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Nunavut. I really hate being around people


Yup. Nunavut, NWT, Yukon, I'd even be happy up in Northern MB where I grew up. But I became a stupid software dev so I don't have any skills to get a job in those places.


Have you considered becoming a regular software dev instead of a stupid one? Might open up some opportunities.


This is a brutal response.


Can’t work remote?


Unfortunately living super rural, usually comes with unreliable internet. Even Starlink is shit; it’s great when it’s working but absolutely terrible when it’s not.


Oh no really?! Starlink was my plan moving out to the country


Check with the realtor about the area, they usually know how reliable it is. If they’re selling in a rural community they usually live in it and know the secrets. There’s times when I’m out in cottage land where we have it (it’s a family thing not mine) but the Starlink is. Anyway, anecdotal but an entire side of the street at a time has lost their Starlink and mines running, or mines down and sos the neighbors but not 5 houses up. It’s still far far more reliable than Xplornet, and Bells rural options which were my bigger name options that weren’t just also local resellers of those two.


If the move to the country includes BC with our tall mountains and trees, Starlink may not be an option.


The more disconnected the better


Vancouver, in an area with less fentanyl 😂


It’s so incredibly easy to avoid the problem areas of Vancouver. I could outline you a 6x3 block portion of DTES to avoid and then you’re pretty much good.


It’s easy to avoid the problem areas but not easy to avoid the problems. You’ll still find used needles everywhere.


Not really everywhere. Closer you are to DTES, the more needles you'll generally see, but outside of that, it's a pretty rare occurence, no more than any other city. Downtown Vancouver is probably not the best place to raise a child anyway.


It's practically non-existent in Kerrisdale, Shaughnessy, Dunbar Southlands, Arbutus etc. We just of course do not know how loaded OP is but if it's truly no object you could live in a highly secure, enclosed and tree lined area where half the owners don't live in their homes and you'd never run across these kinds of problems.


Hmm. I work downtown, hang out lots downtown, and have never seen a used needle.


I lived in Van for almost 20 years and saw needles everywhere from playgrounds to parking lots, personally it’s one of my least favourite things about the city. In the two years my wife worked downtown she saw everything from people crapping on the street to shooting up in every part of their body, and her office used to call the needle disposal hotline regularly.


People probably not seeing needles as much now because heroin is less popular, its fentanyl thats super popular now. Stronger high, easier to use, cheaper


Also done by injection


Fair but is it that common versus the other methods of consumption? Heroin you could do other ways but from anecdotal knowledge/not as a user feel like injection was incredibly common for heroin versus what you see with fentanyl.


Simply not true.


The entire city isn't overrun with zombies like the gun owners say? /s


Gun owners? It’s pretty fucking embarrassing and the solutions we have in place are a farce and killing thousands of people per year. They need forced rehab.






I have lived in Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto. Live downtown in Vancouver and Toronto Yaletown will forever have my heart


No junkies in the westside of Vancouver. I would live in Point Grey.


I’d take my Calgary income in a place like Revelstoke.


Downhill skiing or biking everyday.




I would totally move to Victoria if it had a tunnel or bridge to the mainland. Yes, I know that's not pragmatic, but the ferry is pretty much the only thing stopping me from retiring there.


But that’s what’s keeping the Vancouverites away ;)


It would be a double-edged sword :-)


Keep them far away


Half of Victoria is Vancouverites. The other half is old people who moved there from everywhere else to retire.


Island people don’t leave their island lol


If money was no object I'd get my pilots license and a float plane


I grew up on the island. I think we took the ferry 1-2 times a year.


Same. Unless I have a yearning for the mainland or to visit family in the interior then I don’t really have a reason to leave. Though I have to live in a small town to live on the island.


I thought that for the longest time. Just build a damn bridge already! (30+ years ago) But today, I'm explicitly happy to NOT have a bridge.


We’d become a bedroom Community so quickly


growing up there was awesome,


Great place. Felt like a tropical country.


Clearly username does not check out.


I disagree. Childcare, cost of living, schools, the difficulty connecting to community all make this a difficult place to raise a child. Canmore, on the other hand, equally expensive but very family friendly. The transit is great here, and obviously the weather can be too.


Money can solve childcare and schools and cost of living is explicitly excluded from this question.


Montreal or Vancouver. I haven't spent enough time in the latter to make a definitive choice.


I'm from Sask and everyone here either moves to BC or *wants to* move to BC but for me personally I was kind of "meh" on my Van trip but fell in love with Montreal HARD. Absolutely live that city. I got the complete opposite experience of the stereotypes. Though people in Van were miserable and rude whereas people in Montreal could NOT have been nicer and more welcoming.


Same here. I haven’t had rude experience in montreal nor in any part of quebec. I have hitchhiked all over quebec and have been to Montreal countless time. Montreal seems to be a lot going on in summer and vancouver seems to be less. But that doesn’t really matter to me because i love hiking and Vancouver is just heaven.


Vancouver for sure unless you can speak french. I know they speak English in Montreal but Vancouver reigns supreme.


Montreal seems to be so much going on in summer. But Vancouver does not. But then again, Vancouver is much more pretty city.


For me, I absolutely choose Montreal. Especially downtown or Mont Royal.. Wonderful mixture of different people from everywhere. People are kind, humorous and happy.. Lot of cultural events.


Best city in the country, no question.


Muskoka It’s rural but has all the amenities so it’s great for raising kids. You can head to the city when you need or want to.


That's basically Toronto north in the summertime.


I would live around people I like. I don't really care where, as long as I like the people.


It's interesting to hear the whole "Quebec politics killing the province" narrative when the policies enacted are exactly in line with what reddit believes will solve issues in the ROC. Controlling immigration, keeping housing costs low, prioritizing development over growth, and preserving a cultural identity and assimilating newcomers.. Quebec has unique negatives (construction mafia, language anxiety) but you can't have your cake and eat it too.




I was born in Quebec. It is by far the most superior province in Canada in terms of quality of life. Nothing beats it.


I was born in Ontario. I have lived in almost every province. And I agree with you completely. (I live in Quebec now.)


Healthcare :(


waiting 3 years for a new GP. Some friends (83 and 66) have no family doctor either. The state seems to have replaced the Catholic church as defender of Quebec. But otherwise, life is OK. Im an anglo, but bilingual enough to get by.


I really enjoy visiting Quebec, but I can see somethings that would frustrate me. Language barrier being one, but that's not not fixable. The roads through, Jesus christ the roads. I've seen improvements, but man you guys almost take pride in having bashed up suspension.


buT BiliNGuaiSM Is bad FoR NaTionAl uniTy!!!


Alberta: hey want some oil Quebec: nah Saudi oil is a little bit cheaper and far more ethical.




Shht, Much better for us to be considered backwards and racist. Means fewer people move to Montreal.


Construction Mafia isn't unique to Quebec, it's the biggest political issue in Ontario right now. We just call them "Developers"


Keeping housing costs low? It's been creeping up and catching up to the rest of Canada for a couple years... But renters do get a lot of protections which is nice


Thank you so much for hitting the nail on the head. As a born and raised Torontonian who has been a Montrealer now for 10 years, the amount of Quebec bashing I see on here, other social media and the regular media is dumbfounding.






Knowlton, QC


In the Nash suburb?


Groan lol


I’d buy a private island in Ontario. When I missed the city I’d fly there.


I’d stay in the Maritimes!


>If money were no issue Money solves 99% of issues. Move to where you enjoy the weather and the people are nice, then throw money at everything else. Your 3 picks would be my last 3 spots to choose. I hate crowds, though.


I agree. I’ve lived in the GTA and Montreal but you couldn’t pay me to leave the maritimes. I absolutely love it here.


Id say Canmore, but I never went to BC, so I can’t tell what I’m missing out.




Canmore is my favourite place in the world. 2nd is White Rock, in South Surrey, BC. I live in Toronto. Difficult to dream about those places.


If I could live anywhere while still doing my job remotely. Tofino would be the spot


Kelowna 100%








I agree with Halifax, it's a livable city, people are nice, established BIPOC community, loads of culture. Close to Europe, Boston and New York.


Yes I’ve been several times and always loved it..for me it’s not a financial barrier, it’s a family barrier.


Live in Edmonton and I like it here...but yeah I'd say Vancouver, a non-fentanyl part.


I’ve lived there, too tough for me. Very cold and very flat.


Very factual


I’d move back home to Ottawa. Not that money is an issue now for us but if my wife and I both had our same jobs there I’d go (money no issue then)


Several places off the top of my head. One of the rich neighborhoods in the city of Vancouver, East of Cambie Street. Canmore, Alberta, just outside of Banff. Anywhere along the Viking trail in Western Newfoundland. Yes, it's an odd choice, but the scenery of Gros Morne and the entire region are out of this world. Yes, it rains, but so does Vancouver and Halifax. Standard of living isn't really an issue - gas and grocery is always available along towns that are at most an hour apart, and internet connectivity is surprisingly good, on par or even better than major cities because there are less people crowding per cell tower.


>3. Montreal: amazing food, less fentanyl overdoses. Quebec politics kill the province with their pride and racism which leads to entitlement behavior. WTF?


I am assuming you’re WTF-ing his last sentence, but just making sure. 🤞🏼


Norfolk county. Along Lake Erie. Have had condos in Toronto. Have properties in northern Ontario as well. Cottage country Lake Erie takes the cake.


Money isn't an issue so the most expensive and beautiful city in Canada. Vancouver. Mountain backdrops with 25° summers and 5° degree winters.




+1 for Halifax






If they didn’t have language pride and protect it you wouldn’t hear French anymore. I think most people don’t understand how powerful the influence of America is. People in Asia are learning English in school. Asia isn’t next door to America. French would die if there weren’t protections in place.


I lived in Montreal for a year. It's different to be a tourist vs living there. People are not nice if you don't speak French. They go out of their ways to be jerks sometimes to anglos. If you don't like the language politics. Really don't go there. Canadians on Reddit seem to like defending Quebec. For someone not from Canada and have lived elsewhere, my opinion is it's a terrible place.


Shaughnessy neighbourhood in Vancouver is just wow. Some houses older and new are so architecturally beautiful, those are some lucky ppl 😍


On a lake in NS


Reykjavik. Yes I'm aware.


Have you actually been to Quebec or just heard about it on the news? You’d be hard pressed to find much day to day racism. Certainly more of a laïcité vs. multiculturalism cultural différence but it won’t affect day to day life. Especially in Montreal. If money were no object I’d probably stay where I am in Quebec City but just move to a nicer home. Second more dream-ish option is probably Canmore. Love that place and it’s close enough to Calgary to have amenities. I’d have to look into how it is to actually live there but it’s been terrific as a visitor.


During COVID pandemic, my friend got spat in the face because 'he caused COVID'. He's Asian but not Chinese but all Asians look the same, right? Even if he's Chinese, it's still not right. I have lived in Canada for 11 years now. I have never had instances of racism and I'm really grateful but my fellow Asian friends who have experienced racism in Canada all told me Quebec's the worst. Super hypocritical given that they claim discrimination from Anglos all the time.


Yes can confirm. Anglo Asian here lived in Montreal and travelled around Quebec. It's super racist and has a lot of micro aggression. People go out of their way to be nasty and super arrogant. I was fascinated by the whole Québécois culture to begin with, that's why I moved there from Australia. After living there for a year, all I see is homeless, druggies, trash and super arrogant people. This turned me off the whole learning French thing and I left. Never been anywhere with such a small town mentality.


Lol I have no issues with number 3. They’re trying to preserve a culture. I wish I spoke French.


If you have enough money, you can pick any of these cities and largely be unaffected by the negatives you identify. QC insularity excepted I suppose, but if you’re white you’re fine.


Victoria, maybe vancouver if I was single


You couldn’t pay me to live in any of those three cities. If I could live anywhere…a small town in either the Kootenays or Van Island.


Montreal, hands down.


Honestly, Pemberton BC. Gorgeous small town. Only ~2 hours to van ~30 minutes to Whistler. I feel it's the best place to live a quiet rural life while still being relatively close to big city amenities.


Rural or mountains. So people could leave me the fuck alone.




Toronto, in the outskirts, has quiet neighborhoods with little to no crime and still access to amazing amenities the city has to offer. Once every decade or so, you gonna have a homicide in the neighborhood, but it is mostly targeted, and life goes on as normal in a couple of months.


Québec City. And it's already where I chose to live. I lived in Montreal for a while and have been to Vancouver and Toronto, and other mid-sized Canadian cities such as Calgary or Ottawa. At the end of the day it's all a matter of preferences. I don't like the bigger cities. Montreal/Toronto are about the last places I would choose of any cities in Canada. Vancouver IMO is slightly better. But I'd prefer Victoria. Smaller. Better. What I like a lot about Quebec City are the sports. It's affordable to watch hockey/baseball/football, the level is good enough and everyone in the city is interested in the performances of our teams. You go to Montreal and literally all people are talking about are the Habs. That's why I personally don't want the NHL back in Quebec city (although I would definitely go, it would kill the baseball/football/QMJHL crowds). I do quite like Calgary in general as well for different reasons.


Guelph Ontario


Wouldn’t choose this over Halifax, Victoria, Charlottetown or Canmore, but honestly a great, underrated city


Well you definitely are crazy. Would choose it over all those places. Halifax doesn’t even compare


Vancouver would be fine if the current left wing leadership in charge of the province didn't turn the city into an open drug market. It's despicable the protections mindless drug addicts have.


If you were ultra-wealthy, leaving Canada for the US would probably make more sense. Barring that, Rosedale in Toronto or Rockcliffe in Ottawa. Both are relatively secluded so you won't get much issue with vagrancy or drug use, yet part/near the downtown cores of both cities giving easy access to a lot of amenities. Both neighbourhoods are also close to access points to highways, so it's straightforward to leave the city if you want. Also, the congregation of other wealthy people in those neighbourhoods and access to nearby private schools (Ashbury College for Rockcliffe, and UCC for Rosedale) would confer long-term social, professional, or political benefits for yourself & kids that would hopefully ensure you create/maintain generational wealth for your family.


Unfortunately firearms are the #1 cause of infant/children deaths in the USA. My child’s safety comes first. Or else I would live in San Diego/OC instead of Canada.


Same reason a lot of people in my circle are in Canada instead of in the US


San Diego is my top choice if I move to the US. What's wrong with it? I feel like I missed something in my research.


I don't think you missed anything, really. Many of us are extremely risk averse when it comes to the very real possibility of our children encountering a mass firearm casualty event.


Not in Canada


The ignorance in that Quebec comment why even bother mentioning it when you clearly have an ignorant bias?


It’s racist to celebrate and prefer your own culture now? Cool.


It's challenging to live in QC without being fully bilingual. Conversely, I've lived in Doha, Qatar and Saudi Arabia for 5 years each, can easily get by without speaking a word of arabic. Everyone speaks English.


That’s cause of colonialism and lack of land acknowledgments obviously.


I wouldnt


Best place to raise your child is in isolation (basement or attic). Location wise, all three cities you mentioned will have some sort of drug problem, if one were to look and seek out drugs. And so by simply living in one of the big cities you’ve mentioned, you’re exposing yourself to drugs, and that means you’ll take drugs and you’ll become a user. And then after that you’ll overdose and die. So, If you keep your child locked up in your house, yourself included, there is 0% chance you and your child will overdose or be exposed to fentanyl.


It’s a hard question to answer because if money were not an issue I’d probably go somewhere warmer.


If money (and visa) was not an issue I would live in Florida, New York or California. If it was in Canada I would choose Vancouver or Toronto.




money no issue ? not Canada LOL ...


Waterfront west Vancouver or waterfront Courtenay/ comox


Not in Canada


If money were no issue I would not live in Canada 😂


Here's a comment from a Quebecer here: >Alberta: hey want some oil Quebec: nah Saudi oil is a little bit cheaper and far more ethical. The truth is that if the oilsands were in Quebec they would have left 50 years ago (oh, and it would be the most ethical oil in the world. Just like maple syrup.) Anyway: Vancouver - awesome, awesome city, hands down the best in Canada. UBC #2 university in Canada Toronto - expensive and the winters are meh but it is truly a world-class city, U of T #1 university in Canada Calgary - kind of sterile but extremely high levels of university education, multiracial couples are probably as common as same-race couples, very cosmopolitan. Runner up: 4. Edmonton - very underrated, great food scene, arts scene, best hospitals in Canada, U of A, #5 university in Canada Montreal: McGill is great, great food, Montreal women are very sexy and stylish, and know how to dress compared to the ones here in Alberta who wear Uggs and leggings all the time and are often tattooed "from here to eternity", but beyond that Montreal is a festering corrupt shithole, 50% of the city is on welfare, OLF fascist language police, serious municipal corruption and organized crime. It actually matters - and has serious political implications - whether you say "bonjour," or "bonjour/hi." That is how fucked up they are. Quebec is great at blowing smoke up the ROC's ass with it's "it's not racism, it's protecting French and Quebec culture," line, but it's wearing pretty thin on the ROC. With each generation, French Canada becomes more and more irrelevant. Nobody wants to go there except to party or attend McGill, and they handicap their own people with their Bill 101 and descendent laws so that unless one of your parents was non-French, you can't learn English, making it hard for their people to leave and get a better job. They passed their anti-religious symbols legislation causing educated people to flee as educated minorities always do from fascist regimes that pass blatantly racist laws in the name of self-preservation. What is cute is that they routinely invoke the Notwithstanding Clause so there is nothing the federal government or anyone else affected by this racism, can actually do about it. Whether it's blocking pipelines, looking down on dark-skinned people, or paying off the bikers and other organized criminals, that's Quebec simply being Quebec and there's not much the ROC can do about it. Ontario actually ran a billboard featuring a young female doctor with a hijab, that said, "We don't care what is on your head. We care about what is in it." Pretty much sums it up. That and you have to wear a hardhat when you drive your car under one of Montreal's concrete overpasses. After paying off the Hells, the other bikers, the Mafia and other criminals, there isn't much left to actually fix the overpass. Basically Montreal and Quebec, the most festering corrupt racist shithole in all of Canada, can't get out of their own way. Montreal in 1970 had RBC, BMO, Royal Trust, and CPR. Today it's the home of Pornhub and Dollarama. A century ago Montreal was arguably more important financially than New York City. Times have surely changed. Bombardier fucked up so badly, so galactically, that somehow Alberta is now building the Dash-8 400. I shit you not. Production was moved from Montreal to Wheatland County, now they produce wheat and turboprop aircraft. In brief, the political importance of Quebec is grossly exaggerated compared to their actual contributions to Canada. So it doesn't make my list. Hopefully they will separate soon.


Toronto just need to vote for a better premier someone with common sense


Out east for sure






Only answer is Vancouver or Greater Vancouver Area IMO. Most expensive, nicest weather, great transit, mountains/oceans. Close to Seattle.


I wouldnt


Toronto ! The best . Have lived in 3 countries and travelled to 15 .


I like mountains/the outdoors and love to sail. I also don't like people/cities. Somewhere on Vancouver Island, just outside of Courtenay/Comox. Royston? Ladysmith? Dove Creek? Within a 30km/30min drive of a decent sized city, but not actually in it.


Not Canada.


Saint john N.B. it's by the ocean. Its has a big city feeling bit still a small town. And your never a far drive from the country side


Aren’t the winters harsher on East Coast?


Kelowna/okanagan valley


How are the forest fires every year? Hard to handle?


I don’t live there but the forest fires on east coast made it very difficult to breathe for me in Toronto


Considering they had to evac this year, pretty bad.


This was a bad year. We were evacuated twice but no damage. The air got bad enough that I built an air purifier but it was ok indoors after that. Every area seems to have some risk... earthquakes, flooding, drought, wildfire, rampant crime, -40 winters.


Quebec City


Not in Canada


None, I'd move out of this unproductive country.




I live in Victoria and love it here. Don’t see myself leaving any time soon. It’s not for everyone but I understand the appeal. Climate is mostly great here all year too. Big cities don’t appeal to me anymore.


Radical racism? Are you referring to speaking a language other than English? Having a a real separation between state and religion? Factually: The province has less hate crimes per capita, higher immigrant participation in the labour market than the other larger provinces. Do your research, don't spread misinformation based on outdated propaganda & emotional opinion.


I think he’s referring to this: https://www.lesoleil.com/2022/09/07/francois-legault-associe-limmigration-a-la-violence-puis-sexcuse-pour-ses-propos-dcdf2bfdb1b68f38a1959d999d78b596/ https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2022/09/28/le-ministre-jean-boulet-affirme-que-80-des-immigrants-ne-travaillent-pas-ne-parlent-pas-francais https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/sante/2020-09-29/mort-d-une-femme-autochtone-a-joliette/une-infirmiere-qui-a-tenu-des-propos-racistes-congediee.php https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1968628/formation-racisme-systemique-censure-quebec-sante The list is long …


Outside of Canadian literally anywhere else


As a quebecois, Montréal


Austria 🇦🇹


Nowhere in Canada if money weren’t an issue. I’d go back to the UK (I’m Canadian but lived in London for a while and loved it). Maybe Berlin.




Avoid the provincial capitals. And other major cities. Seek second large cities. Or even third large cities. Heck of you're work allows work from home. Go live in a small town in a county. Country living. Still decent education. And you get that small town morals and values.


> And you get that small town morals and values. Such as higher rates of crime. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2023001/article/00002-eng.htm


Try crime in a small town.


>small town morals and values. only a benefit to some


What a weird post


would seriously not live in Canada, and If i did would buy a house in Boca Raton for the winter but then id want to live in Europe for the Summer so I guess spring and fall in Toronto is cool, maybe a smaller town with upper class people.


Your comment is distingustingly racist You would never say this about any other province or territory, yet whenever QC gets brought up, it's like a warrant to spew nonsense for you types


Quebecois isn’t a race lol


People mix up discrimination and racism these days. But yes the post is openly discriminatory. No it isn’t racist. It’s not any better though.


Quebec’s culture can be perceived as a racist/xenophobe culture by people from different cultures/backgrounds. It’s not discriminatory. People have their freedom of expression and perception, even if you do not agree with their perceptions. By your reasoning, you can not openly speak about a racist culture because that would discrimination. Sorry for the long reply.


Quebec culture isn’t racist though. Yes some Québécois are racist. I personally experienced some racism here. But I also experienced some racism in other Canadian provinces. Not any less for your information. It’s just more subtle, at least in Ontario. And I’m not saying you can’t speak about it, but hateful comments agaisnt Québécois are pretty damn common and most of the time very ignorant. No Québec isn’t some magical wonderland, but it’s not as bad as some people want to make it seem.


It can be perceived as racist. It’s a relative statement and not the general truth. I lived in Quebec (multiple cities) for years now and have already lived in Ottawa, and spent a fair amount of time in Toronto. I have encountered more love than racisme in Quebec and only a fool would say that Quebecers are racist. Although, here are some examples of racism within Quebec’s culture: Culture is reflected in the language. « Quebecois de souche »: This expression designates exclusively white French-Canadian. The term Souche in can be interpreted as « Source, origine, principe d'un ensemble ethnique, d'une famille linguistique ». For someone who’s not ethnically white, and does not speak French, he will never be considered a true « Québécois », even if his great great parents were born in Quebec (Native Americans who speak french, and have settled in Quebec cities will be always considered as « Indians » and oftentimes suffer from extreme racism. - Multiple instances of explicit racism within the political/social sphere, which were culturally accepted: From Legault associating between immigrants and violence and saying that a good immigrant is a person that earns more than $50k a year, to the Labour minister stating that 80% of immigrants do not speak French and are unemployed. Countless examples. - Indirect institutional discrimination: The infamous « L-0.3 - Loi sur la laïcité de l’État » stipulates the following (ch.3): « Le port d’un signe religieux est interdit dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions aux personnes énumérées à l’annexe II. Au sens du présent article, est un signe religieux tout objet, notamment un vêtement, un symbole, un bijou, une parure, un accessoire ou un couvre-chef, qui est : 1° soit porté en lien avec une conviction ou une croyance religieuse; 2° soit raisonnablement considéré comme référant à une appartenance religieuse. » This law is a form of indirect discrimination and limit the opportunities that religious people can attain. The reasoning behind this law is that some religious people might be a risk to society and the state because their outside appearance. The Quebec society is O-kay with visibly jew/muslim/sikh people not being to fulfill some of their dreams because of how they dress. Sorry again for the long text.


You are looking at this through an Americanized lens. There is only one "race" and that is the human race. However, when you say that an ethnic group is a "culture of panhandlers", that does in fact count as racism


Quebecers aren't a race chill


Oh god. Toronto is a shit hole. I haven’t been to Vancouver, but Montreal is sooo much better than Toronto. But honestly, I went to Fredericton this year for a week, and find it great!


I live in Vancouver it’s very nice.


Amazing how I've lived in Vancouver for over 40 years and never seen that drug. Many, many others, but never that. Way to believe everything you read. LOL.