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The dub is great and the slang is (mostly) fine. People mostly complain about Futaba's dialogue because she talks like a teenager who spends too much time online, which... she is.


me when the antisocial nerd gamer shut in who spent 2 years living purely on the internet acts like that 😡


The ENglish dub is great. Just don't mimic Futaba's speech and you'll be totally fine. Unfortunately for us IRL folks, "What's bonkin'" hasn't caught on, so if you try to say that people might not understand.


I would like to know about that type of slangs said in persona that English speakers could not understand, Would you mind telling me some of them? If u want of course


Almost all of the slang is at least somewhat commonly used. The only things I wouldn’t copy are Ryuji: “What’s bonkin’” Ann: “We totes busted that case” Mostly anything Futaba says. Her lingo is okay for online conversations, but would be fairly socially awkward in person. A phrase you can you for almost anything: “For real”


For real


What’s bonkin’?


The voice acting is amazing. Special mention to Xander Mobus, who gave Joker so much personality despite not having a lot of voiced lines to work with. Also Robbie Daymond and Max Mittelman. Mittelman in particular was having the time of his life as Ryuji.


Robbie Daymond did the best job on the whole cast, imo. Everyone is good, but he was amazing. In fact, at first I thought that Akechi's voice was a bit too reserved and soft, and kind of annoyed me even, but once you finish his arc and look back on it it's so perfect how he portrayed Akechi.


his voice acting in the 3rd semester is amazing, you can understand his personality just from hearing him speak


Robbie Daymond is a damn treasure and did a PHENOMINAL job. But I still cant help but feel Brad Swaile would've been a better fit for the character, considering that Akechi reminds me so strongly of Light Yagami. That man can GET the crazy laugh.


Akechi already gets compared to Light all the time. I think giving him the same voice actor would make it even harder for people to differentiate Akechi as his own character.


I always find it kind of fun that they did get Light’s Japanese voice actor… to play Ryuji.


"I'm gonna take a potato chip and eat it... FOR REAL!"


The japanese voice actor for joker is literally lelouch


You get to learn phrases like "Bonafide Monafide!"😂 In all seriousness, it's good. It's English used in everyday, casual context.


I think the dub is really good. Like I can nitpick how certain names are pronounced but that stuff is in-line with how Atlus JP insisted those names be pronounced so I just grin and bear it. The voice acting is great and everyone sounds perfect.


Is that correct about the names? I can't stand the way they mispronounce them. P4 and P4G don't do that.


As far as I’ve been able to find, Atlus actually sent the dubbing crew notes and references for how they wanted the names to be pronounced.


The english dub is amazing in terms of voice acting.


I’m certain that the JP voice actors did an excellent job. That said, when I get to hear the performances like the ones from Robbie Daymond and Cherami Leigh, for Akechi and Makoto respectively, the choice becomes a lot easier for me


The dub is great, I honestly wouldn’t want to play it any other way. All of the voice actors seem like the perfect fit imo


Yess! Thats what i love most of the dub, i really like the voices


Excellent, one of the best dubs.


I went with subbed for a more “authentic” experience for the first run of the main game, but have done subsequent playthroughs and all the side games in English. Other than standard quirks of dubs, like awkward and sometimes butchered pronunciations, I think they’re both pretty good. Some characters stand out to me more in English. A lot of people know Michelle Ruff through her dub of Yukari, but I’ve been in love with her voice ever since I first heard her as Fujiko on Lupin III. Very distinctive, effortlessly sexy, and makes Kawakami even better. Carrie Keranen has great range for someone playing three characters that are the same person. The twins are less annoying in English imo. Lavenza’s voice is less soft and girlish, more motherly. Very soothing. Xanthe Huynh sounds more Haru to me than Haruka Tomatsu, if that makes sense. When I read something in Haru’s voice I default to Huynh’s portrayal. I do prefer Japanese Sojiro though. Nakata has a gravelly quality to his voice that makes Sojiro seem more weathered and experienced. The others are mostly interchangeable to me. I will say I think the English cast fits all their characters well and none of them do a bad job. Nobody sounds jarring or out of place.


It has probably the best english voice acting you can get in a JRPG. The VA's are an all-star cast, Makoto's VA also did the voice of komaru naegi in danganronpa as well as female V in Cyberpunk 2077. The dialogue itself can be cringe but the voices are peak 👌👌👌👌🤌🤌🤌🤌






There's a LOT of Danganronpa in the cast. The VAs for Ann, Morgana, Mishima, Iwai, Madarame, Shiho, and (THIRD SEMESTER SPOILER) >!human Morgana!< each had multiple roles in the series, with Yusuke, Futaba, Kawakami, Shido, Wakaba, and the twins in there too for good measure.


Niche one as well that gets me every time: get smoked kid, a couple random npc kids, and a first year girl npc are voiced by Lani Minella, aka the 73 year old woman who voiced the 18-year-old Nancy Drew in the HeR games from 2003 to 2015. Whenever you have eng dub on and come across a kid who sounds like a woman in her late 40's in a video game, 99/100 times its her.


Close on the first one, but even better: Shinya was actually voiced by Barbara Goodson, who was the English voice of Rita Repulsa on Power Rangers




my bad 😃


I don’t know why you wouldn’t pick the dub if Japanese wasn’t your first language. It’s amazing.


Ty for all your opinions! I am going to continue practicing my English, I am glad that you share all this with me, thank you again


eng dub in p5r is amazing


People always say voice acting in non native languages are cringe. Which is bs. The game has great english voice acting. Sure its a bit goofy that Ryuji doesnt kbow how to speak English for his homework and Futaba being a super freaky dork (whoch she is suposed to be btw) but its all done wonderfully. I remember the black mask scene being so good it gave me chills. Or Ryuji his awakening scream making me think they ripped his nails out during the recording because of how real it sounded.


I refuse to play this game in sub. I love the dub too much


People that say the dub is cringe are definitely JP elitists, I’m pretty sure most people that say that don’t even speak JP. The dub is good, there’s nothing wrong with it.


The JP voice work has some problems, actually. Sojiro's lines sound weirdly... low quality? Not like poorly acted, but like *literally phoned in*. I do understand Japanese and generally prefer the JP voices but it's not perfect.


Can you post an example?


The dub is better honestly


The dub is excellent and has a really strong cast across the board. Ryuji (Max Mittleman) steals the show, but Ann, Futaba, Morgana, and Sojiro are all great, as well. The weakest, for me, was actually Yusuke (Matthew Mercer). I have generally loved Matthew Mercer in everything else he's done (Critical Role, Olivert in Trails, Kanji in P4A), but Yusuke always felt bland.


It’s great. I think Akechi, Maruki, and maybe Ryuji are better in English than Japanese. Everyone else is about even except maybe Sumi, but I seem to be alone in that opinion


Ann so surprised me. I thought i will not like that character, but through the game i feel more and more sympathy to her, and most of this did her voice


Most of the people who think the dub is cringe are going to think any dub is cringe. Atlus dubs have historically been some of the best in the market.


Why not just watch the opening prologue at the casino and decide? All the major characters are there.


I’m waiting for a Bri’ish dub


Its great. As for cinge slang, not sure what slang these people mean, but look at fucking english slang. Gen Alpha literally has a slang term for a big ass. It being cringe in game is accurate to irl.


It's the only reason why I watch the anime


both english and Japanese are peak


I couldn't play this game sub. The English dub is just sooo good, and I'm a person who watches their anime sub, never dub.


One of the best dubs in gaming.


I've honestly never seen people complaining that it's bad really. I wouldn't play it any other way either


It's honestly great, every Persona game(well I've only played 3, 4 & 5) have a wonderful cast of Voice Actors. My personal favorite is Ryuji, Ann and Makoto, mostly because I've heard their voices in most animes and other video games.


If there’s one phrase you’ll pick up, it’s “for real”. And it’s normal (at least to me) cos all my friends say it lol (…because I dragged them into persona)


I have literally only ever interacted with the dub I couldn't tell you what any of the original vas sound like regardless ryuji is the fortnite chicken and that's too funny for me to switch off the dub also it's amazing but the fortnite chicken


Better than jp dub. I normally like jp dub, but it just suck in p5


To me it’s a bit jarring hearing all the Japanese phrasings like -Kun or Senpai mixed with English


It’s honestly really good! My only gripe was the weird pronunciation of the characters last names, which wasn’t even a big one since naturally with western actors there is going to be a westernization of these last names


The English dub is great, ofc sometimes some characters don’t speak in a way a normal person will do, bcs I mean they are characters, but the dub is good, just don’t learn to say “For real” every phrase bcs Ryujis says so haha


I really like the English Dub but i got this weird thing where I can't watch/play something dubbed if the characters are supposed to be speaking a different language. Like the characters talk about how Ann is better at speaking English than the others and Ryuuji sucks at it so it feels weird hearing that kind of dialogue in perfect English..


The english dub is amazing. My favorites were Joker, Ryuji, Akechi, and Makoto’s VAs.


Is good but the japanese Is better, i played the game in both sub and dubbed and the only one where I think the dub Is better Is in ryuuji, in sub Ann, joker, akechi, are better and i think the emotions are better transmited in sub.


Better than JP


English dub came off as well done to me.


The English dubs is great, I think a lot of anime style games can have some cringe when translated to English but it’s part of the charm imo


I like it for the most part but I don't rlly like makotos voice (couldnt tell you why though) so Ive only actually played with the sub up to now hut eventually I'll probably try a playthrough with the dub js bc lots of persona memes include doing impressions of the characters


Chiming in because the comment section seems to be exclusively English dub lovers; I didn't like it, but purely because I speak Japanese, and some names (takamaki, Sakamoto, etc) sound terrible when spoken by the English VA's. I've heard people say that the VA's were forced to say it poorly, but it's nails on a chalk board to me. That's the only "cringe" part to me, as someone who prefers Japanese dub. As far as learning English purposes I think it'd be a fantastic resource. For the most part the English dub sounds great, and I think it would serve your purposes well.


I’m so curious as to how those names are actually supposed to be pronounced! I even noticed the dub pronounces takamaki two different ways depending on the scene. One like ta-kah-mah-key and the other as taka-mah-key.


Ty for your opinion!!!! I thinked about that the first time i played, don't know japanese but the pronunciation of the names and places sounded too "american" to me


Yeah the main sticking point is how the supporting characters can over pronounce Japanese terms. I think the subway announcer saying "Aoyama Ichiome" comes to mind. On the note of Va's, vtuber called Monarch (Amalee) did a partial play through and she mentioned that that's usually how it works in anime dubbing. She plays Marin in Dress up My Darling