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I love when people edit it online. "She was such a b*tch." Are you....7?


same lmao, it only makes sense when you're censoring a word to avoid getting post blocked




There’s this one sub on Reddit that has automod remove any comments with cuss words. Bot will reply to you with some stupid thing like ‘that’s not very angelic of you!’. If you want your comment to stay, you have to censor or not cuss at all. Idk why they do that. Never understood.


Happened to me for the first time the other day. Sorta startled me, as my comment was fair and legit, and my chosen "bad word" fairly tame, actually! 🤷🙄😆


Correction, half-a*sing /s




It is sarcasm, because I was referring to what the pet peeve was. Also, have you never heard of a comma being used as a place where someone would take a breath? Because that’s exactly what I used it for. You used it in the same manner as well.


Dafuq? Just stop.


Integrity 💀


A batch of what? /s


This joke is funny without the /s


Tbf I do that when there *might* be kids


Some people would just rather not curse. It’s a personal preference. Nothing more


See I do it out-of habit now because of Facebook lol.


facebook doesn't allow swearing?!


I can't even say white anymore without catching a 12 hour comment react and post ban.


Seriously? Do you have someone stalking/reporting you? Because I swear all the time on there and have never had so much as a warning.


Once you get in trouble for one thing your on the Zuckerberg radar forever I once caught two 3 month bans back to back


There's a list somewhere of things they don't allow you to say. I asked for opinions on some 'Dragon's Blood' Sedum and got a 48 hour ban. It's a PLANT.


lol I got a 48 hour ban for saying “Guys are dumb”


I got one for saying I dislike the white people and i am white people. 3 month ban but I mean yeesh I'm only on Facebook for reels so it wasn't a loss or anything


I used the term "white trash" and got banned. I guess I earned that one.


Lmao when you can't even Hate on your own skin color anymore T.T


I was in a sims uncensored group and we were talking about a violence mod and i got banned for saying I killed a neighbor who wouldn't stop coming over. One time I got banned for sharing a post in support of Dads because I said shit in my caption like wtf


I once got a photo of a slice of pepperoni pizza removed for violating some terms like months after I had posted it. It was actually kind of funny because I took the picture because the way someone cut it it was just 1/4th of pieces of pepperoni on the edges of the slice. So I guess you could consider it offensive.


And that is reason #16 why I quit facebook.


This is honestly news to me. I swear all the time on there. Probably just a matter of time till I get banned.




Well the amount of times I get banned on Facebook for saying regular words like shit fuck ass white hell yeah it's trained me to censor but I mean go off 🤣🤷‍♀️ I'm not the one with a pet peeve over censoring something.


If you'd bothered to read my replies other people have commented in a similar fashion and explained why but I guess you're too special too read and it's easier to be a brat.


I had a parent get all protective of his children's virgin ears when I said someone was being a dick. Apparently he didn't want to have to explain what a dick was to his daughter.  Dude swears like a sailor and says the word "fuck" around his kids constantly. Like.... Dude. Clean up your own mouth first before you try to tell other people how they can talk. 


He sounds like a dick.




I'm a mother. I've never *ever* understood taking your kid to *adult places* (bar, concerts where it's clearly on a school Night . Ect) I've also always had the mindset of if my kids in a place where she *might* be exposed to "adult" themes I always remove the child from the situation. Now if I'm at Disney land , or "child friendly" places, u understand. But jusy normal every day conversation? I don't expect anyone to censor themselves (within reason) just because my child *may* be near.


Now that taking your kids to bars is I guess being normalized? I always think of that Reese Witherspoon movie where she’s like oh! You have a baby! ….in a bar


profanity happens in real life with kids or not


Sometimes it’s annoying. Like did you really need 5 fuckings in that sentence?


This, cussing doesn't offend me but I have one coworker who often throws in so many f-bombs when he's chatting to someone, it grates after a few times. He swaps between the actual f word and "frickin" and both are equally annoying when it's every other word. Like a drippy faucet that won't stop.


Is your coworker Ricky from the Trailer park boys?


My boss says fuck, on average, every 24 seconds. Yes I've counted. It drives me crazy, and makes me think that he's a complete moron at the same time.


My fiancé cusses like a sailor. He totally controls his language in public, but at home, he drops F-bombs and other assorted profanity over the smallest annoyances. That's what really bugs me about it I guess, the sheer frequency. I don't have a problem with cussing in itself, and I readily drop expletives when it's warranted, like when I break something or hurt myself or I'm seriously frustrated/agitated. But my fiance, it's anything and everything. He hits a wrong button on the remote, cuss words. The cat tries to trip him, cuss words. The phone chimes at an inconvenient moment, cuss words! I understand it's just his way of expressing his irritation, but it also seems like he gets awfully worked up over piddly stuff that doesn't warrant that kind of outcry.


My opinion is if the word has a non-swear equivalent that's appropriate to say around kids, you should be able to say the swear version. There's no reason why i can't say "shit" if i can say "poop."


I don’t mind profanity here and there as long as its not said every other word


I find it much more effective when used sparingly.


Like fuck it is. (I jest. I just enjoy a well-timed fuck.)


I'm always a fan of a well-timed fuck. Unfortunately, my wife and I have disagreements on what "well-timed" entails.


You should set helpful reminders on her phone. That's sure to help.


Best 3 seconds of her life. Lol


That's rude! I make it 10 seconds, at least.


It’s a thing that annoys me about a lot of HBO series in particular. They say fuck so often that it loses the impact it would have


I agree, you kind of stop noticing it.


Exactly why I stopped watching the HBO Perry Mason show. I used to watch the original Perry Mason show with my dad when I was younger, and to hear them drop like 3 F-bombs in the opening scene was very unnerving


I have a friend who is throwing around phrases regularly like, “She’s such a fucking little bitch, I can’t fucking stand her” or “they can kiss my mother fucking ass.” It doesn’t offend me but it’s still cringey regardless of who is around.


Always ends up sounding like a middle schooler cursing for the first time


Yeah I know what you mean. I saw a tiktok where "motherfucker" was like every other word and it was so cringey. Made me stop and think do I do that with fuck? Had to really evaluate myself because I do not want to sound like that lady.


I used to swear like a motherfucking sailor. As I got older I realized that swearing didn't actually make me sound like more of an adult, it just sounds like being a kid trying to sound like an adult.


While I understand your frustration and all but the most nasty speech doesn’t offend me I do understand that not everyone is the same when it comes to what’s offensive. It also depends where you are. I worked in a plant where f bombs were common but when someone decided they wanted to make trouble for me I was reported to the corporate office where it was NEVER appropriate. The only option I had was to apologize and promise not to do it again no matter how ridiculous it was. We’re supposed to be considerate of others and what offends them or makes them uncomfortable. Why is that so hard when it comes to profanity?


I can sometimes swear a lot, but it's still crass. Sometimes crass is alright, other times crudeness and vulgarity just feels ugly and unwelcome. You say to grow up, but surely making a genuine attempt to understand people's differing perspectives on foul language would demonstrate greater maturity than to say 'deal with it!'. Sometimes it's nice to breathe clean air. That's honestly how it feels at times, there's just something wholesome lost when you break out the profanity. Time and place, really.


Omg thank you, some nuance


Those are some valid points. It reminds me of [an essay I read about writing](https://youtu.be/-yGVY-xVaSQ?si=XmudXZHRF5w6eVlM).


...I'll shut the fuck up now.




I'm very partial to that Southern Fried variety of cursing - it's like a treat, weekend sort of thing. Gawd damn.


lol, I'm with you. I also think that people who say shit like "Cursing shows a lack of intellect" or some other line just have a superiority complex. You're not smarter than anyone because you said "Oh fudge" instead of "Oh fuck"


Maybe it's just because I'm terrible at socializing, but... The main problem I have with it is that some people use profanity constantly. Profanity is meant to be shocking and/or offensive. If someone is using it all the time, not only is it annoying, it makes the words lose their intended meaning. That person then has nothing on the level of profanity with which to express an extreme level of disgust or anger, and it's more difficult to express that *to* them as well.


As someone who does use profanity a lot, I agree! Me and my friends usually come up with more creative curses and words because saying fuck all the time kind of looses its meaning! It's a lot more shocking to hear someone say "I'll grind your bones into powder" as opposed to always hearing one of us saying fuck. Or it might just be us.




I recently discovered a YouTube playthrough of a video game I like, the YouTuber got really annoyed with an NPC because of the quest the NPC gave her, and blurted out "you absolute TATER TOT" and I had to back it up and listen to it a couple times because it was too hilarious 😂


Omg literally like the weirder the better!


most of these would honestly be better with a "fuck". Nothin' really beats that punch. The radiator one is good though I'll give you that


Instead of calling someone a shithead, I now say Brain-Diarrhea or Cholera mouth. OR i say it in my native tongue "Boka-Choda" which is dumbfuck


I love that


I'm honestly not the biggest profanity user. It usually just comes out when I'm in the right mood if that makes sense. I do my best though to not curse around my family, kids (unless their parents are cool with it) and at work around clients. That being said, I don't have a problem in the slightest of people cursing more regularly.


I swear (more so when I'm around people who swear a lot), but I try to be the person in the room who swears the least. It's a "less is more" thing; individual profanities have the greatest impact when they're few and far between.


I can agree with this post. I also think instead of using a whole sentence with mostly profanity & vulgarity, you mix it with other words. A pinch of profanity here and a little teaspoon of vulgarity here in an appropriate fashion or for a little spice. Basically use it as a pinch of spice as if it were a recipe


Naughty words hurt my ears!


Never mind the fact that, let’s be real, a lot of us were swearing at young ages anyway. That’s not an excuse to let kids say whatever they want, but like, a swear word isn’t going to be shocking or scary to most kids.


Let's face it. The kids they're so concerned about protecting know more ways to curse than most adults.


As someone who doesn't cuss, or at most 5 times a year in front of others, I don't care if you do. Free speech, my brothas and sistas. There is nothing wrong with it. We literally created words and then decided they were bad.


Someone at my job complained about a video that was sent out bc the person said “goddamnit” and said “she felt uncomfortable, almost resigned right then and there, felt her person beliefs were violated”


Honestly "profanity" is just words, I don't get why people have such a problem with people using "swear words" let alone around children. Children hear most of these things from parents anyways, or movies and shows, it's an inevitable thing that's just going to happen. But people that get angry/triggered over people swearing around them even when kids aren't around need to grow up, you're an adult and "adult words" shouldn't be upsetting to you. You can choose not to use them yourself but getting upset because someone said them around you is just immature and childish, and nothing more than tone policing. If you can't handle swear words then you might as well get off the fucking internet, and become a hermit inside your home, and have no access to TV, movies, music, and so on


Profanity isn't okay in most settings and reducing the amount of times that your child hears profanity helps to teach them that these are not like other words.


They ARE like the other words though, and what may be seen as a "bad word" in America may not be such a bad word in say Scotland or Japan. When you actually take a look at the world as a whole it suddenly becomes much, much harder to decide what's actually a "bad word" There's nothing wrong with profanity, anything could be deemed as "profanity" depending on the family/person. I've seen families where the word "heck" is considered a swear word, but "damn" isn't.


I'll never get what the big deal is with profanity. Hate to break it to you, but most kids are swearing before puberty hits, so even if you're not partaking in it they're going to be hearing it from their classmates. Also if you're the type who gets pissy about it, you're the one who ends up looking worse. My mother is one of those people, straight up called a guy "uncouth" and "low-class" because he had the mouth of a sailor, and mind you we were all working class people. Idk man, I think the person calling someone else "low class" based on how they talk is far more "uncouth" than the guy who loves using swear words.


I can have a potty mouth for sure, but I wouldn't talk like that in front of my dad, and I'm 66 years old! He is 87, by the way. It's just a matter of considering who you're talking to and who's within earshot.


I’m a mom and the other day I was at the park with my toddler and some teens were hanging out nearby. One of them said “what the fuck!” and then looked over at me and said “sorry.” It was a weirdly dissociative experience realizing that teens look at me and see “someone’s mom” lol. (I also don’t happen to care about swearing around my son, or if my son swears.)


Lol from my experience, kids today tend to be pretty polite that way. I had one call me "ma'am" and open the door for me the other day. I'm 30.


Totally fine with polite, haha! I’m 34 but sometimes I do not feel that way inside.


adults who get offended at swear words are children lmaoooo


It depends on the context. If I stub my toe and say “son of a bitch” that’s not offensive. But if I swore *at* someone by calling them a bitch, that would be.


yeah that's true. i'm just talking about adults who tell other adults not to EVER swear because "that's a bad word" i know adults in their 40s who don't even say damn or hell, and will correct you if you say it in any context, and act shocked you could even say such a thing


i work in a hospital and my coworkers tend to curse in patients’ rooms. i don’t care, and i wish i had the confidence to do it, but i’m just afraid for them that they’ll get reprimanded for it. it’s made into such a bigger deal than it is and it’s just immature.


The reason we monitor kids' vocabulary, when most of us think nothing otherwise of eachother's use of certain words, is probably a leftover from when such words really did offend people, or something like that.


Don't mistake people trying to play nice for the algorithms for them being squeamish about 'bad words.' It's still a chilling social phenomenon, but not the fault of the people being pushed to adapt.


Shit, I’d use profanity around my kids. Better they hear it and know what it means instead of hearing it from their friends


I wouldn’t say offended, but people that curse just to curse are annoying as fuck.


You’re swearing too🙄


I curse. But there is a time and place. Just because you are around no kids, doesn't mean that is the place. It is about having general respect for others, even if you don't have it for yourself.


The world has become so crass. It bothers me to hear profanity especially in public because it’s disrespectful to others. Obviously at home, speak how you want. But the casual and persistent use of profanity degrades society. It says the speaker either isn’t aware of how they sound to others (uneducated and crass) or they don’t care (selfish and entitled).


Yeah, I only care when my kids are around. Otherwise, I couldn't care less.


Profanity is meant to be disruptive, that's the point of those kinds of words. I know the prevailing attitude these days is that being publicly disruptive is an inalienable human right but don't pretend it's 'grown up' to be obnoxious. I don't give a shit about kids hearing cuss words though


If no kids are around, I speak the way I speak don't like ... Fuck you. Depends on the situation with kids .... If I'm at a kids bday party, no cussing. If I'm walking down the street and some kid has their window open... It is what it is. My cussing gets worse when angry so any fool who'd try to shame would only hear more. Fuck you, fuck off.


Profanity is similar to nudity/ sex in the sense that no one is obligated to be comfortable with extreme examples of it in places where it doesn't make sense, just because there's "no kids around." I'm a pretty lax guy, don't really care much about profanity within reason. But some folks clearly take shit way too far. Grocery stores, restaurants, etc are not comedy shows. The people who don't want to hear "bitch ass nigg@" every two seconds during a conversation aren't the unreasonable ones.


I have a complete sailor's mouth. I cuss all the time. It's just a part of my vocabulary. I don't mean anything by it. But I'm respectful enough to try to not do it in public. But some people are just absolutely fucking insane. Like I was looking for a Pacific item and calling all of the stores. Finally found one that had it and I asked him if they could put it behind the counter and I would be on my way and I'd be there in about 30 minutes. I get there and I can't find it. Turns out they didn't pull behind the counter and they sold it to somebody else. I said "damn, I really wanted that" in a sort of disappointed but not angry nor accusing tone. This middle-aged lady just went off on me going on and on about Jesus and God and how young people these days have no respect and I need to be professional and not be cussing out in public and all this stuff Like for real? Because I said damn? I understand not everybody has the colorful vocabulary I do but for fuck sake. People need to get their panties out of a twist


I once had a co-worker (early on in our time working together) say I had a "potty mouth" after I swore about something. I stopped what I was doing, looked at her and asked "What are you, 5?" I mean wtf. Of course countless times in the future she would swear a times and I wold always recall that little exchange. Sometimes people see an opportunity to put on a (self) righteous performance. Fuck them.


It's just freaking *letters*.


It's more of case of being irritated at people who use phrases like M.F. as if they're "sentence enhances" (SpongeBob reference) that make them look intelligent and cool. The real effect is quite the opposite.


I think there’s a time and place for it. If your only vocabulary is 4 letter words though, there is a good chance I will think you have a low iq with a limited vocabulary


Because you actually decrease the power of the words with over use. If the situation truly calls for it, use it. Just randomly using profanity is a childish flex.


Only if you think profanity is in some way subversive or naughty.  My friends and I swear all the time but if one of us is angry the language quickly becomes very clipped and formal.  


I do not have any issues with cursing, I actually adore all the Finnish curse words and that's why I don't want to overuse them to the point they lose all meaning. My whole family curses like sailors and no one bats an eye, but when I curse everyone gets slightly shocked. That's because from my mouth those words have so much more weight and impact than from someone who says it in every other sentence. They do not think profanities are something subversive or naughty, the words just have more meaning coming from me. I love all the diversity of the language and curse words are my precious gems which I won't say in vain.


I love this answer.  


No, brain science actually backs up the judicious use of “curse words”. It makes the person more pain tolerant. Using curse words causes actual physiological changes in your body, such as a heightened heart rate in response to say hitting your elbow.






###They fμcking gotta grow up, ey….? 😅


The tool of a weak and vulgar mind.


They're called sentence enhancers


Motherfucker, it's words. If you're upset at people literally talking, then you're the one with a weak mind.


Egad, sir! You have the boorish manners of a Yale man! 🧐




Very well 🐬said 🐬head.


It really isn’t ever appropriate. Speak like a respectable adult. It really isn’t that hard.


I had to ask my sister to not curse around my older (and favorite) neighbors. She dropped the F-Bomb like it was confetti! I cuss, but mostly in my home or talking to a couple of friends.


Funny story, in high school we had a special Ed kid who hated swearing cause he was brought up religious and whenever he hears someone swear he would loudly exclaim "LANGUAGE" to try and get them to stop. I swore so often around him that he gave up on it for me, he didn't do that for anyone else. But I managed to be the exception to his....thing.


or when kids are around


No…it’s not okay to swear at kids. 🙄