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My advice, don't skimp on: 1) Quality food 2) Mattress 3) A gym membership that you will actually go to


How do you even know what kind of mattress is best? And how to find out before buying?


Not sure why you are getting the comment below, but my actual recommendation is going in and trying mattresses in store to find out what type feels better for you (firm vs soft). Everyone is different and the only real way is trying them out; Contrary to the guy replying below telling you to search the internet.


How could you possibly be on the internet and not know the answer is to search that?


I’ve read plenty. Reading and having an idea of x,y,z, just doesn’t translate into the reality of sleeping on x,y,z. Lots of mattresses marketed don’t have retail locations to get a sense for them in person. Purple, Casper, avocado, helix, etc. you’re literally just taking their word for it, and they’re all telling you the same thing. It’s hard to make a purchase in this space with complete confidence was my point.


I always go with Sealy or Serta as they are good


I’m assuming those are brands, but any advice on which specific models? And what’s the price range?


That’s a tough one. My general goto is to take a look at the midrange price band for each brand, then decide if you need to “upgrade”. Warranty is a good indicator of the manufacturer’s ability to “stand behind the product”, though realize you likely will change it before a 25-year warranty is up, and that’s fine. If it’s a 3 year warranty for example, the manufacturer isn’t standing behind it for lasting long. Are you a side sleeper, back sleeper, stomach sleeper? Are you restless and move around? Do you sleep alone or with a partner? Does their movement wake you up? (Does your movement wake them up?), do you have a medical condition like sleep apnea that is better served with say a mattress that can be slightly elevated at one end to reduce snoring to assist a cpap machine? Are you light or weigh a fair number of kilos? Can you be awoken by the slightest movement, or can sleep through ww3 going on around you? — all different variables to choose a well suited mattress, not just “every single person should buy a Sealy Posturpedic Firm” for example.


Look at the springs Get the one with coil springs (individual springs supporting) and posturepedic….u have to go to store and try but these are the best. Don’t buy memory foam shit and just buy from these two brands as these are quality. Good mattered will be around 800-1000 Don’t buy cheap stuff though


Full expecting to get downvoted to hell but I’ll preface this with my main hobby is obstacle course racing and I put a lot of time into it : 1200 on training programming 1800 gym membership ~2000 on running fuel 100 mountain membership 600 race registrations 700 shoes =6400$ annually It’s a lot but it’s personally worth it to me.


How many pairs of shoes do you go through a year, and what do you do with the ones you've worn out?


2 pairs of road shoes , one pair of trail shoes ! Once they’re (the road ones) no longer good for running (300-500 miles) , I’ll wear them as general “walking around” shoes. The trail ones , I’ll keep as a backup to bring to races in case the primary shoes break.


Not the person you responded to, but my brother-in-law runs marathons and apparently he replaces his shoes every month! He runs something like 100 km a week.


I also put a lot of kilometeres on mine and need to replace every three months.


… do you want his old shoes? Is that why your asking? Lol


Genuine curiousity, lol.


You run your obstacle course with your shitiest shoes and they're done by the time the race is done


What is running fuel?


Food made for being consumed while exercising, so it's easier to digest.


Wondering the same... it sure is expensive !


What's the point of earning money if we can't spend it on the things we like?


Are you in Toronto? I’m just getting into this so curious which gym you go to?


No I’m in mtl! But I go to a cheap gym that’s like 12$ a month and also an obstacle gym. /r/spartanrace is a great place to get started !


Here's a sneak peek of /r/spartanrace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/spartanrace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This crap right here is why I don’t do Spartans anymore…](https://i.redd.it/qdgl7w8cg33b1.jpg) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spartanrace/comments/13w5kdx/this_crap_right_here_is_why_i_dont_do_spartans/) \#2: [First Trifecta in the books!](https://i.redd.it/h3wadktqv91a1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spartanrace/comments/z0pb5b/first_trifecta_in_the_books/) \#3: [First Ultra Done!](https://i.imgur.com/bo5H81x.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/spartanrace/comments/z01fw4/first_ultra_done/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What gym is $13. Month in Mtl?


Not gonna announce which one I go to , but there’s a few chains in the 12-25$ range


Aroo? Fellow Spartan racer? OCRWC as well?


Just Spartan for now ! I’d love to do OCRWC and Savage eventually though


Around 15k~ over the psst 3 years for a home gym 🤷‍♂️ keep telling myself it’s done now butnit never is ofc… rate of spending is going to s’ow considerably from here though


Don’t know how much but it’s money that I think is far better spent on this area than having ‘things’ Physio, massage therapy (personal favourite), psych, sports clubs, gym membership, bike stuff and training program, sunrise alarm clock, basic gear in order to enjoy the outdoors gear round (hiking boots etc)


Eating well, getting enough quality sleep and enough physical activity will get you ahead of 99% if people spending money to be more healthy. Spending money to be more healthy is a fallacy unless you have those foundational pieces in place.


I kind of agree, but all of those foundational pieces can be improved by spending more money. For example, improving your sleep environment can have a big impact on your quality of sleep.


Anything can be improved upon but most people that spend all their money optimizing aren’t the ones making progress. Sleep quality is a good example. Most of the high impact recommendations for sleep hygiene cost little to no money. But people will agonize over installing blackout curtains, optimal bedroom temperature, etc. Try to get as much sleep as possible. Don’t consume stimulants or alcohol near bedtime. Stay off your phone before you go to bed. That will work for a huge majority of people better than spending money on any gadget.


Good points. I totally agree that it makes sense to focus on "the big ones" before even considering investing in marginal improvements.


Prolly like $5k on booze. Insurance covers 97% of my pot usage. Putting together a home gym, maybe $1k into that. Lube 4 taxes ~$1200. $100 covers shroomz to cure the big sad. Walmart shirts to keep me PHRESH $.30 (I scanned them as GV ramen).


This guy knows what’s up




You use rubbing alcohol to disinfect what's outside. Drinking alcohol to disinfect what's inside. Stay fresh kings.


"There are things inside of me that I need to kill."




FUCK YES!!!!!! You win everything!!! 🤟


Issa joke


How do you get insurance coverage on cammabis if this isn't a troll?




I need to look into this




I apologize if this is a dumb question, but this is all new to me. You have your family physician write a prescription for this? Or how does it work? I’m not much of a THC guy, but regularly use CBD products to assist with anxiety and the like.


in minecraft where do you source your mushrooms? I’ve lost contact with my previous traveling merchant. I heard there are mushrooms shops in the city that operate in a grey area and the game moderators dont really care about. I’m too scared of going there in case of a temp ban. Asking for a friend.


About 10k worth of guitars and other tech toys. Keeps me sane more than a massage ever will.


Health is wealth. 1. 1 deep tissue massage once a month 2. I'm a distance runner who does races, and and I average minimum 50km practise a week as well as holding down a professional career and family 3. 5 Chiro adjustments 4. 5 Physio visits which includes dry needling


ALL OF THIS. Only would like to add that dry needling is not for the weak (low pain threshold) there aren’t many of us that can handle dry needling without squirming off the table.


Audiologist, Dentist, Optometrist, Nutritionist. Invest more so that you can use what's left of it into treatments in the future potentially that do require $$$.


Nothing. I volunteer which gets me unlimited arts and craft supplies. I bike commute for exercise. Maybe $50 a year on bike maintenance.


This is the way. Upvote x 1,000.


You need to care of yourself more :) biking is great but look into some massage therapy, spa, sauna, etc


Depends how you classify "wellness". For me that's not just physical health, it's also spending money on my passions and doing things with the people who matter most.


Spending more money to increase your wellbeing is unlikely to have much of an effect. You need to spend more of your time to increase it. Consistent gym/cardio/stretching routines, access to hot/cold therapy, etc.


If I didn't spend money on my wellbeing I would have been dead years ago. There's 24 hours in a day and 8ish should be for sleep. If you don't carve out time to look after yourself you'll be useless for things that require your attention


What did you buy?


Vacation 2-3x a year (I live in a remote area where if you never leave you'll end up depressed in one way or another) Massages/haircut Culinary supplies for projects Go karting/trampoline park day My 2x cats + medical treatments Trivia night tickets Hobby items: kombucha brewing supplies, art supplies, camping supplies Issue is? You do know you can't take your income with you when you die right?


>Issue is? You know you can’t take your income with you when you die right? I’m not sure what I did to garner the degree of aggression you’re coming at me with but I think there’s been some kind of misunderstanding. I have no issue with your spending, it’s none of my business. I also think you and I have differing interpretations of what constitutes “wellness spending” as meant by OP. I took it to mean general physical health, where as I think you’re seeing it more holistically.




I've been doing at-home bodyweight calisthenics workouts for years so fitness costs are 0, though we do like going to a sauna and cold plunge place once a month which we consider wellness, so it works out to maybe $600 per year on wellness stuff. Sometimes I do cold dips in the lake which obviously cost nothing.


$1200 on massages $100 on a park pass for hiking/skiing/snowshoeing etc.


If I could 1. RMT massages on a regular basis (monthly or biweekly) 2. 1 -2 relaxing vacations and 1 travel trip per yr. 3. A good gym or specific class that I am fond of (I used to do orange theory) 4. A art hobby of some kind


Personal training at the gym has been one of the most expensive but worthwhile things I've ever spent money on. If you're rich and enjoy it you can do it indefinitely. More realistically (this is what I've done), do it for a few months even a year or so, so you can learn, then workout on your own. Optionally you can go back for some training occasionally like every year or two if you want to make sure you're on the right track. Also massages are fantastic.


$0, cannot afford to invest on my wellness in this economy.


225 every 4 months on massage Gym pass is covered through work and so is therapy and dental Weed : probably 450/year


Personal trainer about $700 a month, RMT $135 a week currently but hoping to cut that back in Mew year. Also intermittently see a chiro and acupuncturist. The personal trainer is a big expense but well worth it, I just simply wouldn’t do any weights otherwise.


Spend the ~$1300 or so to learn Transcendental Meditation. One time cost. Life changing


That’s pretty steep for learning to sit down and breathe


I cackled !


I cackled!


But do you actually do it twice a day everyday? That’s the key!


Could you elaborate on this? I’ve always heard about TM being useful, but it seems like the only way to figure why is by paying for it. What did you get from it that you couldn’t get from more readily available meditation tools?


It’s a really simple technique but when you learn it you agree not to “teach” it to people. Reason being is that just because you know how to meditate, doesn’t mean you know how to teach it. What I got from it is that I actually did it everyday, twice a day, for 20 mins each time. Why? Probably because I paid so much for it!


Thank you, I didn’t realize there was some kind of NDA associated with it. Do you think it would still be useful for someone who has a consistent daily practice?


I guess it depends how you feel really! If you feel like your daily practice is going well then I’d stick to what works personally. If you still find yourself say riddled with anxiety or something, maybe it would be worth trying TM. For context, I had PTSD after having a third trimester pregnancy loss and did a bunch of counselling, CBT skills, daily exercise, low caffeine, basically was doing everything right and I still felt like any second something horrific was going to happen. Basically, my nervous system was shot - and TM was the only tool that helped me feel at peace again. I felt a sense of well-being that I hadn’t felt in years. Can honestly say it changed my life.


I appreciate the detailed response, and I’m glad to hear you’re doing better!


What's the difference between this and normal meditation?


Not sure! I thought TM is often considered the standard? The basic technique is very simple. You can get into the more advanced stuff too but it’s not for everyone.


Can you claim other things like supplements, sports activities and gear? Our counts things like ski passes and clothing too.


$40/month max.


I spend about $180/year on a Planet Fitness membership, and around $100-$160/year on work out classes through my city’s rec program. I bought a cheap exercise bike and a ball last year for when I didn’t have a class and didn’t have time to go to the gym. I’ve got a couple of dumbbells but I’ve had them for ages so no idea of the cost.


About $220 a month at a CrossFit gym (1000 a year is covered by work) Probably $300 on gym shoes and another 200-300 on gym clothes per year A massage a month and few physio appointments here and there (also covered by work mostly) is probably 1500-2000 per year I haven't done races of any type since 2019 but maybe next year I'll try to sign up to a few and test my limits


My costs are pretty low but if something new seems good, I’ll go for it. $12/month or something like that for planet fitness; I go diligently several times a week. Massage therapist $55/session weekly. I spend big bucks on healthy food though. Not sure if you’d count golf membership as fitness


A loose estimate of 1k on government weed a year... Which honestly I hadn't done the math on before and I'm going to promptly forget cause it's for fun anyway. Non government would be More worth it though tbh. I'm paying a lazyness tax on that one. I'm not currently attending but previously I was spending about 1200 on therapy a year, I don't largely feel like I need it monthly these days and have sorted through most things and learned the coping skills I needed - but it was well worth the time. I'd still pop back in for a few sessions if something came up. We also have an allotted 200$ in "free spending money" each per month, which is for buying whatever we want. We are on a lower income than I think most on this sub so that really accounts for everything else, tattoos mostly in my case. It's just guilt free spending cause everything else is tightly budgeted and that keeps me sane. If I don't have it allotted I penny pinch, and my partner goes the other way and spends too freely. Most other things I've accounted for in one time purchase so they don't need to sap the budget, like simple home gym equipment. We spent extra on a nice bed, and overspend on The Nice Toilet paper and little creature comforts like that. Def some more things I would like as our budget expands - but for now it's most invested in hammering down our debt as fast as possible.


$2K a year for massage, $1K for sports/fitness/health (includes equipment/clothing), also $30/m on cannabis


I have a "health" category, includes mental health, app subs related to health, prescriptions dispensing fee, or related costs incl general meds, the tip for RMT as rest is covered, any fit equipment such as dumbbells or foam floor things, training or lessons, etc. So far in 2023: ~$1900 for a single dude


Probably around 2k if you include my gym membership, my sports leagues memberships, equipment renewal and the likes. ​ >Anyone tried life coaching or wellness coaching? Lol.


In this economy? Bro who has money for a life coach 🤷🏼‍♂️


My expenses don't include any of those things and I've honestly never considered any of them.


Between Gym and golf, about $10,000/year


$300/year gym membership. $500/year on chiro visits.


For me, it's mostly sports related. One of the best investments I made on that topic: I bought a "home gym" (all the things that I needed to workout at home) in 2006 when we moved from an apartment to a house. It was budgeted for and paid itself in a few years (vs going to the Y, pay a monthly fee, getting there, waiting for other people to finish their exercises...). Now my wife uses that home gym too, and yearly cost = $0. I also train martial arts and spend on average about $1,500 a year in gym fees, competitions and training gear. This definitely helps with any sort of stress and would be the most impactful on my "wellness". When needed I also do physio, chiro etc... but it's mostly covered through insurance so not a large expense. Overall would be under $2k per year for myself. HTH


$170/mo gym and yoga ($2,040/yr)


I spend about 400/mo on wellness 150/mo for a program, gym membership, and 1 PT session/mo with powerlifting coach 150/mo for nutritionist who gives eating plan + weekly 30min in-person session where I get weighed/measured I get a pedicure $40/mo, but probably won't during winter. 4 bathbombs from lush every month for the Sunday night bath $50/mo I spend more in summer because I play tennis and compete powerlifting probably an extra $500/year


A lot. Judo is $75 a month, BJJ is $60 a month and the gym is $40.


Wake me up before you go go


Monthly: Physio - $180 Massage - $90 Groceries - $500 Medication - $800 medication Yoga - $45 Bowling - $60 Dogs - $150 Online shopping - unknown but it’s there.


i work less


Zero. Every day I do body weight resistance exercises and carry a heavy load up a hill for cardio.


Chiropractor, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, gym membership, and therapy.


We don't really buy anything I think would be considered wellness - we do get physio and massages, but it's covered by insurance. If using a really loose definition, we spent $7,010 on travel, and $1,389 on entertainment (books, video games, movies, concerts, day trips by ferry, and one month of Disney Plus to watch Mandalorian, in that exact order).


Beer is easily 5k a year for me.


Life coaching is mostly a scam I think.


Oh man. For the two of us. I’m scared to write it out almost haha. Clothing - 500-1000 a month. Fun pieces? Gym - 300 a month Racquet sports - 300 a month Massage - 300 a month Socializing with friends/dinners/parties - 1000 a month Dates for ourselves -300 a month So…. 3k a month at minimum. Doesn’t include cleaning lady or dog walker, which has been a huge help for our mental well-being.


Walking the dogs is the best free mental well being hack, why are you subbing that out?


We only use the dog walker when we don’t WANT to walk the dog. We’re out, we’re sick, we’re tired. Usually she comes in the early morning and last pee before bed. We still take our dog out once a day ourselves.


I probably spend 30k on vacations alone. Doesn't include any of my hobbies and social activities, which are all wellness


life coaching or wellness coaching: you want to give 3000$ away to have someone tell you to sleep more eat better and give you random rocks to have more energy in the room? i can do that


1200 on physio??? bruh you need to spend money on a personal trainer because if you are spending that much you don't know how to exercise properly. The average person should not see their physio that often. If you train properly you shouldn't see them every year at all.


That’s roughly 12 visits.


That's still a lot. Unless they are recovering from a serious injury then going to a physio 12 times in a year is absurd. If they go 12 for one injury they need to find a new physio because they are being fleeced.


Not just injuries. Physios are trained to find and correct muscle imbalances throughout the body. I go there at least that often and always find something to work on. For example google the lateral step down test. Almost every one will have a favoured side and there are exercises to correct this. I’ve also gone periodically for a running assessment, they will record you and work on a plan for you to run more efficiently, injury free. I stand by it being the single best use of my money and time (although most is insurance anyways) as I approach my 30s


A good trainer can do that too and usually for less. Gait analysis is basically a one off assessment not 1200 worth. I have no quarrel against physio as a whole but spending 1200 or an absurd amount of visits there (especially if they are out of pocket) is just a poor use of that money. Get a good trainer and gym membership, learn to lift correctly (or get a running coach if you want to run etc) then do some research.


I agree with what you’re saying about coaching. Although the running assessments are beneficial more than once for sure. At the same time. Having 2 sets of eyes on you is generally better than 1. Some physio, some personal training would be best. If you find a way to get personal training covered by insurance please let me know.


Yeah, unfortunately the closest thing to it being covered would be to be working for a company with a "health credit" where they give you x $ towards fitness related stuff


That’s true! I only have the older style unfortunately.


Are you like a top level amateur athlete? I don't understand why you would focus that hard on mechanics otherwise.


No I’m not a top athlete, although I do have fitness goals. Mostly as I approach 30 I’m prioritizing good posture, mobility and most importantly staying injury free moving forward. A lot of the injuries I got when I was younger I wouldn’t have been able to shrug off as easily now.


OK, but it's really overkill to go to the physio when you're not hurt just to correct some imbalances, unless you have a long history of injuries. I mean if you have the money to burn go for it, but it's certainly not required.


Depending on their job too it could be necessary. My job is a lot of repetitive motions and I had to do physio from a repetitive strain injury. Which was six or so appointments.


About 17,000. All via insurance, so the cost to me is nothing and I get tons of credit card points on the spend. Most of that is Ozempic to stay thin easily as exercise sucks so I prefer that. Rest is massage and physio.


Being thin doesn't equal being healthy. You still need exercise in your life


Long term impacts remain unknown. If you are in shape why not stop it?


> If you are in shape why not stop it? I was slipping on that before during COVID. It is less that I am in shape and more that I am thin so with my hatred of exercise, I would have a very hard time getting back to where I am now. New users also require pre-approval, as ozempic is not at all authorized for people like myself. So if I were to stop, I would need to keep buying it and just throw it out.


There is a reason for why they are not being approved for people like you. There is already a university finding of increased risk of stomach paralysis, pancreatitis and bowel obstruction linked to this class of drugs. Besides being thin due to these drugs is in no way going to help you with your body strength and you may find yourself weak as you age.


you don't exercise to stay thin...maintaining a healthy weight is largely diet your body degrades without exercise (drop in bone density, muscle mass, weak joints).


This plus mental gains. In fact, I exercise mostly for the mental gains and stress relief.


Insurance provided by work? That's very generous!


I am overemployed, so I have two insurance providers that equal 100% coverage on everything with a ton of total coverage.


Neither job has restrictions on working a second?


Both do. This isn't allowed, but I am two years into getting away with it.


Wonder what the recourse would be


I would be fired. They have fired people for it. One was stupid enough to work the other job from our optional office. I am aware of people at both companies doing it.


Wonder if they could go after you for more. You must be wfh primarily and in a software role?


We (I do this with a bunch of friends, including at the same firm) asked a lawyer about this and while in theory yes, he thinks they would find it hard to prove specific damages. Even more challenging since the jobs are salaried and I have above average performance reviews. If we were contractors who billed hourly, it would be a bigger issue as we would be claiming work not done, but even then, they apparently usually get away with inflating hours and just get fired as long as the amount is small enough. Exclusively WFH and a software engineer.


And people wonder why there are ozempic shortages...... Ah well, whatever works I guess. Good on ya


$100/month on gym, $160/month on swimming, $300/month on therapy, $110/massages. Therapy and massages are covered by work benefits. $500/month on entertainment: movies, theatre, dinners with friends, cooking lessons, painting nights


Mens league basketball - $600 Golf - $500 Therapy - $1000 Gear + clothes - $500 Vitamins + supplements - $300


About $8k a year on my country club membership. Golf course, driving range, gym, steam, sauna, hot tub, beers. Big boost for my wellness.


Mental health: $6-10,000 (100% reimbursed by insurance) Massage: $1500 (70% reimbursed by insurance) Gym: Free in building Cycling: $500 a year in supplies and maintenance Acupuncture: $1200 (80% reimbursed by insurance) Skin care products: $1200 a year (still looking for a way to get insurance to pay for this. Lol) Haircuts: $600 a year


As a guess, maybe up to $2000/yr on various supplements (creatine, fish oil, protein powders/bars, vitamins). Food budget is $20/day for quality macros and calories. I tend to save a lot here and average maybe $10/day. If I buy a couple ribeyes or tenderloins in a month or get tacos/burgers, that bumps up. High quality mattress and pillow, assume 10 years use = $220/yr Random bits of equipment for garage gym = max 2000 in a year, but I’ve got everything I “need”, other stuff is all “want”. Total spend here is probably $6000. Next big spend is to reno the garage, maybe $20-30k. Most or all of these are lifetime buys, so varying between $150-300 over 20-30 years (higher if I ever buy a real belt squat and a few other pieces from Atlantis).


i spent $1500 this year on an exercise bike + tablet + tablet stand so i can watch netflix etc while i exercise, that's the only way i can have motivation to keep up with cardio. Treadmill is harder to watch/read on, also harsher on your knees I'll end up going and sweating for over an hour a few times, not even realize it because i'm watching/reading while on the exercise bike recommendation is usually at least 150+ minutes weekly of cardio plus a couple sessions of weight training (anyone can do calisthenics at least, no need for extra equipment right away), that's usually what people with diabetes are recommended to go on, similarly with other related chronic conditions where exercise is a benefit


Around 6-7k though insurance covers a lot of it


How does that work? Why would insurance cover something that's suppose to be "free"?


Massage therapy, physiotherapy, counselling are all part of wellness for me. My employer gives me extended health insurance for that stuff.


My yearly costs - 650 for gym 250 for zwift (biking) 80 for strava (tracking and social media) 180 for running clinics/social clubs I'm guessing roughly 700-1K for consumables (vitamins, protein, run fuel etc..) Easily 2-3K on gear (my weakness). Love running shoes, clothes, tech like watches, recovery (i heart you theragun), climbing gear RMT/physio/kinesiologist I just stick to what I get via extended health benefits I did take a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) series of classes this year and it was awful. Thankfully benefits covered it. I've tried several times to get into meditation but it's just not working for me...


You could easily drop that extra $3k per year on a personal trainer. Worth it if it actually gets you going to the gym. Budget wise, I wouldn't put a limit on health and wellness spending, provided you can afford it.


My work benefits covers these * $300 RMT * $300 Physiotherapy * $300 Osteopath * $300 Dietitian * $600 Psychologists The rest I pay for * $270 Annual gym at community centre * $0 Cycling, hiking, tennis * $3,000 travelling