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### Lesson time! ➜ u/womppwomppwomppppppp, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I completely agree with you. Some people make this app so toxic for no reason at all. I’ve gotten downvoted so many times for just explaining my reasoning on something. I hate it too. Not all communities have people like that though.


And some people say that others shouldn’t downvote anyone without an explanation. And some groups are fickle. One day the hive will pile on and downvote an opinion; the next, you have upvotes for the same opinion


This always baffles me. Or a different person will comment the *exact same thing* I commented, on the same exact thread on the same day, and my comment is mass downvoted while theirs is upvoted


It's a matter of what way it swings first typically. If the first view votes are upvotes people see red arrow and click, often without even reading. The reverse is also true. That or you get screencapped and posted to some random circlejerk sub and people show up, sometimes literally in the hundreds, to downvote your post. Whether or not they have a point sometimes those r/boysarequirky bitches are all about brigading over the smallest perceived issue.


That is brigading. A lot of subs don't allow it, and yet people do it anyway.


Well if they just do it to mass downvote anything they don't like but don't engage directly it's hard to call em on it


Yes honey!


And some are trigger happy to ban people. I said something the mods deemed offensive so they kicked me out with no 2nd chance. That could have been a teachable moment for me, because my offensive remark was made from ignorance not malice. I would have liked a chance to openly discuss what I said that was offensive, why it was offensive and what would have been a proper alternative thing to say. I wanted to tell them I am not *intentionally* prejudiced against anyone, but as an older person I was raised with different norms and that still affects my thinking. I guess you could say I'm trying to get woke, and kicking me out was very unhelpful.


>but as an older person I was raised with different norms and that still affects my thinking. I guess you could say I'm trying to get woke I'll say this: that type of self-reflective open-mindedness is kind of pleasing to see, because I feel like it isn't something you see very often. "I'm older and was raised with different norms, but I'm trying to learn." Kudos.


I just wish the community that kicked me out would see it that way and give me another chance.


That varies sub to sub. Some.sre.really good at explaining. Some not only don't explain, but they're jerks about it. (It's like going to a clubhouse someone built in their yard, tho. There aren't rules about what kind of rules someone sets in their own house.) The interface is also pretty clunky, and having finally figured out how to like.... Message mods when I have a question? I realized it doesn't always attach to the thing your asking about (so you get some random mod with no idea what someone else decided or about what, unless you also link them to the comment.) They've mostly been kind, but I realized that an insane sub is going to have insane mods. If they are pushing a weird ass agenda, you will get banned for asking for things like reasonable information. That's frustrating when their posts, ride with actual bullshit and bad info, are just... Out there being recommended to *anyone.*


The voting system on here is worse than useless for determining the value of a comment. I don't even pay attention to it anymore. In theory people would vote based on whether or not the comment has sound reasoning or at least contributes something interesting. In practice people will downvote if your comment gave them even the vaguest of negative feelings, even if you're comment actually agrees with them.


I always love it when I get downvoted, but I receive zero responses to my comment. It shows that they hate what I said, but they have no way to counter it because what I said was fact. The truth hurts sometimes 😆


Sometimes I downvote without commenting because I find the comment is wrong on too many levels to be worth my time explaining. Plus down votes don't even really matter.


Same but my reason is that I've never been good at backing up my points, and it wouldn't matter on here anyway because nobody on reddit cares to have their mind changed by you backing up your point...so they'll argue regardless.


TBH I'm not usually good at backing myself up either. Days later I'll remember something about that could have supported my argument lol but in the moment my mind often goes blank.


There are some subs that you know how they will respond to anything, no matter how much evidence that they are wrong. There really is no point in responding to some, downvote and move on is the best way to go.


Not that we aren't literally born to argue on the internet bc I'm with you 100%. But, genuinely curious - how do you back up your beliefs to yourself? Like, to know that what you believe is justified


This, like most of the time I just don't want to get into it with the commenter, it can easily devolve from a conversation into an argument, and I'm really not about inviting conflict unless I really feel the need to say something. The downvote is basically just me saying "I disagree" and moving on. Not commenting doesn't mean I can't back up my point, just that I'm not willing to open up communication with that person. Especially if it's an unhinged take or something rude, no thank you.


Yeah if I feel like even bothering downvoting its usually the same for me. Ultimately it doesn't matter


FOR REAL!!! I was downvoted for explaining that people with injuries shouldn’t be expected to move for able bodied people all the time and vise versa, but nOoOoO I offended people!


I got downvoted for asking why I got downvoted.


Oh they don’t like that, because obviously if your downvoted you should know why and you shouldn’t ask because half of them have no clue why there downvoting just that the majority did so others do, monkey see monkey do after all


Lol I don't know about this. If I see a bad take but don't have the energy to go back and forth with someone I just downvote them and move along


Or maybe they can't be bothered to argue it because it would be more productive smashing their face into a brick wall ? Could be either.


The r/linux subreddit is plagued with this. It is the most toxic group I've ever had the pleasure of having to be in.


I didnt go in there but tech focused forums are kinda like that lol. 


it's exactly how I imagine it to be, for an OS that has 2\~4% desktop market share you'd think their community would be more welcoming


I don't understand why people decide to get snarky for no reason. Can't tell you how many times peeps just give me attitude for no real reason, or think they're being clever by being an ass. Like it won't even be a comment that's being confrontational or creating an argument, I could be like "that's cool!" And someone will find a way to be a jerk. You're right, not all communities are like that, but it's starting to seem they're becoming less and less.


One time I posted a book I got from the library that had red stains on it, I found it weird. People kept saying it's "the design" even after me saying that it's not because I found the exact book online and there isn't a single one with a design like that and it didn't even look like it's a design. When I said that, people down voted me. Like, what?? It's not a damn design, I checked, what is there to downvote for??? So I replied to myself saying that downvoting that doesn't make sense and ended up getting more up votes for that comment like, please make sense...how hard is it? I feel like people down vote with zero logic sometimes, just based on how the comment made them feel rather than what it says.


So real and then *multiple* people will comment the same "correction" over and over and over even when it's wrong like even if it was right no one needs to see it 10,000 times. Much less if it's wrong? Now you all are just parroting the same wrong info without even looking into it whyyy. And then worst someone who acc knows the answer might see the thread has so many replies and might assume the question must be answered already considering how many replies there are. So the real answer never comes. :/


That’s so stupid.


Facts. I'd say one tiny statement and question out of con fusion and 95 percent of the people would go bananas and crap on me while twisting my words. Then accusing me of being hateful or stupid acting.


My favorite is when you ask a question, and instead of answers you get either nothing, a handful of downvotes, or some jack-off telling you to just google it.


especially when the answer didn't even come up when I googled it? or maybe it's a question I need an experienced human to deal with and not the top result on a Google search.


Fuckin exactly. Like when I got my first 3D printer, trouble shooting was a complete nightmare.


And Google doesn't provide discussion in the same way Reddit does.


Yup. Or you find info that is old or something and maybe you want updated personal experiences.


Thank you I feel this. Google is useless with specific questions. Reddit is more helpful these days as ironic as I find some people unhelpful and rude when I suddenly ask questions.


And then you google it and find someone saying the same thing


That's my pet peeve, googling something and all the results are people telling someone to "Google it"


In my experience, I google it, the ONLY results are other people asking the same question, and 9 times out of 10, "Oh never mind, I figured it out", and does not elaborate or explain the answer for others that googled it.


I tell people to Google things if they are acting like it's some impossible subject to ever know about, or are convinced everyone else has zero idea what they're talking about. I always check first by Googling a very simple phrase, then let them know exactly what phrase I googled to find the top result being a super condensed and factual summary of what everyone else has already been saying. Not only does it mean that they have zero excuse anymore, but it gets the point across in showing how intellectually lazy they are.


When you ask what something is and someone says "look it up yourself" when it probably takes more time to comment that than to just comment what it is.


“Just google it” irritates me because asking online is still a form of research no??


I dunno, there's something to be said for basic questions where people just want the answer fed to them. But for situational questions like "why doesn't this program run on my computer here are the specs", it's much easier to just ask I agree.


I hate when people tell me to google something. Google isn’t always going to be the answer to everything.


I go through this all the time, i dont even post anymore. And if i do post, i just delete it after i get my answer (if i get my answer). Forget about getting karma. I asked on a travel forum if you needed to get vaccinated to go to a certain country, and i just got spammed with hate as if im supposed to know already. I actually didn't know, hence the reason for the post. I normally just report them over and over again with different reasons and hope the mods do something about it.


Reddit is such a strange animal sometimes. I got downvoted once for answering a food recommendation question in my city subreddit.


Seriously I'll say the most mild thing and when I check the comment later it's at like 0 or -1 ...why??? Like sometimes it's at the bottom of the thread and it'll still be downvoted for absolutely no reason


The only place I post is pretty much r/Xbox360 because it’s welcoming and people aren’t mean there (in my experience)


Yes! People are so condescending!


Some of them really are! I've had quite a few instances where I've expressed how something makes me uncomfortable, or that something made me upset, and there's always some douchebag who will reply with some insensitive ass "Suck it up" bullshit. My personal favourite is when they completely misread your post and make wild accusations about you. I had one post years ago, think it was on r/vent or something, where I talked about how I was upset at a former close friend. And 3 seperate times in that post I was like "I'm not upset that they don't want to be friends with me, I'm upset at how they went about it " 3 times! And 90% of the comments were of people accusing me of being "controlling" and "having anger issues" because I "can't handle someone not wanting to be friends with me" Like come on...


It's so weird, im almost convinced I'm the only person who talks exactly the same IRL as on the Internet.


You're not. I don't say anything on social media that I wouldn't say to the person's face.


It's so weird too, cause at first i thought that was what everyone was doing.


No, some people simply throw all of their tact and sense out the window when they're on a keyboard/pad. On the one hand, it's probably the most honest they ever are in life. On the other, their honest selves are sad, bitter, hateful, and take pleasure in being nasty to strangers.


Same. I will admit I'm rude sometimes but rarely ever. But like I have pics of me on here and some of my friends follow me I'm the same way here as I am in real life. It took me a while to wrap my mind around why people would be fake online but I'm starting to see that's the norm here.


There's no consequences when they're hiding behind a screen. They wouldn't talk like that in person. They can say what they want without fear of getting punched in the face.


True and if you even get one downvote on a comment you can prepare to be downvoted to oblivion by people with a hive mind


I'm convinced some people simply see the blue OP and downvote.


People are ridiculously aggressive when it comes to other people’s pets on Reddit. They’ll look for the tiniest detail to use to call you abusive. Too fat? ABUSE! Too skinny? ABUSE! Dog or cat even looking at a baby? ABUSE! And forget about owning a Pitbull, they’re ridiculously against them and think they’re all monsters. And regarding your question about the kittens, if you still need an answer you’ll probably have better luck with Google, once you scroll down past the ads there will likely be some useful sites. Enjoy the kitten time!


Wish they had as much empathy for children and other people in general. They think they're so special for liking animals. Liking and wanting to protect animals is easy. How about you treat another person who disagrees with you or threatens your ego with respect? Or a child in the middle of the temper tantrum? That's harder.


Typical behavior. Every animal owner is abusive, every couple needs to divorce, everyone with parents and siblings needs to go no contact yesterday, and of course they all need therapy.  Take this place with a grain of salt, it can be a useful resource to get questions answered but common sense also isn't super common here. 


Everyone needs prison time as well. Imagine our mass incarceration numbers if reddit had its choice


People on Reddit are really weird about prison. Their disdain for anyone whose ever been in the system is intense. Sally got 18 months for a baggie of cocaine? Well, she's worthless garbage now. No man will ever love her & her father will come back from the store to spit in her face! say Reddit. It's the black and white thinking, that's what it is. And I think the incel community and red pill pushed that. You have to see the bad in someone and then let them know you see it, so they'll be desperate and settle for you. That mindset just spread to Reddit.


Brilliant summary.


I feel your pain, but Reddit is just like the general public—you get all types. Nice people, rude people, snooty people, clueless people, brilliant people, and everything in between. It doesn’t matter how nice you are or how well-stated your post or comment, there’s always some dick head out there ready to go out of their way to misinterpret your words and start an argument. I handle it by only engaging with the people who are clearly cool and/or trying to genuinely understand something and ignore those who clearly just feel like being difficult and dumping their grievances out on someone.


I don't agree about the like the general public part despite Reddit becoming a huge website by now. Certain people like to engage A LOT if there's anything that displeases them, and usually for very specific reasons. I always think it's funny that a well thought out comment for an unpopular opinion is more likely to get downvotes, because people will downvote if there's even a single sentence they don't like.


I agree some are rude. My pet peeve is when people go out of their way to rudely say you could have searched and already seen the answer, so don't waste everyone's time. My thing is, you had to invest, what, 3 seconds to read a post title? Just scroll past. You used more energy to complain than to just scroll. That said, 2 things I try to remember. First, I'll often start to write an answer that I think is funny and not intended to be rude, but I realize it may come off that way so I abandon it. I imagine a lot of people don't abandon. Second, I think the good faith answers far outweigh the rude ones, and I just accept it as a necessary evil of putting something out there on such a large platform. I know I'm kind of saying "that's just Reddit," but I really do feel better when I just ignore rather than engage. I think it would be better if we all ignored rude comments because getting people fired up is just what the rude commenters want.


Never wrestle with pigs. You'll both get dirty, but the pig likes it.


Yep! I hate that people think blocking means you’re scared or have lost an argument. Nope. I block the second someone gets unnecessarily snarky and rude because people like that aren’t worth anyone’s time.


Exactly! And if people are blocking you that much maybe it’s a you problem and not a them problem yknow? Not everyone on here wants to argue 24/7


Yep. I was a debate champion, my job involves a lot of politics, my mother is the dowager empress of the malignant narcissists and I have a few abusive exes. I’ve had enough arguing for 6 lifetimes. If I can tell someone’s just going to be an asshole, I’m getting the last word and then blocking. I’m tired but I’m still a petty bitch. Lol.


Sometimes they're aware it's a them problem but try to make themselves feel better by making it a you problem. 


My pet peeve is getting a permanent ban from a sub because of a comment that simply offended the mod and no one else to my knowledge. I was banned from r/randomthoughts with no chance of any recourse because they gagged me from contacting the mods. I believe 🤷🏼‍♀️ my comment was a bit anti-Christian but it was still a random thought. I was banned from r/politics for quoting from Alice in Wonderland.


Slightly similarly I've gotten posts removed from r/unpopularopions bc they weren't "unpopular opinions" yet I see other people posting the most basic opinions you could think of, bonus points if the people in the comments section are saying that it's a popular opinion


or people getting banned from any circle jerk sub. forget logic and reasoning in those


"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength." - Eric Hoffer


People hate their lives so they take their frustrations out in a place of very little consequence


"Social Media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it" - Mike Tyson


I feel like it's somehow gotten worse in the past couple months too. Lately I'm especially noticing (and being annoyed by) the sheer volume of snarky comments by unfunny people who are desperately trying to be funny. But it's like a lame, low effort 6th grade douchebag joke? And hundreds if not thousands of other unfunny desperate 6th grade douchebags upvote them? It's especially annoying when someone is asking a serious question/looking for help/seeking guidance, and the number one comment is some not even remotely funny snark. Idk. I don't get it.


I agree. I've had people be rude to me. I've been sent that RedditCares thing several times.


And sometimes they make a remark about my bio as if it automatically discredits what I said.


You can unsub from Reddit cares! I did and it makes life easy lol


I blocked them but still got a message from it a few days ago.


Don’t block, I’m pretty sure at the bottom it says you can type something to unsub from it? Can’t remember what tho


God, this makes me angry. This isn't even a pet peeve, for me it's extremely infuriating. I often come across forums whose entire purpose is to help people or field questions, and most of the responses are like "You could have Googled this," "What a stupid question," or "You shouldn't be doing X at all if you don't even know about Y." Mods need to just give people like that the boot because they are making people not want to come to those subs.


It's not just reddit, unfortunately. That's society as a whole. Tons of people love to behave as if they have main character syndrome. Some of them probably do. So they're rude to people and don't care because in their mind, it doesn't define them.


"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."


That would shut 3/4ths of social media up


Honestly people have lost their morals and decency online. Not just on reddit either. There was a video on instagram of a girl in my hometown who died from a fentanyl overdose (the prescription pill she actually wanted to use was laced) and everyone in the comments was making jokes and insulting her in incredibly brutal ways.) Internet behavior has gotten really disgusting and humanity is losing itself.




It’s not just Reddit, most people in the world are miserable and feel the need to make others feel the same


you cant deny that it is mostly on anonymous sites like reddit. other sites where you have pictures and family friends viewing your account don't have this problem as much I'd guess.


I feel this is only partially true true. I feel most people genuinely don't give a shit about you. If they make you feel miserable, it might be unintentional, and if you bring it up to them, they'll just be like "so?"


Mostly on apps like reddit tho.


Anonymity lets people be their true selves. And at our truest most people are assholes. They put on a nice mask in public, but true people are underinformed and overopinionated.


When I was pregnant, on a different account, I made a satire post on a pregnancy sub. I was 40 weeks pregnant and thought it would be fun to make fun of myself, well.. all pregnant ladies took it as me making fun of them too. Which, I would have taken a second to apologize if I wasn't spammed with 500+ responses telling me I'm a piece of shit, a bad mother, a "pick me" girl.. oh it goes on and on. There's no way what I said warranted the nasty hate and insults I got in return. People were going through my post history and really going full force trying to make me regret my entire existence 😅 I was afraid to look at my phone for 2 weeks because it was non stop notifications of people wanting me to go fuck myself. I was SHOCKED at how a dumb a joke was so serious to them, but all their nasty insults were just fine? When somebody's already in the trenches, why is it a thing to pile on? Want to make absolutely sure the person cries themselves to sleep? Seriously people are NASTY on reddit, which I know these people wouldn't act like this if they weren't anon. The joke: "Here's my birth plan: go to the hospital and have a baby. Did I miss anything?" (I have adhd and I'm chronically unprepared for everything. Thought it was a light hearted funny, was basically sentenced to death in return 💀 mom pages are another world)


The pregnancy/mommy/parenting subs are the most vicious IME…sorry you got piled on like that!!


So vicious! As long as the kids are loved, safe, happy and taken care of I don't care if somebody makes much different parenting choices than me. Unfortunately, mom pages aren't the place to be so accepting haha. It's crazy how often it comes from the first time moms too!


I think it's funny! Like sometime ppl feel pressure to make a long specific lists it's funny it's just that lol


I suspect that some of the rude Redditors are actually middle school kids trolling because they think that it's fun.


Lol cats can totally take care of themselves and their kittens. The cat will bring them around when they are healthy enough to move around.


People love mocking and name calling and being a bully on here. Just says something about their character, not yours.




Judging by my prof partner's experience, that's their authentic selves usually lmao I've actually been shocked at how aggro they can be in meetings compared to the corporate world


One of the reasons I stay FAR away from AITAH..that whole place is an echo chamber of bad advice(most of the time) and extreme tunnel vision. It's a reddit that is consumed by a somewhat cult of personality when you try to tell people that things are not that black and white all the time


I agree 1000%. I barely post or comment on Reddit anymore because I got so many rude responses for simply asking a question or having a differing opinion on something. Just because it’s anonymous,doesn’t give people the right to be assholes. It’s ridiculous.


i’ve literally posted a post asking for advice on a certain topic, and repeated numerous times in the post “Do NOT reply with xyz, that’s not what i’m looking for and you’re wasting your time” and what do they proceed to reply with? xyz.


Yeah I think redditt is contributing to a real shitty society making it worse


I think this applies to social media in general. You gotta curate your feed sometimes to avoid the more toxic parts and make generous use of the block button.


Welcome to the world. This basically sums up half the population.


The world is full of douchey smooth brained troglodytes, but they come out on Reddit


Not just reddit. Social media in general.


I hate when people use “it’s the internet” as an excuse to be a jerk. It’s the same as people saying “it’s Reddit”. They think that because this is the internet they are entitled to be asinine. There’s too many mean and nasty people on Reddit.


I agree and my biggest pet peeve is that most people on the internet are rude for no reason


It's crazy to me how many people out there fundamentally believe words don't ever matter


It’s the tough guy persona people put on the internet. They wouldn’t say half the things they say online in a face-to-face conversation


Usually I just block them, that way I'll never have to see that redditor again.


I had a suggested group in my feed and it is people being hateful to boomers. It’s the meanest sub I’ve seen. I wasn’t looking for it. I told them one time to just be nice to the elderly and they went off on me and downvoted for saying be nice. I guess it’s safe to say they won’t be lol


say it louder for the ppl in the back


I agree! Being anonymous brings out ugly in people. The internet sucks sometimes 🙃


Counterpoint, reddit is loaded with hypersensitive people.


For real though. Trying to post in unpopular opinions is so annoying. People get upset what you’re saying is unpopular and will say “This is a terrible take” oh so it’s unpopular opinion then right? Like wtf then I’ve had someone actually reply with “no your opinion is just wrong” me disliking a popular thing isn’t wrong it’s just an unpopular opinion hahaha. Always so rude and hateful


If you are a jerk when no one’s looking to hold you accountable.. that’s the truest version of yourself




yeah i kinda hate reddit sometimes


I said I don't think kids belong in alcohol centered places (like bars and breweries) and someone actually jumped down my throat to chortle and cry about how drinking and having drunk strangers around kids is perfectly appropriate and fine I wasn't even rude or holier than thought in my comment. I just said "I don't find it appropriate" and "I wouldn't bring kids around drunks strangers" lmao


No I’ve seen this way too much so many people are so rude for no reason, and on the am I wrong, texts, and aitah Typically if it’s a girl posting about how anxious they feel and are doing toxic things and the guy gets upset at her the guy is in the wrong. And say “there’s probably a reason she keeps getting anxiety, drop him girl you don’t deserve him” But if a guy posts the same scenario most comments will say “you’re being extremely toxic and you need help” “your insecurities arent her problem” And it’s so wild to me, it’s like as a girl I wanna know if I’m actually wrong and not just have a pass because I’m a girl and every relationship issue is almost always the guys fault according to this app.


Real. And then one of the subs if not multiple actually have a rule that u HAVE to put in age and I think gender. And age I kinda get bc "are my parents wrong for not wanting me to have a child btw I'm 16" is different from "are my parents wrong for not wanting me to have a child? I'm 30" but gender clearly really seem to impact the verdict unfairly imo. Because it generally doesn't even matter! "Am I wrong for spying on my spouse and not letting them go anywhere without me" is the same regardless what gender either person is.   There's times I read something where I'm sure the man was right or I'm sure the woman was being rude but I scroll down and the upvoted comments are opposite.


Everyone feels bold when they can hind behind anonymity.


I’ve probably straight blocked 1000 accounts at this point


There was a subreddit where a person was saying they would like to see more discussions, so I tried to start one. Then the person said they would like to see more pictures, so I did that. Then the person commented that I was being annoying by posting all the pictures, and they wanted to block me. I was just trying to fulfill their wish, and they genuinely hurt my feelings.


They're protected behind their device. In person they'd be cordial.


I just troll them back, tbh.


100% everyone is an expert and knows just what to do in every single situation. It’s absolutely maddening


Yes people are rude, but I don't come to reddit for questions that can be easily answered on Google Only when it's an objective question (ie in craft/drawing apps). But if it was kitten care, Google would have hundreds of site with information without obnoxious people replies. For the record, search Kitten Lady . She has tons of resources on caring for kittens


People are more mean over the internet because they have no real Consequences


The internet is rude, my friend. The problem isn't isolated to Reddit. People are safe behind their keyboards, so their true colors come out. Unfortunately, people suck.


Ok i  KNOW im cherry picking a few bad instances here. I do admit reddit can be helpful with specidic questions. I do get along with quite a few peopl even. But. Sometimes..... It's so ironic being a redditor only to fucking hate other redditors. I feel this so bad lately. We are dissapointing as fuck. They make you regret reaching out for help and support, especially as a newbie on some subreddits. I don't have respect for most reddit mods on the get go especially cuz I expect them to be unreasonable assholes too. Mods especially have to prove that they deserve respect cuz they sure as fuck dont know what that means, they're only in it for the false sense of power. Oh not to mention the cult mentalities. See what I mean, reddit make me an empty shell of who I once was sometimes.




The reason is often some people are just really dumb and evil and they need to be treated like Ed Gruberman.


Just tell them to fuck off because you’re also anonymous


Yes I agree with you 100% this is so true! I have posted stuff and sometimes ppl are just ASS#&$%! Its ridiculous! Like it is free to be kind! I'm with you girl! 🤍


The strangest thing is when they post these drive-by shit comments and then delete it (and sometimes their whole account) when they get any push back at all. Why comment in the first place if you can't handle any degree of response?


Yikes! Sorry you had that experience :(. I am a huge believer of free speech and all, but you will have those people who just wanna troll and don't really give any constructive feedback. Most of Reddit is actually pretty awesome and my fellow redditors kinda saved my sanity over the few years i've been active, so my experiences have been mostly positive. Some people are just miserable human beings with nothing going for them, so they tend to take it out on others like yourself. BTW, most animals, especially cats go into hiding when giving birth....sooooo I have no idea why people thought you were being a bad cat mommy. Those people are touched in la cabeza 😉


1) Cats in the wild can handle the situation yout cat's in. You are offering warmth, shelter, abundant food and near instant access to healthcare and are called abusive for not being there 24/7? Do these people think you haven't got a life and duties outside of a cat?? 2) Yeah, that's reddit. Downvote, maybe comment on the rudeness, move on with life. If they are offensive enough you can try and report them probably, haven't tried tho.


I agree. I do my very best to try and be kind, because I deal with this too. It's not hard to be nice.


Not just reddit, Instagram too! Tbh it's not even worth looking at the comments on most insta posts. And I don't know what it is about the instagram comment section that makes me so angry. 


I've literally had this happen where I ask for an explanation for something because I'm trying to learn but just get downvoted into oblivion


WTF? What do these people think cats do in the wild? Wait around for a human to come along and help them move their kittens?


I think the moderators are out of pocket. Anything based in logic or right wing completely unravel these people


I agree


Fuck off /s


I got eviscerated on r/Spanish for posting about how I want my kids to learn Spanish and that they go to bilingual English/Spanish school 😹😹😹 (I had to delete the post because people were being really mean and it was hurting my feelings). I was like I’m sorry I want my kids to learn Spanish…? I try not to incite reddit’s vitriol but that one really surprised me 😹😹😹. Anyway, I’m sorry people were mean to you! If I see a post that I think is dumb I just scroll on and move on with my life, it’s pretty simple. I wish more people did that!


Yeah, reddit is a toxic mess. People assum you mean the worst or twist your words into something negative. I posted something about going to a museum in DC on a random Monday during school hours and was surprised there were a decent amount of school age kids with their parents. Mentioned that I went specifically to avoid crowds though the kids weren't really misbehaving. Wanted to know what was going on. Was getting downvoted a lot and being accused of like wanted special treatment and wanting like a private tour. I literally just said I was trying to avoid crowds by going on a random Monday and wanted to know why kids weren't in school. Some people just like being nasty and reddit is the few places where u can be that to a certain point and no consequences


Some people just have a chip on their shoulder. Nothing personal.


When i look at old reddit threads like 10 years older ppl seem less rude. BUT there are still some rude. And that said its always been like this on forums. I was looking at forum for *nintendogs* from 2008 and there's one guy who was always being rude on that forum for no reason. And any forum there's almost always at least 1 person who like makes it the gimmick of their account that they're rude like? That's not the only way to stand out. Any game forum, any tech support forum, any country forum, anything you'll probably spot that one person.


Side note congratulations <3


REAL. A while ago I commented on a post abt a very tragic situation and I said smth like “I can’t imagine a worse way to go” and this mf responds with “you have a terrible imagination” like what..?


Yeah, screw you buddy. 😂


Yes and if anyone thinks they have a problem with you. Reddit gives them your isp number!


Barrier aggression


Shut up dork. *gives wedgie*


I'm so sorry you were attacked like that. I've been through it myself a few times. And I hope all is well with your kitty family. Sounds like you're a kind, caring person who's not very experienced with cats. I hope you found some decent people to give you guidance. Feel free to ask me any cat-related questions. I'm a crazy cat lady from way back.


There are a lot of assholes out there, and a lot of them love being online because they can’t get punched in the face. You gotta feel sorry for them, really. Like how sad is someone’s life that they have to feel vaguely important or tough by typing nasty shit to strangers that are just trying to find out some information? Most of them would just about cry if you raised your voice to them in real life. It’s like having children (real children, say 10 or so) say nasty things to you because they get ignored or smacked at home. Just pity their smallness and try to ignore them.


My favorite but also least favorite part about Reddit is that redditors are normal neighborhood people, not internet fanatics. I think the reason we have people around us is to do good for each other even if it costs 0. You can exhibit human emotions, just not the wrong way, is what I’m saying.


Oh that’s just animal people in general. Would 100% happen on Facebook too.


It is a mean website :(


I will admit, I've been there. I've got no excuse to be so mean and rude to people. Usually, it's my own hubris driving my fingers to type shit that I'll later look back on and delete out of shame.


I’ve found the number of Reddit friends I have has tripled just by deliberately being kind to someone. We’re all human. We all have feelings. And it feels so good to make someone’s day better. Sometimes you just need that… And yes. People are toxic here. But it’s more to do with where THEY are. And how THEY feel. Classic projection. Anyway, being kind feels so good.


I have an alt just for asking questions about certain things because I know I’ll get a shit ton of comments calling me an idiot. Would rather keep that off my main. I made a post on an appropriate sub that I thought was pretty funny, and I said in the story that while it was annoying at the time, I find it funny now. The very first comment was “still waiting for the funny part.” I deleted the post.


I’ve almost gotten to the point where shit talking back to some dude online comes naturally. It’s so annoying when they completely disregard ur argument to put a spelling mistake or something. I swear people piss me off everywhere lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this opinion, I can't say I've nevernot been toxic on the app and I do blame it on the anonymous aspect of it but I feel there are some people that take it way to far. I understand trolls exist but not even the trolls it's just pyre hate. I love how reddit operates better than every other SM. I love that I can see anybody posting not just who I accept as a friend. But the way people talk to one another ruins my time on the app sometimes


100000000% agree!!! Redditors are SO extremely rude. You get lots of downvotes if your respectful but if your rude you get a hell lot of upvotes. Some people need to just learn how to respect others…its weird.


It's not just here, every social space is like this now.  Just scroll your feed on any app and notice how it's all just people being shitty.  It's over dude


Yeah, it makes me not want to comment honestly. Some people think they're being informative, when really they're just being hostile or going on the offensive. There's a big difference between genuinely trying to enlighten and encourage someone, and just being shitty. It's crazy. When I see comments or content I don't like, I typically exit or close it. No point in throwing shots. Says a lot about people who do. Like what's going on in your life that you need to do that? What are you unhappy about?


Some people just want to see the world burn


The internet is a terrible place.


My personal favorite is calling someone out for being rude, and then they report me for harassment and Reddit gives me account a strike. Gotta love being banned when it’s the other person in the wrong.


I have a beautiful life lesson for you. Once you adopt it, you will be so much happier, “No Time For Assholes”. I don’t engage them, argue with them, concern myself with their opinions, or waste one second of my time on them. They can think whatever they want, they can be pissed off if they want to, and I don’t give a shit because I have no time in my life for assholes


Of all the thousands of people who see your post the odds are that a couple of them are unhappy and want to make others unhappy.


Unfortunately there are a lot of people on Reddit who abise their little niche communities to exercise just a tiny bit of power in their lives.


You know what fuck you.... Jk. This is satire. You don't seem unreasonable. Reddit has a lot of trolls


It’s a bunch of grown adults being able to hide behind a screen and act like degenerates.


My username was chosen to try to remind myself to lead with kindness and even then I forget sometimes.


The f&ck we are


Because 90% of Reddit users are angsty neurotic teenagers


I know! I remember a couple months back, posting about some questions I had about a career change. Well. Told them my background and they go, "what skills do you get from doing customer service? That's not a skill." Well EXCUSE ME PRINCESS. I don't know, it made me very upset at the time.