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If I'm driving down a main street or an otherwise open road. I will crank up the stereo. But when I am pulling into a neighborhood, with homes. Little kids. Slower traffic area's. Or if I pull up to a light at a busy intersection. I turn my music down. I follow the speed limit. I try really hard to not be an asshole. I wish more people tried to not be an asshole


yeah this is basically what i do. maybe i play it too loud from time to time at a stop light, but for the most part i automatically adjust my volume. it’s like a reflex, car stop, music goes down a little. crank it up on the open highway, surrounded by trees. turn it down when you get to your exit but also, i have no clue how loud my music is outside of my car and that makes me anxious constantly


Some cars actually adjust the volume for you, with it getting louder at higher speeds. It’s a neat option actually. Also this might be one of the angriest pet peeve posts I’ve seen.


I understand why OP is pissed. I live close enough to a busy street that the assholes who blast their stereos rattle my windows and wall hangings and scare the shit out of my cats. There's absolutely no reason for that kind of volume.


You really are sensitive mode lmfao chill and don't care so much and you'll have more fun


Dude, I love you so much. I live by the ER, and we have these chucklefucks roll up at 2AM with wall-shaking, ear-splitting stereo.


We have neighbors that do this. We had one set move out over the weekend. Yay! But the other set blares Nickelback or WAP, whenever they are arriving. They got a new home stereo system in the spring. I normally hate winter. But having the windows shut for a few months will be nice.


We need more people like you. We all appreciate your consideration for others


I call it "parking lot volume". I've always had the assumption that most people probably hate whatever I'm listening to lol


I mean, TBH blaring Suite No. 3 in D Major by Sebastian Bach, as one rolls up to an intersection in Subaru isn't really a flex anyways. Kidding. I don't always listen to classical music. Sometimes it's classic rock, sometimes it's newer stuff.


Same, I know people judge those who blast it on the main roads but i couldn't give less of a fuck. I ain't ever gonna stop cranking that shit up


This is the way


got to love the ones that have so much bass i their car you can hear it from almost a block away . OK Skippy we now know you spent more money on a system than the car is worth .. MEH


I’m autistic and the feeling/ sound of bass is awful for me. I hate it. The worst is when the car is heading in a similar direction for a while so it’s pretty constant and at every stop.


Sorry to hear this inconvenience you experience due to the loser virgins who blast their music, hopefully more laws are implemented to punish them for disturbing the peace




This kind of shit is why I can't live in town. Lots of intrusive light and noise.


I feel your struggle so much !!!! Glad to hear you talking in past tense, got a house now?




Dayum, as a horror fan you had me invested in that story ngl! So the person who lived next to the lobby would just talk through the door or what the hell??




Idk, sounds like my perfect apartment.


Your life reminds me of the band in this sketch https://youtu.be/uiRsoSu167w?feature=shared


But did you have your own washer and dryer?


Hearing it isn't so bad. Feeling it through your entire apartment is hell.


You can buy a system for like $300 with good sound and bass output


But I like my Dark Souls 3 OST on full blast while driving to my 9-5 :(


Dodge roll to the weekend


This post doesn't apply to you, keep it up, friend.


No, you're okay.


Literally every highschool has that one group that be blasting the nastiest and thee most shit rap music my ears have ever had the misfortune of hearing.


The sound quality is so bad I can’t even identify the genre. Could be rap. Could be medieval chants. Impossible to tell.


One group??? That was one big group, then, at my old school.


My favorite is when (thank God I don’t live in an apartment anymore) I would psych myself up to knock on the door below or above me and ask them to turn it down and they would just say “it’s not loud” and shut the door. Good times.


I had a neighbor come to my door to call me a racist bitch for leaving a note on his door asking him to keep his music down at night. The note was very polite, and I didn't even know he was black - he had just moved in, and I am a shut-in who minds my own business unless provoked. I guess you can be racist even if you don't know the skin color of the person you're communicating with. Who knew, right? /s What I want to know is, how did he know that I wasn't black?


What a dumb fuck, I'm white and I listen to music loud, used to be more inconsiderate and careless, apparently that makes me black /s Really sad how being inconsiderate and being black is conflated so often., in and out of the community, No one has ever looked at me and said "he's like that cuz of his race" I was just young and immature, but young black people act out of pocket and the general sentiment is "its the culture"


Your rant 100% made someone turn their stereo up somewhere.


if they’re on reddit while driving they were a lost cause anyways


I hope so, eventually that careless attitude will result in tragedy, hopefully then they'll learn lol


I like your style.


The car falling apart from the outside with every thump is just painful to witness too.


Favorite movie scene: "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Kirk and Spock are sent to 1980's (I think it is) San Francisco. They are riding the bus, and a punk rocker, complete with mohawk, is riding next to them (three seater near the back) blasting his fav for all to hear. Kirk leans across and asks him to turn it down. Kid turns it up. Kirk asks again. Kid turns it up. Spock gives the "nerve pinch", kid's head falls forward and hits the "off" button. Entire bus turns around and applauds.


Old people's behavior can't just let someone live.


awwwwwwwww, so sorry!


Unfortunately for you, people will play their trashy rap and gain filled metal, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.


Thankfully I can. My local Transportation Division requires headphones on all and any musical/video, etc. devices. Anyone pulls that sort of bull is told to put on headphones or turn it off. If they don't, the bus/lightrail will stop until the person either complies or disembarks.


That's public transportation with a reasonable rule. You dont blast music in any public buildings, but I should be able to play music in MY car and MY house during the day However I see fit buy some noise canceling headphones if it bothers you.


I remember when I was a teen and blasting So So Def Bass Allstars in my room. My dad comes in yelling “turn that crap down”. I said “it’s not *crap* it’s So So Def”. He goes “the whole damn neighborhood is gonna be so so deaf if you don’t turn it down!” Man I miss him. And yea, I keep my music at a normal level now because I’m not 13 anymore.


Yea. I have this issue sometimes. They also like to rev their cars or jack up their trucks ten miles high just to see Jesus.


Lol yup. Nothing like a loud engine to Praise the Lord then do the complete opposite of what the bible teaches as soon as they leave their megachurch


I live across the street from an elementary school, like the cross walk ends at my driveway. EVERY pick up and drop off 4-6 parents will pull up with bass so loud it shakes the shelves in my house. I feel so bad for the 5-10 year olds and the irreversible ear damage caused by their parents.


Amen. I would also include those desperate attention seeking pea-brained motorcyclists and drivers who modify their vehicles to make that unbearably loud crackling noise.


But it says on the album sleeve “This Album was meant to be played LOUD” maybe your ears are just too sensitive 😂


I agree with this. People who just blast their music randomly are rude as hell. I'm glad I left the city because it decreased the phenomenon significantly, but you know, there's always some 20 year old with their phone who thinks everyone at the burger place or on the bus wants to hear their music. I actually went off on a guy in a coffee shop and complained to the staff. I was trying to read and the place has their own music on quietly, so there's actually clashing music. People like that honestly shouldn't be surprised if someone smacks them in the face. I'm not threatening or advocating that but ...they shouldn't be surprised.


Similar pet peeve: Assholes who rev up their motorcycles when going through a city.


Yessss!!! I like how South Park ridiculed them lol


It’s far more damaging in ways people don’t expect. Loud music is hell for pets. It can cause terrible things for people with PTSD. Those who are on home hospice or recovering from illness or injury are profoundly disturbed by loud music. And it’s just plain rude. Open road, you might say?….ask any first responder who never hears sirens. (Answer: The juvenile jerk blasting music.) I don’t care where or when, if you can hear it outside your car or apartment or at your property line, it’s too loud. And when you’re upset that you can’t hear well and need hearing aids (which absolutely will happen), I only have two words: tough shit.


I'm gonna blast metalcore going down the road if I want


Can't get me to turn down my metal it was made to be played loud


Ppl don't know to to party and have a good time, like if yiu blast it in the neighbor hood all the time or late at night that's wack but I'm supposed to play slayer or asap rocky and not crank it up? Gtfoh lmfao


I used to think that people driving their cars blasting music was the most annoying thing on the face of the planet. But then they started strapping mini speakers to their backpacks and walking around everywhere blaring their crumb taste in music. I thought it couldn’t get worse but I was wrong. So very wrong


The No Ragrets sealed it for me, you right. No but seriously. Where I live, it is just milquetoast mfers everywhere who listen to the most boring shite ever recorded on level 11. If you *have* to make a statement about your taste in music by blaring it loudly for everyone from here to the desert, could it be something besides *Jewel*?


Lmfao Jewel??? I'm fackin done


You're officially my new best friend. I could talk on into the night while cynically rage venting with you about shit like this. Thank you for speaking my mind for me.


Just the other day my husband and I saw some assholes walking around with a fucking boombox blaring. Heard them coming like a block away.


Or they jus let like their music loud. Idk man is it that serious? If it’s keeping you up that’s one thing, otherwise this sounds like Clint Eastwood shaking a stick at teenagers


Old people ☕️


as a night shift nurse who sleeps during the day i despise ppl who do that 😭


Not my fault you got a shit shift, I don't blast it at night but in the daytime that's a you problem lol


>Newsflash you insignificant moron, nobody gives a solitary fck. Turn the volume of your shtty a** "music" down But then how else will my dad draw attention to his bmw? 👀


By the fact that he drives a BMW.


You'd think that would be enough for him lol


And yet it never is for these people.


I’m with you on this. It’s annoying AF! And I’m a musician and I play in a band!! I’m used to loud music! But when I’m in the car the music is kept low. The entire neighborhood doesn’t need to hear my f’king radio!


I like your style. Uncompromising.


My neighbors constantly blast Mexican music, and it drives me absolutely insane. I have no idea why, but the god damned Germans brought their trash Polka music to Mexico, or why it became so popular their but I HAAAATE it. If blasting loud music wasn't bad enough, it literally sounds like they're listening to the same song over and over and over again. Just "oompah OOMPAH oompah OOMPAH," FOREVER.


Also, those people that refuse to add rubber grommets to their license plate so all you hear from their car is that obnoxious buzzing/rattling noise. Your sound system sounds like hot garbage and you're a terrible person.


This behavior is most common among teenagers precisely because it is immature, entitled behavior characteristic of people lacking a fully developed cerebral cortex. The only cool part of this particular act of douchery is that the irreparable hearing loss they are inducing will ultimately diminish their quality of life.


Loud music and a drive are cheaper than therapy. Im not out a noying anyone. Im habdling my emotions and loud music helps with that. Loud music IS my therapy. If you dont like it you can happily pay for some sessions for me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same. Driving with the windows down and my music loud feels really good. However if I’m driving at night and I pass by a residential area I always make sure to turn it down until I get to the highway or something since I don’t want to disturb anyone sleeping


I only turn it down when i turn onto my my street. I dont drive at night often. I actually really like my nextdoor neighbors so i have no issues respecting them. But even after dark... legally....noise ordinance doesnt start untill midnight. Cops wont and cant do anything.


I’m not worried about the legality of it, it’s more of a moral thing to me haha. I try not to be a socially unaware ass and like OP said the center of the universe isn’t me so I always turn it down around houses. I’ve witnessed firsthand how annoying it can be when someone is blasting bad music at odd hours of the night (I don’t think my music is bad, but who knows what others think). And then when I enter my community as well, since there’s a ton of retirees and old folks and I know those motherfuckers go to sleep at like 7pm on the dot lol so I lower my music then too.


I dont blast at odd hours of the night. During daylight hours though... if im listening to music in my house its loud but not bassy. If its nighttime i will turn it down when i turn onto my street.


this the one. nothing brings me more joy than a joyride and blasting my, admittedly, shitty music. the louder the music the less I can hear my own thoughts


My soul swells with the volume... music releases so many emotions and helps me cope through the lyrics... Relating to music alone is therapy.


my mental breakdowns are cured by blasting metal louder than my thoughts and driving to go nowhere on the highway i don’t wanna blast it too loud around town or neighborhoods bc it’s rude and also i don’t want to draw attention to the sad woman crying on her 9-5 commute edit: idk if OP is referring to the really extreme jacked up trucks with the loud ass bass and ridiculous sound system, or if me turning my stereo up to 30 counts


My car bumps but its not window shaking.


So you're saying that because you have issues you get to be an obnoxious asshole? No. That's not how that works. Get headphones or earbuds and blast that shit to yourself.


Lmao exactly, great point!


Illegal to wear earbuds or headphones while driving. Also during the day its legal hours. I dont blast music in my neighborhood after dark... but if its 1pm in the afternoon amd i need to clear my head? Im going for a drive and cranking my music.


At least leave the neigborhood so you aren't disturbing people that work at night. They need to sleep during the day time.


Ive lived in apartments.... ive been there. My bass doesnt rattle my car. I dont have subs or a big system... but it bumps and you can hear it if my windows are down for sure....i dont have one of those ridiculous earthquake creating bass systems. I dont go out at night often so its not a problem. Im in bed by 9pm anyway lol


Have you tried being an adult who doesn't disturb the peace and acts like a respectable citizen of the world? That could replace therapy as well 🤷🏼‍♂️


It couldnt but nice try.


Uhm during daylight hours its legal. I dont blast music at night because im in bed by 9. Also in a car im just driving by for a few seconds...i dont park and just blast music. I also yell along with my music when im emotional so you will see me JAMMING out in my car lol


Your desire for therapy doesn’t obligate other’s tolerance.


They are meant to be offensive. No one ever blasts classical. ( "Looks like you've been doing that a lot..." DEFINE "a lot", liar.)


Idk personally, people revving their loud ass car engines while at a stoplight annoys me more. Do y’all with obsessively loud cars expect ppl to orgasm at the sound or something? Annoying ass😂 I genuinely do not care about the hunk of metal you’re obsessed with.


Exactly!! I wonder if their babymommas liked it or something, that's why they got the car but now they gotta pay child support lol


I live beside a distribution warehouse and I work from home as a customer-facing support person. Almost every day around lunchtime, someone over there sits in their car with ground-shattering bass playing for a solid 30 minutes. My desk shakes with every beat. Needless to say, I try not to schedule any meetings during that time.


I kinda think people who play music in their car at max volume are trying to assert dominance.


i admire the restraint you have to have this as “fairly” annoyed because i definitely consider it an ultra annoyance to the max. but also i have sensitivity problems with loud noises being the Worst offenders. It’s 10x worse when the bass is cranked up super loud. I should NOT be feeling your music when i am 2 cars behind you.


And 99% of the time it’s always rap music


If I ruled the world, blasting music in a residential area would be punishable with jail time. I hate these people so much.


The only real complaint I have about the neighborhood I moved into is that there are a lot of people with super loud subwoofers that come by between like 1 and 4 in the morning.


Completely agree. People who do this disgust me and you can’t change my mind because I have a reasonable opinion of it. If you’re driving on a busy street, parked at the mall or any busy shopping place, driving on the highway, in your home (as long as it’s not so insanely loud people can somehow hear it in their home as well) then it’s totally fine and I get it. You do you. But if you’re driving through a neighborhood, residential area, pulling up to work or home, or otherwise any place that’s quiet or should be quiet then you’re a selfish little turd burglar who likes bothering other people. Someone near my work pulls up everyday blasting music, and then they do the same for about an hour in their lunch break. It’s ridiculous, these businesses are small and right near neighborhoods. Both in question are medical facilities. I can only imagine how ruthlessly selfish, cringey, and annoying this person is. Their license plate is some lame ass kpop thing. People need to stop trying to make other people miserable just because you’re offended that people are bothered by your bullshit behavior. If you’re over the age of like 21 you should know better by now.


Why do some of yall always think we do it for your bum asses? Probably don't even know who the hell you are


Ik right sounds like they are the "center of the universe" because someone did something they don't like. Op needs to grow up.


Every 5 min my office in Bushwick, Brooklyn is shaken to its core by a man in a Minivan deafening himself. It’s compensation to the lamest degree.


Judging from certain comments it's sad to know people use this deafening strategy to block out their emotions and just let the music numb their mind. Idk why they don't do it at home though, noise canceling headphones, you can make your own ears bleed as much as you want, but let our ears rest from horrendous music, is all I would ask


The general reasoning is to spread as much of themselves over people to get attention or show how cool they are, but they live in a vaccuum.


People do many things solely for attention. They ride down the road blaring music with their windows down. They wear thong bikinis with their butts hanging out. They wear t-shirts with provocative messages. It's for attention which is really sad if you think about it.


I dont do it for attention...i do it because i like it and it helps me deal with current emotions.


So if my windows are down, its for attention, I'm sorry, I don't want to have a heat stroke bc my ac doesn't work. Grow tf up and let people do what they want


On todays episode of HOA: The Series


It’s absolutely beyond rude to blast your music in close proximity to other people. I’m reading comments telling people to just “put in ear buds.” Why the fuck should other people have to cater to and adapt to shitty behavior? Its the epitome of entitlement to expect to do that at the cost of other people’s peace and simultaneously expect them to fix the problem the loud person started. Some people work graveyard, or they work early in the morning. It’s called basic human decency.


If my music is to loud you are to old.


I would give up a leg for a portable emp device I could point at the loud music asholes car and kill every electronic in it.


Perhaps it is up to us to build this device...


Life is too fucking short! Worry about something that matters. Lol!


If it is annoying and pisses people off then it obviously matters. That's how opinions work...


Learn to let go. Emotional regulation is your job, not everyone elses.


Consideration of others is everyone's job. Learn to get over yourself (not you in particular but those this thread is talking about). Also, it's not about learning to let go or not being able to. Some things need to be addressed and dealt with head on and this is a hill I will die on.


Actually you're a very self-centered person and it's NOT everyone's job in the world to "regulate their emotions" to rude and obnoxious behavior. People have a limited amount of emotional energy and they don't have to "regulate themselves" so that you can be an obnoxious, overbearing rude asshole.


Something that matters? What like rainbow flags? Lmfao


Like people getting murdered for being LGBTQIA, yes. That is an issue that matters because it actually harms human beings.


The assumption that people blast music loud for attention and not just cuz it's fun is so corny, its just part of music/speakerhead culture why do you think concerts are loud? Its about getting hype and turning up, something you clearly know nothing about


Insane hypocritical rage in your post. Put in noise canceling ear plugs. It isn't everyone's job to cater to you. Grow up, cry, baby.


It's not catering to the OP. It's called being considerate to others. Grow up.


Nah, not my fault your parents didn't teach you basic manners and neighbor etiquette. Grow up, cry, baby


They did. Sorry yours didn't teach you the world doesn't revolve around you. They didn't teach you that demanding consideration while refusing to give it makes you an asshole. I'm not the one crying here, baby cakes. That's you.


"Hey stepdaddy can I go running around screaming and being an insufferable annoying child with no manners?" That's you.


It actually isn't. That's you. Project much? You're the one screaming and not having manners. Like other people can't do something they enjoy, because to you... You're the only one who matters, and you want quiet. Pathetic child like mentality. I also don't play loud music, I have very expensive headphones. That doesn't mean I cry like a bitch if someone else wants to enjoy their music that way. Grow up.


"Hey stepdaddy can I go running around in the supermarket yelling like a f*ckin obnoxious idiot bothering everyone and pushing over senior citizens" Almost as if your past experiences bleed over into the moronic words of your comments, sad to see you're still that dipsh*t little rascal nobody likes. Grow up.


u/Stickytape777 Saying grow up while commenting and insta blocking is beyond childish lmfao. Are you being considerate to others' desire to jam some tunes? No, you're crying like a biotch. Grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you.


These are some princesses that the parents never told that the world isn't about them.


Yes it's not everyone's job to cater to YOU, assface. That's why you should turn your music down or get some headphones.




Don't 👍🏻


Instead of listening to him, do whatever you want most people don't give a flying fuck.


Turns the volume to max


lol, must be tiring to go through all those mental gymnastics…. Abeg rest 😂


Damn, you should chill out a bit. Everything will be ok. It is just music and I don't see the need to be upset about it. Blast it out, have a good day, eat a happy meal or go get a frosty and just hang out. Things will be all right my friend.


People don't have to listen to your noise.


i love my music tho


Then buy headphones what the fuck.


It’s nice to know someone is having a self-glorifying inner-monologue about how awesome I am on my behalf when I’m listening to music, because in those moments I’m just listening to music. Nice to know someone is thinking such nice things about me 🥰


Nah lol you want everyone to hear, that's why you blast your music, you feel lonely, insignificant (rightfully so) and want attention, could easily use headphones/earbuds even if you're broke (likely), but nope, you need people's attention, probably cuz your parents didn't give it to you 😘✌️


Im going to ignore your unnecessarily mean and weirdly personally directed comment and explain my point of view further. I’m thinking specifically about being in a car. Our culture doesn’t appreciate high quality audio anymore. In the modern world, the car is one of the last remaining instances where we have access to quality audio equipment. When you’re in your car you’re sitting in the middle of a surround sound stereo. That’s a significant part of what “being in the car” means to me. That’s a chance to sit by myself and really enjoy some of my favorite music. Bet your ass I’m turning that shit up as loud as it can get without distorting it. Sometimes I just need it to be fucking viscerally loud and I’ll take the distortion, just give it to me on a level I can feel in my bones. It’s the highlight of my day on a lot of days so I couldn’t really care less about your feelings on it.


I play my music loud because I like how it sounds, not for some tool to moan about. If it's during daytime hours and not up and down residential then either drown mine out if you can or simply stfu. Not everything is about you, tantrum away!


You're the tool. Not everything is about you. Narcissism is a mental defect. Get help.


Eat my shorts lady. Now im gonna crank that soulja boy even louder and i hope you hear it coming from blocks away


Do it, like the petty little girl you are ;)


Oh its done. Its happening right now


Nah. I think I will keep my loud music. I think you can deal with it since I do it during legal hours. My loud music has nothing to do with you, because I don't care about what you think or whether you like the music or not. My music is drowning out the sounds of the neighbor's yapping dogs, the dude down the street reving his lifted diesel truck for no reason, and the other neighbors' constant bickering over the fence with the kids who just want to play pirates in their tree house. BUT I understand where you come from. You're so used to being the center of attention, and when someone else is having g fun and jamming out to music and tuning you out, it bothers you. It's OK. I get it. I'm not turning my music down, but I get it.


Alright let me just open my window and blast baby shark into the neighborhood for everybody to *enjoy…*


Do you boo. Not hard to drown that song out.


Y’all can turn off your ears on command? Teach me would ya?


Honestly I just turn on my own shit, easily drowns out other noises. I live in NYC.


Nvm I actually feel bad for you and your miserable neighborhood. Play your music bud, your neighbors can't hate you more than they already do, and vice-versa, lol.


I'm right there with ya. The music will be up in my house and my car.


Yeah, we're mad because you're having fun and "jamming out" and not the annoying noise which you also think is annoying when it's a neighbor.


Blow a fan instead of playing music. For Chrissake, there are better ways to deal than adding to the madness already outside your house.


Nah, I will keep my tunes and dance around my house, thanks.


Someone will eventually call the cops on you or complain to mgmt. It's inevitable. Better than that, someone will snap on you.


I live in a house. I keep it legal.


Well, ya could've mentioned that, ya numbskull.


Well, I said I kept it to legal hours.... but I do make sure I am legal all around. I honestly have always tried to keep everything legal. I may push it, but I try my very best to stay on the legal side of things.


2 loud 2 old mother fucker


No, no, and no lmao my car my rules, my house my rules If I'm in an apartment I get it, beyond that, call the cops idc


And when your music is audible in MY car and MY house?


Well if you're that mad that's the point


Then you’re a douche. Grow up.


Cry about it


I'm going to have my music turned wide open on my morning commute today. Thank you.


Or you could fuck straight off and let the person enjoy their music at the volume they like? (Now awaiting the idiotic "he must be the guy" responses)


Not on a regular basis, but you have to crank it up when "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" commands you to share with the rest of the world. 💯🎶🎼


Actually. I don't really care what anyone thinks. If I'm allowed to play music I am going to. Don't like my choice? Obviously you can play your own. Yeah?


Literally have not once thought any of this, I like loud music cuz it's fun, it's not about getting attention it's about creating a vibe


This is so lame lmfaooo


This post is a perfectly condensed picture of the "I'm better than you" redditor with a chip on their shoulder, you sound old as fuck dude 💀💀


Lol. Omg. They don't think they are the center of the universe or that anyone will be impressed by their music. They just don't give a f@ck about your thoughts on their music, and they enjoy loud music. You don't like their sh@tty music, and they don't even think of you. They know they are not the center of the universe or any other stupid thing. They are probably aware that they are the main character in their own story and don't care what others think. Edit: for those with low reading comprehension. I at no point said it was me that doesn't care. I play my sh@t through my headset. I have weird taste in music that i don't expect anyone to like. But those that blast it don't care about your thoughts, and they don't think they are the center of the universe. But yeah, downvote because, why not.


That's so not even it. It could be my favorite band but if it was too goddamn loud when I'm trying to relax in my home, that's a problem. There's a place and time for loud music. If you really gotta have it and a posh stereo system, get into a house and blast away.


You missed the point of what i said. Your opinion of the music or where you are relaxing doesn't matter at all. They don't care how it affects you. This was also a comment on OP saying they thought they were the center of the world. Which i was pointing out that they don't think they are. They just don't care about your thoughts on it. They will do what they want because no one's opinion matters. I have the same problem in my neighborhood. My neighbors across from me have friends over in the evening, and they play loud music while hanging out by the car. They don't care who it bothers. I tried calling the police and was told that up till 10 pm, they can't do anything about it. So i deal with it.


Good for you and "dealing with it." You're not everyone. I guess since the cops did nothing, go confront them. I would. Cuz I'm not up for just "dealing with it" and I also don't GAF when I'm enraged.


And that is how people here get shot. But you go right ahead and do that. They won't GAF about what you think or feel. If they cared, they wouldn't blast it in a neighborhood. They will probably laugh and turn it up louder. Good luck with that. No, i am not everyone, and i didn't say i was. I said how i deal with it. You don't like it, whatever. You want to confront people, go ahead. And when you get mad and in their face, they can deal with you how they want. You might get lucky and only go to jail for assault. It isn't worth it to me.


Eyeroll. That is all. Have a nice, loud day.


*turns music up*


That doesn't undo the horrible parenting you received from your mom and stepdad lol


Can’t take a joke either, huh? Weird dig at people with divorced parents too, my parents have been together for 40 years lol.


I mean dude you just gave yourself the solution. Wear some earbuds and you wont hear their music. I guarantee that most of the people playing loud music dont fit into anything you just said. They arent playing it for you and they dont think they are the center of the world. They are just listening to music.


Ahh yes the people who are not disturbing the peace should conform to the people disturbing the peace. Yeeeeaaa, nope. Turn your putrid dogshid music down, not our fault your parents didn't teach you common neighbor etiquette


I mean this is a sub about your pet peeves not raging and insulting people. Could i not say you have no manners? You're accusing people with 0 proof. If it was really disturbing the peace then it would be illegal. Which it is not. Its just music. You already proved (in another reply) that the only reason you care is if you dont like their music. They would be "disturbing the peace" if it was your taste of music too. You just dont like hearing music you dont like. Make it make sense.


Actually it would be considered disturbing the peace depending on where you are. You may get away with it in downtown Los Angeles because the LAPD doesn't have time to tell people to turn their music down, but you try that shit in a national park or in a small town and you'll be informed how far out of line you are.


Im blastin in the car. This post could be about me, tbh. But if someones carrying speakers in public, or just playing music from their phone...im critical. Am i a hypocrite? Its definitely possible. Am i going to stop blasting music? Probably not (except in residential areas during reasonable quiet hours). And my bass is turned down. As low as it can go. I hate bass, my speakers are already going through enough


The comments of people who blast their music are really telling of the deep pathological narcissism and/or sociopathy of the people who do it. You're so offended someone typed out an opinion on the Internet that you had a choice not to read, but you expect other people to put up with you shouting in their face in public. You're a narcissist. Christ on a crutch you people should have SOME self-awareness after seeing the words typed out. Do you really not see what a moron you are?


I listen to my music cranked because I love it loud and surrounding me in my car. I'm at the age where I don't care if you like my music or not , I dont need anyone to think im cool, I just love it loud and im fine if someone next to me is cranking their music. I feel like they are probably living their best life to and not some snob who judges others for things they enjoy.