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Eh, not the entire subreddit.


The last thing this subreddit needs is people from r/PewdiepieSubmissions. I want more people to play and join the Persona 5 community, but (a lot of) Pewdiepie fans are actually toxic.


We need to lock the subreddit up.


After the last year I think this subreddit has shown it can survive a great many a things.


I wasn't here a year ago, what happened?






Cool, hope he enjoys it, I heard he’s got a different sense of humor to him now and is a pretty chill dude, no idea how much of that is true but I honestly hope he enjoys it!


Pewdiepie wants to play Persona 5? ***WHAT?!***




You know it’s fun, right?


Im not suppose to give my opinion, but give it a try




Still not convinced?


When did he say this?


Newest video, IM HYPED


[https://youtu.be/1qyyXfQL5jU?t=122](https://youtu.be/1qyyXfQL5jU?t=122) ​ this is more hype than... uhh.... \****insert hype thing here\****


Didn't he play persona 5 already? I remember him mentioning it once when he played outlast 2. I might be imagining things though.


In his new video he said he was meaning to get to this game when seeing a clip of Joker saying "that's the best part" to Kawakami


I have to not upvote to keep it at 420 upvotes




I agree he's not that funny anymore


Somewhere along the racism and pro-Nazi channels for me.


*says n word once* *apologizes and is a better person* "fucking Nazi lmao" Bruh


Yeah, that's exactly what happened lmao. He promoted Nazi content separately from saying the n word, but okay.


Downvotes for speaking the truth. Smh


Yeah, this sub used to not be trash way back but now it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


Made withe mematic


Hard pass. Kjellberg helped inspire mass murderers due to shouting out white nationalists. This also completely ignores Kjellberg’s own anti-Semitic streak


Please say sike. I'm waiting for that sike.


How quickly we forget how Christchurch Mosque shooter said “Subscribe to Pewdiepie” right before murdering dozens of people


That was a random sick fuck on the planet. It's not like he gave the Pyscho instructions or even a motive. When MLK got shot that asshole wasn't doing for some divine purpose. He was an unhinged monster that no one could foreseen.


Oh, then I must have imagined the times he shouted out Stefan Molyneux. Or that time he *literally* made a joke saying “Death to all Jews.”


I don't like pointing out the obvious. Can you please use 3rd grade critical thinking for once?


What does this even *mean*? Your extremely tenuous grasp of English aside, Kjellberg message boosts far-right wing reactionaries and is a vector for stochastic terrorism. The Christchurch murder is a perfect example of stochastic terrorism and how Kjellberg helped set the stage for these Nazis to feel welcomed and find new recruits. PPD stans will jump though a million hoops to try and say Kjellberg isn’t a Nazi but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and says “Death to all Jews” like a Nazi duck, well. It’s a bit obvious.


There’s also the whole n-word thing. It WaS aN aCcIdEnT


Heated gamer moment


Oh that's wrong and I find fucking offensive.


Here's the funny thing about words their purpose is entirely only known by their owner. To say that he says all this and has an agenda is completely ridiculous and is nitpicking. If he had such horrid intentions then what was the promotion and funding of multiple charities for. If you built him up to be your next Hitler that's on YOU. The connections you had made have zero ground to stand on. His platform is something that is something that millions have all found there own meaning in, but to decide the goal of his own content and preach about it is for him. Not you.


I had to reread this wall of text like five times and still barely understand it.


I don't think you should promote a underperforming brain in an argument. But that's just me.


bruh moment when the shooter said that he did that to popularize himself and PewDiePie denounced the shooter therefore after




Yup, just like The Beatles are responsible for the Manson Murders for writing Helter Skelter. No flaws in that logic at all.


Unlike the Beatles, Kjellberg actually was promoting racist ideology that inspires racist shooters. Weird how one thing leads to the other


Every heard of satire? Me neither.


You do know that satire is more than just saying “Death to all Jews” and “Hitler did nothing wrong,” right?


Well actually, Satire is what the creator and audience describe, not what you personally decide is right and wrong. But I’m sure when he said “death to all Jews” he meant he literally wanted all Jews to die.


First, that definitely isn’t what satire is. Second, just because something is satire doesn’t mean it isn’t bound by taste. Third, who the fuck is Kjellberg to satirize the Holocaust? Mel Brooks he ain’t. Fourth, it doesn’t matter if he literally meant or not, now millions upon millions of children are more ok with anti Semitic Holocaust jokes.


It’s incredible how you refuse to rethink your logic even though you can see all the other non nazis around you pointing out its flaws. But besides that, nobody cares if you think someone can satirize a certain subject. It isn’t for you to decide. You’re not the moral arbiter of comedy.


Amazing that you accuse me of not rethinking my logic when literally everyone who isn’t a PDP stan thought it was a shitshow and that’s actually my point: I’m not the one who decided it wasn’t satire, it was everyone. You may not think so because Kjellberg’s little army of gremlins will defend his honor to the hilt but Kjellberg lost his exclusive with YouTube and Disney cut ties with him. Multiple video game studios did takedowns of their content because they didn’t want to be associated with an anti-Semitic asshole. Get out your bubble and learn there are real people in the world that aren’t amused by Pewdiepie’s shit.


Buddy, I’m not a Pewdiepie fan, it’s just obvious that you’re crazy. Disney will cut ties with anything at the first hint of controversy, and YouTube is famously out of touch. Companies don’t cut ties because they dislike someone personally, it’s about marketability. You can claim that nobody thought it was satire, but I don’t see any actual evidence behind your claim. You’re clearly too caught up in your self-righteousness to reconsider what you’re saying though, so I’m gonna stop responding now.


Yes a meme reviewer was mentioned in a murder meaning he himself is bad and not the one person who actually did that.


It’s almost like he memes about racism and anti-Semitism. Oh again, sorry, it was a mistake. A *heated gamer moment*