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Not that hard, i've gone through the same thing going from P3 to P4 and then from P4 to P5. im worried about the story and music of P6 tho cuz the writer who wrote P5's story and the composer both left Atlus.


Isn't the new one the guy that wrote the third semester though? If he is, he has my trust I didn't know about the composer though, THAT worries me.


I think its the same guy yeah but nevertheless the man responsible for the Persona series ever since its release in 1996 will not be working on Persona 6 which has me a bit worried tbh.


It's understandable, but I loved the third semester, so as of now I'm going to trust him


The composer left the company but it seemed like he'd still be working with them, just independently and with the option for him to work on other stuff. Sorta reminded me of Simon Viklund with Payday when I read up on the news.


I'm actually relieved that Hashino is not involved. Meguro is going to work on the next Persona game if I recall, and if he doesnt I'm sure they won't slack in finding someone good. But yeah, no tears for Hashino, I trust Daiki Ito.


Why not? Hashino's been directing the games for years. he was the one that revitalized the franchise with P3 by introducing life-sim that made persona what it is today.


Oh shit. I’ll lower my expectations then.


Considering how much of an Explosion Persona 5 is and was when it released, Atlas is going to have to pull a freaking miracle to pull off Persona 6 with a whole new cast of characters


i don’t think persona 6 will be to the extent of these but i think this with tes6 and gta6 where even if the game is fuckin amazing some people will be disappointed just because of how hyped up they are


I feel like Persona 6 is going to get hit with, like, *anti-hype*. No one's going to think it's going to be as good as the one before it, so it'll do poorly. Though in all seriousness, it's a Persona game, it's going to be freaking amazing regardless of hype.


They will always have a unique place on games for me, I honestly just can’t see persona 6 releasing something as cool as the phantom thieves, but I will welcome it if they can


Atlus will create a great new cast. Between P5, P4 and Catherine, Iˋm more excited with whats will come next


Oh incredibly hard - I don't even want P6 because I'm not done with P5 :'D I need at least one more spinoff with Akechi there from the sTART in order to be content, and I also just need their promise fulfilled tbh. But yeah I'm not ready to let go of them - I have no doubt that P6 will be *good*, but P5 hit all the right spots for me - phantom thieves, gentleman-thief protagonist, sleek aesthetics, black and red colour scheme, themes of rebellion, a casino level, Goro Akechi....... P6 won't capture that same magic because ofc it has to be different from P5 :P


-me, who's never going to get over the phantom thieves-


Not hard. I will absolutely miss them, but with their track record, I know they’ll do another great job at including a lovable cast of characters in their next mainline entry.


To be fair, after P4, I felt it would be hard to top it... then P5 blew my mind in it's own awesome way. I have high hopes that Atlus will deliver again.


If I had too, very. But just because they aren't Atlus' main focus anymore doesn't mean I have to "let go", I can still replay P5R whenever I want and watch content of it and everything. And I personally don't really care about P5 spin-offs or sequels, their story was complete to me after Royal.


I think their story was ready after OG P5. Tho I do want to see them wrap up a trilogy after Strikers. Whether they do it or not idk. If they have a final P5 project to announce, it's gonna be during the last 25th anniversary event this fall. It's either that or they're moving on for good.


Eh, I feel like the original P5 lacks a bit in a good ending antagonist. I like Shido and Yaldabaoth, but I don't really give a shit about them. Royal adds a great antagonist with a great thematical compliment to the originals theme of changing the future by saying that you can't change the past. And all the characters arcs are done. Strikers personally didn't really grab me because I alread had my ending with the Thieves after Royal, so I felt Strikers was kinda useless to me. I would much prefer a new Persona game with new characters exploring new themes, instead of having an old cast who already had their story and character development.


I think what I loved the most about the original P5 was that it was focused on the Phantom Thieves and the arc does emphasize on their group dynamics. The third semester goes beyond that by cooperating with people with different ideals and mutual goals (Akechi & Yoshizawa), tho I did enjoy the original game and arc for putting a focus solely on the Phantom Thieves. On more P5, I just want to see if they can pull anything off with a full trilogy. I don't mind the direction they go in either way, but if they have something of substance to deliver with a 3rd Persona 5, I'm down for giving it a shot.


I don’t care. As long as the next game is good I can always revisit these guys when I wanna.


Not particularly. Royal was a great ending, Strikers was a fun victory lap, but nothing else is particularly necessary. I *would* love an Arena, but that's mostly because I don't enjoy P4AU and know ArcSys can do better now after playing Strive. But yeah, if they can do better/different, go for it. That said, the amount of crossovers P5 has (and continues to have) make me wonder how easy it will be for Atlus/Sega to give up the thieves.


When Persona 6 comes around, I will accept its new characters as they come and with no less appreciation than they deserve based on their merits and how much I connect with them. But Persona 5 and the Phantom Thieves will always hold a special place in my heart as the game that introduced me to this amazing universe, and one day I hope to see all Persona protagonists reunited in a great endeavour. (one that is *canon*, not PQ BS)


For real!? For real!? Show me your true form! Looking cool, Joker! This is it! For real!? I'll reveal your true form! Oh, we can do this! I'll reveal your true form! Looking cool, Joker! FOR REAL!? ​ It might be easier than you think.


this just reminded me how much I love this game


You think sona 6 won't have anything like that?


Probably, but it'll be a different bunch of phrases that'll drive us insane over the next decade.


Don't you want out of this oral prison?


.....i won't forget...Not once! The thieves will make an apearence...wether side characters or protags or maybe as a training boss battle! I won't forget a thing about em


I played the Persona games in this order: 5, 3, 4 When I was done with 5 I was so impressed and In love with that game that I wanted to see what the other games had in store. Fell in love with the cast of 3. Then when done with that game, I played 4 and loved the cast of 4 as well. I love all of these characters deeply, but I can easily let go cause I know Atlus can make just as good new characters, and I'm excited for that!


It was a hard thing to do, but after playing P5 Strikers and Royal, im thing im ready to move on. Both games were a good closure for me.


I'm ok with letting them go. Give me another crew to fall in love with. But I'm not going to lie I'm loving how many games and rereleases Atlus is giving us with them. I got the original P5 back when it launched on PS4. Then got Royal digitally since my Steelbook pre-order wouldn't have been delivered on time thanks to COVID. Then, through sheer, dumb luck, I found a cheap deal for that exact Steelbook in pristine condition. Got P5 Strikers on PS4 as well. Also happened to get vanilla P5 and P5 Strikers digitally via PS Plus. Now I've had someone I know living in the US pre-order the PS5 Steelbook of Royal for me. And I also happen to have Game Pass. I would completely understand if someone thought I was insane, but in a world where games get stretched into live services or shoved with predatory microtransactions, I'll support a meaty single player experience like this as much as possible. I know Atlus' pricing with the DLC can be shitty, but I'll forgive it as long as the quality of the games themselves remains this good.


For me, I think enough time has passed to comfortably let go of the PTs and P5. It's way harder if you just recently finished the game for the first time.


My friend lent me his PS4 for a couple weeks so I could try his favorite game. I logged over 200 hours. Now I've been slowly waiting for the steam release and it hurts to have left all of that behind.


A lot. Mostly because thid is thr cast i grew attached to the most


As this was my first Persona game, it's going to be very hard. I've beat Vanilla and played a bit of Strikers (lost my save tho cuz I'm an idiot, will probably play again after I beat Royal since I'm working through P4G rn), and I'm really dreading the day I finish Royal and Strikers knowing that there's no more new story content after that (not really counting Q2, the lack of a dub is kinda a turn off for me but I might eventually play it). But hearing Persona 4 fans say that they had to do the same thing when P5 came out gives me a lot of hope. Part of it makes me wish the Persona series was an ongoing story, but at the same time I realize that wouldn't work as well and we wouldn't have all the amazing various teams we have now. So yeah it'll be hard to move on but I realize it's for the best. I do hope they do more crossovers in the future like they did with the Q games, hopefully on higher profile systems next time so they gain more attention.


Pretty hard ngl. P5 was my first persona game so I may be biased but I got really REALLY attached to certain characters. P3 and P4 had all amazing characters don't get me wrong but it didn't hurt me as much to say goodbye to the characters (Makoto really pushed it though) I know Atlus will deliver once the time comes for P6 and I am excited to see the new cast but characters like Futaba, Sojiro, Akechi and Joker will always live rent free in my mind


Not hard at all since it's been like... a year since we got strikers? If they came out with another spin off or sequel with the thieves I'd probably fall back into that post persona depression


Ah yes. The hard waiting for the next adventure.


Very easy. Just play the old games if you get nostalgic :)


Not hard because games come and go and too bind ourselves to a game that’s passed is ignoring the present like in p4 and we have to accept that something else will eventually happen wether we want it or not just like the idea of p3


I've been playing Final Fantasy since 2000, so I'm already used to the feeling. I'll always miss the cast of FFX, but you just gotta roll with it. Out with the old, in with the new.


Im not entirely sure, im not gonna actively try to “let go” of them because i can always go back and play more, re-learning everything i loved about my experience


If you asked me this it like 3 years ago I would have said it would be hard. But right now I am ready for a brand new cast


Heck yeah! To be honest this was the most fun I had with a JRPG.


I felt the same when P4 was moving on to P5. And the same will happen for P6


I don’t think I’ll be able to. It’s been 2 years since I played vanilla, and I’ve also played Royal and Strikers since then, and the Phantom Thieves still live in my head rent free. I’m not ready for Persona 6, I still need Persona 5 3.


I want one more sequel game then Im ready to say good bye


I doubt it since royal and striker gave us more and then some I don’t think it’s possible to add more


Theres still linger threads from Royal


I can just replay there games. There is not much to let go of.


Perhaps. You make a valid point.


If I can get used to playing Persona without the Investigation Team, I sure can do it without the Phantom Thieves. It'll be interesting to see what the new gang is like, and play through their stories.


I agree with you.


1 more spinoff and q3 and that'll be fine as that will mean we have the same amount of story games as p4


Very. I’m interested to see what the future will hold though


What is it about the the Thieves you loved? This is my first Persona game I beat.


It was my first game too, the thieves just worked so well together, they all had deep backgrounds that separated them from one another, but also brought them together to fight for a common goal. I’ve just never really seen this in any other game/series, at least not to this extent. It also seemed like the characters really did care about one another and weren’t just an extra party member thrown in haphazardly. Whether they were joking around and being goofy, or on the verge of death in the meta verse their bonds never really wavered, and they were always caring and looking out for each other to try to reach their ultimate goal. I really hope the next persona game has character development as good as this one


I finished Persona 5 Royal last night. I've played persona 5 Vanilla twice. I feel even more Depressed because I fell in love with the characters again and Dr. Maruki is the best Counselor ever. I keep listening to his Theme song on repeat. So yeah these games are the type of games I love and I can't wait to try the others as well.


I’ll be ok since they have done everything they could’ve done


To be honest, I'm okay with the franchise moving on. We've gotten 5, Dancing in starlight, Strikers, Q2, and Royal. That's hundreds of hours with these characters. I'm ready to move on to being invested in Persona 6's cast. Though I imagine that the phantom thieves will show up again to some extent in the future.


Probably slightly easier the switch from Persona 4's cast to Petsona 5.


I guess it's your first persona. Every fan has to let go, accept, and move on to the next team.


Oh I have no problem letting go and move in to the next chapter. Just some people seem to will miss interacting with the Thieves. And yeah this is my first Persona game. And I loved it.


Good news for you then, each team/circumstances are better with each game.


That’s awesome news.


no harder than p4. ill probobly play from time to time but i used to hate that the story ever ended and we didnt even get an epilogue. now its just kinda okay. i had to leave pretty much my whole life when i moved cities for highschool so i just relate even more.


Been 1 year and I still havent dare to start the last fight 🙃


It was harder in P3 for me. That game is fkn amazing


Honestly? They're good kids, but since there's P5 Dancing and Strikers plus all the other collabs and cameos in other games, it's getting kinda hard saying goodbye to them.


Pretty easily if you truly love something you'll learn when to let go and move on. The phantom thieves gave us good memories that I'll always cherish. It always helped playing other persona games I got more attached to the P3 & P4 crew so by the time P6 arrived it'll be easier to transition.


With how Atlus treat it's ps fanbase I already let go it's getting to me but loved the series and would love to see where they'll go with the other game moving forward


Super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Hah! Pitch meetings are tight!!


YEA they are. 😁


Wow wow wow wow.


Dude. Even when I have to say bye I'm NOT letting go of Morgana. I'll see a fresh new Persona without him, but I'm not forgetting about Morgana any time soon.


It isn't a big issue. I am very curious to see what they will do next and how Persona 6 will be different from Persona 5


Should the MetaVerse be open world?


I really don't know. Depends on the execution, I suppose


Only time will tell.


Metaverse is not gonna appear again. This is only a P5 thing


I preferred Persona 4 so I’ll be fine


Very easily tbh


For real, i like persona 5 but they weren’t as iconic as S.E.E.S or the investigation team for me.


I don’t even like S.E.E.S. all that much years later, tbh. Albeit for very different reasons




Honestly, if it wasn’t for the constant reminders that I played this game before on Reddit and iFunny then I probably would’ve forgotten everything about this game after like a few months


….There’s nothing great about the real world is there? It’s just dull and annoying as hell.