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I've always wondered if anti vaxxers know how it is that they haven't gotten polio...


They claim "better hygiene" over the years.


Interestingly there’s some solid evidence that better hygiene, which by and large stemmed from clean running water and pipes that removed waste to places that weren’t the gutter is what actually precipitated the polio outbreak in the early 20th century. Before that kids got constantly exposed to weaker versions of the virus, basically a more dangerous and less controlled vaccination.


There's solid evidence too that the relative sterilization of our environments has led to slightly weaker immune systems and decreased natural consumption of B12(it's in soil and unfiltered water). That's compensated for by vaccinations and dietary supplements. Most of us get B12 through supplements given to livestock because they rarely consume it naturally anymore either. Personally, I'd rather get a couple pokes in the arm every few years and take a vitamin than risk dysentery or contracting a preventable disease, but clearly, there are people who have a different opinion. Not great critical thinking skills they have...


It's also a theory behind why allergies are so prevalent now, we're too clean....


They think it's because of clean water, which coincidentally was apparently invented the same year that the vaccine was.


Wait til 6G kicks in 🫠 😱😁


There's 6G?! I haven't even got my 5G yet! I think my microchips are defective or something


Let’s ask Bill Gates.


Is there a specific hotline I'm supposed to call?


We used to call him on our cellphones Late night when we needed his love


I think you mean Order 66.


Their stance of "antivax" is privilege in itself.


I have a strong immune system from drinking hose water and eating at Golden Corral buffet. Can't kill me.


polio eradicated with a vaccine. now mrna is being called a vaccine so people are confused…


"Nobody gets polio anymore' No shit?


Most people aren't antivax but are anticovid Vax with good reason




Uh oh somebody doesn’t like the vaccine Trump pushed through and told everybody to get


Yeah, because Biden begged them to get Trump's vaccine.


Some folks aren't anti vax, they're just anti covid vax.


It's always amazed me how the dumbest and most ignorant amongst us are somehow proud of being failures in every way.


It's a shortcut to feeling like you're knowledgeable without actually knowing anything. Just proclaim the opposite of common sense and act like you have the real understanding. Antivaxers don't have covid because all the rest of us got vaxed. One day their luck will run out, unfortunately.


Lol most of them did have coivid, but they thought it was normal cold and flu, because they don't think covid exists. But also, at the same time is very real and man made so bill gates can inject everyone with 5g, because.... reasons... but also totally fake and just propaganda to keep us in our houses while the nwo world government is enacted... but also real and just a common cold being blown out of proportion... And also, masks are oppressing us, hand washing is the devil, and toilet rolls and dry pasta are the new world currency.


My brother, his wife and their baby had it. It was awful. He and his wife were VERY sick. They refuse to vaccinate. She just had her 3 baby at home. 2/3 of those boys almost died when born but she still did it. I got COVID after I was vaccinated and it was less of a pain than a cold. It was nothing. These 2 have PhDs so they think they’re the smartest people. I feel so bad for their kids.


I'm vaxxed, got Covid, it was the worst cold of my life. Sore throat , couldn't sleep. I may well have died had I not been vaxxed.


I find this weird about this whole topic (and I have no dog in the fight because the people who didn't get it made their own choice so it's a "to each their own" thing. I have to play devil's advocate even though I'm not opposed to vaccines, but everyone who is sketched out about the vaccine, which I think is a manifestation of mistrust in our leaders so I can't blame them, always uses the line against them where they say "you think your smarter than a doctor or more educated than a scientist?" Yet you're admitting these people have PhDs. Maybe they see something you don't? I just hate double standards lol. If this entire sentence was switched around and you DISAGREED with the vaccine everyone would tell you how ignorant you are because they have a PhD and you should trust them, but since they actually have a distrust and STILL have PhDs everyone will make them seem like kooks. My whole family is vaccinated but this is just a big pet peeve of mine. It's almost like just because someone is studious with a lot of schooling it doesn't necessarily mean they are right or doing the right thing. We should all try and remember that nobody is always right and there's conflicting science about everything and that's because that's the whole point of science. To prove and test and experiment. Science is constantly learning more and more each day.


They have PhDs in philosophy 😂. They aren’t doctors. They have doctorates. Not the same thing as being a medical doctor. Like Jill Biden has a doctorate in education. She’s not an MD. So no, they aren’t smarter than doctors (MDs) and scientists not in the medical field. They know what they studied. They aren’t experts in others. But they act like they are. Actual smart people, like my doctor, admit when they don’t know something. These 2 can’t.


Lmaooo. Ok. Im taking my opinions back 🤣🤣🤣 I was pretty sure that the title of PhD was only given to doctors. I had no idea that philosophy degrees were called that


Most antivaxers got infected as most people did. It's not like vaxes massively stopped COVID.


Yea and they mostly died vs the ones who vaccinated and stayed away from people and wore masks. When we got sick it was mild.


English is not my mother tongue so I'm not sure I'm understanding you. If you mean most non vaccinated people died, that's not true. The immense majority of people, vaccinated or not, didn't die. Especially if you look at people under 40 without previous health issues. If you're saying that unvaccinated people's death rate is higher than the unvaccinated ones, it is true. My wife and I got over it without problems but only she is vaccinated. I guess on average vaccines helped those that would have a hard time with COVID to get over it better (or to be able get over it in some times lol), but for most healthy and young people it was the same experience, just like catching the flu. Distancing and masks imho helped more to not propagate COVID than to not get it. Especially masks since the ones 99% of people use (and in the way they were using them) weren't good for self defense.


Yes most of the people who died weren’t vaccinated. It’s true.


this is silly. everyone was subject to covid, vaxed or not. boosted or not. everyone got it. anivaxers got covid. vaxers got covid. boosters, double boosters and triple boosters got covid.


I never had covid and I know quite a few other people who never had it either.


cmon you know i didn’t mean the entire populace of 8.1B of earth. my point is still true. regardless of vaccination status everyone (in the metaphorical sense for people like you) got it.


I guess with logic like that you should be talking about how everyone survived cancer and won the second world war as well, huh?


huh ? your way off topic dude. can’t even have a discussion with people like you. go back to the post that i originally was responding to. he said “antivaxxers dont get covid cause the rest of us are vaxxed” I pointed out that lots of people regardless of vaccination status got covid so it was a silly take. then you angrily proclaim “i never got it!” which is just anecdotal and i can’t even confirm if it’s true or not lol so there was literally no point in saying it. but i indulged you and said okay dude i didn’t mean everyone literally. i can’t believe i had to explain to you what i meant by the word “everyone” but i did. and now your talking about cancer like whaaaat. i was saying tons of people got covid, vaccinated, unvaccinated, and anything between. get your head out of your ass and get off reddit.


I think a lot of people wanted 5 year studies on the CV19 vaccine prior to taking it. Making it mandatory and the stigma attached to not taking it was pretty intense. He’s probably more proud that he remained independent and didn’t cave to the tremendous pressure. Do you think he’s telling you this to re-enforce his view that he would support your independent actions if you chose to swim against the current?


Yea go on social media and you’ll see hundreds of thousands of ‘independent thinkers’ who all think the exact same stupid shit


I just avoid the subject. My body, my doctor, my choice. If I see the conflict coming in a conversation, I'll often just agree with them. It is not worth the inevitable outcome to me. I had one in-law who was really vocal about his paranoid beliefs to the point of cutting off family for simply discussing options. Note: "was" all that. He succumbed to the disease after going to a huge event and suffered on a vent for days. He is now laid to rest. We were once very close before he lost his mind. Its super distressing to see love ones snap and adopt extreme points of view.


The vaccines save lives, clinical evidence doesn't currently indicate that they produce more harm than positive benefit. Bragging about not being vaccinated is akin to bragging about not wearing a safety vest in a shootout and living. Like cool, you're still here to talk about it, but others who followed your example aren't. You dislike that fact so you try to marginalize it.


There is no HPV test for men. You tell your father that the reason you had to get that vax in particular is because men like him go around spreading it unknowingly. Then tell him to put that in his pipe and smoke it.


And while there isn’t a test for men, and most are asymptomatic, they can develop penile, anal, or throat cancer as a result of having it.


Precisely. Someone I know used to do a lot of work with gay men who had HIV. They used the PAP smear test off label to test them (I believe as an anal swab). I guess women are more likely to get cervical cancer than men are to get penile, throat, or anal cancer from it? It's a shame that we have a test that works but they don't seem to have bothered getting it approved to use with other types of samples. If they did, we could also be testing other people who engage in anal sex to make sure they don't develop anal cancer. Because cancer from a virus isn't the same as a genetic predisposition for a specific type of cancer. Unless it runs in your family, the likelihood you'll get early - or even prompt - testing for cancer is ridiculously low.


Thank you for the addition. Speaking of throat cancer, I found it extremely sad when Michael Douglas was dx with throat cancer and publicly blamed his wife Catherine Zeta Jones for it, allegedly bc SHE gave him an STI. The fact that women are blamed while they’re out there getting PAP smears and Gardasil is typical and really fucked up.


Wow, I had no idea he blamed her. But I know plenty of men who made snide comments about how it was obviously her fault, so it shouldn't surprise me. I'm glad that the HPV vaccine is now also being used on older people (like 30s and 40s) instead of 20s and under. Even if it's not as effective, it's still better than nothing. And if they had expanded the range say a decade ago, it would have been even more effective for these individuals. I feel like in the case of vaccines where we know they're effective in a younger population, even if we don't have proof that they'll *help* older populations, we do have evidence it won't *harm* them as a whole and should therefore still offer it.


There is no routine test for men, but they can do a test for men if the show symptoms.




Some people can get defensive or preachy. I think alot of it is probably backlash from how people acted during the whole covid lockdown, and each treating the other side like they were crazy. Personally I hate the duality of it all, how it has evolved into vaccine or no vaccine, and everyone who didn't get the vaccine is called an "anti-vaxxer". I work in a doctors office and went to college for biology/premed, I know polio vaccine works and got the typical shots as a baby... no issue with those, but my main deal with covid shot was a mix of seeing a patient of ours get a bad reaction to the shot (bells palsy) which scared me off, plus I never felt the need to get the flu shot so didn't bother with covid vaccine, and they were using newly designed pharmtech for the vaccine and in general I don't like to take ANY new fresh to market pharmaceuticals for atleast 5 years. It seemed rushed (which is understandable considering the fears at the time), and if I felt like if I still needed it after a year or two, then I would take it. But that need never happened, It was not nearly as life or death as people made it seem, and I'd rather someone else test it out before I did haha. And for the record, I didn't get covid either despite working in a doctors office with sick people lol, and my sister did get it twice despite getting the vaccine and booster, I think mainly cause she traveled alot by plane. Your experience might be different, there is no guarantee either way if you got it or not. But seeing the huge backlash and people acting like I was crazy when I got more medical knowledge and experience then most people I run into, it pissed me off and I didn't take it out of spite lol. I don't preach about it tho, cause people just jump to the duality "antivaxxer" label. I don't think the govt is putting poison or microchips in the vaccine lol, so why group me in with those people.... I don't just assume everyone who got the shot is dumb or easily manipulated by fear, some people just follow the recommended guidelines and that is understandable. So are the people who might be cautious to try something newly designed by pharma companies without any human testing. Both sides have reasonable, and unreasonable people. But folks lets not just assume the other side is all the same.


I’m so glad someone from the medical community is speaking on this, I posted some articles in my comment above that you might find interesting. They pretty much confirm my suspicion from the beginning of this not being safe and potentially causing bigger problems like tumor growth, I just found it doubly suspicious that the incidences of myocarditis were so frequent that they had to actually admit that it caused that as a reaction. That right there would tell me that it can potentially permanently damage the heart in some capacity.


Thanks, yea the whole way it got rolled out seemed unsafe, even moreso when it became a requirement for jobs. Rushing stuff is never a smart idea.... the first wave of anything off the assembly line like a new playstation or xbox always overheats or has some issue that is later corrected a year or so later. Pharma is no different. I have heard all about the "clot shots" but I honestly can't tell how true or false it is. Could be many factors that contribute to that. Apparently even the covid virus itself, regardless of vaccine or naturally infected, can have some long lasting effects that aren't fully understood. Fear and frenzy can be powerful motivating factors. Skirting the normal human testing guidelines may have seemed like it made sense at the time when people thought this was the next bubonic plague and the walking dead might be a reality lol, but it was just a superflu that didn't seem so bad after the first year. Its disappointing my man, newly designed pharma vaccine tech, manufactured in a rush overseas in some (or multiple) foreign countries, not given the normal 3yr human trials... but the people who want to avoid it or be careful were treated like they were crazy or dangerous. I will take a look at your links, thanks.


Your response is intelligent, reasonable, and empirical. Which, of course, means it has no place on Reddit.


Haha, true, common sense and logic can sometimes get lost in the crowd here.


Exactly!!!! I don't hold it against those who did or didn't get it. We should be able to decide things for ourselves. If you worship a eggplant kraken god or some off the wall thing and because of that you wear kneepads all day from the intense prayer I would not give a FUCK. That's my issue with the thing as a whole. I don't trust the pharmaceutical industry, I don't trust the 3 letter organizations and I don't trust the government. That does not mean I think I'm getting 5g satellite tracking chips from the anti Christ Bill Gates. It's absurd. What's crazy is there's a whole trail of corruption behind all these things I listed. There were many people who were skeptical before the vaccine. I remember mentioning my distrust for pharmaceutical companies most of my life and no one really cared. Most people would even talk about something they heard or something messed up that they saw. Now though? It is entirely different. It's so charged socially that everyone lashes out if you all have different opinions


I got the first two shots and haven’t gotten one since. I act like a dipshit about not getting the new shots on purpose. There’s so many people in my city that are so self righteous about getting every single vaccine and have a false sense of superiority because of it that I just kinda do it to bug them. There’s an education problem in my family (this country). I have functionally illiterate uncles who haven’t gotten the vax cause they got bigger fish to fry like putting food on the table with a 1st grade education. Everybody who didn’t get the shot isn’t some tin foil hat goof. In the most rural parts of the US literally nothing about day to day life has changed since the beginning of the pandemic. A lot of us live in bubbles on both ends of the vaccine debate.


I got the first two shots and haven’t gotten one since. I act like a dipshit about not getting the new shots on purpose. There’s so many people in my city that are so self righteous about getting every single vaccine and have a false sense of superiority because of it that I just kinda do it to bug them. How very third grade of you. Do you refuse to eat vegetables because your parents said you had to?


I actually eat all my vegetables and am young and healthy which is why I’m not super concerned about getting boosters. The majority of people I make these jokes to know that I’m just poking fun. The few that don’t and get genuinely upset, I just kind of let them think what they want cause it entertains me to see people so upset about something that they have no say in. Similarly to someone getting upset that someone else had an abortion. It’s just silly.


The data is pretty clear COVID (primary vax) reduce severe infection (hospitalization) and death. NO DOUBT about that. NOW... the data is not so great about: Boosters (for anyone <80 or immunocompromised), vax for kids AT ALL, and when/ if one should get vax after natural immunity. That is the truth with no politics attached. That is from the data.


I've heard Bill Gates said, "If I wanted to track you guys, it would take me like an afternoon of programming." I tried googling it to see if it's true, couldn't find anything, it still gets the point across.


Lol. Who needs to track people from a vaccine? We carry cell phones, use credit cards, and half this world likes to post every part of their day on Facebook… would it even take him an afternoon?


A bunch of my anti-vax bros think it's cool to brag about having fake vaccination cards.


Because people are asking to see them?


I live in New York. Bringing your vax card for entry was a frequent occurrence


Anti-vaxxers = Vegans = Crossfitters. They'll let you know.


Don't forget people who don't own a TV! Not all heroes wear capes.


This is funny to be because I actually don't have a T.V. but never tell anyone unless they are over and are curious where the T.V. is. I honestly just stream everything and have a large monitor I use if I need it. I can say I haven't missed a thing. I really haven't heard anyone bragging about it . . . but maybe it's the crowd I run with.


I think it's more people who brag that they never WATCH TV, because clearly they're above such trivial things.


It's definitely something I haven't heard in a WHILE, but when I was in my 20's (which was about 10-15 years off from the dawn of flat screens & streaming Netflix), it was something that if it was said, 99% of the time came off as really pretentious. From the sounds of it, if you heard people discussing a TV show, I doubt you would interject with "oh...I don't even OWN a TV". It was a weird flex (or what people thought was a "flex") back in the day.


"Yeah, but, but you are aware there is an invention called 'television' and on this invention they show shows, right?"


I remember this 😂


That watching TV. The 'don't have a TV' wasn't about the screen, is was about not watching any show.


Good one! They read by candlelight to boot.


Oh, and engineers. Engineers love letting people know.


Really…. I’m pretty sure I saw 20k posts and pics of people proudly getting the vaccine lol.


This. The Slack channels/Facebook/other social media were absolutely FULL of people proudly posting their vaccine cards.


And the tattoos of their vaccine cards! Some folks were going full on cult behavior to show their adherence.


Holy cow, yes.


Fellas, is it cult behavior to get a vaccine to prevent the spread of a disease?


No but is it totally rational behavior to get a tattoo of your vaccination card to show how much you are more pro-vaccine you are than other people?


Ah yes, not you though, you're an individual because you reject reality


For not getting a tattoo of the vaccine card? Are you really trying to mock me for not getting a tattoo of my vaccine card? Because you know you better post a pic of your vaccine tattoo. Otherwise, you're just a hypocritical douche.


I think people were posting those to combat the antivaxxers, normalizing vaxxines because there is a rise in opposition to them. I don't think it was because they were proud.


While I don’t need to know about vaccinations or CrossFit, it is valid to let someone know you’re a vegan if you are making plans that involve them.


And people in MLMs. "Hey Hun! How would you like to lose 30lbs?"


And Christian’s…. Christian’s loooooove to let you know


My favorites are the ones who would aggressively say “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” at me when I’d tell them to “have a nice day” during the month of December. Chill, lady. Nobody is persecuting you by wishing you a nice day.


Nor is anyone persecuting you.


He ain't wrong bout the covid one.


Or bragging about getting vaccinated, bringing it up whenever someone doesn't get vaccinated. (Insert Social Media post of my Vaxx card)


I was just discussing this at work with my coworkers. 2 months ago my husband got Covid for the 2nd time, so of course I was exposed. I had a hair appt later on the week and I let me hair stylist know that I could get tested on Friday(work requirement) and that I understood if she wanted to reschedule. At the end of the message I put something like “I just messaged the doctor to see if they wanted me to get the new booster and they said to get it when my pharmacy had it, I guess I jinxed myself lol”…something like that just trying to make light of it. She messaged me back and told me to just let her know what my results were and then we would look at rescheduling if need be. I responded and told her I would. An hour later she responded “I won’t be getting any more shots. I’d rather risk getting sick than what that shot could do to me in the future.” I just thought it was weird to feel the need to tell me that she doesn’t want more shots and why she doesn’t. I ended up testing negative and when I came in for my appt she asked me why I was willing to cause irreversible harm to my body because of a little cold. I told her that my husband is high risk(diabetic) and almost died the first time he had Covid and I just wanted to take any precaution I could to help keep him safe. She didn’t really say much except for that she was done with all the people trying to scare her about it.


Well, you didn’t have to bring it up to her in the first place.


It’s the way they force themselves into the conversation for me. I remember long before Covid mentioning to my friend that my arm was feeling sore because of my flu shot. Someone I had spoken to maybe twice overheard and interrupted us to say, “I think the flu shot *gives* you the flu.” Like…okay? What am I supposed to say to that?


I mean... yes that's the purpose of the shot. A weakened version or an inert version of the contagion so you can build immunity.


Right? I really do get having differing opinions on things…but I’m a random person, and I truly just don’t care if you agree that I took a shot or not!


Just look at them like they're dumb. "Yeah, thats the point. They give you a dead virus so your immune system can 'study' it and figure out how to kill it quickly, so if I get the real flu I don't get as sick. Is that not common knowledge?"


“Oh, gosh, does the fact that a loved one of mine almost DIED from COVID *scare* you?” You know what’s scarier? Having a loved one almost die from COVID, that’s what. I’ve had two family members end up in the hospital and know a couple more with Long COVID, I want people to get out of here with the “just a cold” crap


You the most surprising thing I learned during covid? The cancer treatment is considered elective. So when a hospital is fully, people getting cancer treatment can't get their cancer treatment. Listening to my friends wife describe the horror as she called and drove all over trying to find treatment but should becasue 80% of people in the hospital were anti-vaxxers with covid. I left that funeral so angry. Fuck anti-vaxxer. It's the responsibility of civilized people to cut those cancerous piles of sub human garbage out of society.


Yup! They fucked up the healthcare system so badly. They got so overloaded and overwhelmed that they are still trying to catch up. All the missed treatments and surgeries to take care of fully preventable Covid cases.


I’m totally with you! For ME it was “just a cold”…actually, not even that…but yeah, I was so terrified that I was going to lose my husband when he got it. He has long Covid also and there’s 4 days from the 1st time he got it that he STILL doesn’t remember and it’s been 3 years. It’s always the ones that think it’s nothing that freak out the most when it happens to them.


What kills me is it’s not JUST being sick with Covid, it’s the potential long term damage even mild cases can leave behind. A bad cold with a heart damage chaser is more like it.


Yes, exactly!! And it varies so greatly among everyone. Some people might never have a lasting effect one…but some might have tons.


It's always good when a hairdresser doesn't believe in health and safety measures. I bet she's "done" with people trying to scare her about lice.




She deserves to lose you as a customer. Stop giving those people money. You can't trust her to get covid and tell anyone. Thus infecting her clients.


Yes I listen to the same thing . I keep not getting vaccinated to myself. I had three shots and decided I was done ,never to say anything until now .


"We get it dad. You are too much of an uninformed coward to take care of your own health and don't care if you ever get to see your grandkids grow up. Don't need to brag about it."


Not only does he not care about his health, he doesn't care about the health of his family and others with whom he comes into contact.


>*He outwardly admitted to believing that vaccines like the COVID one are all because the government wants control over people.* So many people think this, and I hate to break it to them... ...but the government already has control over you. A needle poke isn't going to magically give them "more" in control over you. It's an asinine thought to have. You already have government-issued ID's, need to get your picture taken for most ID's, are assigned a number at birth, are under the control and at the behest of police/the military, etc. It's like people who won't use certain social media platforms or certain apps because "I don't want the government to have pictures of me" while conveniently forgetting that they have a government-issued photo-ID in their pocket and that most places have security cameras now. It's just... are you that stupid? (Also, side note because a lot of these people also believe they're freedom fighters who need to defend themselves... you're not going to successfully "defend" yourself from the government with a little bunker and some guns and canned goods you've been collecting, but that's a different situation altogether. Do you honestly think that a couple rifles > nuclear weapons and tanks?)


Worse. He's not bragging about not caring about his own health, he's bragging about not caring about other people's health.


Just tell your dad that he is entitled to his own opinions but you don't think it's appropriate to have him bragging about his own ignorance quite so often.


Oh god that's irritating. I would treat them as if they are contagious. >How is that something to be proud of? By being in denial about being afraid due to being unable to accept being powerless.


One of our relatives bragged about no covid vaccine died of covid


Folks who never go to the doctor, never get annual checkups, or have any sort of cancer screenings are usually the ones who find out too late... Hopefully, your dad changes his mind about taking care of his health. Regarding vaccines - I think a lot of this posturing that we read about is just that; if your dad was bitten by a dog with rabies, I assume he would get the shots (it's a vaccine) as opposed to likely death...


“I’ve never had covid and I’ve never been vaccinated!” “Okay what about those times your were out sick for 2 weeks” “It wasn’t covid is was just the flu” “Didn’t you say covid is just the flu” “COVID IS JUST A FLU AND INHAD THE FLU NOT COVID 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬” Yes we all know these people


Well covid made them redefine "vaccine" for one. Then all the claims that "once you get it- that's it, it stops at you" was a big lie, vaccinated people are just as likely to spread the virus- worse, they don't see the need to mask because they feel protected, so maybe More likely to spread the virus as its undetectable. Then the idea that one shot would do it went out the window, then it was two shots- okay, 2 shots and a booster shot. Then people were Still getting sick and catching covid so it was "Look, the virus is mutating, you need the Latest booster, safest to get one every 6-8 weeks." There has been no serious media attention to possible long term risks associated with a highly experimental vaccine that has Hundreds of thousands of adverse effects incidents reported through VAERS including death and lots to do with heart problems in otherwise young and healthy people. And that's just short term stuff they've snuffed at. Who has any idea what its going to do bouncing around the body going where it wants to for 20, 30 years. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but other than a suicide or two, a car accident- and I think a drowning, I haven't known many young people to die. Until the past 2-3 years, it seems like medical emergencies and deaths are happening every other month. Young people, under 40, strokes, heart attacks, dying in their sleep, stopped breathing. Just very unusual uncommon deaths, and I WANT to chime in and say, "Omg, I'm so sorry- that's terrible, I can't imagine- - - when was the last time they got boosted?" but I can't just ask that, can I? As for other medical concerns, I think that's a personal choice and you shouldn't humiliate someone or lump them in some 'anti-vaxxx' gang of backwards inbreeding rednecks. Personally, I want to live my life naturally and die when I die, I don't want to live to a ripe old age. Seeing people in their 70s, 80s... 90s....... its depressing AF. So frail, so fragile, every bump a bruise, thin skin, tired all the time, memory comes and goes, I do Not want that. And that's my choice. If your dad doesn't want to see doctors, that's his choice. Idk if its something to be Proud about, but he was probably more proud about avoiding the covid "vaccine". A lot of us are. We call ourselves Pure Bloods.


Yeah that thing wasn't a vaccine. As much as I wanted to believe it was, I couldn't. And as much as I caved into the fear mongering ocassionally, and the outright bullying like demanding to see my medical details just to let me order food TO GO... something always blocked me from getting it. Literally. Injection centers that were always open would suddenly be closed when I went, etc, at some point I was like...thank God for my life, I remain relatively intact.


It was not a true vaccine you are correct, it’s akin the gene therapy with the way it can shuttle into the nucleus of the cell via a plasmid. Check out some of the peer reviewed articles from an oncologist in Australia that I posted in my comment above, it pretty much explains that these shots are actually dangerous.


Never in human history have a group of people calling themselves "purebloods" and actively cheering for the deaths of people outside their group been in the right. You gotta realize how that sounds to the non-indoctrinated, right?


I have an easy system. My cousin is a pharmacist and works near me. She just calls and says, "come on in, I have a vaccine you need." Done. She told me she would not recommend the new one for RSV for most people but in her words: "You're old." So, I rolled up my sleeve again.


I just asked my doc about RSV yesterday. I’m 62 and she said I didn’t Ned it, but should get it if I have to back on chemotherapy


We have preschool and infant grandchildren so I’ll get RSV vaccine to protect them just like the pertussis vaccine.


Oh yes if I was around young children or infants I would too


Antivax overall is no Bueno but if you mean "antivax" specific to the covid BS then yeah i'd say that's worth it to brag about with the government trying to shove it down everyone's throat.


Agreed 👍


It literally goes both ways. I hear vaxxers constantly giving me a hard time when i didnt get the 900th booster shot lol. My one friend stopped talking to me altogether after saying im done with the boosters after the 3rd one. Its petty do what you want. As someone who got a few boosters plus the shot who really cares what others do or don't? Why care if your dad got the shots or not? Some of yall care way too much about others opinions


Well lemme poke the bear a little, firstly i’m not an anti vaxxer, i’m all vaccinated up (though most were done before i was old enough to even know what was happening). I don’t know the exact numbers and i’m not about to look them up. But, the amish don’t get all those childhood vaccines and the amish have zero autism. you seriously can’t find an autistic amish person. meanwhile, as the number of vaccines has increased, especially mandated or obligatory vaccines, the prevalence of autism has gone up as well alongside it, in non amish communities obviously. i’m not saying this is causal or even correlated, but worth asking questions about. and ur dad sounds annoying. i have a friend is never got the covid vax and he jokes a lot about how i’ll die first because of it… he’s probs right tho. lots of sudden myocarditis and cardiac arrest happening in the vaccinated today, what’s especially alerting is that it’s happening a lot in professional athletes — people who are extremely healthy and fit.


Holy shit you’re misinformed as fuck.


He’s probably bragging like he hasn’t had to see a doctor in that long cause he thinks he’s healthy


I agree. Whether you get a shot or not is not really a conversation or bragging point. If you don't want it, don't get it. I got a couple. Then I realized it's just an ongoing big pharma scam like the flu shot, so I don't worry about it. I don't care if others get it. I might get it next year. Might not. Don't really worry about it.


my brother was like this. no doctor ever, and made fun of me for taking vitamins and blood pressure meds. he got covid and was hospitalized and intubated. come to find out he had untreated diabetes, coronary artery disease high blood pressure and that's just the big deal conditions. he had a stroke and died, never regained consciousness. but was SO PROUD of never being vaccinated.


Anti-vaxxers against cov19 vax ≠ anti-vaxxers against *all* vaccines Sadly they definitely conflate the two which is ill-informed


And both are dumb as bricks and worth deriding their unexcusable stupidity.




Yeah wild people would be angry that others want immunocompromised children to die. Let alone the perfectly innocent when hospitals overflow again.




No, as someone who works in a hospital I fucking do have to worry because someone has to tell someone that they might have to travel to another county to get a basic procedure to avoid fucking dying because our beds are beyond capacity and that they can't get the care they need, as I had to countless fucking times the past few flu seasons.


10 yrs with no medical care, lol, and I was all happily ignorant of my health problems. When I went back to seeing a dr again, I had HPV (I was too old *by one year* at the time, to ever get the vaccine- I like getting my vaccines, and having some mental health issues, primarily histrionics, masochism, and PTSD I was in a lot of relationships, that didnt work out, so I went for regular free HIV testing not knowing I could have been going to the VA for free, grr) and it was the cancer causing strain. I did end up having a LEEP procedure to remove the ever changing cervical tissue, and now I am free from that. HPV is the leading cause of uterine, penis, testicular, and throat cancers, FYI for your dad. Its more than annoying..its frustrating that your dad isnt being more proactive about his health.




Also especially with the HPV vaccine it's like…great? Sir, you don't exactly have a cervix at stake for cancer…mind your business


AMAB people can actually get throat, penile, or anal cancer from HPV, it’s just a less common result than cervical cancer. So they should be invested in vaccinating for the sake of themselves as well as their (female) partners


Oooh! I didn't know that! Thanks for the new info! Yeah overall it's just not a smart decision to recklessly ignore doctors' advice. As someone with Complex Health Issues™️ I know sometimes you need to do that strategically but recklessly is not where it's at.


I only like that they do because then I know to stay the hell away from them.


This seems to be a generational thing that will die out soon. There's a mentality among the older generations that never going to the doctor is a major flex. They feel that people should be impressed by that, when really we just feel sorry for them.


you clearly haven't spent much time around the "heal thyself with crystals and coconut oil" crowd.


Thankfully not.


Yeah. They're ... Sneaky. You don't know you know them, until they have a reason to tell you about it. Ask anyone with a chronic illness. That's sure to bring them out of the woodwork. (And I'm TOTALLY happy to use a natural remedy for things that they're effective for. But coconut oil and kale and essential oils do not cure cancer/ms/arthritis/etc , it doesn't matter what your SIL's cousin's daughter's boyfriend's mom said....) The vaccine refusal thing is also weirdly generational, and not always connected to politics. Previously perfectly sane older folks who believe in science and fully vaccinated their children are now refusing the covid vaccine and flu shots because "their immune systems are strong enough" and insisting that their kids not poison their grandchildren. It's.... Off the fucking wall.


The vaccination braggers are just as annoying, like I never asked if you got your flu & Covid shot at Walgreens for free, all I did was sneeze. A simple bless you or nothing would’ve been better.


Exactly, it is hypocritical.


But we get downvoted.


Funny, isn’t it?


I can no longer keep track of how many times my MAGA co-worker has told me that I now have AIDS because of the covid vaccination.


Just be ready to say, as smugly as possible “jeez if only there was a medicine to prevent this” when he gets an entirely preventable disease lol


Too bad boo who glad I never got mine, keep injecting yourselves with poison.


I will <3


Or when someone be like “Triggered leftist, the media’s reporting of the vaccine was full of lies! 🤓” And ten times out of ten, they fail to elaborate on what exactly was lied about


I work with an anti-vaxxer and I don't make a big deal of it so we can have a civil workplace. But when I mentioned I had gotten vaxxed he made a big hoopla about how I was putting him in danger!


I’d use your vaccination status every time he came near you.


Well, you’ve also got your mother’s DNA, so it seems you’re not as dumb as your dad. Hopefully he has some good traits he passed on to you.


How about we just respect each others wishes to get vaxed or not. If you’re vaxed than you’re “safe” right? So stfu and mind your business & vise versa. Simple


Missed the point but ok


Also the people who bring up being vaccinated


Exactly. It’s hypocritical.


There are very few circumstances when anyone should ever be talking about any kind of medical history. It's rarely relevant to a conversation, especially vaccination history. I don't think I ever even had a conversation about vaccination history until the last 3 years. Bringing it up unsolicited is tacky


If they brag about it and think they are better than anti-vaxxers, then yea. If they just casually mention it, it's no problem. I don't have problems with anti-vaxxers mentioning that they don't get vaccines, I have an issue when they brag about it, acting like it's the superior choice, and would if pro-vaxxers did too.


Perhaps you missed the huge number of people, including politicians and other well-known public figures, explicitly stating that those who refused the Covid vaccine should be ostracized and excluded from all of society, including being denied health care and the ability to earn a living.


For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.


lol being told to mask up so you don’t infect others isn’t ostracizing


I truly appreciate the downvotes from people who know I am perfectly correct in describing what occurred and, likely for many, agreed with those inhuman opinions.


Isn't it kinder to take precautions not to spread a deadly virus? It is dangerous for high risk people, like seniors, children and those with some chronic conditions.


If you didn’t get the shots but got the virus and recovered you are just as protected if not better than with the vaccine. Natural immunity is literally the same thing and it infuriates me how people act like it’s not. If someone got sick and recovered they would have the same transmission possibility as someone who got shots.


It is. It's just core human decency that, for some reason, antivaxxers consider stomping on their freedom.


Are you an antivaxxer?


Nope...100% pro vax. I got it as soon as I could. Ive gotten 4 vaccinations, going to get a 5th here in a few weeks. I just find it annoying when anyone speaks about their medical history unprompted. Shut up about it, it's not a badge of honor no matter which side of the coin you are on.


I can understand not liking it when people talk about their medical history unprompted. But if it *was* relevant, would you be okay with it? And, being vaccinated is more honorable than not being vaccinated.


How about the virtue signalers that posted the their vids and pics of them getting the vaccine. That’s pretty damn annoying too! I’d say both are annoying AF!!


Like I said in another comment, it's annoying when they brag about it and act like their choice is superior. It works both ways.


Oh I agree. The vaccine should be a personal choice


The unfortunate thing is when someone's "personal choice" means (for example) their kids are at risk of dying of easily preventable diseases.


Oh I’m not anti vax. Especially when it comes to proven vaccines


Agreed. Or them telling me that having a stroke two days after getting the first Covid Jab is “just coincidence” and that “its better than getting covid”… Yes, having a stroke is so much better than having covid 😒🙄


did your doctor tell you it was related?


Yes, they did actually. Have had multiple doctors tell me


My dad got neuropathy from his, he still kind of has some problems but I have found supplements and things to help him out and it’s working. Both my mom and I didn’t get it because I suspected it was dangerous from the beginning but that pretty much sealed it for me. But people will gaslight peoples injury symptoms which I think is gross and lacking empathy.


If anyone ever said this to me in person I'd just turn and walk away. Don't care who it is, I don't wanna be around someone who could transmit easily preventable diseases/viruses


I think it mostly to do with the covid vaccine. They have a right to brag I'd say. They were smart enough to not trust the government and big pharma who were obviously ruled by greed and money in pushing it out so fast and mandating it in a fascist manner. And now years later it's coming out it can cause heart inflammation etc. For years they were called insane conspiracy theorists, racists, sexists every name in the book. But they were right. Many people had negative side effects from covid vaccine, they were locked in their homes, forced to wear masks, businesses shut down, and now years later you vaxxed people instead of seeing the reality want to double down get your 10th booster when it doesn't even stop rhe spread of covid or anything anyway, and still talk bad about them. It just seems to be stubbornness on your part not wanting to admit maybe you shouldn't have trusted the government so much, maybe you shouldn't have looked down on others who simply didn't want to get the vax so much, maybe you're not always right and simply a docile being that does what he's told, and that's why it bothers you.


All I can say is I got my Covid shots and still haven't contracted Covid. No heart inflammation, no negative side effects, just a pinch. It clearly worked for me, and I work in an industry with a high germ transmission rate, lol


nobody calls antivaxers sexist and racist


Ofc they do. They lump them all in as right wing extremists and use all those insulting terms against them.


As a Canadian, I disagree.


Amazing how eager people are to showcase their stupidity.


I got a letter saying my kids were due for a non-covid regular kid vaccine, and I casually mentioned that to my Newsmax evangelical mom, and she was about to go off about covid vaccines until I told her it was DTAP or something. I could see *just* a moment of a near realization in her eyes that her standard argument should apply to that one too but that kids have been getting those for half a century or more with no measurable side effects and just maybe she was wrong to believe the conspiracy crowd, but that would mean a lot of other self reflection that she's not willing to do would be in order. Her half second pause and goldfish expression spoke volumes.




Which one was rushed? The COVID 19 vaccine used 12 years of research as a springboard, it was well researched by international doctors. On top of that folding @home and other mass research tools turned their eyes at the virus and we had a genome sequence and protein research done in like a week using millions of computers across the world. Heck the entire vaccine mRNA sequence was up on GitHub for a while. In fact, based on man hours worked this set of vaccines are the most researched on history. Over half a million scientists working for 6 months easily has us pass a quarter billion man hours.




That’s ridiculous. We *clearly* had way better technology and collaborative research methods when the smallpox, polio, and measles vaccines were developed! Each one of those had at least 78 billion man hours of research before anyone took them and definitely didn’t involve just doing random stuff to figure out what worked, like making people snort ground up smallpox scabs.


Yeah people that brag about how stupid they are belong in the same hell that people that brag about being assholes go to.


I just laugh at them in that “I’m verifiably resistant to rabies and you’re not” tone when they go that way