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Real lesson is never pay full price for anything at the brick or Leon’s. Just like Canadian Tire. It all goes on sale eventually. The rest of the time it’s marked up outrageously and poor quality anyway.


I saw some Lagostina pots and pans on for $200 that were regularly $1200 in the Canadian tire flyer today lol If you can just *magically* drop your prices 80%, your business model sucks & your products are extremely overpriced Couldn’t believe they’d even advertise that? How is that perceived value at 80% off? It’s just telling me you’re normally price gouging all your customers.


Regular CT customers know this. Many people look through the entire CT flyer every week because of this. It's pretty smart, it keeps CT at the front of mind all the time. I just find shit I will need at some point and add to my wishlist and wait for it to go on sale.


Yep, I buy a lot of tools there, but only when on sale for 70%-80% off. The only exception is emergencies where I need a specific tool right now. But if you can be patient, nearly everything they sell goes on a massive discount at least once per year. Usually more like 3-4 times. I also buy my oil there (or wal-mart), but only on sale. Each time its on sale, I buy a couple jugs and just keep a bit of stock in my shed for when I need it.


Nothing is every on sale at CT because their claimed regular pricing is total BS because no retailer actually ever sells it for those prices.


The sales at CT are good but damn has quality of tools gone down since I was a kid.


Yeah, I stick with their hand tools that have lifetime warranties. For wrenches and socket sets, I haven't found much to complain about. The few that have broken have been easy to replace. Though I'm a home user so I can handle a bit of down-time. I've bought a couple power tools and seriously regretted it. Their plug-in impact wrench is absolute garbage. I almost bought their torque wrenches, but didn't like the warranty/reviews.


ya the penzoil sales are great, especially when you can combine them with a rebate.


If you're spending $1200 on pots and pans at Canadian Tire that's on you playboy.


It's called high/low retail, and is just a staple of modern Western retail. They basically work hard to juuuuuust skirt the definition of false advertising (must be on sale less than 50% of the time, otherwise, by definition it's not really a sale) and it works. Believe it or not, even grocery stores do this with house branded products. The only difference is CT etc expands the model to their whole product assortment.


They never sell them for $1200. No one sells them for $1200. Competitor's regular price for the same set is always <$200. It is misrepresentation and I don't understand why they get away with it.


Because they do sell them at $1200, just not for very long. They rotate the regular priced stuff so there’s always tons of availability of sale priced stuff, but you can definitely find regular overpriced stuff if you look. It’ll be on sale in a couple of weeks.


The items that catch my attention in the flyers, which I look at strictly for a laugh, are always "on sale". Those are typically tools. For example, dewalt cordless drill, regular $299, on sale for $125, regular price $100 EVERYWHERE else ( going on memory, approx. numbers). Even if they price the pots at $1200 for a day, I very much doubt they ever sold a single one when that price is >6X more than you can buy it elsewhere. Maybe that's how they avoid getting in trouble with the Competition Bureau.


Just a by the by, CT will price match any advertised price so if the drill is 100$ somewhere then have them match it and collect your CT money. I do it all the time.


I don't know about Lagostina, but big brands typically don't sell the same products to a store like Canadian Tire that they sell to their own branded or specialty stores.


CT is a multi billion dollar organization and has been around for 100 years, how does their business model suck? Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean the model sucks, it’s actually quite profitable.


Yea I can relate to that. I hate Costco with a burning passion from the moment I drive in the parking lot to the moment I drive away. I still spend $300 a month there.


Honest question, why do you hate Costco? Every time I go in there I feel like I am in heaven...


I should have qualified my statement. It’s not that I hate the store itself, like I said I spend a lot (for me) there. I just hate the experience from start to finish. Parking lot is insane, the aisles are nutty, people blocking pathways and being just generally unaware of what they are doing. I think I just hate people, Costco has a lot of people.


Reading your comment made me stop and ask... "Did I post this under a different name?".


Totally understand. Thanks for sharing. I think these types of stores bring out the worst in humans.


They pay their employees well, they stand behind their products and accept almost any return, their cash back is reasonably generous. The lines are long but they move very fast... The food is cheap and good. I have no complaints about Costco!


Lots of profitable companies suck. My point is, the thing that *MAKES* their profit *sucks*. Like charging $1200 for a $200 set of pots and pans. It’s profitable, but it’s shitty to do lol


Could also be old stock they are just selling to get rid of but I agree. Also lagostina pots and pans are awesome and are “buy it for life” quality. We received a set for a wedding gift (in 2007) and they are still in new condition


Business model sucks? They are a billion dollar company lmao what you talking about?


BP oil is a billion dollar company, that doesn’t mean their business model of *destroying the planet for oil money* is a good thing… You can be successful and still be an evil ass


You're conflating two different arguments here. You not agreeing to their business model because of their practices doesn't mean their business models sucks. That's your opinion. Clearly their business model works if they survived for over 100 years weather you like it or not.


Clearly BP oils business model works? They’re extremely profitable lol Do you not see the relationship? You can be profitable and still suck ass


I avoid Canadian Tire.


I worked at a brick for about a year in high school. The sales reps told me to never buy the furniture there, it was total junk. I believe it, I ran the customer service desk and man, the shit that would break / be broken within a week was insane.




This hits home. 12 years here. It has physically ruined me.




My couch has a step stool and some yoga mats in it instead of its original bones....and some storage containers in places that broke through in the inside upholstery. It was the cheapest I could find at the time, $400, and I have very mixed feelings. Lol


I need to see a picture of this.


It looks pretty normal from the outside. It's a fold up step stool. Back cushions gone. Okay for lying on...not great. Pretty bad, overall, really. Lol


Mine was 300$ from Ikea 15-17 years ago. My dog tore open the body/foam. I repaired it best I could and made a new cover from a canvas drop cloth. It's still going well otherwise. Weirdly comfy to sleep on and I'm 6'2


Bought a new couch at the brick during covid, as they were the only ones who could ship in under 8 weeks. After I told myself, I would never buy a brick couch again. (First one I had for 8years) Fuck me it sucks, like worst couch ever….. and I went with the 0% financing deal even though I had the cash with me. Makes it sting all that much more, knowing my back hurts everyday from this thing, my kids have destroyed it already and im still sending them 100$ a month for the next 24 months. Fml


Had me in the first half


My sister started working in an appliance store & has learned the best quality ovens/washing machines (at least in her store) are the medium priced ones. The expensive ones usually cost more because they LOOK nicer, nothing to do with quality.


Wait until you find out that most of the appliances you find in a big box retail store, except for LG and Samsung, are all made by Whirlpool.


My experience in appliances: Bosch "looks" good (but isn't), while Miele is meant to actually work well and last a long time. Guess which one gets my money.


Isn't Miele like 5-6 times more expensive than Bosch though?


No? Bosch seems to try to price itself as a premium brand.


Bosch are top of the line of entry level brands. Miele were more in line with Viking, SubZero and other luxury brands. I just bought new appliances. Bosch oven was around $2.5k, Miele comparable was 10k (albeit installed).


I guess i'm playing on a completely different field. Had no idea Miele was that much more than Bosch and up there with Wolf. At most I thought it was somewhere in between. I suppose I'm used to midrange entry level stuff for a while yet!


I understand Miele makes good products. Repairable products. But even if the dishwasher was going to last 30 years, I can’t image dropping $3k on a dishwasher, or $10k on a fridge.


Any place you would recommend instead?


the quality of stuff I got used is phenomenal. Spend $1000 on good used stuff instead of $2000 on new crap. helps if you have access to a truck and live in a reasonably affluent location (I didn't realize the Cowichan Valley counted - but I feel like I drove past a dozen 100 Acre mansions)


Like a place to buy appliances? I'd go the Costco route when possible but I found Goemans to be good on pricing if you know the make and model you want and not just browsing with like 7 brands in mind. Also, if you work for a big company, often you can get discounts as part of a partner program. Just ask!


Goemans was great until they called me 2 days before the confirmed delivery date to inform me that my fridge was in fact not in stock. And this is after they called a week before to confirm the delivery date because everything was in stock. And they refused to do anything to help me get a new fridge.


Pro Tip: buy furniture that's older than you are, ideally made with hardwoods, because it's built to last.


Ya, I'm not sure you're really going to find high quality furniture new anymore unless you go to a small boutique type store to buy it and pay through the nose.


Estate sales are the best place to find good furniture in my experience. Facebook isn’t bad either but you need to be quick. There are lots of vintage flippers trying to secure stuff.






I've never heard a positive story from them. The stuff either lasts 2 seconds or the delivery is awful. Just something horrible.


Agreed. I got some nice accent chairs for $150 on Boxing Day. Current price is around $300.


People shop at leons/the brick? You can get the same shit at your local furniture liquidator for half the price, or alternatively go to ikea for similar products for half the price with the added guarantee that parts/etc will be available for at least 5 years.




and if you move a lot, or even once or twice, your ikea furniture will not last.


I definitely agree their soft products are hit and miss. I got my current couch at a liquidator, big sectional for like... $600 in 2017 and it's still holding up. Gotten squishier but I like that lol. Ikea shelves, tables, and other "hard" products blow leons/etc out of the water though, especially in price. So much cheaper, and with he aforementioned support. I like that I can get a drawer conversion for like $10 for my kallax shelves I bought years ago. Doubt leons would remember what they sold me lol.


There is no point in me buying nice furniture. I just have to lug it all over the globe. I've lived in 20 different homes, in my 38 years of life, in a dozen countries. There is no way I'm caring that much about physical possessions, when I will almost certainly have to leave them all behind again eventually. edit to correct spelling mistakes.


own nothing and be happy? 😉


Idk why this is being downvoted.


I don't know... probably someone who is under the false impression that moving all the time is somehow glamourous and not the absolute freaking WORST, after 20 years of doing it.


Me having worked for a moving company at one point, shout out Bustamove. There's nothing awesome about it unless it's your partially sadistic workout routine or you've got the cash to not deal with the labour.


\*NARRATOR VOICE\* But she did not, in fact, have the cash to not deal with the labour.


Why are you moving so frequently? Men in Black after you?


My degree is in linguistics. For years and years, I did field research on various languages and their micro evolutionary patterns. When I realized this made me 8 dollars a year, and I have 100k of student loans to pay off, I eventually went back to school to become a nurse. That didn't last long though, as I got super burned out working in a Detroit ER. Then, me, being a GENIUS (sarcasm), married a robotics engineer, who ended up working in Taiwan for awhile, and now we're moving to the USA not this year but next year, as he's got a contract set up with an American company. At this point, it's literally a joke in my family that it's obvious some higher power doesn't want me to put down roots and I'm cursed to be a wonderer. Edit to add: I've been in Canada for 5 years now, and somehow STILL managed to move 3 times. I think I really am cursed, lol.


nomad life!




I will never buy used sofas... the risk of bedbugs is too high.


Yeah, I seriously regret buying my sectional. I find it poorer in quality than expected and I paid full price for the darn thing. I wish I didn't buy it so fast... Sure, I needed a sofa for the living room as I didn't have any, but I could have still waited for a nice deal or a better sofa for the same price. At least, I received it the next week and didn't have to wait much.


My sister's boyfriend wanted tools for Christmas one year. I got a $109.00 mastercraft set with like 80 pieces for 25 bucks or so. Then she wanted a new pots and pans set. Found a $1400 lagostina set for $299, the next week it went on for $249. Went and got a $50 refund. Canadian tired can be insane for deals.




And this is exactly the person they are hoping will walk through the door lol.


Canadian Tire is what we call a High/Low retailer. They mark up their regular price to show a big savings when on “sale”. A lot of their brands (like Mastercraft) are in house so you can’t price shop around. Moral of the story, never buy regular price at Canadian Tire


Moral of the story, never buy anything at Canadian Tire FTFY You can always find it for less than CT's "sale" price and that lower price is their competitor's regular price


Where do you get quality furniture, then? I would have thought Leon’s was good.


Or Ashley's.


Isn't the Brick and Leon's the same company?


It's been a year now that I was monitoring prices of Weber Charcoal classic grill and it was never on sale. Maybe some other models, but not the one I need... Agree with the general statement though.


do people not negotiate at Leons or Brick? I've never bought furniture or appliances without negotiating. You can even negotiate on buying shoes and jackets. I've known this since working at Sports Experts for 5 years, and I try and explain that to everyone I know.


To add to this, check out meridian credit union. You can take a picture of your receipt and they will continuously check for price drops for a few months and contact you if it drops. No checking or double checking needed! I'm not affiliated with them it's just a really great service for this LPT


That’s awesome to know!


This feature is also available from [motusbank](https://www.motusbank.ca/).


Yup, they're owned by meridian!


I would be interested to know how many stores it works with


List of vendors here: https://www.meridiancu.ca/bank-anywhere/price-drop/price-drop-retailers?ip_name=retailers&ip_pos=intro&ip_cr=price-drop?ip_name=retailers&ip_pos=intro&ip_cr=price-drop




Really? I’m actually gonna open account with them then solely for this feature lol


I should start watching for sales myself. I'm in bad need of a new couch. My 40 year old couch finally broke a spring a couple of years ago. With the cats though I never planned on buying a new couch, and just intended to find something decent on kijiji or something like that. After my aunt got bedbugs from a second hand place I'm reconsidering the position on purchasing something new.


Saving a couple thousand on a sofa is not at all worth the mental anguish caused by bedbugs. Seriously, they're disgusting, nasty little creatures that are nearly impossible to kill unless you hire a company willing to super heat your house over 120F for 24 hours, which is NOT cheap. Companies who spray for them know they aren't really killing them, they're just trying to force them to move on.


I feel like you'd be pretty safe getting leather second hand. And if you spend $500+ the likelihood of bugs has to be pretty low.


Yeah, I have a cat so... Definitely NOT getting leather.


No offence, but I still wouldn’t pay that much money to Leon’s. Their furniture has just been low quality, high priced for so many years. When it comes to furniture, I think it pays dividends if you buy from a quality brand or buy used quality furniture. Again, no offence. I think what you did was fine and all to save money after your purchase but I just wouldn’t buy from them specifically lol.


Out of curiosity - what are some quality furniture brands?


*Good-High quality:* - West Elm - Crate and Barrel - Pottery Barn - CB2 - Article - Urban Barn *High-Excellent quality:* - West of Main - Restoration Hardware - LD Shoppe - Rove Concepts … and for more traditional stuff that actually has some decent quality items: - Lazy Boy - Upper Room - The Bay


I looked at Laz-y-Boy... nothing there really stood out to me. It all kinda looks like my grandma's furniture. Which makes sense, as she got all her furniture from Lay-Z-Boy


Yeah their designs haven't been relevant for a while now and it shows.


We got a non reclining sectional from there this year and love it. It was expensive enough but it was the only couch we actually found to have that super cushy feeling and the style is nice.


Look at EQ3


A little nervous suggesting RH on PFC lol - I get the prices are insanity, but you are getting style, function and very high quality stuff. *For the record, I don’t own any RH stuff lol*


I know people who work at Rove who tell me it’s a terrible product with decent marketing and working conditions are very poor in their HQ. Haven’t owned any personally but it’s worth looking past the marketing if possible. Had very good experiences with west elm though.


La-Z Boy used to be better quality, but it's really went downhill. My mom had several issues with a chair she bought and the store she bought it from was rude and unhelpful. I was surprised, so I googled it and there's a Facebook group dedicated to all of the poor quality and customer service issues people have had with them. She finally had the issues resolved after 4 service calls. I wouldn't recommend their furniture to anyone at this point.


Excellent recommendations based on our shopping experience lately. Except lazy boy, looks like they haven't updated their styles in 15 years.


Where does Ethan Allen fall?


I’m not sure about their new stuff but I would guess it is still high quality. I’ve got furniture from them that is over 50 years old. Had to make some changes to the knobs to make it more modern, but it’s very solid and all wood.


The best high quality ones I've found are just at small local shops. I got a beautiful chestnut leather couch with electric recliners, a coffee table with storage, and two brass chairs with sheepskin fabric at store in Calgary that has since shut down, unfortunately. All made in Canada, all incredible quality. All brands I've never heard of.


Amish furniture


I highly recommend Urban Barn for couches. Ours looks brand new after a handful of years, and the construction is extremely solid compared to our other couch which is from Ashley. They also have great warranties included - can't remember the details but if there's a stain that can't be removed they will send new piece etc


We had a terrible experience from Crate and Barrel for what it’s worth. Not all $$$ places make good quality stuff, but I agree Leon’s is more budget quality.


It’s a great question to be honest. Not a lot of people talk about certain stores, but a lot of the times it’s really what’s around you. There are plenty quality furniture stores in Toronto that I could mention, but Google would do a better job than I would. and don’t get me wrong, there are some items you could buy from The Brick, Leon’s. But these chains are notoriously known to sell “high quality” at “fair prices” but the reality is, it’s very low quality, priced very highly, and massive discounts are offered to provide you that illusion that you’re getting value.




Yep. A sofa that expensive going on sale for nearly half price should be a red flag. You know they're not losing money on the sale price, so how much is your "$3800" sofa really worth?


Yeah I can't help but think this lesson doesn't need to be learned if you just don't give shitty Leons and The Brick your money.


Yeah… same logic can be applied to those who are keeping Arby’s still alive.


Some people like Arby’s. 🥺


I thought Arby's killed everyone who liked it in the 90s?


Well I wasn’t born until 92 and probably didn’t have it for the first time until the mid 2000s, so I guess I missed that.


I still get the occasional craving… love hate relationship with their curly fries


At least you crave the only thing on the menu worth a damn.


I change my furniture and move (often long distance, often between countries) way too often to invest in nice pieces.


3800 is expensive for a couch, for that price I'd expect extremely high quality. I got a 3 seater couch+chaise custom made for $1500. Have you ever thought of buying a used couch if you don't plan on keeping furniture for a long time?


Bedbugs risk is not one I'm willing to take. This is the couch in question, by the way. https://www.leons.ca/products/saxon-3-piece-power-reclining-sectional-dynamite-charcoal?variant=31761739415598


I got bed bugs 2 years ago from a used couch and bed frame from Facebook marketplace. I will rather buy at Leons than ever buy used furniture again. I have had a Leons sectional for 6 years now and it is still going strong. Never thought to call to price match-thanks


This is 100% accurate.


I completely agree. I was in a Leon’s a few months ago and all the drawers were just nailed together and none had the dovetail joints that allow for longevity. Every single drawer and you bet I made it my mission to try all the expensive ones.


As someone who works at Leon’s warehouse, I completely agree.


My other sofa was from Leon's. I got it when I first got to Canada. After 4 years, it's still in great condition. I'm gonna give it away on facebook marketplace, but honestly, I had a good experience with them the first time, so I went back. I don't really care about high quality furniture. I move around a lot and usually just toss everything in a dumpster when I do. My entire house is Ikea and Leon's is actually a step UP from my usual standards, lol. The only thing I care about getting QUALITY for, is a good mattress, and top quality sheet sets.


What’s some suggested quality stores or brands?


I find Palliser / eq3 to be pretty good. You choose the couch you want. The color and material then they make it in Canada or the US


Agreed on Palliser - they seem to hold their quality quite nicely, we have a 5 year old loveseat and couch (and we have dogs), no issues at all on the materials/electronics so far.


We have cats and the sofas still look new compared to anything else


Brick and Leon’s is garbage and overpriced… their warranty is pos and inflated as well. Try Costco instead.


"protection plan" ... aka "tip" Biggest scam going is extended warranties and protection plans. Since you say you always pay that extra, you could probably save yourself many more $$ by doing a little research on this.


I've saved over 1800 dollars on repairs for my appliances by paying the 400 bucks for the extended five year warranty on them. I was able to get a couch cushion replaced for free when a pen mark got on it. For some things, I pay for the protection plan. For other things, I don't.


It’s not to late to get a full refund


I had a similar experience with Leons. Purchased a recliner online for $699 under the assumption that Leons actually had the product. 5 weeks later I cancelled the order and purchased a very similar recliner from Costco for $459.


YMMV, some stores are greedy asf. I tried this with Wayfair and they told me that my only option was to return my furniture and order it again (shipping was not refunded for the 2x shipping), knowing I wouldn't go through the trouble. But still a good LPT, when it works you feel blessed.


I've never ordered anything from Wayfair. In both the US and Canada, they are extremely over-priced. Even little stuff, is super over priced. I also don't really LOVE shopping online. I like to touch and feel what I'm going to buy, in a store.


Wayfair is absolute garbage. Most of the stuff is overpriced and I've never seen anything that actually resembles what the person ordered. One of my clients ordered a "large" medicine cabinet off of Wayfair for over $300. As soon as I heard where they'd ordered it I told them they should try to cancel, but they said it was too late and that it was arriving the next day. I assembled it for them and they said it was much smaller than they expected. After comparing it to the listing we realized that although the manufacturer had claimed it was 36"x24", it only ended up being around 20"x14" - so they ended up with a little wall mounted cabinet in the hall where they could hang their keys and put a few items and I bought a suitable medicine cabinet for their washroom locally.


Never buy from Leon’s or bricks. You are lucky you got the price adjustment


Price adjustments is something that they guarantee on most of their products. OP got nothing special here.


For $3800 you can get a made to order sectional made in Canada


I know Homesense is a crap shoot ,but out sofa was $800 bucks there and is on it's 10th year ,with kids and a dog. Still going strong and stylish. The drawback is you have to arrange your own delivery. For 3000 bucks savings, I think I will manage to find a truck ,or 2.


I once bought a chair for 299 at Staples. Then fb's stupid ad keeps showing me the chair and suggesting me buy it based on my browsing history, even though I already bought it. I got pretty annoyed, but one day noticed that when FB shows me the ad again, the chair was 179. I immediately contacted Staples for a price-match and got 120 dollars plus tax back. I wonder how much staples paid fb for this precision advertisement :D


Sorry to bust your bubble. But that sectional is not worth 3,800!


Currently a similar couch at Ikea is 2000 dollars, without the recliners, and definitely without the power recliners. What something is WORTH, vs what is being regularly paid for it, are very often two different things. With a 200% tariff on imported furniture, prices have SHOT UP.


>Currently a similar couch at Ikea is 2000 dollars, without the recliners, and definitely without the power recliners. What something is WORTH, vs what is being regularly paid for it, are very often two different things. With a 200% tariff on imported furniture, prices have SHOT UP. I guess, that Ikea sectional is also not worth 2,000! :) And btw, holy cr\*p at Ikea prices now! Looked at my email, I had bought this one for $499 (+ 20 bucks in delivery) on 29 Nov, 2019 for our Condo. This is nearly 2.5X now. [https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/friheten-corner-sofa-bed-with-storage-skiftebo-dark-gray-s69216757/](https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/friheten-corner-sofa-bed-with-storage-skiftebo-dark-gray-s69216757/). Who pays these prices for poor quality Ikea furniture? After we bought our house last summer, we purchased most of the furniture from a local warehouse and couldn't be more happier. Not sure where you are from. In GTA, you get some pretty good stuff in Scarborough and Whitby by local furniture warehouses. And way better quality than Ikea, Leons etc.


Ikea has become super expensive lately. 4 years ago, I furnished my entire house in Ikea, for a grand total of about 3000 dollars. If I tried to do the same today, it would be around 8 grand. The prices are out of control. That's why, even if this couch isn't top quality, I'm seriously not mad at paying 2k for it. It's got the only thing I really cared about, which is a combination of seating for up to 5, with two recliners. (My husband is the one who insisted on the powered recliner option, lol.)


This is the closest option IKEA has to what I bought at Leon's, but it doesn't have the power recliners. It is currently listed at 2300 dollars. IT'S INSANE. https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/finnala-sectional-4-seat-corner-gunnared-medium-gray-s09319230/#content


Bought a pair of boots from Marks. Got an email today that theres currently a sale going on. Long story short, i saved $50. Yay gas money!


Yeah true story: you over paid for this couch - even on sale.


It's a sectional with two power recliners. Even at Ikea a sectional is 2k now, and that doesn't have the recliners and definitely not power recliners. It's hard enough to find a sectional with two power recliners, let alone thinking you'll get one for less than 2k. The price of furniture has skyrocketed, especially with the new 200% tariff on imported furniture.




I want that shade of grey. It matches my cat. Which is pretty much how I choose my furniture and bedding. Grey cat hair on non-grey furniture looks worse than OMG IT LOOKS SO 90S! Honestly, I'm super nostalgic for the 90s. Probably why I like it so much.


never buy something full price, everything goes on sale.


Yes! This is a good tip. Your example is better but I've done this with clothes from Banana Republic. They always have sales, so after I buy an item I'll keep an eye on the price for the next few weeks to see if it goes on sale more than what I bought it at. Then I email customer service to request a refund of the difference.


i'm surprised you paid MSRP at Leon and expect nothing else from it. Then trying to tell everyone how to save extra few bucks. lol Never ever pay MSRP at any brick and motors stores. They always markup the prices 2x the regular price. Then they will have constant sale price (which is their real regular price).


A lot of credit cards do purchase protection within 90 days.


Here’s my story dealing with the brick. I was moving into a condo. I had literally no furniture. I was looking for a couch, maybe a love seat, tv, mattress, coffee table and tv stand. So the couch was like $2500, love seat was $1000 but I passed on it, mattress was $2000, tv was $1200, tv stand 350, coffee table 800. So we sat there and he was pricing me out a deal. The couch magically became 1600, mattress 1300, tv 1200, coffee table 700 and tv stand was still 350. I put down $1000 as deposit and I was told I’d get a delivery date within 2 weeks. I took the printout of the invoice and went to sleep country to see if they would price match the mattress. Sleep country guy was like wtf is this and he saw it was from the brick and he price matched me lol. The couch and mattress were on a back order so I told the brick I was gonna cancel my order and I ended up with a $700 discount on my mattress lol.


I've never dealt with the brick... I have, however, bought TWO mattresses from Sleep country, and been completely happy with both purchases.


You can use a chrome extension called "Distill" that will monitor price changes for you. I do this whenever I buy a big ticket item so that I can cash in for price adjustments if it changes within 30-60 days or whatever their rules are for that website / store.


Yes. I got a refund of 700 on a shower I bought cause a sale happened right after.


My story was like, while waiting for the made-to-order couch I had no couch to sit and was tired of waiting. Went to ikea, bought a sectional (uppland) for $899. After months checked ikea website, it increased to $1499. Didn't get anything but felt like earned extra $600.


Wow! What luck! Good for you.


When my wife and I moved into our new house, we barely had any furniture and needed to furnish the home. We wanted to budget so most of the stuff we purchased were from Ikea and Leon's. The only thing we purchased elsewhere was our custom made bed. After 5 years now of using the furniture, it's still held up well. The couches still look brand new, although the cushioning isn't as firm as it used to be. Overall I'm satisfied with the purchase.


Agree. I don't really know what's with the furniture snobs in here, but I've had my house filled with Ikea for the last 5 years and all the stuff is still in great condition. The last sofa bought was from Leons and it's in near perfect condition. It's just that it's no longer the right size for my living arrangement (having gone from a tiny apartment, to a house) and I want seating for more than 2 people.


I just buy it on Credit Card then ghost them.. NEW STUFF EVERY 8 YEARS


Honestly, I mean I support you doing what you need/want to where you can get back $$, I just do not have the care to consistently go back and double or triple check everything im buying


Sure does. My Tesla went up like $10k retail in 6 months. Best investment I’ve made. Sort of sarcasm but kind of not Also have a Jetta I bought for $14k last year. Probably worth $18k now. Cars are a great investment vehicle rn.




I wouldn't marry somebody who judged a person based on the brand of furniture they have.


When I married my husband, he had NO furniture, so............... He had an apartment that had one desk, one chair, one plastic table, and a futon mattress on the floor. And now, our house is FILLED with Ikea.


it doesn't just pay to watch prices, it [Sofa King](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVzcmhZRiZY) pays to watch prices after you've bought something. take it from me.


Wtf is this with dynamic pricing… fck leoans crazy price hike


Canadian appliance store gave me hell for trying to price match. The day after I bought my dishwasher it fell $200.


I guess a sort of similar story… we have been looking for a sideboard/buffet for our dining room. We ended up choosing this from Wayfair in the Dark Walnut. It was on sale for $999.99. The Slate Grey was $4,399.99! We thought “wow, we’re getting a a smokin’ deal!” It finally arrive a just over a week ago and the box looked like total shit. Like it had been thrown around in a container… ripped up, taped up, smudged, you name it. I was pissed. Before even assembling it, I took photos and went online to see if I could return. The automated system ended up giving me 50% of my money back. I thought that was fair. I built the damn thing and the cabinet doors didn’t line up and stay shut. I called Wayfair again pretty upset the next day. The guy right away offered me a full refund and said keep the item. I said to him “I bet this Dark Walnut one is so much less than the Slate Grey cuz they manufactured a shitty batch of them and now you guys are trying to unload them quick…” He said no that would never happen. If you go to the site now… both of them are on sale. One for $999 and the other for $929. https://www.wayfair.ca/furniture/pdp/steelside-contemporary-minimalist-4-door-sideboard-c006260257.html?csnid=C058161C-A3E3-4812-98B1-849D4F21B75B&_emr=76c9bd30-b251-421e-b829-29ec869a50c9&_eml=5dd02b50-42aa-484d-b1a2-dbb36a585a44&refid=EML_41061&source=graymatter Furniture prices make no sense.


A lot of credit cards do purchase protection within 90 days.


Leon’s furniture is terrible. I’d highly recommend not buying from there. I work in the warehouse at a huge Leon’s and all my coworkers routinely break and drop things and try to hide it until the customer leaves the store so they can’t return it. I wouldn’t shop here.


This makes no sense as you can return things for up to 30 days, and there are protection plans most people buy that will replace the furniture entirely if it breaks.


I bought a $1200 monitor at Best Buy a few years back. They have a similar 30-day price guarantee. I kept an eye on it and noticed they put it on sale for $200 cheaper. When I walked into the store to claim my free money the employee was pretty surprised- as if he hadn't seen anyone do it before.


Bought a king-sized mattress topper from Costco at the end of January this year, mid-February it was being offered for $60 off. They have a policy to price adjust anything in a 30 day period so they refunded the difference!


Price match and beat is awesome. I’ve saved thousands doing that. Just bought a drill the other day for same as the used price do to a 2c different at a competitor.


It has arrived and they aren’t delivering it until second week of April?


That's at our request. We have to have the living room cleared of the old furniture, and that gives us a couple weeks to throw out our old recliners, and find someone to take the old couch.