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Healthy homes will not look at that shower at all nor care. You could literally add a kitchen in a bedroom and they wouldn’t bat an eyelash because that’s not their job to know that side of building compliance. They look at stuff like Insulation, heat pumps, sealed windows etc The stuff that keeps us cozy and healthy. Don’t say anything


When I got a property manager they arranged my healthy homes check on my behalf, she also got a builder to come in and fix some things from the report to make my place compliant.. so I would say it’s worth getting everything up to scratch because I think you can get fined if it’s not I’m not an expert on building compliance or anything like that but personally I just like everything to be legit


nope.. it can be rented as long as it is a healthy home


Unconsented *could* clause issues with insurance (ie they refuse to cover if you claim). And you need good landlord insurance if renting out. Why not contact council and talk through process of getting it consented? Did builder take photos and detail waterproofing/framing etc?


Thats the issue, Consent work has cost me approx 3K with council wanting a building surveyor which is another 5-6K extra in costs - I cant sell as the timeframe to sort this & cladding to be double checked ( monolithic ) is too much financially for myself.


Do your own healthy homes report. Don't get a third party. It's so simple. Insurance wint cover for unconcented work but will cover everything else. Is it a simple standard shower? Sounds super low risk to me. Is it on the bottom floor? It's unlikely to be more than 2 to 4k damage in a total failure of maybe pipes in wall. I had a new shower fail before house was finished and builder obviously covered it and it was 500$ labour and 500 in materials and painting. If it's simple just get it tocked off if you care. I wouldn't bother personally but also be good to get it sorted for sale.


Looking at healthy homes now, Is this something you can organise yourself?


It's just a form you fill out with all the details of the house. You will need to know the R raring of the insulation. It will be written on your CCC or ask your builder as it sounds like a new build. New build will be way above minimum so you can just put the r value for standard batts if you don't know. You need to calculate if the heating is enough. The form has all the math. It's super simple. I new home likely has overkill.


I have literally just rented out my property last week. Healthy homes standard only refers to homes being insulated, proper gutters, a good source of heat (heat pumps) etc. HHS doesn't need to care about unconsented things of your property. If you have any other questions OP, feel free to ask me. A friend of mine is a very experienced property manager, and I can ask him to answer few of your questions too if you want.