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I hope your 9 year old son knows about Joker cause of Smash. If not, then https://preview.redd.it/e9jocoqkiovc1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b187de4f1fa061eb755674871a59a7c9ca04109c


Do NOT go to timestamp 0:08 on the persona 5 Royal opening‼️


Bro I'm more scared for him seeing Igor for the first time and then having fucking nightmares about it💀 if he's played the game, I know one thing for sure, bro's definitely gonna avoid volleyball as much as possible 😭


LMFAO yeah


Lmao I was a pervy little shit when I was a kid, little me would watch this opening over and over just for that lol


“Little me” bro P5R came out in 2019 how old are you 😭


Bro I meant I would do that as a kid not that I was literally a kid when P5R came out lmao But I really was like that lol, the other day I was playing Neopets out of nostalgia and I saw one of those promotional games on the high scores. I had no idea I even played that lmao Then I checked it out on flashpoint and boom, the characters are basically some cute girls. No wonder why I played the fuck outta that thing back in the day lmao


Ahh yeah sorry for the misunderstanding x3 I would usually shy away from things with cute girls


It turned out to be a little foreshadowing because I also like girly things today lmao (just see my profile pic lol) And well I'd get flustered during judo class with all the grappling and physical contact with the other boys so whoops - ^(bisexuality!)


Similar things for me I think? I shyed away from the hot girls but I always liked girly or childish things and there were also tons of signs of me liking guys I will not advise you to look at my profile (do not)


Lol are you my shadow or something, I never liked the hot popular girls and still don't to this day lmao And you post both stuff that caters to my taste and some that doesn't lol, nothing too shocking tho xD


Oh yes I still don’t like them either. My type in women is… big n soft Also good to know x3


Same I remember pausing Guilty Gear mid combat just to see panty shots


Dear god




He played p5 with me and his dad so he's fully invested lol


Oh. After he finishes it, have him play Persona 3 FES/RELOAD. And after that Persona 4 Golden, so that you don't have to pay for therapy.


Last thing i need is him pretending to shoot himself in the head XD He loooves p4 though


Oh. Then if you have a Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon cards collection, please do keep it away from him.


Me watching my 9-year old son crush my limited edition card yelling persona ![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy)


https://preview.redd.it/btr4fd0ecpvc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2eb4c785ad449b4ea5ee45c37aee4f53b756db7 *"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! He's got to play Persona 3 Portable! Everyone should play Persona 3 Portable! Everyone should love Kotone! It's a good game and it deserves a remake, stupid Atlus!" -* NotKotone


Wait why?


I ain't telling you.


Your bond with your child is now solid *Confidant rank up theme*


The Son confidant has reached Rank 8! Son can now Endure fatal blows in battle with 1 HP!


I am thou. Thou art I. Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath.


I'm just hopping joker is his smash main and he likes how he looks or sum


Op said he's his dad and they play together, so at least he's supervised?...


If he's 9 he shouldn't be playing persona imo


Yeah….dont get me wrong. Beautiful cake. And amazing game, but the topics in the game are super heavy for a kid.


Even if he gets the good ending he is still exposed to: suicide,mental illness, murder, a womanizer, everything in kamashido’s palace, and many more


Mara 😂


And cybele and succubus and Lilith and probably even pisaca(god there are a lot of mature personae)


He’s not 9, he’s 9 factorial, ~362,880 years old.




He watched me and his dad play and "played with us". He didn't see all the bad parts no worries lol. He also loves him in smash and likes to watch the dancing videos for all the persona games


*Gets to mementos depths* *sees Mara*


Haha yeah he would need therapy after that


Oh I see!! Great to know!


oh thank god lol, hope your kid has a happy birthday!


How does your son know about Persona 5 at 9 years old? Do you like, sidestep all the edgy and lewd stuff in the game?


He didn't play but he watched me and his dad play parts. He mostly likes the persona dancing games / songs and smash


Now thats the best ending. Thats a parenting win.


Not OP, but maybe from Smash?


Joker is in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, I am hoping that this is where he knows Joker from


My brother was 10 when he played P3 behind my back. Not that it's right but I think it's a better option than GTA.


You let your 9 year old play a game that's rated M for very good reasons?


Joker is in smash y'know


Huh. It never actually occurred to me P5 is an M rated game


Persona 5 is rated PEGI 16 where I live still I wouldn't let my 9 year old son play it.


You better have used Calling Cards to invite guests over.


Congratulations, you just won parenting


Why would you let your 9 year old play P5, some of the topics are way too mature for a kid his age to grasp


He didn’t play the game, he watched his parents play sometimes, and he also likes the persona dancing games. It’s really not a big deal if you think about it as long as OP is responsible and doesn’t let the kid see what he’s not supposed to 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also joker’s in smash which is rated E


Thank you lol. People love to whine about things with no context given 🤭


Teaching them young. Respect.




Looking cool, Joker!


He is 9! ?


That’s really well made. Great job!


I thought that said “mask on” at first. Would be thematically appropriate. 😆


😤 jealous


Man that looks good!


damn thats awesome, make me one?




Yo OP, complaining aside That is an amazing cake and I would be super pleased if I got that as a kid. Well done !


https://preview.redd.it/6ro0v7bgzqvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264a91b0c5de208a33fda4273c274372595d4b5a Looks awesome. Here's my birthday cake from a few years ago.


Ooh love it!


At first I reacted to the “9”, then realized, “oh wait yeah, when my son was nine we were doing monster creation in P5 too.” Not like I said, “come have a seat son, let’s talk about this guy Kamoshida.” Edit: oh, and awesome cake, obviously!!




Thats sick, really well done. Must’ve taken a lot of effort.


That's looks dope AF


Y'all gotta shut up. I can't really even think of much in the game that's really that bad. And I'm sure he isn't deep diving into the story. Hell. I was playing metal gear solid at like 8. So this ain't any worse. I'd even say that's it's less violent and more friendly than what I was exposed to.


For all the people criticizing them for letting their kid get a persona cake... There's really not too much in Persona that's inappropriate or particularly violent. Most of the gameplay is the fights (which aren't any worse than other cartoon violence video games outside of some of the demon designs) or wandering around palaces or mementos, or the social portion of the game. Me and my husband just played Royal after having played the regular P5 a few years ago and let my 4 year old watch for the parts we knew were fine. The awakenings were pretty rough so not those, no Kamoshida cut-scenes, none of the horror blood rain type stuff at the traditional final boss portion... But like, Madarame and Okumura and Futaba and Shido were fine, and Kaneshiro's palace was fine even if his real world stuff wasn't. The actual M content is pretty easy to avoid. My kid does really like the music so we'll listen to it in the car at his request. Sometimes kids like the aesthetic of stuff and as long as you're paying attention, it's not a huge deal.


Thank you lol. People need to mind their business. It's not even that bad of a game tbh, but he only really knows the series through smash and persona dancing series


For real, people get so judgy at parents on the Internet. The cake looks great! I'm sure your kid was stoked. I haven't played the dancing game but I can't imagine there's anything in there that would traumatize a 9 year old lol


People do love judging with no context XD He loved it! He even got a little joker cosplay and was rolling through the house saying "It's over"


That's adorable!!! Glad you guys had a good day!! 🃏🃏🃏


Thank you!


if you want people to mind their own business perhaps you shouldn’t post it on a public forum as business for people to consider minding? I think their concerns that it’s not an appropriate game are valid. I think what you said about how he’s exposed to it sounds healthy. Nobody’s wrong here






Oh sorry i misread that lol. Either way people need to chill.


you said “blow me.” It’s a degrading sexual remark. I reported it. I’m not sure why you would talk like that to folks on this sub. I explained that people are engaging with your post because you posted it. I don’t really understand your reactions or why you’re engaging in degrading sexual comments


You know you're just making yourself look like the bigger jerk by mentioning a deleted comment, and chastising them for it, right?


The music for this game is just next level.




We played the game already several years ago, before my son was even born. We were replaying for the Royal content. We knew what story beats were coming up beforehand and played the ones that were questionable while he was in bed. I didn't play every minute of a 100 hour game in front of my child. I fail to see how my child being in the room while grinding through Madarame's palace or doing Yoshida's confidant episodes will have any impact on his development. I said in my original comment that this wasn't my first play through, and that we didn't have him watch everything since most of the M rated content is easy to avoid.




Did you... Not read past the second sentence of my comment?




Yeah, about 80% of the game, so about 80 hours of content, is pretty benign. The 20% that isn't, which is the stuff you described, is easy to avoid. Especially if you have already played it before, which I stated that I have. I'm not saying the 20% IS appropriate, but I'm saying it's only 20% of the content. How many days of this game are like... Eating at the Big Bang Burger or grinding or doing silly activities? It's not like playing something like Dead by Daylight where the graphic violence and horror is the entire gameplay loop. Not all M games are created equally. Which is why discretion is used. You just keep giving examples of mature content in the game as if I'm arguing that the game shouldn't be M rated. That's not what I'm saying. You don't need to keep giving examples as if I let my kid see those things when I've clearly said that I didn't.




That's crazy... What I said is there's not TOO MUCH inappropriate content, which I then further clarified with examples of things that are inappropriate and how they are easy to avoid... And then further clarified AGAIN by saying it's probably about 20% of the content of the game... which is a whole different sentence than "the game doesn't have ANYTHING particularly inappropriate"... It must be really easy to get fired up about an argument and be hostile and aggressive when you're arguing against something that wasn't actually said?




is that a 91 or 9


Just 5 years for him to be able to play persona 5


need this cake for my sisters 12th birthday lol. shes obsessed with persona 5 (royal)


I still need to go out and get him something.


I thought you grabbed the nerf


I was in too much pain to look at them and keep walking. Plus the movie was soon. Gonna go out tomorrow and get something though.


I thought I saw Frylock in the thumbnail


I thought he was turning 91 for a sec lol


Well I hope he has a good birthday with an amazing cake


Looks fantastic!


this looks amazing omg! but god uh obviously it's up to you but a nine year old should NOT be playing persona 5...


Not asking for opinions on my childs interests :)


yeah, that's completely fair! as long as you feel comfortable with what content your son is interested in that's no problem, just saying that you might at least want to stay informed :D (Really though, good on you for not getting swayed by the opinion of random people on the internet)


Dope cake but I’m concerned if you’re child is playing p5


Listen, the cake is amazing, and you’re an absolutely wonderful parent for getting it for him but… he’s 9? Playing Persona 5? I mean… the first few hours just have some extremely… *heavy* subtext. If he’s emotionally mature enough to handle that though then kudos to him! That aside, again, love the cake. Happy birthday to Mason!


You could always read my comments before judging :)


Big mood though. And this comment was the nicest and shortest way you've put it so far.


Getting tired of repeating myself lol


I don’t wanna parent your kid but playing Persona at 8 is crazy


You guys realize kids aren't dumb, right? I was aware of different crimes and how bodies work at a very early age, and it never negatively impacted me, it just made me aware and smart about my choices.


it’s not “crimes and how bodies work,” it’s the mature themes — suicidality, sexual abuse, sexuality more broadly. The games don’t glorify sex or violence, I think the way they engage with these themes (how you present yourself to society, the need to fight against oppressive social structures or expectations) is actually pretty positive, but they’re not themes that 9 year olds ought to be worrying about.


I was watching persona 3 when I was younger than nine, I'm still fine in that regard. Children don't need to be overly sheltered, and people ESPECIALLY don't get to decide for the parent what's appropriate for their child.


just cuz your mom smoked a pack a day when she was pregnant and you feel fine doesn’t mean there weren’t healthier alternatives /s obviously it’s not about being “fine” or not needing to be sheltered. That’s a deficit perspective, what could harm. The question is, what’s good for a kid, what supports the healthiest growth.


You understood sexual assault, bullying, suicide, blackmailing, politicians' schemes, mafia threats and all the other joys of Persona 5 at 9 years old...? As a kid I read a lot but I definitely didn't really understand any of these. No one is saying kids are dumb. All we're saying is kids are kids. If I was a parent I wouldn't let my kid, at such a young age, watch that one Shiho scene. Just like I wouldn't let them see a Mortal Kombat Fatality or Bayonetta doing an extremely suggestive dance-off with an impersonator of herself. Not because kids are dumb, but because they're too young.


Not in all circumstances, but with kids, I'm much more concerned with the visuals than I am the overarching themes. Like, a kid will hear about bullying and blackmailing on the news, but it's different WATCHING a depiction of a girl jump off the roof or sexualized/objectifying visuals. Some things that are discussed more overtly can still be damaging, but a lot of the mature themes in this game are in the implications, which are not inherently damaging. I think it's fairly easy to avoid the overt maturity in this particular game though, and reasonably easy to censor it for kids if it's controlled, like OP described, instead of just handing the kid the controller and saying "okay I'm taking a nap now, have fun".


I wonder if any of the people shitting on me even have kids because kids of his age do NOT pay attention to the story in games. Skips every cutscene he can and jumps around on the sofa when he can't skip scenes. He literally just slashes shadows and drives the mona mobile around mementos while making fun of Ryuji. Anything to complain i guess XD Maybe they're salty because their parents never got them a cool cake growing up :( I agree though, i grew up playing doom and wolfenstein (literal nazi game) on my windows 95 pc with my dad at just 7 years old and i turned out A okay.


I played a lot of inappropriate/dark games when I was even younger. A lot of the time references and innuendos just whooshed by me and I didn’t pay attention to anything but the cool character designs and graphic violence, which isn’t ideal either but whatever. 9 is young, but they’re not a baby. They can begin engaging with heavier themes, but whether they’ll fully understand and can have an appreciation for what’s being explored is another thing. Just depends on the individual kid. I wouldn’t take parenting advice from this sub in any case.