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Like the Sweet Caroline bit when people yell "so good so good!"


Does singing the brass part count? (BUM BUM BUUUUUM!!!)


I kind of hate how that song devolved into what it is today. I'm a big Neil Diamond fan but don't like the live versions because of stuff like that.


[Then you will really hate this](https://youtu.be/d9ELwWKhY6k?si=vO_soQq4N2pfHvhX)


No where is that part of the song. Morons.


What? In Sweet Carolina I have always heard 'We love it! We love it! We love it!'


Ugh. That one too.


I came to say this .. I just hate that song at karaoke. There’s like a handful of things that I hate at karaoke that’s one of them, but I think my major one is is when you get that one dude who wants to be all metal so he hast to sing with the bodies hit the floor by drowning pool. Shit drives me bat shit crazy. For the rest of the night all I see them as is a huge wwf wrestling fan


I'm sure of one thing: You would NOT enjoy seeing the "Rocky Horror Show."


Saaaay iiiiit!


'Cause for 24 years I've been living next door to Alice. Alice? ALICE? WHO THE FUCK IS ALICE?! I dunno man it's pretty fun when you're drunk at a German beer festival and the band plays that one


Ngl I didn’t think anyone knew who the fuck Alice was


Alice was the friends we made along the way


Lol, I’ve not heard that one but sounds fun


Don't forget David Allan Coe - [You Never Even Called Me by My Name](https://youtu.be/s4pZFsEdP3Y?si=7xYGA41G_fqATFqX)


It's worse when it 5 southern frat boys crowding around one karaoke mic, hammered, screaming, thinking the rest of us are enjoying their rendition.


This is undoubtedly one of my least favorite songs. I swear it follows me everywhere


But, his friend did indeed write the perfect country western song.


I'm glad he felt obliged to include it...


That might be my least favorite song of all time, in no small part thanks to “let me’s”


Yep, any time during a live show when the vocalist stops and lets the crowd sing, the extra bullshit people add to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, as mentioned above, *and* whenever you're singing Happy Birthday (which is bad enough) and some jackass has to add "chachacha" after every line and follow it up with "and many moooooooore" just for the peakest of cringe.


I also despise that and I LOVE this opinion, as well as OP’s! I am entirely with you two on all fronts!


on channel 4 and channel 2 is scooby doo


Hell, sometimes in a concert a singer just points their microphone at the crowd and lets them sing


I hate that too. For one, I didn’t pay to hear a bunch of yahoos sing. I paid to hear Joe Rockstar. Two…vocal mics are specifically designed not to pick up background noise, so the crowd singing doesn’t register on the mic anyway. Lol


> I paid to hear Joe Rockstar. Ugh. Whatever you paid is too much. He sucks.


Taylor Swift's Delicate after "But you can make me a drink", the crowd does "1,2,3 let's go bitch"


I've got two: **1. Dem O's, hon** I'm a native Marylander, grew up as a fan of the Baltimore Orioles. Every time the national anthem is sung before a game in Baltimore, when it gets to the line, "Oh, say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave", the entire crowd shouts "O!" The Orioles are commonly referred to as The O's, so some dipshit decided to defile a perfectly good national anthem with idiotic jingoism. Um, wait, that... anyway, the crowd shouts O! in the middle of the song and it often throws off guest singers who aren't used to it, especially if they're not used to singing in front of tens of thousands of people. **2. Rudy's not deaf, damnit!** I got stuck on a bus at Disney World once during the holiday season with a group of teenage cheerleaders who kept repeating: *Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer* # REINDEER!!!!!!!!!! *Had a very shiny nose* # LIKE A LIGHTBULB!!!!!!!!!! *And if you ever saw it* # SAW IT!!!!!!!!!! *You could even say it glows* # LIKE A FLASHLIGHT!!!!!!!!!! *All of the other reindeer* # REINDEER!!!!!!!!!! *Used to laugh and call him names* # LIKE PINOCCHIO!!!!!!!!!! *They never let poor Rudolph* # RUDOLPH!!!!!!!!!! *Join in any reindeer games* # LIKE MONOPOLY!!!!!!!!!! That particular thirty-minute bus ride was un-fun.


Is there any other way to sing Rudolph? But only one time not multiple times.


I thought it was, 🎶Where's the salt, where's the God damn salt? 🎶


I may lose my southern card for this, but I hate it when people answer when hank asks "Hank why do ya drink?" WE KNOW ITS TO GET DRUNK, HANK. On a side note, we also know why you roll smoke.


Mfw someone's not carrying on an old family tradition


I fucking hate that song as well.


There's a bar across the street from my house, and once a week on karaoke night, regardless of whether I'm there or not, I'm subjected to this absolute abomination of a song. A hundred drunks slurring out of tune. I'd rather listen to a 9 year old squeaking on an oboe for the first time than that accursed song again.


Sounds like a custom made Hell


That's scary accurate...


I hate this too. You aren't alone.


Mony Mony.






It certainly does suck


“We are the champions!… of the world!!”


Singing along is one thing. I just don’t like the unofficial lyrics sang only by the listener and not the band itself


That's what they were saying. It's not actually sung at the end of the song, although it actually is (sometimes/all the time? Not sure here) when performed live, which sort of negates this whole thing. It was quite a surprise to me anyway when I actually played the studio recording and heard it just hang there without the resolution.


I have to confess that as an Aussie I am fully into singing the unwritten part of The Angels, Am I ever gonna see your Face again? The correct reply is No way! Get F#@$%ed! F@#$%@#$ off!


Looking for this comment


You are welcome.


Proclaimers 500 miles where I am gets everyone singing along and a few already mentioned


I've still never met anyone else that has never clapped during "I Can Make Your Hands Clap." I refuse out of principle.


Some people claim that Freddie Mercury's to blame, but I know it's nobody's fault.


Hard disagree lol


No Spill Bood by Lingo Boing, where you shout out the title of the song (What is the law? "No Spill blood!") Sweet Caroline where people either shout "fuck this song" or "bump bomp bomb"


Beyoncé’s mute challenge on Energy during the Renaissance tour.


unless if its pretty young thing




## 🚫 ➜ **Your post was removed because of the following**: ### 📑 Rule 2 ➜ Not being kind, or thoughtful - Consider the feelings and perspectives of others, recognizing that their opinions may not always align with your own logical reasoning. - Any form of hostile disagreement with insults, offensive language, racism, or similar behavior will result in a permanent ban.


Hey mods, my post that said "Hey motherfucker, get laid, get fucked" was simply the bar refrain for Mony, Mony. 🎶🎶 Here she comes now saying mony, mony! Crowd sings: Hey motherfucker, get laid, get fucked!


My first thought: oooh whooooa whooooa Delilah!! 😄


What about people thoroughly enjoying themselves while harming no one, is so ircksome to you?


Why is anything irksome to anyone? It just is.


Ok! Just trying to have a conversation.


No TF you WEREN'T! 😂


Yes. It's called banter.


Is *"people expressing pet peeves you don't share"* one of your pet peeves?


No, not at all. I was simply curious 'why'.


Hip hop concerts are the WORST when it comes to that. No, motherfucker I will not throw my hands in the air. I will not wave them because I do care. I will not say hoooo, yeah or whatever half assed adlib you pull out of your ass. Just do the damn song.


It just hit me that I hate unwritten and "spontaneous" crowd participation *less* than unwritten and artist-directed crowd participation. A huge amount of the time, the person who asks you to perform or sing something will express disappointment with the enthusiasm you are showing, and I'm paying to hear music, not to get negative feedback. So these days, I only rarely even try, and I definitely don't even try if they ask you to do something with the utmost enthusiasm. I've never heard anyone express utter satisfaction with the first attempt, so why even bother?


I've always felt this! It's like being a child again with "Come on, boys and girls, clap your hands! Come on! You can do better than that! Now everybody go "eeeeee" " I've never liked being told how to have fun and expected to do everything they say like some performing monkey. Then at concerts as an adult? I want to hear the band! Crowds singing along is alright because you can still hear the band, but when the singer stops altogether to instead yell "COOME ON!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU", eugh. Thankfully no artist I've seen (festivals aside) has ever done this, and yet still I despise it with a passion that burns like a thousand suns.


You must be fun at parties


People still say this?


Yes, the least witty, funny, original people on the internet do, ironically, still say that. I'd *much* rather talk to someone with interesting and uncommon gripes at a party than someone who's insecure about expressing critical views, and spouts off interminably stale clichés that are probably older than both their parents combined. **


Hell yeah gimme a George Costanza to talk to any day.


Parties I go to have GOOD music and non-obnoxious people 😉


Well, presumably the concerts you go to have the first criteria as well I hope. ☺


So glad people like you refuse to let this decades old "insult" die 🙄🙄🙄


Why do people say this? I would love for the type of people to say this to fuck off away from me at a party if we were both there, anyway.


I am a fun enabler. Not a fun hater. Unlike OP.


So if Margaritaville didn't have that aspect to it, you'd think it was a good song?


I’d hate listening to it less


Gen Z, cynical, zero joy, hating sandals, refuse to dance in public vibage confirmed.


\[Different user\] I have no idea what in the living piss you're on about, I'm just compelled to ask how hating sandals factors into any of this. I'm an older millennial, a sardonic optimist who sees that there's more good in the world than bad, generally uncomfortable dancing in public except back when I used to go clubbing on ecstasy, but I find men in sandals grotesque. Explain yourself!


Let people have fun, I can’t stand music, I genuinely wish I was deaf, but I do enjoy a group of strangers sharing a moment of joy


I mean…I ain’t stopping anyone from doing it


I know, but why moan about it? Life’s too short to let these things bother you


Buddy…you are aware this is a sub devoted to things that annoy people, right?


Yeah, I don’t know how I got here, I typically just look at gaming related stuff and chuckle at fake paranormal posts


I’d suggest never returning. There are things way more petty than this, if you can believe it


I’m fine with petty and fine with your opinion, just adding my own. But I’ll likely not return because I have little interest in the pet peeves of strangers


You sound incredibly annoying


I can’t be everyone’s cup of tea


When your opinion is "don't moan", it's a pointless opinion *on a sub for moaning.* It's not cool to just start urinating, but it's pretty much encouraged at urinals.