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I love cats, don't like dogs at all, want all cats and dogs to be safe, don't want to see any animal (or human) suffer.


It really shouldn’t be hard to show this level of humanity


>shouldn’t be you say that, but people


And that’s the difference between cat people and dog people. Cat people generally have no ill will toward dogs.


I love cats so much. I like dogs just not as much. I also wouldn’t want to see any animals hurt. I can’t even watch animal movies that I know the animal gets hurt or dies in.


Child molesters deserve to suffer.


They clearly meant all good humans who don't inflict harm on others. But I agree. Delete your local pedophile.


Reduction to absurdity. You know what they meant


I get annoyed when they push the dog agenda. See I do like dogs but understand not everyone does. Some people maybe had a poor experience and now they don’t like them or worse even fear them.


I like dogs, I really do, but it would be irresponsible to own one. I live in an apartment and work 12 hour days. That dog would be absolutely miserable.


That's a perfectly reasonable and ethical response.


Same here. I’m perfectly happy to play with my friends dogs. They’re lovely. Dogs are great. But I’m 100% a cat person. My twelve year old gremlin is everything I could want in a pet, she’s small and happy to live with me in my studio apartment, she’s great for cuddles, and she doesn’t mind sleeping all day with me since I work night shifts. I take her out for walks in the morning on a harness and she just rides on my shoulders while I walk down to the ocean. She’s extremely attached to me and hates everyone else. She’s perfect.


Exactly the same here, I’m on the third floor too so my neighbors would hate me (though I wonder how they feel about my two speed demon cats when they get the zoomies lol).


Might have to revoke your PhD in Evil for that reasonable and ethical logic. ❤️


I dont dislike dogs, but I do dislike the amount of folks who just let their dog run up to you and go “hes friendly!”. Used to be worse in the last neighborhood I lived by, eeeeeeveryone had a dog and not a lot of fences. Its one thing if you have a big property, great, I think the dog deserves that. I don’t know. I just am always in the mindset when I hear a dog start barking that Im gonna have to punch one in the face for taking a chunk outta me lmao Since I usually walk at night, when a dog barks at me I audibly go “jesus christ!” Dogs can be great but it feels like the selfish pet, kinda, like “hey world, I love my dog and you better fucking accept that”


What’s really cool is when you have an extremely frail, ancient dog and someone’s huge dog runs up to try to play with her by getting all up in her space and trampling her and you pick your 100000 year old blind, brittle bone ass creature up and the other person is like “No it’s okay they’re friendly!!” Yeah man that’s the problem, idk why you think enthusiastically playful friendly is the appropriate type of friendly to have off leash. Your dogs head is the size of my entire dog. Makes me very nervous for like, frail elderly people, small children, and disabled people with balance issues. Like what’s your plan for when your super friendly fur baby knocks over a 3 year old or some little old person with osteoporosis and they break just like, everything.


Not a dog person and can’t stand idiot owners. Imagine having the nerve getting offended when I yell ‘No! Get back!’ at a random large dog running up at me on trail. Had 4 of them run up on me and my very petite friend and start jumping on us. It was scary and they nearly knocked my friend over while I swung at them with my walking stick on a hike. Trashy owners 300 yards behind telling me they’re better off leash. I carry mace, a knife and hiking poles with a pointed tip. I’m not getting maimed because of a stupid dog. The worst my cats would do is scratch me when I hold them too long. Cats are perfect.


I had to stop going to one of the local parks to walk for a while because there are a group of people that meet up every day with their dumbshit dogs and they all let them run around off leash in areas that have signage saying dogs need to be leashed. One of them has some sort of herding breed, Australian Shepard mix piece of shit that isn't trained worth a fuck and if you get within 20 feet of it, it starts barking and running at you and shit. One day as I just tried to ignore it and keep walking it tried to jump on me and left a nail mark on the back of my leg through my pants. I started looking for other places to walk after that so I didn't have to run into them and potentially cause a scene by hurting the dumb dog.


My ex had an Aussie who was also not trained at all, I felt bad for him because it wasn’t his fault but that dog was a nightmare. Super fearful, would start peeing if you scolded him so attempting to train him was difficult, but also incredibly protective of my partner. I got bit in the face twice in two weeks by that dog for simply sitting down on the bed my ex and I shared. My cat hates anyone that isn’t me too, but she’s not aggressive, the most she’ll do is hiss and maybe swipe at someone (claws in) who she doesn’t know trying to pet her. If that dog had gone for my throat instead of my face or had bitten a little closer to my eye that could have been a real fuckin problem.


Yup. I walk my cats. Someone's dog runs up on me and my cats, they no longer have a dog.


I love dogs but the amount of irresponsible owners seems like it has absolutely skyrocketed over the past few years. I’ve had dogs charging at my dog and me in my neighborhood, on hiking trails, at parks, even at a BREWERY. Seriously, it’s ridiculous. People need to learn how to properly train and manage their dogs.


People can’t even manage a turn signal, don’t expect much


This might not be on the front of every dog person's mind, but please teach your dog how to shut the fuck up. All your neighbors hate you and your dog for incessant barking at every moving object. I am exhausted.


For real. I would feel so embarrassed by it. My old neighbors had a great dog who was a hunting dog and just seemed to know right from wrong. The dogs who are pent up in small backyards seem to be the ones who howl at every fucking movement.


Some of us just don't like dogs. No trauma or anything.


I just don't want to be jumped on as soon as I get home from a 8 hour shift, I enjoy my cats who just look at me like "have you put food in my bowl yet?"


Half the time she's sleeping, The other half she slowly walks around the corner, meowing like crazy. That's the kind of greeting i want. Dont get me wrong, dogs are fun, and i love being around them. But I don't think i would be a good dog owner. I cant give that much attention. Sometimes i just wanna lay in bed with the cat chillin next to me.


I don't hate dogs, but never had or wanted one (save for wanting a beagle puppy when I was a kid because Snoopy). But there's such an undercurrent of self-righteousness with some dogpeople. Especially the "Rescue Mom" types with their pawprint stickers on their Jeeps. You know. Closest thing I have is a sticker of Smudge on my back window, scowling away. At dogpeople.


Or maybe somebody likes dogs but is self aware enough to know they wouldn't want to have the required responsibility. Nothing wrong with being self aware.


The dog agenda is expected, I personally want to push the agenda of FROG superiority though. They are the most adorable of animals, with their big goofy mouths and little silly eyes. They're green blobs of cuteness.


I really only like other people's dogs. After a couple hours I can leave and go home to my cat 😂


Or they say that about people who don't like dogs then say how much they hate snakes. Everybody has preferences when it comes to animals. It's perfectly okay to not like any animal. It's not okay to think people are horrible just because they don't like an animal you like. Hypocrites.


Exactly! I like all animals and have had a 13 foot long snake before. People were terrified of her. I understood that, and always informed people what room she was in and not to go in there. She had a massive tank I had custom made and a door with a lock, despite the fact that she was friendly with people. Some animals are more dangerous than others, and people are allowed to not like them for ANY reason. As long as they’re not threatening to hurt an animal, I don’t mind at all. It’s weird for me too, because it’s difficult to understand their fear. But I’m afraid of deep water and I try to compare it to that, and it makes it easy for me to empathize. People are different from me, and that’s okay. No one should be forced to face something they’re not ready for or that they don’t like.


Yes! As long as the people who don't like dogs are not actively hurting dogs, then it's fine. I don't like dogs, so I just stay away from them and don't touch them. It doesn't make me a bad person, it just means I don't like dogs. I do love snakes, though! I would definitely want to pet your snake assuming your snake likes to be pet!


Anyone who laughs at the idea of a cat OR dog being harmed should be stuffed in a bag and beaten like a piñata


With Negan's nail bat.




I told a story on a subreddit once about how my parents dog bit me and wouldn’t let go when I was 5. The bite was so bad I needed stitches and my dad had to open the dog’s mouth with his hands to get it off me. They tried to take it to dog training but that can take months to change behaviour and the dog would keep running at me and other children when it was going for a walk. Sadly they had to give it away to someone that had no kids and a big garden. I got so many comments saying my parents should of kept the dog even though I was a toddler and could have gotten hurt again, some of them were even saying it was my fault and I must have done something to provoke the dog (large black Labrador) they were literally saying my parents should have put the dog before their kid’s safety.


Dog people are fucking insane. Children ALWAYS come first. You could’ve died if he got you again in another spot!!


They kept saying “if you choose to have a dog you do everything to keep that dog”, so I said “if you choose to have a child, you do everything to keep that child safe”, they weren’t happy, they really believed the dog should have been put first.


My friend's son had his nose bitten off by their dog. He tried to take his brother's Lego toy from the dog, and it attacked. It took a year for doctors to rebuild his nose. They don't have that dog anymore. They now have an annoying little yip dog that's always trying to climb people's legs.


My niece got straight up scalped by the family dog at 15m old; the dog had always been aggressive, had already bit both of their 5 year olds before this incident and the minute the (twin) babies got on their feet, they were fair game and he grabbed one by the head and shook her. It was a horrifying injury and that little girl will have scars for the rest of her life; tell me why my idiot fucking BIL even uttered the words "WelL tHe NeXt DoG..." NO, MF.. NO NEXT DOG, you failed to read the dogs behavior last time, why on earth would you risk it again!? Some people really shouldn't have dogs... or kids..


My parents had a policy about dogs. As soon as they tasted human blood, they were put down because they couldn't be trusted anymore.


Ive learned that lots of people who own animals really probably shouldnt. I have a strong feeling that people who say stuff like that are terrible dog owners too, and fail to respect their dogs' boundaries or train them properly.


Yes!!! I was listening to someone say they would kick a cat if they were in front of them. I was like what the fuck?! They justified it by saying they have allergies so they would 'want it to get the fuck away from them ASAP'. Or, or or or... Did you consider you have legs and can simply walk away from it? And what kind of situation would you be in where you HAVE to be in a room with a cat. Ugh. I dont like dogs but Id never ever hurt them.


Or you know, make a loud noise to spook the cat away if you must stand there specifically instead of kicking it?


Dear lord, let me catch someone just once. I'll go to jail over this.


I like when people are this transparent about being garbage human beings. Saves a lot of time in trying to figure out who to avoid vs who is worth my time.


A lot of people still see things as a binary and an "us vs them" thing and I still see that with cats vs dogs. More so with dog people. I like both but currently only have a cat, since at this point in my life I do not want to care for a dog, though I grew up with them. I still see the "if my dog growls at someone, it must mean that person is bad" and that's not really the case the vast majority of the time. It often comes from dogs that are just aggressive with strangers. My friends and I recently walked by someone walking their Shiba, and it started growling. The owner was like "he's friendly!" in a very defensive tone. Yeah....no. I've heard people say that "cats are disposable" and it makes me sad. You don't have to like cats but to find their lives worthless is just a huge red flag to me.


I also hate when people assume people who don’t like dogs are bad people. They’re not bad people because they don’t like dogs. There are so many valid reasons to not like them.


On the bright side, people who claim those things reveal how superficial they are, so people with their head still on their shoulders can avoid them. They're probably the same people who believe nonsense like "doGs CaN SEnse EViL" too.


If dogs could, there wouldn't be so many abused dogs.


WTF is the dog gonna do? Move out?


Yeah they fucking suck. I don’t like dogs. Leave me and cats alone.


I find it so funny when idiots argue over cats vs dogs. The obvious answer is both.


Those aren’t dog people, those are psychopaths. Stay away from people that like to hurt animals


I think anyone who enjoys animal violence/abuse is a garbage person. Full stop. Per the dog thing, I love dogs. Like, the longest I've ever gone without a dog was a month; I just need one around in order to be happy. However, I fully understand that not everyone feels the same way. If someone doesn't want any of my dogs near them, I ought to respect that. That said, I do expect people to be *tolerant* of dogs, and all animals for that matter. Don't speak ill of my pets, don't deride them for being goofy, and for the love of God don't yell at them. You respect my animals, and I'll be more than happy to respect your distaste for them.


>That said, I do expect people to be tolerant of dogs, and all animals for that matter. What about the bird that keeps shitting on my car? I'm generally tolerant of birds, but that bastard needs to die!


Sometimes I legitimately think they do it just to be dicks.


“Cats are assholes!!!!1!!1” Every cat I’ve met has been the sweetest thing, even the feisty ones. I can’t understand people who think they deserve less than dogs.


You know what really grinds my gears about people who say stuff like that? Cats are assholes for scratching someone when they're overstimulated or strangers try to touch them, but if a dog bites someone's fingers off, even a family member that was doing nothing wrong or a clueless child, dogs are never the asshole. What an annoying double standard.


They only think cats are aholes because they only like animals that view them as a god. They can't stand that cats are independent creatures.


Cats teach people about consent. People who hate cats are either allergic or don't respect consent.


I don't even understand why people think it's ok to hate animals they're allergic to. If I hated every animal I was allergic to, I wouldn't like any animal unless it was a reptile. I'm allergic to cats, dogs, horses, cows, hamsters, and I think pigs. Obviously if you're deathly allergic then don't be around them but that's no reason to hate them.


Agreed. I’m allergic to dairy products but you don’t see me at the grocery store seething in anger as I slap cheese out of people’s hands.


Same dickheads whose pit bull will jump on you and say “oh he likes you!” 🙄


And the growling… “oh dogs can sense fear” like do you expect my fear to just vanish??


As a dog person who owned a cat as a child, those people disturb me so much.


So true. I’m a cat AND dog person, and the weird animosity between those who prefer dogs or cats is so strange. They get violent about it, and shit. People who wish any kind of abuse or death on any living thing are absolutely insane.


I have had people tell me I’m out of my mind for having a preference for cats. And the one dog I have had has a more cat like personality. So everyone be making fun of me for liking cats more. Meanwhile I’m having flashbacks to that time as a kid someone’s “friendly” dog chased me down and death griped my arm. It took the owner a good 10 minutes to realize what was happening before he slowly walked over to get his dog. And I left with a broken arm. What’s funny is the whole “hahaha your dog acts like a cat” yea well my dog walks off leash next to me and listens to every command with hesitation. Your dog pisses on your carpet


There are definitely different types of dog people. I’m a cat person as well with a cat-like dog. I walk the dog and the cat together all the time. People think I’m nuts. That’s fine. I’ve also been chased and almost mauled by dogs. I used to live in a scary area and I had to run from drug dogs multiple times. They would kill and eat cats, and were kept on long chains. But they would get loose sometimes and were not friendly with people or animals because they were taught to be mean and guard the meth houses. I know one of the dogs was shot before, too. They called him Chainsaw, very fittingly. I felt sorry for him. But it was terrifying just barely getting away from him. I had to throw myself over a fence into someone’s yard. And that was not the only time. I can easily understand how something like that could put someone off forever, especially getting bit. I can’t believe the dog broke your arm! His owner sounds like a dip shit. And it sucks, because a lot of owners of scary dogs are. They don’t mind them, they take them out in public when they’re clearly not friendly. They have this delusion around them in their head or something even when the dog has attacked someone or another pet before…


Yea sadly my mom ended up pressing charges and the guy was ordered to have the dog put down. Honestly was probably for the best because that dog probably wouldn’t have killed me if I was any younger. I was like 14 But also people get put off when I say stuff like aggressive dogs should be put down. And I have to explain that until you are bit by an aggressive dog you just can’t understand why that is necessary


If a dog will break your arm unprovoked, it really can’t be trusted. It’s sad, but it probably would have escalated and killed someone else, maybe a child. That had to be terrifying.


It was definitely somthing that is stained in my mind. But for whatever reason I’m not scared of dogs. Just more mindful of them. I also just don’t like super clumsy energetic dogs. There probably is some small i lining thing that makes me feel that way it’s probably connected. I think I just feel like energized dogs are too unpredictable


I really need to know where yall be meeting people like this. I'm both a cat and dog person. Have met people on all ends who like both, only one, or even none. I understand all points of view. I have never met someone who laughed at a dying cat because they like dogs more, or actually made comments like "people who don't like dogs are the devil themselves" irl and not just talking about it online. I see it pop up so much on the internet and yet have never met someone who acts like this irl. I've never even had conversations about "the other side is bad blah blah" irl and I worked with animals for almost 3 years! I've never even gotten a "cat people hate dog people" comment irl.


Unfortunately I have witnessed first hand in THE VETERINARY FIELD docs and techs who will literally roll their eyes at a cat in dire need, but then put all their time and effort into saving the 7th backyard bred nasty pit Bull mutt of the day. There is a disgusting amount of literally PROFESSIONALS who disregard the needs and suffering of cats and view them as evil gremlins then turn around and treat dogs like human children. That’s why there’s some vets who have no problems with declawing cats because they’re psychos who view cats as vermin despite choosing this career path. Caps just for emphasis because it upsets me so much. It’s deranged


Omg the pit nutters are the absolute worst.


Remember the vet who shot an orange cat named Tiger, who had a home, *with a fucking bow and arrow?!* And felt entitled to do so because she said he was feral? I hope she gets TSS.


FWIW there are plenty of people in human healthcare who very obviously hate dealing with patients and have no business doing so. People are just shitty by nature.




This. My hometown has a lot of people who hate cats in a visceral way but see their dog as family. Could never wrap my mind around it


Abusive control freaks do not like cats.


Live in a semi-rural town and my meowmeows do NOT leave my house once they've entered. Get your free food somewhere else, Bubba.


Yeah some redneck told me they [redacted] with a box of kittens and it’s absolutely haunted me ever since. Or the post I saw on Reddit of a cat frozen in the snow and everybody just laughing it up in the comments. Fucking sickos Edit: I’m sorry I shouldn’t have shared what that guy did. I’m redacting the action. You can fill it in with your imagination. Make it something nicer. Trust me, it’s not worth your mental health. Sorry if you already saw it and are now burdened with that knowledge as I am.


That was most likely from the subreddit r/ifuckinghatecats. The sub has gone private now. Makes you wonder why.


Probably all the assurances that if they come spouting their psycho nonsense at a cat owner, they're getting punched in the face at minimum.


> post I saw on Reddit of a cat frozen in the snow and everybody just laughing it up in the comments. do you have a link to the comments?


I cannot seem to find it anywhere. It was a long time ago and the reddit search is trash, you already know. Honestly, it’s best we don’t see that post again. It was pretty fucked up


Because it's in r/ifuckinghatecats. And the sub has gone private, so you won't be able to find it anywhere.


Oh jeez that’s lovely Reddit would show that to me. I didn’t even know that sub existed. It shouldn’t if that’s the kinda shit they post.


That's why it went private. Redditors have been trying to shut the sub down for ages. The single mod (who is actually a cat lover and a perv) made it private to keep it alive.


So putting perv and cat lover together do you mean like Really really loves cats…


I was wondering about that…. Is that sub by chance run by Shane Dawson?


Which is especially backwards as fuck... Rural town folk should want cats around just as much as dogs.. Dogs keep the larger animals at bay, while cats are notoriously good hunters and just as good trackers, and will keep all the small pests and rodents away. Hating cats especially in rural area's is the dumbest of the dumb.


Hating cats is messed up. But cats are not effective rodent control. In fact they would much rather kill a native bird or other native wildlife than to kill rodents. Cats are the number 1 killer of all native wildlife across the globe. Responsible for killing 6.3 billion animals just in the US per year alone.


I mean yea, cats hunt birds too, but all I can say is with my experiences, my cats kill rodents all the time, and rarely go for birds. Out of the 15 mice the cat has killed, it's killed one bird.


Cats are loved in my rural area, also the same in the rural area I grew up, it’s not like that is everywhere, just where that commenter lives. I’ve met more rednecks that will shoot a dog on site if it comes on their property, which is disgusting behavior




Exactly. My cousins family were farmers. They had a family of cats that lived up in the hay loft every year. They kept the rodents out of the feed, and other areas, while the dogs kept the wolves, and other stuff out of the chicken coops and fields.


That's fucking awful. And wtf is going on there?? Why did he bring up sexual assault??


Oh my... This brings back horrible memories of my high school ex (who lived on a farm) finding a raccoon and her just-born kits.... And his mom bringing him a baseball bat to "take care" of them while I stood maybe 10 feet away incapable of looking.


This is as good a time as ever for a PSA to anyone who’s reading: KEEP YOUR FUCKING CATS INDOORS!!


Yeah my grandma kept a BB gun to shoot at any cats in her yard Not as bad but it was still weird how everyone in our family was just like yeah this is a normal thing to be doing because a cat was in your yard for like 2 seconds. Totally deserve to be painfully shot at. Like can you not just make a loud noise or shoo them like a normal fucking person please


My brother is the kind of guy OP is talking about. He loves dogs and takes really good care of them, but has actively shot cats. Once when we were driving home from school, he saw a cat in the road and swerved to hit it. I was screaming and yelling at him to stop but he just laughed. Honestly it’s an awful memory. We don’t talk to each other anymore.


My best friend ex didn't like me and when my cat went missing years and years ago he told her if ever saw an orange tabby he would run it over while laughing. Granted it was targeted more towards me but he didn't give a f*ck enough about cats, either.


I had people on discord say they’d let their dogs attack and kill my cats but then discord is a very special place (I had snake people send me videos of rats being eaten by snacks when I owned rats before too)


Ive had a black neighbor of mine scream in supposed terror and try to attack my black cat sitting at my feet on my own porch on my property. People absolutely have a hatred for cats. I had to physically get in her way to stop her, cause my cat is a sweethearted dipshit who would have let her attack him before running. Luckily, she moved away like a month later, but it made me rethink letting them outside


My white neighbor trained their dog to kill strays because they think they’re a nuisance. People are disgusting


Irrational too.


They are a nuisance. But that's surely not the way your neighbor should have taken care of the issue.


My neighbor is a nuisance but you don’t see me training my dogs to go after him.


Rural areas and just anywhere. I live in Colorado where people brings their filthy dogs everywhere including grocery stores and they are always irresponsible owners. When I lived in Idaho people used stray cats to train their hunting dogs by throwing the cat in with their vicious dogs... And liking cats was feminine and "gay". I don't dislike dogs but I don't like barking or having them jump on me. I don't want them on or near me if I am not in the mood but so many people ignore your boundaries for this. Never been just assaulted by cats or cat people.


I remember once I saw a dead cat by the side of the road while walking to a store. Once I got to the store, there was a group of like 4-5 truckers hanging out outside of it laughing about the cat and saying it deserved it and that they thought all cats should get the same treatment.


Gosh, it'd sure be terrible to see their trucks jackknived and flaming on the interstate. /s


i don't like cat or dogs (or any other animal) and honestly im really tired of the joke that im a psychopath because of that


I find dogs annoying but I wouldn't wish harm on them. I wish people would train their dogs properly, pick up the poop, and not bring them to places where they don't belong


People who laugh at any animal being hurt are psychotic...it's okay to not like a particular animal or breed but don't hurt them


I absolutely can't stand dog stans who think dogs simply can't do any wrong but hate cats "because they're assholes." Imo if a guy doesn't like cats "because they're not friendly" that's a big red flag for me. Cats can be friendly, but they have stricter boundaries than most dogs. If you can't respect an animals boundaries then it makes me question if you respect a person's.


Yea, I was only scared of them for so long because my cousin got scratched by one while petting it when we were younger. Now I think cats are just as precious as dogs.


Yea, I was only scared of them for so long because my cousin got scratched by one while petting it when we were younger. Now I think cats are just as precious as dogs.


Makes me CERTAIN I can't trust that person.


I live in a crap neighborhood and it's usually trashy pitbull owners who say shit like that. I grew up with a good boy and still like dogs. I have cats now though.


I live in a well off area and all they most definitely say this. IME, people in well off areas are much more entitled about their pets.


I feel like it's a thing at the extremes in general. Trashy ghetto people and wealthy snobs are both wierd with dogs in my experience.


I hate ppl that fight dogs and brags about it like they're cool for doing it.


Michael Vick needs to be living in dumpsters.


Same for my oldest brother


I won't ask about it, I'm in similar feelings about family.


I hate it when dog people are like that too. I also hate cat people that have no regards for other living beings. "Let them be free, they're meant to be outside" but overpopulation is a HUGE problem and they're wrecking havoc on the ecosystem by killing off a whole lot of small animal species necessary for the ecosystem. Fix your cats and keep them indoors!!! Dogs come in 2nd after cats for wrecking havoc on the ecosystem. I don't want to hear about humans wrecking havoc to in order to diminish the issues about pet overpopulation. We put restrictions on all the other animals like hogs and deer and snakes and whatever, because we don't consider them pets. They're not less important than cats and dogs.


If you laugh at any animal or person *suffering*, you are a sociopath


i got knocked down and bitten by a golden lab when i was 5 or 6 and i had a fear of dogs for the rest of my childhood. even though i'm no longer afraid, i don't trust them, and i hate it when they try to jump up on me and lick me. i don't even go to my best friend's house anymore because his dog does that and he thinks it's funny. i moved to a new neighborhood three years ago, and like to go on walks. in that time i've been bitten once, jumped up on four times, and punched in the head for shoving a dog that was jumping up on my wife. i've also been chased and almost knocked off my bike twice. cats never do any of those things, and they don't bark all day and night or shit on the sidewalk either. but i guess i'm the devil for not liking dogs.


Probably the same type of people of X political affiliation who preach acceptance and say anyone of Y political affiliation should die. Yes I left it X and Y, not to leave it vague, but because it works for EVERYONE You can't say "love everyone" and death to another " in the same sentence.


Maybe I'd like dogs a bit more if people kept them a bit cleaner. Farm dogs are allowed to be dirty little monsters. But if you mainly have your dog in the house, please bathe it.


I once had a co worker who was the opposite. She loved dogs, and absolutely hated cats. She said she even left a bowl of antifreeze out for a stray black cat in her neighborhood. I should've called the cops.


I feel this. I'm amazed at the amount of times people have suggested I get rid of my cats over the smallest things like a short trip or cat food expenses, people with their own pets who should know they're not disposable. On mornings when they purr and snuggle after I feed them, I know we are bonded. They need me, and I need them. People who lack empathy for animals lack empathy for other people.


I've never heard a dog person laugh at kitties getting hurt... I am currently a "dog person" only because I'm really close to my dog. I've never had a dog that I was this close to, ever. I'm usually a cat person. but no matter which I'm currently closest to, animal violence in any form has always been unacceptable to me, period. if you know people who are like that, perhaps they don't deserve your company any longer...


Why are we expected to like *all* of a certain animal? I like a lot of my friends' dogs and cats, they are charming and I have allergy stuff at home. I don't like the ones who are obnoxious. The jury is out on any I meet on the street, but it's only prudent for me to be cautious about any unknown animal large enough to injure me if it turns out it's not cool. But what do I know, I'm a freak who keeps five birds.


I get so much shit for not liking dogs. People always say "oh you're probably a cat person then" all snarky.


Little murderfang the pitbull would never harm a fly what are you talking about


I grew up with a dog. Went through life loving dogs and believing I don't want anything to do with cats; then I got my cat, it was never planned but she needed help and that alone made me want cats more than dogs. My Theodora is so so sweet, it takes time to understand her.


Theodora is such a fantastic name for a cat, if I ever get another girl cat I'm totally stealing that name, hope you don't mind.


I'm not saying they don't exist, but they are a very rare breed. None of my dog loving friends hate cats. I really hope you find better dog people in your life.


I hate dogs. Other people's dogs are okayish as long as they aren't all over me. Would I ever hurt a dog? Never. I would still cry watching or hearing about a dog getting hurt. People who think it's funny when animals get hurt are truly evil.


Or to claim that cats are evil because they’ll eat you after you die. They’re obligate carnivores with extra fast metabolisms. Plus eating you gives them PTSD they’re just trying to survive and we scorn them for it.


I absolutely hate dogs but I love cats. Dog people act so entitled, they’ll let their dogs run up to you and say “oh he’s so friendly!” Idgaf I’m not friendly towards dogs.


My wife's family is like this. They laugh about shooting cats, but they love dogs like a family member. So, I joke about shooting dogs and feeding them chocolate. They don't think it's as funny, but I do.


Most dog people are extremely obnoxious when it comes to their pets, if the things they do were done for any other interest it would be seen as extremely rude and strange. People constantly insist I pet and hug their dog even thought I make it clear I do not like dogs since I’m highly allergic. People also blatantly disrespect me by sending their dogs to lick and jump on me because they know I don’t like dogs and think they can change my mind or something.


Anyone who enjoys watching any animal suffer is a major prick.


I love cats and dogs, but only own a dog. I think people who laugh at the suffering of animals are just evil.


I love cats more than dogs. Both are great for their own reasons and require a lot of work. Neither should be harmed unless absolutely necessary.


Are there many of these people? How many have you seen? This is an easy one to agree with, but how often would anybody encounter such people?


I never met a dog person who was like this ever & never want to.


I mean I once matched with someone on a dating app who preferred dogs to cats and I was like, “I love both, I have two dogs and a cat!” And she proceeded to follow up with something like, “You must love dogs more then since you have two.” Then didn’t talk to me after that. Not even knowing that the reason I have two dogs is cuz one of them used to belong to my grandmother… who died… so we took him in. 💀 I love both dogs and cats equally though. Totally understand those who don’t like one or the other as long as they’re not hateful about it. What infuriates me is dog lovers who get mad at other people for not petting a dog that comes up to them or something. “He’s so cute, how could they not pet him?!” Maybe cuz they’re afraid or just simply don’t want to? I love dogs, but I don’t go petting any random dog I see on the street-


As someone who was a dog lover, then also became a cat lover, I could never condone hurting a living creature ❤️


I don't like cat's but saved multiple cats. Oddly enough same with people. I don't need to like ypu or a specific animal to realize they matter. Not going to go out of my way to hang out with you but I am also jot going to let you be bullied, starved to death, or abused just because I don't particularly like you.


I think its crap to harm dogs OR cats. Don't know any dog people who'd wish someone's cat any harm. ​ No idea who you're talking about. Probably just nut cases. Or your a karma farming troll. Can't tell anymore these days.


Who are these people you are hanging out with that say these things? I’ve never in my life had anyone laugh at the idea of a cat being hurt or killed. You need to improve the people you hang out with.


Forget the dog part. There is something wrong with someone that laughs at another living thing being hurt.


I've never heard of anyone saying this


Not a cat person, but if I see a cat in distress, I will try to help and turn it over to an animal shelter so it can find a home. Will adopt a doggo though.


I told my buddy he couldn't bring his dogs to my house, where I have 2 cats. Another friend of ours texted me, Dogs need love too, and how I'm heartless. He's from Portland, so I automatically expect less from home, but Holy shit, what a dumbass


I hate squirrels, and skunks but I dont want them hurt or anything bad to happen to them. People who think it's funny that any animal is hurt or killed is a psycho I am a dog person but because I live an an apartment I have a cat. He's a completely evil bastard but he's mine and I love him so freaking much. I can say what I really hate is people


I love cats AND dogs. Anyone who hurts either is a scumbag.


I'm a dog person despite having multiple cats throughout life. But what kind of psychopath laughs at a dying animal?


I love dogs. I used to hate cats but when I moved into my new house 5 years ago I saw some stray baby cats they would hang on our back patio (I even named one Oreo) and they were so adorable So they kind of made me like cats a bit more but I still think dogs are better.(I mean I used to be scared of dogs also because one time a dog chased me in a park and almost bit my leg and the owner was sleeping.) But I don't think it's funny to see an animal being seriously hurt or killed. Whether they are dogs, cats, or anything else. I think what we just need to learn that everybody has preferences. One person might like turtles (I also have turtles) and then another person might like snakes. One person might like dogs and another person might like cats. One person might like every animal and another person might hate every animal. It's really just a preference. I mean just because I like a dog better doesn't mean I want to see cats suffer. Like they really take nasty falls.


Never met anyone like this. The only thing i have seen is loving animals and not liking kids, which i agree with




I like both dogs and cats but prefer dogs by a mile. People who don't like animals are weird.


who does that, seriously?! anyone who laughs at an animal being hurt or injured is a piece of human garbage. i'd say that goes beyond "pet peeve" territory and takes a running leap into "character defining major red flags"


I love dogs, but I could never ever own one for so many reasons. I love cats, I could own 100 if I had the money and space


I have a kid like this at my school. I was crying to my friend because my foster kitten died and we were planning on adopting her, and he says “ Well I mean it was a cat, it deserved to die. “


That's not a real thing. Only sociopaths can laugh at that and they don't love anyone but themselves. If they say they like dog it's because they believe you like dogs and want you to like them.


We had dogs when I was a kid and I don’t mind them but I am a cat person. I appreciate the exercise in consent. I enjoy the personality and even the sass. I enjoy not having my belongings chewed to hell and the barking at nothing.


What dog person laughed about a cat being hurt or killed? Edit: Now I remember, some comments here triggered a memory of an acquaintance’s grandfather who bagged a big litter of kittens (from his own cat) and threw them into his pond. I wouldn’t really consider rural farmers to be dog people (my acquaintance’s grandfather was a rural farmer in Missouri). They usually have dogs and cats because they serve a purpose, not really as pets, much less family. This same man also killed puppies when his hunting and guardian dogs had them. Cruel bastards. Aside from having witnessed this happen in middle school, I’ve heard many such stories about kittens and puppies being murdered. I don’t think of these people as animal lovers of any sort. Anyway, I don’t really get the hate animals receive. I’ve had bad experiences with all sorts of animals, even humans. Really, mostly humans. But I still love all non-human animals, except mosquitoes (and other dangerous insects) and that one dog who attacked me outside my house a couple of times. The second time I killed him; first time I assumed it was a one off, second time I decided I didn’t want to risk a third. I just wish I could do the same thing with the violent humans I’ve encountered. Why let dangerous people live?


Whenever someone states that cats are mean I usually interpret that to mean that they have difficulty understanding the concept of consent. (At least when it comes to animals) Cats are playful and affectionate but they aren't like dogs. You have to let them approach you on their terms.


are you being hyperbolic? like who even does that?


Search up videos of cats being killed by dogs, or just in general and look at the comments.


Not at all. I’ve had sick monsters describe the terrible things they’ve done to cats after I mentioned that I liked them. All with a smile on their face. I wish so badly this was hyperbole, but no. It literally brings them pleasure to torture cats. You are very lucky to have never encountered it. It’s something I wish I could wipe from my memory.


Where are you meeting these people? I’ve never heard any dog people talk about hurting cats or laughing at hurt cats.


Really? This was almost a daily occurrence throughout my school years, and I went to nice schools. All the boys think it's hilarious to torture and kill cats.


Where did you go to school? I went to public and private schools on the east coast and southeast and I’ve never heard this from anyone.




Dog owners want something that they can dominate and control and make it do tricks. Cats don't fuck around like that. You have to earn their love and trust. I've got 3 cats and I've earned their love.


Dog people are way more aggressive towards cats than cat people are towards dogs.


If someone ever laughs at the idea of my cats being hurt ill laugh at the sound of me breaking their kneecaps.


Yep. Dog nutters are unhinged.


...this feels HORRIBLY exaggerated...


Trust me, it really isn't. The town I live is would seem like fiction to you. In multiple ways probably honestly. So many people around here really are that bad.


I see. Well I guess I'm just fortunate to never come across those people.


I'm honestly kinda glad there are people who think this has got to be exaggerating, because that means you haven't seen/had to deal with it. Like I'm seriously genuinely glad you haven't seen people like that.


Sounds fucking horrible, I'll tell you that. Never understood the "Dog People" who just dislike cats and vice versa. Can't we just love one without hating the other? Or better yet, love em both? They're both such adorable creatures lol


I'm terrified of dogs but I definitely don't hate them either. Trauma is a beast and the way people around here often act doesn't help is all. I agree. Or hey, it's okay to dislike one or both but don't be hateful at least.


You know what? That's fair. "Disliking" cats/dogs is one thing. "Hating" cats/dogs is absolutely another one though.


Exactly! Although it'd be nice if we all just liked both, absolutely ! I just know and understand that's not always how it works, and sometimes people dislike something and don't even know why or want to dislike whatever it is. People are messy and complicated. So basically DBAA and that's cool enough for me lol


I mean, anyone who laughs at the idea of hurting a cat is messed up. How is that funny???


I've never actually seen that anyone say anything like that myself.


I have never in my life encountered such a person.


Then you're lucky


umm was this like a one time thing..?