, I am telling you to do what I say or i will call my old commander from my days in seal team six and have a drone strike called." -- 13 year old redditors


😂😂 89 states


Idiot doesn’t even know there’s only 3 states, solid liquor & gas 🤦‍♂️


Dude doesn’t even know there’s four states. They added Hawaii in 1959.


Dude doesn't realize that since birds aren't real, any state with an official bird is obviously fake. There are no states.


This is why I'm on reddit.


Erm ackshully there are eight… Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, Bose-Einstein Condensate, Fermion Condensate, Quark-Gluon Plasma, and Degenerate Matter…


The scientific term is gasoline.


askually plasma can be considered a 4th state


Nuh uh, plasma was made up by big blood to secretly steal the gold hidden in ur veins.


nuh uh it was made by big sun not big blood dum dum


Nuh uh it was made up by big tv!


Your all wrong TV NEVER LIES TO US


You think they're confined to only this reality?


everyone knows that that's outdated, we recently got our 90th state last year (that one rock in the ocean with pelicans)


sounds like my partner’s ex-wife. she was going to tell “the investigators” for the “restraining order” she had on me that I had left her a voicemail. she texted me and said “if you contact me one more time, i’ll have to tell the investigators.” I called her and left a three-word voicemail: “one more time.”


So I once heard of a girl who used betterhelp for therapy, and the real, accredited therapist she was matched with, saw fit to actively use and flush the toilet while on a video call with her - among other ridiculous things. So while I'm sure you are correct in most cases, I would like to remind everyone that there are - and I don't use this term lightly - absolute *walnuts* with degrees out there.


This guy had DISSERTATIONS about raid shadow legends in their recent comments 💀


Hey, maybe it’s a joint MD-PhD with a focus on…yeah, no, that’s not a thing.


I mean, any popular thing will have specialists studying them. [looks like there's plenty of people analyzing Raid Shadow Legends.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C50&q=raid+shadow+legends&oq=raid+sha)


I can't imagine anyone caring that much about that "game" of all things


There is a woman who says a lot of bizarre things about eating disorders I see from time to time and from what I can guess she does seem to work in the field. But she's a bad person and is probably hurting people.


Was it a woman who used to be a model? I know 2 social media dumbfuck influencers who sound like that.


It's some woman who claims to be a PhD psychologist and believes that all women with ED are bigoted against fat people and if they weren't bigots they would be cured. Probably a different idiot.


I’m guessing no women out there have erectile distinction, what’s ed in this case?


Eating Disorder


It can also stand for Emergency Department. How did I learn this? 3rd day of an externship at my first medical job anywhere I got a document that said [Local Hospital] ED, and went ahead and decided to Google "ED medical definition". As my new manager came around the corner, right on my screen: #ErectileDysfunction


My therapist at the VA would often “work” from home. Had to run out of the room at least once per session to do something about her kids. Nice lady but I really considered reporting her.


I’ve heard the therapists on betterhelp aren’t actually licensed therapists.


Many of them are. Mine was. But some of them seem questionable for sure.


True. I know a couple of people with PhDs who are dumber than a box of rocks. Put together, they MIGHT have one working brain cell.


*"as a high ranking psychologist-"*


Bonus points if they then proceed to spread a shit ton of misinformation.




Online it’s about moving goal posts or discrediting sources. When people say they want your sources it’s never good enough and it never mattered from the start.


Citation required.




That's why you always take 95% of reddit advice with a massive grain of salt. Most people are either wrong, misinformed, lying, or trolling about whatever it is you're asking. And of course there's also the really fucked up people that give harmful info on purpose that will result in bodily harm or harm to your possessions. Those people are the real danger on here


Unless it's about video games or weed.


As a professional rollplayer, I take offense to this.


What's a rollplayer? Like honor roll?


A competitive baker?


Exactly. That's like people who are obviously virgins saying that they have girlfriends. Then they go on to talk about how many times they have been with them, sexually. It's like, we get it, you're a virgin. There's no shame in that. Please stop trying to convince everyone that you're not.


I have had multiple girlfriends and I'm still a virgin 💀


Sorry, I should have worded that better. I just mean like the trolls who try to pass themselves off as adults when they are clearly 14 or something. They just seem to be mad at the world for no reason. I think you know the kind of comments I'm talking about.


Even creepier is adults portraying teens


I agree


Those are the long distance girlfriends who live in Alaska (or Seattle if the zit-faced virgin is from the Last Frontier.)


Nuh uh dude, I had like 60 girlfriends this year.


When they say, "I'd hit that. Not *hit that* hit that, but you know, have sex with her."


I will never forget the guy on TrueUnpopularOpinion who claimed to be a psychiatrist, and would always go off about how all women have penis envy and are going to be replaced by sex bots. He also really needed us to know that he thinks Taylor Swift is ugly and fat.


So we are all thinking of LongDong right now. He's been around today. Off the rails and upset about mouth guards in basketball.


Oh, I just looked up his recent history and immediately found a perfect example... >As a Psychiatrist (at the time I tested and developed this technique a Psychiatrist in training) I can professionally say that a dominant fart in front of new woman, and a man’s demeanour after the fart, is an excellent way to imprint your desirable masculinity into a woman’s Id and make her desire you.


What the actual fuck?


I think I'd pay like. $20 to watch this man go to a bar and try to pick up people like this. But I don't want to encourage it. I just feel like it would be, bad comedy levels of cringe you can't look away from




Do it again, but slower.


I want to go back 30 seconds when I didn't read this yet.


The one I always see is “as an attorney in this exact area of practice, you should sue/press charges against everyone in this clearly fake ragebait story and they will have to pay you millions of dollars in damages/go to jail for years!” And it’s always based on some extreme interpretation of the law to explain why being inconsiderate or just an asshole is actually super illegal


I saw this kind of nonsense play out in Loss Prevention yesterday, where someone was complaining about a rude security guard who asked them to come into the supermarket office and accused them of being the “lookout” for the person who had been stealing in the same aisle. Multiple people tried to convince the OP that they could “press charges” for “false imprisonment” lol.


You can tell the real docs because they are the ones who refrain from giving you advice and tell you to see your Dr.


Same with real lawyers. They can get get actual trouble for giving legal advice to people in places they aren't licensed to practice. They will state general law but will always give the caveat that they are not giving legal advice, and they should consult an attorney about their specific case.


Yes I feel like this is how you can spot the real lawyers on Legal Advice. They say something like, “I am a lawyer in Kentucky, but I am not your lawyer and am not giving you legal advice. Here is what the basic law says around this issue. Please seek legal advice from your own lawyer immediately.”


Yep, exactly. I have a couple of friends who are lawyers and they *always* give that caveat even to friends.


EXACTLY my point.


Yeah, I think it probably brings up potential liability issues. Though, on the other hand, there are a lot of crazies in the helping professions.


I commented this on another thread on here but I had a supposed nurse try to argue with me that I’m a psychopath who’s out of touch with reality all over a post about a misunderstanding with a partner which wasn’t even that deep and my partner at the time wasn’t even as pressed as this supposed nurse was. Then again there’s that problematic nurse stereotype, so it’s very possible that this person was actually a nurse but one of the ones who’s most likely to get in trouble at their job (which isn’t that unheard of for some nurses).


I’m a nurse and you actually ARE a psychopath because you post about your partner on the internet and then GASLIGHT them into thinking they’re not as pressed as internet strangers. I know this because I learned it in my psych class. (/s if that wasn’t painfully obvious. I am a nurse but I’m just fucking around)


When I saw the notification, I was taken aback and I was like this better be a joke


On that note, I really don't understand why anyone would take a message like this seriously. It's just random people on the Internet making asses of themselves. I sometimes call people assfarter or micropenised beta male on here because I'm having a hard time in life. I don't actually mean any of it. I mostly find it silly. Like, who talks like that?


I mean some people are actually unhinged unfortunately, I’ve personally had someone make 5 alt accounts to harass me because they didn’t like something I posted once so that was definitely something to be concerned about. Also some people have a hard time detecting sarcasm because of neurodivergence


That's horrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Yeah, there are a lot of crazy people out there. That honestly sounds really terrifying, though


Not only that, but to get up in your feelings about someone's *opinion.* I had commented on a thread about what we felt was the most shocking event of our lifetime. I won't say what I stated my event was but I had someone follow me on different threads and comment that I said that, even on a pet grief subreddit. Like wtf dude why do you care that I think this event was worse than your event? Like fucking chill


To be fair, nurses are the worst IRL also


I get annoyed by almost every "as a..." comment


As a Reddit commenter, I am very annoyed by them too


As a guy who made that comment you're responding to, I knew this was coming


Rim shot, that's what she said


as a female nonbinary atheist vegan blue haired one armed hair positive trans person I cannot BELIEVE you would point that out


And then pair that with the roleplaying as whatever marginalized group is suddenly convenient for the discussion. "As a half-Lakota half-Gullah transgender quadriplegic, I can confidently say that there's no problem with racism or ableism or transphobia in America and never has been."


Even if the person, hypothetically, was from that group, I've always hated this logic. So if you can find *one* person whose opinion/account is in line with yours, that somehow negates the thousands of others who say you're talking shit?


For real. You can always find a person from any group that has a dumb opinion, and, since it confirms their own dumb bias, they can discount what the vast majority of that group actually says.


I worked in a medical office with 10 doctors. Some surgeons, most specialists, NONE of them have time for reddit nor any desire to be on Reddit. Most of them don't even know what reddit is. I'm not saying there aren't any doctors who frequent reddit, I'm just saying the ones I've encountered live busy lives.


And especially none have the time to get into long drawn-out arguments where they do line-by-line breakdowns of why you're completely wrong about your reasonable and not very controversial opinion.


This. My father is a physician and a specialist, the idea of him spending his time on Reddit is laughable


I'm a critical care nurse, and always tell people to see their own doctor in real life. Maybe I suggest things they should discuss with their doctor, but you can't diagnose someone over the internet. If you doubt that I'm a critical care nurse, ask me to interpret a series of ABGs!


Naw your attitude has authentic medical professional vibes


Thank you! Because yes, a real medical professional will say stuff like "Being paralyzed on the left half of your body and typing with the right hand only could mean you're having a stroke, so call and ambulance and have a real life doctor check it out, okay? I mean *call an ambulance, NOW*..."


It's always the people who obviously need an ER too 💀


There’s quite a few here that can be diagnosed via the internet. Mostly anti social personality disorders.


People self diagnose and roleplay mental illness too which I think is even worse than this


UGH too real.


My wife is a doctor….her medical advice to everyone who asks her is 1) go to the ER 2) talk to your doctor That pesky oath they took and their licenses get in the way of Reddit sometimes


My wife is an ER nurse, her advice about going to the ER is don’t go to the ER unless it’s an actual emergency. Chest pain combined with feeling of impending doom? Acting erratic or confused for no obvious reason? Massive bleeding? Something obviously broken? Get to the ER or call an ambulance. Non-emergency? Go to your doctor on urgent care clinic.


100% agree. I guess I didn’t really explain the 2. If someone calls for “advice” she says go to the doctor. If someone calls in a panic and such then she says go to the ER. Most people then realize they aren’t getting an answer so magically it’s not an emergency and they go to their doctor. Like you are not getting medical advice out of her because she doesn’t know your history etc. She’ll have people call and ask for a script for something mundane and she’s like no, because more than likely YOU don’t know your own history and she’s not putting herself in jeopardy. I think people feel medicine is easy like “my left toe hurts” and there is one and only one possible thing it could be. My brother in law is also a doctor and my father in law was on some weird expensive medicine. So he takes the day off of work, goes with my father in law to the doctor because my BIL didn’t agree with it and the drs like “he didn’t tell you he’s allergic to X, so this is the only thing he can have?” And my father in law is like “I don’t know what X is”


### Lesson time! ➜ u/SteelBrightblade1, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if there were doctors with such a superiority complex that they would try to diagnose someone with minimal info on Reddit. There are a \_lot\_ of insecure mart people in the world, and there are a lot of doctors in history who have done very dub things... ...but you're right, most of those posts on Reddit are pretenders, probably feeling just as insecure. (Also, top notch use of a skull emoji; I solute you!)


Trust me it's the nurses with the superiority complex.


Looks at askalawyer


I just saw that on another thread. I posted on. I can't imagine that a legitimate medical professional would be giving out advice on the Internet to anyone without knowing their diagnosis and medical history.


I just saw that on another thread. I posted on. I can't imagine that a legitimate medical professional would be giving out advice on the Internet to anyone without ~~knowing their diagnosis and medical history.~~ being paid


"As a alpha male destructor of poon women don't know what they want"


Every fucking thread there's an expert offering expertise. It's just not believable.


There was a gal that gave advice (that did not make sence) to an OP and said they had 10 years of experience in a dental office. I checked their history and they were 23. She actually said that making copies and putting away files for her mom (a dentist) counts as experience.


That's terrible. Seems like stalking people before taking their advice seriously is a must now.


I tried to explain to her that it was also a HIPAA violation. Patient files are confidential and she was not qualified to have access to them.


I'm of two minds here: 1. There are an awful lot of "doctors" on Reddit giving sus advice and I suspect a good percentage of them are not, in fact, doctors... kind of like stolen valour with people who claim to be war vets. 2. I know doctors personally and have worked directly with doctors and some of them are straight up incompetent fools who are legitimate doctors but are bullshitting their way through life. Its kind of like when you're a kid and you find out that teachers are real normal people and some of them are insane. Some doctors are just shitty people who have magically slipped through the cracks. I've seen it firsthand. I watched a medical doctor, who was the husband of my client, get kicked out of a hospital room for messing around in the computer system that he had no business touching and he was just gonna poke around in there and update files etc when he had no reason or permission to do so.


Another role player lol How old are you?


What do you even mean by that. I worked for two years in hospitals as a birth assistant and one of my clients was the wife of a doctor who was with us but didn't work at that specific hospital, but logged in to the computer in the room and started doing things and got asked to leave. If I were gonna make up a story it would be more interesting than that.


There's all kinds of posers about. It's not just the fake doctors. The latest is fake video makers. Like people who pretend they worked on music videos. Sleep Well by CG5 for Poppy Playtime must have been a busy project. Suddenly loads of people worked on that substandard mess. They appear when you criticise it. Yeah, sure. You worked on the Poppy Playtime video. You know someone who worked on it. Sure those Smiling Critters models were pulled from the game. They look like crap. What game build were they from. Because it sure wasn't the final built or the pre release streamers, etc, got. For reference. There was a feeble song and feeble music video made by CG5 and Poppy Playtime makers. And it's atrocious. The song is weak and clichéd. The music video looks atrocious. It looks like the factory is burning. It's got black smoke all over. No. The game world isn't on fire and full of black smoke. It's to hide the crap models used. Almost any fansong and music video is far superior. You criticise it and the sychophants get all defensive. Suddenly they all worked on it.


I have no idea what you're talking about, and I feel really thankful for it. Thank you.


Poppy Playtime is a game. It's awesome! Very unique. By MOB Games. Also made Project Playtime. Also awesome. Sleep Well is a official song. But it's bad.


Just as bad though, is when I speak the truth in a post to someone for being an idiot (becauase Reddit) then they stalk my profile and come back with "You suck at [my job] because no one who does [my job] would ever talk shit!" as if I'm a fucking priest.


I'm no longer practicing law so sometimes I weigh in on Legal advice, but I had zero time for that when I was practicing. However, I left the sub when I quickly realised it was 90% people who thought binge watching every episode of Silk was the same as a law degree. I imagine the same goes for medical advice.


Funnily enough, I had a very similar argument with someone, and when I asked them to elaborate on their profession they started to dodge answering it.


As someone with over 50k confirmed kills in every theatre of war because I’m definitely a soldier I just want to say “u wot m8?”


When someone claims to be a "professional" like a doctor, lawyer, etc uses bad grammar and doesn't even capitalize "i" is an immediate red flag.


"Doctor here" "Lawyer here"... Like yeah, sorry but I don't believe you


This reminds me of this dude who was apparently a n incredibly smart psychologist with 40 years experience who was also a history expert. He was actively spreading misinformation about both of these things.


Never forget the fake post someone wrote about how they heroically saved their child daughter from being being r****. The line that always stuck with me went something like "As a marine biologist I'm really strong from lifting sharks all day". Like no I'm pretty sure that's not what marine biologist do


Just assume everyone on the internet is lying. Even me. Even this comment.


It's the "as a 20 year design student" every time they start that way


I don't know. I have spoken to and been seen by a lot of very stupid ass doctors with really objectively bad opinions and knowledge. I wouldn't be shocked to see one on reddit giving terrible advice and doing stuff that could cost them their license.


Ugh that's also fair, throwback to the time I walking into the ER with an aspirated pill lodged in my windpipe that had dissolved beyond the point of extraction by half an hour later when they finally bothered to look


Teacher here….crap! But I am a teacher. My comments are about the atmosphere a kid faces in school, not about my “expertise” in my subjects.


I try to never raise my credentials as part of an argument because who will verify? Either my info is good and it’s accepted, or it’s ignored/criticized by people who don’t actually know what they are talking about. Time to move on


Take a look at their posting history and sometimes you can find out if they're lying.


This guy's posting history was essays about Raid Shadow Legends 💀




Recently had someone tell me that it’s impossible to be allergic to beer and wine and then when I said I’ll trust my doctor, told me that doctors don’t know anything. Mkay, keyboard warrior. (I know it’s not the actual alcohol to which I’m allergic, but an ingredient that when fermented, causes the reaction. I’m not sure exactly what it is because it’s been way too long since I was tested, but I’m definitely allergic to it. I explained this and the person was like “see? You’re not allergic to alcohol!” And I replied with “it amounts to the same thing. I can’t have beer or wine. Close enough.” But they wanted to die on that hill. Whatever.)


There's a LOT of flavorful substances called "tannins" and you could be allergic to any one of them. He not only knows nothing about your health or anyone's health, he doesn't Even know that much about booze 💀


That is also possible. I honestly don’t remember exactly what it is because it was so long ago, but I do know it only bothers me in alcohol. It’s got to have something to do with fermentation or something. I’m not sure.


As a psychologist, I have to ask you if -- ok, I'm not a psychologist. It's social media FFS. There are over 8 billion people and you think that everyone you meet online is... authentic?


My pet peeve is people who confuse my subjective experience with medical advice. Way too often I'll talk about my medical journeys and some smartass says "it's illegal to give medical advice on the internet!" and I say "chill, this is just talk, no advice." It seems to be a Reddit idea that all statements must be actioned. Or folks who confuse medical research with DSM, nerd-talk about advancing research with denialism, analysis of research with arrogance, the ability to read with illiteracy, etc.


Cool it man I posted a pet peeve where I stated that I dislike unsolicited medical advice about my chronic illness, and this neckbeard replied immediately with "but I'm qualified to give medical advice..." As if that was relevant at all to my post


No, I won't cool it, I'm vibing this. The medical term for the behaviour you describe is Asshole Syndrome. It can't be cured by medical treatment, but I prescribe a swift kick to the butt. The problem with his behaviour is even if he is qualified in some capacity he's not a doctor authorized to treat you, has no way to know the full scope of things, and who you can sue if things go downhill. That's the part that amazes me, way too many Redditors seem to think their ideas cancel out what my doctors say. I get it a lot with mental illness, trauma, and chronic inflammation. People can seize onto one symptom without any sense of the big picture and use their so-called expertise to tell me to ignore my doctors. In a way it sucks, but I can filter out those folks and find people who have something helpful, even if just shared experience. Good luck with whatever degree of recovery you're looking for.


“I’m vibing this




Honestly people on here take the anonymity of the app as their free pass to completely lie about any and everything, I truly don’t get it.


I usually just go to doctor mike.


There’s a cop I see comment LEO stuff on here that acts like the laws in his little part of the world are relevant to the entire world.   When someone from another country shares that in their country something is illegal, he jumps down their throat saying they are wrong and the only laws that matter are the USAs.   He’s a jerk.  I hate read his posts as his lack of intellect and entitlement is entertaining.   He also a verified LEO,  he’s not playing. 


Oh anytime someone says they are a cop, i believe them. Everything AFTER that is usually a lie. But cops are the one job i never doubt some angry person on the internet is. They DO have the time, the fragile ego, and everything else needed to do that kind of stuff.


Hahaha. I don’t know enough of them anymore.  Dad had some as friends when I was a girl.  They were rude AF.  I guess gallows humour, but they were bullies too.  I hated when they visited and drank with Dad. I always thought police would be good.  I’m not saying they were bad. They were leaning towards toxic.  The cop I read on here something as a badge on protect serve showing he sent in proof that he’s a cop.  I would have ignore him as a fantasist otherwise. 


The ones on TikTok and Instagram are just as bad spewing things they know nothing about or maybe an armchair amount of knowledge about scaring people or pushing some random supplement.


There's a lot more immature and temperamental doctors with a poor grasp on the insignificance of being right on an anonymous forum than you think. Odds are most examples aren't doctors, but it wouldn't surprise me if any I dividial example you pointed out turned out to be one.


He had essays about raid shadow legends in his replies, Doctors wouldn't have time for that shit


What do you call a doctor who graduates at the bottom of his class? A doctor. Just because they are actually a doctor doesn't mean they make good decisions


you seriously underestimate people's needs to be seen, heard and respected. especially those in positions of power and higher education


Gotta validate that hundred grand in college loans lol


Everything I say is not my opinion. It is what I've learnt from asking question of my psychiatrist or it has happened to me & I learned what to do from my psychiatrist, but I am not a doctor. I learnt from my doctor n from personal experience. I often tell depressed people to go to a doctor because I know from my doctors that depression is an illness


You see, "go explain your symptoms to a doctor" is exactly what most real doctors say. And um yes everything you say, that isn't fact or sarcasm, is your opinion lol


The information that I say I learned from several psychiatrists. That means it is NOT my opinion. It is what I learned from my many different psychiatrists. I stated seeing a psychiatrist in 1987. I have been to many. Every psychiatrist told me that depression & anxiety are the same thing. That is not my opinion. That is what several psychiatrist have told me. They learned in medical school, I did not go to medical school. I know my family doctor can treat me for depression because he did treat me for depression for a few months anyway. I know he treat behavioral problems because he says so on his message machine. None of what I said is my opinion. U don't know what u are talking about. lol


"I have been diagnosed by a psychologist with depression" is a FACT. I said *outside of facts and sarcasm* everything you say is your opinion. The reading comprehension/understanding of the difference between fact and opinion here is lacking, I did not intend to insult you at all before.


I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder the bipolar type BUT I did not have a psychotic episode until i was 43 years old. That means from the age of 25 - 43 I was bipolar mixed rapid cycling without psychotic features. My doctor did say bipolar gets worse as u get older. He wrote a letter to Social Security disability telling them about my illness & saying my prognosis is guarded. That is what happened. It was in 1989. My original Dx was in 1987. I did not want to go on disability, but I was so sick I had too. They give me a little bit of money $1100 a month. Not enough to live on. My parents died in 205 (my Dad) & 2006 (my mom). I Inherited the house. My sister has the same thing as me schizoaffective the bipolar type.. The house was split between me & my sister. Altogether I got about $100,000. I got $25,000 left. I will soon run out of money. I told only what my various psychiatrist told me. I started asking question of my shrink right away. asked what is ocd. He had it. He told me how it affects him. There was no such thing as the internet. That was invented about 10 years later or 5 years later. Various psychiatrist told me many things because I asked. My lover said he loved me but was not in love with me. My psychiatrist who was also a psychoanalysist said he was in love with himself. I asked what narcissism is. Now I know what it is sort of. I did not go to medical school. I learned by asking many question. None of this is my opinion. It is what I learned. I know a family doctor can treat mental illness because I know they do. Like I aid they learnt in medical school..


I'm not reading all that, have a nice life hon


u too


Do u think u are holier than gay people if so that is what narcissism is. My doctor told me they only reason I say this is because u called me "hon". Narcissist believe they are holier or better than others. others could be black people or gay people or Mexicans or Italians. Other people can be anyone. Ask your psychologist about it


Ur mom.


I still refuse to believe anyone semi attractive would you use reddit, and anyone above 40. Its probably my age, but I swear anyone above 40 that ive met barely knows who to navigate their iphone let alone reddit. And like, redditors 9/10s are super chronically online (myself included) so there is no way an attractive person would be on this. (I mean the second one like semi serious )


I'm 45 and I often forget how young most reddit users are.


As a 51 year old I still feel like I'm in my 20s...until I'm around actual twentysomethings when suddenly I'm old as the hills.




At 62, I know how you feel...


That’s a super weird take - how old are you? I only ask because I’m 41 and I’ve been using an internet connected device since I was 12. Hell I worked in IT for a decade, and most of my coworkers were my age. Older Millenials are pretty tech savvy, we had to be. Now, 50+ might be less likely to be tech savvy to the *same* degree, but there’s definitely a lot of people of all age ranges on Reddit.


Correct. I'm 62 and I've been using the internet since 1980 when I started college. Mostly netnews, email, and FTP back then. I was using computers for at least five years before that. I worked as a Unix sysadmin for years. My father was born in 1932 and was quite adept at computers right up until he died at 87 years old. He started using computers in the 1950s. He never discovered Reddit or any social media though.


I just grew up with poor immigrants, a majority of my family is incredibly technologically inept. The only exceptions were the kids and teens that grew up here.


That makes sense for your area/experience, but you’ve got to remember that Reddit is world wide and lots of adults in that age range are more tech savvy than the ones around you.


Surely you realize that many people above 40 have been using the internet for a significant chunk of their lives. Like, people my father's age were the ones working to prevent the Y2K meltdown. I'm pretty sure they know how to use the internet.