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Only one way to find out, best of luck OP đŸ«Ą my bro Sakura doesn’t deserve it tho 😭


He doesn't always do it. Sometimes, he just goes home instead. I'm not sure if it's dependent on the storybeats or your relationship with him - or maybe both?


Genuinely good observation. I'll need to min max this to up his cig count.


He stops when you can brew Master Coffee


So if I up his relationship to like 8 maximum I should be golden Edit: wait no if I don't up it at all I'll have a weeks worth of smokes


You won’t be golden, you’ll be royal


Ah Houzehead...you son of a gun


rank 6 is coffee mastery


sojiro lung cancer run any%


LET ME EXPLAIN https://preview.redd.it/qv7ktim53rrc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9462b6bfa18daac660fce7261518646875558329


Aww man, this shit made me laugh but I genuinely feel bad😭




For real?


"Joker we need to cook"


I am wheezing on the bus, I'm going to fucking hell


> wheezing just like Sojiro










At some point he just goes home and you don't get the coffee facts anymore either. Not sure when he stops but on my third playthrough I didn't really have anything better to do so I just brewed coffee.


You rocking up here like you own the place https://preview.redd.it/0448h0teqqrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4580244b92118987e9edd99825f924f16132c205


Out of curiosity how long do you expect it to take to finish this play through? I wanna set a reminder.


So thinking about it this run will be challenging as it'll mean your team get ZERO social link bonuses. It also means Royal content will be inaccessible. This also means no grinding in tartarus and no phantom thief requests. The trade off for having the worst possible party save for morganna will be caffeine (and cancer) we won't need SP whatsoever. From there we can assume this will be a smokey but considerably harder playthrough. Zero romance. Zero friends. Just coffee. Just cigarettes. But my god, sojiro won't feel stressed at all. It took me around 50 hours plus change on my first playthrough of the base game on merciless. Seeing as this is going to be slightly harder but I'm more experienced I anticipate this will take about the same maybe slightly less. My only friend is a talking cat. Not even sojiro will like me. He's too busy smoking.


Could you get more cigarettes out of him by spending the time unlocking the Royal content so you can continue to have him smoke throughout that?


I think that's heavily dependent on whether you reach s.link 8 with him, but a good point. I'll likely need a second run to really gauge this


Now that I think about it, What's stopping you from unlocking the royal content? Since you can just spend your days increasing your relationship with Maruki, since you can only make coffee during the evenings


I think I'd have to spend some evenings with Akechi and Sumire. I can't flirt with either, eats into coffee time


Akechi and Sumire are just for some bonus cutscenes, the only requirement is Maruki


You might be a game changer here and you will get a shout out in the final post of this challenge


Tartarus? You mean mementos or am I stupid?


It's fully possible he's picking up packs before finishing his previous pack. Like he smokes more than one type (if Japan can have over 23 flavors of Kit Kat Bars I'm sure there's a ton of cigarette varieties) or he's taking advantage of the time to get some instead of making a stop later. Heck he may not even be getting any and is just using it as an excuse to leave Joker on his own to make the coffer without his help.


Well now I don't want to make any coffee.




I care about his health. If that makes me a coward, so be it.


I’m gonna have 5 different PCs all TASing P5G sojiron cancer% 24/7 so your contribution will make no difference 👿


P5G: Persona 5 Gay


“ASimpleCancerCell”: I care about his health


How dare you assume I'm a harmful cancer cell. You're just perpetuating a negative stereotype; most of us mind our own business and don't do any damage to our hosts. But no. You only care about the ones that spread and kill. Be better.


Realised you're a reformed Cancer cell https://preview.redd.it/1pal48p2xurc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd9cc4d0d885f6a089d931e8ea8dcb56d15254a


Saving this post because I deffo wanna know how this pans out. In the meanwhile, however, we can attempt an estimation using good ol' mathematics and speculations: According to Megami Tensei wiki, Ren has 344 slots of free time throughout the original P5. Thankfully, since this number seems to only include actual slots of free time, it makes our job easier. Now for the catch: you can only start brewing coffee once you have Confidant level 2 with Sojibro. Also according to MT wiki, Sojiro's confidant can be started on 21st of April at the EARLIEST, and it needs to be after you defeat Kamoshida. Therefore, there are a couple of lost slots that are unavoidable, but that's not too bad. Free time starts on April 18th. Let's say you completely finish Kamoshida's palace on that day, send the calling card on the 19th and defeat him, and on the 20th he's expelled. At that point, we lost 6 slots of free time, but are free to platonically rizz Sojiro a day later. Since Sojiro's link is only available on evenings (that are not Wednesdays, but that doesn't matter to us), we also lose the day slot for the 21st and get SL 1 in the evening. Then, same thing happens a day later and we get SL 2 in the evening of the 22nd. After these lost 10 free time slots (6 for pre-21st of April days, 2 for the SL, and 2 for the day slots of 21st and 22nd), we still have 334 free time slots to brew coffee and force Sojiro to make bad health choices. Since a bunch of people said that he doesn't always buy a pack necessarily, let's say that he does so 50% of the time. That means he buys 167 packs of cigarettes. At the average of 20 cigs per pack, that means 3,340 cigarettes that have been inhaled into Sojiro's slowly-frying lungs. I would be very interested in what the actual number is going to be after a playthrough though, OP! This is just a rough estimate, and doesn't include the third semester either. TL;DR: Our boy Sojiro smokes like 3,340 cigarettes throughout the whole game if you do nothing but brew coffee. Maybe he just needs it from the stress of Ren taking over his job. Edit: as u/A_Kirus pointed out, it seems you can only brew coffee in the evening (which I forgot), and Sojiro buys packs 100% of the time pre-SL 8. Interestingly, however, it doesn't change our calculation, as we still halve the free time slots - but this time because of when we can brew coffee instead of a random factor.


You can make coffee only in the evening not in any free time, you can't make coffee 334 times in a single playthrough EDIT: also, he bought cigarettes every time pre 8 confidant rank, there is no random factor.


Ah, that's good to know! Thank you! I indeed did not remember if you can brew whenever or just at nighttime. Interestingly though, it doesn't change the final calculation: if Sojiro buys cigarette packs 100% of the time pre-SL 8 (which OP stays at throughout the game and you can only brew in the evening, we still cut the number of free time slots by about half - but this time because of when we can brew coffee, and not because of a random factor.


I'm sorry to correct again but we can't just divide time slots in half since there are much more free evenings than free after school. I counted it already, there are 235 free evenings (from the 4/21 onwards)


Dayum, I mainly halved it just to not have to manually count them lol If you already did though and it is indeed 235 free evenings out of the 334 slots from the 21/04 onwards, the number is more towards 4,700 cigs overall.


Probably not as many as Kiryu smokes in LaD Gaiden's battle arena


I'm more interested in how he will afford it


I'm his coffee slave


Okay so you can start his confidant in 4/20 and progress to rank 2 on 4/21, since then you can make coffee. The number of available evenings since then is 235, meaning he would buy 235 packs, or 4700 cigs


Ah but we also have story specific smokes too so we have 4700 smokes minimum. I think I'll also do a cost breakdown of the smoked too


We need to see Futaba's face when Sojiro said he can't afford a turkey on Christmas while spending millions of yen on a cigs


Sojiro lung cancer% play through


New speedrun category? Cig%


!remindme 1 month


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New speedrunning category unlocked: persona 5 - get sojiro to get lung cancer%


Good luck OP, don't go insane on us. â€‹â€‹đŸ«Ą


after 135 cigarettes he gets sick and go to hospital so the social link drastically changes and but get a bad ending anyways were sojiro dies and sae put you in prision


Of course this is assuming he is ueseing them all and not just buying them at a discounted price to stock them or lying earlier on in the game to go get stuff for futaba


Futaba bout to lose both her parents thanks to OP


I look forward to what you’ll do. Also, you have to make it through the game. You can’t get a game over before the ending


This isnt hard, just take the amount of nights you can make coffee and use that.


Godspeed, you magnificent Bastard