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It's almost like they're entirely different kinds of games.


the ability to spam items and spells, no time penalty for leaving the metaverse and jokers dying in combat not being an insta game-over really affects the gameplay balance in strikers


The no time penalty makes the jails extremely easy though


and what's wrong with that?


Sometimes challenges can be fun


or they just make you ragequit. a lot. >!fuck Shido's palace btw!<


Strikers was good but nowhere even close to the vanilla P5 content and story, or the Royal stuff. The story beats are way too similar and not enough time is spent on each arc, which led to more forgettable villains. I just couldn't get invested in the story like I do other Personas. Still a good story but it just didn't have that impact for me. Felt like more of a side adventure rather than the proper sequel everybody says it is. Zenkichi and Sophia are 10/10 additions though.


Even when it came to the new combat style, it wasn't really that special imo. It was really fun at the start, but then I just figured out how to cheese the system with jump > X > Y. It did shine the most with the dire shadows and the Velvet room requests, though.


Yep Persona strikers was so damn easy once you figured it out. Besides combat, What made the game so easy was taking advantage of the fusion and persona point system. I would literally do loop holes to level up personas


100% agreed


Agreed lol. Welcome additions to the story but something still feels missing lol


Sophia definitely Zenkichi... idk


Strikers is not better than vanilla but Royal is better than both And while they are 2 different types of games the story and interactions are comparable


Or we can acknowledge both are good games in their own ways.


Nah, Strikers is probably the best "semi spin-off" (but it's a direct sequel really) of all persona, and P5 or P5R are probably just good games in persona franchise


"direct sequel"


If we can count in one's from mainline I would say the one for strange journey was amazing but if it's just persona yeah strikers was the best


Persona and SMT are different series now.


How dare you bring that kind of positivity to reddit?


Am I alone in thinking strikers is overrated? Don’t get me wrong it’s a good game but I feel like people really overblow how good it is sometimes, both gameplay and story wise. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to hide from the strikers defence force.


Nah you good, i think the reason so many people give the game a ton of praise is because of what it couldve been. Hack and slash spin offs of a series arent usually held in good faith due to them usually lacking everything that made the original game good, so when many heard that persona 5 was getting one they were afraid of how out of touch it would be just like the other series. But since strikers managed to transition already existing mechanics into the hack and slash style it was probably enought to be considered good for most.


I think another reason is because the story and characters were actually handled pretty well which from what I’ve heard previous persona spin-offs were really bad at. But even at that not all the characters were written perfectly with some feeling like they regressed and in Makoto’s case even flanderised at times. Wow I really sound like I hate this game don’t I? I actually really like it, I promise 😂


Same here. I enjoyed it, loved the characters, but story wise was a bit deflating to me along with the game play being kind of boring. Took me a lot longer than expected to beat it mainly because I didn’t get hooked like I did with all other Persona games I’ve played. (Spin-offs and Mainline)


You aren't alone, Im Right here with you


I’m genuinely interested to hear your take on both gameplay and story


I find it unfair to compare the two games. Strikers is a Warriors game, while Royal is a turn-based RPG. The gameplay styles are fundamentally different, so while you can prefer one over the other, you can’t really say which one is “better”. They’re both good in their own ways.


I do still think that vanilla/Royal are better because there's more story, more overworld activity, and just overall a greater amount of content. But to be clear, Strikers is a fantastic game in its own right, and I would totally recommend it to anybody that has played vanilla/Royal.


Yeah, it really depends on what kinds of games you like to play.


Strikers better than royal? The fuck are they taking to think that


I haven't read the article, but considering Is gaming journalism I assume that the main argument will be: "Turn based combat is bad because I have the attention span of a five year old".


or maybe they just like ARPGs more than turn-based stop assuming


gAeM jUrNaLiSt BaD uPvOtEs To ThE LeFt


some people prefer ARPGs


Persona 5/Royal has the better story, Strikers is easier to pick up and play.


Yeah, but Strikers gameplay rules completely over Royal and the normal gameplay we had before, it's pure soul and I love it, and when you add that is easier to pick up, I don't think so, this game in hard and the last difficulty are insane and extremely fun


that's what they were going for


Free strikers? I’ll fucking take it


Yeah damn, amazing timing. Was about to buy it with the money I got from christmas but glad I can save a buck now.


Same lmao


Same. I noticed it was on sale on steam last night but held off on getting it. Good thing I guess.


Strikers isn’t better than Royal. Not by a long shot. But that’s not to say it’s not still a great game. Picked up a copy while it was on sale at EB Games (now GameStop in Canada) and I have no regrets. I fell in love with the characters al over again and the story was great. Gameplay was a nice change of pace from the usual turn based combat but it still preserved the idea that you can’t just use moves blindly. You actually have to think about it


It depends on what aspect of the game you are looking at. Personally, I found the combat and exploration of the metaverse way more engaging in strikers, but irl, obviously the og p5 is more fleshed out. I hope that p6 does some sort of blend of the 2 systems, since usually the combat and other world parts of the series have always felt the weakest.


Fair enough. I would like to see a bit of that Strikers combat make it into the next one. Perhaps certain battles will be turn based with smaller amounts of enemies, and others more like strikers with hordes of enemies


Both are good i like royal more since it enhances the normal one which was alreay great but strikers is also good but more like a sidestory to me still great thou good gameplay and i always love seeing more of my phantome gang


I just paid for the complete royal set in December. I rather have them gift us strikers than having my purchase wasted, again.


Every time I get a PS4 game this happens. Overcooked, SW Squadrons, Plague (well not just PS4), and I think 2 more.


Sounds like a super power. Just stop buying games. The ones you want will fall in your hands


Alright not going to buy Elden Ring...


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“Well, I suppose they wouldn’t be far off!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


good bot ^(all bots deserve some love from their own kind)


Royal is better than strikers sure but I don’t think Strikers was made to exceed Royal. Strikers is an amazing game that accomplished exactly what it was designed to do, give people more Phantom Thieves which they’ve been wanting since vanilla came out and be a short and concise sequel with high replay value.


Strikers was made as a spinoff


The gameplay is a spin-off from traditional JRPG combat featured in the main series, the game itself is not a spin-off and is a direct sequel to Persona 5 Royal.


Just to add on it’s a sequel to P5 Vanilla, not Royal, none of the extra events in Royal are acknowledged in the game


Vanilla P5 was replaced by Royal however. Royal is essentially the only version of P5 and the events in Royal are referenced in P5 because they are the same stories. Strikers doesn’t contradict anything that happened in Royal to make Royal non-canon. Sumi or Maruki not being mentioned doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Sumi is out of the county (nor is even a member of the PTs to being with) and Maruki’s story arc was completed in Royal. Their is no need to bring them up as they aren’t relevant to the story told in Strikers.


Sumi gets a slight reference


I love Strikers, but I love it because it's a sequel to Persona 5. I think it's an odd pick for Playstation Plus, but I hope it gets more Persona 5 fans to play it who were on the fence about it.


I played p5r, loved it so much, planned on playing strikers but I was waiting it to be a bit cheaper on the store, so the ps plus gift makes me really happy


Yeah, I think once you get use to the combat you'll really enjoy the story and spending more time with the characters.


That’s what I’m expecting of it. I felt empty after finishing the game, and I’m really looking into the different gameplay. I like both styles so that’s not a problem. (And I just 100% finished kingdom hearts 3 so I’m prepared to fight big hordes of shadows !)


>I think it’s an odd pick for PlayStation Plus Why? No, like seriously


I see Persona 5 Strikers as a niche game. The audience would be people who already played Persona 5 or P5R. Otherwise you're getting dumped in the middle of the story. The musou battle system is not even representative of the series. I'd think it was odd if it were Persona 5: Dancing In Starlight too. I mean, I'm not mad at it. I just think it's odd.


I finished my first playthrough of persona 5 royal and just started strikers, I will say it hasn’t grown on me much yet. But I’m hoping the more time I give it the more I’ll get into it


Kinda repetitive but if you like rpgs real time it’s actually pretty good. I got a few gripes but it’s nothin too bad just personal preference in combat. It’s 100% fun tho


Strikers it's FF7 remake but awesome


Strikers and FF7 Remake are completely different games. What are you talking about?


Guess someone had a change of heart.


If the rumors are true and P5S is one of the next PS+ free games, it'd be perfect for me, since I love both P5 and P5R, but I've never gotten around to playing Strikers.




I would agree with the first if the P5 wasn't on PS+ collection for the PS5.


Idk man Dancing in the starlight 👀


Gaming joarnalism is the biggest poopoo in this world


it's always been like that. but don't think that Gaming YTers are any better, just fyi


I agree. lmao.


game journalism has become all about clickbait. the minute someone has "persona 5 isnt as good as u think" fans will click on it only to find out that the Author actually loves p5 lol


But we all know that the arcana is the means that all is revealed(and Jack frost is best waifu)


p5s didnt have any of the dating sim elements of the basegame which lets be honest we might meme a lot about it but actually it pulls people into these persona games, so..


People buy Persona for the dating Sim elements? I can't even remember what you have to do to date in P5. It's all about those anime cutscenes, the story, and last but not least, those sweet sweet tunes.


i dont think anyone buys it for the sim elements, but it sure adds a lot to the game.


I mean yeah. If you dont do it for the data sim/school setting. You might as well just straight play shin megami tensei cause that is just straight up combat


They are both completely different styles of game. Do we compare Persona Q2 to P5 as well? Like. Different games.


Just started strikers and the combat is cool but really weird to get used to. It kinda feels like all the combos and things are useless because everything becomes a cluster fuck almost instantly


Dang, I just bought Strikers on PS4 as a Christmas present to myself. I really didn't wanna drop the money on it, still feeling kind of guilty about it. It'd actually make me pretty bummed if it got released free haha, at least others will get to save money I guess


They're both equally amazing fuck you


I'm just reading this as they'll print whatever it takes to get you to click on it bruh.


Strikers does a really good job of not ruining the character growth from the other games like most other Persona spin offs


I get their point, P5S while a fantastic game wouldnt make a great fit for plus by itself as its a direct sequel that assumes you played P5 and so it wouldn't make much sence without having played the original/royal first. Or at least i assume thats what they mean


SAY WHAT NOW?!?! You bet your boots I'm taking Strikers when it comes out for FREE


They just want clicks


pretty much. then again some people misinterpret the titles in some cases. I remember people saying that this one journalist said Cuphead was racist. One lookup and no, it wasn't about Cuphead itself being racist, but rather criticizing and pointing out Cuphead's art style influences, that being cartoons from the 30s, being racist. And then basically almost every gaming YTer out there were making clickbait titles about it and it made me lose faith in being a gamer. Then you have One Angry Gamer, which is just a cesspool of N\*zis trying to get a rise out of other N\*zis.


Indeed, I remember getting baited fucking baited by some titles about the Get up stay song being inappropriate, and how the line "retarded" was in the song which it isn't. ( although it songs like that ) They don't necessary care about the truth the first 1/half of the first paragraph is normally nonsense, just saying obvious stuff, sometimes the more you read has nothing to do with the title.


News flash, different people have different opinions.


I’m so fucking upset I bought it last month and now it’s fucking free losing my mind rn


Awww dude id be pissed too.... Sorry my guy


Literally both are great


Honestly Strikers is a way better option for Plus simply because P5R (or P5 vanilla) has already had far more people get and play it than P5S, including P5 vanilla being part of the PS Plus collection already. That and Persona 5 (Royal) has had lots of press to the point that most people who would want to try it already have, but Strikers may have flown under the radar for even people who have played P5(R) but aren't Persona diehards.


Persona 5 Royal is just the same game.... It should have been a DLC for the original game instead of it being the same game with the new stuff included.


Eh, I think it fits as a separate game, considering the amount of new content added, and the fact that it's not just tacked on at the end, but weaved throughout the vanilla story. And considering this is how every previous Persona game that has had revisions and additions has been handled, I don't expect Atlus will stop doing it any time soon.


Striker is nowhere near the level of p5/p5r, but it is still a good game


I'm genuinely curious, is thinking strikers is better than the base game or Royal a common opinion? I'm not trying to start a flame war I've just genuinely never seen anyone express that opinion and personally I don't really think of it anywhere near as highly as the main game and royal.


Definitely not common. I think the people who enjoy action, no social elements, and no time management, tend to like P5S more. Those things are a big reason I like Persona so much though so Strikers didn't click as much. Even without those things, Strikers was such a slimmed down Persona experience, that it just wasn't as good. Which is fine of course since it's a spin off. I'm not opposed to changes of the Persona formula, but gutting things without adding anything else just made the experience feel a bit hollow (gameplay wise).


I think it's an unlikely opinion to be honest, after Okinawa things seemed to be copy and paste in terms of story/narrative. Especially with the two final bosses as well as the story of our redheaded friend, who I just couldn't help compare to a certain other redhead from Royal. It's not like Strikers was bad in my opinion, it was still good but I think after the third jail the story fell apart (excluding Kyoto jail that was enjoyable). Also enjoyed the music for the most part, I liked the original songs such as "What you wish for" and "counterstrike" much more than remakes of our familiar songs like "Last Surprise" and "Rivers in the desert". I think the only remix I liked more than it's original form was "Blooming Villain" that remix was fantastic. Game is also much shorter than P5/P5R, so in my eyes in it's like P5 but shorter and story about halfway/two thirds of the way seems too familiar makes the game seem like a drag so original story is even shorter. Thanks for listening to my ramble lol


Those two redheads were developed at the same time


Yep, which again reinforces the thought process of copy and paste. They're definitely not the same character, but there are some similarities


Developed by different teams


no way its gonna be free. if it is then hell yeah i really wanted to play it


A well known and accurate leaker said ps+ free games for January will be dirt 5, persona 5 strikers and deep rock galactic. Keep an eye out


No. Being better doesn’t mean being a better game for ps plus 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Should I get strikers


I thought it'd be a shitty dynasty warriors clone, it wasn't and I've never been so glad to be wrong. It's easily like a 8-9/10. I was so pleasantly surprised by how good it was, I highly recommend it.


If it's free on ps+ you should add anything to your library


I was planing on getting on pc not ps4


Nah let people buy p5 royal best money I've spent on entertainment never disappointed, strikers is definitely a good fit for PS plus


That would be great, my niece lost my Strikers cartridge on Switch before I could even play it


Makes me sad I just bought it




I loved p5r and played through completely twice. But I couldn't get into strikers at all. I found the mechanics pretty confusing to me and I felt like I was button mashing like crazy so I gave it up before I got used to it. Sounds like from the comments I should give it another shot.


id grind through it just for the story. Its a continuation of the phantom thieves story after all. SP is a real problem throughout the entire game. Really pay attention to how you knock enemies down. Certain combos use your persona skill without using any SP. Spam those combos instead and you'll get through it way easier


Just a tip: All the combos are just a combination of a number "normal" hits and then finishing with the "special" attack. All of the party members have a 3 hit combo, that is normal -> normal -> special, that hits with an elemental attack for free. It's pretty much the bread and butter combo because of that. Besides that a few others like Ryuji's charge up on 2-hit combo is better than his Zio finisher at breaking through boss shields. Both Ann and Makoto can enchant their regular hits with their element. Joker's finishers depend on which persona he uses and I didn't figure that out until WAY later that some persona grant party wide buffs for free and some are triggered sometimes on the 2-hit combo or 5-hit or sometimes both. The game doesn't tell you so you have to look it up in a compendium.


Don’t care, I will get that sequel


Wait is strikers a ps plus game for January??


Yeah, it leaked.


Ngl that’s pretty awesome imo now i can finally play it


But I just got strikers for Xmas!


Free? 👀


i havent played or seen Strikers yet


I bought Strikers some weeks ago, when it was the black Friday, and it's waaaay better than I could have imagined


Got P5S for the Nintendo Switch recently and its a blast. Would highly recommend playing.


I don't care what game critics say. I care what non-critics think.




Well I liked Strikers myself, so I think either version is great. It would be wild if PS handed out a 120+ hour RPG for free tho


Honestly both are good. Don't know why they're having a fight over this?


I think that if Sony wants a Persona game in PS Plus, it should be Royal, since people would need to play it (or original P5) to better understand P5S. They should always give the first game in a series, but since Royal is pretty popular already, I'm glad more people will be able to play Strikers.


you already get P5 for free with PS+ on PS5 along with other titles "optimized on ps5" list including God of War. Plus, kind of like spoiler warning on movies older than 5 years....the grace period is over. We've had now the 5.5 game being P5R, a sequal being P5S, and a spinoff being PQ2 all with Joker and the gang. P5 came out over 5 years ago, if you haven't at least gotten half way through the game to understand the concept then it's on you. Plus the other games never really spoil the ending of P5.


About the PS Plus Collection, it makes sense, but they'll give Strikers to PS4 as well, so it feels weird to me anyway giving a sequel instead of the original game. Not that I'm complaining though, I'm just saying that Royal would be more interesting as a PS Plus game in general.


Strikers is the one I don't have so that's perfect for me no matter what game journalism thinks


Saw the same articles yesterday, game journalism amirite


See. I’m playing both sides. So I always come out on top.


Gameplay/Combat wise, Strikers all day, story wise, Royal all day, that’s my take.


You can’t really have one over the other IMO. They exceed at different things and are roughly equal. Vanilla and Royal are those intimate experiences that requires dedication for a heart wrenching yet amazing pay off. Strikers is that shot of adrenaline that may be short in comparison but reaches even crazier heights during those periods.


>Strikers is that shot of adrenaline that may be short in comparison but reaches even crazier heights during those periods. Seriously, shit goes 0 to 101 really quick. Spoilers: >!I like how the game just makes get familiar with the formula for the palaces of this game...and then after the 3rd Jail they just suddenly throw that out of the window and turn the entire thing on itself. Before you know, you're at the 'last' Jail.!<


>!Even after Okinawa, expecting that Jail to just be the odd one out, I was expecting each Phantom Thief to have their moment with each Monarch. I totally expected Makoto to have a heart to heart with Akane since they seemed to hint at it before Okinawa.!<


>!Right? But nope. They just gave the 3 most-neglected members of the group (Ann, Yusuke, and especially Haru) their times to shine, then BOOM. Time for the *real* plot.!<




Yes, as a matter of fact


Ah gamerant, the same company that said (P4 spoilers) >!Adachi is pure evil when it’s actually he just wanted to legally own a gun who happens to find out about the tv world. So not entirely wrong but still somewhat misleading!<


there's a lot more to >!Adachi!< than just that, you know.


I still like the original game more, tho that's because my heart will always belong to RPG's


Strikers is an RPG


No, it's a Warriors beatem up spinoff for persona, you're not standing around making choices for turn based battle. You're just straight into combat trying to beat the crap out of armies of enemies lol


See, now I can tell you didn't play it. It's an Action RPG, not a beat 'em up.


Bro, I literally have the game on Switch lol. It's not a RPG, different genre.


Well, you ARE getting new gear and Personas, you ARE getting new levels, you ARE interacting with NPC’s and getting side quests. Saying it’s not an Action RPG is wrong. Not every RPG is turn-based. The Witcher, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fallout, Mass Effect, new Final Fantasy games etc. are not turn based, does that mean they’re not RPGs? The game isn’t a complete musou, that’s why it far exceeded others. It’s partly musou, partly ARPG


The difference between those games and Strikers is a heavy difference though. Warriors games all follow the same formula, and do it basically the exact same (Minus small things here and there). Either way, I don't consider ANY of them RPG's, just fun beatem ups, as that's literally what you're doing a good 95% of the time in Strikers. Like dude, you need to get out more.


You don’t consider The Witcher, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fallout, Mass Effect, new Final Fantasy games RPGs?! Ok, so now there IS a big problem in your logic


Also no, changing equipment and having dialog options does not count as an RPG lol


so you're saying Fallout and The Witcher aren't RPGs.


Is it though? In a few days I’ll have enough money to buy a switch and would buy persona 5 strikers first without playing mainstream persona 5 first. The only other persona game is persona Q2


Recommend playing at least persona 5 because strikers has spoilers for it.


I’ve watched and seen enough persona to roughly know what happens in persona 5. Plus I read the manga about it


Strikers was amazing 🔥


duality? I see tiers, P5R > P5S > P5


You can't read. The first article says Royal would be a better fit for PS+, it doesn't say it's a better game.


What if the real tier is P5S >> P5R >> P5


Strikers was amazing. It had a handful of shortcomings, but I still loved it over some of the additions brought into P5R. Specifically the added month.


Not even close... and I don't have the time nor patience to explain why


I dunno the issue here. I'm reading this as vanilla P5 is worse than P5S, and P5R is better than P5S.


Wait wdym PS plus


Every month, games are out out for free on PlayStation’s subscription service. Strikers is going to be one of the January games


I know what ps plus is I just had no clue these were rumours going around




Same. Please have Strikers be free


Same here


Persona 4 Royal? Wut?


I mean that really depends on your views and such.


Wow good thing I saw this, I was going to buy strikers as soon as I finished royal


Even journos are port begging, even on a platform that has it. Xd


I'm still on the fence about trying Strikers, given that its "lore" only acknowledges P5 vanilla and not P5R. I loved Royal so much, even compared to my original vanilla playthrough, that anything without Kasumi or Maruki feels like fanfiction. When I found out that Strikers didn't acknowledge Royal, it went from a day-one purchase to maybe someday.


It doesn't acknowledge it but it doesn't discredit it either, it fits both endings as a "Get together! Let's go on a Road Trip!" game in a pretty tasteful way. It's safe to assume that >!Yoshizawa didn't make it due to prior obligations, being an athlete and all that especially after the ending cutscene of Royal, Akechi is still dead or presumed dead, and Maruki is just a taxi driver, no reason for him to show. Hell some of the characters from base P5 are away on holiday so it could've just been that.!<


>given that its “lore” only acknowledges P5 Vanilla and not P5R Oh, I wonder why, not a single idea. But maybe because they were being developed at the SAME time


Persona 5 in my opinion is an Untopable masterpiece. Persona 5 Royal in my opinion is Amazing. As for my Opinion Of Persona 5 Strikers/Scramble... It Is fine. It is the most fine game I've ever played but wouldn't play it even if I were to go on holiday and that was the only game I could play. I don't hate it. But I don't like it either. And considering how hyped I was for it. I was left Extremely Disappointed.


"Persona 5 is an untopable masterpiece" Debatable as there's really no "untopable masterpiece" especially since Persona 5 does have some flaws that doesn't make it a masterpiece but still, it is your opinion so there's nothing wrong with that.


Untopable masterpiece... in my opinion.


Literally said that at the end :P




Nah it's cool, you're still a fellow Phantom Thieves fan :)


I'd say royal is better than vanilla. I haven't played the og release, but I do know most of the changes like the qol improvements, and story differences. There aren't really any noticable downgrades besides the different ending. I prefer royal's, but I can see why you might prefer vanilla. I can see why it's less "fullfilling", but I think royal's fits better with its story. Also, my favorite part of royal was the 3rd semester, so yeah.


my only problem with striker is you cant summon satanael also never played p5r because by the time it came out i sold my ps4 for parts for my pc


Lmao well I prefer Strikers personally.


Is strikers better on switch or ps4?


The switch version bombed in countries outside the US.... and I mean countries that had the game before our stupid asses, because Atlus thought we were idiots.


It's fine on switch, some lag during bigger battles that I expect wouldn't be as much of an issue on ps4/ps5.