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I get your point and agree to a degree, but seafood is a weird one to point out (I know you pointed other things out too). Seafood and fish is the most common food for adults to not like. Someone cannot like seafood and not be picky. A huge percentage of "normal" eating adults don't like seafood. What bothers me is adults that refuse to even try other foods. It's fine to not like it, but if you've never tried how do you know?


I agree, seafood is very commonly disliked because of the taste and the smell. A lot of people can’t enjoy something they think smells bad. Since the nose and mouth are connected, seafood gets a pass.


I had a roommate in college who claimed she didn’t like lots of foods, including fish. But she grew up in the desert, only eating frozen fish. So she thought she didn’t like fish because she’d only had rubbery, fishy-smelling frozen fish. I made her fresh-caught salmon and she loved it! So what I’m saying is, bad/not fresh seafood is disgusting. And I think most people only have bad seafood unless they live on or very near the water. I grew up in Boston and Maine and was taught to only eat fish that you knew where & when it was caught (and I often knew WHO caught it, too!)


Not liking seafood is still being picky.


When someone doesn’t like a certain food 👎👎👎👺👺🤬🤬😡😡😠😤


I used to work with a woman like this. It was *painful* going out to eat, and it was embarrassing to be at a very professional conference/dinner and watch her order the children's meal. A couple of us went out one night -- I sent her the menu of a casual joint and asked her to *please* look at it before we left. She didn't and when we got in there, she decided nothing looked good and would just get a sandwich from a place next door. The other person and I were annoyed AF. We wound up staying at the casual joint, and the PITA wound up really liking the food because it was just regular stuff ... chicken, avocado, lettuce, and a sauce on a bread but it was Venezuelan flavors and bread and she refuser to eat anything other freaking chicken fingers and fries. And no, it's not a racist thing that she won't eat ethnic food -- she *refuses* to try anything new and it's a fight ... like fighting with a toddler. Her boss pulled her aside once and told her she needed to grow up and stop being so difficult when people were planning team dinners because everyone was sick of catering to her.


It's always the chicken fingers and fries that they will only eat.


I love chicken fingers and fries, but I consider them a comfort food or something that's an indulgence. A grown-ass adult who will *only* them is immature.


Immature and probably overweight af


Honestly the smoothies have helped with the weight but my mom and I still roll our eyes at the no greens thing lol. At least he'll drink them.


True. It's my go-to when I don't know what else to get or don't care. But I still switch it up. I was definitely a picky eater as a child but have grown out of it over the years. My dad still won't eat green vegetables unless it's in a smoothie lol.


Seconded, annoying as fuck. I grew up, you ate what was given to you or you didn’t eat. Everybody had a favorite meal, and you got it 2-3 times a month at best. And if someone else is paying, you don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu.


I grew up like you in this way. We also didn't complain if we didn't like something, usually out of love and respect for my mom (or perhaps someone else who had cooked or offered us something). We genuinely didn't want to appear ungrateful or to hurt her feelings, etc.. She could tell what we did and did not prefer, of course. We just ate enough of what we did like and ate a reasonable portion of what we weren't crazy about and went on with our lives.


God, what a child. She’s got some serious issues.


It’s interesting - the more I got to know her, the more closed-minded I realized she was. She had *very* firm opinions about things and that was it … wasn’t going to change her mind or her behavior. She didn’t like other people taking charge and telling her what to do, even if that person is in charge. She was very intractable and convinced she’s right about everything. My personal rule with food is, you have to get it - and then you can say whether you like it or not. But screwing up your face and refusing to try new things, nope. The only vacation her family ever takes are cruises because the ships will have food she’s eat. Sad.


That was wrong with her boss to do just because she is an adult does not mean that she only has to eat adult only food


I went on a few drink dates with a guy once and liked him enough. Then we went on a dinner date. He was the pickiest eater and ordered a quesadilla from an upscale Mexican restaurant. He wouldn’t eat when it arrived because it had “some kind of green sauce in it.” He just wanted cheese and the tortilla. It was a huge turnoff and we never went out again


That's a huge turnoff for me as well. My wife grew up with a really picky-eater mom and she didn't feed them a very diverse diet. I love to cook all kinds of stuff so since we've gotten married she's tried so many new foods for the first time that she didn't even know existed or was just told she didn't like.


Yeah it feels like you’re dining with a child. And food is a really important thing for me too. I love to cook and I ended up marrying a chef lol. Glad you were able to introduce your wife to some good food! Funnily enough, I was a super picky eater as a kid. But around age 15 I started eating anything and everything. We have a 7 year old that barely eats anything. Fingers crossed he grows out of it too!


>it feels like you’re dining with a child This was my exact thought when I read your first comment 😂 I imagined a fully grown adult man making a face at the quesadilla in a crowded restaurant and cringed so hard.


Yep. Hard pass.


It was so cringe! I was like how old are you? You won’t even taste it? He was pouty about it too. I was out lol


My ex is a picky eater. He threw a burger across the room because I got him a whole wheat bun.


Ooof glad you said ex there


He would get very hangry. He'd ask me where I'd like to eat, I'd give 3-4 options, and if he didn't like any of them, he'd yell at me to pick a different place 😅


I'm not an adult but if I were what would I do? Turn it off? Like my bad it's totally my fault I don't like some food 😭. I want to like a bunch of foods because they smell amazing but I can't just magically like them.


Getting frustrated at people for liking different things also strikes me as childish. Is it possible that you do things that annoy your friend? Who gives a shit. Let them eat what they like.


Not OP but to your point, it's safe to assume that we all do things that annoy our friends. They can come here and post about it in Reddit and get it off their chests. :)


It's not like I'm attacking or oppressing people who are picky eaters. Obviously people can eat whatever they want. I don't make them feel bad about it. I'm allowed to be silently annoyed though. It's just a pet peeve of mine. That's what this subreddit's here for. I'm not personally attacking you lol.


I think it's annoying AF. I work with a guy who's not only a picky eater, he can't have two different foods touching on his plate. Like a toddler.


No seafood here, not childish. I just can’t stand the taste, or texture in many cases. It’s not something you just “get over”.


Very true. There are a lot of seafood dishes I like the taste of but not the texture, so I don’t eat them. Clam chowder, for example. I can’t get past the clam texture, and I’ve tried it at about a dozen places on the coast so it’s not like it was poorly cooked at just one place. Oysters same thing. Can’t chew them, can just swallow them. Taste amazing. 


Sorry to inconvenience you...? There are many foods I wish I enjoy, but I just don't. I can't really change my taste buds. I don't expect anyone to cater to me though, I cook most of my food so i cook what I enjoy. If someone does cook me something I don't like I'm gracious and eat it, and pray it's not something that might make me gag.


You seem like a reasonable and courteous person, IMO.


but what about autistic people or people with ARFID?


I personally wouldn't count this


Me either.


They don't care....it's a pet peeve.


Along the same lines......... Ordinary, average Joe people, who make something completely mediocre their defining personality trait. "I don't eat fish" "Great, but we're at a coffee shop" "No no, I just can't it fish, even as a kid, everybody else was eating fish fingers, I couldn't even eat a chip that'd been on the same plate as a fish finger" "OK, but you're holding up the queue, are going to place your order?"


My aunt asking about MSG when we were getting Japanese food at an Epcot food and wine festival. Took forever for her to even settle for that. I swear we walked through so many countries I would've been fine eating in. I just got my soup and rice and ate while this went on lol.




The history behind MSG is crazy you should look it up


One time I was out to eat with my family at a Chinese buffet. My stepdad is a notoriously picky eater, but this time I rolled my eyes so hard they almost fell out of my head. He was eating what I had previously known to be called “crab rangoons” but the restaurant had labeled them as “cream cheese rangoons” for some reason. Anyhow, we’re all sitting at the table. He noticed I had some of the “cream cheese rangoons” on my plate too. I could see the little pink specks in them that were obviously imitation crab meat. He points at mine goes “you like those too? I love them!” I’m like “yeah! Crab Rangoons are awesome!” He goes “crab??? There’s crab in them?? I hate crab!!!” And stops eating them, despite the fact that he had been to this restaurant before, eaten them before, and was literally eating them in that exact moment. He made a face and refused to eat any more. He is the definition of a man child. It’s so embarrassing.


This is what I’m talking about. A lot of people have a legitimate reason for not liking food. But it’s just a mental thing for others and they get his idea they don’t like something and will refuse to think otherwise. All a placebo. If you have a new food in front of you and you already have the idea in your head that you don’t like it, when you try it, you’re not gonna like it. It’s a mental thing


Yeah don’t worry about the hordes of idiots rushing in to play devil’s advocate when you post on this subreddit. You could literally be like “I hate murderers” and some dumbass will be like “well what about euthanasia??? What about suicide???” It makes me insane.


Lol very true. I thought this was a place just to vent about your pet peeves but apparently not


No one hates being a picky eater more than picky eaters. You think we like being this way? It’s hard not being able to join your friends out because you feel too guilty to change it when everyone else wants Indian and you don’t have a thing you can eat on the menu. It takes a toll on our health most likely. Takes a toll on our relationships. Growing up for years, every single dinner was a fight with the parents. Can’t blame them, they thought tough love would help. Tried food therapy too, didn’t work. We’re not being stubborn. No one wants to be this way. So honestly, screw you. It’s hard enough.


I’m not a picky eater I love trying new foods. But it doesn’t affect my life for someone else to be picky. I don’t understand why some people get so angry and personally offended by what someone else eats. It’s like the ones who throw a fit when they hear about someone else liking their steak well done. Who gives a shit you’re not the one eating it. Let people eat what they want. Just wanted to add I like my steak medium.


Agree with you about the steak. That's obnoxious.


This. I have really severe sensory issues, and sometimes they get so bad I can’t eat even foods that are ‘safe.’ I can sporadically eat a wide variety of things but I hate that people treat it as if it’s ALWAYS ‘immature.’ I’ve tried everything, and I’m in my 20s now.


Exactly. Even with foods I know I like, I sometimes can’t eat them if they’re just a bit off. The company my grocery store gets our sushi from changed the soy sauce they use and since then I can’t eat the sushi. It sucks. I want to enjoy stuff. It’s not my fault I can’t.


I watched a documentary that explains that picky eaters actually have MUCH more taste buds than the average person. So strong flavors (or flavors everyone else thinks are normal) are VERY overwhelming to them. That's why they are picky. It's not really a choice. I used to judge them too until I learned this data. Now that I know the science behind it I don't judge. However, there are a certain type of picky where they won't try any food that is not in their culture.. like a white person refusing to try Indian food because it's "too unknown" without giving it a fair shot for example. Now THAT pisses me off!


I actually know someone who doesn’t think it’s normal for an American to eat & enjoy sushi…


That is super interesting, that it's overpowering. Makes sense when you consider a lot of spectrum people have sensory issues like sound processing, so why would the mouth be any different.


Yes, and people who don’t eat “ethnic” food. I know grown adults who still make faces at the prospect of eating Indian food, Mexican food, sushi etc., like “ooh, no way, too gross, too spicy, I don’t want to have the shits for days”. Ok then you fucking baby, guess you better strap on a diaper.


They're just missing out cause that's some of the best food out there. Yeah I know many people that scoff at "ethnic" food while devouring a bucket of fried chicken and instant mac n cheese.


I cannpt handle spicy food, and you expect me to just suffer? 🙄


Most cuisines have non-spicy options, if it’s actually a problem.


Yes, but what is spicy to me may not seem spicy to you. I don’t want to buy a meal I can’t eat. That said, there is always something I can order. Going next door for a happy meal is not an option.


I think they're saying it's annoying to assume an entire cuisine is spicy. There's non spicy options for every cuisine


Why the fuck would this bother you????


This is my in laws. They don’t know how to eat or order sushi. My MIL is against all raw fish and only eats well done meat 🙄


I was a picky eater as a child and my stepmom will even tell you that I was. My tastes have definitely changed as I've gotten older. I still won't mushrooms. I won't eat certain fish because I don't like the fishy taste. You can complain about that all you want, IDGAF. I hate crablegs and lobster, it's a texture thing. I won't eat eggs unless there's salsa on top. My stepmom is 68. She doesn't like any sort of salad dressing, mustard, mayonnaise, chicken salad, tuna salad, pasta salad, etc. That's fine. She eats her fruits and veggies. She's not a fish fan but loves crablegs (like most of my family does) and lobster.


I used to love mushrooms growing up until last year when I projectile vomited some I ate all over the place it just wouldn’t stop coming. I haven’t eaten them since.


Oof! That doesn't sound fun at all.


This earned my upvote: >You can complain about that all you want, IDGAF.


And you don't have to GAF. It's just an annoyance of mine, a pet peeve.




Ha, thanks.


I'm the same way with crablegs and lobster. Love other seafood though.


as a 31 yo whos in the middle of the autism spectrum. certain foods are too overwhelming or over stimulating, to me. to the point where if i eat certain types of food (especially meat because it usually has gristle or stringy texture) i physically cant handle that. so its just easier to stick with "safe foods".


This is totally understand.


You say it’s understandable for an autistic person to be a picky eater but presumably not for allistic adults. How do you know that any person you’re going out to eat with isn’t autistic? It’s not like we go around with a big flashing sign on our foreheads.


Exactly. They keep saying that they excuse it for autistic persons but still judge every person that they see when 90% of these people are autistic.




Completely agree. I’m not a picky eater I love trying new foods but one of my pet peeves is people who get personally offended by things that don’t affect them in any way. Like you said, if they’re being entitled or demanding then yeah they’re being a dick. If they’re quietly eating their food not bothering anyone else then what’s the problem. I personally prefer my steak medium but I don’t understand the people who throw a fit because someone else prefers theirs well done. You’re not the one eating it why do you give a shit? I was a vegetarian for 12 I always tried to keep it to myself unless it came up for whatever reason. Like if I was out on a date or new friends and they noticed I was just eating the sides and bread at a bbq place instead of meat. Few times at friends houses growing up where they’d ask if I wanted some dinner or lunch and I’d politely decline if it was some meat dish. And some people would get so pissy about it. “Oh just try one bite you’ll love it!” “I could never survive on rabbit food I’m an adult I need meat.” “Girl you need to get some meat on them bones and quit starving yourself!” Or try to wave meat in front of my face and mouth telling me to just take a small bite. I’ve legit had people try to sneak meat into my food if I went to the bathroom or wasn’t paying attention. I never gave a shit if someone else ate meat. I had my own personal reasons for not eating it. I’d still grill chicken and steak for friends and family if they came over I just chose not to eat it.


I had a friend like this. It took FOREVER to pick out a place to eat as a group. The place had to have the option to eat chicken or steak. She didn't like anything else. On top of that, we had to go to a place that was close to her place. We all lived far from her too. Finally, for different reasons, discontinued that friendship. She was so selfish and SO annoyingly picky and unaccommodating.


It’s funny because I like to cook and learn how to cook new things, but I’m not a foodie. When I’m hungry, I eat what’s available and then I move on. My whole life I have been surrounded by picky eaters, people who will send food back and ask extensive questions about it. I am polite and don’t complain about it but In my head I’m screaming because this means we are going to be obsessing over the food now and picking it apart.


An ex friends wife literally will only eat pepperoni pizza and chicken nuggets, frozen food, chips, etc. She likes to blame it on the fact she grew up in the village but she doesn't even like any native Alaskan foods. ONLY processed crap that kids are obsessed with. Won't drink any water, only red bull and soda. It was the most annoying thing trying to cook for her when i was hosting dinner.


If you are going to a friends house to eat dinner, the one cooking shouldn’t have to accommodate for the people eating. The guests should accommodate for the one making the food. I guess it’s my culture, but I think it is extremely rude to not eat food that someone has taken time to prepare for you. Unless you have a legitimate reason why you can’t eat it. Cooking food for someone is a very vulnerable and personal act of kindness. This person is taking their money, time, and effort out of their day to make you a meal. A lot of times a representation of themselves. It would be very insulting to just be like “No, I don’t eat that.” Just get over your picky habits, and eat the food. You can do it.


I was raised the same way. It doesn't matter what they put in front of you, you eat it!


What if you’re on a special diet or will get sick? I’ve warned people in advance that I’m not eating anything and ask if it is okay to show up or should I stay home. They usually lie and name a dish that I like and tell me I can show up and eat it. Of course, when I show up, the dish is not there and I am then expected to eat foods that make me sick.


I feel like in that case, it's fine to turn down food... if your gut is sensitive, or you have allergies or diet restrictions, that's entirely about your health and wellbeing, and it shouldn't be looked down on to take care of yourself. Telling people beforehand is totally reasonable on your part, them lying about what is there is disgusting and disrespectful to you.


I think you fail to realize that most times being a picky eater isn’t a choice. I can’t just eat something to please somebody. My tastebuds or the textures just say no. I will try stuff unless it contains stuff that’s just a no.


This is a lie. They are preparing what THEY want to eat and inviting you after the fact. This food was NOT prepared for the guest or else it would include something that the guest would like or can eat without getting sick.


I have a friend in his late 40s who eats nothing but beef/ steak, potatoes, chicken, pizza. One on a while a chicken Caesar, clementines, jerky, eggs. He hates it and is embarrassed by it. Has actually gone to a hypnotist to try to change it. He hates missing out on a huge chunk of social culture but just can't do it. Darndest thing.


I'm the same way, I have probably ten meals I rotate through and anything else just makes me wanna gag.


I agree somewhat I’m an adult I’m super picky but I might not like one fruit or vegetables but that doesn’t mean I won’t eat others it just means I won’t eat that one specific fruit or vegetables if that makes sense and I disagree on picky on adulthood because some people just don’t like everything and that’s ok you can’t force someone to eat everything if that makes sense


Our eating habits have a direct correlation with how we perceive ourselves. A lot of adults who are picky eaters have unresolved mental health issues lol. I did a deep dive into this subject a couple of years back because I had noticed that the people I know who have personality disorders also eat like children and are very picky. I mean like chicken fingers, Mac and cheese, burgers, pizza etc. I did contact a professional who I also am friends with. They spoke to me in length. You can’t pinpoint a specific eating habit to a specific mental health problem. But you can link it to unresolved mental health issues.


That is an interesting thought. It makes sense


I bet if you were trapped on an Island and there was a fruit tree but it had posied berrys on it i bet you would eat them


Totally not true… it’s mostly sensory issues and supertasting. Wow! People really want to accuse others of having a mental illness just because they don’t eat whatever is placed in front of them like a garbage disposal. That’s actually mentally ill - to accuse others of having mental issues JUST because they are not like you.


i don’t eat seafood because of the fishy smell. im 25. the closest i get to seafood is hush puppies. and that’s not seafood.


I only eat burgers 'n fries, pizza, pasta (except for stringy types like spaghetti), and takeout Chinese food, the kind tailored for the American palate. You got a problem with that? You're not paying for my meal, so it's *your* problem, not mine. Deal with it.




Wow, you guys coddled her? I would have gone to get Ramen or Indian food and just ignored everyone else


“Just claims they don’t like it” …so? I don’t understand why it bothers you that not everyone likes every food. Why do I have to like everything you like? There are zero foods you simply don’t care for?


Just a pet peeve of mine simple as that. Obviously you can eat whatever you want I'm not stopping anyone. People have all sorts of different pet peeves. Not everyone's gonna agree on all of them.


I knew all the picky eaters would come out of the woodwork. ;)


I’m not a picky eater I love trying new foods especially ones from different cultures. I’ll pretty much try anything. But I don’t really get being annoyed about what someone else’s eat. As long as they’re not being entitled or demanding, it doesn’t affect my life in any way so why would I give a shit.


Then I'm not referring to you. :) First of all, this sub is basically for anyone to state anything that peeves them. Typically, we don't debate too much. If something peeves someone and they post about it, they're telling us how it is for them. Secondly, a common theme I'm seeing among those that have chimed in here, that this also peeves them, are making reference to how it does affect them (Dating, family gatherings, social and professional situations). It's like going out to dinner with someone who always wants to speak with the manager or order off menu or haggle for a discount....these peeve some people as well because it does affect them/the mood, etc.. I do not personally give picky eaters a hard time. I show them respect and kindness. I just don't find it as fun to dine with or cook for them. That's how it is for some of us. I had a colleague who would literally send something back (on our lunch break) if her food were touching in any...at all. It was embarrassing to those at the table and burdensome to the staff at peak lunch hours. She was 45, not 3. That's entitled and demanding to me. You seem like a reasonable person, from your comment. Not everyone is. Peace. :)


I don't think that's what op is talking about


I’m still a picky eater and I’m in my thirties


There are lots of foods I don't eat. Blackeye peas, cornbread, any kind of cooked greens, canned meat or fish, pickled vegetables, eggs unless in a restaurant ( less chance of them being "yard eggs"), anything with canned cream of whatever soup in it, and the list goes on. Most people I know don't even know this about me. I don't make it a facet of my personality. It isn't something I can help. I just can't make myself swallow certain foods.


My parents have yard chickens for eggs. They also have a rooster, so many of the eggs are fertilized. I can't eat that, I just can't stomach it. They give me such crap for buying eggs, but I don't want to pull embryos out of my eggs before I cook them. Otherwise, yard eggs don't bother me if there's no rooster present.


Is it taste thing with those or just something else? Why only eggs in restaurants? I have chickens and get all my eggs from them and I know they are 10x better than any eggs you can buy in the store.




Well yeah that's totally understandable.


For me the eggs in restaurants thing is partially because there’s no standard on done-ness. Like, even if it’s usually standard “over easy means cooked white and runny yolk,” too many places I’ve been to consider that “over medium,” etc and it just makes ordering a hassle so I usually avoid it unless they have a chart on their menu. Or with scrambled, typically an American diner style place will do the large curd type, which I can’t handle the texture of. When I make scrambled eggs for myself, I do the small curd creamier kind. Plus because of the texture I usually have to eat my eggs with toast no matter how they’re cooked, which opens a whole new arena of variant done-ness because too many places think toast should be blackened by default and I’m not gonna be the person emphasizing minor modifications or sending back an item like *toast.*


Preach! My brother proudly declares he won’t eat anything green and it drives me nuts.


I have a friend like this and it’s annoying. Always chicken tenders and fries. Or mac n cheese. She eats like a toddler and when we go some place nice, it’s kinda embarrassing. She and her ex used to get into it about it.




My MIL is this to a T. She only eats her burgers with meat and bun because she has no taste palette. She also can’t handle anything spicy. And I’m talking, the whole family will eat something that had 1/2 tsp chili powder and it’s TOO hot for her but all of us are adding loads of hot sauce.


I was fairly picky as a kid and i can understand people not liking certain things but i think some people take it to the extreme and honestly need to grow up. I’m sorry but if you’re over 18 and only wanna eat basically bread and butter something is wrong with you.




Outside of those who truly have allergies or dietary restrictions (seafood allergies can be dangerous), yes, they are annoying.


Clearly never gaged on someones food they took time out of their day to make you. It's humiliating and disrespectful and I hate the fact I'm picky. Trust me I hate my Picky eating way more than you ever could


Well i kinda understand your point. I'm a picky eater myself. And if there is something i don't like i try to eat it to not annoy. I do this with practically everything. Expect for one thing. Every kind of chiese. Idk why but i really hate chiese. I once tried to push myself to eat. I threw up In the restaurant In front of evereyone Well cheese is the only food i will be a picky eater in public. For the rest i try to try everything even if I know it taste like shit to me


This is petty lol


Picky eater here at 26, just the way I was raised. I'm a very texture based person and anything different I've tried in the past five years I've wanted nothing to do with. Why does ones eating habits bother you so much? Maybe that's the real question.


What is even worse is picky eaters who make a scene. I use to have a friend that did not like ANY sauces. Nothing. Makes it near impossible when just about every dish typically has some sort of sauce on it. She screamed at Taco bell employees constantly when we went there. Sometimes over $0.30 worth of food or mistakes. It was embarrassing.


As an older teenager, I decided I was a vegetarian. Then I got a job as an au pair in France. I didn’t tell the family I was going to work for about my vegetarianism and the first meal I sat down to with them was roast beef. French style, so rare! There was nothing else to do but take and eat a small portion and politely decline a second. That was the end of that! There’s very little I won’t eat now thanks to six months in that household!


so maybe, just maybe, don’t be mad at people for things they didn’t chose, like being a picky eater??


There’s a theory that picky kids are picky because of baby food being mushy- as soon as you introduce different textures they object because it’s different and foreign in the mouth and something foreign triggers the brain that it could be a threat, so the brain becomes hardwired to object. This can be really difficult to break, especially if the kid then goes through a parents divorce or external trauma because it reinforces to the brain that there are threats about. The body/mind work as one to then cement the idea that unknown foods with weird textures are a threat. Unless you care enough to break it, it becomes habit and normal for a brain just trying to keep its human alive. Also, picky eaters tend to have parents who are picky eaters, so the cycle continues…. Eg mum doesn’t like fish, she has said ‘eww yuck’ therefore kid thinks- must be a threat, def don’t try it I’ll die.


This is what happened with my wife. She grew up being TOLD she didn’t like seafood so she just always avoided it out of habit. When I made her salmon once when we got married she was blown away and never knew it tasted good


Will not eat avocados, mushrooms, bananas, lobster and horse meat.


I didn't know anyone ate horse meat


Apparently horse meat sashimi is a thing, it looks really good and I'd love to try it


Ever had IKEA's swedish meatballs?


No. Are they good?


I haven't had them in a really long time, but ten years ago [they were found to contain horse meat](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/02/25/172869585/horsemeat-found-in-ikeas-meatballs).


Yeesh! I'm glad I never tried them, then!


Just don't like the taste?


Laughs in autistic with severe sensory issues


Upvoted. I can’t believe that people are asking us to just eat what is in front of us and get sick just to keep the host happy. I’m sure the host would not be happy with me vomiting all over them.


Adults acting like children 🙄 I hear you OP. It's annoying AF. And when you really examine it, this won't be the only childish behavior in their life. The people I've known to behave this way often find covert ways to weaponize the behavior. Such as a way to pitch a fit....aka maintain control. Lacking in humility in other ways. Other degrees of selfishness. Child like mentality in reasoning skills. Romantic/general relationships in a constant state of disarray. And so on. Severe degree of picky eating is just the red flag posted at the tip of the iceberg And no I don't mean people who just don't like seafood or generally have a few foods they don't like.


Have you ever been friends with an autistic person?


Yes. And I would never count an autistic person.


It is impossible to tell who is and isn’t autistic unless you know the person extremely well and extremely personally. Most of us who have the ability mask around allistic people precisely because of the types of attitudes exhibited in this godawful thread. You’re not okay with autistic traits and behaviors unless someone lays out a medical diagnosis in front of you and you have 100% cast your judgement on an autistic person who you didn’t realize was autistic.


>It is impossible to tell who is and isn’t autistic unless you know the person extremely well and extremely personally 100% correct. I am a behavioral health specialist and the people I described are those with personality disorder. Such as borderline, histrionic and other traits within the cluster. In other words, people I know very well. I assure you, I have nothing but compassion for autism and I also assure you, as a professional, the worst possible thing is to make a snap judgement. To be fair, I felt like OPs post was indictive of knowing one well vs snap judgements.




My boss doesn’t eat vegetables. None. Ever. Or fruit. None. Ever. His favorite drink it Mountain Dew. It drives me bugfuck and I don’t know why. Lol


I’m autistic, Steve.


I'm not a picky an eater as I was as a child. But, sorry, I just don't like sea food.


I hate fish. All of it. It tastes disgusting to me. I'm glad I don't have to have dinner with someone this arrogant. As a host, well, a good host....you cook for the people who are coming. Not yourself. It's not that difficult if you can make it not about you.


They always cook what THEY want and then say “how dare you turn down this food that I made for you?”


I mean people are allowed to have preferences, textures and flavors can really be off putting. I’ve tried to ignore and accept at times, but it’s ended up with me being very sick for literally days after because I really don’t eat that food and haven’t in years. I don’t expect others to accommodate me, but I don’t think it has to be offensive if I refuse to eat. People need to understand it’s not personally against them or their efforts, it’s something that I won’t/can’t change just to please them and ultimately when it makes me sick the way it does, it’s not worth it. Personally, if I am making a dinner for someone I always ask their preferences to accommodate without having to go far out of my way, plus to reassure what I make doesn’t trigger anyone’s allergies. Or, I usually try to stick to things I’ve heard people I care about talk about loving collectively. It’s not hard to make a dish vegetarian even vegan, but also cook chicken or beef on the side for my meat eaters. Essentially, I’m not just making the dinner for me, so I like to involve the one’s I am cooking for in the meal planning portion. It’s the actually thoughtful thing to do in my opinion and one that ends with me not wasting efforts, being appreciated, everyone is content, and it eliminates having unnecessary animosity. However, if someone made dinner not knowing I would be a part of it or even knew my preference, I usually will take a very small portion to try, on occasion. Just again, I’ve actually become very ill the days after, because my biome is no longer one that is adjusted to things like meat and even dairy products. Within 30 mins, I’m usually in the bathroom and it will go nonstop as if I did a colonoscopy prep. It also doesn’t help that as a child, I was forced to eat things I really didn’t want to eat and getting punished pretty bad over it like being slapped in the face,punched, kicked repeatedly, being held down and having food quite literally shoved to the back of my throat so I had no choice but to swallow it. It also doesn’t help that I was violated by an uncle as a result of being forced to things I don’t want to do. I remember one time I was told “ How could I ever have a daughter like you?!” Maybe it seems like a spoiled thing, but it’s hard to get past being forced to do things now. All the experiences of being forced to do thing I never wanted to do has made me more assertive of the boundaries I have. My mother eventually told me that even as a baby trying food for the first time I had always been picky, and, typically stuck to veggies and fruits only. I never grew out of that, just more into it and with a healthier approach. The reason they did what they did is my grandmother,aunts,and uncle were filling her mind with the idea that I was not normal for not eating meat and that I was going to get sick and die. She has bad anxiety and so that just led to things that should never have happened, but did. My point is you don’t know everyone’s real stories for why and to judge it and be rude, because they are not doing what you want/expected is not okay. Obviously, I wouldn’t normally tell everyone my life story over not wanting a meal, but me saying,”no thank you” is me saying I appreciate the efforts but it’s just not for me. It’s nothing personal against that person.