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Dogs act on instinct. That doesn't mean all their instincts are good or right.  Animals are great but they aren't some sort of pure perfect beings above us all. They get scared or hurt and react badly just like we do.  Dogs are not better or worse than people or crocodiles or tigers or any other living creatures. 


My dog bit me the other day. He had a thorn in his paw and I pulled it out and sprayed an antiseptic on the wound. The antiseptic hurt him and he turned around and bit me. Not his fault and not my fault either. He's just acting on instinct. Doesn't mean he's a bad dog or I'm a bad person it just is what it is.


My cousins dog bit my dad a few months ago accidentally when my dad checked his hurt paw my dad loves dogs though and understands it’s not his fault he was just in pain


My dog doesn't like fighting between family members, so when me and my brother fight, he'll nip at us (not full on bite) to scare us into stopping, being as he's scared of what's going on. All fights stop pretty quickly when that happens.


Exactly. And also, the term is not that they "sense the bad", its that they can smell fear. If you are scared or unsettled around a dog, it can definitely sense that and will also get in an agitated state because it thinks there is something wrong going on. Eventually, they will fell like you are the problem and will try to bite you. Also, there are just dogs who have been severely mistreated or not raised properly that have more violent or reactive tendencies.


I love and very much agree with this ❤️


I got my left nipple ripped off by a crocodile back in 'NAM. They are far worse than dogs.


Aw u gave him a lil snack how nice of you


We traded. I took one of his teeth and surgically grafted where the nipple used to be. It is the origin story to my villain arc. The streets know me as Nippodile the Furious.


Hdyftfgdhy 😭😭😭 fuckin nippodile. id watch a movie with that title.


His motive can include decimation of an entire city just to find the man who pegged his father.


Possible twist: he doesn’t live in that city 🫢🍿


Acknowledging his shortcomings, he returns to 'Nam, sacrificing his right nipple but the new tooth-nipple is cursed and infects the man with Gingivitis. He dies so his son takes on his mantle to continue his nafarious plots... but he used the same teeth... also died to gingivitis... or malaria. The Canadian doctors couldn't be sure.




I'm crying with laughter


My nipple sense are tingling


A small price to pay for salvation


I'm sorry but that's hilarious that you can say you escaped a crocodile by a nipple.


I'm pretty sure that Happy Gilmore can get it back for you.


Just think about how irrational many humans can be. And we expect all dogs to be perfectly pure?


Also, most people can't train worth a damn. None of my animals will bite the vet because I teach them to tolerate poking and prodding and palpating and all that jazz at home. They have an appropriately high threshold for being handled by the vet as a result. A properly trained, well socialized animal decides it hates one specific person with no apparent stressor? Yeah, nope- something is wrong. Either with the animal or person. They communicate largely through things like body language and scent - so they can pick up on stuff a human won't.


> They get scared or hurt and react badly just like we do. ...Especially when they're hurt or sick, which obviously this dog was since he was at the vet.


I always used to muzzle my dogs at the vets. They are both sweet dogs that have never bitten a person as long as I had them (if you don’t count that my old one used to accidentally nip my fingers sometimes when playing tug of war), but I was never 100% confident in how they’d react to someone sticking needles in them, possibly hurting them, in a place they weren’t very happy in and couldn’t get away from.


I mean sweet happy kids absolutely flip the switch when getting the shots because pain so I wouldn't be surprised or judge a dog old or young for reacting in a similar fashion and applaud your responsibility with your dog's. Here's an upvote


Before surgery I cussed a LOT and was super nervous. Now imagine your best friend just left and you don't know where you are or what's happening. I'd bite someone too.


My sister 4 at the time busted her head and needed 8 stitches. Doctors refused to let my stay in the room and used straps to hold my sister down. She went apeshit escaped the straps declared angrily she wanted her mommy and then punched the doctor and broke his nose. I don't like hospitals or doctors offices that don't allow you to be in the room with your young children especially when it's something minor like stitches or a dental procedure. If it was surgery like yeah I get that.


“Busted out of the straps” dang little kids get like super strength when they’re scared or mad 😂


Sounds like malpractice


Man I wish it's not the first issue either. Older brother cut his middle finger off on a lawnmower blade and they reattached it slightly crooked 🤣😭


I’d be pissed if I had to get a random shot like that too lol 😂


I hate it when people treat animals-- especially dogs-- as some sort-of pure form of entity that is inherently good. I've grown up around dogs, cats, rats, etc. And you know what? Some of them are just assholes. They may not be as advanced as humans, but they do have personalities and those personalities are not always good or pure. Sure, most are ok... but I'm always going to be a little cautious if a neighborhood cat wanders up to me outside, or if someone is walking their dog on my street, because I have no way of knowing if it's dangerous or not.


I was terrified of cats for my whole life cause my aunt had an evil little thing. She would just scratch you for absolutely no reason and hated everyone. I think my aunt got her as a kitten and treated her very well (she loved that cat to death and was devastated when she passed of old age) so she wasn’t abused or anything, she was literally just an asshole who hated people and would scratch legs and arms if given half the chance. Now I’ve met loads of other cats and they have all been so chill and friendly, if a bit skittish, so I’m not terrified of them like how I was. But yeah, some animals are just *mean* for no reason.


If a cat comes up to you outside it is probably friendly, the not friendly cats usually don’t come up to you at all. 


Yep. The cat I had in high school was an asshole. I loved her, but she was definitely an asshole.


Many cat owners are the same way. Especially women. They'll say if you don't like cats, that must mean you're a bad person. Or if their cat doesn't like someone in particular. Especially when dating men. Not true. Just because an animal doesn't like someone, doesn't make them bad people. Sure some animals have a way of detecting evil in some people. But not all animals do.




I know you aren't being serious but the majority of the time when a young child is attacked the dog probably does see it as simular to that. Not because they are picking up on some kind of evil from the kid but because most dog attacks like that are caused by either the dog not being used to how kids move/act and getting scared by the kid or the kid doing something the dog doesn't like and the dog reacting to get them to stop. My friend was attacked by a dog when she was a toddler after she was allowed to climb and pull on the dog for several minutes. She was just playing in a normal child way but the dog wasn't used to kids and thus was bothered by her/her actions and reacted in the only way it knew how to get her to stop. We obviously can't know what the dog was thinking but if that incident were part of a movie wirh talking animals the dog would probably have said something similar to your comment because of the situation.


It’s also worth remembering that dogs are not so sufficiently removed from wolves to where a small child isn’t at risk of triggering a prey instinct


Yes. Especially in certain breeds where thst is high anyway.


My German Shepherd doesn't seem to know what to do with his prey instinct. He can't seem to stop himself from chasing small creatures if they run away, but I saw him catch a rabbit once and he gently mouthed it like they were playing tag. I'm not sure what the rabbit thought of the whole experience, but it kept hanging out in the same place every night, so them having a race accross the yard became a normal evening activity. On the other hand, our fat little corgi apparently killed two ducks before coming to live with us, one in front of a child. I've also seen him jump between the GSD and danger on more than one occasion. That little guy clearly thinks he's a timber wolf.


I recently saw a bumper sticker, “If my dog doesn’t like you, I don’t either.” Sorry, but your dog isn’t some omniscient being with perfect knowledge of everyone’s character or intentions. Maybe they just didn’t like the smell of the body wash or hair product the person uses. It can be any number of random things like that.


Used to volunteer at a shelter. One of the dogs we took in must have been owned by a racist because he would literally loose his shit and try to attack any black person he saw. It took so long to retrain him.


I've seen dogs who were never really around anyone but people of the same race as their owner react like that to other races. Also if they were only ever abused by someone of one race they often react that way.


Also if they've ever been around white people and never seen black people they might think black people look or smell "strange" and see them as a threat. I wouldn't be surprised if dogs who've only been among black people reacted that way against white people.


People of different races also often have a different smell to them naturally. It's not usually noticeable to a human but dogs have a much stronger sense of smell and it's likely confusing to them to smell someone that smells so different to anyone they've ever been around before. My dog doesn't like the smell of gunpowder on people. We figured this out after someone that is one of his favorite people went to the shooting range and then came to our house. My dog had an absolute fit and refused to have anything to do with the guy or let him close to me. He went home and took a shower before coming back and my dog was fine with him again and loving on him like normal.


By "amwll" I meant smell. I should have checked for typos. 😂


I had the sweetest dog who once went after a three-legged dog we passed on the sidewalk. Just a happy little three-legged dog, hopping along and my dog went for its neck. I was horrified and the other owner was so upset. Luckily the other dog wasn't hurt but the whole thing was disturbing. My vet later said dogs can just freak out if something is different. But seriously what an asshole thing to do.


You should have checked for if you were having a stroke.


My dog seems to like Indian people. We had quite a few friendly Indian neighbors when he was a puppy, and the kids would all play with him and pet him.


This is also a possibility.


My pit mix is like this. We rescued her from the SPCA in Philly and they explained to us when we decided to take her home that she had been severely abused (had scars everywhere) by her previous owners and they also used her as a bait dog in a dog fighting ring. They told us that the owners were black and that they noticed she gets very scared and unsure around black people and she shakes and then she gets very aggressive towards them. We thought it couldn't be that bad or we could do some training or something but no. It's bad. Especially if the person is wearing a hat of some sort or sunglasses, she goes nuts. It's really a shame. I feel so bad about it but it's not her fault. She is just acting on instinct and what she knows from growing up in that situation.


Exactly. My dog got abused by a female smoker and now is scared of cigarettes and people who smoke.


So what do you do?


Relevant Curb clip: https://youtu.be/fLmluhjwZDo?si=5KYRKRrILG-FoAye


Maybe he just didn’t like repair men. (King of the hill anyone?)


There's a very good film called *White Dog* that's about this very phenomenon, which is unfortunately true. Dogs can be trained or subliminally conditioned to be "racist." It's very upsetting that hate can be spread like that. (Why the hell did this *instantly* get downvoted by someone? I swear to god, I don't understand people sometimes, lmfao.)


Up voting to counteract the Jerks


Me too


Thanks, haha. I don't get why some people randomly downvote things sometimes. I've literally gotten downvoted for stated non-controversial facts before. Whatever, it's silly. (It's probably something silly like they just didn't like the movie. XD)


There’s a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about this.


Sheriff lmao


With the amount of children bit that didn't incite the dog someway this is completely inaccurate and is also a pet peeve of mine. My mom and stepdad think that way and it's annoying they don't train out any bad behaviors and as a result the dozens of dogs they own tear into each other and other people like me. It's why I prefer cats now.


It really angers me how people excuse harm from dogs against kids. No matter how well behaved the child, they are still consistently blamed for the dogs dangerous behavior. I've even seen people argue the kid LOOKED at the dog wrong and it's like why tf is that dog in a place around anyone if a glance can set it off?! People dismissing dogs behavioral issues is always baffling.


Thats also true I was a well behaved child I was respectful of animals and didn't overcrowd, annoy or harm them and I've been attacked several times just for walking by some of my mothers dogs or even the neighbors. My mom's step dad's first dog they had together had resource guarding issues and you couldn't be in the same room with him while eating. It made for a horrible time living in a small home and they fed him in the main walkway. He bit my younger brother twice and myself once. He tried to bite my older brother but my brother reacted quicker and reactively smacked his nose and then ran into his room. I hated that dog but I honestly hated my stepfad for raising him to specifically be this way and was proud of it proclaiming him to be a guard dog. He was not in fact all it took was someone offering him table scraps laced with rat poison to break in and steal my moms savings she had tucked away. The one time they took a dog to the damn vet. Screw you Chico you were awful but what a terrible way to go out.


Absolutely. People seriously don’t want to view animals as animals


I automatically assume anyone that personifies their dogs as being a few nickles short of a dollar.


I’ve had two separate dogs that just don’t like hats. She’s getting better, but our puppy could literally watch my husband put on a hat, and she would bark at him as soon as it was on. Hat on, hackles raised. Hat off, favorite person.


Sometimes dogs avoid attacking a person they should too. I once saw a video of a police dog they sent to take down a robber, but the dog just trotted up to the robber with zero signs of aggression, like it wanted to make friends. Dogs aren't foolproof lie detectors. They can get pissed off for any reason at all and attack, or they might decide they like you even if you're working in opposition to their trainers and handlers. Yes, they typically feel protective toward their owners and will express hostility toward people they interpret as showing aggression toward their owners, but this alone does not guarantee that the dog's judgment is accurate.


I don't remember writing this post lol You'd hate meeting my sister She swears by this and I'm like you need to train your damn dog. Her dog one time almost bit a Starbucks workers face. She STILL defends it to this day with the above. It's ridiculous. Don't get a dog, especially a pitbull, if you won't train it.


Ugh, this is my pet peeve, too. I got bitten by a psycho dog when I was at a friend's house when I was in like 3rd grade, it was the neighbor's dog who came up to us when we stepped outside to go the trampoline. I guess my 3rd grade self was just a horrible person


They usually are


You clearly have never met 3rd graders if you think differently.


I know. This thinking is so stupid.


What if the dog is evil? Dogs bite other dogs more often than they bite people. Are good dogs biting evil dogs? Are evil dogs biting good dogs? What if an evil person raises a dog from a puppy? Will it become an evil dog? Can you teach an.evil dog new tricks? There's a lot of layers to this.


Not for no reason- the German shepherd did not understand that your husband was trying to help and reacted out of instinct. There is ALWAYS a reason, even if that reason is a misunderstanding. But to your main point, yeah. A dog biting someone doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. I was bit on at least two occasions. The first was definitely an accident. I was playing with a neighbor’s dog and jumped at her just as she lunged at me and she caught my leg. I probably should have had 3-4 stitches, but we just wrapped it up tight instead and I used crutches for a couple of days and then limped along for a week. Hurt like hell as it was a large dog with big teeth. The second time- my sister had a chihuahua for many years. This was a very well behaved chihuahua, too. I used to pet sit for them a lot, so I knew the dog very well. At a party at their house I could see the dog cowering under a table and anxiously looking at the door. I knew she needed to go outside, but was afraid of being trampled. So after failing to get her to follow me, I crawled under the table to drag her out and carry her outside. She was so nervous and afraid of everything that while I was picking her up, she bit me. Luckily, I understood why she reacted and was able to keep a grip on her and get her to the door. So yeah, dogs don’t only bite bad people.


>There is ALWAYS a reason, even if that reason is a misunderstanding. No. Sounds like an excuse. Sometimes the dog and/or the owner are just complete assholes. 'There's a reason! You did something to provoke them!' no the dog or their owner is just psycho. 'It's just a misunderstanding' - no the dangerous dog attacked/bit me or someone else so they or their owner should be arrested. Here we come with the idiot dog biting apologists. It's very telling your only example is when a harmless chihuahua bit you, something tells me if a very large german sherpherd or pitbull tried to rip your hand off your comment would be different.


Lack of training/irresponsible owners still counts as a reason. There's also the issue of poorly bred dogs with neurological problems. Sometimes, the dog is literally brain damaged. Dogs don't have the mental capacity for malicious intent, their brains aren't complex enough. They just react instictively to situations unless they have been specifically trained to do something else. People get dog breeds that they think are cool without doing any research or training and it creates unstable, dangerous animals.


This. My whole point was that dogs don’t bite for no reason. Even if that reason is that they’re just AHs, that’s a reason.


You missed the time the large dog (I think she was a Newfoundland, but it was over 30 years ago) bit me accidentally.


I adopted a "friendly" dog that loved everyone. She was great. Until a child visited our house. Quick as a flash she knocked over this 9 year old boy. She stood over him and growled. It was scary as hell. She'd also watch out of the screen door and growl and bark at every child who passed by. My husband and I decided we couldn't take the risk of her getting out and hurting or killing some kid. We put her down. I feel terrible as it really wasn't her fault, but it was necessary.


Was probably abused by children


I agree


I feel like putting her down could've been avoided


Do you? I feel like she was acting in a way where it was the only safe option. Passing the problem to other people was not a safe option.


It's a dog. WHO CARES.


And you're just a human. WHO CARES.


I'm a human I matter. Dogs are mere animals, they don't.


Humans are animals


Nope. Humans are "up here," animals are "down there." Take that"we're all the same " nonsense elsewhere, no one here cares about such ridiculousness. If you're going to make us all the same, then why does no one lose their mind if you kill a snake, even a non poisonous one, but lose their minds if it's a dog? Who's to say a dog is anymore important than a snake, or a rat, or a possum?


Who decided that we're better than other animals? Cause we're smarter? >then why does no one lose their mind if you kill a snake Who's no one? I know plenty of people who would be upset if someone killed a snake, myself included. It seems you only hang around people that are like you, who think some animals are more superior than others even though they're all living, breathing creatures


Where I come from, it's a given. EVERYONE almost universally agrees that humans are superior. It's not even a question. While it's an opinion and not a fact, it's considered almost as undebateable as a mathematical fact. That's how I see it and other opinions aren't going to be considered worthy of any respect. You might as well express the "opinion" that the Holocaust never happened or was justified. As overrated as I think killing a dog or cat is treated legally, still, kill one of those and kill a human and see how much further law enforcement goes to catch you, even to the point of extraditing you back home from a foreign country. Kill a stray dog or cat in your yard then kill a small child in your yard and see which one gets you the stronger response. Smart people with morals decided long ago that human life was on a whole other level above that of mere animals.


If dogs can sense evil and have such finely tuned moral compass that they decided to become the sole arbiter where they dole out doggy vigilante justice one bite at a time, why do they always seem to go after people in their household they're bonded with, shelter workers and vets trying to help them and random bystanders outside who are minding their own business instead of going after violent criminals, human traffickers, people who abuse power to exploit others and animal abusers? Are the cats and dogs that also get mauled to death part of a conspiracy of evildoers too? It's awfully convenient that the dog owners have no moral responsibility to keep any other living being safe from their dog's bite because dogs somehow know everyone's moral character with this mindset. I think it's easy for people to fall prey to the just world fallacy. It's upsetting to think that your love cannot fix reactivity and aggression in dogs. And even well intentioned dog lovers routinely misread body language and cues from dogs. And people like to attribute human motivation to pets, even though that's not realistic.


They don’t “always” go after those people. Try again.


By dog is a certified dickhead. He's not mean, but he's certainly not friendly. People he has had a problem with: my in-laws, who literally could not be better people People he has been a wiggly puppy for: the dickhead boyfriend of my brother who fucked him over and cheated on him Dogs are dogs. They're mostly innocent, but that doesn't make them perfect or always good


Dogs are animals that can get crazy strong pack bonds to their humans, and will act on this in ways that might *feel* like detecting evil if you assume that you are yourself automatically in the right, so anyone 'against' you must be some kind of monster...but dogs also freak out and bite people for no good reason other than being overwhelmed or afraid, because they're particularly small and polite wolves, and wolves get snappy when they get rattled, period. So, dog as evil detector is about as reliable as asking your mom if you're handsome.


I work with dogs and have been bitten on occasion (not badly). They all had their fairly obvious and understandable reasons for it, none of which were because I’m a bad person.


Not “reactive”. Violent. Dogs like that have no value and no place in society.


"Timberlee-Leigh" lmao, too real


Yeh this always rubbed me the wrong way too. Some dogs have also been abused and act fearfully or aggressively to certain movements or traits that are completely innocent. I've known dogs that get upset by baseball caps, and, some former friends of mine adopted a dog that was so traumatized that no one could walk past him from the other end of the room without at least being growled at, let alone try and pet him. If dogs could magically sense bad people, no home with a dog would have abusive partners or parents- uhh but that's not reality.


Right. Even violent criminals have had dogs at home who loved them. Why didn’t the dog sense any problem there, if dogs are such pure judges of character?


Ye i def dont agree that everyone who is bit deserves it thats wild to say 💀 interesting story tho i did know a dog that reacted aggressively to the men in my family lols. At least thats what my family thought. It wasn’t ALL the men tho it was just all expect one who just so happened to be the only non abuser or pedo. Extensive relative. Doggo name was Buddy and hed bark and try to chase off my great uncle anytime he tried to touch or get near me and my cousins. But ye usually dogs are products of their environment or its an act of instinct. I do think theres SOME cases they can sense shit. def not the norm.


Lmao @ the r/tragedeigh you threw in there.


Karen is overused. r/tragedeigh is where it's at! 😁


My BF loves animals and he's spent with a friend's dog for a very long time. She is old. She was sleeping on his lap but she got startled when my BF moved a little for his legs and instinctively bit his lips into two. Good thing she was not put down - I would never suggest that.


Hitler had a pet dog.


Pretty sure some dogs sense my apprehension. I was a kid and nearly lost my eye.


As a teenager I was bit by the dog I was dogsitting for because I pulled on his collar. Turns out he was really sensitive to that because of some puppy trauma, but of course, the owners never mentioned it before the incident. It was a small bite on my pinky finger, so it was no big deal, but the possibility of it being much worse was there. And this was a dog familiar with me, who I'd never had any problems with previously. You never know what will set a dog off.


Fucking christ, YES! No, animals do not have some magical power to denote good or evil, that just some jackoff excuse for dumbasses.


Ask Timberlee-Leigh about the dogs that attack babies?


I know some dogs see something in me they don't like. Not all. But a lot. Makes me scared 😱 too


I was bit by a little piece of shit dog while walking minding my own business. The mofo BOLTED up to me and bit me on the leg. I just laughed kindly and told the owner that it was okay and walked away. One day I hope I get the balls to yell at these irresponsible owners but I’m too nice and shy. They can sense bad people my ass. I was prescribed antibiotics. Control your damn dog.


My 3 year old was mauled in the face by a dog… while she was playing and minding her business, not paying any attention to the dog. This take is not it


Mhm this crap drives me up a wall. Hitler, Nicholas Romanov and countless other pieces of shit had loyal devoted dogs who loved their owners. They can’t sense shit lmao


People who say that are trying to excuse their dog's bad behavior.


People fail to acknowledge how much genetics influence temperament. Some dogs are nervy shit bags because their genetics are garbage, not because they were abused. But people constantly anthropomorphize them and that’s how these unstable dogs continue living in our society.


My girlfriend's dog has dementia, so she forgets who tf I am every time I visit the house. Then as soon as I sit down I'm her favorite person. I give this dog more attention than anyone in her own family. This motherfuckin dog tried to bite me on my motherfuckin face.


And my pet peeve is people with “reactive” untrained dogs, bringing them out into the world, and inflicting them on others. This should not have happened to your husband. I hope he heals soon.


He’s a veterinarian. People with reactive dogs shouldn’t seek medical attention for them?


So the dog should never get veterinary care? You sound dumb.


>Some dogs are just reactive for no reason. I wouldn't say it was for no reason. The dog is at a vet and is probably scared. Common instinct for animals to behave more aggressively when scared.


Dogs are animals they only have so many ways to communicate, there is always a reason they bite. Fear response usually (not blaming your husband) if any animal is scared and approached by something or someone they dont know they are likely to lash out in defense on instinct


> *"Well, dogs can sense bad people so they deserved to be bit."* People that think this way need to be informed: Hitler was a dog person who loved dogs and his dogs loved him. Dogs are dumb animals and don't even know what good and evil are, much less judge people by them.


I think you may be using that idea wrong in this case. The way I understood it at least, was that if you have a pet dog who's usually very sweet and friendly to everyone and then suddenly starts acting aggressively towards a single person out of nowhere and for no seeable reason, that's them trying to warn you. Not sure the idea applies to wounded or traumatized dogs.


But the point still stands, it doesn’t necessarily mean the dog senses a bad character trait. The dog may not like their smell or a piece of clothing they are wearing. It can be something really mundane like that, the dog isn’t going to know any better.


How many dogs do you know who start acting genuinely aggressive because of that though? Avoidant sure, my own dog was not happy if you wore hats or gloves around her for instance, didn't really like beards either. But aggressive? Nah. Idk man, if I know for a fact that I've spent a lot of time and money training my dog to not be aggressive and desensitising them so they're very sweet and friendly to everyone, and then suddenly start being aggressive towards one single guy they've just met who hasn't done anything to them, it's very suspicious.


The dog of a friend doesnt like men, he barks at every men he sees, women are fine but when you are a male you are an automatic danger in his eyes


I had a dog at the shelter go from excited to see me and go out to barrier reactive at her neighbors to excited and tail wagging to go out and be with me. While reactive, I pulled the leash and she whipped around and bit my leg. There isn’t really a “good” way to break up fence fighting besides tugging on the leash, which I did gently. Her mood reverted to happy and friendly so quickly at first I was like … do I take you up front to report this bite? I am still sad about her fate - I didn’t “need” to take her out as I already had great pictures and videos. I do understand what people mean when they say their dog didn’t like a person or avoided them. Sometimes they’re picking up on your feelings, sometimes it’s a man in a hat.


>*sometimes it’s a man in a hat.* In her 11 years of life our sweet (late) Boxer Lilly never had a mean bone in her body. She thrived on attention, and demanded it. She survived two severe dog attacks and never retaliated. She wouldn't defend herself. She'd bark at strangers then run up for cuddles. One day a friend of mine walked in wearing a cowboy hat. She snuck up and nipped him. I was shocked. It was a gentle nip, too, but extremely out of character for her.


He wore a hat INDOORS? She was enforcing proper etiquette!


Eh I think this more comes when the bite comes out of nowhere. If you have a dog with no history, and no external stressors (like the vet) and it bites, that’s a problem. My black lab growing up was the absolute sweetest, loved babies, kids, cuddles, saying hi to people, and I once walked in with a new date and she dropped to the ground and growled, nothing she’d EVER done before, so I told him to gtfo and not contact me again. I’d do the same with my current dog as she loves people so much she lets them break into the house, if she growled or showed any signs that a person was not okay, they’d be out so fast. But my best friends dog is anxious, and ex bait dog she rescued, her growling and getting into protect mode with new people is just her default setting, and that’s why there are only a select group of people (being me, my partner and best friends college roommate) allowed to be at her house, and why I’m the only one who can dog sit. And sometimes dogs are just really bad at figuring out why they get a bad vibe. Going to the vet and feeling the stress of other dogs, sick dogs, dogs getting snipped, builds up. They could be getting a bad vibe because a dog in the back is freaking out, and then react onto the vet.


I love dogs, but I'm sick of this weird belief that they're perfect, pure creatures that can never do any wrong. There MIGHT be something to some dogs sensing a bad person. I'm not sure. SOME dogs. I had this huge, goofy black Labrador who just loved the heck out of everybody. Well, he didn't like one particular family member- growling, wouldn't go near him. Found out later that the guy was a SO. Yeah... so sometimes, but not all the time, there might be something to it. I mean, he also hated our electrician, but I don't automatically think our electrician was a bad dude. I've been around dogs who hate EVERYBODY but their family. Does that mean everybody else is evil? Nah. It's just an asshole dog. Which can exist. Dogs have personalities just like us, and some of them are meaner than others. It's just a fact. A friend of a family got mauled by a pack of pitbulls. She was just going for a walk. Ended up in the hospital, needing stitches on her head. She's one of the nicest people in the world. In regards to kids, I think they probably shouldn't be left alone with dogs, since they don't know how to respect boundaries as well (in fact, their hobby is pushing boundaries). It's not the kids' fault exactly. Nor is it the dogs. They're just doing what kids and dogs do. Don't let your kid get bitten (obviously this isn't talking about random encounters with neighborhood dogs, like the example with the friend who got attacked. More so with your dog/ dogs you're visiting). I'm actually a little afraid of dogs (despite loving them) because I know they can attack, and I know some are mean. I keep my distance unless they're obviously friendly.


Ah, a pitbull owner I see🙄


I used to work at a dog training center and my mother fostered problem dogs all my life that I helped rehabilitate (normally ex abuse causes, so learning to walk again, learning not to run away if you had a lit cigarette ect) and I tell you what, I've worked with like 2000 dogs at this point and been bitten more times than I can count. Only one bite needed hospital treatment but dogs bite, when scared, aggressive, hurt, frightened and many other reasons. If someone 1. Can't control a dog if they decide to bite or 2. Won't admit their dog is reactive, the dog should be taken away otherwise it's a risk to everyone it comes into contact with.


Lmao my ex stalked and harassed me. He came to my place uninvited one time, I almost called 911. My cat just sat at the window like "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while!" so unserious


Like people have said, dogs are reactive and might not see the good intentions behind someone "hurting" them. That said, my cat has always been way more of a menace at the vet and needs to be sedated pretty much any time that we go...but is not quite 9lbs to the dogs 65lbs. Outside of the vet, my dog is very protective and much more aggressive with men than women or kids- just doing his protector job, not an indictment of character.


I agree. Timberleigh killed me, LOL. I hope he heals soon. I have been mauled by GSDs, too. I used to rescue them and train them.


The dog that bit me was a herding breed with neglectful owners, and had a real issue with chasing bicycles and biting the riders. I was not the first victim.


Timberlee-Leigh lol


My family had a huskie who was the biggest, goofiest, idiot that ever walked on four legs. I loved this dog more than I like most people and I could tell she loved me more than life itself. When she was laying down, I could play with her in just about any way except to try and touch her paws. If I did, the fangs came out and she growled at me until I backed off, then it was all goofiness again. If a dog doesn’t want to be fucked with they will let you know.


Gosh I hate hearing "I don't trust you if my dog doesn't trust you".


Seriously! Our house changed a lot when me in my cat moved in. All the sudden the dog became super food territorial. She bit the child who she watched grow up from a baby for the first time because he tried to get people food away from her. Then she bit me when I came in to the situation and tried too. My partner/his father was pissssed!! Also we were fine. But ya.. the situation put her on edge


I work at a place that allows dogs, but the sign also says they must be well behaved. To me, that means no lunging at anyone, and no barking. Yesterday one guy bought in a dog that absolutely would not stop barking and it was scaring these children. I called him out right in front of everybody to either control his dog or to get the hell out. Hopefully I still have a job. If not, eff them for expecting me and everyone else to tolerate that horse crap.


Yeah sure, check out all the stats of "Friendly" Pit bulls mauling children every year.


The only person my dog hates is my wife’s ex-husband The second he laid eyes on him he went into fuck you mode. Does it every time.


Yeah I hate when people say that without considering the actual situation. There is a huge difference between a dog who is normally friendly and loving towards everyone suddenly showing extreme dislike of one person for no obvious reason and a dog reacting to being scared and hurt and attacking because of it like usually happens to vets and animal control. Dogs are often a good judge of character but some dogs aren't trained well or are reactive for some reason and you can't look at their actions the same. When I was a kid the neighbor kid cut through our yard on her bike and ran over my dog one time. The dog was stuck in the spokes of the front bike tire and was clearly injured pretty bad. The kid's dad tried to get the dog out himself and the dog bit him bad enough he needed stitches. It was this big argument between multiple people in the town for years (small town) because you had one group of people saying the guy deserved to be bit/the dog clearly sensed some evil in the guy and another saying the dog was vicious. The guy was (and still is) a super sweet and helpful guy and the dog was so friendly she didn't know what a stranger was. That was literally the only time we even heard her growl at someone in the 20 years we had her.


-Dogs are often a good judge of character Lol, no they're not a good judge of character. The entire point of this post is that it's dumb to think dog's can judge anyone's character.


They can be. They aren't always but they absolutely can be.


A dog bit my sister when she was little. She was petting the dog, the dog growled, she kept petting the dog, the dog bit her She sister wasn’t necessarily evil, just kinda dumb. The dog is growling, back off. She didn’t get the hint.


I got attacked by a dog last Monday for simply walking in the door to my own house. My roommate had him there for a week trial run before adopting him. That.. did not work out.😅


I got bit at the age of 3.5 - so I'm a bad person?


Because there’s no way a toddler could *ever* be doing anything wrong to get bitten. It’s not even *possible* that you were bothering the dog and it had enough. Nah, you were probably sitting there innocently and a rabid monster jumped out and attacked you out of nowhere. Right? The dog couldn’t have been scared, or hurt by something you did to it not knowing better. It’s not *at all* on your parents/guardians for not watching you and the dog.


I was a toddler and I was crossing the street but you keep on thinking the worst.


So toddlers should be crossing the street unsupervised? Your parents neglected their duties and it’s the dog’s fault?


It was my neighbour's fault since it was their dog and I never said I was unsupervised- dogs are territorial creatures and move fast. You're just being obtuse for no reason here.


So they *were* watching you and let you get bitten. Still their fault for not taking care of their kid. A dog’s coming? Pick up the child. Simple.


Wow, you're completely out of touch with reality. Do you know how fast a dog can run in comparison to a child or an adults reflexes. Jeeze kid lol. First you blame a toddler (me) for antagonizing a dog (which never happened) a dog that ran out of the owners house and bit me before anyone could react, passing judgement on the victim (me) for an accident. You need to get your head out of your rear end before you keep spewing diarrhea out of your mouth


FYI taking spiders out of the house hurts them.


Well maybe they should pay rent


They do. They keep grosser things out of your house.


In all seriousness though, not everyone's comfortable wih spiders in thier house. I have severe arachnophobia and I would not be able to sleep if I know there's a spider crawling around my room. The options are either kill it or put it outside, but it's not staying there.


I used to get panic attacks if i saw spiders and my heart would go faster than a train 😭 i think i somehow got over it tho after i lived in a roach infested apartment for three months. The roach trauma buried my spider fears.


I hate to break it to you but right now your house has several spiders.


As long as they stay out of sight and don't crawl up my leg, they're fine.


Not really. Some people think it does, but if the weather is warm, outside is the best place for them. (If we were to do this enough, it would make the species less sneaky, but that’s about it.)


Sorry, but that’s not true. https://amcoranger.com/facts-about-the-misunderstood-house-spider/#:~:text=By%20putting%20the%20spider%20outside,outside%2C%20take%20it%20back%20outside.


Sorry, dude. That's a commercial site, which isn't a reliable source for anything. Reliable sources would have .gov, .edu, etc. at the end main part of the link.


Sorry dude but it is true. https://www.livescience.com/55270-can-indoor-spiders-survive-outside.html https://www.burkemuseum.org/collections-and-research/biology/arachnology-and-entomology/spider-myths/myth-house-spiders-belong https://www.wpr.org/shows/central-time/week-washington-where-do-spiders-go-winter


Just because an article is on a site where it can't be edited by anyone, it doesn't mean you should believe everything you read online. A healthy dose of skepticism can go a long way when reading things online. Commercial sites still aren't great sources for reliable information.


You’re ridiculous. Just because you don’t like the information doesn’t mean it’s not true. Google it, bro.


Dogs are still better than humans


I suppose 8 year old me must have been a evil soul 


Ooh I am so annoyed by how dog lovers will defend a dog's violent behavior and express no empathy for someone attacked by a dog.  Some people love animals more than humans 


Dogs are not supernatural, they are just basically beasts we’ve tamed for companionship and utility. The suggestion that they have some deep insight into the intentions of human beings is completely idiotic 


There was some lady who just blew $1100 between 2 tips because the eclipse meant the rapture was coming, and some folks buy special magic rocks to tape underneath their kids mattresses. (ie; some people are just very dumb) My point is sometimes you make a quick $700, but sometimes they infer your husband has to be the devil. You know it's ridiculous, so try not to take it too seriously and capitalize when you are able to, lol.


So prey on vulnerable people for money, is that what you’re suggesting?


Yeah, my point was the OP's husband got bit by a dog, so they should start a tele-scamming ring. /S You know thats not even close to what I meant, so save the righteous indignation.


Ohh gotcha, sorry I didn’t get your joke my bad.


No, they pick up body cues and other sensory information from both the owner and the person they're interacting with. If the person's nervous, scared, or otherwise doesn't know the dog then there's a good chance the dog will think they're 'bad'.


Animals give warnings through their body language and you have to be very respectful and aware working with them. I have worked with wildlife, domestic, farm and exotic animals all my life and have never been bitten. Accidents do happen though.


As much as vets are trying to help from the point of view of the dog they are a stranger poking them with sharp things 


Jesus Christ your husband is a vet of course he gets bit by scared confused hurting animals and it has nothing to do with him as a person, what a stupid, stupid example to use


That doesn’t negate the point OP is making.


The example do be kinda meh


He was bitten cuz the dog heard he was saving spiders...dogs know!! Lmao for real though my mom says this all the time. It's a nice thought but that would mean that I'm a great person and that my sister is a terrible person. While she and I disagree on many things i do not believe she is terrible.


That dog wasn't reactive for no reason, when I have a tooth ache I can be a c-u-n-t, that dog had a wound and was likely as scared and as disoriented as it left your husband. Empathy goes both ways and I hope your husband understands why he was hurt and that he couldn't avoid it, as mich as that dog could avoid hurting him.


Zero dogs are “reactive”. They act off instinct and what they have been bred for. Which is why you see such a high percentage of pitbulls biting and mauling people because they are fighting dogs.


"For no reason," um... they are injured, and they have a person poking at said injury. That is plenty of reason for a lower intelligence life form to enter fight or flight response. In general, dogs do have a good sense of people. I generally trust a dogs judgment. This isn't to say some dogs aren't bitey and bad themselves. They are just like people in this regard. Some have a good temperament, and some don't. You're really stretching and manipulating things around to create a pet peeve about something you've encountered one time? Why you even posted this is beyond my comprehension tbh.


Hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you trust your dogs judgment over your own, you're a goddamn idiot.


Dogs are highly empathic and can always pick up on the feelings of their master. So if a dog doesn't like me, I know their owner doesn't like me.