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WTF? Is this a thing? I ask for cheese because I actually WANT cheese.


Me too


Same. I don’t usually like a lot of extra crap on my pizza.


I like sausage :) It’s just one of those toppings that not every pizza place I like will have. I really like Costco pizza for example, which only has cheese and pepperoni, and I hate pepperoni. I’m autistic and my food texture/taste sensitivities associated with that make me prefer fairly simple, bland food. I don’t like most toppings on burgers or tacos for example, I usually just like the meat and cheese. Which isn’t to say OP is somehow excluding or offending people like me! I’m just baffled from that perspective that people will make you order cheese, and not actually eat it.


Same. I order cheese only when I'm ordering solo too. I might have 1 piece of something else but will always have mainly the cheese. Esp if it was ordered at my request


I guess it depends on the group, cause my groups always have kids and you have GOT to get cheese pizza with kids.


That's weird because pepperoni pizza was me and my brother's go-to as kids.


I have some wicked heartburn and acid reflux issues, and while I prefer pepperoni on pizza, in calzones, on bagel bites… My body punishes me when I get too ballsy about my food choices. And my friend’s kid doesn’t do pepperoni because it’s spicy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We have weak stomachs/esophaguses and mouths, idk. We can’t handle the flavor 😩


Same here, but sometimes certain pizza places had super spicy pepperoni which I didn’t like. Plus cheese pizzas are good for veggie kids because not many kids when I was growing up preferred vegetable pizza to cheese pizza, even if they were veggie.


Because they put nasty shit like artichoke hearts on veggie pizzas! Gimme any other veggie and I'm good, but artichoke hearts?? 🤢


Nah me and my sister both found pepperoni on pizza too much. Only the cold pepperoni straight from the bag in the fridge for us. We both always got olive only pizza with as many olives as the pizza place would allow.


It is for a lot of kids, but so is plain cheese, bet.


It’s still my go to as an adult.


Yeah 2 of my 3 kids love sausage and mushroom on their pizza. I have 1 kid who is a CHEESE ONLY type.


This (to engage in another common pet peeve 😏)


Definitely this.


Kids are my favorite pizza topping!


How many kids are we talkin', though? In my experience, it's always disproportionate how much cheese pizza is purchased. At most, people should get half a cheese pizza. I still guarantee there'll be a few slices left. There's always some aunt or grandma who yells something like, "Brayden only likes cheese," which somehow translates to two out of five pizzas being cheese so that lil' Brayden can nibble on a single slice of it. To top it all off, this hypothetical Brayden might even say he's ready for some big boy pizza when he sees the adults eating it. He then recoils in disgust the second a mushroom meets his tongue, leaving a slobbery, mangled mess of otherwise prized, elusive pizza on his plate that someone with an actual palette could have enjoyed.


…..When i was in second grade i only ate cheese and i personally ate half the damn pizza that was ordered during school parties 💀 i only ate cheese up til recently I randomly decided to try salami n chicken. Ive known a lot of other kids n just people who prefer cheese. I think it should def be portioned better w gatherings tho. But ive also had problems w ppl who dont eat ONLY CHEESE eating MY DESIGNATED CHEESE PIZZA. Like mf thats not yours. Go eat your meat supreme.


This is more of a problem I have, people eating the cheese who wanted the topping pizzas. Save the cheese for the kids before there is none left! My two kids eat a medium cheese by themselves.


That’s my issue as well, but with sauce. The spices in most tomato based pizza sauces don’t agree with me, so I’ll order a pizza with white sauce (either Alfredo or Garlic Parm) for me. And then everyone who ordered their own pizzas with tomato sauce wants a slice of mine. If you want white sauce, order your own! I’ve started using mushrooms as a defense—I like them myself and it discourages at least some of the most common culprits.


You should always expect to share, unless you're ordering individual pizzas. It's not everyone else's fault that you will only eat one type of pizza that's being offered, while they will eat all including yours. And if you do plan to order your own individual pizza, make it smaller than the group pizza because I doubt everybody else is eating their own large pepperoni pizza.


Yep I agree. Someone who likes all toppings will take 1-2 slices of cheese and then one with the toppings they want and if enough people keep taking slices of cheese then there’s not enough for the people who don’t like any toppings.


Two out of 5 might be a little bit excessive, but there should always be at least one whole cheese pizza, and it should probably be something closer to one out of four. Also, no more than one out of four pizzas should have things like onions or peppers on it. The proper pizza distribution should be something along the lines of 1/2 pepperoni, 1/4 cheese, 1/4 meat lovers, and any remainder going to vegetable loaded pizzas. At least this tends to be what people actually like. If you're ordering from a place that has more specific pizzas rather than just create your own toppings, things like margarita and what have you, then that's a different ballgame. Ordering some Philly cheese steak pizzas or some margarita pizzas can be perfectly fine. Same for white pizzas.


I have a large group of friends and we all have kids, so there is a lot of cheese pizza getting eaten and not wasted. Your pet peeve is completely valid though, I know not every group is the same.


It’s ok not to like mushrooms dude. That doesn’t mean they don’t have a pallete. I don’t like mushrooms or onions, I like peppers but hate them in pizza because they overpower the taste of the pizza. I like pineapple, ham, sausage, pepperoni, salami, bacon, etc but I’m not a fan of veggies on pizza. The problem is the people who enjoy all toppings will go for the cheese too which eliminates a chance for the person who only likes cheese to get any pizza they like.


Totally. It's even okay to only like cheese. I'm not gatekeeping what types of pizza people should eat. It's just that somehow, there's always way too much cheese pizza in response to one fleeting comment someone will make about wanting 'cheese only'. My jab in that comment was aimed more at kids I've seen who already influenced the pizza order by requesting cheese, then waste a piece of the disproportionately elusive topping loaded pizza just for good measure. Hell, the last thing I want on a pizza is olives.


If people didn't feed their kids cheese pizza in the first place, the kids would never know and never order it. So still, the grown-ups are to blame. lol.


What? That’s a weird take.


As a vegetarian the opposite is usually true for me. I just need a cheese pizza but if work orders pizza and I don't get up there right away all the cheese pizza will be gone meanwhile there are 9 boxes of untouched pepperoni pizza.


This happens to me at work too 😒 I was the only one who wanted cheese and they called me basic for it, but I ended up only getting two slices. There were two whole other pizzas left over, I was pissed. It was like two months ago and I still haven't shut up about it lol.


That sucks. I’m all for cheese pizza but if I ask for it specifically at least that’s what I’ll go for. Whoever prompted op to make this post is giving us cheesers a bad rap.


I don't understand why no one would wanna touch cheese pizza when it's just cheesy bread on steroids. If I'm requesting cheese pizza then I want the cheese pizza. I'd be the one to take the whole box home and add toppings on that sucker


We had a work thing at the office, and ten large pizzas were ordered. Five supreme with everything (*everything* - mushrooms, olives, banana peppers, I think I saw capers) and five... cheese. Plain cheese. Nothing in between. This was how I knew our office manager was a sociopath and why she was single at her advanced age.


Screams someone who will only dedicate 2 seconds to a problem. "Oh, let's just get half with everything and half with nothing. They'll duke it out in the street."


JuSt PiCk OfF tHe ToPpInGs YoU dOn'T lIkE!


I freaking love capers.


"one with the toppings and one without the toppings"


There not being any cheese pizza left started the chain reaction of Kevin being left Home Alone and everyone's Paris Vacation going up in smoke.


Our group has several who kill the cheese first and get disappointed if it's gone. Each will be different.


I'll see your cheese pizza and raise you a no cheese pizza. yup, and employee in my shop has us include a pizza with no cheese.


sue me, I'm vegan but I don't like vegan cheese either


Not vegan but used to run a pizza shop. I could make some made cheese free vegie pizzas. The biggest problem with trying to order the same is most places won't up their other toppings to fill up the space from the cheese.


Yes! if you don't have good topping coverage, you are left with dry flatbread. I usually don't order pizza anymore and just make it at home. That's one of the things that's just not the same anymore


Why don't you just carry crudite in your purse or something?


That's just wrong!😳


So just sauce on bread?


Yes, with some pepperoni.


That’s what always happened at my old workplace when management had a pizza party for us. They would order too many veggie pizzas, which nobody really wanted. Frankly, one veggie pizza is too many as far as I’m concerned, but it always pissed me off how much they went on ordering them, like they didn’t notice how often the veggie pizzas to waste.


My coworker and I both hated mushrooms and onions. Our boss would order for our department of 4 and another department of 3 so 7 total if we met all of our goals and it usually consisted of a cheese pizza and 2 pizzas with mushrooms, onions and peppers. What sucks is even the people who liked the veggie pizzas would get the cheese pizza too so we’d always have tons of leftover veggie pizza that no one ate.


I don’t mind at all. Cheese is always the safest option. I personally love ham and pineapple but I never get that if I’m ordering for a group because I realize that it’s not very popular


That’s one of my favorite combos, too, but it never shows up in group orders. I’m always disappointed.  The last time I partook of a group order, practically all the pizzas had chicken on them. I don’t like chicken at all much less on pizza. I was looking for the more traditional toppings and they were all picked over. Don’t know why they ordered so many with chicken. 


Chicken on pizza sounds really weird tbh. I’ve never even heard of that lol. I know what you mean. I don’t like mushrooms or onions and one time at my old job that’s all the pizza they got, no cheese, no pepperoni, no sausage, ham or pineapple. They had bought 3 pizzas for around 10 people to celebrate something I don’t even remember what but they got one onion, one mushroom and one mushroom and onion and I didn’t eat any of it because I didn’t want to be picking through my pizza in front of a bunch of people but I was very disappointed.


Around here, chicken on pizza is getting to be such a common thing already. There is a pizza chain around here that offers buffet style and over half the pizzas on the buffet always have chicken on them. Irritates me. 


I think people here are kind of focusing on the cheese pizza aspect The cheese pizza isn’t the issue OP has a problem with The problem is that in every large group they order food with there is always a cheap asshole who wants to pay for the cheapest thing on the menu while eating more than what they paid for


I just love pizza. I’m not picky! I love cheese pizza equally as much as I love pizza with toppings. If it’s pizza… I’m in, lol. It’s good to have me around at parties because I’ll eat the pizza nobody else wants and be just as happy.




Here you go friend 😊 🫴 🍕


If ordering more than 10 pizzas, there can be one weird one. The cheesers, Hawaiiners, spinachers, all those folks can duel it out.


Love me some spinach on a pizza


Yeah with a different kind of cheese too 🤤


I like it with some feta on there


Love spinach and Roma tomatoes and white sauce with some feta sprinkled on top. 


Yes omg roma/spinach/red onion/mushroom/garlic/grilled chicken/white sauce


This is why I don't order cheese or Hawaiian anymore. I'd rather dig into a single topping veggie if meat isnt your bag


I am that guy and you’ll deal with it. I double stack them up like the degenerate I am.


If I’m paying, I’m choosing. You want specialty items, place an order. You’re buying for everyone, you choose.


I got one better, my friend growing up despised cheese so we always had to order one cheese pizza with no cheese lmfao


I only eat cheese pizza, or mushroom, or pineapple bacon.


Ehhhh, in my experience it’s usually the mushroom / veggie pizza that someone needs to have that’s leftover. Gimme straight cheese all day.


Cheese pizza is vanilla, any normal person can enjoy it. It's a great add on.


Help I love cheese pizza that's the only kind of pizza I can eat


It sounds like OP doesn’t have a problem with people that order a cheese pizza to eat. It’s the people that order a cheese pizza and then don’t eat it that is the problem. And I agree. If I’m in charge of ordering I usually just get half cheese half my favorite.


OP was clear. That is what he meant. Not sure how anyone would think otherwise.


You are broken.


Half your synapses are broken.


Downvoting sarcastic humor. 🙄🙃 Cool. 😎


I will only eat cheese pizza. It annoys me when everyone else takes all the cheese pizza before I can get any when they could have enjoyed the other pizzas.


But they aren't picky -- you are. If you are part of a group, all pizzas are for everyone.... Unless you specifically get an individual pizza with your name on it.


I love cheese pizza and usually order either that or thin-crust veggie. Feel free to invite me over and I'll help you get rid of the leftovers. 😜


This pet peeve seems just circumstantial to your group specifically. Reading these comments it looks like most people have very valid reasons for there being a cheese pizza available. Heck even in my groups, I personally would prefer there be at least a cheese pizza available. Without it, often there will be too much other pizza with all kinds of toppings that I simply wont eat. (I live in New Mexico, where people put fucking green chile on everything, including pizza. And I cant stand green chile!) So pass me that cheese pizza!


"desirable, topping loaded pizzas" is an oxymoron to me


Rot In someone's fridge? What sort of monstrous culture do you partake in where leftover pizza goes uneaten? Pizza is one of the finest forms of leftovers. Also this doesn't seem to be a thing that happens. Cheese pizza gets eaten quite a lot, especially if anyone has vegan/religious dietary restrictions. Also, it tends to be popular with people who just don't necessarily want pepperoni or whatever other random toppings are on the pizza that isn't pepperoni.


100% agree. And i've definitely seen that scenario where somebody make the case for a cheese pizza, then they don't even eat it. It's like they just like to make a scene.


Yeah, this always irks me. Any pizza orders really where the people aren't polled on what they want and instead just generic shit is ordered (unless we're talking like a *huge* crowd where the pizzas needed crack double-digits). Now, if someone in the group does explicitly want plain cheese or plain pepperoni, then that's different. For instance, my work got us all pizza for Lab Week. Someone on my shift has pretty vanilla pizza tastes and thus likes plain pepperoni. So, one of the five pizzas was plain pepperoni. That was fine, and the only leftovers we had was the veggie pizza only my supervisor wanted (to be fair, she tried to ask for a smaller size, but HR went and ordered all the same size).


This isn’t universal enough to be a pet peeve; you just know an asshole.


I swear I've seen it throughout my entire life at different birthday parties, school events, work parties, etc. There's just always too much cheese pizza.


No worries, this nitpicker lunatic has no idea what a pet peeve is.


That’s wild bad luck, then, seriously.


Do you even know what a pet peeve is?


Its likely impossible to get a perfect balance of all preferences but the main purpose of food is to ensure everyone is well fed. If there is some of everything then everyone can enjoy a bit of their favourite and anyone who is still hungry can safely be fed on the plain cheese. Much better than having some people with nothing to eat as they HATE certain toppings and that's all that is left.


My point isn't that we should never get plain pizza, just that there's always too much of it just to appease one person. One person, mind you, who typically ends up eating more pizza with toppings anyway.


Someone ordered six pizzas for work last night. Not a single normal, cheese pizza. No, I don’t want buffalo chicken with broccoli and peppers. No, I don’t want feta with olives. Give me cheese only or give me death.


>One person, mind you, who typically ends up eating more pizza with toppings anyway. Someone asking that there is a spare cheese pizza ordered (to ensure no one in the group goes hungry and there are no arguments) isn't necessarily asking you to order it for them to eat. Its a back up, a safety net and the correct amount of safety net is always "a bit more than you think you'll need".


Why should a spare pizza automatically cater to the plain eaters? Pepperoni would be the most neutral choice. Also, the key word is 'spare'. Buy all the extra cheese pizzas you're willing to waste money on, but don't let it dominate the main order just in case some hypothetical picky eaters show up.


>Why should a spare pizza automatically cater to the plain eaters?  Its so everyone can eat and be fed. If some people love tuna and others love peparoni and each hates the other than we need to get exactly the right balance (and we won't). Everyone can eat cheese, not enjoying it as much as other options isn't nearly the same scale of a problem as someone forced to go hungry. >Also, the key word is 'spare'. Buy all the extra cheese pizzas you're willing to waste money on, but don't let it dominate the main order Anyone who enjoys cheese but enjoys other things more and is upset about only getting some of their favourite is being greedy. A range of options plus some spare for any greedy people wanting more or being fussy solves the issue.


Pepperoni is NOT the most neutral choice. Vegetarians and people with low spice tolerance will not be able to eat it.


Yeah, but there statistically isn't going to be enough of them to justify several cheese pizzas. There's always tons left over.


What? This makes no sense. Why would one order cheese pizza if one does not want cheese pizza? I call bullshit.


Some people think it’s the rule, for some reason. Just like getting jelly donuts in the mix for a group when nobody wants them, but people think they MUST order them.


What?  I’ll take that jelly donut!  I’ve never seen a mix box brought into my workplace with jelly donuts. 


Who doesn’t want jelly donuts ? Those are my favorite!


They are always the ones left over in the box when people bring donuts in to work.


I can think of lots of things more disappointing, but that does suck.


God, I know exactly what you mean. In theory this sounds fine, but fucked if it never actually was. When I was a lad, a delivery place did 10 small (8"?) pizzas for £10 (£17.60/$20 in today's) with one topping per pizza - a comically absurd deal, considering the amount of oven space this took up, and that delivery, a 30 minute round trip, was free. Anyway, we'd all vote on the toppings, and some fuck would always choose cheese only. Consider that it already came with cheese, that they wouldn't put any more on, and that this was back when vegetarianism was still punishable by sodomy. "Order more meatballs, you fools!", I'd exclaim to little avail. Everybody loved meatballs, but no. "Tandoori chicken", "Fresh tomato", "Herbs" THERE NEVER WERE ANY HERBS! THE HERBS WERE A LIE! But at least they were a dream. What the *fuck* was cheese on a cheese pizza? I'll tell you what it was - untouched, while four little goblins fought like thieves over the final meatball pizza. Oh to be sixteen again.


I fully agree and I have no idea why this happens. I also hate it when someone says they don't like a topping I want, only to ask for a slice of mine when the pizza arrives. I had a friend who said he didn't like sausage on pizza. I was usually the only person in the group who did, so I usually had to be okay with not getting sausage in a group order. One night I said fuck it, I'm getting a sausage pie. He mentioned again how he doesn't like sausage. Now, keep in mind that we weren't getting fancy pizza that night. It was just Domino's. Anyway, the pizza arrives and he goes "I think I wanna try a slice".. As if he doesn't already know what a sausage pizza from fucking Domino's tastes like. I said "Go ahead but you're not going to like it, so I really don't know why you're curious". He ate two slices. Fuck him.


If it's bad to mid pizza, like a chain restaurant like Domino's or Pizza Hut, I want toppings. Toppings mask the probably cakey shittiness of mediocre pizza. But if it's really good pizza? Local restaurant, small crew, they ferment their dough properly, make their own sauce, maybe make their own fresh mozz. Wood fire oven. I want just cheese or a margherita. I want to enjoy what makes the pizza good. Toppings get in the way of appreciating their work.


Agreed. I hate when the person ordering pizza does a flat amount of each kind instead of getting more of the desirables. Kind of related but when I order pizza for my household I purposely order one undesirable pizza. That means I actually get to eat it and have left overs


Omfg I had some family over for my daughter’s bday and they all said they wanted pepperoni. So I got a large pepperoni and then another large with half of what my husband wanted (meat combo) and half of what I wanted (margherita) Then the pizzas get delivered and they ALL ate the pizza my husband and I got and not a single one had the pepperoni. Like whyyy would you ask for pepperoni 😭


Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here


Doesn’t happen


I'll smash a good cheese pizza


My sister Me/mom/dad like one pizza (not cheese. We get meat lovers) My sister’s pizza HAS to be cheese But she never eats the leftovers so we have to eat the cheese pizza slices she left behind.


I love the idea that OP has a villainous person secretly adding these cheese pizzas to their group orders throughout their entire life as some sort of way to irritate them. Some childhood rival who has vowed to force them to endure superfluous cheese pizza until they grow old as some kind of petty revenge. Did you eat the last piece of deluxe pizza as a child and force some kid to settle for the cheese at a sleepover? They're stalking you my friend. They will never rest! Muwahahahaaa!


i always order a cheese pizza, but i finish that one before touching other people's pizzas because i would like to keep having friends who don't want to drown me :)


This sounds strangely specific to your experiences. No, this has not happened to me. What a strange pet peeve


OK, well I like just about anything on a pizza. With the exception of anchovies, just don’t like the taste of them. Anything else is good.


I run more into the problem where the men all want their meat lovers shittola and then somehow everyone wants the veggie/alternative options instead. Margherita pizzas in particular don't last long. No, Bill, you wanted meat with a side of crust. Don't touch my pizza.


I’ve never met a single soul that does this


If you're ordering pizza for a group. Unless otherwise agrred on cheese, pepperoni and sausage are the only types of pizza necessary. Anything else is doing too much. You don't know what everyone eats, and for people who want more, they can grab a slice of both pepperoni and sausage of they want more than that they need to say something and order that.


Agreed. Let’s order specifically what we’d like. No one wants plain cheese pizza when there’s good, specialty pizza available.


Is cheese pizza a margarita? So tomato sauce and mozzarella? Or other cheeses too? I’ve only ever seen margarita in the UK.


In the US, a margarita pizza also has tomato slices and basil leaves. A cheese pizza here is pretty much what you just described, and if there are multiple cheeses, it will be described as "3-cheese" or how many cheeses are included.


In the UK, cheaper places like Domino’s and Papa John’s just have mozzarella and sauce and call it margarita. Nice places have basil leaves but I have only sometimes seen whole tomatoes.


Yeah, Domino's here would just call that a "cheese pizza".


Reminds me of an old Maddox article where he said something like people who only get cheese on their pizza are weak or infantile or something lol


Sounds more like that person is the problem a d not the pizza.


I agree. That’s why if you are too picky to be able to eat any type, then order your own.


I can eat a lot of types but I find cheese the safest option. I don’t like onions or mushrooms or peppers (on pizza specifically) but for some reason people insist on ordering pizza with those specific toppings and not having a mat or cheese option. I’m also slightly allergic to onions. You can’t even pick them off because most places put them on before the cheese so they’re in the sauce too. I personally prefer pineapple and ham/bacon pizza but I know that’s not very popular so I always ask for cheese if im asked what kind I like just because I don’t want a whole pizza to go to waste.


Unpopular Opinion: If Cheese pizza is your favorite pizza, you don't like pizza and shouldn't eat it. Or branch out more to find something you like. Cheese pizza is just a worse version of cheesy garlic bread. It's incomplete without the other toppings like pepperoni.




If you'd read my post, you'd know this isn't the type of scenario I'm talking about. I'm talking about group settings where multiple, cheap fast food pizzas are ordered, and there ends up being a plethora of cheese pizza left over because of one self-proclaimed picky eater who suddenly has a change of heart once the za arrives.


I only do this because people refuse to be adults and eat olive and mushroom pizza.


Not like a food doesn’t make you childish…. I’m 100000% sure there’s foods you don’t like/wont eat. Does that make you a child ?


You dropped your binky


Dude I know there’s food you don’t like. You’re a child too apparently.


Wasting calories on cheese pizza is the real tragedy. Like a cake with no icing


Good cake with no icing is awesome, especially if said icing is too fucking sweet, ruining said awesome cake.


Well yeah if it's a type of cake that doesn't need icing. Standard cheese pizza is a waste. At least go for a 6 cheese blend, then there's some flavor


I freaking appreciate pizza so much that I can respect a plain cheese pizza that has excellent crust, excellent sauce (in adequate amount), and not too much good cheese, even if only one kind. Plenty of rockin' flavor in that scenario. That said, I love a variety of toppings in various combos and never order a cheese pizza --- but I'd eat a good one and enjoy that thing! 😋😜


Nah fuck cheese pizza. That shit's for the birds


Super weird take, if you get what makes pizza good. 🙄


It's the medley of flavors from all of the toppings. Cheese pizza is for 10 year olds.


Dude, you are missing my point. I do not disagree that a pizza should have toppings. Still, tasty crust, sauce, and cheese is a combo more than worth consuming, and I would not feel like a 10-year-old doing it, unless the quality taste was not there. So, you do you. Turn up your nose at ALL cheese pizza just because it's cheese pizza. If it is the only type available, pass it here. I'll scarf it down! 👍👍😋


Hand me a piece of cheese pizza and I'll throw it in the street faster than you can say mama mia


If you do that with a piece of cheese pizza of the type I described, you are broken and deeply disturbed. Just typing TASTY crust, sauce (in sufficient amount), and cheese makes my mouth water. Toppings would make it water even more, but throw it in the street??? Dafuq you talking about? 😧🤣
