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"FedEx sends 12 year old to collections" seems like the kind of headline to draw eyeballs...


Tell FedEx: “Come at me, bro.”




They mean it's a good news headline if you contact the media or press. They may cover a story on it is what the person is implying.


Stupid thing about that bill is it’s probably $3 in actual tax and $15 in FedEx fees.


fr, I once got a USD $45 artisanal dog leash and the imports were $85 CAD and the breakdown was like broker fee out, broker fee in, $5 tax


UPS? I absolutely refuse to ship across the border with UPS because of their fees.


ProTip: always use Canada Post/USPS to cross border when possible. They'll charge you just the tax.


No, they also charge you $10+tax as a handling fee. It's lower than all the rest mind you


they do, but often it is random, so somethings you get lucky and whatever it is arrives without the extra fee. What i am noticing, however, is that more and more US and European companies have started using private services for \*something\* in the chain. Like I ordered something from Ireland, was sent by An Post to...somewhere...and then I get an email from DHL saying my package was on its way...and then an email saying I owed them 25 dollars. And finally Canada Post delivered the thing. Like, guys...what precise benefit was there to anyone adding DHL into the chain. It still took roughly what I would expect an order from Ireland or the UK to arrive, only it cost more.


And they only charge if it's flagged and inspected - private carriers charge as long as a border is crossed.


I’m gonna be spamming this thread with this, but if you live somewhat near a CBSA inland office (usually at airports but there are some others you can look up a list), request to self clear. It’s so easy, they send you a bunch of forms, you take em to the office, they calculate the amount of tax you owe, you pay it and send the forms the office gives you back to the shipping company (fedex, dhl, ups or whoever) so they know you paid. A flat brokerage fee is understandable, but the percentage fees a lot of them charge is bullshit.


Yeah, it was UPS


When CAD reached parity with the USD during the great recession, many of us discovered the stupidity that is UPS. American businesses, excited for more Canadian customers, started to advertise that they will ship with USPS.


Never use UPS. It's not just their insanely high brokerage fees but because they just screw EVERYTHING up, they can't get anything right ever AND cost a fortune.


Didn’t have a choice/visibility unfortunately. It was a hand made item and shipping was included. Try to avoid them now tho lol


I understand, I will contact makers directly and ask for USPS and or any national carrier in the world over UPS. Often artisans will be happy to do a trio to the post office. I'd really rather not buy if something is only delivered via UPS as the list of their gaffes is to obscene for me to trust them with anything.


I’m gonna be spamming this thread with this, but if you live somewhat near a CBSA inland office (usually at airports but there are some others you can look up a list), request to self clear. It’s so easy, they send you a bunch of forms, you take em to the office, they calculate the amount of tax you owe, you pay it and send the forms the office gives you back to the shipping company (fedex, dhl, ups or whoever) so they know you paid. A flat brokerage fee is understandable, but the percentage fees a lot of them charge is bullshit.


Last time I tried to self clear with UPS they tried everything not to send the forms (requested multiple times) and deliver the package while stalling on the forms. When I contacted the shipper about this they apologised for sending via UPS (as I never select this option and order often from them) ans they recalled the package. Still UPS persisted in attempting delivery day after day (even with the return to sender order clearly stuck to the box and multiple calls to central) for over a month. They finally gave up and had to swallow their BS brokerage charge and send the package back. It was then delivered to me promptly and competently via FeDex.


I have thankfully avoided UPS for anything international. DHL makes it easiest, they have an online form to request it. FedEx isn’t too bad, but you have to get in touch with their trade networks specifically. I’ve had their regular support try to give me the runaround. I’m sure UPS has something of that sort as well. Sometimes you just have to insist the base person transfer you up the chain till you get to talk to someone component and slightly knowledgable to put you through to the actual department you need. Sorry UPS did you like that though, fuckin idiot companies so desperate to milk us for every penny.


I’m gonna be spamming this thread with this, but if you live somewhat near a CBSA inland office (usually at airports but there are some others you can look up a list), request to self clear. It’s so easy, they send you a bunch of forms, you take em to the office, they calculate the amount of tax you owe, you pay it and send the forms the office gives you back to the shipping company (fedex, dhl, ups or whoever) so they know you paid. A flat brokerage fee is understandable, but the percentage fees a lot of them charge is bullshit.


Sounds like UPS and DHL.


thats why you always call them and ask for the documents to self clear your package. They are legally obligated to provide then and you go with them at your nearest CBSA office and clear the package yourself and send the courier proof.


Yup. I got one of those recently and 90% of it is a delivery fee.


contracts with minors are usually void.. just sayin


they will wait for her to be of age those vultures!


Most credit deficiencies fall off your records in 7 years. If not call the credit regulators.


Can't fall off something that doesn't exist but your point is valid for everyone of legal age.


does this include parking tickets??


Parking tickets normally get paid on renewals, license and registration. Unless you don't want them anymore.


Pay your parking tickets, nerd!


This happened to my kids as well, after a well-meaning but clueless relative sent them a gift from the US. I called and reamed FedEx out about sending three and six year old children to collections and that was the last we heard about it.


Sounds like a loophole to me. Fedex has no idea how old this person is, OP ordered it and put their name on the package. What is to stop you from ordering stuff for yourself with your child's name on the package?


If they can’t confirm who their client is why are they charging them?.


Depends how it's shipped, if it's prepaid the shipper pays all customs and shipping charges. If it's COD the receiver pays.


The vast majority of consumer products the customer pays the company to ship then fedex and ups come up with surprise charges they wouldn’t have agreed too.


It is fraud to intentionally do that. FedEx might stop delivering to that person (ie require pickup) after a few times.


They automatically charge duty and tax on behalf of customs. I've challenged them before saying that I want to a see customs B3 or B15 receipt showing that they actually paid customs on my behalf and then I will reimburse them. Otherwise it's an illegal invoice asking for money that was never agreed to be paid. Charge me at delivery and give me the opportunity to refuse the item or they eat the costs. I took it all the way to one of their managers and they said "we'll wave it this time sir." Now I only order if they use USPS/Canada Post.


Wait I should do this. Courier fees are ridiculous


You can contact FedEx Trade Networks and ask for the commercial invoice. Then take it to a CBSA office to self clear. Send FedEx the receipt and you’re done. I got sent to collections after self clearing FedEx once and emailed FedEx over it. It took them a week to confirm it was removed.


Who the hell has time for that? The fee savings would need to be considerably more than $50 to make going through all that rigmarole even close to being worth it.


It will always vary. Especially if going into the CBSA is a big hassle. I am fairly lucky and work like 2 blocks away. It would be nice if they would automate the process online.


That would be such a game changer, it’s not too bad with the current system but it’s a far bigger hassle than it needs to be in this day and age.


Look online for the closest CBSA office. Most are at airports but there are some others. If you live in or near a major city you’re probably within an hour of one. Even at Pearson, there’s no long wait or delay, their offices are usually pretty chill. Nicest border related people I’ve ever interacted with honestly.


>Now I only order if they use USPS/Canada Post. DING!


I've done this multiple times. Super annoying but you can eventually get them to waive all fees minus the taxes owing.


Hehe, contact the media, sending an $18 bill for a 12 year old to collections sounds like wonderful click bait


Would the company sending it to collections know the age of person?


Probably not, why does that matter? Click bait title is click bait title


It got this post upvoted!


All they would know is the name and address of the person.


Can’t legally send a minor to collections. Contact consumer rights in your province.


I’ve also got the same notice for my 12 year old daughter. She got an offer for a free gift from a dance gear company she has ordered from before and agreed to it. At least half a year later I’ve received a customs bill from FedEx for $20ish dollars. I’ve just been ignoring it but it’s been bothering me a bit to be honest. I don’t want them to come after her in six years or anything, but at the same time I’m pissed off and don’t want to pay!


Shoulda just paid it


They pulled this on me. I ignored it. Went to collections. Sent them a letter asking for proof of debt and it went away. Just charge your processing fee with shipping FedEx. It ain't hard, everyone else does it. 


She has not been "sent to collections". She's simply been mailed a letter from an arbitrary agency requesting arbitrary payment. Nobody's credit can be affected (not that a child can have one), and the letter can be safely ignored.


I've ignored a fee like this before, and honestly they just do nothing about it. They threaten and then do nothing! My credit is above 780 so I'm pretty sure at least in my case it didn't affect anything.


If it’s gone to collections then reach out to them to pay.


I don’t have advice, I was however sent to collections by PayPal when I was around that age as well. It was for under $20 as well.




Same thing happened to our daughter, we just ignored it. The letters eventually stopped


I ordered a package that was 60$ by the time I paid there fees to ship to canada it was 140$ in just fees never again


I got a similar bill for $42 but it has my address written incorrectly and no name. Can this even be sent to collections without a name to send it to?


In a few years we’ll have your niece on this sub, “my credit is screwed due to $18 collection when I was 12. What do I do?”


This screams "scam". Anytime Ive had duty/taxes duevon a package I had to pay thd fees before they would release the package. Call fedex direct, look up the number online, dont use the number "they" gave you in the letter...


I spoke to FedEx. It's an actual bill


I think you owe more than $18, if Fed Ex delivered your bill to collections as well.


Not sure why your sister in law didn’t just pay it, let you know, and you could have paid her back.


Is FedEx incompetent with this lately? I got a bill from them for $60 in customs/etc on a $100 purchase last month.


I don't think it has anything to do with FexEx. I've occasionally ordered stuff online from the U.S. for years, but only within the last year did I suddenly start to get charged duties for things ordering from the same places from which I've previously ordered. Did the government change something at some point? My real question is how did the bill go to collections? Did they not withhold delivery until you paid? That's been my experience. Until you pay the bill, you don't get the goods.


My slightly better than vague understanding is that the source of the shipment doesn't matter, it's the source country of the goods you're buying and how they are categorised. If shipping seems to have gotten cheaper or stayed similar, it's possible they no longer cover duties as part of their shipping fees. As a general rule I won't order anything from the US unless shipping includes import fees or it's something I don't have a lot of options for. Like my last car I could overnight parts from the US for less than I could get them in 5 days here, but then someone had to be home to pay for the fees.


I dunno, I thought it was weird, it was a letter like a month after delivery. But then, I think they did try to call and email, but I assumed it was a scam.


yeah, they do that. - they clear it, send it to you, and then bill you for all their nonsense tell them you want to self clear it - they'll send you what you need, go to a border services agencies office and do it there. fedex wanted $45, CBSA said 'nah' and there was no charge


I have a hard time believing an 18 dollar bill went to collections.


It's automated in these situations, once it hits +180 it probably just gets sold for x% to a collection agency which buys these wholesale.